Ii-.HHSIIAY, MAI1CII (!, 1 052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELFVPN rW IT .a ,m man i in i w V rn I nEU WE(T Lg. 2-lb. pkg. 29' 1 COFFEE Mb. Tin 79 I ? FISHER'S Talfo Finns' Fryers !&(fA7oup DEL ROGUE " W Itl KKI P AIAP0I 37 $ Tomato Juice : 2 J 2 Margarine 2 53 Red Lobel 5 lb.. DURKEE'S 65c AAayonnaise 65 X DURKEE'S Colored Sliced Mb. pkg. Good quality 3S- NIBLETS SI CORN -with the Green Giant on the label 18 ROMAN MEAL lacomi EHed Menus IT Willi nVII9U-'V'hVS rwTiiT nn. ... -o Sdelmonte Pork Chops 59 $1 mun,n wux 't ,a B PEAS 11 Wl VlllVIWjy ttf li m' ALLSWEET-With Coupon - Poge 19 (Z-J ee? MEXICORN 19 Fresh Ground Ground froth daily CT-J nn mma THREE SISTERS lib. iviaigmiiw it yK - Ccv DEL MONTE Sliced L DL MQNTE ;il VIH kUUUUlpr u sPork Steak 303 "Tim Whole Kernel 303 Tint 2'a Tin c lb. VS OXYDOL 27c JOY 33' PEACHES No. Vi Tin 17' 15' 29 All purpose Liquid Soap 27c i I 5 r 27c 4 Bath Size CAMAY 1 DISH TOWEL . 1 PLASTIC BAG n All For 57c Join ttie BOrfPgMrW M ! Bring Now! Bring us your SWI VALUABLECOUPONS frggi) NO-RINSE GIANT , a-i v fjSjfjJ Gets clothes so clean (With Moil "U Zj ljjS no need to rinse! . Coupon) - mm i i v m m m i a - m m-m. mm m ...You'll Like; NALLEY'S TAINI PTS. QTS. Tang is tops for Salads, Seafoods,' Sandwiches & Meats! 9 Nalley't Treasure Pickles BrMd ond B Nalley's Beef Stew Nalley't utter 24 ox ior 1 9c Chill Con Corne 15.. 37c Nalley't 47c Mustard ,,nu..21c lS-oz. can U UNiVLT Large iOVi-ex. jar qa Nalley s Lumberack CQjC 5-lb. TIN VUj MM WITH 2 BATH SIZE AT REGULAR PRICE (With Mail Coupon) 2 OF EXTRA COST WITH MAIl COUPON HOMOGENIZED Best for all you bake or fry! 3 LB. CAN (With Moil , Coupon) Sweet navels, lb. Bananas Fancy, golden ripe lb. 17C Carrots crisp and golden 3 bUn. 23c I .... D....U Cauliflower F"" h t 10c Mustard Green 2 L 19c CELERY as Crisp and tender, stalks, Stalk c Grocery Prices effective through Tuesday March 11th rt- mums !