; PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH , 1052 I Handshaking Candidates On New Hampshire In Descend Force As Vote Wears; Truman Playing Coy By The Associated Press ... Political oratory echoed across New Hampshire's snow-covered hills Thursday In hand-shaking, meet the people, answer the ques tions campaigns. ' The Republican and Democratic races each appeared to be a con test between a man working hard for the Presidency and one who hasn't said he wants the Job. The Republican choice seemed harrowed to Senator Robert A. Taft, who arrives In New Hamp shire Thursday in earnest quest of the nomination, and Gen. Dw4ght 6 Candidates Appear On j)re. Ballot !2P0RTLAND W It appeared -Thursday that there will be six candidates for President on : the "May 16 Oregon Republican primary ballot. "Three of them are willing candi dates. Three others do not want to JCIW. ffhree of them apparently will "e filed twice. The willing candidates are Gov. "iTart Warren of California, Gen. Jjwight Elsenhower and Harold fStassen. The unwilling candidates are Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Sen. "Robert A. Taft of Ohio, and Sen. 3?ayne Morse of Oregon. . tassen filed his own candidacy recently and Warren said in Sac "ramento Wednesday that he would "W the same before the Friday igtadline. .Backers of Gen. Eisenhower and Gen. MacArthur have placed their candidates' names on the ballot by nominating petitions. T"Mrs. Fred Gronnert, who calls JjfTsea a conservative Republican, Mid she would file petitions which would place the names of Morse, Msenhower, Etassen and Warren on the ballot A backer of Gen. MacArthur, she .said she thought the multiple filings would aid her candidate by split ting the vote which might other wlse go to Eisenhower. But MacArthur does not wish to Jun to Oregon and has told his sponsor, F. E. Epton, so. Epton rhag not yet revealed whether he will attempt to comply with the generals request. .Besides mat, . there Is a question as to whether ! the name legally could be with drawn even if Epton wished to. Mrs. Gronnert said she would i fib the four nominating petitions ' Saturday ven though three can didates already are in the race to prevent ine sponsors irom with drawing the candidates at the last minute. - Jack Travis, Hood River news paper publisher, against Taft's wishes is circulating petitions to put th Ohio Senator's name on the ballot. Travis said he had 850 of the necessary 1,000 signatures. Oregon Dentists Get The Word PORTLAND OB Six Oregon dentists will be drafted into the Army as enlisted men unless they apply for reserve commissions be fore their induction date. . -That was the announcement Wednesday of Oregon Selective Service Officials who said earlier that they would begin drafting doc tors and dentists soon to meet - Oregon quotas. -Col. Francis W. Mason said draft notices were being salt to the six dentists. They will be In ducted April 22 if found acceptable . Enlisted men may apply for com missions after being inducted, but Mason said whether th applica tions would be granted "rests en tirely with the armed forces." D. Eisenhower, who says he won't seen u out will accept u nomi nated. On the' Democratic side. Sen. Sen, Estes Kefauver of Tennessee was fighting what he calls an up hill battle against supporters of President Truman. The President has not announced whether be wants another term. The results of the New Hamo- shire primary election next Tues- aay are not binding on convention delegates. But since it is the first Presidential primary of the year. great psychological value Is at tached to its outcome. The latest happenings in the na tional campaign: Democratic: 1. Rep. Bryson (D.-S. C.,1 visited Mr. Truman Wednesday and said Jet Pilots Heading Home TJ.S. FIFTH AIR FORCE. Korea. WV Five jet pilots rounded out 100 missions over Korea Wednesday and will head for home In a few da vs. One of them Is Capt. Alfred W. Dymock Jr.. 25, of Grants Pass, Ore., who destroyed two and dam aged two MIGs. Another is Lt. Claude C. Mitson, 27, of Route Two, Coeur D'Alme, Idaho, who destroyed two and dam aged one. They will leave for home as soon as the necessary paper work is completed and they receive the necessary medical clearances. the President told him he would know what to do about running "if he were sure Taft would not get the Republican nomination and woum not get elected it he got It." Sen. Brewster (R-Me.,), a Taft backer, called this statement "an obvious attempt" by the President to muuence the New Hampshire primary. "I say It's time to call his bluff," Brewster added. "Let him run again. . , . Let him go out and de fend the record as a candidate." 3. Democratic national commit tee officials said they are leaving it to state leaders whether to enter Mr. Truman's name in their Presi dential primaries. But to avoid any embarrassments they are discour aging entry of the President's Wish We Had A Record Like This HONG KONG l-Gov. Sir Ale"x- ander Grantham Thursday praised Hong Kong's Social Welfare De partment for a "unique contribu tion to this bureaucratic ridden world." In its five years of existence, the governor said, "the depart ment has not initiated a single! form to be filled In bv anv member of the public." name tn contests where his con sent is reaulrcd. ' 3. Kefauver conducted a slow motion type of campaign In New Hampshire, selling himself in a lolksy sort of way. Truman back ers expressed confidence tin? Presi' dent would get all eight Democrat ic delegates, Kefauver none. Republicans: 1. Paul G. Hoffman, former eco nomlo cooperation administrator, told a Durham, N. H , audience that Elsenhower is the only OOP candidate "who can win the inde pendent vote and break the single 'solid South'." 2. Taft, again protesting the aipnaocttcal listing which places him last on the ballot, opens his uiree-nay arive at mancnester. He nas 21 appearances scheduled. 3. The New Jersey Taft-for President Committee announced the Ohloan will be entered In the state's preferential primary April 10. 4 Gov. Earl Warren of California said he will enter Oregon's May 10 nepuoiican primary. 5. Gen. Douglas MacArthur's withdrawal of his name from the Pennsylvania primary was upheld by the DauphUi County Court. 6 aJIDDADC $ innnvnj for any F .Room in the Hom.Is Calhoun's I . Mai p WURL1TZER A magnificent piano. Many lovely styles and finishes to choose from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Ad Club Asked To Aid Prisoners PORTLAND Wl The Oregon Advertising Club ha. been asked to help rehabilitate prisoners at the state penitentiary. Warden Virgil O'Malloy told the club Wednesday that lt should undertake a program to urge pris oners to change Jobs. "The very fact those boys are in (prison) proves they're fail ures' O'Mallcy said. He stig- HIUTIHII ATOMIC CHIEF LONDON Ml sir John Cock rott, head of Britain's atomla en ergy research plant, will sail for the United Btntca on tlio Queen Mary Thursday. He Is to attend meetings with American and Can adian nlomlo experts, gested that the prison's radio hook up, prison nowspaper and mimeo graph letters be used to carry out the campaign. Fa.rx mellow.' 5fC EXB drop '2". .. FRANKFORT, ICY, STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. U PROOF, Tilt SIAOU Ulil. CO TJTwdha $hopA and ShopA HIGH BID PORTLAND Wl John W. Rose of Hillsboro, Wednesday bid $32.80 ft 'thousand feet for 1,300,000 board feet of timber standing within Port- lano's cny limits. The city-owned timber, mostly old growth Douglas fir, is located in Forest Park bordering the north west city limits. sTO-v ill Yours For a Lifetime of service . . lor a lifetime of prideful owner ship . . the new 17- jewel ELGIN TIME PIECE with the HEART that never BREAKS from RICKYS. When ELGIN BANNER BUYS were announced last year, folks flocked in droves to their FAVORITE jeweler's to claim for their very own, a I very beautiful ELGIN . . many went away with down cast air . , there just WERENT enough to put an i&Will Mil t CI J WIU(., ill ,1 every pocket . . ELGIN'S sold so last here in town, in Timbuctoo and Talahas see that the makers of EL GIN WATCHES couldn't keep up with the calls for ELGINS and more ELGINS . . SO . , ELGIN BANNER BUYS are BACK In 1952 , . beautifully designed TIMEPIECES with new cases, new dials, new advanced styling . . new ELGINS that accord ing to RICKYS look, like WATCHES costing many, many times MORE than the little price of $33.75 tagged on many models . . EVERY Elgin Banner Buy at RICKYS has the DTJRAPOWER mainspring guaranteed to NEVER break . . to tell time for you a LIFETIME. ELGIN is the ONLY company In the whole wide world . that has made OVER 50,000,000 fine watches . . isn't THAT proof that an ELGIN is the ONE watch you want to guide you TIMEFULLY through the years? TIME as told by an ELGIN waits for no man . . GRADUATION days are rushing to ward us. Don't let them catch you unprepared . . be wise buy an ELGIN and grin up the sleeve of your sleeveless gown when the time comes with the help of an ELGIN from 700 Main. RICKYS mm The first hats of Spring are decidely small . . one of the most significant is the tiny sailor . . wide brimmed sailors will be worn with the Gibson-Girt silhouette . . the Rocker is the tiny bat with the upswept brim that can be tilted saucily over either limpid eye . . flat little disks no larger than a salad plate are perfect or the poodle cut. Combinations of colors are good . . straw is tops but fell is staging a comeback. i5r I rpert, wfll I P'oe.fcrofc,,, I I Gonefn, Foj I a ''""proof Ofew, I PMYSAK! tw, aa 4 ' J BALSIGER I . MOTOR CO. I ;,Main at Esplanade Ph. 3121 Glamour Is Many Little things . . the tum of a pretty ankle . . the flutter of little veils . . the shine of a curl . . the way you wear your Spring chapeau . . the little pulse that beats gently as the heart of a bird at your blue- veined temple . . the TEX TURE of your skin and right here is where TUS SY and CUKRIN'S can help you with TUSSY CREAMY MASQUE and MEDICATED LOTION at prices for a LIMITED time that will leave enough pennies In- the cash box to buv a T- Bone steak. Sometimes CURRIN'S "has" to ask for S2.75 for this famous combination that is so HELPFUL to young skins that kick Up inuuBui . . iiaunt uutisficuous pores . . BLACKHEADS and other BLEMISHES . , NOW for the REDUCED price of S2 TUSSY and CURRIN'S offers this amazing, softening CREAMY masque to be worked into the skin, gently as a soap SUBSTITUTE to work down DEEP and CLEANSE every tiny hiding place of grime and leave you gorgeous. Whisk lt off with a flick of clear water and if you are plagued with "spots" you want to cover, pat on the MEDICATED skin-tone LOTION that dries ERUPTIONS and hides tnem while It heals . . wonderful as a . POWDER base, then go your merry, glamorous way toward Spring with your S2 Tussy SPE CIAL from Ninth and Main, CUHIUN'S It's Just Hood Horse sense to shop at MILLERS DOWNSTAIRS GIFT SHOP where you can buy Just about everything except a feed bag for Dobbin . . this is the time of the year when brides need everything from a PARING KNIFE TO PLAYTEX SUPER FOAM PILLOWS so we did some DELIBERATE scouting for you to save you i time for admiring the first snowdrop that sticks up through a snowbank . . Found a new shipment of "ultra-looking" LAZY SU SANS in singing colors . . two-tone and plain, huge ones and mediums with simply SUPERB rosewood ball-bearing bases . . oven proof POTTERY in yellow and brown . . rose and grape . . gray and brown jli as"" C0VCred ca5ser0le W-95 to A PRECIOU8 new Idea for entertaining . . a HIDE-AWAY-FOLD-AWAY, brass-trimmed, ingenious, different and unusual, maple-finished, small (for tiny first-love apartments) new HOSTESS AID to help you put your guests at ease with good FOOD . . J12.95 . . LAMPS . . backbone of brilliant beauty In your home are MARKED DOWN at MILLER'S . ONE-THIRD off on conversatian "stunners' . . ONE-HALF off on HAND-SEWN handsome SHADES . . TAKE your old LAMP to MIL LER'S and be surprise.! at what a pick-up a "money-stretching" DIFFERENT shade will do . . not quoting PRICES . . you'd THINK we're "blatto." Big values for shrinking budgets . . Playtex Superfoam pillows, DOWN 52 since the last quotatian . . cool, comfy . . regulars, $7.95 , . big, fat puffy ones . . S10.95 at MILLER'S . . Found some "touched-with-luxury," tagged-for-thrift CHATHAM summer-weight, rayon and cotton BLANKETS, satin-bound double bed size in TULIP colors for ONLY $4.95 . , snow-white and pretty pastel WESTING HOUSE ELECTRIC SHEETS . . automatic control . . keeps you warm summer AND winter, $31.95 . . these are single control but if you Just CANT agree with the man you adore on TEMPERATURE order a DUAL con trol and DONT quarrel. PENDLETON 100 pure virgin WOOL AUTO ROBES, genuine SCOTCH plaids speak for themselves, $16.50. i Put your pretty new pottery, your gleaming silver on PRINCESS PLASTIC PLACE MATS . . guaranteed to lie flat, charming as hand- . made linens . . save your strength, don't slave your life away with washing . . matching pretty, practical. Stir Away M" Ladies stir away good and strong . . but BE SURE you whip the air bubbles Into your cuke . .' make your beaten biscuit and mix your waffle batter with the famous DORMEYER ELEC TRIC MIXER from 11AR WIN'H. THIS Is a tried and true MIXER, a BARGAIN Itself but IIARWIN'H Is offering at the SAME low price of $39.95, without an EXTRA cent of charge a JUICER, a MEAT GRINDER and a Jewel like, lft-plece Roval ruby glass LUNCHEON SET, popular. The DORMEYER ELECTRIC MIXER, na tionally advertised, known for perfection of performance is FULLY guaranteed at IIAR WIN'S , . the beater HEAD is PORTABLE , , carry It to your favorite working surfaces . . the 10 SPEEDS are geared for every beating need from gentle "folding" to whipping high peaks In Jersey cream. ALSO, the DORMEYER comes equipped with two glistening white mix ing BOWLS . . all parts are replacable. Springtime Is picnic time , . picnic time la cake time so don't wait until the urge hits you to fly to the mountains and nary a speck of cake In the house . . take TIME by the fore lock , . take ADVANTAGE of this GENEROUS oner . . get your 8 A II GREEN stamps . . 8ERVICE with a SMILE and CHARGE It at 701 Main. HAHWI.VS ft SHELF-N-EDGE 512 Main, "Springy" patterns at MILLER'S it Girt Scouts will be coming to your house starting March 8 to offer the flavorful little plain and filled cookies for sale. Watch for the girls In the green uniforms and their Utile sister Scouts the Brownies, dressed In brown. No raise In price. TV ft DM you rote In the last Primary election? Have you helped get others to the polls by . urging them to vote, discussing issues, answer ing their questions? fa'urls! fs'urls! Curls! there's a REVOLUTION In our town . . no guns . . no bullets . . but a REVOLUTION In COOKING WEAR at ROBERTS HARDWARE . the most HEAVENLY you've EVER laid an eye on . . IMPORTED from BELGIUM . . the famous DESCOWARE . . gay, shaded red ENAMEL fused on cast Iron , . all the advantages of slow, even cooking, baking that your greatgramma had j with her cast Iron pots . , holds the goodness In your roasts and vegetables. POSITIVELY won't rchlp or crack , . DUCKY, different pieces at ROBERTS HARDWARE. even one for broiling fish that Poppa catches . . baking dishes, skillets, THREE sizes of AU GRATIN dishes . . little round EARED egg dishes . casseroles , , skillets . . roasters . . those DEEP FRYERS useful for scads of cook- ery needs . , many pieces with hardwood handles, FIRMLY fastened . . every bride to be . , every Mom tired of the old hodge-podge of cooking wear . . every BACHELOR girl should drop in and see this faclnating new Idea in "pots 'n pans" at 127 South 6th, limiKIITS II A It II W A HE .ov.v.v.vv.v.va Bulges in the wrong places trapped a woman shopper in a mid-west food store recently. The grocer found three slices of ham under her coat. Then they hit the Jackpot. Police found three T-Bones tucked in a nylon top , , watch your bulges gals, watch your bulges. Siren or Saint.. Ileb or GRAMMA you like to shop at CARTERS' where you find the little EXTRAS that make MEALTIME an adventure . . ESPECIALLY these last "droopy" days of winter when the sun coyly tantalizes with .the PROMISE of Spring ' and appetites can't WAIT until sprigs of green show up in garden rows and strawberries tum pink be neath broad leaves. If you've reached the end of the road In menu plan ning drop into CARTERS' , . ' land stock up on LADY 'AaJs"' FINGERS . , the famous SHULL'S baked by . In comparable DUTCH bakers back In. Pennsyl vania . . "no eggs spared" . ., some fingers FILLED with thick marshmallow paste . . others PLAIN . . Try MRS. PATTERSON'S crispy ALMOND MACAROONS flavored with kernel paste and Almond paste, browned to perfection, sweet, toothsome confection, at CARTERS' Make your next PARTY SANDWICHES with KOSTER'S thln-as-a-shaving, SALTY PARTY RYE, the BREAD that makes the sandwich that MAKES the party . . spread with nippy cheese flavored with garllo , , your guests win nevek cease talking . . FREE delivery if your order Is only ONE loaf w bread , . dial 2-2511 with confidence In getting QUALITY or shop leisurely with "Your Most Thoughtful Grocer," 1420 Esplan ade, CAIITLIIS' 1ft - "Clothes Good For a Long Time" is an Im portant part of the wardrobe theme for Hpring and Summer. It brings woolens and worsteds Into the limelight. These Include llght-as-thlstledown 'coatings with smooth or brushed surface . . thin, thin, crisp suitings . , cloud like drifts of softness In dresses and. costumes . . "Summer Warmers", short, sweet coats, answer to woman's eternal question, "what to wear when she wants to look her prettiest and yet keep off the chill of our cool summer eve nings, Short coats this season are knock-outs, ft ft or 9th and Pint Phont 3188 PLUMBING SAVE ON HOME NEEDS TOILET COMBINATIONS 3295 Wosh Down Type. Less Sar TOILET COMBINATIONS 3595 Reverse Trap Type Less Seat TOILET COMBINATION . 4395 Syphon Jet Type Less Seat STEEL LAVATORY I700 21x17 Less Fittings CAST IRON LAVATORY I950 19x17 Less Fittings CHINA LAVATORY I725 15x18 Less Fittings STEEL BATH TUBS 5 FT. Recess Type Less Fittings CAST IRON BATH, 5 FT. Recess Type Less Fittings STEEL BATH TUBS, 5 FT. Corner Type, Less Fittings CAST IRON BATH TUBS, 5 FT. 9295 7450 845o 8I95 Corner Type, Less Fittings SHOWER CABINETS With Fittings ond Curtain SHOWER CABINETS With Fittings ond Class Door STEEL SINK 24x16 -Single Compartment. STEEL SINK 32x21 Double Comportment CAST IRON SINK 30x18 Single Compartment CAST IRON SINK 32x20 Double Comportment 42" SINK and CABINET With Fittings, Single Basin 54" SINK and CABINET With Fittings Single Bosin 66" SINK and CABINET With Fittings. Double Bosin TOILET SEATS 1 Vi" White TOILET SEATS 7 Plys White TOILET SEATS ' Mother of Pearl Colored GAS WATER HEATERS 20 Cat. 100 Shut Off Tonk Cos GAS WATER HEATERS 30 Col. 100 Shut Off Tonk Cos GAS WATER HEATERS 30 Gal. 100 Shut Off City Cos 6I95 9750 650 2345 I650 3295 9095 II3'5 I6233 52S 695 Q95 5750 725o I0250 40 Gal. Elec WATER HEATERS 9450 Double Element 50 Gal. Elec. WATER HEATERS I0750 Double Element 30 Gal. Tbl. Top, Water Heaters 1 2495 Double Element 40 Gal. Tbl. Top Water Heaters I3495 Double Element ALL SIZES OF GALVANIZED PIPE, FIT TINGSSOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS.' OUR PLUMBERS WILL INSTALL ANY ITEMS PURCHASED AT WARDS. TERMS FHA OR TIME PAYMENT. LET US GIVE YOU FREE ESTIMATES. Store Phone 3188 ert Voaqen Rei. Ph. 9813 4 C. J. Proctor Res. Tuleloke Ph. 7-0516 . bit ton yofe In the last General election?