IIKRALI) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKC.ON THURSDAY. MARCH 6, 1032 PAGE TWO """" 1 7WCT''''i.''y'.'i'J ."'7'. 1 iJ-H .-'Xll V'VI , s ...... "U'Ar I M A' A Vrt,...ll KFLW 1450 Kc. PST Thumday Evening, March 6 :M flporu HlnHllfhu :lfl Horn Town Newt MELD OVER! HQ mtt this wos tnml m m ROBERT TAYLOR DENSE DARCEL HOPE EMERSON JOHN MclNTIRE CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE Dai ly From 1:45 BkV r i. . rr fl 23 World Newt Nummary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6 4.1 Headline Ed ill on ABC 0:53 Coming Attraction! on ABC 7:00 Mr. President ABC 7:30 Defense Attorney ABC B OO Orlg. Amateur Hour ABC 8:45 Bob Hope Show Red CroM :C:i 1 he RtHiffait ABC ftr.tn Prestrtrnt Truman ABC 10 00 10 PM Headline 1013 Tax Your Brian ABC 10 30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newt Summary 11:05 Sijn Off Friday. March 7 8:00 Slfn on Newt 6:03 Corn In the Morn 8:43 Farm Fare 7:00 News Bkfft Edition 7:13 Charge's Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred A Newt ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning T:.S .lonn CoU S BC 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9 ?0 nreak the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley, News ABC 10:13 Lone Journey ABC 10:50 My True Story ABC 10:.V1 WhHperinf Streets ABC 11:00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:13 Stop 4c Shop 11:30 A(aim.t the Storm ABC 11:45 Mutical Roundup 11:33 Market Report 12:00 News, Noon Edition 2:15 When a Girl Marries ABC 12:50 Lucky V Ranch ABC 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1 15 Batter Llvini 1:30 Mary Margaret McBrlde ABC 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:13 Accent on Melotfjr 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC ;::.u.l Dean Cameron ABC 3:45 Mary Marl in ABC 4:00 Fequestfully Yours 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 3:M World Flight E-w.er ABC 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:45 Town House Orch. ABC 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:15 Home Town Newt 6:23 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 S?nkn New Roiriup ABC 7.00 Gillette Fights ABC 8:00 Richard Diamond ABC 8:30 This Is Your FBI ABC 8:00 Ozzie and Harriet ABC 9:30 Cone, of Favorites 10:fl 10 PV. He-Hli"-10:13 Dr. Gino's Musical ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 1:00 News 11:03 SKn Off KFJI 1150 Kc-PST Thursday Evening-, March 6:00 Gabriel He alter MBS 6:15 Klam. Theater Quiz. 6:30 Around Town Newt 6 43 Sam Hayes News MBS 6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7 00 Harmony Kmc 7:15 Snorts Album 7:30 Bobby Benson MBS 8.00 CUde Beany Mba 8:30 Voice of America 8:45 Heidelberg Harmons ire 9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS MS Fulton Lewis Jr. MPS 9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 9:43 Sports Final 9:33 3-Hinute Final MBS ENDS TONIGHT afl r' JMiItifl . I irirrmTnTTi &sn ;ifj Km 1 1 CImr FORD 6m TIERNEY i PLUS FREE DISHES ' 4UMUKH0W L II v ibi nrc . i iinnoi if ui MKLWr 9 LUQUQI f v DAdiL ha i nounx ELSA LANCNESTER and v Others ii a Or ttl w MTaitUklTj 7:25-838-10:33 INrrt LmiSBIGUUSBOTTUSCOMETOUrl... I FROM 7T 1 'AS' ' , Paramount presents .PORT OF A THOUSAND DANGERS! rv , the refreshing, f, ' $ J'p'' exciting surprise Szm tikJ penance AlJflW movie season ! 7iK.y irnmm m womtm 1 - ' , starring , 1 filGFL BRUCE - MARVIN MILLER rdded - "BY LEAPS and HOUNDS" (NoveltoonA LITTLE EXPERT ON PRESIDENTS (Topper) A MISSED FORTUNE (Comedy) LATE NEWS MBS PST 7 10 -on t Love A Mystery MBS 10:13 Serenade In Blue lfl:30 Rod and Gun Club 11 :M Night Owls r dill on :i:03 Night Owls Club la.oo sign on KFJI UM Kc. Friday, March 6 00 Mutlcat Revemt 6 43 Farm Reporter 6:55 Regional News 7 00 Hemingway News MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gat.. MRS 7:30 Headlines & Bylines 7-45 Best '.U)i I 00 cc. Brown MBS 8:15 L.vakfast Gang MBS g 30 rtible Inttitute MRS 9:00 Hoinemakers Harmonies 9:15 Backstage Blonde 9:?0 Platter Party 9:45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 News MBS 10:13 Tello Test MBS ttvrn l srefrtes 10:45 Concert 10:50 Currins lu:a3 Ken Carson MPS 11:00 Ladies Fair MBS 1125 News MBS 11 ro Queen tor a Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:13 Noonday News 12:30 Dance Tur.es 12:45 Music Box 12 50 Market & Livestock 12:35 Klamath Note 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS , M - ;iljer MBS - . 1:00 New MBS 2:05 Network News MBS 2:13 Two at 213 2:45 Answer Man MBS 3:00 RiCKy's Request 4:00 Behind the Story MS 4:13 Hemingway News MFS 4:r.O Curt Massey Time MPS 4:M Ssc Hajc News MBS 3:00 Twilight Time 5:30 Wild Bill Hlckock MBS 3:33 News MBS :0u Uabrel Scatter MBS 6:13 Klamath Theater Qu a 6:30 Around Town News 6 45 Sam Hayes News UBS 6 55 Bill Henry MBS 0o Adventure c Malsie MBS 7:30 Cisco Kfd fBS 8:00 Basketball Time 8:05 Bsktbl. Crater High at KUHS 9:00 Glenn Hardy. News MBS 9:15 Bsktbl. Crater High at KUHS 9:40 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:35 5-Min. Final 10:00 1 Love A Mystery MBS 10:13 Adven. Is Your Heritage 10:30 Armed Forces Review MBS 11:00 Night Owls Edition 11:05 Night Owls Club 12;00 Sign Off Lattimore Denies Any "Influence" WASHINGTON W Owen Lat timore testified Wednesday that in June, 1945. he tried to influence President Truman against restrict ing American aid to the Chinese Nationalists alone while the Chinese Nationalists were also fighting the Japanese. But, Lattimore insisted in testi mony before the Senate Internal Security subcommitee, his recom mendations never had the slightest influence on American foreign pol icy. Lattimore. Far Eastern Affairs specialist, made the concession that he tried to "influence" the Presi dent under hammering question, f uy ceil, rergusun irc.-raiuu..'. ! "T hnvi. nvpr hud nnv inflttnr. on American foreign policy," Lat timore said at one point. Ferguson refused to accept this. "I am not willing to have you draw the conclusion that you had no Influence whatever on Ameri can policy," Ferguson said. "That is an issue before this committee." Lattimore also denied thzt he had asked Mr. Truman in July of 1945 not to appoint Joseph C. Grew, ex-ambassador who is now retired, as an adviser on Far East ern policy. He testified, however, that he had urged Mr. Truman at that lime to have American policy to ward China reviewed by advisers who had not been associated either with the formulation or carrying out "of that policy as recently practiced." Lattimore was miestioned for the eighth day by the subcommittee In Its probe for any Communist influences on U.S. policies in the Far. East. mm n ir I NEW YORK TALENT will appear here next Tuesday night, March 11 in the New York Drama Guild play "Voice of tlio Turtle" to be presented in the Mills school auditorium under sponsorship of the Business and Professional Women's Club. Curtain time will be 8 p.m. The play is the third and last of a series of three shown here this winter. Phyliss Manning (left; will play the feminine lead opposite Wendell Mavcs. McCarthy Is Center Of New Storm WA8HINOTON l.fl An flection year alorni appeared to be brew inn Thui-.idny over whrlher to ron. tunic an Inquiry Into a demand that Sen. McCarthy R.-WI.,I be ouslrd from Connie. Sen. Welkcr (R.-Idnhn) called a move for a Senate vote cm the qupKtlon "puro politics." lie anltl the administration Is liylnu to pre vent re-election of MrCilrlhy this fall. McCurthy aiireed. Howpver. Sen. Cllllrltn (D.-l., declared "Thorn In nnllilnii more crrln In Hum the (art there In no political nnitlvo of any kind behind this move." dlUette Is chairman and Welkar a inpmber of a Brnate rulen nub coiiunlttee which voted 4-1 Wednes day to try for a Senate decision on whether the group should to ahrad with lis months-old Investliiatlon of ounter champ tnailo aKiiInn Mc Carthy by Ben. Denton D.-Cnmi.,. McCarthy has ehallpniied the subeomnilttee'a authority, u con duct tha Inquiry. p , Olllfttp aald the Wlnconaln lie publican had "Impuitned the Impu rity" nf the member hv chargum Die uroup waa aiinndltiK "tcim of thoUKandi of dollars of Uin lax payci'a'" to prnvldn the Dnnorrntn witn ponucm ammunition to uuo Kalnit McCarthy. Tha aiibcommlllpe voted ' ak the SPiiate to deelile wliplhnr there In any bnxlN Inr McCatthv'a cIiiiih- es In piled n reniirNt tor a volo of conllripnie anil a deelMmi wnth er the Inquiry ulumld bo coullnued KLAMATM rALlt. Nia AMIRICAN CHINfSI n. tU fw Ot4 m U Ttkt Oat Btn B. Lt, Mqr. Mohoney Pleods Innocent To Count bmoaoN CITY m State $rn i Thnman Mnhnney, aocuxed of . Miull and battery, pleaded Innoo nl in UIMrlut Oonil lipra Wedno.iday : Wayne Hull, a taxi drlvpr, aald Muhmioy piiNhrd him durliui an ill'ituiilPnt liit wpek over a 60 trnl call fare. i Mnlitiiipy'a lilra wan , (lied by another lawyer, , (sHirgaii. irinf fht fans I for coMt .1 I vet Joins Ranks For Farm Vote YAKIMA W A Yakima man who lost most of his possessions in the Kansas flood last July will compete with SO other candidates for the Columbia Basin's farm-ln-a- day. He is Donald D. Dunn, who was chosen to represent this state in Washington. D. C, in the final na tional competition. The other can didates are being selected from the tne other states and the territories. Dunn's selection was announced by H. L. Rosencrann, chairman of the state and national veterans of f oreign Wars agriculture conunlU tees. Dunn, who virtually was wined out in the Kansas Hoods, now is a larm machinery salesman m Ya kima. He has a wife and two chil dren. He was a tank driver in the European theater during World War II. Dunn won the local competition, then he was selected from approxi mately 1.600 entries from posts throuRhout the state. The S50.000 farm for which he It competing is to be built three miles irom Moses Lake, Washington. It will be constructed and awarded May 29 to tho man chosen as the nation's most worthy veteran. The award will coincide with Co lumbia Basin celebrations opening the million-acre project to irriga tion. The men who served on the com mittee which selected Dunn to rep resent this state were Sverre Ohm dahl. state director of agriculture: Henry Carstensen, master of the State Grange and James Johnston, vice president of the State County Agents Association. . 2820 Apply r"or lV New Farm Project EPHRATA, Wash. Wl Appli cants for the nine Columbia Basin farm units to be sold after a public drawing March 14 face odds of 313 to one against them. The Bureau of Reclamation said Wednesday that 2,820 applications have been received for the units, seven of which will receive water this year and the other two In 1953. Virtually without any hope at all are 197 apnlicanU" who arc non veterans. The veterans get first chance. Ragpicker Is Wealthy Man TORONTO lif Alvin Poser was i dirty, ragged, ragpicker who lived alone in squalor. He used to bring money into a trust company for deposit and some of the employes there tried to avoid waiting on him. So he kept coming to George Er nest Buchanan, an executive of the company, who believed in "treat ing every customer as best I know how," The old ragpicker, aged 70, died 11 flays ago. He left $25,000 S15.000 of it to Buchanan, the will dis closed Wednesday, Buchanan said Poser came to the trust company in 1918 with $5,000. Aided by Buchanan's in vestment advice, It grew to 2o, 000. The banker aald he hadn't teen the old man for four years. "The shape of his hands told me he must have been a cultured man," Buchanan said. "They were the hands of an art ist, once he washed them." Banking Conference To Be Held Soon SPOKANE The 13th Annual Pacific Northwest Banking Confer ence in Pullman April 11 will be addressed by Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, the confer ence chairman announced Wednes day. Joel Ferris, the chairman, aald Snyder has, agreed to address- the final banquet of the two-day con- lerence. ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT FOR MARCH VALUES! mma n nautili iLbiiLiuji;inrri!j i Follow The Crowd To Sears! CEHS BUYS ML PRICED TO GO f OR rHFr K THESE WISE Bin J 100 v" am rfT PLASTIC LAMP t QQ SHADES... 19" Floor lompityle U O Set of 4 Screwdrivers High carbon tool steel- Dunlop 6" GRASS SHEAR All Steel... of ft hondle PRUNING SHEAR Lightweight UTILITY SUCER RAYON EMBASSY fl QQ CREPE... 2 YARDS Reg. 79c Yard Slender blade Crottimnn , , O Crockery Mixing Bowl O PVREX CASSEROLE O 42x81 RAYON PANEL - r .hell Marquisette KOYon O 4 Upholstery Swatches O 8 Jumbo Dish Cloths ,00; POPLIN WORK HAT Waterproof Poplin Tan Shade in all sixes RANDOM WORK SOX 4 PAIR Ideal for work Sites 12 to 14 Woffle wcove Heavy duty Fourth Victim Of Crash Dies NOME. Alaska MB A Feo. 27 plane crash claimed its fourth vic tim Wednesday when Emil Fisher, 57. died of injuries. Fisher was head of the Nome of fice of the Alaska Native Service. Others injured fatally In the crack up near here were Reggie Joule, veteran bush pilot, his bride of a month, and Bill Porter, an airline mechanic. We cater to those that demand the very best In Insurance. Hani Norland Agency. 627 Pine St, Thief Gives Doc Very Bad Time SAN PEDRO, Calif. (1 Trying to catch a burglar he found In his bedroom, Dr. M. E. Wllmoth: 1. Went head over heels when the thief suddenly released a door the doctor was tugging. 2. Was peppered by a barrage of bottles and tin cans when he approached his back yard trash barrel. 3. Cut hi foot on a broken bottle. 4. Lost $10 to the burglar. Hospital Plane Falters In Takeoff TOKYO W) A giant Strato crulser hospital plane carrying 68 patients cracked up on a takeoff from Haneda Airport Thursday but only two were Injured. Pieces of Drooeller blades broke off and hit them when the props crashed on the runway. Their in juries were described as slight. The plane never got off the ground. The landing gear collapsed as the C-97 was racing down the runway for Its takeoff for Midway Island, Here For Two Big Weeks! CAL TRIO JIIVTTJ NITELY Dancing From Nine o'clock Molatore's 1112 Main O 2 Yd. Plastic Yardage f wide j uncurtains... 30 o JUM30 BANDANA 5 FOR A real dollar day Saving in Red or Blue Ideal tor cun- 42x81 Pebble Dot rn. Ptel colors... F.neconon CANVAS GLOVES 4 PAIR Heavy 8-oz. Canvas for work 1 1 1 00 00 00 CHAMBRAY DRESSES 200 Regularly 2.98 WOMEN'S HOUSECOATS 00 Fresh new stylos! Just arrived! Come in and see these fine-combed chambray dresses . . . you'll marvel at this low price. A gay array of Sping stripes in sixes 12 to 44. 3.98 to 4.98 Values Frankly we're daxzled! We've never seen housecoat .' values like these before! Rayon crepes and cotton plines in a doxen attractive prints and colors! Sixes 12 to 44 rpi!f3ifVikVlRlii'lRaiiiiui)y;,ii!inzjijMj) ! WOMEN'S FELT SLIPPERS Split leather sole ... 5 to 7 LADIES' RAYON PANTIES Pink or white ... 10 to 12 2 FOR 12 POCKET SHOE BAG 1 00 Vinyl Plastic ... Blue, green, wine WHITE COTTON BRAS A cup 32 to 26 ... B cup 32 to 38 -J 00 J 00 1 00 BOY'S FLANNEL SHIRT Sanforixed cotton ... 4 to 1 0 BOY'S KNIT T SHIRT New! Spring patterns . , .'S. M. L. GIRL'S COTTON PANTIE Best wearing ... 2 to 8 4 PAIR ' ' ;' '' '.. Children's Slipper Bootie Blue and Red in assorted fixes atybcZc?K paataaZeetf 9t pout mom? tool' SEARS Store Hours: 133 So. Bid 1 1 1 rj oo j oo! 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.J ' Phone 3181 j