THURSDAY, MARCH 0, ll)r.2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ITVE T 'nil r r i i i t Party Tho Family Circle of llin Plrxt Covenant Churcli will lecl or Hi" annual birthday par ly 8 p.m. Friday. All nro Invited, ly'iul ll. Hlnim, pastor. Crabfcril - Tim Pllola Club mom bfi'n and Kui'lH will inert lor mi intmul cralilni'd March 10 at Hie club. Itcanrvallona inunt be made dirt pnld lor boluro March 8. Call 141)0 or DM7. (icHid fund Ilia annual rtcbekah ihri Oddlollowa chicken supper In planned liir March ID In llio Bo IiIkIi kcIiooI. HnrvlHK will atari nt II p.m. and oonllnuu until IiKid In Konit. Adults, fl.M, chil dren ul'J, 75. llrlp Nrnlrd Coaches nro need td lor the coiiiIiik round ol worn run notlball gamea. HpoiiMirs are plentiful but coaches are scarce m heni Iccth, If Inlfrrnlcd call Ulaiicho t'ctruff at Blub. Now Position Mra. llle (Maud) Wrliiht, lormcrlv of Mill er's l now wllh Marvin's In the ready-to-wear. " rlleni fll Dance The Stewart Lcn pox .Fire Hellra will iiponHor a Tlanco Halurdav nllit at the Fair , haven icym. Danclim 0 I) '", to Committees Aid Bill Kill .' WASHINGTON Wl Members ol the tjenaln Armed Brrvlccs com .litre wero reported to have niireed Thuraday to delay any at tempt at Heiiale paasaiio ol a Uni versal Military Traliiliw bill unlcsa llouao leaden ieg a chance lor reviving It there. The House ncnt Ha UMT bill back In the Armed Services Committee Tuesday bv ft ZJ-ioi vine. ,.. move normally kills leglalnllon lor a aennlon ol ConrCN. ., Chairman Ruasell O.Oa.. . called the Senate coininlllei! Into J . closed-door alralei:v . nme senators limed that the Ben ale Ignore the HoiM aelbat k and ";pwh ahead on the Benato bill. Other committeemen told ft re porter lb" Senate committee de cided against auch ft move at th" " t me because they thought It would ' bo lullW unions "ouse leader sc "'ft chance to reveree Uie House a 'decision. Truman Sends nominations V WASHINGTON W - P"1""1 V Truman formally nominated Urn, T ... mi ....I.-..,, Tl.iirvlnV lor . L 14 monllui term aa chid of .,rr nf Hie Air Force. H ent Vandcnbcru's nomination U' the Benilie algug With j Oen. Curtis K. IMay, head ol She Strategic Air Command, to bo tice chief of alull ol the Air Force. Oen. Nathan F. Twlnlnit. now vice chief, to be commanding Rtn nt the stratesic Air Command. C Vandenberg will complete ft .four F year term bb air chlel on April 30. The While House announced Sat- Jnrday that he would bi given the new bob-tailed appointment. ' - Prenldentlal Hccreuiry J o e V " Z explained that Vandenberg will 5 complete 30 yeara aervlce on Jun- 5 30. IBM. and the President did not want him to take ft subordinate ll command beloro he reaches hla C retirement dat?- 5 The new term runs until June 30, 1053. ! Ellsworth To Seek Office ' 2 8ALF.M M CongrcMinan Har- 2 rl.i Ellaworth. Hoseburg Republican i, who represents Southwest Oregon'a n lourth district, filed lor reelection 5 'I'hursday. 3 with the deadline lor llllng In J the May 18 primary set at 6 p.m. 2 Friday, the rush of candidates to S tho atatc elections division began Thursday morning. M Up until noon Thursday, 289 B ciinrildutra had filed. In the May a cl ctlon, 292 persons will be elected 3 of nominated lo national and state offices. ' m oilier filings Thursday: m William O. Kelsey, rioscburg S Democral., for state senator, i I Robert F,,Cook, Silverton Rcpub 2rllc,lll or representative, A W. A- Hudelson, North Powder S Democrat, for atato representative 8 from Union County. 2 R. E. Chnrrlck, Cnnby, for Re- 0 publican convention delegate, first 2 district. 1 Le. M. ChBncc, Grants Pass, for 11 Democratic convention delegate, K fourth district. CONTROLLED m ' " ilV SMALL JOBS ; r : WE HAVE .'fj 2 x .';; ':: everything .-'S 1 vilJV- V0U NEED '$ a.m. to music of the "Smoothies." Meellnc An evening session ol tho Riverside P'lA will be held at 1:M March II, In the gymna sium. Joe LaCluIr, vlulo-educatlon director In tho city schools will talk on the use ol visual niua in education today. The Dale for the three act couicdy, "Voice ol tho Turtle" lo be presented here next week by the New York Drama Guild under sponsorship ol Hie iiusinesa aim I'rolesslonal Women's Club has hf-nn .inlliilrelv Met fnr March 11 In the Mills Auditorium, Curtain tlmo will oo a p.m. I.ll.riarw f!liih I.lhrurv club Will meet Monday at 3 p.m. In the city library chill rooms, Mrs. itiuiin Bloarns will review "The Bea Around Ua." Mra. iiumwaii nas ai ruined a musical progrum. College Honor John C. Owlngs, son ! Mra. Maude E. Owlngs, 116 N. 6lh St., has been Initialed Into lh Presa C hi I) at the Colorado School ol Mines, Membership Is limited to juniors ana arniora wno have done creditable work on stu dent publication staffs. Owlngs Is uulntiuit editor of the Oredlsgcr, indent paper, New Officer Anne Barker.. Klamath Falls, has been elected temporary secretary-treasurer oi a newly lormed ymca camnus group at Southern Oregon College. Hchaiil Activities Four Klamath Falls Instructors discussed extra currlcular activities In the schools when Phi Delta Kappa, profession ui educators fraternity, held Us March meeting at Southern Ore gon College saiuraay. ranei mem bers were Vcrn Spiers. Jess, Stan Sevru and Harold Griffith. rytlilan Slatera Wlncma Tem ple 10 will hold ft card parly at the home of Mae Anderson. 345 N. loth. Krklsy at p. m. Members and friends are Invited Refresh ments will be served. Chamber Asks Budget Cut WABIIINOTON I The U.S. Chamber ol Commerce urged Thursday that President Truman's tu Alt ttnA li,H,,f.l inr nevl vnp he slashed by 14. 400,000, 000 to bring spending in line wun rniimaicu federal revenues of 71 billion. The chamber said It was making specific recommendations to Con are:. calling for heavy cuts In foreign aid and military spending. It alMA rernmmenrlert mihiitnntliil cuts In money lor federal housing. economic conirois. agricultural conservation and development pay ments and aid to education. The only alternative lo 114.400. 000.000 cut lor the llscal year starl ing next July 1, the chamber SBld "are Increased taxes or new bor- Thls, It added, would raise the annual lax load from $1,589 per family lo tl,93.. -. Mysterious Herd Of Deer Appear A band of wandering deer ap peared In town brlely today ap parently coming from nowhere and heading out lor the same place. Several telephone calls to tho Herald and News this morning an nounced the deer were spotted In the Lookout and Pleasant street area, sauntering along down an alley. A couple of people counted eight In the herd. . Choir To Sing At Meeting Of DAY BnnrmA Tlnnrl' marirlfffll fhnlr will provide the entertainment with a snori concert wnen me uisnuieu American Veterans, chapter 13. and auxiliary holds Its regular bus iness meeting Friday. 8 p.m., in the KG hall. Commander Max Ruge urges an DAV members to be present. 44t Simplified BOOKKEEPING Syitaml Installed and Maintained $ for a nominal monthly fee N. J. Rosenbaum 1213 Main St. Teltphent 7S21 r 3863 IRRIGATION! PROFIT 3 WAYS! I Ration ecrei, new aia for .itehl, to TILLABLE ARIAS. t. Enjoy eiolili (rem that previously un-uiad ecrei. I SAVE an Irrlaation labor end weed-control expense. ni weed . control entente Forger Back In Klamath One accused lorgor was returned hero -from Oregon Stato prison Wednesday and another Is held by Los Angeles police lor Klamalh County, according to tihcrlll Mur ray incdi Ilrltton. Robert 1', Morse, 22, was brouijM bni k Irnni prison after serving one third of a two-year ter m from Hoseburg. Ho was named In a secret Indictment by the Grand Jury, Oct. 3. lU.'il. Carlos Itainlre. was arrested by I.os Angeles 1'ollco Tuesday and tho BhorlU's office notified when ll was loiind ho was wanted by Klamath County on charge of for gery by endorsement. Hiinilrez Is accused of falsely endorsing six checks of migrant amid workers employed by Frank Brown In the summer of 19411. Plywood Co. Offer Stock BEATri.E V The Gcorgla-Pa clflt: Plywood Co., ollered aO.OOO shares ol lis common stocx lor sale Thursday at 121 a share. Tho atock offering la being made through nil Investment group head ed bv Hlvth & Co.. Inc. Officials said net proceeds win be UHcd to pay off part of a 412,600,- 000 loan from the Hank of America which the company used In pur chase of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corp., In Oregon In December. Georgia-Pacific operates mills at Springfield and Toledo, Ore., and Olympla, IJclllngham and Ho- quinm, wash. Per Capita Pay Due Soon KLAMATH AOENCY A per capllu payment ol 4300 Is to be mucin lo I mi inemocrs oi inc Klamath Indian Tribe March 20 or 21. reservation officials an nounced today. The total lo be paid Is $576,300. 'Hie money comes front Income from tribal Umber sales, and In 1061 that inrome from timber was 42,200.000. The money Is 111 trust status. Payment will be by check from Klamath Agency. Monday, Tuesday ana rriaay are regular banking days for Indians with money held at the agencv, but Ihcy are reoucsted to with hold routine withdrawals from ac counts until afler the work of mak ing the per capita payment la com pleted. Serviceman Draws Liquor Ban Fine A 21-year-old serviceman, Frank Jones, of 3704 Cannon Ave., paid $25 In District Court this morning on pleading guilty to selling liquor to minors. Judge M. A. Carter suspended $7S of the $100 line on basis ol Jones' being In the service and having no previous record. Jones was accused ol procuring a case ol beer Saturday night for three teen-agers, one of whom was ejected from the KUHS-Ash-limd basketball game for being in toxicated. KKKKS OFFICE MOSCOW, Idaho 11 Dn Paul A. Eke. lormer University of Idaho laciilly member, said Thursday he would Reek the Democratic nom ination lor First District Congress man on a platform urging Immedl ate action on Hells Canyon Dam. iPenney's 36" CRETONNE AMAZON PRINTS s yaw""0 SOLID SHADES ANTIQUE SATIN 54" WIDE UNSUPPORTED 54" TEXTURED UPHOLSTERY FABRIC Rayon Panels 42x81 SIZE I WASHABLE! SHRINK RESISTANT I 98c EACH V9W aiatil PENNEY'S DRAPERY Huge Accident Suit Paid COOS BAY 11 A Roscburg man whoso car was hit head-on by a logging truck last year, won a Judgment for, $110,23.1.2, In cir cuit court here late Wednesday. It was the biggest personal Injury Judgment In the recollection of court attaches here. Maurice Orlesel had sued for $200,000 damages in the May 28, 1951 , collision. The Jury In Circuit Judge Dal M. King's court de liberated less than an hour and a half In settling on the amount al lowed against Pat John Leake, the truck driver, and J. A. Abston, the truck owner. Both are from Port Orford. The collision occurred on a curve of Highway 101 between Coqullle and Ilundon while Leake was pass ing another louded log truck. Urlesel was brought to a hospital here with serious hurts. He had been on a business trip at the time and was alone In his car when the logging truck suddenly loomed up In Irnnt ol him as he drove around the curve. Originally there was a third de fendant, George Burr ol Coqullle, but Judge King directed a verdict in his lavor. He hud sold the truck U Abston and still had some fi nancial Interest In it at the time of the accident. The Jury divided the award: $110,000 general and $9,235.25 spec ial. Play Tryouts To Be Held Friday Tryouls lor the play "The In spector Calls," by J. B. Priestly will be held Friday, 8 p.m. in tho offices ol Dr. Robert A. Wood, 122 8. 7th. The production will be directed by Krlstlan Gippo and will be pre sented to a Klamath Falls audience by the Drama Group ol the Klam alh Musical Arts Council In the late Spring. This dramatic play, full of sus pense promlhcs to be one ol the best produced by the group. Any one Interested In trying out lor parts or working backstage Is in vited to attend tne meeting. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich r i w "Sorry to Interrupt, but I must get the tire department. A glow worm and a lightning bug Just lit on me I" . . . For emergency calls over a busy party-line, simply explain the circumstances to the other per son . . . Pacific Telephone. BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS FOR LESS! mm FIGURED DRAPERY FABRICS Za YARD Rich, vat-dyed colors in traditional or modern designs. Beautifully textured bark 'cloths, and pebble cloths, add distinction to any home I Come In today . , sec the wonderful selection! You'll want to start dccorntlng right away I 98c 2.49 1.98 yd. yd. yd. HAVE US MAKE YOUR DRAPES TO ORDER! 1.98 yd. PLASTIC 49 1.98 yd. CRISP ORGANDY PRISCILLAS PERMANENT FINISH! 98"X81" SIZE! PASTEL COLORS I 4.29 laaaUaM aoi&s DEPT. . . . DOWNSTAIRS Firemen Face Lack Of Pay Checks COTTAGE OROVE, Ore. 11 The city's volunteer firemen prob ably won't draw any pay for their tire fighting during the rest of the fiscal year. The city is down to $19 In its fire fighters' funds. City recorder Don Allen tald though the firemen could possibly be paid from $2,000 emergency funds If the council wanted to take a chance on not needing that mon ey for something else. Pemey'j Store Hours 9:30 BUY IT BY THE YARD OR READY Its cool, comfortable looking, for your cd Mil 1 f siMm hArWyx' uUrpjir ?sFkVft?ctlS I B Jksstfw 3 ill ' t ar w m. Uixuii fWfl' flli . P7Mi.WT? A ATT? tf!'" .rafcitfct ZB HAND WASHABLE . . CREASE RESISTANT! Texture shares the spotlight with color in this amazing fabric! You'll love this cool, crisp finish in a dazzling array of sparkling colors! Best of all, you pay just 79c a yard at budget minded Penney's! Come tomorrow . . save! 37" wide. OR BUY YOUR DRESS Aqua Beige Navy Maize Chartreuse Lilac Pink Sand Look for workmanship that Is almost incredible at this price , , smart detailing you'd expect to pay much more fori Choose tailored and fancy styles with accent on colorl Misses and half sizes. SECOND FLOOR Woolen Mill Action Opens HARRISBURO. Ore. 11 A new attempt to place the Harrlsburg Woolen mills back in production li underway. Millard Willis, a member of the board of directors, said the firm has received permission from the ljw- 1 - 5:30 WEAVE RAYONS Mil UMiiaii iam, mmi nail iaiin'ig aCTi .r ---r.--yt.iJ j urn u zv SPARKLING COLORS WHITE PINK LIGHT BLUE MAIZE AQUA LILAC IT READY - Your Skirt & Blouse RED ' CHARTREUSE ' BLACK NAVY LILAC MAIZE BLOUSE 1.98 SKIRT 2.98 News for their matching tex ture, news for their clear color. Choose yours in harmonizing shades or sharp contrast . . the blouse In 32 to 38, the skirt in 24 to 30. Wonderful color selec tion. SECOND FLOOR State Cwrpifr.ttlon Ctrr.m('.on to put up for sale some $31,350 worth of stock remaining from an original Issue of $125,000. Sale of the remaining stock, he said, would provide the company lM Hi '4 1 . E aa T a..,. 1 AJ2ZbLhJ?iii-: - sr illt3 YARD TO - WEAR YOUR SUIT BLACK, NAVY OR BROWN CHECK CONTRASTING SKIRTS Your suit Is the new 6 piece . style that combines for 21 separate and distinctive outfits I Amazing buys at this small 14.76 tag I Choose plains or checks. Coat, weskit, .3 skirts. Misses sizes, SECOND FLOOR lit fm kw K'. wllh aulllclent funds to complete h insinuation oi essential equipment and provide working capital. Htlpi You Ovtrcoma FALSE TEETH Loo$n$i and Worry N lon.r b Minor or IU I. . b.e.ui. of loo... woUlr "tUa iwlh. rASTKETH, sr, Impro.,5 .ikj? (non-scldl powrt.r. iprlnklta M your pt. hold! II.. m Brm.r i thij mo.r 'omforl.M.. Soothln? n i cooling 10 um. m.d. im by "ulvi acid moulh. Avoid mbsrraumint eauatd by loo plaua. al FASTEST li today al any drug alora. n 1 J mm '-.('V TO WEAR ! whole outfit YOUR BUTCHER RAYON ACCESSORIES your bag::: WHITE GREY LILAC PINK lua lax Perfect accent for your nubby textured butcher rayon coat . . suit . . dress! Lota of luscious colors In smart, boxy bags . . pick yours to harmonize or con trast, today I MAIN FLOOR 'YOUR SHOES., MULTICOLOR SANDALS 98 PAIR The perfect accent for all the wonderful nubby butcher weave outfits that are such a hit thi spring! Little flats or wedge-heel sandals, in pastel multi-colors or white . . to go with everything I 5-8 ik. DOWNSTAIRS YOUR COAT . : a WHITE BEIGE TOMATO RED They're the new short, short coat style with wide sleeves, and pop ular pyramid drape. Handsome detailing, lots of "extras", and the colors are perfect for spring and summer, tool 10-16. SECOND FLOOR SHOP EVERY DEPT. FOR ITEMS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY IN EXCITING BUTCHER RAYON 1 $ S9