Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 06, 1952, Page 19, Image 19

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    THUHSDAY, MARCH fl, 1052
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Prayer Rings The Globe
Church Women Gather
The Sfitli annual World Day ol
Prayer, sponsored February 2(1 by
the Klnmatli Falls council of
Church Women brought a rcore-
Mcntutlve Kalherlnx of women from
other local churches to the First
Presbyterian church for the mcet-
Mrs. Lawrence Blrk. Council
president gave the B,ldrcmi of wel
come and Introudced Mrs. L, K.
Phelps, chairman of the day.
The oncnlna address was by Rev.
David F. Burnett Jr., First Pres
byterian pastor., Rev. Burnett pre
sented a f.tlrrhiK challenge for
Christianity, "Christ Our Hope."
Costumed ushers were Mrs. Art
I,, Moore ns a migrant worker;
Mrs. Adam Miller, sharecropper;
Mrs. Duvld F. Barnett Jr.. stu
dent; Mrs. Raymond Hall, Sioux
A metal screen In front of your
flrcplnce will keep flying sparks
out of your living room. Have your
:hlmncy cleaned and Inspected pe
MAYOR BOB THOMPSON presents) awards to Mrs. Wesley McNee Sr. (left) and Mrs. U. S.
Balentino, completing classes In Arts and Crafts taught recently by Frank Staples direc
tor for the National Recreation Association. Over 80 Klamath Basin women studied
finccr painting, knot braiding, sawdust modeling and spatter painting in classes spon
sored by the Klamath Leader's Training Council and the Recreation Department. Those
completing the work will in turn teach young people representing youth groups.
Green Beans J
Listed March
Thrift Buy .
Color, flavor and food value
all In one thrllty packane that's
the way to look at canned green
linuiM. sovs Miss Agues Kolshorn.
extension nutrition spcotullKt at
Oregon Stale college.
. She points out that heavy? sup
plies at most grocers' will make
this vegetable one of the beat food
buys In March. Moreover, green
brum offer vitamins A and C, as
well as some of the hard-to-get
B vitamins, and can be served In
a variety of appellulng ways.
Try cooking them with a . dash
nt mitmeu. or a few leuves of sav
ory, ho suggest. Men approve of
their heurty flavor when green
beans are cooked with chapped ba
con. Or put the beans under the
broiler rack when broiling meats,
where they will cutch. the meat
Their color and flavor' make
green beans a "naturol" for cas
serole dishes. For Instance, bake
them with sliced hard cooked eggs
and a cheese sauce, topped with
bread crumbs. Or try tlwm With
tuna fish and canned condensed
cream of mushroom soup, baked
with a grated cheese topping.
For a tasty winter salad, com
bine chilled, well-drained- canned
green beans with a salad dress
ing and cho'nncd. cooked bacon
and serve on lettuce, shredded
r.iiblmue. or other greens. Old-fash
loncd vegetable soup, stew, and
chowder may ulso be Improved by
adding green beans.
One Number 2 can of green
hiMiiiK tirnvldcs four hulf-cup aery
lugs. They come In several pack
styles, Including the regular l!i
Inch cut: French style, also called
sliced or julienne, meaning the
beans ore cut lengthwise Into thin
strips; Jumble pack, In which the
bcuns are paexca wnoie nut jum
bled; and vertical or asparagus
Wash drip cups and gratings In
hot. detergent suds. Use stiff bru.h,
mild abrasive or floe steel wool to
remove dried residue. i
As Advem,sedW,uoW
Make it
in 19 minutes!
Only 19c
a serving!
pemer for mi
Indian; Mrs. James W, Plnnixer
Mexican; Mrs. Fred Ooeller as a'
Chinese peasant. Each gave a pray
er, Indicative of their life station
Mrs. Earl Bhcrldan sang "Hear
Thou My Prayer." Mrs. Kenneth
Lamble read the Impressive psalm
of an Indian shepherd, written by
a Navajo student at Cook Training
School, Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Mar
vin Norseth sang "Tho Twenty,
third Psalm," Mulotte. Rev. Llovrt
F. Hollowny, Methodist Church,
spoke briefly on the Community
Council, proposed as a new organ
isation in Klamath Falls.
Rev. Irwin Tweet, Klamath Luth
eian Church spoke on "Prayer,"
discussing the great need for com
munication with Ood and offering
suggestions on when and how to
pray. Mrs. R. H. Reeves explained
the use of offerings given during
World Day of Prayer. Distribution
is legion. Sharing are migrant
workers, sharecroppers, American
Indian tribes, Interdenominational
Christian Colleges for Women, In
the Orient. Christian Literature
publication for women and chil
dren around the World, foreign
students who are assisted In aca
demic work, Friendly Relations
"Come Unto Me," a solo was
sung by Mrs. Phil Hitchcock. Mar
vin Nerseth, son ol. Dr. and Mrs.'
Marvin Nerseth sang "If Ood So
Clothes tho Orass," Blschoff.
A playlet, "Mother Liberty's
Children" was presented in cos
tume by Hazel Morrison, "Moth
er Liberty:" Mrs. Fred Karlson.
wnose ancestors came over on tne
Mayflower, Mrs. Irwin Tweet, an
American Indian, Mrs. Ivan Rlffey.
a Negro clergyman; Mrs. Lawrence
Blrk, a .Nisei; Mrs. John Yadon, a
migrant woman; Mrs. Walter Hern
don, an American with torebearers
from the new Republic of India;
Mrs. Earl Redman, a foreign stud
ent from Lebanon,
Mrs. Elbert Veatch was organist
for the morning session, Mrs.
Mrs. George Mclntyre for the af
World Day of Prayer Is held on
the first Friday In Lent to promote
the Christian Fellowship of praym
around the (lobe and the .bulldlit)
of world brotherhood.
The next mnt iu of the Council
of Church Women wll b Mart?)
24th at the First Methodist church
4 Fetlive Colon for Mixing and Matching!
Whit s thrill to collect the valuable, uteful
premiums that come iniide every big squire
packiae of Mother's Oats! Sian today! No
wailing no coupons no money to send for
Ihis gaily colored Carnival Ware, or Alumi
num Ware, "Fire-King" Cup sod Saucer, or
"Wild Rose" pattern China.
And remember, there's no finer quality, more
delicious, more nourishing oatmeal for your
family than Mother's Oals! Get it today!
You ean rent a lovely new aplnel plans
from the Letila R, Mann Plane Corn
pan)', M N. 71b. at a law monthly
rale. After a reasonable II mt you ran.
If VOQ wiih. eh an re from rent Ia n ur
chin acreement. Tht renl already paid
la all credited la your purchase account
and no other down payment la rtecet-
rr. me mommy payments can oe
little higher than rent. Or. If yon pra
ter; yon can continue to rent.
lust Meant
for LENT
Oregon Potato
To Keep yuaiiiy-;
, from Orogonian
Market fag
Oretton pto I"" wU
maintain n ot
look for fheio varieties:
Your BEST food buy
Oregon Potato Growers know mot Hi rxit woy to ghw
you th. most for your food dollar Is lo keep on selling only
quaify potatoes. Good potatoes give you mora food valu
at a lower cost per pound . . . substandard potatott are an
expensive bargain! Compared lo other fresh vegetables,
potatoes offer you nourishing food at an economical pric.
Make sure you get your money's worth... buy Oregoa
potatoes and get quolity potatoesl
Oregon Potato Commission
f Of mor. food vol.. pmr hW, . Or.jos potolo.s bok,d, Mta.Ml,
io.S.hrown.d, Is sesn ane) taarfa.
s,, 5? " .
Try this Winner Dinner now being featured
in LIFE Magazine! It's a hot and hearty one
dish dinner, arid you can prepare it In 19
minutes for only 19c a servingi Make it with
Mission the top-quality, top-tasting maca
roni that always cooks firm and tender.
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