FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Hod Cross f ainpaiii Ait nirinlwra of Hie Tlnnrd of Directors, w whnMimirtcdly en ilnino the lulmliiliilriiUon and antlvltlra nf the local Red Cross pro muni mid limn your gtmerous contribution to the fund campaign ' now In progress. Vt inn convinced of tlin vallio of Ihe Red CniM blood pro. dram. In addition to nupplyliiK blood to the moll al the IlKhtlim front and tut dimmer caaca, inorii thnn forly-Ilvo plntii of blood are relumed to Klmnuth Kiilln monthly, to bo Unod for patients of our local lioniill n In and dnctura, There la no charge to the pa tient for thla blood. The honpltnl rnakca a traiintualon chargo of WWI to $10 00 per pint; the blood, If received from n pnld donor, would cml 1211.00 per pint In nililltloii to thin tranaliialon fee. Thua, through the Krd Crow blood program, over 11,000.00 per month In monetary value In returned to our community. However, we be lieve the grrateal value of thin program In the Immediate avail ability of a blood mipply aafeguardlng our community. It In the rraponalblllly of our local medical profPMlon and hoapltiil aiithorl lira to iciiulaltlou from the Portland Heglonal Wood Center a aulllclcnt amount to meet local necda. We have examined the budget requirement of the local Chapter for the coming year; the coat of the Blood Program, coupled with general Incrnnae In operating coala due to Inflation, and alf.0 the liicrraarcl demand for local lted Croaa anrvlce reHUlt InK from tho war In Korea, makea It Imperative that the goal of fJ6.000.00 bo reached or exceeded It poaalblo In our preaciit fund campaign. If any render ban dnulita In bin mind to the need of con. Irlbiilliiir mora aencrounly thla year, or Hie inertia of the lied Croaa actlvllleii III our community, any one of the following will be happy to answer oi obtain satisfactory annwera to nia question. rarl E. Miller Mm. Ilobert Mitchell Robert Mitchell Mm. Ruth Obcnchaln Kiln Itedkcy L. W. Rothrtiberger Mm. Coral Habo Prank Bexton Mr. W. A. Hhannon Drill Blacmore Otto Smith Verne Bpclra Umm ...j-i.ii umiuguuL-iajujiii i, ini jiiiiiii. 1 I sctbcbb i i iMMaaMBwaacaaagMiiii iiiij Rrv. Uavld Burnett Hum by Ilrrhcn I.. P. Urockinnn Dr. O. 1 Coagrove Arnold nralupp Jullua Uiilntonl Churlm Ilalin t)r. Helh M. Kerron Mm. Mary Klrkland Warren Ilennel Kred I'lcct Mm. Jennie Lyle Mia. W. E. I.o nun Mm. Charlca "13u" Larkln Mr, William Lorent Mm. Alma Swcetman ' Jerry Thomna Mis. Frank Weaver NEW JET PATROLS ALASKA A formation of Lockheed F-94's, new jet fighter-interceptor, fly over ite choked Cook Inlet near Anchorage, Alaska, on a training, flight. These "all weather" planes, capable of hunting down an enemy plane in darkness or storm with airborne radar, are now operating from Alaskan and Japanese bases. Marines In Korea Fight Off Chinese By MltO FARNETf ' SEOUL. Korea Ml US. Ma mies Ueul olf, five pre-dnwn at lacki on the niKKCd eastern lront In Korea Friday. Nnn nf thft ullllcka Wall lh forCC. Hut they were tho laraeal reported along the lsa-milo front. The Reda beiian probing poaltlona of Uie U.8. Firm Marine uivwiun about 2 .nv The sklrniKihea con- linuxl Inlermltlpntlv until B45 when the CommunlnUi pulled back to the aalely of meir ounaera. ira lonuejil tlnlit lajiled about 2D minutes. Stormy aklea put the damper on aerial aetlvlty Friday alter highly aucceimfUl ralda on Red aupply raclllui Thuraday. fifth Air Force planra flew only 200 aortlea and cut Communml rail llnea in U placea Friday, com. pared with 710 nortlra Thursday. . IJind and aca boned war plnnea cut Itrd rail lines Thuraday iit a fiear.recr J6 points. They alno dratroyed- or tlanrtMted eiahl loco inouvca ndmore than 70 freight care, i Scores of supply vehicles, U brlduea, nun einplacements and aunuK or Iroon ahcltera were blaatrd. Air Force and Naval head quarters announced. Planes of the Fifth Air Force tore up North Korean rail lines In 194 places and put four Red loco niollvea out of action In addition to wrecking; 30 boxcars and other aup ply vehicles. Attack bombers from the Car riers Valley Forso and rut Red rail llnea In 160 places, destroyed one locomotive, damaged two others and trapped another lr. a tunnel by demolishing tho en trance. They also took a heavy loll ol IreiKht cars, trucks. bulldlnKs and other Communist supply facilities. The E'luhth Army Idcntlllcd three U.N. Divisions now In the baltli line. The Third and Urltlsh Com monwealth Divisions are on tin BUS SERVICE Bennett Tosses Gauntlet Again PORTLAND W Jake Bennett, the storm center on tho Portland City Council. Issued a statement Thursday that was designed to tell what he would do under various possible election developments. He will renlan as commissioner even IIioiikIi the present recall aiialnat him falls, If the voters don't like him well enoush to nomi nate him for mayor. But If Ihry do nominate him for mayor, It will have to be by ma jority vole If at the same lime they recall him from the commis sion, Just a plurality nomination for mayor wouldn't be enouiih, he said, alonic with a no-confldcnce vote In the recall. Of course If the recall falls, a plurality lot mayor will bc enouiih. Bennett, a prohibitionist and antl-iiainbllnK crusader, has been In the news repeatedly. A year ago he emiaued In fisticuffs during a legislative hearing on liquor control. western front, facing the Chinese. The Marines are on the mountain ous eastern lront. The announce ment made no mention of the 40th and 4Mb National Climrd Divisions Which recently were nhlftcd into me lront lines iroin japan, it did not say whether any other divis ions are In action. Legion Post Holds Meeting I One of Ihe mectliiKM of Wlnema American I.fkIoii Post litis year, took pi. ice at Veteran's Memorial Hall Wednesday evening. I Commander LaVonne Kocmer an nounced two new women veteran members. They are Lupo Boto and Barbara DeBolt. Plans arc being made to wcl- como and entertain visiting wom en's American Legion ponts dur ing convention days here in Klam ath Falls next July. Dorothy all uhc new adjutant, succeeding Irene Young i announced there will be on Easier egg hunt on Palm Sunday, lor the children ol the members of the Post at her home at 434 Conger Ave., weather permitllng. Members who do not have children ol their own may "borrow'" some Irom some one cine so they may Join In Ihe hunt Helen McCall drew the 'Silver march"' prize. Refreshments were served bv Harah Allen and Mar tha Jlurd. Next meeting will be March 10 and will bo a social allnlr, cele brating fil. Patrick's Day. Al! women veterans aro cordially In vited. Contact Commander Room er by telephoning 2-1817 lor further Information. Entertainers On Plane Arrested PORTLAND Wl Two youths. who entertained passengers on a Hawaii to Portland bound airplane, were arrested Thursday when the cralt landed. The pair, Kenneth Nl.skromoni, 18. and Andrew Bumatay, 20. played Hawaiian music on a uku lele for members of an Oregon Journal tour party during the Illaht. They were wanted In Honolulu on auto thelt and mill jumping charges, Sheriff's Deputy George Mlnclly, who arrested them. said. Judge Finally Gets Real Story NEWARK, N. J. fifl For some time now, Mrs. Anna Herkalcr of Haekensack has been receiving $11. SO wfokly support from her es tranged husband. The award was made bv Domes tic Relation Court on her charges that her husbund, John, had been cruel lo her during an argument and she was forced to leave home lor the 25th and last time after 11 years ol marriage. The Appellate Division of Su preme Court changed things Thurs day. It threw out Mrs. Herkalcr's cruelty- charge saying the argu ment started when she served her husband soup made from bis pet pigeons. Jap Loot To e Split Up Coast Guard Men Visit Two Coast Ouard representatives paid an official Visit here today to announce the present enlistment .standards of the United States Coast Ouard. The recruiters, Ed Swenson, Chief Quartermaster, and Dick Daoust, Seaman who are working out of their Portland of fice, are visiting all the principal cities of Oregon for the purpose of promoting more Interest In their orancn ol the armed lorces. Basically, the qualifications for enlistment In the U.S. Coast Guard are as follows: Men without pre vious service must be between the ages of 17 and 25, and may have on dependent (wlfei. Enlistments in certain petty officer ratings are now being offered to qualified ex servicemen having not more than three dependents. All applicants must pass a rigid physical and mental examination. land be ol high moral character. Upon acceptance, applicant are period o: four .(4) WASHINGTON m Tile United States has ordered a nine-nation enlisted for split of 3'i million dollars realized I years and transferred to Alameda, from the recapture oi loot seizea i calilornla lor basic training, by Japanese forces during World Daoust and Swenson disclosed War H. that men who are Interested in en Thc Stale Department announced listment In the Coast Guard may Friday that the division was or-" receive further Information by con dercd arbitrarily in a directive itacting the nearest recruiting sta sent to Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway 'lion, located at 514 S.W. Salmon alter the Allied countries failed to street. Portland, Oregon. Tele agree on their shares. The U.S. iBRoadway 6827. has this authority as occupying ""n"' countries and their shares j J5hrlnu"d tjptmiir Include: Australia 8 per cent; Bur-1 m?'h'n" '. 's;,X1n ma 12: China 20: France 8: Neth-0"lc ."PP'y. Main. erlands 12; Pakistan 8: Philippines I 12; United Kingdom 12. , The fund was accumulated from the sale of property found in Ja pan alter V-J Day and adjuged to have been looted from Allied ter ritories during the war. It represents only the Japanese loot that it was Impossible to Identi fy as to country of origin. End Sought To Bus Strike SAN FRANCISCO 1 Faderal Conciliator Omar Hoaklns says he still Is seeking an approach to warrant reopening of sessions be tween Pacific Greyhound Bus of. flclala and representative of 3,500 striking employes. He met with each separately Thursday but reported no progress. The strike has halted Ortyhound buses In seven Western states since Sunday. A spokesman for the AFL Motor Coach Employes Union said about hall of the strikers nave obtained temporary employment. Chief strike Issue is the union demand for a five-day, 40-hour week. They also asked awage. In crease of 15 to 20 per cent. , " The company has offered a 4.6 per cent increase and a cost-of-living escalator clause. Coats Stolen From Hotel Rogue River Chieftains lost basketball game to Bonanza last night and two loyal Chleltalna re ported another loss to City Police. James Cobble of Gold H1I and Ronald Burk from Rogue River re ported two coats stolen from their hotel room while they were wit nessing the game at Henley gym. Cobble reported a three-quarter length gabardine coat missing from his room and Burk a dark maroon Jacket stolen. . '. ". " KILLED ' ' ' ' ' ; PORTLAND (-ft .Olaf Nicholas RlnteaH an nf PnrllnnH o,aa blllnl Thursday in a hcadon collision on. vne tuiuiuuia nivcr fiignway near A passenger In the other car, Mrs. Nellie Hoffman, 87. Home Val ley, Wash., suffered critical Injur les.,Her husband, Arthur Hoffman, 61. driver of the ear Aiiffiif-ert loa- ser hurls. Far ased typewriters and adding machine .... Voltht's Pioneer Office Supply, 629 Main. Oliltt Ward , MaaVlaay INT A TvriwauTta ' ' ' AnDINO MACRINk ; , tKctrla e; Haa tail BMalh'f mUl It talUa lit aareaaaa attaa. s rr a roneeruttice duppfy r-kana 1411 Third District Man Will File PORTLAND IJH Alfred Corbett, 37-year-old attorney for the De fense Electric Power Administra tion, will be filed Friday as Dem ocratic candidate for Congress from the third district of Oregon. The announcement of his candi dacy was made Thuraday by How ard Morgan, state Democratic chairman," and Corbett s brother- in-law. Corbett Is in Washington, D. C. Corbett Is the son of Henry LJ Corbett. a Portland financier and a Republican of long standing. AUTO INSURANCE 5-10-5 Liability Insurance Current ' 6 Mo. Rate $ 1 1 90 As Low At II Tlmt Small Vcarcrvrriav Mtmbertbfp Ttm Lett Oatfi.1 City Preferred Ins. Exch. HULAID CEDABUAF Dill. Agent rbana 3-aiS4 SKT South Siitk SI. ORDER NOW! Farm-Master Aluminum Corrugated Roofing 7'x26" sheet .1.90 8'x26" sheet .. 2.18 10'x26" sheet 2.71 12'x26" sheet 3.26 Make buildings more permanent with aluminum corrugated sheeting! Won't rust ... . never needs pointing or other- upkeep. Use it for siding or roofing, easy to apply. 1 V4-in. corrugated. Get lasting building protection at Sears low price! Available by cash order or Easy Payment Plant SEARS CATALOG ORDER DESK 133 So. 8th -Phono 518S ihi raiiNPiY au iini 04 Klamath Art. "heaa 07 aHBipppjPMBMalHrMBVBMMaWaU To Portlond: ! ;1 Lv. 9:15 a.m. Arrive. Portion J . 6:15 p.m. Lv. 4:00 p.m. Arrive Portland 12:35 a.m. To Boise, Salt Lake and East: Lv. 9:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. To The Dalles and Spokane: ' Lv. 9:15 a.m. 'fl OF COURSE GREEN STAMPS The JEWELRY Store Of Outstanding Values 'r jflri ...FOR THE YOUNG IN MIND AND HEART For you who think, and feel, and live' in. terms. of today . . . who regard your home as complete expression of your self and your life . . . Tomlinson has created American Informal. . ' To a woman's eyes there is rhythm and beauty in this fur niture. The man likes its clean-cut simplicity. And. almost svery piece in the American Informal groups living room, bedroom can be used interchangeably in your other rooms. ,' ' " - . , "Four Floors of Fin Furniture and Floor Coverings" Wamatk unnitune Co. 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5339 yiTS Values To $49.75 Values $3!(3)50 To $65.00 3l