THURSDAY, MARCH 0, ll)!2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE TWENTY-ONE Mac's Name To Stay On List HAI.KM Ml It nppriiiTd doubt .fill Wctliifsdiiy II V. I'J. ISiiton, I'orl In I ill , who hiinnnciiml llin prtlltonx hi put C It'll. Mac Arthur's iiiiuio on the Mlillci HoiiiiIiIU nil iirenldHillul ballot, would bo allowed to with draw MarArtliui's niiine. Clrn. Mm'Arlliui', niter hit per annul miiir.t to Miitc election ol Ilcliiln to wllhdiiiw his ni'inn wan iinilrd. n.-iki'd Ityilon to wlllidmw II. Hut even If Kptun drrltleri to Hhk withdrawal, It look' Ilk his re uncut would bo liirnrd down. In IiIh opinion of two davit nun, Allurm-v Urni'iiil' Clcomr Nrunrr lulrd Unit MiicArllun ' mime Imn lo p,u on thn ballot "unlfHn othnr wine ordered bv ll sunn-tno court of tlio ftutt of Oiokoii." Hlntr Hrrllon ollli luln mild tlml limt phriiM! nppiiirntlv would pin ( hide Kplon Ironi wlllidiiiwIiiK MncArlliur'H nmnr. "0ldat40,50,60?" mm it a Man.ioureirazy P"'tft r"ir I Ixiiiaatxta tia Miir it vu 'llC ' P.'t'ltl 'H'" '' iMiln I ntu (tit weak, luml'ion rrln tints a,.!!, tn tnlt lark nf .run wlilrli many iin-n arnj thiiimi rail "olil " 'I Mint Uf lutuii' Hi,",, rrj-.itr.l .1 twill MaliV. lltiMtiHHl ..111 -,U ill trtr. Hid t'-r m,i tin. (inrr IWIIik Minify dm if ul 4lf tllM. (01 lulruOuetury )! vrUy 4J. A I M drtif ilurr nvurtwhfrf In KlaniaUi tilli. at I'srlr.. People DO TOO reod small space ads you are! Bus Upsets, 21 Injured RENO. Nrv. I Skidding, on leu nl u nhiirp turn, n Htirlliwuni Trnllwiiyn bus, vPltti HI persona nlmiird, overturned Wrdiiewlay In juring 31, four of them sorloufiiy. The accident occurred nbout R mile went ol the Nevada-California line. Nevada Highway Patrolman Clllf Miilonr mill It appeared the bin bun lind bit ditch iind overturned linen llnii'K brloro coming to rent on Its wheels In a roadnlde Hold. 'Ilio bun wuii on route Irom Bun Kruiiclwo to ChlciiKO. The most norlounly Inlurcd pa Mrnuer wan Julia Abriinin. 6(1. of Wndnworth, Ohio, who received bond mid rib lnlurlcn. Bho and three olhom wore hoHpltnlled, Draftee Dies Yhile In Line NEW YORK lfi The drama of a youth who "died" and then i, .....i .iuiiirh,.H tlm ntrudv pare of dnift examinations Tuc- day nl tile Army pre-innuciiun ccm cr horc. , year-old rrnnklln James Morrlion wuii short, It lunii'd oui nu inmuirn, nud then he died. Morrlnon, of Hrllorone, N. Y,, wun waiting In line with other In ductees lo bo weighed when he midilcnly pitched forward to the floor. He turned blue and iieemcd lo nlop breutlilnK. For tliree-iind-n-hnlf hours the center's doctom worked over hlin. npplyliiK artificial respiration and oxygen. Finally the youth'a breath Inn wan renlored and he wan plnced r---.-.-, .. mrr.f-- - x . M i 1 77 W"J ' "vT""i--w'Z!li CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word Three Dayi per word Week run per word Month run per word 10 He 20c Se MTNTMIrM The minimum charge for any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answerj to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper lor a service charge ot 26c. DEADLINES Classllled ads accepted up to 6:30 pjn. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 12 noon for following day's pub lication. ' ADJUSTMENTS Please mane all claims lor adjust ments wluiout delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be mads in following day's publication MEETING NOTICES 'or appointment Phone 2-02M. Harvey nuphiim; KLECTRICAt. contracting, Work (uar- "SKPTIC TANKS iimoed, concrete tank and drain ftrlda Installed. Orvllle Muigrave, phone PAI.NTINU and paperhanflng. Phone 7K17. TKIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen or wnrk. Phone 4040. FULLER Bruihel. Phone S004 or 8177, 1. L DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 3(M No. 7lh. Phone tS4S CURTAINS laundt-ed and atretched ALL, ALONE IN THE LEAD Road o' Cold rallops home ahead of the field in a race at Sunshine Park. Oldsmar, Fla after towing Jockey fcvan Anyon al gale. Anyon was unhurt. pltul. But he died 40 minutes Inter, while In the Iron lung at Beikman- Downiown riotpiiiii. An autopny Wednesday nhowed tk Kjl..rrlMnn rilcrl nf RllOUinatlC h.nrt diaenne. from which he hud inu wan rrnvorcu mm lie wn 111 an Iron lung sent from a hon-' suffered prevlou.nly. OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW.. PAY LATER! OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul $7750 WE WILL: Inltoll pi"" . - In.toll Pl"" din '.,.,. ,k.r Cle." a"0 rent il BumP Cleon Tuns '' f itton Hut ak lawAti Biftt .nil pen e Quel" rjcriDi""-" , KT. ..I.t nnrtS For n limited time only Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR HOW AND FIX US LATER! ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 ri; u net an ojn'nc of ik'ri, of jsfs, or an olir lo buy, or s oiole!Mn o! ofn (o buy any el lutk ihnti. Tht cftrinf il mtdi only by iht Circular. Tku tivtrlumtnl u publnhrd on behalf ol only luck ol Ibt undmifnld 41 mrl rrf ilKraa Of lictnlld dttltrj or broktrl in Ihu Slal. 100,000 Shares The United States National Bank of Portland (Oregon) (Portland, Oregon) . Common Stock ( Par Value) Rights, tv'ulenccd by Subscription Warrants, to subscribe for thtst shorts have bttn kiutd by the Qnnt to holders of its Common Sloct, which rights expire at 3 o'clock p.m., on March 24, 1952, as more fully set forth in the Circular. Subscription Price $50 Per Share The icveul Underwriters named below intend to offer shares of Common Stoclt, purchaied or to be purcliaicd by tliem, at pricei to be determined by Blyth fc Co., Inc., at Repreientstive of the leveral Underwriters. Smh oltctinsa may include sharn acquired by the Underwriter! through the exercise af warrants purcliaicd by them or in anticipation ol the acquisition of the ahares puriusnt to the Underwriting Agreement or otherwise, sll as more fully let forth in the Circular. Coi' ol tht Circular may hi obtained from suck ol tke undersized as are retutered or licensed dealers or brokers in securities in this State. Blyth & Co., Inc. Merrill Lynch, Tierce, Fcnncr & Bcanc Dean Witter & Co. Conrad, Bruce & Co. Pacific Northwest Company Foster & Marshall Blankenship, Gould & Blahcly, Inc. E. M. Adams & Co. Camp & Co. Campbell & Rohbins Donald C. Sloan & Co. Atkinson & Company Incorporated June S. Jones & Co. William J. Collins & Co. Dmifilicrly, Bulchart & Colo, Inc. Handel, Lundborg & Co. Hess k McFaul Field & Co., Inc. Fordycc & Co; George Patten Investment Co. Chas. N. Tripp Company L. J. Werschhul & Sons Hugh B. McGuirc & Co. Russell, Hoppe, Stewart & Balfour Marck6,19S2 M ; Chiloquin By MRYTI.K WIMKR The past week han been a busy one lor three local women, includ- ..... If,, -,. ..1. Uli'.h(,n Mr, .Inu. eph Jlulllord and Mrs. James Van Wornier. On Monduy, Tuebdny, Wednehdiiy and Thursday evenincs. the trio attended erl classes con ducted In Klamath Falls by Frank .Staples, national director ol the Na tional Rccrentlon Association. While Biiyone Interested was welcome, the instructive and educational sessions were held primarily for leaders oi ,..,, IU nrtiuiitTalinnK U-hnnl ATl t hort Klamath , , Br DARI.ENE WOLFF Word has recently reached Chil oquin of the Saturday. Feb. 16 death of a former local resident. Jack McKeever died at his home In Cutler City, Ore., following a lengthy Illness. Ke was the Irrita tion engineer for the Klamath res ervation In the late 20's and early 30 s. The family lived at the gov ernment house in south Chiloquin near the dam. Mrs. Lonnie Adams was hospital ized early this week for a few days. During her absence the twins. Keith and Kennetn. were carea lor STATED MEETING OF MA NZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 O.ES. will be held Fri day, March 7 at 8 o'clock in the I.O.O.F. hall. Come to the Curio Shop. Visitors welcome. VERA FRITSCH-W.M. J O H N LARSON-W.P. REGULAR MEETING of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held Friday March 7 in the K. C. at 8 pm. Crater Lake Lodge No, Oil A VAr A f Will hold S stated meeting Thurs day, March 6. Visitors Welcome. Refreshments. William K. Fink ' Secretary KLA''TH FALLS Aerie No. 2090 19 AMI Sunday school teachers. The three Kamatn Falls by their married Kort Klamath women learned much Mrs. Bob Mitchell, where lhat will be uselul in their local work. Mrs. Stranan is r on is.iam ath's elementary school teacher as well as leader of the Horizon ttroup of Canvpfire Girls and assistant leader of the Blue Birds, the oungcr division of Camnf're Girls. Mrs. Halford Is den mother of the local Cub Scout pack, while Mrs. Van Wormer Is leader of the Blue Birds here. On 8nturday morning, Mar. 1, Mrs. Btrahan and Mrs. Van Wor mer again went to Klamath Falls, where they were present at the meeting held at Peterson school for primary grade teachers of Klamath County. The two local Blue Bird leaders presented the following members of the ttroup of little misses in a novel and amus ing puppet show which was enjoyed by those attending the meetlnc: Darla Brewer. Gretchen Wilson, Helen Gay Hescock, Phyllis Woods. Barbara Nicholson and Barbara i Vega. I on Friday afternoon, Fob. 29, the following women were guests at a silver tea given at the home of Mrs. Fred Markwardt in Chiloquin bv the Women's Society of Chris tain Service :-Mrs. Joanna Taylor. Mrs. William Brewer. Mrs. Harry Orcm, little Gary and Anne Orem, Mrs. Ravmond Loosley. Mrs. Ste wart Nicholson. Mrs. Bert Gray. Mrs. Lloyd Nicholson and small son Roger. 1 Mrs. J. R. "Jcrrv" Slsemore and i... n(h.r Mr, i.vln Rressler. en- Joyed a short visit with relatives in Asniana iasi ween, u. over Thursday and returning the .(l.iMn nnrino- their IOI1UW1IIK n.n..w. .... --- absence, Emmett Sisemore of Tule- lnke. kept nis orotner, jerry mm v.i. ni.A .TnAnn Risomnre. com- -. eipHMnra h.m Mr, Bressler is visiting her daughter's home from ueraeicy. Stewart Nicholson ano Joseon , i tr.i . ,..0., h.r. Prlrinv eve ning from Paskenta. Calif., where the Nicholson came are on wuuer sister. Mrs. Bob Mitchell, where they could play with their nepnew Ricky, Just their age. Ruth Ann and her father remained here at home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall Sr. are in Lag una Beach. Calif, this week visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Heath and tk.u tkua .MlHron Rtfnhpn. Jef- fery and Roxanna, are moving to Eugene late this week. Heath has been working In a plywood mill there for three weeks. Last week his wife joined him and they were lucky enough to find a place in which to live. The family bad con templated a move to tugene iasi year but at that time could not find a suitable house. Joseph Mercer is planning 10 ai red a three-act comedy to be put on next month for the benelit of the junior class and the Parent Teachers Association. Students are trying out for parts and adults will help with the staging , and costum fn t ..nil ha tho first dramatic production in the new gymnasium. Mrs, v. biiery rx:nnu u uo. Richard Wilson of Fort Klamath ur.Hn.utnv in Lakeview. at tending a sub-district Womens Soci ety 01 Christian oervice inking. Applications are beginning to come in for the third annual ama teur talent show which will be held in the new gvmnasium on March 14 by the AJtar Society of ML Carmel Catholic Church. Pinay To Try For Cabinet PARIS VH Right winger An toine Pinay formally agreed Wednesday to try to form a new French Cabinet and said he would ask the National Assembly to con firm him as premier Thursday. Tl. ...... eTLiraar nl.1 tpflthpr man- Mrs. William C. Hackler is a pa- J ' ' d transport minister In tient at Klamah Valley Hospital Luhrf 'nrt whteh resigned last Regular meeting every F r i d a nltrht 7:45 O. E . O. E. Han, am find Walnut Visiting members cordially Invited Buffet hours 10:3U a.m. m a LLfj LOST AND FOUND . I. 1 - c. rat vlcin i.v rir.n0.r nojtrl. TuleUke. Phone Tulclake 7-03.11. Lee Dixon. Reward. GENERAL NOTICE vVhat! never heard of leprechauns? a inrihnun is a little Irish coin. hn unrk like a beaver, strives to better our living, lends a helping hand in need, and be- ,nn.e hie DOnH WOrlCJI OT1 manVl Little classified ads strive to do the same Job every single day and like the traditional lepre chaun 11 you neea anytning thpv Ktriv tn nrnducft it if VOU wish to sell anything, they act as your salesman! So let our littU "nrl.lpnrlhnllns,, wnrk for you and Strike It Rich! Phone Bin to place your wanvAa. herald & news want ads get results AMKBICAV L raiON Auvtiiarv Klim ath Unit 8, will hold a rummage sale March 7 and 8 at 710 Pine. PERSONALS land Hotel to the Manor Hotel, Ash- una. iregon. rnone rnnnn own. BEAR SILK. 7152. FRATEX Plastics. Phone &T24. ZOE BRUCE Swaiuon'l Beauty Shop. STANLEY Home Products. Phone 6609 crin from a severe attack of flu ArnnnBri Kk a tntioh nf riTlPll. jmonia. Mrs. Hackler was admitted to the nospuai rriaay inonuuK. Feb. 29th. Muni., n,nntKlv motinir nl the Civic Improvement Club will be held in the clubhouse on Friday afternoon, Mar. t, ai a o kuk. n,nt pamA .V.nilW tllP monthly meeting of Fort Klamath Scout rack a, win oe nem wo clubhouse, when a special program and entertainment will feature the affair. Everyone is Invited to at tend the Scout meeting, those com ing being asked to bring along a few sandwiches for the refreshment hour at the close of the evening, when coffee and sandwiches will be served. . , , . .j ur nnhort. PIHrnhnur and their three children returned Sunday from Belllngham, Wash., where they spent the winter months. , Spending Sunday at their Fort Klnmnth home wpre Mr. and Mrs. n.i.ui. V MnAiiliffA arirl flimilv of r-Hiriv;iv i. ...l....... Klamath Falls, where they have been living this winter while the McAttllffe boys attend Sacred Heart. Academy. Czechs Offer Oatis Trade ... . r.irMrr-iM in rtnmmnnist Czechoslovakia has hinted it might consider releasing William N. Oatls imprisoned Associated Press cor respondent, In return for a 17 mil lion aounr sieei mm. .-.., , i. ointa nnnarim.nt in fir,. Dill. Hit Owre ... - Lnn..i.ri(nn rVitc Wprineqrinv. snlri no actual offer has been made and "disposition ot tne sicei mm is noi and will not be connected with the Onus case." m. r-waMir. knurrht. IVin mill m this country . shortly aftor World War II but have been prevented from taking delivery on it ever since tne vommunisw cume w power there. PnrUi are stored In a number of warehouses. nrri.i.l. ,.U rifaahn.lAirnbla nnrt VIIIUIUIO ill, HI v. V . .1'.. .v H ...... raised the steel mill question on a nuniDCr Ol ucuuniuiia m m wny as lo IQUIUIIIC It WUU1U uric u ,1,: in the mill with the release of Oatls Friday, is expecica iu K3 ivi drive 'against tax evaders as a solution tn the aovernment's grave financial crisis. , , Only if this fails, it was reponea, would he seek tax Increases to ... -A..nn,mAn, AnCc cU'pIIpH r,V a proposd 1.400 billion franc (about four oiinon aouarsi aeieusc uuugci. It tncludes cost of the Indochina mar and FrnnrP'c contribution tO I Atlantic Pact defenses. The Assembly last weea-ena re jected a proposed 15 per cent tax increase, causing the resignation of Premier Edgar Faure. Ouster Of McCarthy Eyed WASHINGTON Ml A Senate Rules subcommittee voted Wednes day to ask the 'Senate whether it should continue Its inquiry into demands that Sen. McCarthy (R.-Wis.,) be ousted from Con gress. The subcommittee has been con sidering a resolution by Sen. Ben ton (D.-Conn..) aimed at McCar thy's expulsion. Sen. Gillette (D.Iowa), the sub committece chairman, told news men the vote to try for a show down was a divided one. He declined to btenk it down e cept to sav thnt he voted for the motion and that it was offered by Sen. Monroney (D.-Okla.). Benton has accused McCarthy of unfitness for office for a variety of reasons, among them the man ner in which he has pressed his charges of Communism in govern ment. FISH COl'NT PORTLAND The upstream movement of fish at Bonneville Dnm Tuesday: Chinook 1, steel- head 2, suckers 4. Septic Tank Service TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guarantedd. PHONE 4731 Leaal Notice , EQUITY NO. S Suit for Divorce SUMMONS IN TtlE CIRCUIT COURT OI" THE STATE OP ORF.OON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. ELM O. BAILEY, J Plaintiff, ). vs. AI.1CR BAILEY. I rirfenrlent. 1 To: ALICE BAILEY, Drfendent: ... . . ., Tilt" KT.l T, rtV I in I lira nnmr. . w. I OREGON, you are nereoy rrqmren n mcuni, viye appear and an.wer the complaint filed Attorneys lr Plaintiff ., anainst you In the abova entitled Court I M-14-1I-M M- No. ass 10 SERVICE CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU urhar vmi Hnnf want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find tne person wno neeus what vou don't want. rrvic i tv.a kinH nf service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East wain in ruam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANVWWFRF FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service tnsurea ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hot Hi,llrln--r . rill Dirt . TodsoII Crushed Rock - Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 6541 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest sanitary Memoes Alan RfTTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED F. KING 2434 Orchard Phone 0841 MRS. PENCE, formerly of Whytals will do sewing al nome. rnone onia ...II nrnrlr aiiaranlaari Jennie Hare. Anitas. 707 Main. Phone Mat. CARPENTER work. Remodeling new construction. Phone 2-0H17. on or before the expiration of four tarAoka frnm Fohrllftrv 7. 1052. Which Is the date of first publication of this summons; and If you fail to so answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apptv to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist- tner between vou and the plaintiff. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once each weeK lor tour successive wwm, pui aumt order of Hon. David R. Vandenberg, Juries of the above entitled Court, dated February A. 1952. CHATBURN tc BRICKNKR Merrill . Oregon SERVICES ntred. Phone 2-lfiM FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-o:w3 Phone 4014 EDUCATIONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for positions in the Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not making bet tor than $90 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur ity, you owe It to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Write Box 42 co Herald News area iuuiecm, duk .ii..b. irt luiTti n itcTMvaa rriT.I.CinC 7.T3 Pine Phone 4780 13 HEALTH MAWAf.K theraoeutic exercises for women. Spot reducing featured. Phone 4 HELP WANTED. FEMALE 24 HOUSES rOR HINT THttfcT! room., nlrely nirniiheffV cnt taae, very eoiy, view, no garase. au tomaHe heat tplenrtld for bualneea couple. CIom In. S. Phone 4SM morn ina. ONE bedroom parity" furnUhed houae. Clone In. Call a-BUM. iidiisk tor rent, Inquire Pluly Wlaily. Phone sasl ' roil- RENT, three room houM In Mull Addition. Clnee to bu. and eehoole.- Phone saoa after 4 o'clock. rOB RENT, three room modern pari ly furnUhed cabin, Electrlo itovt. (ea at 13.15 Adami. 28 MISCELUNtOUS fOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS V DRIVE Move Yourself Sav H New Trucks For Long Trlpg Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E, Mftln PhQTW 8304 FOR BENT, by night, day or month"". Urge building next to Little Sweden on South Sixth, for dances, parties, sales, shows. Has eleotrle haat, nice dance floor, stage and piano. Also banquet tablea available and eight or ten ped astals for Lodge use. Soutb Sixth Com munityHall. Phone 0POH. FO R REN T7i( acres, barley, clover and, or potato land at $40 per acre cash. Offer good till March . Write Herald a nd News. Box 46. FOR RENT, irrigated" pasture for SO head cattle. 2 miles south oi Klamath rain, can bjij a iter a p.m. omcK for rent. 623 Mala. Phone FOR RENT, floor sanders latest type equipment Suburban Lumber Co 11th and Walnut Phone 7700, CAR STORAGE HEATED, "day week or month. Sari Lamb, phone 4473 eg 7708. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ELDERLY LADY, as companion, to live in. no worn, t-none wmn. WOMAN, general office work. Steady position. Good starting salary. See Don Mclntyre, Local Loan Co., US No. 10th. Evenings by appointment WANTED, housekeeper to live in. with -A in Via familV. ViWQ wage, a nunc a u WANTED, lady who can demonstrate Rntarv Irnnar. Will BSV bv hOUr On demonstration. Contact Harvey Mar tin. Phone z-zsis. SITUATION OPEN for woman In pri vate home. All automatic equipment Private room ana pain, urn a-juj. WANTED office girl, with collection ex perience preferred. Inquire Rogers Jew elers. year old tn my home days. Must be rename ana eivc uua 16 HELP WANTED. MALE DRY-CI-EArtlH(j route lar vjvi- xuniiy lar sieaay iii.ujftiii vt pay. For full particulars write Box 33 TOP service station man wanted. Sal ary to $300. Commercial Shell Service, 729 soutn sixtn. VETERANS ages 23-28 must be neat. single, aggressive, iree w itvm we ern states and Alaska. Good salary, transportation by air and auto fur nished. Apply Boom 101 Stevens Ho- iei, it-a p in WANTED, young man with mechanl- pusincis. write nctam 3Ai.F;itrf am famines to start aoprox. S275. per month. Opportunity to ad vance. Age ( W W. rs-VVLJ Stations. Ine. 2nd and Main or Eiplan ade and Spring Sts. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED, typist position or typing In mv home. Write Herald News, Box 48. HOURLY work. Phone 2-0214. COMMERCIAL LOT 137 x 137 K. improved streets on two sides. Railroad siding, some buildings. Doing at 11. 600. Small down payment, easy terms at i Interest, JACK GARDNER With Phone 6371 Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Phone 9833 MILLS Immediate rMvupnain.. w. thi. ....... attractive five room home. Con structed in iwi, tavrge living and dining room. Convenient kitchen. "irue eieva:ea oearooms and bath. Attached garage and laundry room. Do not miss seeing this well Dlanned and nttnurtivm hnm. 95O0, terms. OREGON AVENUE Comfortable two bedroom home an mrge corner lot. new electric heat, modern bath, nice kitchen and utll ity, full concrete basement with rumpus room. A-l condition inside and out. 7250, terms. MILLS FAHTl.v MAN Hnerienced In farm work, eouipment operauon. dtilrei' permanent Job. Write Bo 212. Wlmton Oregon. COLORED lady wants housework by hour. Phone 2-3097. WILL care lor children In my home days or your home evening. Call 2-154S: 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LIGHT housekeeping-. Everything fur nished. Suitable sober bachelor or cou ple. 109 North Broad. ROOM and board. Men only. 500 North Ninth. OUTSIDE ROOMS, steam heat. SO and $7 per week. Lake Hotel, phone 7336. Three bedroom home. Excellent condition throughout. Living and dining room, beautiful kitchen. large utility room, wall to wall car peting. ALSO a neat one bedroom modern home on same lot. Double garage, nicely landscaped. All for $11,500, terms. HARRY VAN Eve. 8304) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 1-0537) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURA2VOB 517 Main Phono S211 SLEEPING ROOM, comfortably fur nished, twin beds, suitable for two. Knotty pine den adjoining. Phone 4834. rooms for rent Private entrance. Close in. Phone 4444. R OQMS. prices reasonable. Phone 4627. LOVELY rooms for rent M.-17. a week- Close in. Phone 4LS98. FRONT room for rent Greer Apart- ments. 710 Main. ROOMS 1034 High 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FDR RENT, fufnlshed aoartment. Atv ply Apt 7 Jo Sonja Apt. West Kiara- atn. FOR RENT, small attractive apartment iiitnHl fnr tnol nrson. Gas eoulooed Frigidaire. lights, and water furnished. 142 so. Kiversme. FURNISHED apartment, private bath and entrance. Heat furnished. Adults. Phone 2-2770. 1421 Esplanade. for rent, two room furnished apart ment, electric stove and refrigerator. Natural hot water heat. Lincoln Apart ments. 319 E. Main. UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas equipped. Across irom ine flcaatmy THREE room furnished apartment with bath. 932.30. Available Marcn a. Main. Upstairs, apartment (J.a.rnone 9089. TWO ROOMS, furnished. With garage. Clean and close In. New range and refrigerator. S33.50, Phone twa or siao. SMALL furnished apartment Light and attfl 1711 a"lnlr for RENT. three room furnished apartment Centrally located. 121 South ana UNFt'R.VISHFD 1 bedroom duplex. Ga- rage. S43.50. Phone 2-3587. FURNISHED 2 rooms, shower $39.50. Phone 2-3587. LARGE furnished cabin. $23. 2030 Rad cliffe. Phone 356R THREE room furnished apartment near High School. Large rooms. Large clos ets. AQUits. rnone ojii.. NEWLY decorated three room fur nished. Close in. Couple. $53. Utilities furnished. Phone 4492 or 3463. FOR RENT, two bedroom duplex apart ment. S55. ilio Martin, rnone mh. FOR RENT, furnished apartment for working girl. Utilities furnished. Use of automatic washer and dryer. 3 blocks from 7th and Main, fnone rdtd or can at 426 n. 7tn alter six p.m. CLEAN 3-room apartment 433 North Ten in: NEWLY decorated apartment. Apis. 710 Mam. Greer unfurnished, basement apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water lurnisnea. neing- erntor and electric range avauaoie. 2012 Main or pnone mio. for RENT! 3-room apartment, fur nished. Adults. KtB Hroaa. STEAM HEATED apartment with bed room, oil 8 uaic at. FURNISHED apartment Apartment 1. -too Marnei. THREE BOOM furnished apartment 2041 White. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartme; Gos equipped, can z-wm, !nT NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit Chenette. steam neat, aiecinc ruin $10 week Hex Arms Apartment. FURNISHED bedroom apartment Phone 7644, fltn ana wainui, Auuiey Apartments FURNISHED three room apartment $52.50; two room unit $35; alt utilities Included. 41B n. -renin. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT TWO ROOM house for reni. Call 3700 after five. UNFURNISHED house. 4806 South Sixth. ONE bedroom furnished houae. Phone 2-0990. house. Also small cabins. Inquire SIB XiiHn Tur. iwritwim hnm with office in front Comoletelv furnished. Extra good lo cation lor pusiness, v-an aviv. FOR RENT, Modern two-room furnished house. Inquire 3112 Cannon. Phone 0123 tier live. .-.'.-... .,r.,,c.,erf-- Himlatv K(- cept (or stoves, ejo. Call SOW before e p.oie WHICH ONE? $ 8500 Buy, two bedrooma, 1J acre. t 6600 Buys four bedroom! acre. i 6800 Buys three bedrooms, acre. $ 4000 Buys three bedrooms. acre. $ 7500 Buys two bedrooms, 4 acre. $ 8200 Buys three bedrooma, fur- nisnea, Vi acre. $30,000 Buys three bedrooma, M acre. 18,900 Buys three bedrooms, 10 acres. $10,500 Buys four bedrooma, one lot. $10,000 Buya four bedrooms, one lot. $11,000 Buys two bedrooms, large 3 corner lots. $ 2625 Buys on Layeshore Drive iyt acre, a FOR SALE $42 per acre per crop season buya a lease on loo acres good black soil, Irrigated. Suitable for barley, ciover, or potatoes. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Associate 408 Main Office Ph. 1-3335 Eves. 3-1365 HIGHWAY CAFE: : Good year around business. Grade, A. Includes buildings, stock, fix tures and equipment. Living ouar ters. Price $8500, Good term. ' HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth 9879 Phone 19f ACROSS FROM SHASTA SCHOOL Clean, attracUve two bedroom borne on large lot. Irrigated ,r0" JJ; lawn and berries. Priced to aell with or without furniture. Newhouse Real Estate, 2060 South Sixth, phona 9031 or 874a. 74 ACRES', irrigated. Good buildings, on paved roed. S-room modern home. Suitable for potatoes or train, woven wire fenced. By owner. Box 4, Meral ancf News. 1 FOR SALE, three room modern housjv electric heat and "rj!f"UrI;.Ibl ed. One acre good aoll. Keaaonably priced. Phone 06. " OR SALE, two bedroom unflnlsheo: pumice brick house, two acre, excel.' lent ground. ISO ft. well. Shede re. On paved street. MSO. cash wlU Handle. 3027 Johna Ave. Phone .-1940. THREE BEDROOM modern home, with 1400 sq. feet of floor apace with double garage: Situated on V acre good eoll. Paved street. Total price taoo. Season able terms. Evenings, Far Travle. Phone t-etes evening,. V(N w CMLEY Deal Estate and H""'1". M01 go. Mk, fawae eVeW