.TIIUIISDAY. MAHCII (I, )r,2 i i 1 - HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE M vMV' : 7'' rAi:a A wi-vo . ft. r I. a 'I. , 1, Danish Sandwiches Serve Danish Sandwiches For Laie Supper Party f'lnvorlul combination of (lull Infill or clirc.'iO with crlap, raw aandwlrlir are prrfrrt pnrly lure lor Into evening Mi)irr entertain 1IIK. More "foriiiiil" thun our sancl McIim, the DnnlMi vrnloiui lire "oprn-liK-o niul eaten Willi n lork rullirr thiitt jilrkrri up. Anv tasty, tull-lliivnrrri locxln are atlaplublc lor tlin filllntf combination but tliey ii itint br nriiuigrd Willi un arllftt'a ryn lor color awl allruc tlveiie.-a 111 well nil (In vor. Any kind of bread tuny be unml, eltbrr plain or llithtly tonMed. TIip Miwlwtthra hliould be inudo Jui bi-loio nrrvlnn mnro Hip bread Miotild never bit kikhv. While, rye, I whole wheat or pumpernickel curt up trip dii-p tor mien linings a avocado, ahrlmp mid tomato; ar dinp or liprrliiK and cucumber: a laiiil and cole (ilew; or tongue chrpsp and pickle. Serve variety of flllliiKu for Kueala to muke their cbnlie or make them nil the tame. Whatever Ihe aandwlchea, though. Din hrvcraun nerved In alway.i xpaikllnK cold beer. Smooth and lluht, bi er adds a ininrl continent al much to late upper refresh nieuui, especially If poured Into hollow ulcmmed goblet or tall pll bpiu'r Rlasfipn. More like auner-atM canapes than our UMial landwlchex, Danlah nndwlch variation! are only (3 limited an one'a Imagination! Quips Fromlhe Capitol Say Firsi Lady Blooms II y JAM-: KAIW WASHINGTON Mrs. Ilmry 8. Truman a e e 111 1 ynuiiRer looklliit, gayer, more relaxed than we enn lemenilH-r. Friends Bay moydo the 1'realdeiit has told her he won't be a candldalp In the 1D52 election. The Kind. i.udy has never finite relished tile role of iiilftre-.s of the While lions, and It's a well-known f.ict she would prefer Hie on Mnlu htreei, Iii'lro'iulem-e, Mo Never Ihelru, alio lias handle .1 her exact ing rcipomibllitiPft admirably and mads many friends. Tno-.j who know her well say i.he hasn't changed a bit atr.ee ahe Hrs. cam: In Washlnvioii iia a ..cnutoi'a wife, 18 yearn nc. Cllamnroua, tltlan-halrrd Myrna 1 .y, formvr Hollywood tuivie aiar, anil recent br-t.e of llouland 11. Brijeanl, nc.v Ala'.niil Sej.Tlary i.f Stale to- Pub'le A!fal'.. shops l.r chops ami carrot, cvon as y.u i( I. Khop keepers In Washington'!, avuitk OeircctowM arei who are 1:1 el' to reeiiiff wives of blii-wlfs biirBiiln for their "vlttle.s" acarce ,f Iv take necond look aj ahe ankles The Briir.ii'.4, who hay1 living In the small furnished "bar1 of 1 h'.iifi. Miaa toy reined v-len she rume to thp IV'pltal a c i ples of eu.-.i a: 0, are now shop, around for r lnrijcr 1es1der.ee A man .ibout 'own wc heard to remark recep'.ly rl one of the Cnpltal'a teeming cocktail parlies "11ns K jus-, like a bucket cf worms. , 1 Tlie Kcuajorian Ambeasador. An tonio Pro ihcni.-.a. and his attra: tive Americaii-fcorn wile iro amour. Uie Capiul'r. moie engairiiist hosts The handsome diplomat Is a tal ented pianist. He olten entertains his gue.stx with selections played on the embassy'a beautiful white concert grand- piano. Hl pretty daughter, Argenta, who" graduates this spring from George Washing ton University here, accompanies him on the guitar. Senor I'enaherrera and his wife are planning to return to Ecuador aoon. Argenta and her brother. Ra nvlro, also In school here will re main until their terms end. The anibuAMiclor began his diplomatic career as an attache at the Ecua dorian embassy In Washington. Alt er aeveriiL otner assignments he returned to Washington as am Das aador in 1051. Home Extension News II LV Members of the My Home Ex tension Unit met Kcbruury 14 nt the home of Mrs. lilmer McUlnnls to study step-saving kitchens. The aubject was covered by Dorothy Tollelh. Klamath County Leader who demonstrated her talk will) Illustrations. Some members used plans of their own kitchens for dis cussions. Following lunch, Mrs. Wynn Bates, president held a t.hort busi ness meeting when It was decided that members planing to do more textile painting would meet with Mrs. Elmer McOlnnls and Mis. William Hatll lor further Instruc tions, Purso making will be presented as the project for the Mnrch meet ing at Hie home of Mrs, William II11UI, March 13. OTI . 6TI Home Extension Unit met February 21 si tho home of Mrs. ltlchard Hesslg, Kliitnnth Falls. To clemonstrale the life of herbs In cooking. Mrs. Oene Woods nntl Mrs Mark Taylor prepared n tasty luncheon featuring meat balls, string beans, cabbngc xnlnd and Krenrh brend. Mrs. Hesslg pre pared dessert and coffee. During Ihe regular business Ex-POW's Still Have Filing Time SALEM ' Ex-i-orvlcemen who were held prisoner by the enemy in World War II hi-vc until March 31 to apply lor their benefits under the Federal War Claims Act, Gov. Douglas McKay said Wednesday. He said application forms can be obtained from the State Veterans ! Department, veterans organu.a 1 uons, Ked Cross, or county vet- iinns service officers. sri.iT SAI.EM LP Sen. Wayne Morse of Oreuon said Tuesday that at tempts to place his name on the stale Republican presidential oai lot were "devised to split the El senhower vote." Morse Is a long-time supporter of Elsenhower for the Republican nomination The Oregon senator said he had filed for delegate to the Republican natlonnl convention. When electrloal appliances are to be washed, unplug all cords and turn switches to "off" before actu al scrubbing. meeting plans were made for the Spring Homemakers' Festival, May B. Tlie third textile painting work shop was held at the home of Mrs. Winston Purvlnc. Eleven members and friends attended. Mrs. Hesslg will again be hostess to. the unit nt the next meeting to ue ncm Mnrcn zu. stasia YOUR FOOD BUDGELwith PORTER'S FRIL-LETS1 flA COOKING ALSO TRY5paghlll, Solodallot, ' Macaroni, Sea Shtlll and Kurle-Q-NoedUl... , H5tll SCMUI MACAWNI CO, fpltlANO. CH30N Make These Desserts Keep In Deep Freezer -wnen pressed or lime, servo these dainty emergency desserts delicate In flavor iiinoolh In tex ture this Is a pcrlrct climax to a hearty meul. .Oct your CHrl Scout cookies from any Olil Scout. WOVEN MvMO.N JOIITE Injrfrtlf ills ,-:4 cup Ctrl Seoul Cookie., crushed 3 egg yolks, well beaten . U cup lemon Juice Orated rind of 1 lemon teaspoon salt ',i cup sugar 3 egg whiles, beaten stiff j cup evaporated milk, chilled Line, greased refrigerator tray or pita of eiiual i.M with half the cookie crumbs. Combine egg yolks, lemon Juice, rind, salt and sugar; cook In double boiler until thick. Cool. Whip the chilled milk and add, Willi the beaten egg whites, 10 the lemon mixture, pour over the cookie crumbs and cover with remaining crumbs. Package and Ireese. To serve: Remove from freezer and aervc In llngcr-wldlh slices or in squares. CI his can be stored one month In Jrcczcri ICE CREAM PIE Ingredient! 3 cups Olrl Scout Cookies, crushed 't cup sugar ' cup butter 1 tablespoon water 1 quart vanilla Ice crcum 1 package frozen strawberries tor other frozen Irulti , Roll cookies very line, stir In sugar and gradually add to soft ened butter, mixing thoroughly. Stir In water. Form shell by press ing mixture over botiom and sides Unemployment. In Oregon Gaining 8ALEM, M Oregon has 40.187 unemployed persons, or S.00O more ployment Service ald Wednesday. However. 10.000 workers re. turned to iheir Jobs In February. Pnvmenln In IaHIab urncUMw li month touted $2.57f,602, which was MiKimy oeirw ine jnuuarv tola, but one million dollars more than a jeur ago. STORM WARNING SEATTLE 1 The Weather Bu reau ordered smallcraft warnings raised at S a.m. Wednesday from Tatoosh, Wash., to Cape Blanco. Ore., and through the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The forecast: South to southeast winds, 25 to 35 miles an hour, shifting westerly Wednesday after noon, and diminishing gradually Wednesday night and Thursday. An aid to keeping freshly sham pooed hair as clean as possible be tween washings is to tuck cotton down into the bristles of your hair brush. of D-lnch pie pan. Mound the Ice crcum In plo, shell. Allow berries o thaw only enough to separate in chunks and arrange berries around edge of shell and In center of pic. (This will keep In freezer for two months) LEMON IUH)t E 1 packsgo lemon flavored gela tin I'll cups boiling water ij teaspoon salt Orated peel and Juice of one large lemon 4 cup sugar 1 lull can evaporated milk, chilled until Icy 1 can (No. 1 flat) crushed pineapple, well-drained 1 package (4 oz.i inarshmal lows, cut In half j to 1 cup maraschino cher ries, cut In half 2'. cups Clrl Scout Cookies, rolled Into crumbs. Dissolve vclatin In boiling wa ter, add salt, lemon peel and Juice and sugar. Chill until syrupy. Beat chilllcd evaporated milk until still. Whip gelatin In electric mixer at high ipeed until double In bulk. Fold whipped milk Into gelatin along with drained pineapple, marshmallows, and cherries. Line the bottom of a 8 Inch deep spring form nan with half of the crumbs. pour In mixture, and top with the remaining crumbs. Chill until firm. Turn out and cut In wedges to serve. Figure on using 3 table- snoons lemon Juice to give the de sired tartness. Serves 14 to 18. Bran Nut Bread Wonderful or lunch box or party sandwiches 1 n 1 nip Kalleag's AU-MAN Vi cvp wger 2 cups tlfltd Hour I cup nllt hp. kaklni ppwdtr 7 rbip. iMlltd 1 Hp. salt ihorttnlnt Vt nip cfwppad fwtmtatf Beat ecg and sugar until light Add milk, shortening, all-bsam. sift flour with baking powder and salt: com bine with nutmeau; add to first mix ture, stirring only until combined. Bake Is greased loaf pan. with waxed paper on bottom, la moderate oven (350'P.) about 1 hour. Yield: 1 loaf 9'4 xs'4-ln.pan). Delicious with fillings of cream cheese and chopped ginger, chopped ham or egg, smoky cheese, peanut ouiier. Prices effectivt FRIDAY SATURDAY We, Reserve the Right To Limit! ' .tvwnrtf'oiiT'Kic " we vb none irzna mt A lUTAVw,, , 31 asr row ysmms : III: I II Free delivery on meat and I II grocery orders totaling $3 I Ji or more. Deliveries ot 10:30 I II I T - Ij ono z:jw. 1 , r ; (CABBAGE ""TtjJ my$$' I ORANGES ""as; 35c( L, ,.,. . - tat 1 1 Avocatlos "l-Wcl iaaalalaf flk 1 Catsup .-H 229 lln)irAfQ)(c r . i if- nil i r air-.. JIUHlI I . 1 ax. ii nH jnnrri cheese Del Rogue 2'vTins Foncy. Helves 33 STAIN J PASTEV t ji 'ut uiimm,i ,.; i jK;:.;Vvii.wKJt;,: v.(:,j.f i , Here's the kind of dog food I m for I 20 YEARS! 9 out of IO kennefmen -feed a dry-type -food like FRISKIES! A complete food-all your aog is Known to need l Doga love Its "meaty" smell and flavor! Saves you money no need for expensive "extras" I A FRISKY DOO IS A HEALTHY DOO- KEEP YOUR DOO FRISKY WITH FRISKIES! Alllll MIHIN9 COMMNT A DIVISION OF CARNATION COMPANY . FRISXIIS CUBIS ..crunchy( bite-slit moneti in the aunt firaout formulit Nothini to add boi veo waterl Fishers""Whit H Spear" Pastry LA 5-lb. BAGnA 2-yaa Wiseonsii Crackers Sunshine Crispies 2-lb. pkg. 37' DURKEE'S Sandwich Spread "35c BLUEBELL POTATO CHIPS Reg. 25c Size 23 coupon wfrswiS FWM OF THIS NEWSPAPER Schillings COFFEE Serving hot Schillings Coffee and Albert Flapjacks with syrup all day Saturday ' . b. 85c Carnation MILK T" 1n 2 . 29c Alber's Flapjack Hour.- 37c Cereal Tray POST "TENS" 29c Puss 'n Boots No. 1 Tins Dog & Cat Food 2 r 27c "Forty Time" Alaska Pink SALMON Hon. 45c "King Oscar" Norwegian SARDINES ..29c Del Rogue Tomato JUICE i. 25c Bagley Blue Label, Choice TOMATOES r, 19c Pictsweet, Whole Kernel CORN 2" 29c Party Time, Tree Ripened APRICOTS 28c GSJ333 Urns Ttnetfiitd Ortt Chief 10-14 lb. Averaft SLICED BACON Merrell't I 1 h.. Ail cvc Staled .kt. Lhfj J) lb. FRYING RABBITS Freih Killed PORK ROASTS Shoulder ar Uia nd PORK E Ec STEAKS - S)3L- PURE 7 LARD 2lbsv Jt"'-