THURSDAY, MARCH 0, 1M2 PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Freshen Up Meals Wiih Cottage Cheese Dishes tort shells. Bnko In hot oven, 460 degrees F lor 10 nihuiles; re duce lieat to 325 decrees F., mid bake until golden brown and a clean knile inserted In the center conies out clean, about 30 minutes. Remove from oven: Cool. Serve plain or lopped with whipped cream Are your winter menus beginning to teem dull and rcpliiiicu:? What you need Is a touch ot spring to ncshen up winter-dull appetites. Creamy cottage cheese salads com bined with cither vegetables or . trulls will give your winter meals the lift thev need. Cottage cheese Is always in season and it is a j and a little red currant jell)', particularly gooa ouy ngm now. Cottage cheese is a nutritious food good for young folks, adults and old people alike. It supplies plenty of hearty satisfying protein with each serving. In fnct as much as a serving of meat. Tills makes a cottage cheese salad an ideal luncheon dish for the busy home maker. No preparation needed as it Is ready to serve right from it s container. To a mound of cottage cheese add a half cup of canned or fresh sliced fruit, a crisp lettuce leaf and your favorite salad dress ing. Serve with a roll or butter or bread and butter and a glass of milk. An excellent, light but satis fying lunch that will see you through the day without that late afternoon tired, hungry feeling. Cottage cheese need not be lim ited to use in salads- It is the basic ingredient in many luscious pies, cookie, custards, and of course, cheesecake, too. Main dishes can be hearty and satisfy ing when made with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese desserts come light, medium and creamy rich, depending on your tastes. These cottage cheese recipes will give your winter meats a aeugnt ful lift in flavor, yet go easy on the food budget. Tuna and Cottage Cheese Casserole 1 7 os. can tuna 3 eggs, beaten 2 cups cottage cheese Salt and pepper 'i cup celery, finely sliced 1 tablespoon grated onion 1 tbsp. Worchestershire sauce 'i cup dry bread crumbs. 2 Tbsp. melted butter Mix- tuna, cottage cheese, season ings and l4 cup bread crumbs into eggs. Turn Into greased casserole and top with remaining buttered bread crumbs. Bake 35 nun. 375 degrees. Coventry Tarts 'i lb. cottage cheese 'i cup honey i cup butter, melted 2 egg yolks,, slightly beaten i tsp. salt- ' tsp. cinnamon 4 t.sp. nutmeg 1 Tbsp. grated orange rind 1 Tbsp. orange juice Pastry Line 8 large or 12 small Individ ual tart pans with pastry. Com bine all of the Ingredients, stirring until throughly blended. Four into fabrics. Fabric Sheds Spots-Stains Read Labels A fabric that sheds spots and stains! Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? Many fabulous claims have been made about fabrics that are treat ed with a finish to make them stain and spot resistant. One claim states that such finishes will re sult In a saving of "one billion dollars a year in drycleanlng bills" for Mr. and Mrs. Q. Public. To show' the absurditv of such claims, the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CLEANING AND DYEING points out that the total volume ol all 28.000 cleaning establishments in the country is one billion dol lars. Fabrics treated with stain resistant finishes become soiled with wear and use as do other clothing and household items. Thev will require cleaning to keep them In a wearable condition. Tne stain resistant finishes are not new. They are the same water repellent finishes we have been buying for years. The change has been one of emphasis . . . fmm water repellency to stain resist ance. We suggest that when you pur chase a fabric that Is treated with a stain-resistant finish, check the claims. Keep in mind that fabric treated with these finishes make the fabric resistant to water and non-oily type stains only. They do not resist stains that are carried In an oil base, such as salad oils, hair oils, cosmetics: stains that are carried in an alcohol base such as cocktails or perfume; nor the emulsion type stains such as cream or salad dressings. The type of stains to which these finishes are resistant include those that have a water base such as soft drinks, tea, coffee. Labels that read. "Dryclean only in solutions not containing soaps, detergents or rec'aimed solvents" are not realistic. The use of a dry cleaning soap or a detergent is nec essary to remove dirt and soil from to the Wi-ne-ma Coffee SHOP Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Plus Plain "Old Fashioned'. 'Hospitality FREE SHOW! THURSDAY, MARCH 13th Doers Open 10 A.M. Show Starts 10:15 A.M. If THEY WERE tO LOVE... beyond all time and space! A U beyond all m W Kl i5 I ATUirrU KVDflH . !, nillli.Lil VIIIUiriM'bmtrMM T SOL C. SIEGEL-TROY BAKER Ranald ibcinuuu ttrOSl PELICAN THEATER Free For . "Better Living Club" Members And Their Children and Husbands SPONSORED BY THE OREGON FOOD STORES and THE KLAMATH THEATERS Free Gifts Broadcast From The Stage Listen "Better Living" KFLW 1:15 Mon.-Frl. Keep your Lenten meals alive with appetite appeal! Fill the plates with thrilling and filling foods! It's easy when you shop at EMIL'S because we have a vast variety of delicious, nutritious foods for a feast on fast days. And you'll eat better for less money because we make every price a low price every day. For proof check these big values . . . then fill your pantry with all the family's favorites for grand-tasting Lenten meals. v3 m ln..-.r shoulder cuts PORK ROASTS 1 FLOUR OYSTERS C Drifted Snow 10-lb. bog wA-vole PINK Frying lis. SLICED BACON . Dot Monte or Morrell'i TURKEYS Fresh frosted, small hem. Oven ready SAUSAGE Pure pork, country ityle I HAMS Whole or half, tendcriied. Skin and surplus for removed II CHEDDAR CHEESE 1 Crater Lake, aged lb. 5?c I I PORK CHOPS I gS Leon, light loin cuts lb. 55c ftp HONOR BRAND RASPBERRIES ft 12-oz. pkg W C PEACHES OQm 12-oz. pkg 37 C CUT CORN 11 12-oz. pkg Z I C SPINACH m 14-oz. pkg Z I C GREEN PEAS 4)1 12-6z. pkg Z C FRENCH FRIED POTATOES J1-12-oz. pkg Z I C COUPON W FROM 1 15 lb. I PAGE OF THIS NEWSPAPER SUNSHINE Krispy Crackers OQ 2-lb. Box j7 Hi Ho Crackers lib. Box - JUMBO JELLIES Mb. Bag COCO GEMS 1 -lb. Bag FIG BARS WHOLE WHEAT and , VANILLA, 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps 28-oz. Barrel Peanut Butter Planters. 15-oz. jar WHITE KING S0AP 59c Giant Pkg. J W Dish Towels Extra Large JCQ 2 in pkg. 07C Free Parking While Shopping at EMIL'S! R M mm i 0 Pronco-Amoricon 15Va o. Tin SAW COFFEE 83c '0-oz. T; 55c WESSON ... 39c Cauliflower Snow White lb. OIL lB7?c Brocolli Fresh and tender Apples Newtown, for sauces, pies lb. LARGE ASPARAGUS ib. 35c SWIFTNING SHORTENING LB TIN 1 yf I Rioht I W "erved to I I Limif j ieSSH I Quantities Li HUNT'S I Catsup I X 14-oz. Bot. U l5j W Mb ibi. M asm I Oranges AOc jig Sno-Boy, Sun fc'tt 4-lb. bag J j Celery Qc 1 Sj Fresh, crisp lb. Cj If am m FISHER m Biskit Mix I PTOFFKJ A4oxwcl"7ioo 3 . AssortcV M m Chocolate W BEANS I M Standby fancy cut : No. 2 Tin ' I