THURSDAY, MAUCH 6, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON r aoi thru Lattimore Sweats Out Second Week Of Hearing On Influence In Europe WAHIIINOTON ffl Ow-n Lut tlmors (Imilcd imdrr a bnrrK ol nucilloii" Tlmrmiiiv Ihnt ho nouuhl to juallfy KuimIu'i liivnulrm of Kin. land in loan. Ultimo told the Bi'imlo lnlnr nil Security aiiliconimlllre hlit per, aonnl Ir-rllnif nt the time win Unit tho lnvuHm wiin "mi oulinucoua thlim un tlm imrt ol Hut HunMiin, but I uIko believed unlltlw' ol Eu rope linil laiii'hrd n prr-tiv low IfV el." Ben. I'VikUhoii IB.-Mlfh..), kept hiiiiuni'i'liiK iiwy I''" tlicine llmt Kdwuril C. Curler, Ihim HrisreUry. uviirrnl ol llm Iiwlltul ot I'litlllo Helntloim, l(.kl Ultlmoio nliout the not convliuMim Hliitrmniit to Hiiwlu' JuiUlclnUon nd that Lttlmorii replied with hli vlrw on the mutter. Corrrnponclrnce bulwren Curler unci Uttlmorr on lh Rulnn In vinlon wrnl Into the reran! ol the mibcominlltee tui Lnlllmore. J hm Hopklim pioleHMir end I'nr Mlrm nprclnllKt, tentllled lor the ninth dny. Hie Milinoiiiiiilttee In iieiirchliil! for MibvrrMvp liilhieni;e on u pollcleii. particularly In the Far Building Curb To Be Eased wAQiiiNnTON 11 The govern ment ed building control Thurii- day on housing, eommrrciai, n." wy nd nchool project. ti. Ki.iinnl Production Author it., rfrntinini an enrller plnn to limit the elui of dwelllngn ami re alrlcl new homen to 1 Vj bntliroomi each, iMiied: 1 A new, one-pckune houitlng order Increasing by 600 pounds the atwl which a honie-bullilcr may uiie wilhoul applying to NPA. J. An order combining all oilier coiuilrui'llon control Into a alngle HivumitnL. It lncreitnea the tonnage ol tel aulomiitlcally allowed lor mailer non-reldenlll project. a trll as roadt and highway' As orlglnully proponed, the or der were Intended to curb con atrucllon. But they were revlned frequenlly during two month ol diicuiuilon with the construction In dustry. Meantime, horlge ol itu-ei anl aluminum eased notice ably. NPA'a announcement aald: "Most of the changes In the con struction regulation liberalize con trols rather than tighten any ( them or Impose any lurther re strictions." Most provisions of the new or ders have bren announced as agree ment were resched with the con struction Industry. East. The correspondence started off wllh a letter Iroin Carter to Lal limore. dated April i(6, 1040. It said: "Where In English or French or RuimIuii hits there appeared the most convincing U inoiin convinc ing to the bourgeoisie renders) Hiitaiiietit as to tho U B.B.R.' Justl filiation ol the Flimlsh campaign? Tho BovlclM clearly regard the ac- iion ii a rieceiuiiiry neiense nuas- uro. mree-lourths ol tne rest ol the world still regard It as un provoked aggression. "Iisvo you written or urn you writing anything on this line?" Lattimore leslllli-d Uiut while he fell "the betrayal ol Czechoslovak la by England and franco" had reduord European politics to a "pretty low level," he didn't leel that the Invasion ol Finland was Ju.'illlled. Alter some preliminary ques tions hnd been disposed of, Lat timore' reply to Carter, dated April 30. 1940. was read. "Your question about where to Hnd the most convincing statement to Uie Soviet Justlllcatlon lor the Fbinlsh campaign Is one - that I have been asking myaell," Latti more wrote. "It seems to me -that everybody take a too simple approach to this problem, the Russians on their side and everybody else from the other aide. "It seems to me that even If the Russians had more detailed, plausi ble evidence of 'plots' In or con cerning Flnlsnd than I have yet seen, and even If they had strong lustlflcatlon In "realistic' terms, Irom the strategic standpoint, they nevertheless made a political blun der In attacking Finland." Lattimore also said the Russians may have been feeling and hoping for years for a chance "to do this very thing ... but If Justlllcatlon Is pleaded, the Russians can point out that they did not lead oil the scramble ol aggression, and can claim that there Is a difference be tween being -the first to start ag gression and committing what might be celled an 'act of 'self protective aggression' alter the general scramble had begun." Allied Planes Range Over Red Territory, Blast One AfllG, Cut Rail Supply Line By Ml 1.0 FAHNKTI BK.OUL, Korea American HiiIji'o Jets destroyed a Ctmiinunlsl MIO and damaged another Thurs day In a 1 (I-n i inn to battle. The dogllght ranged as fur south as I ho North Korean capital, Pyong yang. Just 70 miles north ol paru Icll 3D. dipt. Henry Fni.ler of Stuart, Flu,, wits credited with shooting down tho Red Jut In a light be tween six Hnbres nnd "i'i Mlds. Col. Harrison Tliyng, commander ol the Fourth Wing, reported one MIO damaged. Allied fighter-bomber cut Com munist rail line In 92 places and destroyed or damaged 60 boxcars, the Fifth Air Force said. Marine Corsair pilots reported destroying two Communist tanks In attacks northeast ol Pyongyang, apex city of the old Communist Iron triangle. On the ground, hit-and-run Allied rulders killed 40 Communists and wounded 30 In four firelight west i of the Mufidung Valley In Eastern! Korea. i U.K. artillery and Infantrymen pinched off a Chinese Communis attack near the old Iron triangle on the Central Front Thursday morning. About 100 Reds opened fire on an advanced U.N. position near the Kumhwa-Kumsong road about mid night. The Reds were hurled back alter a one hour and 16 minute light. Allied pilot found good weather over northwestern Korea Thursday morning, and went out In force Hinr in SEATTLE Wt The one-time luxury liner La Ouardla arrived WMinmrisv on ILa. first - trio - from Japan to Benttle on tile mltftarf ' aiaper run. 11 carrion am De pendent of military personnel some of them Japanese wives 6 American soldiers. ARM & HAMMER SAL SODA CONCINTIATID Cleans stove burn era, broilers, ovens, cook pots, table lope, Inks, waste can. OWtf miNera V5 Hi a . KF Girl In College Piay "Cradle Bong." a two-act com edy being pri-Nented at Oreijon Bliito College by the speech de partment today, tomorrow and Sat urday, has a Kliimnlh Falls girl In the cast and two other Basin students an aides. Bhcrmalee Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Joseph H. Henry, 1118 Main St., portrays a nun. Delorea Thompson, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thomp son, 327 Upham HI., Is a member of the make-up crew. Dick Coyner, son of Mr. snd Mrs. E. LeRoy Coyner. Tulelake. Is a member of the publicity crew. Mrs. Lauritz Melchior Puts On Blue Bonnet To Get F. N. E. ! if ii Mrs. Lauritz Melchior knows the secret of F.N.E.! She puts on Bijjb Bonnet Margarine to get Flavor, Nutrition, Kconomyl Like the wife of the world-famous tenor, you'll love the delicate, sunny-sweet taste Blub Bonnkt adds to any food I You'll appreciate it nourishment, too. No other spread for bread is richer in year-round Vitamin A! And you'll welcome its economy. Two pounds of Blub Bonnkt cost lea than one pound of high-priced sprcsdl So remember the letters . . . F. ... N. ... E.I AllrVtQrtable BLUB Bonnet Margarine gives "all three". Flavor! Nutrition! Econom-e-eJ bombing Red railroad and high ways, supply dumps and troop po sitions. Marine fighters from the U. B. Carrier Balroko attacked Red trains, supply centers and troop positions on Korea's west coast Wednesday. Across the peninsula the U.S. I and the Destroyer Henderson bom i barded Communist troops on the I eastern end of the battle line near ' Kansong. P The fussiest kind ff&OflflltC W . of a doq or cat M ''fix C 7 will gobble up 1 Jit'Mtm? Meoty Meal just like tW SJY' AlSj that! Let your pet dis- A 7 . cover how qood o dry doq jfrv' CM' food can be. Money-back fjf&vy yTV f if I ". guarantee by Bonnie! jfuTwsSn l&l Poteet's Market Owned and Operated ly Bob & "Peanuts" Potett HAMS Small Siit... 10 to 14 lbs. b. 53c Bratton'i Beit BACON Squares . r .b. 23c SKINLESS WIENERS 49c PURE 4 69c DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Prices Iffectire Friday nd Saturday PRODUCE SPECIALS Florida Oranges 5-lb. shopping bag 35c AVOCADOS 1 Itr Lorge ' for " CABBAGE CELERY 9c CARROTS j bu 15c BROCCOLI ta 15c Royal Club Jelly lose of 12-1 Classes - 2.59 Per Case of 12-12oz. ' Classes pUPPtf Packages CrvLSXquiclt SazXckvU.nt CRIKT MR 2- 39c Parvy Time FRUIT MIX No. 2V4cans Q WITH COUPON -I7t Durkee's Oleo MARGARINE lb 27c Blue Bell . Potato Chips Lorge JQ 4-oz. pkg. I ' . A-l Mustard Sc and fruit bowl asaaaBBBBasBaaaMBi 32 pc. Set" Hand PAINTED DINNERWARE QC anc' 5 Mario ean ned food labels CTtfJI Large Pkg. , IViAMdIJ with coupon Ida 19c Zi 3lb K$pftj with coupon P 69c . 1710 Oreeon Avar. .... Phone 3860 ; Rlnso Seed Offer Cet Coupons Here. 1Q Lge. pkg. lt with coupon Free Delivery On $5.00 ' Orders Or Over EUOnSIBflTIOtal' LAST THREE DAYS! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Lowest Price in Town, 7.2 Cubic Ft. Size COLDSPOT Spacemaster 88 NOW ONLY 1 T7 n II 26.25 Down, 9.50 Month On Sean Easy Terms Why pay $50 more for a big family size refrigerator? Top-to-floor Spacemaster design , , adjustable shelves . . generous freezing compartment. Pay less now-buy Coldspot-sold only at Sears. Special Purchase! 3-Days Only! 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Less baskets, dividers and separators 01 yom totceyfac6" Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phone 5188 tr-i