Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 07, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    I'ltllJAY, MAIICII 7, 1052
V " i l M II 4t -17- ff fA.!""
' 1 llll
Oregon Highway Maintenance Men, Spend
Busy Winters Keeping Roads Open, Earn
Praise For Tough Job Done For Motorist
tl.. DIM IV iiaiivi.v in
BALEM Ml The 1,800 Oregon!
highway iniilntoiiMnte men, who
Iiiivo hitler memories or the hsrd
winl t of IU48-4U mid 184D-M), Rre
happy mm now, because It looks
lik they'll gel through thin winter
without having in uch trouble.
These are the men who plow the
HOLDUP MAN HELD Ex-Marino Gail Zcnncr (riylil),
tlutehos a bandit suspect by the throat a few minutes after
the man allegedly held up a department store cashier in
liuffnlo, N.Y.. and escaped with $'2500. The store doorman ,
(left) holds the gunman's weapon. A store detective grips
u'ic bandit's wrist who was captured outside the store by
Probe Opens
irri D.-La.,)( Friday promised
more detailed study of a "Penta
ion nropauaiida mill" he Mild em
ploys at leant 18 men and cost
vcr one million dollar a year.
Hebert released a list of name
ami talarlc of Pentagon puouc
relations officials during a near
m Thursday by hlit Armed Serv
ices tubcomiultU'e on military buy'
Tlie lint, 'supplied IjV the Penta
ion, la Incomplete, Iteberl aald.
It shows thai 0 elvlllana re
reivlnil a total of 13IH.00O, annually,
and 128 offlrera are assigned to
public relatlona duties.
Ifrlierl aald the subcommittee
would look' Into ttils organization
furllirr In laboul two weeks, alter
completing' the present phaseof Ha
inquiry Into military buying prac
tlccs. , . '
The weaUier bureau usually
measures ,'anowfall from the bot
tom of a, standard 8-Inch rain
taunt that Is S Inches In diameter
and 27 feet high. Snow Li leveled
olf to toovcr bottom at uniform
tcpth. 1 1
Busy Time For
Pearl J. Smith
VI vdta n l Penrl J. Smith
sot married. Jailed and balled
all In tho aame day y the mine
man. 1
smith nald Justice of the Peace
C. C- Lord, 00, his lent S3 to per-
form a wedding ceremony, men
Lord remembered Binllh was want
ed on a paternity charite filed by,
one June Balscr, who was not the
bride. 1
Lord had him arrested, arrnnned:
h.s bull und paid a tl fee lor If
bemuse he fell Smith should not
spend the first day of his honey
moon In Jail.
Portland Farm
Buys Champ Cow
SPOKANE in Princess I.nrry
18th, grand champion of the North
west Hereford Breeders Associa
tion 8how, was sold to Roval Crest
Karma of Portland for 12,500 Thurs
day, The champion was consigned by
Herb Chandler of Baker, Ore.
Richard Matson of Naches, Wash,
paid 81,150 for the reserve chain
lilon. A. D. Miss Prlnceps, owned
bv the Double M Ranch of Adams,
Other sales Included Reyklrk Ba
ron, grand champion shorlhnrn
bull, to A. K. Reynolds of Walla
Walla, $U50
Idaho Spud
Battle Grows
group of Idaho potato . grower!
h'i1 Wednesday night they refused
lo contiernlc with the Office of
Price Stabilization in setting grow
rr ceilings on Idaho potatoes until
OPS acts on a protest opposing
the entire potato celling program.
Mcnnwhlle, In Boise, Harry L,
Voiit. district director of the OPS,
Mild the Boise office Is compiling
Information lo determine the legal
ceilings for Idaho and Malheur
Cniinly, Ore., spuds.
The grower ceilings, Imposed by
an OPS amendment last month,
ara the shipper's ceilings minus
certain services not performed by
the growor.
The resolution to which the grow
ers referred OPS officials was
passed at a recent meeting of he
Idaho Potato Producers Associa
tion. "We are consulting with qualified
representatives of Idaho's potato
Industry so that our determination
will be as fair and equitable as
possible," Yost said.
snow off the roads, sand the high
ways, and repair the frost damag.
Snow removal and aandlng costs
are normal this winter, and It
looks like there won't be any extra
frost damage. Last winter was
about average, too, but the two
winters before that were terrific.
E. A. Collier, stale highway
maintenance engineer who spends
ll million dollars a year to keep
the roads and bridges in good
shape, says an averag of $55,
000 a year has been spent the past
four yearn to remove snow. In ad
dition, :5,000 a year Is being
spent to sand the highways.
January, HMD, was the coldest
NATO Job Still
Open-You Want?
LONDON m That NATO lob
Is still open.
The North Atlantic Council'! dep-1
utles announced Thursday night,
Dutch Foreign Minister D. IS. Silk
ker had turned down their bid to,
the post of secretary general ere-1
ated at the Council's Lisbon meet
ing. I
Canadian External Affairs Mln
Jsier Lester Pearson and 8ir Oliver
Franks. Britain's ambassador to
the United Stales, already had de
clined to head NATO's unified civ
ilian organization.
The deputies meet again next
Tuesday to survey other pros
pects. Noise Is a series of waves that
Is either very brlel or very Ir
regular In frequency and intensity.
Francis "Smithy" Smith
Expert Tree Surgeon
Experienced in Landscaping,
Spraying, Shade and Fruit Tree Pruning.
"Smithy" will be available through
and NURSERY - Ph. 8188
LET US WORK with you
NOW on your landscape
and driest January In 80 years
with th- frost reaching a record
depth of 18 Inches In Portland, and
up to 72 Inches In Eastern Oregon.
Collier's army of men had to do
11,662.000 worth of extra work to
fix up the roads that were heaved
up by that frost.
Frost damage was bad early In
11)50, too, costing 1558.000 extra.
But last year, and so far this
year, there hasn't been any bad
Collier runs 17 maintenance dist
ricts, each headed by a superin
tendent. There are 135 section
crews over the state, averaging six
men with three trucks. But these
crews have as many as 25 men
each In the mountain passes.
The snow removal is done by 28
rotary snow plows; 388 blades
which are attached lo the fronts
of maintenance trucks; and 12 V
plows that are used to break up
Eastern Oregon snowdrifts.
Sanding, which requires 25.000
cubic yards of sand each winter
requires 11 sand trucks on the
mountain summits, and 157 small
Sanders towed behind trucks.
Collier said, for Instance, the an.
nual snow removal cost on Santlam
Summit Is 816,500, plus $1,500 for
He eets requests often to keep
open the McKenzie Highway, which
crosses the Cascad e between Eu
gene and Bend. -
Collier says the McKenzie route
would be costly and hard to keen
open because Its summit Is 500
feet higher than Santlam Summit,
it Is In a wide open lava field
subject to heavy drifting, and the
road Is narrow.
The cost of keeping the McKen
zie Highway open all winter would
i be more than twice that of keeping
open santlam Pass, Collier esti
mates. Collier Is proud of his men.
"We have experienced section
men who have worked for us more
than 20 years, because our depart
ment Isn't subjected to politics.
These men feel like they own the
highways and that th.y are re
sponsible for them.
"In some states, when i state
administration changes, every
body down to the flagmen get
fired. But In our department
everybody stays on." '
Collier keeps In constant touch
with conditions over the state.
Every morning by 8 o'clock, he
has radio reports of road conditions
in every one of his districts. He
gives these reports to newspapers
and radio stations so that motorists
will know how the roads are.
And when a road is closed or In
bad shape. Collier Is off to the
scene at once to get things fixed
See Page 3
Nt To
RudVi Men's
It'i Better Then Apple Pie
German Apple Strudel
made with puff peita
Fruited Chiffon Pie
Rich in Geodnsn LOW IN CALORIES
Cream Puffs
;.; ' .'
i ut a tf i r iv w.- via
19.95 25.00 39.95
and up
Springtime's tiny plants will grow Into
- aorjeout, bhtseming fceovfy If proptr
attention h glvn fa fhtlr eortw 5?. foe,
"ill fhel prteievt littlr boy or girl mature
into hoolthy end happy person if hohh
habit t tnj toting hobitt aro properly
planned. High-protein; Credo "A" MIK
i the most important- tingle food in hit ,
. or her diet, providing the energy, that -,0"h.
h": "f:'0,,h 9nJ Heppinett I" ' .
Cook with and servo
. 3 ill
Like adrcom come true! At these unheard of low prices you con own a
glamorous suede jacket at lost! Enjoy the amazing choice of colors. Pick
from a wide range of pet styles. '
fotfciig js so
refreshiaf "
tin of
J Ml