TIIUilSDAY, MAftCII 0, 1032 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON &&yTiy 7 HAPPY PEOPLE in a happy show . . It's the Malin Marin er's Club presentation of "Showboat" to be staged here at Mills auditorium Friday, 8 p.m. Above are two of the prin cipals, Barbara Cornell and Jerry Falcs, both of Malin. The musical comedy has a cast of 55 and has played to two turn-away audiences at Malin. Co-sponsoring the offering here is the Kinmalh Falls Lions Club. All tickets arc gen oral admission and may be obtained cither at the door or from Lions or Mariners. " ' t, Tax Revision Plan Goes By Boards WASHINGTON OB The Senate Expenditures Committee Wednes clay disapproved President Tru- nin' plan to reorganize the In urnal rtpvrnus Bureau, Tin vote was 7 to 5. The resolution of disapproval now goes lo the Senate door where the filial decision will rest. Majority Leader McFarland D- Arlr .i has haul It will be taken up there next Tuesday. The committee, which has held i lour weeks ol hearings on the plan, ' aicilwiI It behind cloud doors Ir nn hour before voting. .Only Tuesday President Truman made a new and urgent pita lor rail oval. -. ,la ,..;.! 4 The vole we takefr on a reaoW Hon ol disapproval introduced by Mm. ueorae (U-ub.,1 end. Ml III kin i H -Colo, Supporting Die resolution Were two Oeniocrata. Sens. McClellan Arlt. 1. chairman of the committee, ami Hoey inc.). and rive Repub licans, Bens. McCarthy IWU.I, Mundt (S.-D. Schoeppel (Kan.), Dworahak (Idaho), and Nixon (.Calif.). Opposing It Were four Democrat. Reus. O'Conor (Md.i. Humphrey (Minn.), Monroney (Okla.i and Moody (Mich. I, and one Fiepubll can llie Senate'naenly woman mem- ner. Mrs. Margaret Char.e Smith Of Maine. The- House already has approved the plan. The Senate must act by March H or the reorganliatlon automatically takes effect on that da'e. The key provision of the plan wouia auniisn tne Jobs or the poli tically-appointed collectors of In ternal revenue. Regional officials under Civil Service would be substituted. Seven collectors have been ousted In the wake of recent lnvesllga lions of tax Irregularities. Truce Talks Stumble Again As Reds Insist On Russia As Major Inspection Team to the Reds an English language translation of agreed upon sections of a truce supervision plan. The Communists said they would deliver Chinese and Korean ver sions Friday. Da r row said 10 or 11 paragraphs or sub-paragraphs still arc under discussion. Negro Stays In New Home By KOHHHT H, Tt'CKMAN MUNHAN. Koreu I 'file dead locked Korean truce talks bogged down even lurther Thursday a Coiiiinuiilr.l negotiators Insisted Unit neutral teams Including Rus sians bo permitted Ui Inspect se cret equipment during an armi stice. Staff officers working on truce supervision wrangled fruitlessly for more than an hour, but the prison er exchange subcommittee called It a- day after only 12 minutes. NegotlBtdra agreed there was no point In rehashing old arguments. The deadlock has become so se rious ooscrvcrs nere saio incy uc- AN PABI0 Callf. w ,rr0 .v ...c mv .,,.,. contractor Wilbur Gary's family could enu tne siaiemaie. WM established Thursday In their u.n. negotiators necnnco ro new home In a previously all-white speculate on how Uie deadlock district, undismayed by taunting, might be broken. Jtone throwlntr neighbors. Borne sources said the situation The 42-year old war veteran, his presumably is ncing aiuuiea care- wile ana seven cnimren ignor i a Inlly In Washington, and possibly hostile crowd of 160 that gathered Moscow ana peiping. around his $8,700 home. Jeered and vice Anm. c. miner joy, cniei i threw stones Wednesday night. U.N. negotiator, was In Tokyo : Borne 60 persons friendly to Oary Wednesday, apparently for confer- so assembled on his lawn. They ences wllh (Jen. Matthew B. Rldg- faced Ihc crowd protesting his mov way. Ing Into Rolllngwood Tract, Just There was no hint that a shift In south of San Pablo and 15 miles the Allied position was In the off- across the bay from San Fran Ing. i clsco. Col. Don O. Darrow told news- Leading the friendly group was men the Communist demand for Ihe Rev. Fred H. Busher, pastor Inspection of secret equipment of a Richmond Methodist church, might be "Just another needling He planted an American flag on device." But he added: the road In front of Gary's home "11 they could get Russian teams and began r citing the Declaration down to look at our equipment, of Independence, that would be highly desirable He was Immediately Interrupted Irom their point of view." by Jeers, catcalls and boos. The Allied proposal provides that The fuss outside his home did neutral teams should make tnspec- not appear to upset Oary, a vice tlons lo "properly Insure" that commander In an Oakland Amerl ncllher side Is Introducing new can Legion post, equipment during a truce. i "We don't scare easily. I'm go- However, the proposal specifies i Ing to stay," he said. that the teams would not be al- Earlier he had rejected an offer No Beating Says Jury JACKSON Miss. Ifi A white Jury took only 45 minutes to r.turn a verdict ol innocent in tne civil rights trial of five Mississippi law officers accused of beating a hand cuffed Negro prisoner. Former Sheriff Robert E, Lee, 39, and four deputies were acquit ted on all counts at the end of a two-day trial Wednesday. The trial was highlighted by con flicting versions of the whipping given by Lee and the Negro-25-j ear-old Murry (Sunshine) Gray, an 8th Army truck driver flown here from Korea to testify. Lee said he whipped Gray with a "slap allck" a leather strip about a foot long with a handle when Gray tried to escape, tee denl'd that any of the deputies took part In the whipping. Gray testified he was forced to remove his clothes, was handcuffed to a pine tree, and was flogged to make him confess a burglary. Deputy Frank Smith, another defendant, gave testimony similar to that of Lee. The defendants were acquitted of charges of beating the Negro and of conspiring' to violate his civil rights. In addition to Lee and Smith, the defendants w:re J. J. Mont fourt, Nolen Wall and Andy Jones. Frank Sinatra was born In Ho boken, N.J., in IBIS. IMPROVING SALEM i.T) The condition of former Gov. and ex-Congressman Walter M. Pierce. 90. was reported improved Wednesday for Ihe first lime since, he entered the hospital three weeks ago. j I lowed lo check "secret designs or characteristics of any combat air craft, armored vehicles, weapons or ammunition." The Reds said the U.N. was merely trying to block a thorough Inspection. from the Rolllngwood Improvement Association to buy him out for a 1,200 profit. For used typewriters and addinc machines .... Volenti Pioneer Office Supply, 629 Main. YOU ARE INVITED TO THE . ANNUAL GOLD & GREEN BALL Friday-March 7 -9:00 p.m. Dance to Delightful Music ' AT L.D.S RECREATION HALL HOME and MARTIN Admission by Budget Card or $1 .50 Per Couple Semi-Formal. What Wonderful Eating for Lent! Hero's real, old-fashioned, fresh Cottage Cheese flavor ! Lots of pure, fresh cream added to make it the fluffiest, creamiest Cottage Cheese you ever tasted ! Make your Lenten menu-making; easy with these four wonderful varieties of Borden's Cottage Cheese: Creaai Style, . Country Style, Cottage Cheese with Chives, Cottage Cheese Fruit Salad. CRAfJD llLff2J0DS,j5 OT 70 BE COODI' Pulp Factory Work Dropped l SAN FRANCISCO HI Crown ' 'Zell'rbnch Corp. announced defer jiiri.t of lis plana for a (10,700.000 jc-xpamlnn of Us Kraft pulp faclll Jlles, Wednesday, for various res am. Including Iho shortage of building materlnls. j The company hns relinquished a fcerllflcate of necessity for the ex jMjmlon oblalned from the Nation al rroriiictinn Administration. Inlluenrlng Its decision, the com Kpnny said, was the substantial In Vrnise In Kraft pulp production Willi Ics In the United States and JCanadii. started or contemplated ' Ince It filed Its application with VII'A. A part of the funds borrowed for anc .xpanslon nave been used for iiormal replacements and Improve incuts, the. company said, and the remainder is being retained for Inline construction project. The corporation reported Tucs- tiny that consolidated net Income Jtor the nine, months ended Jan. 31 vas 117.0(17,473 or $5,711 a share, compared wllh $17,700,022 or $5.71 i share In tho corresponding pe llod Inst year. J ' Amerlrnn . nnd Canadian taxes lotnlcd $2(1,707.083. or $0.21 a share, representing GO per cent of eariv dngs before taxes. Sales tnlnled $185,341,502, up 13 Jicr cent from the 1061 period. Pro line! ion of paper and pulp was up 6 0er cent. - LOOK THE WAY YOU LIKE TO LOOK IN A WEATHERVANE SUIT TAILORED BY HANDJ11ACHER Our new Weathervonej are full of surprises. Like nubby textures. And dressmaker styles. All in that remarkable acetate fabric that Celanese weaves for Handmacher with a criipness that lasts forever . . . all dipped in the sunshine colors of Spring. Weothcrvanes . . . the most suit you can get for the money. Soy Charged In Slaying Of Girl 5 8M1THTOWN, N. Y. Is1! A 13 jreitr old boy was held in Jail wnursany nccuRcu ol Killing a pret- !y classmato when she resisted his (Ivnnces as. they walked together Harold Lorenlaon, an honor stud lit, tyns charged with first degree mii'der Wednesday night. Suffolk CnwlV DIM... Ally. Uiisbv Henry said the boy admitted lii J signed statement that he .killed Jn-ycar old I.ydo Kltchner, who had I, next lo htm in a seventh grade (fclBNS. ',. ' f TAX ASKED. . V-.V.. P "PORTLAND lifl voters Of To-S-do will be asked to approve March 21 n $128,000 bond Issue to finance a sewngo disposal svstem. That was the report Wednesday of the Slulo Sanitary Authority, Tho Btalo Board of Health ban ned tho sale of oysters from Toledo pay recently because) of pollution lrom Hi,; city's sewer outlets. .,A'ii .... 2S00 (&w-;v9q : ' :, W , iv. : , . T' .-11 ' r;" A'. '' ':: y " yl . r .,. Ai I .v-: - fA FREE EASY .PARKING . lyj ' , ' " j , ' , k' . . ; , J