. WKDNKSUAY, MARCH 9, 1052 UEItALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE mi U.S. Hurls "Germ War" Challenge ' WAHlllNaTON Ml - Hrcrclary i.r flint Acliiwm Inn, chullnnuerl Hie Coinmunlsti lo Mikmlt lo Impartial liiVMtliintloii llii-lr "f nnlnuc chariie Unit thi) Alllrn are waging H'fin wurluro In Korea. In a ulutrpiy-worrtrd utiilement TilBMlay, AcliMnn aultl: "We Imvo denied thin noiuienne about urrm warfare In Korea he fort. Wo would not bother to deny It attain were It not for the fuel that the Coinmunlnts ura nprtucl Dig tht.it chariiea iiroimd the world t the name time they ere stalling in the truce neitntlatlnrui." Aa In the punt, Acheuon mild, the United Bin ten aaaln "wcl oomet an Impartial Invenllfiallon by mi Internutlonul agency mirli at the lnternnlloniil Commutes of the Red Croaa." The necretary aald there appearu lo be a aerlnua plague epidemic In Comniunlol-conlnilled KoreH. But ne empniiolied that It wan due to the Urdu' liuililllty to cure for the people, not to n "Imitiintlc plot" by the United Nation. Kor about two weelcn, the germ warfare chargea have been ployed up by propaganda agrnclei In Moscow and the real of the Bovlet bloc. Accusation aro accompanied by detnlls of "evidence" and re mrt.i of Droteat mentlniia. ' The Chlneat Communlats added a new touch Wednesday. A Pelplnf radio broadcaat laid the Allies on Feb. So fired ahella loaded with cholera and typhus germa Into Red linen near Panmun Joni, alte of the truce talks. Firing Proves Tax Burden WASHINGTON Wl Firing one government worker la ao compli cated, aaya Sen. Johnaton cD.-B.C.,) It cotta the Uxpayera 16,000 In pa per work. He told the Senate Tuenday hla Civil Service Committee found many other peculiarities In the complicated Civil Service layoff yatem. One unidentified agency, he aak), ran up a bill of 150,000 In dismiss ing 36 people. Johnaton related these details of the case: i. The agency spent , months tn an attempt to discharge IM workers. This entailed 1,641 "paper actions." J. Only M employes of the 164 actually were dropped. 1. The reshuffling Involved was e damaging to morale at least 207 employes quit. 4. The agency found Itself In the "ridiculous" position of having to recruit new employes. Johnston sale; his committee "found In government's personnel structure the loss of thousands of Sabres Pounce On MiiG's, Blast Five; Fighting mi Ground. Light; Track Cut Fly Ml 1.0 FAItNKTI BKOUI,, Korea 11 American wiu-planr Mirprli.cd a flluht ol Coiiimiinhit MIO-H Jeut Wfdneirluv and uhol down at leant five near the Ynlu Itiver, Another MIO wni tinted ax nrob- Hbly destroyed. The wild 30-mlnuto morning bat tin was touched off when 28 F-80 rlabrn jcui pounced on a flight ol 70 MIUs as the Keda came out ol their Mundmrlan sanctuary. "Wo cniiKht them by surprise Lecturer Blasts America For Immorality, Laziness Fly WAI.I.AC'K MYERS Cameron Ralnton whaled the day lights out of Klamath Falls and the rent of America last evening ' Lecturing to a capacity Knife and Pork audience at the Wlllard Hotel, Halston administered ft sound thrashing but paused fre quently lo ease the punishment with a sparkling wit. The noted educator and publiclut pictured today's America as a child spoiled by wealth and growing dan gerously Immoral and lazy. Ralnton came to America as an Immigrant from Scotland at 15 and worked his way from West Vir ginia's coal mines to the chair of philosophy at Washington and Jef ferson College. It In slgnlllcnnt of the low sense of values In America today that Ralston la perhaps bet ter known for his work In break ing up the Al Capone regime than for his brilliance as an educator. Ralston sees America's dire man-hours and millions of dollars esch year through duplication of elfort, poor utilization of manpow er and the use of cumbersome, obsolete and time-consuming pro cedures." He criticised the Civil Service Commission's layoff system which he said has 26 different categories and subcategories of Job retention rignu. plllfht today as earned by five ba :ilc itiulta of ,i people: 1 1 Increas ing Immorality and disrespect for authority; 2i hatred of man for man; 3) luzlni; 4) pursuit of pleiiMirc; and 61 substitution of ma terial values for spiritual once. Of the five, Ralston puts the greatest stre ui on our growing im morality and scorn for authority. Listening to Ralston lecture, It Is clear that his stern Scotch Prev byterlan upbringing Is utterly out raged by America's Increasing crime and corruption. And he repeatedly charge our "aversion to work" as a principal evil. "Work Is the greatest moral builder," he says. As a remedy for our Ills, Ralston prescribed liberal doses of threo great writings: 1) the Ten Com mandments; 2) the Sermon on the Mount: and 3) the United States Constitution. In asides as he develop! his theme, Ralston praises and damns many things. and bounced the whole formation," an Air Force officer said. It was the biggest bag of Red lets nlnce Jnn. 26, when Sabre pilots dciitroyed 10 Another MIO crashed behind the Manchurlan border without a shot being fired nt It. Two Allied pilots said the plane was stunting when It suddenly went Into a tight rpln and roared lo the (rrour.d. Fighting on the battle front con- He sees the elementary school teacher as a little thought of mould er of the nation's future; he blames Big Business' "lack of foresight 60 years ago" for the current labor trouble: and he holds our choice of lurid comic strips over good lit erature as typical of our poboned minds. America') huge national debt and Its continued deficit spending cause Ralston to shudder In Incli nation. He cites that all the world's former great powers were finally collapsed under unwise economies. And he fears It will happen here unless we quickly change our ways. Pilots Club To Hold Crab Feed The Pilot's Club annual crab feed Is scheduled for March 15, 6:30 p.m., at the airport club rooms. Reservations should be made by phoning either 9817 or M50. Herb Walts Is chairman. tlnued light, but the Redn stepped up their artillery and mortar fire In some sections Tuesday, The Communists threw nearly 1,500 rounds at an Allied position north of the punchbowl on the East ern Front, The bombardment was near the Red-held hill called "Luke the Cook's Cautle," a strong point from which the Reds have been blasting for several weeks. The Communists alxo renewed their propaganda leaflet barrage Tuesday. The U.S. Eighth Army Communl que reported only light patrols and probes across the front. Tem peratures, runged from 13 to 33 degrees IF). The navy cruiser TJ.8.S. St. Paul, aided by a spotting plane (c.itroyed at least three bunkers France began Its conquest of Cochln-Chlna In 1861. Wake Up' To More Comfort Without Nftffing Baclucha Katrine baelracha, lota of pap anJ ant rtTt headache and distinct! may be due to alow, down of kfdnvr foaetloa. Doetora ear good kidney function la very Important to good haalth. Whtn torn arcryday ermeHtUR,iuh ai ilrta and it rain, eauaaa thla important function toilowdown.manr folks aurfernai ftni backacba fcl mbarebW. Minor blad der Irritation dua to cold or wrong; diet mar cauac vettlncup nifhUor 1 requantpaaaasca. Don't neglect your kidney If thea condU tlons bother you. Try Doan'a Pllla a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 yean. It's amailnf how many times Doan a fivt happy relief from theso discom-forta-help the I 8 miles of kldneytubaa and ni ters flush out wasU. Cat Doaa's puia today. und flHmttgtd eight 'n' thc"MEaat Coist. Task Force 77 pilots scored 102 cuts In the battered Red rail sys tem, other claims included za Lmall boats. 13 trucks and one locomotive, Pr0) TOI1ET TISSUE Asked how badly the locomotive was shot up, one pilot said, 'may be the Commies can still use the bell." , First Marine Air Wing pilots con centrated their firs on ' Commu nist bunkers. They claimed at least 43 destroyed or badly damaged. (B 0GHB fcHJUUdj IS ARM HOW YOU CAM MAKS 919 MONEY IM YOU OWN 9USIMSSSI Here it is! A proved way for you to make big money year alter year ! Yes, it's your chance of a life time to become independent with your very own business jttil d jtm months limt! Our well financed company is offering ex clusive territory rights for one of the most profitable businesses in America today Drive-In type Re freshment. Stands. No red tape, excessive costs or royalties in volved ! You own and operate your own business as you see fit! 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