THURSDAY, MARCH H, 1M IIKnAIJ) AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKGON PAGE FIFTEEN WHEN SOLDAT GORKY finished with tills operation, Yorg Crctorlan's wcll-groomcd tnustacho looked like a disliiag that has worked overtime. Crelorinn, angered when his foliage was tampered with, gave Soldat his lumps. But the Rumanian and Kurt Von I'oppcnheim lost tho lag team match to tho Gorky brothers, Soldat and Ivan, before a packed house last night at the armory. Russians Win With Assist from Dusette - Yorg Cretorlun In nursing luiuux on his chin todny mid looklnK back to lon he and Kurl Von Poniirn helm received from Ihe Gorky brother nil bemune Ihe Humimii- n tried lo bent ft critftnuinn nt hi own trade. The remftlch of the Ihk brawl Mood l one lull apiece when Cre. torln made, Ills one bin mistake. Yorg Riid Kurl were KlvliiK lvnn 80UUI double of knuckle in the corner mid ftppered to be well on their way to victory. Every lime Soldat Oorky went to hit brother' rencue. he'd find him delf looklnn at the rlnirlder' sham on the business end of Cretorlnn'i boot. Canada Icemen I. Miffed ; aNCOUVEB. B. C- I Canada, the 1052 champion, nifty have piny-, ed In ll last Olympic hockey com petition. Dour Orlmirlon, prcfldent of tle , Canadian- Anmateur Hockey An-i noclition, arrived home from thej OkIo ganiea Thursday and ftftld he! will recommend Canada drop out of the event, ! "There ! no Use carrying on any iong-rr.". he mild. "European I nalloiu. In particular, win not agree lo uniform rules. A a re Milt, every game Is a confusion of ahlnny, with aprlnkng of hock Y" Kt also aald he had an exchange with the Russians. After the Russians told the press Canada had plotted with tlv United Utiles so the Americans could fin ish second, he said: ''I told them they were crybabies and that's quite a feat getting It over to them, as they use an Inter preter who speaks only French." , WSC Loses In Hawaii Opener HONOLULU l.f A ragged Wash ington Slate College basketball I rim missed basket consistently and lost Its opening game of a Ha mlin lour Wednesday night to Universal Motors, 64-50. The Cougars seemed unable to rope with the Hawaiian de fense. They trailed from the start but lagged only a point at the half, 32-31. Glen Kinney, former Oregon Slate College guard now with the Universale, was high with 21. Top scorer for W8C was Eric Roberts with 13. Wally Moss tried to break up the sock soiree but Oeorues Dinette. olllclnling outside the ring, had to come, lo Mosv rescue. Crelorlan wasn't having nny of II rlal Interference and clumped a full nelson on uusettc, guided him lo mi opposite corner, mid slnmiiud him Into Ihe rlngpost. ' RIOIIT BACK The Rumanian didn't figure on Duselle s French temper, uusellc walked right back Into Uie haute), grabbed Crelorlan with the lull nelson. Dusette Is the guy that put Uie nelson In Uie lull nelson. While Crelorinn dnnglrd helpless ly, lvnn escaped Kurl's flying fists, and planted a neat dropklck square ly on Yorg's whiskers. It was Just formality for Ivan to drop on Crelorinn lor Ihe win ning full. Von Poppenhelm put his team one up In the standings with a Imlf Boston Crab on Holdnt after the Prussian and Crelorinn had traded shilts in doling out iwo-flsled pun tOimriil lo Bolciul. KVKN ,i . KoMat got even In the second go- round. He tossed Cretortan nilo the ropes, then shoved a knee Into Yorg a groin as tne Kiiniaman bounced bark. A Jackknlfe hold fin ished the Job, Duselle gol his famous full nel son In working order -In Uie open er lo bent Buck Weaver. Duelte won the first fall with the Boston Crab, Weaver pulled a cute trick and George fell tor It In Ihe second heat. Dusette was punishing Weaver with a leg lock. The ex-lndlami football ttnr pounded the mat three times, counted three In an authori tative voice, and patted Dusette's broad bark. RKI.KAKKl) Dusette. thinking the bark - pat hud conic from Referee Moss, re leased his hold. Weaver, free from Dusette's clutches. but feigning grngglness, bnckfd Into Dusette for a bodv slam, followed with the rip-saw hcadlock lor the evening fall. But Weaver out-smarted himself. He tried the same tactic In Uie third frnme. But this time Duselle was ready. AM Weaver did was obllglnglv hack Into the full nelson: That ws Promoter Mack Milord brought cheers from the large crowd when he announced that four wrestling mlclgeLs Little Beaver. Furav Cu pid, llnllei Bnlaslo and Irish Jackie will anpenr next week In n spe cial evnt. CAGE SCORES . I'olU-ga HsHkelball Ity The Associated l're I At Champaign, HI, ll'liial) Mllllkln 74 Hi.s.rrii Illinois 71 At Trne lliiule, Ind, I Final I Indiana Btnle Ml Indiana Central 53 Wisconsin WhMewatcr Mum 77 Carroll 00 NOrTIIWFrST West Texas 711, Midwestern (II Boiilhwrsi 'IcKb ' Sa Eoi.t 'Icxuit Bnptli.ti AO Pennsylvania Clarion DO Miilcrsvllle 40 lll.lrlrt One (Final) Whit worth Ml Gouy.i'gn cr Paclllc Lutheran 03 Central Wash bit tCuiiuolulloiw KAHT Miinliiillun 114 I'ordliam 60 Vlllnnovii lllll Kliwi ifa..) 71 Hyrncusft 114 I'riin 7H 81. Jo;.ihs (!'., Ti Lal"ycllc 03 KAK WF.HT Wyoming B'J Colorado AitM 67 Honolulu Unlv Motors 64 vVut.ll IngUm State, 60 High Hrhool llnskethull lly 'Ihe Assuclated Press A-ll Tournament Mt. Angrl 03, North Marlon 55 eliminated I Woodburn AO, Sllverlon 41 (elim inated) 11-3 Tournament Rogue River 40, Bonnnzn 47 T4rr II AfflTai now ijnu OlvliUn M. 1 triniO W I. Vrt. ... 3!l 21 .tiV) j .. :u 27 .svi i i ..117 37 1 M Vl7 I riculty No. .-.-.II. Na ffporU r.juipmeni Buy riv Ohlnrlmakrra I mm mi'i r Kme Sport Enuipmeni MiO. F-ully fto. 1 ZlHW, i rmm nigii . "i"" '"' rr.n( I(ts3. KUJ, Venter M18. Tndivtd ual hifh erl-: C Bennett, Mfl. SM. 57.1. Individual htch fm- C. Stotp 21, H. OConnell 221. K. Waldron 220. niruiftit N. ? indk .nlBf b Sit Knller -Twli . 1.1 Body Shop W 17 Sport Equipment .h 2n DV.H p M i earn nijn crit-. aun .. ... 273. 277B, 2775. Team high game: Dte ,t W. W7, Rporta Equipment 903, In dividual huh narlta: C. Bennett !UH. M7 K. Wle OA). Individual hlfh garre: n. Cake 221, D. Raliton 21S, C. Ben nelt 200. . . BAKr.TBAJ.T, illnal Hlftnstlnct) IV I. Mer1 8oli FqiilpmenL U -1 rira HH - 10 4 Body K render - 8 5 C.unamlthlnf .. " Wateh Repair . Bu-lneu -..- . - J Cnfinaerinr ffl .7;i2 .Attn .411 12 2 .R.7 II ,1 .7H6 10 4 .714 ... s .:; n .42A 4 io .ann . , .1 11 .214 . I 1.1 071 Fire Hall, 270: Howard Dunean. Gun .n.ilhin. ni-i,-. n Smith. D.cacI. 20); Wodaer Oil.? tit Hall. 14fl: Querinn IslU. Sports Equipment, J4i; rranic Jaekaon. Sporta Kautpment, 13; J Brnllh. SonrU Equipment. 152: Jim Krantt, Dltael. 12; CUarlet Dntai.. mitl, ,110; Griffin. Spuria Equipment, 103. , ' 9 NCAA BERTHS REMAIN Hy The Associated Press 'Ilio regular waxon action nmung the college bftHketball tcunii Ik pntctl'.'iilly over and only neven nl 'lie 10 tennis which will play In the NCAA totirniitncnt has been de cided Thursday. Kentucky, Illinois, Texas Clirlx Han. Nt. LouIh and Wyoming, all champions ol their conference are In, along with Hanln Clara and Ok lahoma City University, two West ern nt-largo teams, Thnt leaves nlno selections still to be made lor .tte tournament thut begins In lour cities on March 21.' j . The v,e:,lern regional play will Hurt at Kansas City and Corvallis, Ore. A'. Karons City will be 'lexm C'lirl'.tlat), Hi, Louis and. the Illg Hcvcn und Border Coiilcrence clmmijlons. The Paclllc Coast Con icrence and Skyline winners will meet Santa Clara and Oklshkornn City, selected al large, at Corvallis. The semi final und final rounds vlll be played at Bcatllc March 2S-M. - , The two-out-ol-lhrec scramble lor the right to represent the Paclllc Const Coiilcrence gets under way Friday with Northern Division win ner Washington plnyingg UCLA, the Southern section victor. tllJALHIKS As for the NAIB tourney which opens Monday at Kansns Clly. In diana Slate, Ihe 1851 winner, again qualified by beating Indiana Cen tral Wednesday night, 66-55. Mllllkln also quallllcd by upset ting previously unbeaten Eastern Illinois, 74-71. Clarion (Pa.,) Teach ers, unbeaten In IB games, nipped Miilcrsvllle. 50-49. lor the right to represent Pennsylvania while Whlt worlh walloped Conzaga, 90-65, In the District one nnais. DeMolay, Gun Store Switch Gun Store and DeMoiay's first team traded third and tourth po sitions In the Victory league last night when Klamath Pack beat the DeMolay live, 54-35, and Oun Store Jumped into third place with a 67-37 win over DeMolay's second team. . Bud Mullens led the Gun Store attack wllh 18 points, the same number picked up by, Orland Dix on lor the Packers. (33) wr.'iu'i F 9 Plrkrtt y 5 M.-nlf ornery c. S Vlihos r. 10 Smith G 4 H.nnon Pirb.M .uha nidh.m 2. Clark 3. 8. Crawford ft. DeMoUy ubl SJhoenbers 1.' Hilton.'' f!i:N STORE torn (at) DrSIOI.AY 1 Blbv 17 Y ... I Hnvden B,ticher 15 ' M.WI IB C U Klltredsc Plunder 1 , C. 10 Kmmsrk Wood, a O Unoo Gun Stor. subs Frank, 4. r- 5 "'.f "t Y9 I 1 rfrA 4 f la i am in la 1111111 ii aiaiaa' 1 DANCING ON AIR French figure skating champion Jacqueline Du Bicf appears to be a happy young lady after, finishing among the point winners at the Winter Olympics in Oslo. Miss Du Fief competed in a field of 25 from a dozen nations. Washington Odds-on Favorites in Playoff PAI Kf SH (.11) Qulnnwikl 3 Overen 4 Lowell 0 RliM 4 Dlxnn 18 New Weights PORTLAND W Two new weight clistes have been added fK lh .inta A All hnyltiir tmirnn- ment which will be held here March V9. r, .. ..., tit i..,An..n nrrnul said Wednesday the new classes are welterweight at 139 pounds and miaaieweiym ai 100 iiuuuun. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE New" Prep Loop Formed HOOD RIVER W There will be a new league in Oregon high school lootball plav this lall. It is the Mid-Columbia League which will include two North Cent ral Oregon schools Hood River and Wy-East and three Portland area schools LRke Oswego, Co lumbia Prep and Concordia. Champion o the new league will meet the titllst Irom the Lower Columbia League lor the l-A-2 district championship. i na ipi The Ilnl .atBltu n( Wnshlnfftnn'n ffrent hAsk- ctball team, winner ol 24 of 28 games this season, is due here Thursday lor a two-hour workout in the UCLA Bruins' cracneroox gymnasium. Th uam nlfiv a fhree-eame se ries lor the Pacific Coast Confer ence title Friday, Saturday and Monday If necessary, wachinortnn the Northern Divi sion champ, is an odds-on favorite, and holds two decisive victories over UCLA during the exhibition season. BATTLE UCLA llgures to make a battle ol It. nevertheless. The Bruins always h,v hMn touch to beat on their home floor. They have lost only three times in 58 games over me last lour years, edo. uicy din Kntilhern Division title the last four years and hold one out right PCC title.. Coach, jonnnv, uuc ad mitting that . home surroundings f-hotild help his learn, neveruicicsa rates Washington as the Nations T t imam fknrf hOVR hSVC flayed some'ot the best, Kentucky and ni'nois mciuaea. HEIGHT Led by the 6-loot,. 7-inch Bob Houbregs at center and Frank Gulsness, sensational forward, the. Huskies play the rebound to per fection, and their height is going lo be a big lactor In the series here. Wooden, who played his basket ball in the Big Ten Conference, as did Coach Tippy Dye of Washing ton, plans to start Jerry Norman and Don Bragg at forwards: John Moore at center, and Don Johnson and Ron Livingston at guards. Forrest Twogood, University of Southern California coach whose Trojan lost all' four games to the Bruins, declined to pick the winner of the playoff series, but he said he believes Washington Is due for "big surprises". Washington whipped the Bruins in the playoff in Seattle last year, taking the first two games. This is a better UCLA team, but so are the Huskies a better outfit. Kryhoski Homers In Spring (same BURBANK, Calif. OT Leo Thomas, a candidate for the third base spot with the St, Louis Browns drove in the winning run in the ninth inning Wednesday as the "Bob Scheffings" defeated the "Bill Normans," 6-5, in an intra squad game. Thomas got four hits. First Baseman Dick Kryhoski hit a home run, the first in the spring series. 60.SICOND TASTI TIST SHOWS HOW TO Be your own whiskey expert ! . Hove V4 ox. of Calvert put in one (Uu and the same amount of any other whiskey in another without knowing which it which, Sniff one brand for aroma. Tatte it criti cally for emoof riness. Swallow carefully to judge its freedom from bite, burn or sting. P j 8rooks Warner BROOKS WARNER our new SERVICE MANAGER! Ireeki Is one o? the rep mtchenlci In the Basin . tpeclallil en Hydramatle Irenimiiileni. Ha Ii now In charaa of eur service department, and we r fortunote to have him! SPECIAL "Get Acquainted" OFFER . FREE BRAKE CHECK-UP! Mtke lure your car Ii lafe to drive! Know the exact condi tion of your brakeit Drive In have your brakes checked and meet our new service manager! PARKER PONTIAC CO. 4th and Klamath ' Phone 8164. " "Tir r ' " fir "Si Pilots Club Crab Feed Sat., March 15, 7:30 At the Club Room All members and their guests invited. Phone 9450 or 9817 by Sat., March 8, for reservations. Detroit Jake LaMota, 108'i, New York, and Eugene HaUslon, 161, New York, drew, 10. Miami Bench, Fin. Jackie Graves, 133' j, Minneapolis, out pointed Dlgo Bona, 133, Havana, ID. TO I.-. CHECK YOUR CAR FOR THESE OTHER SYMPTOMS OF FAULTY BRAKES . . . Failure to Stop in Required Distance. Leaky Hydraulic System ... Crakes Require Pumping. Spongy, Soft or Hard Pedal. Dragging Brakes. A $352 value : gxnvi rrom ""' ana . . m m 0 CAR ; 0 U : Rtmevt Front Whitli and Iniptct Irok Or urn ond Lining, Cltan, Intptet ond Repack Front Whttl Btoringi. Impvct Groott Sooll. Ch.cV and Add BroVo Flvl If Ndd. Adjust Bralto Shoti ! Seur Full Contact with Drums, Cortfully Ttit Braktfl. WWs'w'''',' "'" i ii i W"s nW I . . i 6th and Pine 1 J. Tajtetheotherwhis- key in the same analyt ical way then pick the one that pea Ustea better to you. WORDS CAN'T DESCRIBE the bis difference in whiskies ... the difference in smoothness, mellow ness and freedom from bite. So we say compare Calvert with any other whiskey and let your own . taste decide. We're sure you will prefer Calvert Reserve, be cause its taste is determined by folks like you who make over 50,000 taste tests a year. 'But, after your own test, if you still prefer an other brand, stick with it. Fair enough? Calvert Challenges Comparison with any whiskey on the market I CAIVEKT RESERVE ILENDED WHISKEY 66.S PROOF SStt GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS, CALVERT DISTILLERS CORP., N, Y. t Hardy's Brings You Another Prize Buy! 7K AIR FORCE B-15 JACKETS Genuine Air Force type zipper jacket! Thick wool filling ond heavy waterproofed poplin outer shell keeps you warm and dry! Has mouton collar, knit cuffs and waist band, ond quilted satin lining. While they last! Regular 14.95 (5)00 AIR FORCE B-29 SURCOATS Fullcut B-29 zipper surcoat. Wool filled with water repellent poplin outer shell and quilted satin lining. Has fur collar. Savings passed on to you in this bulk purchase! Regular .13.95 STORE FR MEN r 820 Moll, ' Phone 77 -I