PAGE TEN vTIFRAl.D AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TIIUHSDAY, MAKCII 0, Get Your Money's Worth By Sharp-Shrewd Buying Shopping: wisely to get the ninx knum worth from your dollars is Important these days. While worn en like to pride themselves on be- U1R snrewa shoppers, 100 many are "penny wise, dollar foolish." For example, have you ever hesitated In buying merchandise marked 'lr reirular" tor fear it was defective nd wouldn't wear well? Throw your caution to the wind (with dis cretion, of course) and take ad vantage of the savings offered, for IrreRUlars are mostly soiled goods or discontinued lines all in per fect condition! Oceaslonaly. too, a thread may be pulled which will not lesson a garment's long life and the Hem has to be classified Irregular." This Is Just one of the little known aaoects of department store sel ling which is brought to liVit in a recently published book,' "Every Dollar Counts"- by Max Hess Jr. published by Fairchtld. which was written to supply Uie American shopper with the behind-the-scenes Information necessary for wise shopping. " In easy to understand language. Mr. Hess himself the president of one of the nation's department stores, Hess Brothers of Allcntown, guides (lie reader through the in tricate merchandising and promo tion services employed before a product can be advertised, the world of fashion, clearance sales, bargain sales, bride's services in tact, every facet of department store scllling, including credits to all "back btage" hands without whom a department storeteould not function. GOOD TIPS . i ' Hie book is filled with tips on how to get more values. For ex ample, here's a quick test to tell the difference between real china and ersats counterparts. Tap a Iplate with the end 01 a pencil. I Real china responds with a bell 'like echoing chime. E'arihemvere I or pottery will give nothing but QUI! C1M1K. Or, have you deluded yourself into thinking that "open stock" means the pattern will be sold for ever and a day, only to be dis appointed at a later date? A good guide to remember Is that' open stock is always sold tor a mini mum of five years of course, many manufacturers have been .celling the same patterns for over 50 years, but there is never a guar antee that a pattern won't be dis continued because the manufactur er finds It unprofitable. j"'Whcn u jfloio announced "PJv rrylhliut must ru!" it means what it sys. Prices will drop lower and lower until n jiunncinl Is linullv bougtH by someone." Or,K when buying shoes it's help ful to know that, "A good shoe. once completed, has to dry lor sl weeks. Ihal drying time Is an In terval which, solidifies the shoe's shape. Thus, one ol the things you pay lor In Higher priced shoes l.s the guarantee that shape will not quickly be lost." Have you ever been In a ciuan dry during a linen sale when un marked sheets, are selling for n song? Mr.. Hess says, "The eas iest test is merely to crumple a corner of a sheet and rub its folds together. Some lint will always fall from even Uio finest, sheets, but If you create a veritable snowball, beware." IIKRK'S now Did you know, for rxumnle. the World of Fashion is a combination .of two ultni-cxcfuslvo sets unc li'cul tho other linaiiliinry? -I. Mr. Hess tnys, 'The row I cue I may bu described as tho lending i dressmaking establishments ol Par- Is 1 and New York . . . who meet 'twice a year to decide on slylc.t. I "The Imaginary World of Fash lion takes in a sniull, select group lot women culled fashion lenders who presumably life in a rureited ."tratum of luxury. Cxnolly who Uiey are, nobody knows." I Shoppers too can always be sure ol getting good buvs in denaitnii'iil stores lor what they do Is com bine and pool (heir resources to purchase through buying syndi cates very hu ge orders are placed nun liiiiiitiiiicturci's so thev have a definite advantage In securing merchandise at a belter price, II a manufacturer has a great deal of merchandise left at the end of the season, or If ho nerds- ready cash immediately, a department i.tore buyer run mirchnvr jehcnnlv and the ctivliwi aio pun' c;! i.n to the cniiMiiner, But lo protect tiie mtiniiliicluiiir'a brand pi'lyie, jlabcls mo removed! i This Is Just .some .of the "InMdr Information" unleascd In "Ever Dollar Counts" whleh certainly viYv ml"es hi' I '"' HAT TTnriirin.iir! I..ntn.rnu MORin- MACARONI greater tintlcslmuilim tnhi greater worth H'om tl ipriKtM'i' itrD'tt lo ri. e.'".T''T' 1.1. 14 ollara CEfEUIKG Chili Powder mm trt& v yak A liv'' w,nJ "f " ,"c" REMEMBER! Schilling Product art hw picked under my other tun lei us help you plan for LENT ' COME GET RECIPE FOR ui a o o II.; Z"i o o tu : U O w . 1A l -UI CO mi; a o o u. i Z: O Another baking short-cut with WESSON OIL YOUR LIQUID SHORTENING RUBY RED RADISHES 3 k " 14c GREEN ITALIAN BROCCOLI - 14c LARGE SNOW WHITE HEADS CAULIFLOWER - 14c FRESH ALL GREEN CELERY 12c LARGE SOLID HEAD CABBAGE 5c FREE PRE-VUE! Now . see a preview of one of the finest pictures of the. year .... "I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU" Starring Tyrone Power and Anne Blythe Thursday, March 13 ,10:30 A.M. ' Pelican Theater Free . . to "Better Livinq Club" Members only. Plus Broadcast from the stage . . . plus Fret Gifts. Sponsored by Klamath Theaters and Oregon Food Stores -I, ,.- I, - i. O -,.nri -n "h-N.hii-W lw-l MILL" TUMA n TRY THIS "DlffmNT" UNTIN DISH fYw,, 8 TUNA ROLL-UPS JU I 8L nv mil Qt. WESSON OIL. . . 34 Your Liquid Shortening With Coupon No. to Tin White Star Grated ft- ft iWe Meet All Legitimate Advertised Prices! Grocery prices effective Thursday thru Monday! Meat and Produce features for Fridoy and Saturday. Large AA In Cartons doz MARGARINE Salad Dressing Durkee's, Yellow , . Cubes j Durkee's Whipped 4 ibs. 1 Coffee Rod Bo'g.GVind itos". ' you wish Yellow Bog, Grind it as you wish O FRYERS 59i ; 1 j GROUND BEEF 6"S-h 59s,. 1t)YSTER$ ; 1 l! i WIEMERS 59j 1 !i FRESH SflAEiT s 33c J g -i . - v. - 7 PEETS ' SUPER ' CRYSTAL S . Gronuloted Soop SUDS ; WHITE ft vi ... .-, ..; - . ... ,, ..,. 3s . y Large Sixe'' 25c I Larae Size 25c I I .: Bar 6c " I ! DOLLAR SPECIALS TO STRETCH YOUR FOOD DOLLAR! Preserves0"-""""" ,,k .21 5 ,ef 1.00 Apricot Sauce .10 11 for 1.00 Pineapple Tidbits 5 " ,,.; .15 7 , 1.00 Crushed Pineapple R"ml: 2 ,ifl, .26 4 , 1.00 Peaches Hun" No 21l .26 4 fer 1.00 Grapefruit.5""' 3 .15 7 , 1.00 Fruit Cocktail M"krt ,M .11 10 , 1.00 .Cherries. .DiAT-' Jfini .26 4 u, 1.00 Apricots H- No 2Ii .26 4 ,0, 1.00 Applesauce T"':e" 303 .14 8 ,or 1.00 Spinach No JVi .18 6 fof 1.00 NewPotatoes Hun, ;,00, .10 11 fer 1.00 Peas H " 303. .14 8 for 1.00 Hominy Moke,Go,den No Jfini .12 9 , 1.00 Corn ww,fa,fc- No 303. 15 7 fer 1.00 Tomatoes S,-'F' ' No 2ll .21. 5 ,or 1.00 Whole Beets MM- No Jlinl .18 6 ,or 1.00 Diced Beets .Din- No ,h. .H 10 ,er 1.00 Pork and Beans H- No.300 Ml 10 , 1.00 Stringless Beans w" N. 2 ,in, , .14 8 ,er 1.00 Asparagus A,IG'""C- No 2 21 5 , 1.00 Tomato Juice Ma kct 44 .21 5 for 1.00 Hot Sauce PG Buct .05 21 , 1.00 JergensSoap .05 21 , 1.00 Maxwell House, Instant 2-ot. jar Fine Granulated 10-lb. bag GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 10 lbs. White S 89 TUNA 29 - - Ti 1 1 i SAVE WITH THESE SPECIALS! Snowdrift : 64( Shortening sL 54 75 77' 39' 25' 29' 15' Luncheon Meat 539' Crab Meat Apple Cider Soap Coffee Coffee Sugar Bisquick Salmon Tuna Navy Beans Large pkg. Alaska Chum Mb. tin Light Meat, Solid Pack ' No. Va Tins Catsup Westword, 14-oi. Danny Boy 'js Gallon Crackers White King Large Snowflake . 2-lb. carlpn , OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS CRYSTAL WHITE 6c . ; 4180 So. 61 h SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS 49' 591 25' 49' "leMssi WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT! 2410 So. 6th ! N0DV : . 1749 Ore, Ave. CAVE nDCrtnkl CriAPl lit AT I Itrit X CAe? nnrrnu pamk i i . . . . --.Tfc w vur Lnwmj n n WRCUWIf TUUU IVICA I LABELS