WEDNESDAY, MARCH S, 1952 Hrl Hcout troop No. 63, led Mr. Kiirl O. Murphy will hnve tooklo bootli at bnim Uaturday. Hoolul (Hub OF1S, Aloha Chap ter 61, will nicnl Friday, 1:3(1 p.m. Deaaert will be nerved, card to follow (or those wlnhlnit lo play. All OEH mcinucia are cordially In vitrei. Huff Hrrtnnt It. O. Yancy, Mrn. Yancy mid their mnull boh, vailed here by the drnlh o( Yancy'a mother, Mix. John Malta, lct yea lerdav lo report to Travla Air Tore Bae, Fairfield, Onlll, Ber- Rpunt Yunoy wnn llown home Iroin ores when hln mother become critically 111, iter funerul wan Bat urduy. Girl Seoul troop No. 38 led by Mm. Chnrlcx Wamntad will hnve cookie booth Saturday lit the Orriion Food Blore, Hit Orgxon Ave. Membrra of ProMprrlty Reboknli lodKe, No. 11)4 will meet Thuradny, 1 p.m. In the IOOF hull lor bit liiew meeting. Htewart l.ennnx Fire Bellen Vlll hold regular mcdlna: 7:30 pirn. Thursday, jf The Public In cordlnlly Invited ' to attend the aeml-lormal Gold and . 'Oreen Ball, March 7. S p.m. at 1 ' the Church of Jenua C'hrlM of ter Day Balnte. Home and Martin, Iteireahmenta wll be nerved. The Conger . Home Extension Una meptK Friday at (he home ol Mra. Oerald Clwyn. JH Fulton. A demonstration on kltrhen aloraer rill be given by Dorothy Tnllcth, Take a Back lunch. Leilnn Auilllary Wlnrma Pout 14J la to meet at Memorial Hall tonight nl a to dlncuaa plana for the romlntr ntale convention here. Refreahmenla. Langrll Valley Monthly card party sponsored by 81 Bnrnnbaa Clulld. Hchedulrd for Parish Hull, ttalurday eventnir. Either Circle First Church meeta with Mm. J, B. Hope, 1734 Johnson, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Brlnn lined clothing: or vard axe for donation to Czechoslovakia Job'n Dnurhlern neirulnr meet Inn at Maaonic Temple, Thursday, t p.m. ,. Vrlendljr Circled Mw In Nona Hall, 815 E. Main Ml., Thnriday, 13:30 p.m., for a luncheon faceting. Sacred Heart. Molhcr'a Club meeta In Academy auditorium Thurnday, 7:30 p.m. VFW Auxiliary 133-Meet for nomination and election of officers at the Library Club, Thursday. 8 pjn. For nurd typewriter! and addlnr machine .... Voliht Pioneer Office Hupply, :9 Main. MB 7i 0 Wennkons That's right: more real catsup in every ounce of Dcnnison's. And, the most delicious catsup you ever tasted! Nine or more oC the world's finest California tomatoes go into each bottle. By actual test, Dennison's Catsup is richer than any other popular brand, in luscious, meaty tomato body substance. This richer body absbrbs and holds more de licious seasoning, sugar and spices, sparkling vinegar. . You enjoy more delicious catsup flavor... and more real catsup in every ouncc.when you use Dennison's. Fancy quality luxury catsup... at popular price. Get it today, at your grocer's. IffoTHEB . atans ::. . mi m Zlnn Lutheran Ladlen' Aid la to meet Hiursday, 7:30 p.m., at tho chinch. Leap Year Baby A Hon was born nt Anhlutid General llonpltul Feb. Ml to Mr. and Mra. Carl Jen- ulna's. The father In a patrolman on tho Klntniith FhIIh Pollco De partment. The little fellow welxhed II pounds 4 ounces. mirarrv Mrs. Robert Alexander. former Khimath Fulls rcMdcnt, fa lo underKo sursirry Tuesday. March 11. at Hitcrrd Heart Honnilni. Eu gene. Mrn, Alexander la the dnunh- lcr-in-law ol Mr. and Mra. W. H. Alexander, Her husband la a atud- unl ut the UnlveiHlty o Oregon. KAKUU Important meeting to nlKht at H In the Pllotn Club. AK'iiad Incltiilen election of officers. tclki by Olvll Air Patrol and Male Hoard nl Aeronimtlca representa tives and Mrn. Vernon Moe. wife of co-pllot ol nilssliw Air Force C-47 belnit oouKlit In this area. Falrvlrw Study Group Will meet at the home of Mrs. Cecil HaKKreen, 1406 Canby 81. Thurs day nl 3 p.m. American Leslun Auxiliary ' Kin math Unit 8 will hold a rum mane sale In the former location of the Green Stamp store, 7th and Pine, March 7-8. All members having rummaxe to donate are naked to call Mrs, John Glubrecht, 72(H) or bring- to store Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. Concert Unit Slates Dinner The annual Community Concert dinner for workers In the member ship drive which starts next week Is scheduled for the Wlllard Hotel. Monday, 0:30 p.m. Mra. L. Itex limit Jr., chairman of the event, says It will be neces sary to make reservations not later than Friday by plionliiK either 3-0483 or 6030. Lucille Schrelner. representing New York headquarters of the Community Concert Service, Is to attend the dinner and show-a sound film on concert work. Mr. Fred Khlers and Harriet Mueller, co-chairmen of this year's membership campaign, have or ganized workers that are to launch the drive next week. Sea Anchors do not touch bot tom. They are designed to make a pronounced drag in the water to check drift. Sports Afield. General Hans Frci BOOKKEEPING Service 2214 $. tk hmi 2-023 Same size D.itnitas'i Is the werld'i ftMtt (hill Cm torm . .i ail jvlifc frHfMirt ke.l ami Wa tsnatr Mart red frsr la iptll Its dtHtitM lam. WllSOlS'meansDekous Sunday-Dinner Quality ONLY! Dog Show To Be Held Here Local purebred dog will have a chance at purely local competition this Sunday at the Fairgrounds dur ing the annual Klamath Kennel Club AKO (American Kennel Club) sanctioned nun point dog nhow. Kntrlcs may bstnndo by phon ing 3-1400 or 4360 this week, or by applying at the door before 12:30 p. in. Sunday. . Papers on entries are not neces sary, according to KKC Pres. For rest'Albcrt, and first prl.o winner), will be awnded parchment certifi cates showing the win made. Proceeds Irom tho show will go to trophies from KCC-Klwanls spon sored dog show nlaled for Aug. 31 at tne Fairgrounds. More tlian 360 dog exhibitors from throughout the United states participated In lust year's big summer show. At, mm ween s snow trophies are to bo presented for bent and sec ond bent child handlers, and a spe cial trophy, olfcrcd by Anna Young, Portland, will go to the best local Pekingese In show, Show Juclire will bo Mrs. Helen Muring, Portland. Probable Judging order will be an follows Albert onnounced start ing at 13:30 p. m.: Toys, non sporting, working, hounds, terriers, sporting, bent In variety groups, children's bundling Cibm and second bent dons In nhow. A conclusion will bo set up, and an admission will be charged 60 cents for adults, 25 cents for stu dents and nine cents for children under 2 years of age. Youth Held On Theft Suspicion An 18-yenr-old youth. Alfredo M. Herrrra, 728 Owens St., wnn to be turned over to county authorities today by City Police for Inventlga, lion of a petit larceny charge. Herrern was arrested bv Police Tuesday afternoon following Invev i ligation oi ineft of two aulomobllo fender skirts from Eunice Thomas, 1943 Orchard. The fender sklrti were traced to a car owned by Wayne Byrd, 315 E. Main, who told police he bought tliem from Hcrrcra for 6. Hans Norland Auto Insurance. 627 Pine SI. More POPULARITY . . . with a temibly priced Hearing Aid . . 715 Main Street ' bottles; i.but aaam mm I N era HERALD AND NEWS. Merril) Hi News By YVONNF. CONNI.R and KUSA MAK KKIiVI.M The basketball boys and their Saronts were honored at a buffet upper Tuesday evening, given by th F.H.A. girls. Arlene Lemler played a piano solo, Vclma Fox sang a solo accompanied by Ar lent! Lemler, A skit "Just Basket ball" was given by Martha Beasly, Dolores Conner, Betty lcenblce, and Yvonne Conner, Everyone en Joyed themselves thoroughly. Last Thurnday evening six Sen ior High girls presented their en tries In the speech festival to the P.P.A. Durlcne Burkhurst and Joan Llnrucle cave humerous readings. Mury Quulls who Is entered In ora tory, unrl an her topic the life of Queen Elizabeth 11. In the radio division Janet Dletdorff, Frances K fort. Mary Quails, and Yvonne Conner ut entered. : They talked on soli conservation. . The Sophomores are planning an assembly for Thursday. It Is going to be a humerous Imitation of the Presidential election of 1952. Their candidates for the president of U.S. and Texas arc Mike Oeraghty and Dick Fields. We're sure everyone will enjoy themselves at this as sembly. Monday evening was Bingo night sponsored by the Freshman. They reported tnal everyone mere naa a DON'T MISS SAVINGS AT-.-B&B'i SPRING ANNIVERSARY 3 Speed - Portable RADIO-PHONO combination 49.96 pop RADIO and DOCD ELECTRIC 401 So. 6th ...get more out of life SUCCESS HAPPINESS ONLY Headband and bena rnndurtUa tj e t I r atalUblo at mode rata lira cast. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Merchants Get Flag Standard A uniform plan for displaying the American flag pn downtown streets on Important' holidays was presented to the Klamath Mer chants Association at Its meeting Wednsday morning at the Wlne m hotel by Charles Huhn for the fine time. The Me He Ma Annual went on sale Monday. Everyone Is urged to buy theirs now or they may not gel them, for they arc going fast. Merrill Hign was nonored lo have Dolores Conner, Connie Reeves. Evelyn Oaks, and Darlcne Ripple In the extravaganza given by the Malln Mariners, at the Broadway Hall, February 29 and 29. The show will also be presented at Milts au ditorium Friday evening Mar 7. Mar-noT VARNISH h on A BARGAIN FOR FLOORS, WOODWORK, FURNITURE..; 1 qt. Mar-Not Gloss Varnish and SPECIAL 2" Nre Bristle Brush I lQfi REGULAR PRICE $25 ) ' SHERWIN-WILLIAMS HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH! YOU Sfive VARNISH VALUE! C0LDEH-RIPE BANANAS, PURE, SWEET WHIPPING CREAM, AND RANCH-FRESH EGGS ARE USED IN THIS DESSERT THRILL FOR ' MARCH. YOUR FAMILY WILL L0VE-Y0U-ALL-T0-PIECES WHEN YOU SERVE CRATER LAKE'S FRESH BANANA ICE CREAM, EITHER AS A DINNER DESSERT. OR BETWEEN MEALS PICK-UP I ij!J American Legion. , The proponed plan would place flag standards at lorty foot inter vain along the sidewalk fronts. Presently owned flags would be added Ut for complete downtown coverage. Costs would be met by j merchants; details and handling ; would be by the American Legion. 1 The merchants authorized a com mittee to meet the Legion commit tee and work out details. - The motter of stores remaining open or cloning on Armistice Day was withheld from vote until word is received aa to whether the Bend Klamath high school football game, to be played In Klamath Fa III. this year, Is scheduled for after noon or evening. Plans are nearly complete for the Spring Opening shows on March 14, It was reported by Bob Frcd rlckson. - Carl Sparks presided In the ab sence of Pres. Frank Drew, There are no crocodiles In the United States except In lower Flor ida. Sports Afield. Sherwin-Williams MAR-NOT VARNISH CAA Identification Cards Necessary j Administrator Charles P. Horno, Civil Aeronautics Administration, j warned pilots, mechanics and all airmen they must have an official Identification card on their person at all times while performing du- i ties. I Th? warning: came apparently as j a national security measure. j Home said CAA safety agents i would Instigate a far reaching 23 Ved4d Af& Monday, March 4, 1929 A tennis club which ho long bean needed ond desired here was formed lost night when enthusiasts met ot the store of C. Richmond. Richmond wo$ elected presi dent, ond Jim Floyd wos elected secretory-treosurer, A committee consisting of H. E. Hulls, Gordon Dixon, L, Z, Carter, Rohlen Hastings ond Rev. Nelson F, Cole wos appointed to draft fl) , constitution ond by-lows. Tuesday, March 5, 1929 Postmaster John A. McCall and Russell Griffith, assistant postmaster, spent Thursday In Hillside Addition investigating the situation for establishing city nail delivery service. Wednesday, March 6, 1 929 Permanent officers of the Young Peoples doncing club elected recently ore: Ted, president; Elizabeth Groham, secretary; ond Elenor Perry, freer urer. The committee in charge of the corning dance Is: Harvey Borgman, Rex Hiatt, Mory Alice Reed, Howard Metcalf ond "Bab" Leovitt. Thursday, March 7, 1929 The largest group of Southern Ore gon cottlemen ever to ossemble ot one time met ot the cham ber of commerce to form the Southern Oregon Livestock Asso ciation. Officers elected ore: C. V. Loosley, Fdrt Klomoth, presi dent; C. E. Drew, Merrill, vice president; C. A. Henderson, county agent, secretary. William Kittredge, Klomoth Marsh; W. C. Dalton, Malin and Fred Stukel of Merrill compose the board of directors. Fridoy, March 8, 1929 An interesting side light on the growth and business of Klamath Falls wos learned last evening when tho ' onnuol report of Rexoll stores in the state of Oregon for th year 1928 wos made public. The report showed that the Klom oth Foils Rexoll store, otherwise known os the Stor Drug Store, ond owned ond operated by R. E. Dowecse, kept the lead in sales in 1928. Saturdoy, March 9, 1929 Mrs. K. G. Cummings wos hostess for the PEO Sister hood ot her home on Washington St. when ' the new officers were elected. Those to serve next veor ore: Mrs. Andrew Collier, president; Mrs. Fred Fleet, vice president; Mrs. Myro Stewart, recording secretary; Mrs. K. G. Cummings, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Harry Goeller, treasurer; Mrs. H. W. Bothiony, chaplain; Mrs. J. V. Brewbaker, guard. ... ''' "Insure With Landry" THE Jdcut&uf, LIABILITY V. T. Johnson John A. McCall D. L. Thomas -AUTO PROPERTY 419 Main Street Phone 2-2526 Ir CRATER LAKE ROUTE MAN PAOE THREt check program. WURLITZER A masnlliunt i plaao. Many ifyl.i end flalihti to chaos from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Ga. FIRE. Paid O. Landry ot mi m