1 V'AvEDNKSLAY, MAItdll ft, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH K ALLS. OREGON .AUK NINE' ) NFLA Banquet Set Saturday Basin Celebrates Farm Bureau Week Klamath Couoy Farm Bureau la celebrating Farm Bureau week till week. The county's organization, one nf (he atate'a vounKfit. in the Henley High School gymnasium. representing the thinking of mora i than . 5.000,000 On April 23, 1846, Harry Jackman , Li: 11- peoofy , wna elected first president by the 40 farmers present- Elsa Rueck ' was named the County's first Farm i Bureau secretary. In Oregon today there are ap-' proximately 5475 farm families. In the United States there are 1,452,-! The Klamath Lake National AUCTIONEERING end Farm Loan Association nan acned- ntate'a third largest with fcoj farm uled It'a annual atockholdcr'a mecU farnlllen represented at present. The Farm Bureau organization Sale Management Uig for ilia wlnema hotel at noon. Bncy.-Trcan. Earl Hamaker aald a complimentary luncheon will be nerved followed by a short pro gram and burnetii mcptinn. City Kiient ear, tlckota will allow free parking for NFLA cars on city parking meters. had Ita mart back In 1011 In Broome County, N.Y. By 1915 it grew to engulf the whole atate of New York, and that aame year Ml aourl organized a state Farm Bu reau Federation. By 1819 there were enough Mates to organize the American Farm Bureau Federation. Farm Bureau came to Oregon In 1935 with the formation of a r;rarfnl f WiiliiD ('nlltft Of AucllnnerrK , , . nill'tiff. Hani. , Certified Pedirree Reader Successful Halea are Ihe Result ef Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Hpeclalltinx In FARM, PI7RRBKKD 1.1 Vl STOCK and HF.AV KSTATK AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER 5304 Alva Klamath Falls Ph. Free Service on Church St Benefit Auction! .iiu farm families making the American Farm Bureau the larg est farm organization In the world, i ifsaspiMN AT ITS BIST... (IIAI.LKNCK WASHINGTON 11 Secretary of Hlate Acheaon Tuesday chal lenged the CommunUta to tubmlt to Impartial Investigation their charicea that United Nations force are waging germ warfare In Korea. county Farm Bureau In Umatilla County. In 1938 the OFBF wan organized. and in 1846 Klamath County net up Ita organizational details in the FADT1 If 4 iwJ r EQUIPMENT FROM THE SKY Twin parachutes, earh 100 feet In diameter, float down with heavy equipment In air drop by LSAK cargo planes to UN (round unit In Korea, Warren Hits Oil Interests Fork In The Road Proves Too Much For Fly -Fly Boy KEEDHPORT Leonard Bak er, u ntiHli-nt iitlnt Iron) Spring Held, ttHjk olf Iiom Knncburg on ii (.(l inilc llluht to F:ugpie Monrtny nlKht. It wuh hiniplr, all he had to and SACRAMKNTO. Cnllff Wt Clov. Waiien chargrd J'urMlay Unit the 'iiulrpcllilcnl oil rniwcl" h pouring . - i . S , ; ;.11" '"llow lh? 'Hallway Itenuhllcan presidential bid. At a news conloisiico, lie ac rused eiimisors ol tli Wcrdcl slate n OOr convention acicgittri oi "ramnnlgli l villlniillon "nutuuralii ol veuiin). lie nuincd omo uf the Independ nil oil qncrHtom, with whom he clashed bltlerlv over gtis tnxrs In the legislature's 1041 highway light, as backer of the June 3 primary r.1aie nominally pledged to Hep. Werdel of Bnkcrslteld. It was the first lime thai Warren has spoken out against the rival HOP faction which advocates a "free" delenallon In opposition to one Instructed to the governor. Werdel promises to release his delegate! to vote Inr whatever can lld.tc they preler nt the Republi can Nntlonnl Conventlnn. 'I'ho governor also said he will announce h'i derision Wednesday on whether he will enter Oregon's Muy 10 tirlinnry. All Breed SsSeiSet Tie First Annual Purebred Hull and Female nilo will be held nl 1.' iinon.'Mar. 14, at .the Klamath Liveilofk. TV arils. Kilty bfHls a service ime and 15 hrrdslre pfnapecla have been con Mgncd, as well an 40 females. Sev enteen of these ra bred Hereford heifers. 17 are open Hereford heif ers andfftx are Hereford cows. ' O. W. Uerry) Fales will bo auctioneer- So he followed the highway, and the llr:-t thing he knew, the high way ended and there was the ocean, 'llils was embarrassing, slui'o ICugrne fomo 00 miles Irom the ocean. He decided he hsd better net downout nl die ntr at once. He fwonped low, then landed on Uie beach, despite mud, soft and and logs scattered on the ahore. He emerged with nothing worse than a bloody nose, although the light plane's undercarrlago and propeller were smashed. Coast gutudsmen Irom the narby Ump dim Coast (iuard Station gave him llrst aid. Then he went to Eugene via ground transportation. Bakrr said he apparentv fol lowed Ihe wrong highway lit Drain, where the roads lork, one route leading to Eugene, the other to the coast, A mechanic, Lcland Dejean. was expected here later Tuesday to help In removing the plane from the beach. KOREAN CAHl'ALTIKS WASHINGTON im ' A Uelensc Department list (No. 614 1 Wednes day added 11 names to Korean War : casualties eight wounded, two In jured In bnttle-zone accidents and one missing In action. TRAINS HIT , GARY, Ind. un Kilty-lour per sons were injured, none seriously, 'l'ucsday night when a crowded commuter train from Chicago crashed Into the rear end nl an cmjily train In the Gary station. '52 Wafer Supply , Good i Ah , optimistic ''outlook, for Ore-! ran 1052 water -supply Is reflected Firy Smarting of minor MJk it m Z5 (Isirs uie ol thli toothing ointment glvn milni irllcl Knp ktniy. Ue alw lof Hell of umplr isth.'dry effms. f LIVESTOCK mil TV B&B Yci, , Terrific Values During Our SPRING ANNIVERSARY G.E. TOASTERS Reg. 22.95 16" B&B RADIO and ELECTRIC 401 So. 6th ; In he, February :nc-w surycy ami I jointly oy um ureKou aia eVpffrlmeiit stnilon and Srcgon Slate college j the soli conservation service. Water content of the hli;h moun tain .'snow-pack, which will be the inajh source ol water lor the state, hag broken all previous February ronrtfS'-on 43 of 03 measured snow courses already have water c anient greater than usually found lit the. beginning ol the melting sfnbon, , . ".Unusually heavy snow accutnu If I Ions In lower elevations ol the Willamette valley still suffer a threat, of Hood In the lowlands II heavy, rains continue or unusual moiling' occurs, tho 'report stated. Several reservoirs are now being drained to provide stni ngo for the expected heavy run-off. -a- Iff Phosphated Hay and Pasture 'J- Phosphate deficiencies in. stock result ' In depraved dppetito, poor growth end reprouuctionj weakened boneaand rickets n yountj animals. .- . s Avoid phonphole dehciencr bv using Simplot Red Diamond Suprphotphale qn hiy and pasture. Teste and records how fjimplol Red Diamond can double hay and pasture growth, provide belter feed and Ample phosphorus lor healthy, heavy animal Aek tor r REE Fertlliiiiia; Pamphlet SIMPLOT ' SOILBUILDERS 2052 Washburn Woy , - Phone 2-1438 Yomswitna JOHHDttM VftM BnllNl Grain Drill Cut planting lime in half! Drill your cropj accurately at speeds up to 6 M.P.H. with a dependable John Deere-Van Brum Model "BM Grain Drill. Because of a shorter seed drop this new low-wheel drill spaces the seed more evenly in the rows. Jackknife spring pressure on the furrow openers assures uniform planting depth. Auiomoiive-type wheels and Timken lapered-roller bearings make possible smoother, faster travel in the field and on the highway. The new faster-acting power lift, and a shorter turning radius make it easier to do a good seeding job, You'll appreciate its many features. See lis for details. Crater Lake Machinery Co. 1410 S. 6th Phone 2-2544 BUTLER Steel Building A Product of Butler Manufacturing Company Straight Sidewalls... USE ALL THE SPACE YOU PAY FOR aHEATON machine and SUPPLY Phone 6691 428 Spring St. LOANS RMItMli ' 4 TKAHt .... fOO1 MILLION OOLLAfilt Kwlr a ruir-ceaur? f Urn aa awn a Mlno dollani la lamer. That'a k lei aad U xack, ! Pradeatlal lanrama Cefflauj T AiMrlca ku ksed to firman, Wht taniliinr boat a farm leaa, Uim t IfarM art lntruat. Taer aieaa thai PradnHal la a CONST AN V l.aou, a arm belierw la tin iaufrir and On fatw ef Ika anun. rnMaadal mwt loaw throufhoul Iht dtprution yemr$. "... ' Btiides Lanf-Term, Lav Rate Uoi, Witt N Fee Suck, w CaaualMloaa, Praparaimt Prl'lbf.. Fitr Aparilaala tad Leaa Plana to At every firmer', arcfarcace aad naada, Pradaoual fWas fai'lfc reiitiUea f a Ceailut leadtr, tha aaaaraaca af ranaaaaaer in Ike farai loaa OsWn 112 Sa. Ilk for turihtr Information, Call, Writ or See' HOWARD BARNHISEL AGENCY Authorittd Uortt Loan Solicitor for THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OP AMERICA Klomarh. Lake, Modoc nd Siskiyou Counties . PhM4m FARMERS -- Do You Have A Twine Pick Up Baler? You're invited to the Agr. Building in Molin to learn the answers to your Knotting problems . . . this Wed. 7 p.m. Instruction is 'open to users of all makes of twine pick up balers and those who are about to buy new pick up balers. Sponsored by j. A. FREEMAN & SON 2034 N. W. 27th ' Portland, Ore. Your Malin Dealer for CROWN FEEDS MALIN GRAIN AND FEED Phone 555 Malin its about time for it! Woven Fencing . . Steel Fence Posts . . Sizes 6, 654, 7 ft. 2 and 4 Point grgam Try an ' Barbed Wire ...for dependable POWER... see;.. Baling Wire . . . ; for John-Deere and Minneapolis-Moline Bale Tiesotoba Is your battery shot? OGW BATTERY, for long service! . . OGW pARM SUPPLY . Your Mossey-Horris Dealer Start Your Calves on Your young calves, will thrive on Crown Calf Meal or Crown "Komprest" Calf Meal. Both feeds are designed as milk substitutes to replace whole milk as a calf needs coarser rations. j LABORATORY TESTED. ..FARM PROVEN Crown Calf Meal is a starter feed which will partially replace whole milk during the first four weeks. After four weeks, it will completely replace whole milk. Superior in every respect, Crown Calf Meal is highly palatable and easily digested by any animal includ ing poultry. Protein 24; fat 5;liber 6; ash 7ft. A$k Your Daolor Tod ay for CROWN CALF MEAL nam uuiiii Your Local Dealer For CROWN FEEDS OREG., LTD. 734 South 6th Phone 4197 Klamdth Falls, Oregon 4th ANNUAL Mil Hlriiri Mriuiiiisl: SP0HS0RE0 BY . a KUMATfl FALLS L10H2 CLUB - : Or ' ' ; All 91 TO 66 KUSM : tramat falls Come Aloatot tlte MatuteU ..... t mv WO f0 t TWO HOUn PROGRAM OF MUSIC SONGS DANCES - COMEDY 55 in GaU Old Qu&uUl Aeo 1lLU Uoh J. Falls - malin - Merrill - TuFeFake - Bonanza TICKETS: Adults, SL00, Children under 12 50c, ; This Advertisement Sponsored By . , t , , . , .;: GARRISON EQUIP. CO. .1 OSIO, ITD. 1 4Mi a ' PPIY ''Oliver" Finest in Farm Machinery