PAGE EIGHTEEN W 0 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1052 s U A toASJ 401 'St.. 6th li . V iv i--' ' vVv - - - I i i ..A H 1 I IMMI0IAT1 KAUIU-rnUNUiiKAPn COMBINATION asgl ' .. o ugtf i ONLY $30 DOWN 1 . . : 1 mMM ADVANCED' DESIGN . , . Turntables pull out, push in I for easier operation, controls for radio reception, bast 1 ii and treble control, dial and volume control. Built-in I !SM diapole antennae for both FM and AM listening. Turn J fjU jI&JejxS! V tables are spring-mounted. ii32J3SZ2jHnv I SUPERB RECORD REPRODUCTION Three differ ent needles to play three different speeds and types of records. One turntable plays 78 rpm. and 33'j rp. rec ords. A Victor 45 turntable plays the famous Victor 7" discs. The ideal arrangement for truest, most-listeneble record reproduction. BEAUTIFUL CABINETRY Your choice gf rich ma hogany finish or gleaming walnut . . front panels feature luxurious inlay effects. Interior of cabinet offers space for 145 single or 18 albums of 7" records, plus space for long-playing and standard records. MATCHLESS RADIO RECEPTION . . Bring the clar. ity end richness of FM radio to your home, listen to stand ard AM broadcasts. A now extended tone range for both tadio and records bring concert-hall quality to your living room. Tone-compensated controls bring you tone accuracy at any volume. ftadio m E ertric Remember.. whom you buy It at Important at what you buy,., D&D'S awn ervlce department de livers, Installs and services your radio -phono . graph with skill and care. 401 South 6th Street