I'HH'AV, MAHCil 7, V.)Wl HKKALli AMJ iltrtS. hl-AMA'J ii I1 ALLS. UK.SUOfs PAGE ELEVEN' 7 .- - :y-ica.fc.- i.u i.i. f-n.i HONORED WEDNESDAY NIGHT al a Willard Hotel dinner for their work in remodeling Cily Hull this winter were Jack Dyer (left), plumbing inspector, and Waller Salxhcry (rifihl),-building inspeetor. Mayor Hob Thompson is in the middle, lioth the main floor ami thp second floor of City llall were remodeled, and the business offices moved to the main floor. -'W , Uf iff i c . . . i - .M ff V ' A- FARM BUREAU WEEK brought this group of active Farm Bureau members together at tho Winema hotel Monday. They arc to r) Lloyd Hankins, John Kerns, Jack Wake field, nnd Klamath County Farm Bureau Pres. E. E. Kilpatrick. Wakefield, OFBF field representative nnd manager of the OFBF Insurance Co., was special guest and speaker at the meeting, attended by members from throughout the Basin. The Klamath County Farm Bureau boasts 502 farm families in its membership. . "PlrcM of clay Mrs hiive been ! found In the pnlnce of KuYptlitn Pfiaronh Amenliolop IV thnt were docoratrd with ln!u. flshen, birds and a wafer pattern. SINUS INFECTIONS tR. E. M. MARSHA nmtftttaUf TrnUl ,tH Na. Ilh l'hnt T0f I tilraprartle riitlrin HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUGINI, ORE. MEDFORD ThoroiiKhly Modern Mr. and Mr. J. E Enrley and Joe Enrley Proprietor. t V f CI L i juuuiuun service On Your Worn Priuipmenf llfh ft Walnut Ph. 7709 AWAITS PROOF Mrs. Mary McClelland (right) of San Pablo, Calif., and her husband, Everett, look over a tele photo of Mrs. McClelland when she was 17 and Anastasia Maroncy (loft), sister of Mary Agnes Maroncy who was kid naped from her parents In Chicago when she was two-years-old. Tho trail came to a dead end in California. It was reopened with publication of Anastasia's picture which Mc Clelland noticed to resemble his wife's photo. Mrs. McClel land said she is not getting her hopes up until she is posi tive that she has found her real, parents. ItFort KlamatH :.M Following nn Illness of the pnst .several months, death enme at 12:15 n.ni. on Mondny, Mnr, 3. to Mrs. Edna Norrts Pomeinv. n.ltvnnr.nirf I pioneer resident of the Wood River Valley. After having been a pa- Radiator Repairing Satisfaction guaranteed on repairing, cleaning, and rccoring. See us first! ORVAL SMITH t Our Rodiator Specialist Anderson Auto Service 632 Walnut tient nt St. Vincent's hospital in forunnn lor sonic tunc, on Tiles day, Feb. 26, Mrs. Pomeroy was moved by anibnlancc plane to the community Hospital m her home city of Medfoid. where the end came Ihe following Monday. In 1907, Edna Non is came to Fort Klamath from her birthplace In niynie roira wnn ner parcnus, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Norris, who for mnny years operated a meat mar ket here. For Rome time. Miss Nor ris was the owner and manaser of a confectionery and drugstore prior to her marriage In 1918 to r.ogar i-omeroy, who nomestcaded the property now owned by Carl and Richard Wilson, five miles north of Ft. Klamath on Crater j Lnke Highway 62. on which Wil- nun n uuunm'H are locaien. fomer oy later logged the property, sell ing the timber to the Frank Burns sawmill here, in which he also worked. In 1923. tito Pomeroys moved to Alturas, whom for a number of years he was engaged In the retail lumber business. Subsequently the family located in Mcdford, where they owned and operated a molel and where Pomeroy was also In the real estate business until his death in May of 1949. In addition to a brother, William Norris of Medford, Mrs.' Pomeroy leaves to mourn her passing two daughters, Mrs. Joan Nelson and CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word 4 rhret Days ,..,,.., per word 11c Week run .. per word 20r Month run per word 69c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one d U MX'. BOX NUMBERS Annwcrs to ads may be handled through box numbers al the paper (or a service charge of 2. DLADLINW) Claslfted aue acctptcu up to 6:30 pra for following day s publication C.aviilitd o.ipuy ads accepted up ic 12 noon for following days pun Ilea Hon ADJUSTMENTS Please mdf.v ulj c.dtuu lor adju,t menu witnjut delay Correction! or cancellations rt celved By t:'M p.m will be madt In tolln.n dav'i publication MEETING NOTICES GENERAL NOTICES AMKnlCAN l.rniON Auxiliary Klam ath tnit S, will hnlJ a rumtnasa aale Marrh 7 and I at 710 Plnr. PERSONALS Ir, 40 Willi WISH to rirreponfl wllh lady vrn, who l!li to flih and hunt BoxJilllTiilitlaKi. Calir. MliS. C. (1. Cffiwdar woiildllke""ev5Vy fn to know ah hai mnved trtmx Airt land Hnul to lha Manor Ifntal. Aah. land. OrKnn. Phnna Aithlar.d V'A. JtKAI ".K J7IW. " rHATrx"llaiTlc. Phone irii. .OK nnil(:ESwanaonVBcauly Shop. I'hona 7101. H I ANI.W Tlnme Product!. Than 5ff 10 SERVICES 1 HELP WANTED, MALI VANTKD. two 'XDffrlftnred Plna and fir sradra. Vrar around work. Top pav. i.noo opporilinili . prunfrin.' 'ii' . br Co. Box 9.'IS, Yraka, California. Phono 807. advanV'kmknt ANn fOture PKHMANKNT POSITION Nallonally known company ha opening In Klamath Fall stora for Ralettnan. Man hirer! will alnn he trained for hith er position with our company. Salary, rommliilon. hotpltaliration plan, vara llon pay and retirement plan. Only men vho will work hard for advancement need apply. Contact Bute. Kmployment nrfi'e l-.r aonoinlr.ie .1. 22 Miiln. WANtr.T). driVar" talaiifrian. Apply 1300 R.planade. f)ny-CI.KA"NlNr; route for nale. Oppor" lunlty for ileady employment at good Ray. For full particular! writ Box X. erald and Newi. . STl'IKD MKaTINO OF MANZAMITA CHAPTER No. 172 O KB. will be held Fri day, March 7 at 8 a'clock In the I O.O P. hall. Come to the Curio Shop. Visitors wrlrome. VFHA FRIT.SCH-W.M. jnns t " "k'0"-w.i. regular Meeting of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held Friday. March 7 In the K. C. at. 8 pm. 2 LOSTAND found Host youngmale '8lime.e cat vicin ity Oianarr Boed. Tulelake. Phone Tulelake 7-0.T1I. I-e Dixon. Reward. LOST frmrle German ihepherd dot. IB montha old. Name Ideal. If found phone 4 GENERAL NOTICE what! never heard of leprechauns? A leprechaun Is a little Irish lalry who works like a beaver, strives to better our living, lends a helping hand in need, and be ( slows his good works on many! Mttlc classified ads strive to dc the same Job every simile day and like the traditional lepre chaun If you need anything they strive to produce it If you w.'sh to sell anything, they act as your salesman! So let our little "ad-leprechauns" work for you and Strike It Rich! Phone 8111 to place your Want-Ad. herald & news want ads get results Septic Tank Service TANKS, drain fields installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guarantedd. PHONE 5731 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone i WANTED, full lime Janitor for man or el.e neerikl let u flnrl what vim k' handled by man and wife. Year else needs! Let us una wnat you ound J0D Writl Hlr,ii Newl, Box want or find the person who needs .-, what you don t want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or j TOP aervlce atatlon man wanted. Sal ary to Vlof). Commercial Shell Service. 7V1 South Slxtlv VflKBANS ae 23-3 mint be neat. Ingle, airgrejulve. free lo travel west ern itate and Alaska. Good lalary, transportation br air and auto fur niihed. Apply Room 101 Steveni ffo- tel!2.S p.ni j R A I.EHM A N earning! to atart, Vpprox. 275. per month. Opportunity to ad vanre. Agea 18 to .10. Apply Standard Station!. Inc. 2nd and Main or Eaplan arte and Spring Sta. 17 HELP WANTED Phone 5670 WAN7TD. experienced allk finisher. Muit be grHd. l.39 hr. Call 3-ej02. New Hervlre Laundry. Boseburg. Ore. II SITUATIONS WANTED WXntED, tvpit po!itlon or ty ping in my home, write Herald weww. Box an. HOURLY work. Phone 20214. 21 MISCELLANEOUS 0R HINT For Lease Long Term Service Station, Motel, Restaurant SITE Oood location, Hiiihway 87 at Dia mond Lake Jet. For more Informa tion write Box 617, Chiloquln, Ore, www BEEHIVE TRUCKS U DRIVE Move yourself Save V4 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups stakes Vans ' BEACON MOBIL SERVICE ' 1201 E. Main Phone 83M 30 REAL ESTAfl FOR SALE COMMERCIAL LOT 137'j x 137"j. Improved streets on two sides. Rallroe.l siding, some buildings. Going at 811,500. Small down payment, easy terms at fj-ii interest. JACK GARDNER with Phone 6371 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE I FAMILY .MAN experienced In farm wor, equipment operation, deairea i r- .cent jcb. Write iio ?12. W.n tj j Oregon. COLORED ladv wants homework by I hf-ur. Phone 2-3007. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Phone 98)2 Honest Rates Weights Service ' I WILL care for children In my home 1 oayt or your noma evaninsa liji Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 22 ROOMS FOR RENT f'OR RENT, housekeeping room, block off Main. 317 Pine. ' ROOM, gentleman. 1530 Creacent. EXCAVATING Mooil rihovel and rrencn. Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt - lopsoil Crushed Rork Driveway Cindeu Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Pnoi.e 5541 or 9110 ROOMS. .l. 23 Jefferwn. Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE j.e.'.ns beuer Lines ol Roots. Etc ED r KTVG i434 O'chard Phnne 9841 LKJHT houaekeeplng. Eveothlng fur nlnhed. Suitable aober bachelor or cou- I pie. 109 North Broad. I iTooiTancT board. Men only. 300 North i Ninth. I OUTSIDE ROOMS, ateam heat, io and j S7 per week. Lake Hotel, phone 7S36. ROOMS for rent. Private entrance. Clote In. Phone 4444. itOOMS. price! reasonable Pho: e 4tl:r7 LOVELY rooms for rent SS-S7 a week C.ov In Phone 41M. MOVING? . Call 7425 Local-Long DUtance Piano and appllen"e mo'ing a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" Legal Notice NOTICE Or LANDOWNERS MEETING OP KLAMATH DRAINAGE DISTRICT: Notice ts hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the landowner of the Klamath Drainage Di.trict will b held at the office of the District No 12 Melhase Bid!. Klamath Fall.'. Oregon at 130 p.m. on Saturday Marrh 20. lSSOwhfeh meeUng l! held for the ntiroose of electing on Supervisor to serve for a term of 3 years and for Ihe tranactlnn of such other hulne.s as may come before the meeting. r I. Langslet ecreatry. M 7-14-JI No. anj FIX THAT RADIO Our Business li Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 MRS. PENCE, formerly of Whyuls will do newing at home. Phone 8913. L H . !? .""V .,.:4:U ft.:;i:. UNDECIDED NOW Sit ting on the 47th floor ledge of the Carew Tower in Cin cinnati, Robert M. Jones, 26, sits, undecided, after threatening suicide. Jones sat for two hours as thou sands watched on television and from the street below. His father and a priest fin ally persuaded him to come close to him. Then Fire Lt. Al Morel, of the Life Squad, leaped 10 feet from the 48th to the 47th led$e and pinned Jones to the wall. He was sent to hospi tal for observation. ALTERATIONS All work cuatanteed. Jtnni Hare, Anita, 707 Main. Phone CARPENTER work. Remodeling new conitruction. Phone 2-0617. and LANDSCAPING, spraying, tree pruning call lira &u mi roan nower snap. Franci "Smllhy" Smith-Tree Suneon. Let ut work with you NOW on your landscape neeqs. FRONT room for rent Greer Apart. mentR. 710 Main. BOOMS 1034 High 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, to reliable par.v with no pels. Newly decorated three room apartment. 4',i blocks from Main. 317 North 41 h. apartment. FOR RENT, furnished apartment. Ap ply Apt. 7 Jo Sonja Apta. West Klamath. FOR RENT, small attractive apartment Suitable for tingle perron. Ca equipped Fngidaire. lights, and water furnished 142 So. PiversirJe. URNiSHED apartment, private hath and entrance. Heat furnished. Adults. Phone 2-7770. 1421 Esplanade. FOR PENT, two room furn'xhed apart ment, electric atove and refrigerator. Natural hot water heat. Lincoln Apart-tr-nti. 319 E. Main. UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas pnuipped. Across from the Academy. THREE room furnished apartment with bath. $32.50. Available March S. iQ Main. Upstairs, apartment 6. Pnone f"9. SMALL furnished apartment. Light and water. S30. 1723 Oak. FOR RENT. three room furnished apartment. Centrally located. 121 South 2nd. MILLS Immediate posscision on this very attractive five room home. Con structed in 1941. Large living and dining room. Convenient kitchen, two large elevated bedrooms and bath. Attached garage and laundry room. Do not miss seeing this well planned and attractive home. $9300, terms. OREGON AVENUE Comfortable two bedroom home on large corner lot. Ner electric heat, modern bath, nice kitchen and util ity, full concrete basement with rumpus room. A-l condition inside and out. J7250, terms. MILLS Three bedroom home. Excellent condition throughout. Living and dining room, beautiful kitchen, large utility room, wall to wall car peting. ALSO a neat one bedroom modern home on same lot. Double garage, nicely landscaped. All for Jl 1,500, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. KM) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 3-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 331) U.NFLR-N'ISHFn 1 bedrtcm duplex. .Ca rafe. 143 50. Phone 2-3SB7. rooms, shower 39.30. THREE room furnished apartment near High School. Large rooms, sarga clos ets. Aauiis. rnone B34Z. I.VCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment Phon 2-0231. Harvey B'snriam. ELECTRICAL conlracUng. Work guar anteei, Pho'e ?.'nm SEPTIC TANXS Pumped, concrete tanka and drain fields mitaued. Orvill. Musgrave. phone 3fl7B. Phone PAINTING and 7S17. paperhanging TRIPP'S AUTO palnllng. body and fn der work Phone 4040 ruLLER Brushes. Phone 9804 or 3oT7. J. L DEAN Public Accountant ani Auditor Olllr. al 3M No. 7th. Phon. t3' FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0335 ClUTAINS Uunds.ed Phon. 4914 and Btrateherf 12 IDUCATIONAL several grandchildren, all of Med ford. a stepdaughter, Mrs. Monica (Babe) Cline. of El Portal. Calif.. and a stepson, Reese Pomeroy, at nresent on duty with the Coast Guard In the State of Washington Be.iVIcs these relatives. Mrs. Pom. eroy had a wide circle of friends who are grieved to near or her dentil. At the rentie.it of the deceased. funeral ' services will not be held and flowers win be omitted, Inter ment to be made in th family plot In the Jacksonville cemetery. Mrs. romeroy wrs wen Known here, where she visited quite often with old friends and also attended the annual Wood River Pioneers nnd Old Timers picnic held each August at the Jackson F. Kimball Memorial park. Hrr death creates another vacancy in the fast-thin-nlnu ranks of our loved and re vered pioneers, the passing years taxing ineir inevitaoie ton or these people who are honored and re membered for their early day as socntlons and achievements In pio neering our precious present-dav heritage, the beautiful Wood River DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for positions in the Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not making bet ter than $90 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur itv, you owe it to yourself to wVite for free facti, without obligation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Write Box 43 co Herald & News BOOKKEEPING, shorthand tyolng kin dntd aubjeets. offlr. machines KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE TSS Pin. Phona 4780 13 NEWLY decorated three room fur nished. Clote in. Couple. 155. Utilities rurmsned. pnone 4482 or 3463. TOR REXT. two bedroom duplex apart ment. S3S. 1110 Martin. Phone 3072. FOR RENT, furnished apartment for working girl. Utilities furnished. Use of automatic washer and doer. 31 blocks from 7th and Main. Phone 7243 or call at 426 Tt. 7th after six p.m. CLEAN 3-room apartment. 433 . North icnin NT.W1.V rirriUr. anartmant r.rmr UNFURNISHED, basement aoartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water neat ana water lurnunea. us. Refrig erator and electric rang available. ziz wjin or pnone aio. STEAM HEATED apartment with bed room. 628 Oak St, FURNISHED apartment Apartment 1, 200 Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 9081 White. ONE bedroom unfurnished aDartment Gas equipped. Call 2-0611. NEWLY decorated, private hath, kit chenette. Steam heaL electric ranee S10 week Rex Arms Apartment. FURNISHED three room apartment S.12-30: two room unit 33; all utilities included. 419 N. Tenth. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT THREE room cottage, furnished, com fortably and completely. Immaculately clean. Very homey. Adults. Phone 4336. THREE ROOM partly furnished house for rent 2201 Oak St. TWO ROOM furnished house for rent. Phone SI 77. TWO BEDROOM house for rent Phone 8177. DUPLEX for rent. Phone 3027 before SMALL furnished house. Garage. Lights and water furnished. $25. Phone 3568. UNFURNISHED Sixth. house. 4806 South ONE bedroom furnished house. 2-WWO. FOR RENT, two bedroom unfurnished house. Also small cabins. Inaulre 318 High. HEALTH CONVALESCENTS AGED-INVALIDS 24-Hour Nursing Care, with Regis tered Nurse tn charge. Attention given to Special Diets. Equipped for bed patient. Fully licensed by State of Oregon. Your inspection invited. Courtesy to your family doctor. Private or pension cases, -velcome. The Mitchell Sanatarium Jacksonville, Ore. Phone Jacksonville 651 MASSAGE therapeutic axercises for women. Soot reducing featured. Phone 36S3-UD6. 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE RELIABLE experienced ladv for child cart. Board, room and reasonable wage pnone 2-2fi7T. PERMANENT POSITION Nationally known company has opening In local store for aalejglrl. Wonderful opportunity for right type person. Sal ary, commlulon, vacation with pay. none it mm nation pian ana retirement pian 30 to 40 years of age preferred. Con tact State Employment office lor ao- potntme nt. z-ta Main, WOMAN, general office work. Steady position. Good starting salary. , See Don Mdntyre. Local Loan Co., 113 No. 10th. Evenings by appointment. WANTED, lady who can demonstrate Rotary Ironer. will pay By hour on demonstration. Contact Harvey Mar tin. Phone a-2318. IMAGINE I Within few short hours after you order Herald ft News Classified ad 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or your need. To place an ad, phone sin. TWO bedroom home with office in front. Completely furnished. Extra good lo cation for business. Call 5670. FOR RENT. Modern two-room furnished house. Inquire 3112 Cannon. Phone 9123 after five. UNFURNISHED four room duplex. Ex- WHICH ONE? 9500 Buys two bedroonu, 13 acre. t 5600 Buys four bedrooms acre. $ 5800 Buys three bedrooms, acre. $ 4000 Buys three bedrooms, acre. t 7500 Buys two bedrooms, acre. $ 8200 Buys three bedrooms, fur nished, 'i acre. $20,000 Buys three bedrooms, 10 acre. $18,(00 Buys three bedrooms, 10 , acres. $10,500 Buys four bedroonu, one lot. $10,000 Buys four bedrooms,' one lot. $11,000 Boys two bedrooms, large 2 corner lots. $ 2625 Buys on Layeshore Drive, 14 acre. JO RIAL ISTATI FOR IAII FOR SALE 3 bedroom home In Hot Sprints District, hardwood floors, (hfplisce, full basement, new piped turnup, double garage, lot well landsrnned. Property In good condition. Quirk pofse.'lon. Priced io tell, Reason tble terms. 5 room home wllh dinette, fire. place, Venetian blinds, full base ment, close to city Center, netr grade and high schools. Immediate possession. Price $7950. Terms. Small farm near city on highway, mem ior oniry or mversmed farm ing. Planted to pasture grass, alsllce clover and alfalfa. Oood three bedroom home with elmtrin heat and other b'jildlngs. See Fred Cofer (Bvenlngs 3593) Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Bamhisel Agency 113 S. 8th St. Phone 41M First Time'; Offered You will be happy and comfort able In this neat modern 2 bed room home. Ideal for the small family. On '3 acre good soil In th South Suburbs. Very well construc ted and easy to heat. Newly re decorated Inside and out. Solid concrete foundation. No drainage trouble. Nice yard all fenced. Oa rage. Price Includes electric range and oil heat. $4950. Terms can be arranged. LOTS OF HOUSE For the money. Just look what 55750 will buy you even In these times. 13x15 living room, large separate dining room, light modern kitchen with plenty of built-lns, at tractive light sewing room, large bath room and two nice bedrooms. All this on solid foundation with attached garage. ALSO large ( acre good soil Just 14 block off Shasta Way. House Is in first class snape throughout. $1450 cash and move right in. Assume owners O.T. Loan on the balance. Al Longmlre . , . Eves. 6734 Joe Perry Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Phone 3665 or 3421 FOR SALE $42 per acre per crop season buys a lease on 100 acres good black soil, irrigated. Suitable for barley, clover, or potatoes. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIS COATES. Associate 408 Main Office Ph. 3-3335 Eves. 2-1365 ONE bedroom partly furnished house. Clo.se In. Call 2-0266. HOUSE for rent. Inquire Pifgly Wlxly Phone 5251. FOR RENT, three room house in Mills Addition. Close to bus and aehoou. Phone 8202 after 4 o clock. FOR RENT, three room modern oart- 1y furnished cabin. Electric atovt. See at laja Aaams. FOR RENT, by nieht. day or month. large building next to Little Sweden on South Sixth, for dances, parties, aales, shows. Has electric heat, nice dance floor, stage and piano. Also banquet tames ava lame ana e ent or ten ned- atals for Lodge use. South Sixth Com munity Hall. Phone 3908. FOR RENT. 100 acres, barley, clover and. or potato land at 940 oer acre can. offer good uu March m, write Herald and News, box 40. OFFICE 7181. for rant 623 Main. Phone FOR RENT, floor sandert latest tvA equipment. Suburban Lumbar Co. tltb ana wmnui rnone i row. CAM STORAO ' HEATZrV ttav wMk or month. Ear) Lamb, phona 4673 or 7700. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT GARAGE for rent. Inquire PJggly Wig- giy. t-none ozoi. furnished two acres good soli, chl FOR SALE. 4-room home. chicken houaa. cool er. Near bus. 440V Bar tie tt Ave. 1.8 ACRES IN PASTURE South suburban, fenced and cross fened. Irrigation. Four room modern home with concrete foundation. Garage, barn, chicken house, frost proof houso. One block from bus. Excellent soil. Price only $6350. $1200 down, balance on long terms. NEWHUUaS REAb X8TATE 3OA0 So. Sixth Phone 9832 2-9387 WANTED, for out of state buyer, stock ranch to run 300 to 300 head cattle. Gnmer Jones, Realtor, 111 So. 4th. You'll Be "DONE MOVIN'" when tou buv this spacious S-bed. room home that's , almost right down town I Thats riKhtl 3 bedrooms and all on one floor. New carpeting In liv ing room, hardwood floors In two bedrooms. Bedrooms are very large and have handy, roomy, double closets. You'll enjoy the cleanliness and comfort of hot water heat and nice fireplace to add to your grac ious living. Large porch In rear gives you plenty of room for work or play! See it todayl It's yours for only 111,600. Don Kirkpatrick, Salesman (Evenings Phone 9768) EVERETT DENNIS 131 No. 8th REALTOR Phone M91 HIGHWAY CAFE Oood year around business. Grade A. Includes buildings, stock, fix tures and equipment. Living quar ters, frice isjuo. oood terms. HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SI LAN i FIT FOR A KING' Here b a home anyone would be proud to own. Only 3 blocks to the School Built In 1946. Insulated and storm windows on all- windows. Well built and conveniently ar ranged. Automatic heat, hardwood floor in nice large living room. Separate garage. Dandy yard all fenced. W acre of ground. Close ta stores and bus. Priced for quick sale at S7.5O0. Reasonable ' terms. P.H.A. financing available. DUPLEX FO RSALE Excellent location In MILLS ADDI TION. 3-4 room plastered units both In good shape and on It fully furnished. $120 monthly' 4a come. Full price 112,000. Terms. Al Longmlre . . Eves. 1734 Joe Perry ; Eves. 332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. ' Phone 3665 or 3431 Building Location . . . . i 150' frontage on South Sixth 8t.. by 270 ft. deep, plus 20 ft. alley. Desirable location for any business. price 115,000. Terms. CLOSE IN Two bedroom house on East Main. Lot has 54 ft. frontage. Suitable for conversion to business building with living accommodations. Phon for appointment to see today. Price $7500. Anne Mason . - : . Eves. 671 Eddie Hosley - - -. J-01M BOGUE DALE REALTOR 122 S. 9th. Phone 7366 RIVERSIDE Livlne room, two bedrooms, kitchen, bath, two lota, some furniture, concrete founda tion. $5000. . . REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth 8879 Phone 9196 ACROSS rnoM SHASTA school Clean, attractive two badroom home on lane lot. Irrigated. Garden apot. lawn and berries. Priced to tell with or without furniture. Newhouae Beul Estate. 3090 South aixUt, phone (K12 or 374. 74 ACRKS. irritated. Good" bulldlne. on paved road, S-room modern home. suitable for ootatoea or train, woven wire fenced. By owner. Box 49, Herald and News. ; SUBURBS 'A acre, three bed rooms, living room,' kitchenette, bath.. Continuous foundation, gar den spot and berries. $5600.-. 13 acre, two bedrooms, - living room, kitchen, bath, double garage. $6960. :', CITY One bedroom, foundation. Clean. Nicely located. $4000. MILLS Two bedroom, large ga rage. Was $7600. Last week was $7000. NOW further reduced for quick sale. y t ' - v . :!r;-."5 See us for farms, ranches and acreages. We have some good one. VERNON DURANT Ph. 7923 HERB SCHMIDT Ph. 9879 ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone tIM Eve 5D44