HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALI. OREGON THURSDAY, MAItfll (1, 1flr2 FAGS TWENTY-FOUR J INgW CEREAL CHANGES BREAKFAST "ho-hum" to de lighted "Yum-Yum". This is a new ready-to-eat breakfast cereal with a delightfully different flavor that will bring 3he family on the double. It is a bite-size cereal, criss-cross, 3hredded, crimped at both ends to form a toasty hollow waffle, so small that two or three tiny waffles fit into an Ordinary teaspoon. Peek-a-boo design lets kiddies see cream Or milk floating inside. Steps up even the laziest appetite. let New Hair Coor Help You Walk In Beauty Th. science! Use a phrase like "beauty out of -capsule" and it sounds as prob able as the attainment of peace of mind out of a book.' Yet there's a 'hair color rinse fresh out of Colorado for which this is a fair description. -A tiny . capsule, not much bigger than a vitamin piU, It seems Increasingly to be the bright and shining answer come the day when woman looks into hr mirror and is bored with a colorless view....-.., Not' a dye producing drastic change such as would shock an un suspecting husband out of his ap petite for dinner, a, tint lasts only Mom shampoo to shampoo; and the color it Imparts to-drab heads is gftid to be so subtle and natural rooking, the conservative and non observant' male is likely to feel the effect without recognizing the eause. - SURPRISE THEM Yet if marked change Is Indi cated, there are shades in the super color rinse spectrum guaranteed to make the public sit up and notice, kjid If the first one tried on doesn't lit as it should, It's easy to take mtt under the shower. And this, If you ask us. Is less painful than returning unbecoming millinery . to fee average department store. JZDeveloped as first aid for freaked, overdyed hair, the pro duct grew In popularity as women learned It could be applied at home In about three minutes, and that they could, thereby, avoid hazzard fag the color surprises of perma nent dye jobs. Most of us number aancng our acquaintances women wfco have found it necessary, at Mm time or another, to shrink Into seclusion while the damage of a venture with permanent nair ealorinat was repaired. (So It that Btee woman down the block was unaecoUuntably anti-eocial for while, this may have been the reason.) Temporary rinses are proving of inestimable aid in mien cases, mir iwhlch has been dyed a brassy red, or instance, can be toned down rtth a rinse of steel gray. There woman whose hair is "growing out' or who Is switching from one shade to another accomplished painlessly and Inexpensively with the aid of color rinses. The cost, by the way is approximately that of a soft drink. HELP NATURE Those who know say all ages are represented among its users. The youngster -who has just begun to notice bovs and seeks to make dishwater blond glimmer with gla mour: the young matron who has discovered her first strands of gray ana warns o stem me tide of time a little: the woman of anv aee who longs for change out of pure caprice ... all have come to accept hair coloring as another cosmetic, just as previous genera tions came slowly but surely to accept lipstick, eye make up. and similar aids to nature. Lavender, navy blue, and other bizarre tints occasionally recom mended by international hair color ists in dispatches with Paris date lines, are of little or no interest in this country, according to beauty experts. "The wholesome, natural look Is the American look," says this exoert from the wide open spaces of the Rocky Mountain re gion. Streamlined Recipes From Grandma's Collection Have you been wondering what has become of the big, fat, soft molasses cookies that Grandma made? She always hnd a big jar filled with them so that the grand children could dive right in and till botli greedy litle hands. After much searching and testing, we resurrected the recipe and are de lighted to pass, it along to you. Of course, we revised it to use modern measurements, techniques, equipment, and Ingredients. How ever, we did not change Uie type of molasses. Our tests proved that the sweet, ricn-tasung, old ia?n loned, unsulphured molasses that Grandma used is necessary to pro duce the om lasmonea flavor. While we are in the recipe-giv ing mood, we want to give you the other recipes, shown below, that were found in orancimas lamous collection. They, too, have been re vised so the new cook will be assured successful results every time., " GRANDMA'S SOFT MOLASSES COOKIES 7 cups sifted enriched flour 4 teaspoons soda 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon ginger 1 tablespoon cinnamon lii teaspoons cloves 1 cup shortening, melted 1 1-3 cups sugar 2 cups unsulphured molasses 3 tablespoons vinegar a eggs i cup milk ' seeded raisins Sift together first 6 Ingredients. Melt shortening In a saucepan large enough for mixing cookies. FASHION ON TOP Look to shoulders and sleeves tor outstanding Spring fashion In- erest. Shoulders remain natural, but look wider with the pufflness of low placed sleeves. Armnoies are deeper with strict modelling below. Sleeve Interest can. be found In most dresses with last season's full length lantern and balloon style diminished to powder puff and mushroom forms, with the flare around the elbow only. Stir In sugar, molasses, and vine gar. Beat In eggs. Add flour mix ture alternately with milk. ChlU about SO minutes. (This step Is im portant for best results!. Drop dough onto lightly greased cookie sheets. Top each cookie with a .big, fat raisin. Bake 12 to 15 mlnutt In a preheated hot oven. (400 F.l. YIELD:. 1 to 8 dosen cookies. ALABAMA SrOON BREAD ' (A delicious subsUtute for pota toes or rice in the menu or as a main luncheon dish,) i cups milk cup corn meal 3 tablespoons butter, or mar garine. 1& tnaxnnnn salt 2 tablespoons unsulphured molasses 3 eggs, separated ' Yt teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon water Heat oven to 373 F. (moderate.) Heat milk In a saucepan; gradual ly itlr In corn meal. Cook unUl very thick (about 3 minutes), sir ring constantly. Add butter or mar garine, salt,: and molasses. Beat egg yolks; add to hot mixture. Dis solve soda In water and add. Beat egg whltos stlfi: fold Into mixture. Pour Into a greased Hi quart cas serole dish. Bake 30 minutes or until done. YIELD: 8 to 8 servings. Demand, accept Cfly WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT 100 Turn knitted underwear wrong side out for washing. Use cupped hands to work suds through soiled parts. Rinse well and hang double over line or rod. No Ironing needed. NANCY'S BEAUTY SHOP 1826 Homedole Road Telephone 7080 . Opn Evenings by Appointment SINGER With Buttonhole Worker FREE! Pinking Shears and Sawing Lesson ' ' " with every purchase Modern Rebuilt Eleetrie Portable u FULL SIZE A liberal Trade In Allowance SEWS FORWARD AND BACKWARD kEU Attachments, Meter ''C " S.w lira, Coio, ' 7-Spwd Central, . . Plugs end Wirini $3450 Terms 5 YEAR GUARANTEE To Insure Complete Satisfaction This Machine, f Sold by Home Demonstration Only Up to 50 Miles . Phone 9136 or Fill Out Attached Coupon for Demon stration, Information and FREE GIFT OFFER! ' GLOBE SEWING MACHINI STORES ' 208 Underwood Bldg. Klomolh Foils I GENTLEMEN: I would like more information on $39. 50 mochine, free booklet and gift. I NAME I ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE ' (Box Holders Please Give Directions) yes mmwmM For the Performance Thrill of Your Life Pontlac's new "power train" of big, high-compression engine, new Dual-Range Hydra-Matic, and new economy axle adds up to Dual-Range performance automatic, driving at Its best. Eager, responsive power for all stop-and-go driving! Smooth, hushed, extra-economical performance for the open road! YOU drive it . . . and see! Come In today. - Opttontlmttmimtt. FLASHING ACCELERATION When the signal turns green Pontlac Is the most eager car you ever drove, with instant get-up-and-go, amazingly re sponsive to the accelerator. INSTANT SURGING POWER-Your big, powerful, high-compression engine has ample reserve power for any emer gency and Dual-Range Hydra-Matic lets you use it instantly! EXTRA BRAKING POWER-With Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drlre you have greatly Increased erlglne braking ability. You can safely descend long grades with little or no use of the brakes. mm mm f? It Uc-r I MX? . a MAXIMUM ECONOMY-Pontlac's High Performance Economy Axle materially reduces engine revolutions In relation to car speed for maximum economy and long engine life. "HUSHED CRUISING"-Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drive and High Perform ance Economy Axle provide cruising so quiet and effortless you almost feel that ' you're coasting. - EASY ROCKING-Wlth Pontlac's new Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drive you can "rock" your Pontlac out of mud,, aand or anow with an easy movement of the control lever. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOU CAST BEAT A iWITH SPECTACULAR trrt WBNHAKO COMMNT rOHTUND, OMOON 4th & Klamath Ave. IbyrilJtgnge Performance PARKER PONTIAC CO. THURSDAY,, FRIDAY. SATURDAY SALE 7th and Main in Klamath Falls L J 50c WOODBURY SHAMPOO. 6'2-OUNCE BOTTLE (Limit o SWEETHEART SOAP. REGULAR CAKES (Limit 3) PAPER NAPKINS 9 23' PACKAGE OF 80 .Limit 2) . . . . . G3 R CaKJ Klamath Falls, Ore. 3 21 SiitDfSsilit JSraW Mi Y' Work Lml NOREHOUND ) l HS t,ipi. usted y J,) LIFELIKE DROPS,-" Now ZsB PUPPETS . , TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ' ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SLASHED 0p I , FRY-IT 1 AnSS 'JSfPfcN Automofie EltcMc ArS'Vf '.'HalX f . DP Fryer Pries ZXSS'S WSuiki 1 089 0 STEAMOMATIC &i3T$ IVsavimi IRON 195 Price fiiJd19.9S ' . -j You Sovs (.00 II On-A-Day (Brand) Kl II A f V U VITAMIN A&D PhPl 50 BOOK 1 (( TABLETS 3 B hlVy :, I MATCHES I f P;ant taste that ( il Vl H . i M II children like. 447 D II M 1 1 J mm II OLA-BERON B-12 V. n 1 1 " I sASMRft- If Vitamin tatlaue-Hahler. SO'. ,", , O II I J yjg? U UPJOHN UNICAPS oif U WMr CaT ' II DaUrrllomlnaMd. BtlelOO , 0i If p5FiT Wf , V Q COD LIVER OIL 119 (l TjT ,t UACU Ik Vitamin. A&D. 112 II .-W- V WASH m Q Vitamin C TABLETS 119 ff COUGH m I CLOTHS - 1 Olol-nMmj. Bonl.100 11 f DROPS '1 s accharinX mmsLJ- liafl A tide I TABLETS rWa -JJSrS!?-'. I SUDS 1 1 yt-P. Bo.ti. iooo I Tooth Brashes , HOME WAVE I Oe I V 39e ,NvIoB8o"',u"", REFILL KIT 28 M jSzmf FlM 1C r.iol IsclM Tarn TelUttt, lutnii mi IWIaUl m&fSz y.V INEW! An .losti. plastic odhel ,f LISTERINE 1 I bonda,f 0Bd if J f Men holihim 1 I antiseptic! Sk I I'-SSSR 1 69' - vi A Curlty p""''"t' 07 cL.' iS Eve"harP-Schlck t fLadEstherA (w RAZOR SET LUSTRE-A woy Winer l ,1 Wt .n Injedtot-typa with 12 CRFMF 1 I r..T A" I Mi Pwcision-edfj blades, , I euiTB; ': I 1 Face Cream f , , 1 SHAMPOO I I Lather 1 l; I W I j M 'Ammoniaiid I-: Shave ; f hMi 12 Hng,n si.i Aiminm 1 Tooth Powdir 1 1 X. 53c JL FOLD-AWAY FRENCH &QC SJ-stK SPACE-MAKER : ' FRYER X&7 '0 ', Syjfcy Sturdy ' '. .TOO Kis1'- -I t9- WBsOg I rtnf lit ' drtln hook ' . !"'' '.w-" "