FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1M2 PAGE TWO IIKRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON KFLW-HM Ke.-PST Friday Evening, Mr, T .00 gporta HUMIlMs , S:1B Home Town New. 1:33 World News Summary :30 Suburban Serenade :S Haadllna Edition ABC 6:3. 8anka Newa Roundup ABC 7:00 Glllalla Fllhts ABC :00 Itlrhard Diamond ABC :.10 Thla Is Your TBI ABC 9:00 Oxzie and Harrlat ABC :30 Conrart of Favorltaa 10:00 10 P.M. Headlines -10:19 Dr. Glno'a Musical ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Nawa Summary 11:09 Bin on . KFMV 1 Ke. PST Saturday. March S :00 Slfn.On Nawa Summary 6:09 Corn In tha Morn 11:43 Farm Fara 7 'j0 Nawi Br klit Idltioa 7:19 Charlla'a Roundup . 7:30 Bob Garrad, Newt ABC 7:40 lop ol tha Morning 7:59 Muilc :00 No School Today ABC 0:00 Radio Kldl Bihlt Club :30 Spaca Patrol - ABC 10:00 Lady Skyhook 10:19 What America Waa Plavlng 10:90 Shake) tha Maracaa ABC J1:00 Matropolllan Opera ABC i:M Basin Briars . . J:49 Fascinating Rhythm ABC , 3:00 Junior Junction ABC 3:30 Amarlcan Farmei ABC - 4:00 Requestfully Youl , 3:00 Tha Navy Hour ABC 9.30 Bob Crokby Sliow 3:43 Errands of Marcy 3:00 Sporu Hlfhlifhti 6:13 Homa Town Nawa . . 6 J3 World Nawa Summary :30 Sclanca Editor ABC 6:43 Wordi ot Ufa . 7 00 Mr. DUtrict Attornay ABC 7:JS Muilc " 7::to Dinner In tha Oraan Boom ABC 3:00 Lona Ranjer ABC . 3:30 Danclnl Parly ABC 0:00 Dancing Parly ABC 10:00 10 P.M. Haadllnaa 10:15 Brother Art's Program 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 113 Sign Off KFJI list Ke PST Friday Evening-, Mar. 1 g0 Gabriel Heatler MBS 6:15 Klamath Theatrt quia . 6:30 Around Town News, :43 Sam Hayes-Newa, MBS -6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Adven. of Malxla MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS gX Basketball Time .. 1:09 BsktbU Crater High at KUHS 1:00 Glenn Hardy Nawa MBS ClSBsktbl. Crater High at KUHS 9:40 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS :3I 3-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:13 Adven. Is Your Heritage 10:30 Armed Forces Review MBS 11:00 Nile Owl News 11:09 Night Owla Club . ' 13:00 Sign Off KFJI 115 Ke PST Saturday, March t 6 00 Musical Reveille 6:43 Farm Reporter 6:55 Regional News 7:00 Hemingway Nawa MBS 7:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 Headlines and Bylines 7:45 Best Buys S:00 Morning Melodies S:IS Breakfast Gang MBS B:30 Haven of Rest MBS. IM Pop Tunes 0:13 Dance Tunes 0.30 Your Income Tax MBS 0:45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 News MBS 10:15 Name Banda 11:30 a-H Club 10:43 Concert 10:50 Cumn'a Program 10:55 Social Security Program 11:00 Music 11:3 News MBS 11:30 Melody Time MBS 12:00 Noonday News 12:13 Mark Rogers MBS 12:30 Ricky's Request 1:30 News MBS 1:33 Music for Saturday '3:00 Staglines MBS 5:13 U S, Navy Band 2: JO Bands for Bonds MBS 2:55 News MBS 3:00 Oklahoma Symphony MBS aueuTis ua. " AMERICAN CHINES! rasal art tsMar kajsM V 4N Fa OreWe Te Take) Of en 6. L, Mgr. AUCTIONEERING Sale Management Gra.aate af Westcra Cellege ... Of Anctlnneerlne . . . Billings. Ment. Certified Pedigree Reader Successful Sales are the Kesnlt of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering., Specialising in FARM. PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER 5304 Alva Klamath Falls Ph. 2-2452 Free Service en Church aV Benefit Auctions ONLY s10 A MONTH WILL UNDERCOAT YOUR CAR! Yes sir! For only $10 per month, if you so desire, you can have your car undercoared. It's easy to do and the job does so much for your car. Ask our service salesman for details. WE DO THIS: Steam chassis and fenders Tighten your car Undercoat hood, chassis and fenders Wash and vacuum your car. NCR 1. HUILER XO. 7th and Klamath 4:00 OPS Program a-ia frank Memlnawav. News MBS 4:30 Mark Rogara MRS a-a Twin Views of News MBS 5:00 Dude Ranch Roundup MBS 5 .10 Christian Science 8:43 Bandstand USA MBS 55 Baukhage Talking MRS 6:00 Around Town News 6:15 Klamath Theatre Quit 6::(0 Assembly of God 7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS 7:30 Klamath Temple :00 Basketball Time lOJB.Vthl. Crater High at KUHS t:00 News MRS :I3 Bsktbl. Crater High at KUHS t:3S Cecil Brown.- News. MBS 10:00 Lombardo Land MBS I0:;w Arthur Van Orch., MBS 11:00 Kite Owls News. ll:tn mgni uwis vju 12:00 Sign Off Orders Cut Off Supply In Tax Case WASHINGTON HI President Truman Friday ordered govern ment agencies to refuse requests from a House Investigating Com mittee for data on cases they have referred to AUy. Gen. J. Howard McOrath lor- proseoutlon. Mr. Truman, objecting to what he termed a "dragnet approach" to tile committee's investigation of how McGrath has conducted the Justice Department, said "it would be Impractical and unwise for the departments and agencies to en deavor to comply with that re quest." . me justice Department ltseu re fused on Wednesday to give such information to a House judiciary subcommittee beaded by Rep. CheU The group had asked for data on the disposal of cases referred to the department over a six-year pe riod. It proposes to look into charees that the department, under Mc Grath, has been lax in prosecution of certain tax cases, some of them involving big-time gamblers and racketeers. Mr. Truman's attitude was set out in a letter to Chelf. The Presi. dent had copies of the letter cir culated to all department heads with an accompanying note giving the letter the effect of an order to them. The White House gave news re porters copies of the letter after Mr. Truman had left for a visit to Key west, na. Lattimore Hearing Off WASHINGTON Cfl The Senate Internal Security subcommittee called off Friday's session with Owen Lattimore because of the ab senee of several members. Chairman McCarran D.-Nev.,) told Lattimore, Johns Hopkins pro fessor and writer on Far pastern affairs,' to come back "Monday morning for his tenth, day of ques tioning. : ' '.'-. . r, i The subcommittee Is searching1! for subversive influences in U.S. foreign policy.' . ' McCarran said Sens'. Smith" (D. N. C. O'Conor (D-Md.,) and East and (D.-Mlss.,! members of the In vestigating subcommittee, had to be away on official business. FOADS OK SALEM W The Oregon High- Iwav Commission advised motorists Friday to carry chains in the Gov. ernment Camp, Timberllne. "Warm Springs Junction, Bantlanr'Pass and Bly areas. All other - points reported:' bare pavement. " ' " ' ntt P Undercoating Does This: Protects car from mud, rust, rocks, dust leaks, and corrosion. "Ar Cuts down road noise and engine noise making car more quiet. Adds weight low on chassis where it counts. Keeps car tlghf-prevents rattles. OLDS - CADILLAC PVT. GEORGE QUIN0WSKI, Klamath Falls, has his blood pressure checked before donating blood in a recent blood drive at Camp Roberts, Calif. The next Red Cross Blood mobile visit to this area is scheduled for Merrill, March 11, noon to 4 p.m. Malin and Tulclake workers are joining Merrill in the drive. U.S. Army Photograph Federal "Cleanup" Boss' Name Linked Surplus Oil Tanker Trade By G. MILTON KELLT WASHINGTON Wl Senators digging into oil trade with Red China developed testimony Friday that a foundation headed by New bold Morris, now government cor ruption cleanup man, could have barred the on deliveries, Houston H. Wasson. law partner of Morris, acknowledged to the Sen ate Investigations subcommittee that this was within the power of the China International Foundation, Inc. Wasson also testified that his and Morris' law Ilrm has received about $15,000 in fees for legal services from two companies which engaged in China trade. With this testimony, the commit tee recessed until Monday. It an nounced that Morris will be called to the witness chair on Tuesday. Monday's witness Is to be Col. Ar thur G. Syran. The hearings have developed that protests from Syran, then an of ficial of the Economic Co-Opera-tion Administration, brought the oil trade to a halt. One member of the subcommit tee. Sen. Mundt (R.-S.D.,), has de nounced the trade as for "blood soaked profits," and with Friday's testimony Sen. Nixon IR.-Calll.,) told wasson: "The morality concerned ... Is about the equal of that of inter national pirates..". , Morris is president ' and Wasson is secretary and treasurer of the foundation, incorporated as a non profit charitable organization. The foundation owns stock and Wasson said "controlled" United Tanker Corp., a shipping firm whos ' ' vessels ' carried oil to Communist China up until about two months before the outbreak of the Korean War. The war began June 25, 19o0 (Korean timel but it was some five months later before the Chi nese Reds entered the fighting. Questioned as to whether the foundation could have barred Unit ed Tanker from making the oil hauls, Wasson said, "If China In ternational had said 'We are strong ly opposed to making these char ters.' they would not have been made." He added that the decision was left to United Tanker. Wasson was before the senators for the third day. Members of the subcommittee indicated that before they close their inquiry they ex pect to get Into reports of high profit trade in which rich Ameri cans and Chinese Nationalists sold other goods to Red China, even after the start of the Korean War. The current inquiry, originally concerned with huge profits reaped on deals in war surplus oil tankers, already has branched out to cover 1. A statement by Ben. McCarthy Phone 4103 To Deal In R.-Wis..i at a publio hearing inursany mat ne nns icflrnra two trustees of a charitable foundation headed by Government Cleanup Man Newbold Morris had partici pated In numerous "Communist front" activities. 2. Reasons why the State de partment wanted more than a year to act against the traffic with Red China after getting protests from the Pentagon and some other gov ernment agencies that it was "dan gerous" to this country's security. FORT ROCK I'm sorry there was no news In last week's paper, but there Just wasn't enough news to write up, but will try and find more in the future. Sunday. Feb. 17, the home of Mrs. H. J. Hoffman in Boise, Ida., was th scene of a lovely wedding when the marriage of F. A. "Chub'' Frazee and Mary Nona Chamber lin was solemnized by the Rev. Hlllery Cobbs. The couple left Boise late Sun day evening tor Fort Rock where, they will make their home, and en route stopped and visited with many friends and relatives. Dick Schaub, Art Kaley, and Charlie Stlngley repaired the floor in in: Grange Han last week ana say it is ready for a dance. What are we waiting for?? Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olllett of Klamath Falls were weekend visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc Gee and family. - John Moehl and Henry Solie of luamatn fails were Business visi tors in Fort Rock last Wednes day. They are from the Car-Ad-Co of Klamath Falls, and are buying me luniDer irom tne mm. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rutherford are . the parents of a 5 pound 5 ounce girl born on Monday, Feb. 25.' Mother and baby are doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Branch went to Lakevl.iw Saturday, Mar. 1 and returned Sunday evening. Clinton and Joan were weekend guests at the Stlngley ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mattls were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Harbison on Friday evtmlng- Mr. Leon Gilder has returned to work at the Deadmond sawmill In Silver Lake, which has been down during the cold and snowy weather. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Webber moved into the smaller house at the Horse Ranch Sunday- where Ralph will be closer to his work at Laplne. Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Wilson and daughter will move to Fort Rock this coming week from Sandy, Ore., and Wilson will work for Bud Parks at the Populars. Welcome to Fort Rock. The highest temperature of the year was recorded last week when the mercury row to a warm 56: but the nights still continue at be low freezing temperatures. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morehouse at tended the basketball game In Paisley on Friday night. Roberta writes that she will be home soon and that she is en Joying the warm sunny days there in Florida, but David can't under stand why Fort Rock doesn't have an ocean for people to swim in. Guew he Is really plastered with freckles from being in the sun and water so much. Here For Two Big Weeks! CAL TRIO SHOWS NITELY Dancing From Nint o'clock Molatore's 1112 Main Bleachers Collrpse Before Ice Show BALTIMORE l.H Top state and city officials Friday began a thor ough lnvestignllon Into the collapse ol a section of bleachers at an ke show Thursday night. At leant 275 persona were In ured, 33 of I lie in seriously. Gov. Theodore R. McKeldm of Mnrylund, who addressed a meet ing in New York Thursday night. was ana of the enrly arrivals at lie Fifth Recipient armory, barn- like site of the accident. Willi him was State Engineer Nathan Smith. Paul Holland. Baltimore s public works director assigned by Mayor Horse Asks To OK Construction Of Heils Canyon By FRANK W. VAIM.K WASHINGTON il'l Congress was asked Friday by Sen. Morse (R.-Ore,) to authorize construction of Hells Canyon dam on the Snake Kiver. The big dam would cost an esti mated J35C.810.01H). It would straddle the Snake at a point where the river forms the loano-uregon oounaary. us gene rators would have a capacity of 900.000 kilowatts. Hells Canyon dam Is one of the Bv MRS. MKRLE O'NEIL Mrs. Diamond Newman and Mrs. BUI Batman were hostesses to a stork shower the afternoon of Mar. 1 when they honored Mrs. Neil Friday with a layette shower at the community hall In Falrvlew. Mrs. Friday was tne recipient 01 many lovely and useful Bills. The tables were decorated wim blue and pink crepe paper trim, several ladles sent guts but were unabb to at tend due to sickness and bad roads. Delicious refreshments of ice cream, angel cake, coffee and co coa were served by the hostesses. Word was received by relatives that Bernice Buck Taylor has suc cessfully completed her training at the Medford beauty school and she has now accepted a position in Victor's beauty salon at Medford. Bernice has many friends here on West Side who are wishing her success. Those who attended the Grange officers meeting at the Valley Falls Grange one evening last week 1 were Mr, and Mrs. i-o uarreu. Mr. and Mrs. Harry crowi, ano Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mulkcy. All Orange officers of Lake County were Invited and according to re ports had a most enjoyable eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stover and son, Danny, have returned irom an 11-day trip to Washington. They visited friinds and relatives in Walla Walla. They reported a most enjoyable trip, but were pleased to be home again. Mrs. Verna Buck and her daugh- tir. Lucille. Mrs. Jane Renner. and Mrs. Mildred Richardson are all reportedly 111 with the flu at their homes. We sincerely wish them an early recovery. Mr. and Mr. Henry Albertson enjoyed a visit Friday with fri mis when Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bolton spent the day there. Arthur Woods and Myrtle Me Guffin were visiting friends Satur day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fenlmore and daughjTs. Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Moulton and son are visiting relatives at Rogue River this week. They are expect ed home this week end. Charlie Buck of Lakevfcw was calling on Grandpa Crowl one day last week. These boys are no douot counting the days until the fish ing season opens. Heres hoping we won't have to chop the ice to find any water. Mrs. Joe Martin Jr. and family visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lillian Pardue. Mrs. Dean Chrlstensen Is to be honored on Mar. 14 with a bridal shower at the West Side Orange Hall. This is not invitational and all friends and relatives are wel come to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bolton called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sundet and children Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lillian Pardue called there later In the evening. Airs. Howard rfesson and lamiiy visited several days last week with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. f rame Graves, who operate the Summer Lake Lodge. Howard went up over the weokend lo bring his family home. Mrs. Herbert Stover Is Planning to be hostess to a stork shower at her home on Mar. 15 at 2 o'clck, honoring Mrs. George Stewart. (formerly Joanne Bailey). All friends an relatives are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rcnncr are home after spending several weeks in southern California. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hartlerode of Alturaa and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morris Jr. of Lakevinw were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crowl and family and J.W. Crowl. Mrs. Bert Bolton substituted as teacher for the upper grades one day Inst week in the absence of Mr. Hubert Wagers who was 111. L. A. Marrt'Ue of Lakevlew was calling In this district on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Builta and son were calling on relatives In this, vicinity on Sunday, from their homa in Lakevlew. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mulkey made a business trip to Klamath Fails one day last week. Grange met Saturday evrnlng with a fairly good crowd in at tendance. Hostesses were Mrs. Eva Schammell, Mrs. Mildred Garretl and Mrs. Edith Morrill; They served a very delicious lunch. Mr. Bernard Buslo of Lakrvlew who is affiliated with the soil conser vation service, showed .some very Interesting films following the Orange meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Wilson of Ornnts Pass visited last weekend with his daughter, Mrs. Wall Thompson and family. Injured; Investigation On late and IThnina.s D'Alenamlio lo nutke s I rrru inin n i,,.i .1... 1 . .. i,u.iv iminnrr. They wire not lnnina.s u Alesnnilio to nutke a "lull and complclc" nurvcy, anltl both the city and stalo groups would go through the wrrckiige "Umber by timber ratal Joint by Joint." The srrMon of blcnrhera gave way at 8: '.'5 p.m., a lew minutes before Monln llwilr'a Ice rovuo was lp begin Us oiinlng appeniiinre. About 7,000 pcuplo wine 111 the big building. LOl'l) ItOAK Just as the rink light wrnt on and the bm.d slrurk up a luiir, there came 1 sickening crunch that Congressmen Dam Unit most controversial of various Ta ctile Northwest power projects. It has befn recommended by the Department of Interior and Army Hngmrcrs, but has been opposrd by Idaho's Governor Len Jorclun and that state's congressional dele gation. The Columbia Bn.iln Interagency Committee, made up of rrpricnt ath'cs of various northwest groups, recently bypussed the Issue entirely rather thnn provoke a possible split In Its ranks. Several times the diim lias been urged by Pi'c:.klcul Trillium. He has Mild he would a.ik Con gress to vole money to build it as soon as the luwmakcrs decide it should be built. Morse in remarks prepared tor the SrnW said he was "proud" lo Introduce the bill because the dam "will permanently enrich the peo ple of nil the Pacific Northwest slates, and the nation." He com pared lis importance to Grand Coulee, Hoover and Shasta dams. The bill would authorize con struction of Hells Canyon dnm, res er oir and power plant, and the building of Scrlver Creek power lacilltlcs of the Puyctle unit ol the Mountain Home Division. II would not aulhorlze Irrigation features of Mountain Home nor transmission lines for the Hells Canyon projccl. Mrs. Sarah Dobson. McOlll. It would reserve existing and'ev.. Is trying to locale her son. prospective rights to water use lor w- Chandler, here. Mrs. such purposes as Irrigation, and Dobson says the lant time she withhold lor sale to Idaho 300.000, kilowatts of power. Another section would set up pro cedures by which Congress, at a I...... ,,1. nl,i olllt,ftHA .nrimit other .rrivratlon projts lo be pnW.M"- Dobson t Box 1571, McUlll. fnt- in narl hv liiK Miirmtia niia-.r revenues of Hells Canyon. Hells Canyon dam would back up the Snake river waters 03 miles It would have usable siorngo capa city of 3.800,000 acre fret. The Scrlver Creek plant would have Initial installed cnpaeliy of 07.60 kllowntUi. 11 would cost ;i3. 703.000. Referring to proposals by the Idaho Power Co. to build five small dams In the Hells Canyon area Morse an Id such action would be 'wasteful ' of natural resources. Open 1:45 HELD OVER "hdayi In Addtlen to Regular Show H Of ALONG CAUIOY CLUB AT 11i4S A.M. ' '''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij, 03 W HMffftrV M-O-H'i Tata of Hijri Ad.enlut.! V nil 1 ROBERTTAYLORJ Vdenisedarcel ' A Minutes Onens; 275 grew lull) a loud rnur an Ihn buck scrlltm ol scats dropped lull, H iniiglrd ina.-is of broken timber.', nnd Hailing iirins and Irg.i. Miss ltenir's mnniigi-r Mild Hip stands wrirt erected by a ranlrnrt mg Ilrm headed by Kd Ctiniiiall ul Wt'.itlleld. N. J., tlnNi illjed us a veteran In tonstiiiotiiiK Unit type III Hllllld.H Mil' rll't'llM'N, full's II 1 id .vlmlliir rvrnls. 1 In linn erected nlui llur BUiiitl.i nl the Mime niiiioiy bo lore. The city's building In.-pretar, Paul Cohen, declined to Knie u permit lor the sealing because Ihn slnnds were not completely net ted when Ills tilllee Inspected the bile Thursday attcrnnon. However, a ellv permit Is not mandutiiry Hie Mute has jurisdiction over the armory. No flnle penult Is necessary. Speelatois said uiinulils Mill were being untied In nlnee while the niidienrc wns Mrciinilim Into the .ilniuN. FAST JOM Cohen snltl alter a liustv Inspec tion nl the collapsed section "It was olivlniH to mo Unit these rows ol seals were in addition to the seats usually Installed. They wen' evidently erected In haste anil In Dog Show Prizes Up A "Best III Bhow" and mnnrrtip trophies lor Sunday's local Klum nlh Kennel Club dog show compe tition at the County Fairgrounds have bren donated by Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Cox, Mnble, Ore,, who are active iiienibcis ol the Kugrui' Kennel club. Other trophies will be ollered the best child hundlrr nnd Uie brsl local Pekingese In show. Winners 111 other divisions Toyi. Nnn-sportlnii, working, hounds, ler rlors, sporting, and Best In Variety groups will be awarded cerllll cniei signed by Judge Mrs. Helen Marlng. Portland. Judiilug In slated to begin Sun day at 13:30 p.m. nnd will con tinue In the above order, wllh best in show topping the list. Knlrleh muv be Inude until 12:30 at the Fairgrounds Huiulay, or by calling 2-HM or 4350 today or tomorrow. SON KOl tillT "r"" wu'"; At Chlloquln. Anyone with knowlcdRr of Chnncl- if T 5 ncrm noui m.oi.iu noiuv : i-v sgg V rt-ysui. JiLr3rWiiiMii Kn .? Jl 'H rl ' 1 1 """ight psevoe"j LJ 3iICTmTta f SATURDAY - I ' MX1 I U I P L'CAN 0NLV( I "' lZ '. " i iepr ii mi in properly braced and the uprights were not nullrd securely. ' Ho refused blllly, miylnu o In v the rfpnni Owl's a matter for liivotigniionii. Miss llcnlr ciincelrd Die per Itirmuiirn and said ticket holders could liavn a irlund or allcnd another show Monday night. I'ollio r.itlmiitcd nboiil 000 per. sons wi'in waled, in lh section which i olliipcd, Jlospltnla sent out rnirrgenoy calls Mr diiflois an ambulance brought the bleeding and bruised vlclinis In for licatinrnl. FaiiitllPH were separated and anxious liilheis and mothers raced Irom one ol ten hospitals to another In search of Injured rclnllven. There were nngry comments Irom Hie In hired. Kugene Khi'ivcr. of Itlverdnl. Mil,, nlnnd over Ills wile who" die's n:i hlnod-soiiurn aim i i;ilniiy,":omcljody going iu i' lor tills." . . Huns Norland G'!7 I'lnr SI. Aula Insurance. TO THE MEN.. Tea Mil nkW refut sili fir aail. lira . ilerf is. w III Ml We, nil. Bit Hal ISIS. Will sill It II, 'st hisllt isssllsf It TMTIIt ITHf" i pittf mis. Ill's Him el etae. 0rOGlA3'KiER'IBiNOO(. TODAY Mm