FRIDAY. MARCH T 1M PAGB TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 10 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI 12 1UILDING REM0DILIN4 42 LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY 11 MIKIUANIOUS FOR SAll is AUTOMOTIVE Hi Income Property ' t fuREE APARTMENTS Close in, north of Main. Completely furn lined. Bringing In excellent Income. : ' . NICE ONE BEDROOM HOUSE Well furnished. This Is good rental property. $3600, HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINOS Well kept two bedroom home. Fireplace, good basement. $8750. HILLSIDE New. two bedroom home. 16,000. . ST. FRANCIS PARIC Lovely two bedroom home. Some furnishings. 8760, THREE BEDROOM HOME On acre good soil. 5600. " f"' 'LARGE BUILDING LOT On Dayton Street just off Shasta Way. J5500. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734, 4880 $500 DOWN Neat, attractive 1 bedroom house! All 3 rooms comiortaoiy large, newly remodeled bathroom. On "acre plot. Just off Shasta Way. run price only 37oo. HOT SPRINGS Attractive 2 bedroom bungalow conveniently located. Brand new deluxe Youngstown kitchen. Fully insulated, oil furnace. Only J7&00. Will carry maximum loan. MILLS ADDITION See this quality 2 bedroom home 'located on one of the best streets in this desirable district. Deep pile wall-to-wall carpeting In living room and hall. Storm windows for economical heating, detached ga rage and workshop, beautifully landscaped lot completely enclosed lor the children. Newly redecorated ready to move into. Will carry any type loan. Price $10,000. SUBURBAN Conveniently located, modern .bedroom. Here Is 1160 sq. ft. of . comfortable living space, featuring dining room, hardwood floors. separate tub and shower bath, fire place, plenty of storage and linen space. Completely insulated. Iron Fireman automatic heat, detached garage, race $9500. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves. Fred Scott ; 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH , .., ' r . .REALTORS Since 1900 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good Tanch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land . Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands jD,si isjs uanuenga Blvd. Hollywood o, voiU. 195 ACRES 62.5 acres under gravity Irrigation. acres aisiKe clover. 100 acres dry-land. Summer fallowed last year, now ready for grain. Fair improvements. $25,000. . 1600 ACRES - 1000 under cultivation. Located over water strata, which furnishes water for Butte Valley. Deep , soil. All under fence. 600 acres of cattle range, large feed lot, barn, well for stock water. Here is a development ucm worm investigating. $63,000. JACK C. MACE REAL ESTATE Tulelake, California Phone 7-1611 FOR SALE, five rnom hn,, ,... buildings. Two acres of ground! Phone FOR SALE nice level lot N.E. corner Addison and Lajceview. Accept reason able offer. Doris White, P.O. Box 133S. Fresno. Calif. FOR SALE, three bedroom modern fur nlshed home. Small down payment, rest like rent. Phone 2-3030. FOR SALE, three room modern house, electric heat and water heater. Insulated.- One. acre good soil. Reasonably FOR SALE, two bedroom unfinished pumice brick house, two acres excel lent ground. 130 ft. well. Shade trees. On paved street. S4SO. cash will handle. 0927 'John's Ave. Phone 2-1940. HOMES TOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck. Salesman Ml N ll Phone SMI FOR SALE, modern two. bedroom home at Modoc Point. B. H. Nichols, Box 12, Modoc Point. NEW HOMES for Powell. Phone 8529. sale. William B. 2 BUILDING It REMODELING ROOFING SIDING Whatever your roofing or siding need might be, we have Itt And you'll save money by having your Job done before It's too late and expensive repair bills are necessary. INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN-& STORM WINDOWS All Work Guaranteed Kuhlman Insulation For free estimate phone 4468, or Clem Lesueur, Agent 2-2443 ElKE WORKING WITH TOOLS? Then pet what you need to jteep busy at Basin Building Materials. Inc. We car ry a complete line of lumber, trlm nlrigst paints, paneling' -and' such." Stop sy and look around. 478 South Sixth or phone 2-2563. BEST BUY $45 m M FOR YOUR EARLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER 810-12 in. TOKETEE FIR 8HIPLAP 2x4 S4S 2x4 S4S DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY 910 Spring Phone 8610 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING OH Stove, furnace, light fuel. coal. wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. 133 Market Phone Sltf. DRY pine blocks for sale. Open eve ning and weekends. Metiers Bros. PRESTOLOGS pickup or delivered Cliff Yadens Signal Service. 3560 So 6th Phone SS31 or 3-8260. S Si h GREEN STAMPS given on heat ing oils Phone 3SS1 or 2-9260 for prompt delivery. CUFF Y AD EN'S SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 So 6th ?8 BOATS PITS SPORTS HOBBIES THREE collie pups for sale. Three months old. gold and white. Litter reg istered. Call 3096. 20 FT. CABIN CRUISER S15O0. Has sol id mahogany planking and oak frames. See at Williamson River Store or caU 2-1489. TO GIVE a wsj. smaU black spaniel. Phone Tulelake 7-0152. FOR SALE, four-cylinder marine en gine for inboard. A-l condition. Inquire at 701 California. DOBERMAN PINSCHER for sale. Two years old, female. Very genUe. Phone 961 6. MALE Irish setter pups. May be seen at 4017 Bristol Ave. ANDERSON Boarding Kennels. Phono 3047 5688 Delaware off Horaedalt. BOARntKn irirn.rsT.. Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor runs for each dog. Dogs handled dururg fg WUJ pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phone S078 Merrill Ra at. a. Box 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY ft BABY CHICKS ft ALL POPULAR BREEDS PROM UNITED STATES AP PROVED PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS Available Every Monday ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OP HAVING YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM MALIN FEED & GRAIN PHONE 555 POULTRY WANTED Cash paid (or any amount Top marcet prices lor good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS SELECTED - FEED GRAIN - ORDER NOW FOR LATER ' DELIVERY CUSTOM CLEANED & TREATED MALIN FEED & GRAIN PHONE 555 SIX monthi white faced calf. Phone 2-0798. Cockerali heavy breed. SIO ner hun dred. OREGON STATE HATCHERV 2720 So. 6th. Phone 6095. FOR SALE, milch cow. Phone 3961. CATTLE PASTURE FOR RENT for summer season, near Fort Klamath. Not lew than 100 head or over 300 heart. Excellent pasture and water available April IS or May 1st to October 15. Reasonable rates. Write Box 40. Herald and News. RED FRYERS and roasters for sale, freshly dressed readv for the nan. v. ery Friday and Saturday. Phone 8341 alter e. artificial. Bnrmrwfi frnvir foone 97Z1 M c. rchuck) warren mt i. box 322. u no answer Phone 4400. Evenings HIGHEST prices naid for poultry, bois ana uvestocx. . . BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lakevlew Junctlnn Phone esse 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED PERMANENT couple wants to rent two Deoroom nouse. Knone 3631. WANTED. S foot spring tooth barrow. WISH to buy a home. Haven't enough money. Can furnish good evidence of moral, financial resDons oiutv u win ing defer down payment one year. rnone z-;jzhs. WE NEED CARS' Get top price now' i Motor uo Bin ana num. 30 H.P. 900 rpm electric motor. Box 103. Bonanza. Phone 2082. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock 8alary 450 to 4500 Automobile : (paid tor or not) Private 8ale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealtl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-251 - N-M3 10T No. tb Phone mi SPECIAL AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 8th 1 P.M. ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA '32 Registered Hereford Cattle 32 it 12 Polled Hereford Bulls, Yearlings. fr 1 1 Horned Hereford Bulls, Yearlings ft 1 Herd Bull Prospect, 3 Yrs. Old, 1800 lbs. ft 5 Polled Hereford Cows, Colve in 60 Days. ft 1 Polled Heifer, Open ft 1 Horned Heifer, Bred. ft 1 Polled Herd Bull, 7 Yrs. Old. This consignment of Registered Hereford cattle will be sold at our next sale, March 8th in conjunction with our regular livestock auction of 300500 head of cattle, - heep. Make your plans now to attend this sale. MODOC AUCTCN YARD : Alturas, Calif. Phone 7891 Fritz Nosier. Owner 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Dp to 1500 on your auto On your salary or furniture up to 1300 Taj Day" loans a specialty - 110 $35 $30 loaned till "pay day' or longer US axis but 18 cents (or on week No other charges LOCAL LOAN CO. US No. 10th St. U-354 DON McINTYRE, Mgr. Years Friendly Service 4 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE h Lo L-as ans Borrow Pay Only 100 $7.27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP TO (300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1300 ON CARS rHE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally . owned New Can inanced at bank rates "WONSY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co 20 years serving Klamath Batii See "Ciuck' Bailey. Mat. 114 N. 7th 8t Phone 332e 8-241 . M-274 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APARTMENT HOUSE HERE IS THE BUY OF THE WEEK. 18 UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE. 6 THREE ROOM, 12 TWO ROOM. ALL WITH PRI VATE BATHROOMS. COMPLETE LY FURNISHED, WITH ELEC TRICAL KITCHENS. THIS TWO STORY BUILDING IS OF BRICK CONSTRUCTION WITH A CEN TRAL HEATING PLANT. 18 GA RAGES. PLUS STORAGE LOCK ERS, TOOL ROOM 45 LAUNDRY ROOM. THESE UNITS ARE AL WAYS RENTED, WITH AN IN COME OF 4700 PER MONTH, SO SEE THIS TODAY BECAUSE IT'S PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. JAY P. GRIGGS GENE FAVELL OLAIRE ELLIS Eves. Ph. 4254 Eves. Ph. 8045 Eves Ph. 2-2569 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER ti WINE LICENSE Building With Living; Quarters GROSSED OVER $6000 IN 1951 LOCATED BIG VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 MEN TO OPERATE I.M.O. STORES IN NORTHWEST Karntnaa ud to S1S.0O0 per year. Na tionally known brands sporting goods, anDllances. ures. jewelry, firearms, tel evision sets, plumbing fixtures, etc. only S1200-9Z9W cash reauirea. write or apply I.M.O. STORES, 1227 8.W. Sth Ave., roniano, uregon. SERVICE station for lease in down town Alturas. Good business location. Wonderful opportunity lor rlgnt party. Write Ray Darnell. Box .mo, Alturas, California. IT HELPS YOD la so many ways when you learn the trick of bene fiting by Herald & News Classified ads. They're excellent tor selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone till. R. E. "Bob" Rhodes. Auct. Phone J-S531 8-311 IS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL Bl SlNESS iH stock for sale. Good location on Highway ST. 20 miles north. Phone S3, Cluloquln for details. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NIGHT. MARCH 7 7:00 P.M. H & H Auction Mart Wocus TABLES CHAIRS DAVBNOS WASHING MACHINES STOVES ARTICLES NEW & USED BRING YOUR ITEMS FOR SALE Several good milk goats. Just come fresh. Suitable for table use or nursemaids for baby calves or Bummer lambs. COL. FRED HOWARD OTIS MEADOR Phone 9410 & FOUNDATION NETTED GEM SEEDED POTATOES LIMITED AMOUNT ' '. BOTH SAND LAND AND BLACK LAND GROWN M. M. STASTNY & SONS MALIN, OREGON PHONE 5865890338 FOR SALE, 7 foot electric refrigerator. Excellent condition. $90. Phone 7294 aft er PJHi SHOWCASE, Jnoulre Ream! Country Club. FOR SALE, good aecond cutting alfalfa hay. Under cover. Call 5949.- FOn SALE, Frigldalre electric stove. Good condition. Beit offer over 97S Ukei. 423.1 Clinton. WASHING machine with timer and pump. Phone 4843. FOR SALE, Black and Decker hearth neat grinder. Complete pilot and stones. $50 or will trade for hand tools. Phone 2-1413. FOR SALE, twin size walnut bed with mattresn and box springs Immaculate 4.19 iYiicmgan. FOP SALE! Norse' 'refrigerator.'" Good condition. (60. Phone 2-041 fl. 60 TON balrd alfalfa, 936 per T. Phone Tulelake, 7-1084, , FOR SALE, air conditioner suitable for store or home. Valued I50, will take 3. usea six montni. naipn roie, ana i-oriianq si. uorns, uaniornia. 10" FLOOR model Delta Units w. One H.P. motor. $200. CaU 80S!. BARNYARD FERTILIZER tor sale. delivered. Phone 2-2030. 25 FT. TRAILER coach, 1947 model, lo- caiea m mk;j rswn Ave. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs fUes for sal or rent 'pioneer orricc SUPPLY 620 Main Phone 741 FOR SALE. SO ton baled alfalfa hav. In barn all winter. John A. Short. Phone, HOI 4. r-D6 tractor with Be-Ot pump. 8 ft, umbo scraper. Inquire Shell Station, aim. FOR SALE, wood cook-stoves, doors and windows. Inquire at "Little Cafe" 231 fl So. Sixth or phone 2-1372 evenings. DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phono Joe Bart, 97S3. AN8CO Reflex Cimerardaferflash'ffua" New condition. flSO. call 2-3100. , eimiu RECAPS 3.03 EACH EXCHANOK Wt biiv used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld- or 291 so. tun. pnone 431 o DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone " 2-1684. PUBLIC AUCTION : SUNDAY, MARCH 9 . , . 1 P.M. SOUTH SIXTH ST. COMMUNITY HALL KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON This is a quitting business auction of the complete stock and fixtures of the Quam Auto Supply. Spotlights, Fog Lights, Sun Shades, Ignition Parts, Automo tive Wire, Auto Mirrors, Battery Cables, Tire Repair Mater ials, Tail Pipe Extensions, Porter Mufflers, Permanent Anti freeze, Cigarette Lighters, Trailer Hitches, Hose Clamps, Westinghouse Auto Bulbs, Fuel Pumps, Clutches, Generators, Brake Fluid, Automatic Tire Inflators, Air Horns, Gas Tank Caps, Car Heaters, Inside Visors, Parts Cabinets, Clearance Lights, Thermostats, Spark Plugs, Flcxrite Radiator Hose, Small Parts Washer, Car Polish, 25-ft. Extension pords, Heater Parts, 1 Automatic Shift for Ford. OFFICE EQUIPMENT This equipment sells at 4 p.m. Sunday- Allen Adding Machine, Hedman Check Protector, National Cash Register, 1 drawer, 2 Standard Invoice Registers, 2 Metal Filing Cabinets, 2 Gum Tape Machines, 13 Sections Steel Shelving, partitions, adjustable shelves, Office Desk and Chair, Electric Office Fan, Superflame Oil Heater. TERMS: CASH EVERYTHING GOES NO RESERVE This sale starts Sunday, March 9, at 1 p.m., and continues until all is sold. QUAM AUTO SUPPLY Auction Service by R. E. ''Bob" RHODES, Auctioneer Ph. 4032 Klamath Falls WATCHES a SOLD FOR REPAIRS ONLY NO TAX HAMILTON MAN'S WHITE GOLD 17 JEWEL $1 iH POCKET WATCH ORIOINAL CASE. 14 ELGIN MAN'S YELLOW OOLD 15 JEWEL $1 J WRIST WATCH. 1 4 MIL06 MAN'S YELLOW OOLD 17 JEWEL 1AM . . WATER RESISTANT WATCH. IU HAMILTON MAN'S YELLOW GOLD 17 JEWEL MfY WRIST WATCH. ORIOINAL CASE. ...... IU CAMY MAN S 17 JEWEL. WATER RESISTANT, '11M . SHOCK PROOF WRIST WATCH. ,. II REPOSSESSION IN TRADE-INS PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX WYLER MAN'S 17 JEWEL, STAINLESS STEEL. SHOCK PROOF, WATER PROOF WRIST WATCH BULOVA MAN'S YELLOW OOLD 17 JEWEL . WRIST WATCH. NEW CONDITION. BULOVA LADY'S YELLOW OOLD 17 JEWEL WRIST WATCH. I GRUEN MAN'S YELLOW GOLD IS JEWEL WRIST WATCH REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 MAIN PHONE 3181 15 AUTOMOTIVI SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS " -PRE-WAR GARS " YOUR CHOICE OF DOWN PAYMENT k TERMS! 1937 LASALLE COUPE QQ Radio, heater, run good- Only 1S41 OLDS "" SEDAN QQ Radio, heater. A steal. . .. 77 13 OLDS "S" SEDAN r C C A real fishing car Z.DO 1S40 BUICK RO ADM ASTER CONVERTIBLE COUPE lO Radio, heater. A hlrh achool special. OfO 1941 BUICK SPECIAL 8 EDA NET 0 , Heater, new paint OYO 1941 PONTIAC 2-DR. SEDAN 'IO'n Motor overhauled. To and from work car. . OO ti-ti POST-WAR HONEYS -ft ft 1947 DESOTO CONVERTIBLE COUPE ' Radio, heater, tip-toe transmission with Fluid drive. '110 New type, complete new paint. Only . I I 7 J 1950 rORD'V-s CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE Canary yellow. Radio, heater, overdrive, '170 ' spotlight and many other extras I i ' pickups .V 1946 FORD V- PICKUP I Q . A special at only JJ 1950 FORD V-S PICKUP MOI A very clean truck. ; ' id's SEE ANDREW MOORE AT ; : JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES & SERVICE INC. YOUR' HUDSON and INTERNATIONAL DEALER 11th and Klamath Ave. . Phone 2-2581 CANDsCAPrNO, evtrsmnf, shrubs and trees. W trim, spray and remove larse treer. LAKESHOHB GARDENS NUBBERY Phone 4a EL'.CTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies Pkone tier rerkel Twee). 21' Market I rf)R flAl.f!. an tnn. tMcanA eron bated alfalfa hay In barn. Rudolph Jellnek, Meiin, ore. . TOR RALE, tanM bicycle, like era. rnone wii; CRUSHED HOCK, driveway cinders. Phone S41. 29M '26M 21" 23 RAVE Buy e Chris Craft Xlt Moat also Cruis ers and Runabouts. . Johnson Sea Horse motors. Boats bousht, sold and ex changed. Boats for rent to fisher men. MONROE BOAT WORK! n Front St. Phone a-ls HANDY WITH TOOLgr Basin Build. Ins Materials Inc. has everything you need In building supplies. Whether you need lumber, trimmings, paint, picket fence, gerage doors or lust advice, this is the place to come. 4714 South iKin. j'none -4ao.i. ItZX-AIRE vacuum cleaner, 63.S0 down, W per month. Phone eaoo. BARGAINS IN LATE MODEL USED TRUCKS Why not iwap away the'years on Your old truck for one of theif JJ SPARKLING LATE MODEL BUYS? '! All Listed Below are TRIPLE-CHECKED for ('l V VALUE PERFORMANCE v7 APPEARANCE 1980 G.M.C. Vi TON PICKUP l-apeed transmission. Excellent condition throughout 1948 STUDEBAKER 1 TON PICKUP New paint, very ood condition throughout 1949 DODGE V4 TON PICKUP J. speed transmission, low mileage, very clean, runs like new 1950 FORD Vi TON PICKUP Wb have J -Take your oholre SHORT LOGGERS! Chock This Bargain Of The Week 1948 KB-7 INTERNATIONAL Page single-axle trailer 900x20 tires. Here's the answer to your logging problems. FULL PRICE VISIT EITHER OF OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 632 South 6th A. H. "Shorty" Weatherford Phone 5276 677 South 7th West-Hitchcock Corp. Phone 7771 DON'T BUY ANY CAR UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN OUR SELECT WARRANTY USED CARS mt NASH "600" 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, Weather-Eye, overdrlvt. , 1MI NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DOOR 8EDAN Radio, Weather-Eye, overdrive 1MI NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, overdrive, Weather-Eye , , . IM CHEVROLET 8TYLETJNE DELUXE SEDAN Radio, healer 1M7 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater . 1M MERCURY (-PAS8ENOER COUPE Radio, heater 41 OLDSMOBILE "M" 4-DOOR SEDAN Hydramallc, radio, heater ..... 141 NASH "600" 4-DOOR SEDAN Weather - Eye .... 140 OLDS L-M 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater mt FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN Healer. 139 DESOTO COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive . ,...... . . 1M PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Good motor, radio, heater .... 14, NASH AMBASSADOR 3-DOOR SEDAN Radio, overdrive, Weather-Eye ..... 14 NASH "600" 3-DOOR SEDAN . Real economy car , ., ... 141 OLDSMOBILE "68" CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. Clean as a hounds tooth. ... Open Evenings 'Til 7 P.M. KLAHN NASH CO. Suhdays or Evenings 606 S. 6th coll 11 MISCILLANIOUS 'OR SALI SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ladak Alfalfa 46c lb. Purity M.St - Germination S3.60 Etna Mills Etna. California Phone Etna 66 ; Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 836 Market Phone 6140 USED FURNITURE valuei can alwayi ba found at Klimath I'urnltura Co. 331 Main. Phona B.1D3. CRUSHED rock and drlvaway olndan Phfina 2-1187 BRAND now 10 cu. ft. doublt door Phllco rofrltftrator, fully automatic da frrt. Never hran uiecl, MERITS 0t So. flth. St. 13 AUTOMOTIVI 1081 OLDSMOBILE "88". Extras, under caning, .w iai.iorn.a, mom 103d PLYMOUTH aedan. tab. MiCfrmi Phono Ma. ANTED, bait car 9200 enh will buy. No dealeri. Phono 604P. 1940 STUDEBAKER, recently ovar- nauiaa. 99a. pnone a-aawi. &Ea 6W Thii oho for eurc! Tint 10 rlei 1040 Plymouth 4-dr. Radio, heater fof light, low mlleaae. Top condition at ipeclal price of Oil Ofl. Dlmbat Uied Car. South 0th and Plum, Phona 0130, vtnini mnn nunnsyi onto. JUST THE THING for hunting and flihlnr. 10S1 Wlllye pickup. Like new In every way but price ln then 8,000 mile at only OilWR, Dlmbat Uned Cam, South 0th and Plum. Phona 0130, ova nlnge and Sunday ssafl. DOWN PAYMENT 44b" 315" 358M 435 '3250 1395 1195 1195 '1445 995 1895 495 345 375 275 285 255 1545 1275 1095 , Frank Elliott Phone 2-0432 Phone 3650 Big Savings On Oil In Drum-Lots Farmers, truckers, car-owners aara dollars now,, buy Wards Vitalised Oil In drum lota. Lowest price of year on premium trade and heavy duty oil. None finer. Come In today, order on Wards special contract plan. Order now, tet delivery when you need It. You're protected against rising and falling; prices. All prices Include Federal Tax. Re. 66c aal. Premium grade In 56 sal. drum, now 63c gal. Montgomery Ward : th and Pine 'v . Phone J1U HERaVa A GOOD 'Cheaple'l , 1t.T Pen tlac ''. Lew miles on this motor. Me chanically In top shape, Price right or will trade for your equity In later mod ' Dlmbat Used Cars, iouth llxth and Plum. Phone MB, evanlnes ud Sundays Safl. MUST r.LL equity In ' Chev. eedan, radio heater, laoo or trade lor older model pickup of same value, foe at white duplex below (rammer school, Merrill, Ore, alter live ,m, ryn unum, ov uio.mooiie SS , CflnV pletely equipped. Inquire US Martin. FOR SALE, 1S4I Naih four doer eedan ib,i. muior vv.rn.ui! staenilce for S'i1.0.1'. ,l1' m- Iberleln. Phone 2-2428. , IB41 stiPr.R Bulek. Radio and heeler. Phone 4B34, . 1041) rORD V-S PANCL. (quipped with healer. Like new. IIS. Balslger's Car m. .im o. oin, pnone ores. VOUR MOTORINO WORRlXi are' ever J when you drive out In this test Ply. moulh Concord Coupe, Really shark Dimbst Used Care. South Sth and Plum. Phone em, evenings end Sundays 0Q3S. YES I I Wo have a ISM nM, oat dr. teden. A beautiful ear loaded with extras. Trade for this at Dlmbat Used Cars. South sth and Plum. Pnone tlas. evenings and Sunders sen.