Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 06, 1952, Page 17, Image 17

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    THURSDAY, MARCH ft, 10!2
TIiIn mill That About Women
tilted by Ruth King
w It's A Woman's World"
Old Cars Bring
Back Days Of '02
CHICAOO Ifl Eluhl ancient
automobiles cliUKKcd more Utnn
two miles through snow storm
Tuesday as a feature o( the Ameri
can Automobile Association's CJold-
i :
WORD but it takes one to
encompass the expcrlness
with which Ella Rcdkey,
executive director of the
Klamath area, Girl Scouts
manages a huge task.
There are 33 active Girl
Scout troops in the Klam
ath Basin . , girls who love
to hike and swim and sleep
out doors . . girls who are
eager to learn to cook in
camn . .. to weave and sew
. . Ella Hedkey has kept
her fingers on the pulse of
every activity in the Girl
Scout curriculum for near
ly five years . .
She works with adult
council members and lead
ers . . directs the Summer
Camn at Lake of the Woods
. . last year accompanied
24 girls and 8 adults on a
four-day senior troop camp
ing trip to Portland, hopes
to go again this summer , .
hiked with a back - pack
down the picturesque
Rogue River in 1951 . .
loves to fish.
Ella .Redkev is a skilled
swimmer . . is a Red Cross
First Aid and Life Saving
expert and devotes many
hours teachin" both youns
and adults the approved
wav to swim.
She is a graduate of .the
University of Oregon,
taught school for nine
years before accepting her
present position and is a
member, of the Business
and Professional Women,
the American Association
of University Women and
of the Soroptimist club.
Her plans for the summer
. . more Girl Scout camp
ing. . -
en Anniversary.
All but one of the wheezing old
earn made It from the Drake Hotel
to the main Postoffice under their
own power. The oldest cars were
a Studebaker Electric and a Ramb
ler, built In 1902. Two cars broke
down after the parade and were
towed to the ' Science Museum.
which aupplled six of the cars from
lis collection.
A commemorative stamp for the
Jubilee was Issued In ceremonies
at the. Postoffice. The. AAA. the
world's largest motor federation,
was founded In Chicago March 4,
1903, by ulna pioneer automobile
clubs. - .
, Card-Party
PORT KLAMATH A fine crowd
enjoyed a good time at the card
party sponsored by the Civic Im
provement Club in the clubhouse
Friday evening, Feb. 29. At tne
close of play, refreshments were
served to the gathering by the fol
lowing committee: Mrs. Frank
Denton, Mrs. Bert Gray, Mrs.
Prank Edward and Mrs. Harold
Wlmer. In charge of cards were
Mrs. James Van Wormer, Mrs.
Richard Varnum. and Mrs. Joseph
Hallord, while. Mrs. Frank stra
tum conducted the games.
Prizes were awarded to Joseph
Mercer, Chlloquln, who held high
score for bridge: Clerk Roeder.
with high for canasta players, and
Mrs. Don vealcn. champion of tne
pinochle tables. Mrs. William Her.
bert and Daniel Halford were Riv
en prizes at games, while a guest
prizo weni to wuuam u. Hacaier.
rQ7Cvl When you taste this bright erccn Mcdo-Land l
When you taste this bright green Mcdo-Land
treat you'll say, "Boy, this" is really some
thing!".. .and it really is! Medo-Land Choco
: late Chip Mint is a wonderfully smooth ice
cream with a "Farm-Fresh" creamy taste that
1 is downright delicious. The cool, minty flavor
blends "just right" with the rich chocolate
chips to make the finest after-dinner dessert
you can serve. Taste Chocolate Chip Mint and
you'll know why Medo-Land wins so many
Holland's Queen Arrives
Washington Early Spring
WASHINGTON Will the White
House be open to receive Queen
Juliana of the Netherlands and her
husband, Prince Bernhard on their
first state visit to tne capital on
April 2. Will the tulips be In bloom?
President Truman couldn't an
swer the first query, but he said
he hoped renovations and redecora
tlon of the executive mansion would
be completed by then. If not, the
Men Getting
Fatter, Lazier?
NEW YORK Ml Sir, are you
growing fatter and lazier?
The New York Custom Tallons
Designers Club says American men
are the fattest and laziest in U.S.
history. The reasons: Too much
iieen and food, not enouKh exer
cise. But, the club said Tuesday, men
are now better dressed than ever
before even though the model size
has Jumped from 32 to 40.
The club picked these as the 10
best dressed men In the country:
United Nations Delegate Warren
Austin, Boxer Ray Robinson, Dan
cer Arthur Murray, Actor Greg
ory Peck, Socialite Charles Munn
or., Banuieauer Freddy Martin. Tel
evision Host Robert Montgomery,
Producer-Composer Richard Rod ti
ers, Comedian Bob Hose and
George K. Punston, head of the
New York Stock Exchange. -
does it for you
No otcd to witch oi worry every mia
t. No fear of bad falli. Baby can't dimb,
fill or flip out of tbt itudr balanced
Safety Chut.
raise to liSy for
feeding, lower
for playtime,
foldifor -
carryto. .
" frm P to alia. 6 write or
pfcetto far fraa feMar
royal couple will be nut up at
Blulr House, probably In the same
suite as that occupied by young
Queen Elizabeth II, and Prince
Philip on their recent visit.
White House gardeners are more
definite about the tulips. They pre
dict the bulbs, which symbolize
Holland's biggest export to the U.S.
a mllllon-dollar-a-year business
will be In bloom on the White
House lawn.
It is virtually certain that Pres
ident and Mrs. Truman will give
a dinner (or the guests on the day
of their arrival and a return din
ner will be given by the Queen tor
the Trumans, probably on the fol
lowing day.
The official entourage will num
ber about 10 and will include Hol
land's foreign minister, rosy
cheeked, blue-eyed Dirk U. Stikker
and tall, slender Marlanna Talle
gen, chief of the Queen's cabinet.
The Queen's four daughters will
remain at home.
Queen Juliana, who spent the
war years In Ottawa with her chil
dren, made frequent visits to
Washington during that time. She
Is a close friend of Mrs. Eleanor
Roosevelt. Prince Bernhard recent
ly came to the United States to
Inspect American naval Installa
tions. . .
Mrs. Julia lynch, who la aerv
Ing as a special advisor to the
Netherlands Ambassador here on
the Queen's visit, met Juliana In
Holland In December, 1M0. .
"She Is a very wrm human be
lng and responds qulcklv to pen.
pie," Mrs. Lynch said. "She makes
an Impression. She is not an Elis
abeth. She Is a matron around 42
years of age, but she Is oharmlng,
very feminine and has a nice ro
partee and quick sense of humor,."
The Queen and her party will
also visit New York, Canada and
Michigan, where there is a largo
Dutch population.
1224 MonCloire Ph.- 4555
)' ;
v 3
Unequalled.. .That's XXXt !
In all the world no other diamond to match the
famed Cullinan. And in all the world no other
whifkry to equal the wonderful smoothness of
7 Crown, Seagram's finest American whiskey.
Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Poof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., N.Y.
'A ) m
! - At f . ... w if 15 Jr a
T,-u ... . ,
n -
'? serve... .
Crackers are singly-stacked, no
need to "break them apart" be
fore serving I
Serve without taking the pack off
the shelf thanks to the end
opening! Re-fold the wrapping of each
, packet in a flash keeps crackers
oven-fresh to the last'
t(?tep few fell...
Enjoy the tastier good
ness of thinner, crisper
Kept freshest -of-all because of
wax paper protection!
The cracker wrapping women voted "easiest to use!"
Sure, you can get excited about a cracker! A Snow Flakb
, Saltine, crisp as crisp, thin and fresh as a cracker can possibly
be! Share their goodness with soups, salads, snacks all your
. meals. Sea how much better Snow Flake Saltines make
everything taste! At your grocer's -now in the new 4,
In-er-Seal Wax Packets.