1 PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 8, IBM Anthvs Mppidl boh vertome, -4 Kile Hero Of Rogue 5-B Win By DAVE UNDERHILL Bonanza chased Rogue River's Chieftain's oast me wire and through three minutes of overtime before dropping a 4B-47 thriller in the first game of the District 5-B playoffs at Henley last night. But the highly rated Chieftains had to come from behind to knot the regular playing time score at 46-48 In the last seconds of the fourth quarter and again in over time to cop the win. The two clubs meet again to night at 8. A win (or Bonanza would move the deciding game to Grants Pass Saturday night. Rogue River can cinch a state tournament berth with a repeat. Both times it was the Rogue's hall hawkin right forward. Byron Kile, who filled the hero bill. Slip ping in with a layin with five sec- onas remaining, ue sent uie iray into overtime and then popped a swlsher from the key to put the Chieftains one lap along the State Class B tournament roe a. FEVER Both clubs showed evidence of tournament fever till midway through the ragged first quarter when Kile and his running mate, Jim Wchren, gave the Rogues a 7-6 edge that they advanced to a 10-7 first quarter margin. With Kile and big Jim Boulter leading the pack, the Chieftains forged a 26-18 halftime lead. Bo nanza's Irwin Crume, who tied Boulter for high scoring honors with 19 points, slipped in 8 of the Antlers' 11 second period counters. Crume and Julian Hood waxed hot for the Antlers in the third quarter and they pulled to -within one point of the Rogues at the end of the third canto, 33-34. LEAD Crume and Bonanza Forward Don Hubble dropped two-pointers each and Hubble a free throw to put Bonanza ahead early in the Lb frame, 38-36. Kile knotted it twice for the Chieftains at 38-38 and 40-40. From there Crume dropped in three points and Hood two for the Antlers while Ralph Milton aced from the charity line, Boulter deuced and Kile swished the 45-45 clincher. In overtime Boulter sent the Chieftains ahead with a free throw 46-45, only to have Crume retaliate with a twine-kisser from the side and Kile cinch it from the side for the visitors with, his game win-piLgtwo-po inter. BOGDE U . 447) BONANZA Webrcn f T 19 Crume Kile IS T 11 Hubble Boulter It C . - Chandler Lehrnwra I" ' G -- 1 Halev Milton " ' O -r 3 Wilson Rogue Rives1 lube Rhoten, Black. Bonanza auba Hood 10, Lawver. DERBY QUEEN The Brooklyn Red Devils' Gloria Cleirbaut is only a rookie, in Roller, Derby circles, but she's an old pro when it comes to winning beauty contests. A former model, the pretty Nutty, N.J., miss has been voted the Queen of Roller Derby, entered competition 18 months ago-after watching ikon television. - : '-' a -. ' 'f2 if i BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS For The Klamath Area CHAMPIONSHIP ! Merrill High Gym Fri. and Sat: March 7 and 8 FRIDAY NITE p.mj Chiloquin VI. Hilltop :15 Tulttdka vf. Rickys ADULTS - $1.00 OWLS' MAIN HOOT in the scoring department this season was Homer Duncan (above), whose 193 points was second only to Lowell Kolbaba of Eastern Oregon in the Oregon Collegiate Conference basketball campaign. Kolbaba tallied 225 for the 12-game run. Tom Schubert and Marvin Ham mack were other Oretechers going over the 100 mark. Duncan Second To Kolbaba Homer Duncan of Oregon Tech finished second to Lowell Kolbaba in the Oregon Collegiate Confer ence scoring race as the Eastern Oregon College eager established two new .circuit scoring- records. Kolbaba, in running up 225 points, threw 77 free throws for a new record and potted 41 points against Oregon College for a new single-game mark. Duncan finished with 193 points. In all. 13 players scored more than 100 points. Other OTI players were Tom Schubert, seventh high with 131 and Marvin Hammack, 13th with 107. The dubious honor of commiting the most fouls went to Bob Saline of Eastern Oregon with 50, a new record. Oregon Tech set a new team high for personal fouls, 314. Scoring summary: WG FT PP TP Lowell Kolbaba, EOCE 74 77 43 225 Homer Duncan, OTI 73 47 44 193 Harold Pitcher, OCE Charles Pinion, OCE Paul Poetsch, V'port Don McLean. V'port Tom Schubert, OTI Norm Hubert, V'port Jim Strader, V'port Bob Saling, EOCE Bob Bushnell, OCE Emery Barnes, V'port 94 45 144 57 27 38 141 51 38 3 MO 48 36 26 132 56 19 41 131 49 28 26 127 53 16 37 122 45 26 50 116 45 25 47 115 43 26 41 112 39 29 45 107 alarv uammacK, u 1 1 TEAM SCORING FO FT PP TP Are. 335 188 273 858 71.5 . .-275 192 296. 742 61.8 L.275 186 287 736 61.3 272 188 314 732 60.0 Vanport OCE EOCE on . Club Posts Perfect 75 The Klamath Gun Club notched a perfect score when the Oregon Journal telegraphic shoot opened Sunday. ' ' Shooting on Its Wocus, J. F. Adams, R. M. Smith and Bud Cloake added up a perfect 75 score wltn 25 s. In the club's own shoot, the com peition was hot and heavy. There was a five-way tie for first in the 16-yard division with Cloake, J. M. Adams, C. J. Martin and Vera Moore aU posting 48 x 50 scores. . Five scattergunners E. E. Dris coll, Smith, Bill Davis, Paul Hil ton and Adams all hit 47 of 50 targets. O. M. Grant won the handicap shoot with a 45x50 score. . . . Scoring summary; 16 Hdcp Bud Cloake .... . J. M. Adams C. J. Martin , Vern Moore E. E. DriscoU P.. M. Smith 43 38 Bill Davis . Paul Hilton J. F. Adams W. G. Cooley W. Sanford F. C. Broytes R. O. Branaman Tom Carland Bill Howard T. B. Walters ' G. M. Grant J. H. Martin Carl Olnev X, Vt. Mcintosh C. C. Kelley J. Gllflllan J. Hilton ........ . C. Berman .... ...... x shot 25 targets only 43 . 42 ... 39 ...X24 ,..X18 SATURDAY NITE 8 p.m. Ceniolatloa Finals 9:15 Championship Finals STUDENTS - 25e ' - ..fax I I VILLEMAIN 3-1 CHOICE SYRACUSE, N. Y. W Robert ViUemain, the busy French middle weight, is rated a 3-to-l favorite to beat Joey De John, Syracuse slug ger, in their 10 rounder Thursday night at the War Memorial Auditorium. Rickys Bops Hilltop; Payless To Ten Rickys players Joined in the scoring parade last night to defeat Mimop caie. 74-54. in the City League playoff finals. Payless won the consolation prize with 59-52 win over Herald and News.. Rickys and Hilltop keep playing gear for the Basin - City playoffs that open tomorrow night at Mer rlU. Hilltop draws the Klamath Basin champion Chiloquin team in the B o'clock opener. Rickys and Tule lake tangle in the afterpiece. Saturday night the two winners' mix for the independent champion ship of the entire Klamath nrpn ine losers open Saturday's show in tne consolation imais. Every Rlckvs nlavpr that ins or. non scored. Paul Mccall and Cal Bonney led with 16 and 15 points. Winema Gals InState Kegling'Meet The Winema Hotel team of Klam ath Falls rolls in team play, dou bles and singles tomorrow and Sat urday in the 10th annual State Women's Bowling tournament now in progress in Salem and three other teams from Klamath Falls compete the following weekend. Winema Captin Marian Linville teams with Barbara Wade in dou bles play. Stormy Hasjford with Salley Rlndal and Penny McCor mack with Mildred Mackey of Sa lem. The Roundup Tavern pairs Cap tain LaRayne Harris with Ruth Duff, Beth Griggs with Opal Mc Donald and Clara Beard with Mar tha Cassidy. ., . , , Doubles for Willard Hotel are Captain Martha McCollum and Dena Backes and Bcrnlce Brltt and Mary Bothwell. ' Balsiger Motor Company will pair Captain Ruth Milne with Audrey Schmiot, Dorothy Koberg with Lorelei DePape and Edna Dakln with Vivian Glausl of Portland. Hi eres i'..fmm Jie hni jmW'v 11- ielL Johnson Named On 2nd Team 1 Ralph Carroll and Ray Bell, the one-two scoring punch of the Klam ath Pelicans, were limited on the Southern Oregon Conference Big Four all-star team in balloting by sportswrilers and sportscasters. Dick Jewett, sports editor of the Medford Mail-Tribune, conducted the poll. The other three on the select fh'e are Dick James, P ants Pass, nnd Dermis Coivrr p!'l Ed Bing ham, both of Medford. Jerry Johnson, speedy guard for the Pels, coined second team men tion. UNAN1MOI S Carroll and James were unani mous choices. Other second team, picks were Don Spinas . and Derald Wooton, Medford: Hnrvey Woods and Bill Holingsworth. Ashland, and John Harbour. Grants Fass. Six places were necesary on the second team when Wooton and Harbour tied in the voting. Honorable mention went to Dick Atterbury of Medford and Bruce Robertson of Grants Pass. LITTLE TIIRFK . The Little .Three all-star team composed of the small A schools in Dlst. 4, picked by coaches, fol lows: First team Punkv Monroe, Lar rv Bieham, and Gordon Carrjgan, Crater: Paul Wleler, Illinois Val ley and Bob Kimmel, Eagle Point. Second team Herb Weber. Cra ter: Jim Wright and Clarence Lew is. Illinois Valley, and Bud Lucas and Wayne Qlllaspey, Eagle Point. HOCKEY . Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Tacoma 1 Saskatoon 1 os H&N Paul Heins paced the Hlllton of fense with 15 points. The Cafe got a rally rolling In the third quarter to close a 31-37 halftime deficit to 42-50 going into the fourth frame. But Rickys retal iated with a 24-oolnt last-auarter splurge to stow the game away. ine neraia and new- blew a an. 22 halttime lead as Payless pumped in 23 points in the third Quarter to go ahead, 35-31. Jay Griggs. Newsman center. was high in the losing effort with zu points. Gene Favell added 16. BUI Rex Young and Bob Erland- son put together 38 points with 20 and id respectively for the Drugs team that tied with Rickvs in the regular season's run but fell to Hnltop in an opening-night upset. Box scores: H Jr K (it) M PAYLESS Favell IS F IS Xrlandson Hartley 2 F 8 Pooe Griggs 26 C 10 Hars Krantz 6 G 1 Derrah Epley G Cads H it N subs Downs 2. Msys. Psy. less subs Troutt, Young 20. Biggers 2. HILLTOP (54) (II) BICKTA Friend 9 F IS Bonnev Waybrant 10 F fl Peterson Harris 4 C 11 Harvey Helns 15 G IS McCall Carrier G 2 Foster Hilltop 'subs Mllllgan 2. Roberts S. Martinez 8. Rickys subs Wills 6. Vall lancour 2, Hendershott 2, Kemnltzer 2. Bocchl 0, Burke Shoots For Four Wins ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (iflThe three-tournament winning streak of Handsome Jack Burke Jr. was at stake In the 18th anual St. Pe tersburg Open Thursday. Burke, the Houston, Texas pro who has won the Texas Open at San Antonio, the Houston Open and the Baton Rouge Open in a row, is rated as the man to beat. A field of 181 golfers was entered, "IT PAYS TOXqOOK WIU" JEFF'S BARBER SHOP 920 Main 1 resu refreshment of sky hhe wafers.. Jo youf HKe beer refresUg! RAY BELL RALPH CARROLL Lovelleite Leads Groat NEW YORK. fPV-For the 11th time in 12 weeks Clyde Lovcllette, Kansas' big All-America, holds the point scoring leadership of major college basketball players accord- ! ing to figures released Thursday by the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau. But he's Just two-fifths of a point ahead of Dick Oroat of Duke, an other All-America. Lovellette has 1 scored 50 points In 23 games for an average of 26.4, while Oroat has hit for 701 points In 27 starts for an average of 28. Bobby Pettlt of Louisiana State, and Chuck Darling of Iowa are tied for third-place with a 25.5 av erage, while Frank Blevy of Pur-1 man is fifth with 24.5. Both Pettlt and Darling are through for the campaign, but could push ahead if the leaders are hamstrung in their remaining games. 1 I W J L-W-BBSaBsaBMBaasBtfaBBaaK ONLY TWO MORE DAYS ! t t, : . y So don't taalaaaiiyiW-sWJtiM-s..' Hiyi Yevr Remington Electric ShiTtr cienntd, tiled ind idjusted - There f ifill time to have your ihover put In first' clan condition ... IF you bring it In by Saturdoyl ' Thii it- your last chance to have your ihover cleaned,, oiled and adjusted FREE by Remington Factory Troined Technicians Worn, used or broken ports will be replaced at factory prices! Hurry I There are just two days left. Bring in your shaver new! YOUR. OLD SHAVER ON THE ALL Yes . . . Rickys will give you up to $7.50 trade-in allowance for your old shaver on the new Remington 60. Enjoy the world's finest shave. If you're not completely satisfied, return it within 14 days . . . and Rickys will refund your money! ft. I All Hairston, LaMotta In Draw DETROIT M Jake LaMotta, the former middleweight champion, i won't have to hang up his boxing gloves. The 30-year old fighter, showing the si ruin of 12 years campaigning in the prof Kslonal ring, won a 10 round draw with up-and-coming Eu- i gene Hniraton Wednesday night. Some thought the Bronx Bull was : Ti ity lucky at that. On the eve of the bout, LaMotta . lot it b known he would retire tor good if the 23-year old Hairston bent him decisively. CO ON Now LaMotta miv he Is going to keep on flRhtlng, He wants a shot lat Joe Maxim's light heavyweight 1 title. I The hard-punching Hairston lost no prestige In the bout which li- iopcd would earn him a chance at .'o middleweight title. A loud holler went up from Silent . airston s corner when . the dec - Ion was announced. Manager Mike llele declared LaMotta had paced itmsell, fighting in the last few minutes of each round to Impress uie juuxes. MID OKF LnMotta'g tactio of putting on a Inkling flurry at the end of each round paid off. Both Indues icoiwd It as even 50 points for each boxer. itcieree Morris Sherman gave the verdict to Hairston bv a 53-41 mar gin. Under Michigan boxing rules in majority aeciaion made It a araw. SHUFF STUFF Tat's beat VFW. 4-0 last night and Suburban blanked Mecca in the city shuffleboard league. Schusa turned back Summers Lane, 3-1, In the third game on the shuff bill. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUINI, OKI. MIDFOKD Thoroughly Modern Mr. and Mrs. J. E. lax ley and Joe Earley Proprietor! Ralph Dunlavy The Formerly RED ' 11th & Klamath lill walk ... run! IS THE DOWN PAYMENT NEW REMINGTON 60! 1 iKisrfifi) imm' TIME. OUT! "Looks perfectly okay to tne vnu think the rackrlrrnt are ptlll intrrrstril In ba-krttiall. MHrr?" O50 Own ss Moor m asaia Hfiiriii .,.it- Mtrflll sea- rmlM Btttlllir, Cs.tsi4las.lli. I Announcing F. 0. (Red) Reynolds Mobil Service th and Oak it moving . . . to 11th & Klamath and a a fL (ijATERFIll )) PMIER-jjB KENTUCKY h Ralph's Mobile Service Will Now Be RALPH'S SERVICE New Remington 60 just $27.50! Picks Girls Close Hoop Shop FINAL aTANDINIII IV I, Pel. Omgiiil Wools 12 Odax - - I'rvl .n't T llnrkets .. . 2 I'rliolls I 'Hi,. Dick D. Miller o l mn 4 WIT a .as;i 10 .tin 11 MM Rocket climbed out of thn cellar as Uie girls city bankeibnll league closed simp Inst nlglil. ... Tim Itockcla bent Pelrotfs, 13-1, In the only game at Mills. OrcHOii Wool went through unde feated In 13 games to win with room tu spare over second-plac Griggs. Ul's Go Fisl.ino! I DERBY WINNER THIS WEEK: Doug Wogntr 4 Ibi., 8 ei. Caughf on "Pops" Iqt lVailVVVBrVVWrPAAPPMpV SPINNING RIELS $14.95 to $28.30 SPINNING LINE " $1.10 to $2.25 SPINNING BUBBLES 15c to 35c SPINNING RODS $12,95 to $17.50 WILSON Baseball Equipment Mlrtt Balls - Bat At Reduced Prices POOLE'S Bicyclei and Sporting Goodl 222 So .7th Ph. 5520 P. 0. Red) Reynoldi Phone 5422 n 1 ..4'bt's- ,X-J-aiAisailsal "J 700 Main St. Phene 3151 Thm. Bamm Bmcint Ca-, & 1