FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1032 HERALD AND NgWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON lWiW 1 I rili I aril A Inlul (if TOS nrr His, mrmliern of Klemutli Fall Jl.'lks l,ix'i', were pritnl for tlir nillir'a niininl crab Iced lant nlKht at ilia Amory. Mllla KdIioiiI . P I A Executive Hoard nilels Monday, 1:30 p. in. In the school calcterla. Hliasla 'View Crania Regular meeting tonlKlit ill 8 p. in., In the HlmMn School Oym. Women re to toko cockle. Trl m-V Cooked food ante Ih to , be held at Pine Direct Market, Hnluidty. l.d' i:lr Club Meets Mon W, 1:30 p. in., nl Upper IHnulc (lull lor politick anil curds. welcome. In ' Japan Pic. Richard O. lliiKhes, urn lof Mm. Clnlre M. blcole, 12HI Klcnore Ave., Dunn- Merrill Cub Scouts Get Awards MEP.ttlLI-Mrrrlll Cub Bcouts hud llnir Illue and Cold dinner J'rldiiy February W, nl 6:30 p.m. Mr. utd Mr. Puul Lewis were vlaltori, The blrnnliiK was Klvcn by Wnl Cub Bcuul Huy Htory. The cubs vcre busy durliiK the month miiklnf Invltutioiut, place cards, favor lmt iileiirllliiK napkins inr ll'e lublo ccntrr-Dlece. Bevcral cubn baked cup cukes which were irmed to lorm a 43, commem orating tho Buy Stouts blrllitlny. During Junuary Uio Cuta mnilp ncrnpboiiku mid colled, rd ilcture mid cards which will bo mnllrd with scissors nnd paste to in Indian hospital In New Mex ico, and lo ilnlueii How In Alaska. Awards earned In Junuary and Tckrunry were presented. Woll mill: bwayno Cobb, Charles Ku ril. Dnvio Kriavold, and Ray Stoiy. These boys alra received the iiold arrow. Kit-hard Wilson re celled the Wolf gold arrow, and Wof allver arrows were presented to Klchurd Wilson, Charles Eltert am Charles Guthrie. Deun Hea , kuv, and John Murphy were (iveu the Dear rank with gold arrow, llcir tillver arrows were received by John Murphy, Billy Thompson arts Sammy Curlrtan. Dermis Mall Jo) received the I. Ion rutik and gold alU sliver arrow. Service stars wire awarded to Charles F.IIcrl. Rthard Wilson nnd Ray Story, all or year pins: Bill Beusly received the iwo year service tar. Those receiving Denner stripes sere Uwayne Cobb, Sunnily Carle '.on, Dennis Knlnkcrii, and Dennis Mnllson; asslstuiil Uennrr alrlpe went lo Charles Ellert, lloicr Fer ion, Duvid Frlsvold, Carl Shuck Hid Billy Thompson. Richmond Carleton, James Thomp ion and Edwin Parnell are three tew members ol the pack. Plans were discussed lor the in itial carnival to be held the latter srl of March. Arrangements are leing made lor a den meeting to 3p held some Friday nnlil during Die month. Movies and refresh ment will follow the meeting. Par tnls and visitors will be Invited lo attend. Pack leaders met March 8. to make final arrangements for the cilvltles during the month. Mrs. Dernace Wilson will take over Den, 1 for the next three months. Mrs. Wilbur Brlckner and Mrs. "oy Mattson attended the Arts and frails course held Inst week In Klamath Falls sponsored by the Klamath Falls Recreational Aseoc-Btlon. mulr, recently arrived al Japan Loglstlrsl Command' Northern headquarters near Bendal. Japan, and has been assigned to the In spector General section. At the Front Pfo. Leo L. Brown, whose wife lives at Alturas, Is fighting In Korea with the Heavy Mortar Company of the 15th In fantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Di vision. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. nnrl V. Brown, reside at Ce darvllle. In Korea Pfc. Karl R- Huber Jr., Mt, Shasta, Is serving with the Eighth Army band In Korea. Cookies Girl Scout cookie booths will be found al aeverai stores Saturday. The annual ssle opens tomorrow and runs through March 23. Scout troop No. SO with Mrs. Cobo ss leader will aell at Oregon ir..,i 4SA Sniil h aiith. Troon 00 with Pat Kennedy as leader will be at a booth at Penney'a. Troop 21 led by Mrs. Charles Mo Karlan will be at Oregon Food Store 2410 South Sixth. Visit Ledge Lawrence Phelps, district deputy of Masoalo lodges, A.F. as A.M. accompanied by El vln Phillips, Jo Lske, Jo Lovell slid Rsy Grams paid his official visit to the Malln Masonic lodge last night. Leaving Redin H. Russell, Tute lage, has received word of the death of a brother, Edgar Russell, F I 1. .... W - ...Y. 1 , ' 1 1 V. hi. ViirniiBiu wil v. ,,., . dnughter, Mn. Joaquin Barr and her daughters, Barbara end Irene, he will leave this week end to at tend yie funeral al Portland. nance A benefit dance spon sored by the Stewart Lenox Fire Bslle Is planned for Saturday night at the Falrhaven Oym. Danc ing ( p. m. to 1 a. m. to muilc by the Smoothies. Honford Plant In Major Atom Role WASHINGTON ( The Hsnford Atomlo Energy plant at Richland, Wash., "will play a malor role" In a planned atomlo program expan sion, Rep. Jackson (D.-Wesh.,) ssld Friday, Jackson, a member of the Joint Congressional Committee on Atom lo Energy, said In a statement the cost of the overall expansion "might be in exceni of 100 million dollars." A program of expsnded atomic activity was announced In January by President Truman. Jackson's statement did not nsv how much of the money would be spent at the Hanford plant, and. gave no aeiaua oi tne proposed expansion there. Group Talks Youth Council A Joint meeting of committees Council and the County PTA Coun cil, yesterday discussed further the proposed formation of some type of council here to work on youth and family problems. Trend of the two committees ap pears to be toward the eventual organizing of a Community Coun cil which will coordinate efforts of various agencies Involved In social and recreation activities. The two committees were ap pointed several weeks ago when public attention was drawn to youth problems here. Attending yesterdsy's session at the home of Mrs. Victor O'Neill were Mrs. Ksrl Urquhart, Mrs. Fsrl Sheridan. Mrs. Richard Smith Mrs. Stewsrt Balslger and the Rev. Lloyd Holloway. General Hans Frci BOOKKEEPING Service J154 S. eth Pheae Vote Due On McCarthy WASHINGTON I The Senate Rules Committee voted I to 2 Fri day to seek a Senate vote on wheth er to continue a subcommittee In quiry Into demands that Sen. Mc Carthy I R.-Wis., i be ousted from Congress. . A Rules subcommittee has been looking Into charges by Sen. Benton iD. -Conn., J that McCarthy Is unfit 10 serve, Benton gave several reaum. among them what he called the unethical manner In which Mc Carthy has pressed his charges of Communism In government. McCarthy has challenged the sub Its Inquiry Into the Benton charges, and declared they are Intended to mu.ile him In the work of exposing Communists. The sub committee has also ac cused the Wisconsin Republican of having "Impugned the Integrity" of Its members. Lant Monday the aub committee voted 4 to 1 to ask the Senate for a vote of confidence on the Jurisdic tion and the Integrity Issues. The full Rules Committee ap proved the sub committee's plan Friday. Chairman Hayden i D. Ariz.,) aid three Republicans vot ed no Sens. Jenner Ind, Dlrk sen "III., and Welker (Idaho). o o ): rcTI 'ING I is 7-0393 I Real Estate Boss Slated i Al O. Crose, Oregon state com imlMiloncr, will be In Klamath Falls Monday to meet with real estate brokers nnd salesmen, II was an- nounced by Oomer Jones, president of the Klumath Board of Realtors. Sessions will start at 5:30 p. m. Monday with a soclnl hour at the Pellcnn Cafe banquet room, dinner will follow.' nnd a clinic Is sched uled for 7 30. The clinic will be conducted by Commissioner Crose nnd his staff. Special emphasis will be placed on problems it salesmen, nnd all real estate brokers and snlesmen are -urged to attend, the commissioner snld. The mcelng Is sponsored by the Klamnth lourd of Realtors, and Jeservntlom for the $1.75 dinner hould be mnde with Eddie Hosley, phone 7260. It was announced. n ARCH Theatre i mil UUP III MlliV, MM. M M IM r "isaun eptowrN'i iniofft!iiN I rian cue warts 1 IH'aVeT I Ma sH hn CirttM ml m (seage3" PVT. HAROLD PATTER. SON JR. (above), son of Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Patterson, 524 N. 2nd St., is complet ing basic training at Lack land Air Force Base, Texas. Drama Guild Play Slated Title of "Voice ef the Turtle" final play to be presented here by the New York Drama Oulld. March 11, was taken from the "Bong of Solomon," which pro claims the coming ef Spring as a time of singing when "the voice of the turtle la In the land." The turtle' rejoicing voice doe not avoid the Manhattan apartment of Sally Mlddleton, the wistfully young actress who Is the heroine of the tenderly comic play. Sally, carrying the torch for a famous producer, linds herself get ting well acquainted with a OI on weekend leave when he Is stood up by her Irlend Olive. The plot thickens. Some playgoer have been shocked by the hilarious complica tions In this sophisticated comedy but all audiences have been charmed and delighted. Author of Voice of the Turtle Is John Van Druten who wrote the heart - warming "I Remember Mama" and many other stage hits. Leading roll will be played by Phyllis Manning and Wendell Painful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped or amazingly relieved x J in 3 out of 4 caset in doctors' own tosto-1 Women and fflrls who lufler from those functionally-caused cramps, back ache and headachea of menstruation who feel upset and Irritable on cer tain "particular days" may often be auf lerinj quite unnecesfiarily ! Such Is the conclusion from testa by doctors in which Ljdia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound gave complete or ttriktng relief from such distress In 3 out of 4 of the cases Us led I Test Medical evidence ihows Ltd la Plnkham'i tuoroughi? modern in action. Ic exerts a remarkablr calming efleel on the uurui without thm vie of palndtadenln9 dniftf The effcctlTeDees of Lrdla PInkhftm needt no proof to tht millions of women and giria whom It bu benefited. But how about you? Do you know whet It may do for youf Take Lfdla Plnkham'a inroiiKQ tne monin. oee u 1ou don t get the aame relief jw f w aaaBBMamaj from the pains aAd weakness or "thou dtyi"! Bee If you don't f;el better beore and dunnp your period i 0t eltir I.vrlin PlnVhftwi'a Compound, or new, improves Ly&i Pinkhtm'a Tablets, with added lronl he quietin? If you're troubled with "hot flashes" and other functional uterine eontree- distress of "chame of life' tiom (ace chan you'll And Lrdla Plnkham'a whteAofeneause wonderful for that, too! menstrual point They Love It, For 35 Years Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Voehat- zer, 1623 Avalon Ave., eame to Klamath Falls from Oakland SS year ago today . , . And today Mrs. vocnaizer said they had "grown to love Klamath" and thinks "we'll probably make our home here." The Vochattera were a young married counle when they eame here. They moved from Oakland so they could be with Vochatzer's wid owed mother. Two of Vochatzer's brothers had been drafted for World War 1 and the third was soon to be drafted, which would have left their mother alone. When young Mrs. Vochatzer stepped off the train here ah saw Mayes, both featured In the Oulld's production Harvey which toured coast to coast last season. The play, laat of a series of three brought her by the Business and Professional Women's Club Is scheduled for Mills auditorium. Curtain time will be I p.m. her first anew. "It we a day )ut about Ilka today," aald Mr. Vochatier this morning. Vochatier Is part owner and man ager of th Southern Oregon Wll Drilling Co.- THE FINEST OF ALL..., kyle morgan pianos "years for a heaflw firtvra threuf k ntutlc" Moose Para SATURDAY - March 8 MEMBERS and GUESTS Moose Hall -1010 Pine tYour Membership Card Is Your Ticket IMUT ill THUS. Ms. Ills art Hit fun Intm" mwi mi C4m MMT 11 HTUBMT, Mas. Ml irt lilt tilt STOIV Of THI ODIAt JNtA ft h A i i mri ilffl rarjf promts mmy All signs point to the fact that Mercury is going to be the paeeMtter for the entire auto industry for many years to come. Notice how the body has been completely redesigned: the doors are higher and easier to gtt in and out of . . . the frame has been strengthened for extra safety . . . Space-Planned Interiors offer luxurious new comfort. Yet Mercury's beauty is sleeker than ever before. The new Jet-Scoop hood-with its easy down-front visibility-houses a mighty, new 125 h. p. high -compression V-8-a good sign that Mercury is all set to win official economy tests again this yearl And Mercury's parking and handling ease are an engineering triumph in a car of Mercury's husky size and weight. Come road-test it yourself. See hew much superior Merc-O-Matic Drive is to other no-shift transmissions. Mtre-O-Wolie, 01 wH 01 Toueh-O-mofie OvareViVa, eoifi axfra. Standard ihiH ( vejiobU. v BASIN MOTORS 424 So. 6th St. Phone 7778 f x i i ii Hp mm. FOR FUTURE TRADI-IN VALUil STfiMPtDff ctv'.-w "IN Ircnn," lair ' '