PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1052 a " MBS . KFJI list Kc.-r8T Wednesday Evening, March S 00 Gabriel Hauler MRS 6:15 Klamath Theater Quia " 8:.'I0 Around Town News 8:48 Sam flaycs News MBSi :i3 BUI Henry MBS 1.00 family Theatre MBS 7:30 CUro Klo MBS :00 What's Name Song MBS 8:30 Red Croia Pgm. - 8:45 Heldelbcrf Harmonalrei 00 Glenn Hardy Newi MBS BIS rulton Uwli Jr. MBS 8:30 Wreitllng M B-MIn Final MBS 10:00 Wrestling 10:19 I Love a Myitarr MBS 10 ' 1 Out of Thunoer MBS 11 S) Night Owli News tl:M Night Owls Club 12:00 Slin Oft KrJI-1150 Rc-PST Thursday, March 6 1:00 Musical Reveille :'5 Farm Pepn-ter 8:53 Regional Newi 7:00 Hemingway Newi MBS 7 13 Breakfast Ganf MBS 7:30 Headline! and Bylines 7:43 Bert Buys 8:00 Cecil Brown MBS 11:19 Breakfait Gang MRS 8:30 Haven of Ben MBS 0:u0 Homemakers Harmoniea ft:15 Marlon from Mlllera 0:30 Platter Party S:43 Familiar FitmrllH 10:00 Glenn HardyNews 10:13 Tello Test MBS 10:30 LaPolnles 10:49 Minlatura Concert 10:30 Currlns 10:33 Ken Canon MRS 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:23 News MBS 11:20 Queen fur a Da) MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:15 Noonday Newa 12:30 Your Dance Tunes 12:49 Mualc Box !: irket & Livestock 12:99 Klamath Notea 1:00 Jack Ktrkwood Shew MBS 1:30 Take a Number MBS 2:00 Newi MBS 345 News MBS 2:15 Two at 2:1S 3:43 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Plcky's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson 4:15 Hemingway News MRS 4:r.O Curt Aiassey '1 ime MBS 4:45 Sam Hayes MBS 5:00 Sergeant Pre'tnn MBS 5:30 Sky King. MBS 3:53 Cecil Brown MBS 8:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS B:15 Klam. Theater Quiz 8:30 Around Town News 8:45 Sam Hayes Newa MBS 8:95 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Harmony Time 7:30 Bobby Benron MBS COO Tarzan MBS 8:30 Voice of Amentia 8 45 Heidelberg Harmor.aires 8:00 Glenn Hardy, News MBS 8:19 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 8:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 8:45 Sport Tlnal 8:59 5-Min. Final MBS 10:00 I Love Mystery MBS 10:15 Serenade in Blue 10:30 Rod and Gun Club MBS 11:00 Night OwU Newa tlK Night Owls Club 12 TO Sign Off. -J. . KILW 14J9 Kc.-rST Wednesday Kvrnlnr, March 5 t oo Snorts Highlight! 8:13 Home Town Newi 6:23 World Newi Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headltn Edition ABC 6:33 Coming Attraction! on ABC 7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7-L-0 Mystery Theater ABC 8:00 The Top Guy ABC 8:0 Rogue- Gallery ABC 8.00 Proudly We Hall 6:30 Northweit Artlits 10 00 10 P M Headlines 1 10:13 Dream Harbor ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off KFLW-1430 Kc PST 6- 00 6:03 li 43 7:00 7:15 7:30 7- 40 7:55 8:00 8:00 8:30 1040 10:15 10:30 10:55 11:15 11:20 11:30 11:43 11:95 Thursday. March Sign on News Summary Curn in 1h Morn. Farm Fare News DIM Edition Charlie's Roundup Bob Carred Newa ABC Ton of the Morning John Conto ABC Breakfast Club ABC Hank Henry Show Break the Bank ABC Chet Huntley. News ABC Lone Journey ABC My True Storv ARC . Whispering Streets ABC in 12M 13:15 1:30 l.'OO 1:13 1:30 3:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 3:00 9:39 3:30 3:45 640 619 6:25 6:30 6:49 6:59 700 7:30 8:00 8:49 9:00 0:30 10:00 10:19 10:30 11:00 11:05 Stnn JL Shiu. Jtmmte Fidlcr Against the Storm ABC Mug'ral Roundup Market Reports Noon Edition News Payless Sidewalk Show Lucky u Ranch ABC Paul Harvey ABC Better Living Mary Margaret NcBride ABC When a Girl Marries ABC Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABL Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC Betty Crocker ABC Ted . Malone ABC Dean Cameron ABC Mary Marlln ABC DMIWIItiillu V.. Tom Cr-rbett. Space Patrol ABC "u"a rugni neporier Am; Chet Huntley ABC, Adven. Your Heritage Sports Highlights Home Town Newr World News Summary Suburban Serenade 17a ... 1 1 pi. -nr. Coming Attractions on ABC Mr President ABC Defense Attorney ABC Orlg. Amateur Hr. ABC Bob-Hope Show Red Cross The Redhead ABC President Truman ABC 10 P M Headlines Tax Your Brain ABC Insomnia Club News Summary Sign Off 7 '-vj Milkman Spoils Long-Laid nans Of Prison Diggers Wit I 1 Htltt I mi-.. i. las h.. I .. . . WSf V a first t s m-..u 1st nt. .. .. i-iun ivrtutin, ri aau, inr "-nil .lllkniHii came and spoiled visions f freedom for rome frustrated late penitentiary Inmates. The as jrl unidentified felons .ere only 30 feet from freedom Xiesday after IS month of labor. tisly digging a loo foot long tun el when the prison milk truck v,nk 'through their escape hatch BOB PLASS, 21, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Plass, 827 Mitchell, home on leave from duty with the Signal Corps, has been ordered to Fort Lawton, Wash., for as signment to Far Eastern duty. DIKE RETURNS NEW vrmir in n,. aua,e- Ul Windsor arrived Wednesday on the liner O? in.n a-li..K..,v. v. I 11 .uvcm Hum Xitlg- nucic tie went lor ine iuneral of his brother. King George VI. .1 I NOW inntfiiCj Oh. aucitement-laden don jl uftts. nun ntj 200 hussind-liuntini omeri VJEST17MD miMffl- (TAIIINO Robert TAYiflR ' VMIIVb VnilVbb . KWTI .rlone EMERSON Jobil MclNTIKE This Job Came The Hard Way T.nwnriM in . js . v,.ll(,M, ri i csica lor iryuiR to wa4Kc Hug rnme Aiimsier Churc hUl's house et 10 Downlnc street. 11 j Km wnm re went alter- John 5rnhl 9A.ira a! ' , will IlilAII ci , imu w ao some last taiKuyr. how ever, after bobbies took him In TllsHnV nn ohacne l...lit wcnaviur ana using uisuitinff lan- ocooie Kicked up a row at 10 DOWn ine Stl-Pet When a rinnrmnn suggested he write instead of uiuppuiK m uuinvuea. sscooie, wno comes from Olas- wn; ah j warned was work." nrnhntinn nrt InlH th. nMK.tu. uureer io una ocooie a JO0. Sturgeon Bring $211 To State nnmmiQtlnn io till .tnK..s. ttr.H day as a result of its Tuesday vovicu aim bvureon auction. The, containing 84 pounds Of roe frnm u-hinh a,.a. were killed in blasting in the Co- IllmM. t laaa t T- . ti . tt uaiu is oeinff DUIR. Thp PnrtlanH- Vinh - r ---- , " , " ,0" vwiiipmiy wu'" ana roe- Mel Carl son, a rnmnanv ninADa.t.ii... said the cavair probably would be sold in Ran Pranit I Juries Balk Over Crime Probe Issue V A srrr vnTnv im it... IMcOralhs national racketeering survey has run Into some dlldcult- .... . u . v uumuwH IS13CU bV U.S. I,triiria nn hnw far '.f. ) grand juries can legally go. Specifically, It Is reported that some Judges have doubts that a lurv rnnvAnfl ni- ri e ..tKH.i. ty can inquire Into strictly local wi:iir.e5. Slbln "rilnau-av IttrUa" v.hlnh M,a. go far afield In any blanket inquiry aui.ii as mat proposed uuo general crime condition:!. Snmn iltrioAo nnt In Vn.w .. what and how much of traditionally secret grand jury proceedings may hf ttisria ntiKHn In ih. am I ... u.c ' . wt (ftv SentirlentV. nr irAnral slal.m.nt of conditions. McOrath launched the nationwide inquiry Into organired crime and racfcrtpnrtnir af.tu.itla .,lu in January, as a followup to the work tu me rweiauver crime investigating- Committee. Ha rallarl tni 1nr uidnn. In each of the 93 Federal Judicial Districts. A chaok WnrtnnQftav nn'arl ih.l Juries have been convened or called in only about half of the 93 Dls- wvio. 1 1 aviiscripia or proceedings imvc wen reveivva nere irom only three. RllflUt m-hn S.An 4U- Justice Department racket unit as signed to sift the Jury reports, said, however, th nmo-ram I hmawI. lng with Jury sessions called or con vened In 47 Districts. A rmr I rur tn u-lu-'. sessions have been or are being held at manv eltlav tn.l,,f4lna. .ln- eau. Anchorage, and Fairbanks. nissu ana oeaiue, wasn. . McLean aalrl & fitrv slu, ha a hun Called for MaPCh 1i ml Snnb.n. Wash. surnrlslni the driver, nrlinn offl. olals and the would-be escapees. Ironically the tunnel was dis covered two weeks aflrr Warden John Crnnnr hail alvan tha In. mates big banquet fur not dig ging any tunnels in mi. No one was In the patisagewav whan It rnll.n..n n. .. ..), wall under the weight ol the truck nut prison omciais said mere was evidence of recent digging. The tunnel led to th ash nltu under the healing plant boilers. A av-lnrh sauare of eoncreta hart ha,. removea ana covered with k Hat steei piaie. Dirt dug from th hola annarant ly was washed down the aewer In the boiler room with a hose and the pin covered ach night with ashen. i Cranor ws not on to cry over split milk, "Ml bat that' while some of the men were alln that banquet the other night, ether were digging below," he said. , H0TILS 0SIURN HOLLAND IUIINI, OKI. MIOrORD Thoroughly Modern Itr. and Mrs. J. E. fcarley and Joe Earley Proprietor MIRRORS far ear Mttm In Haiet J Calhoun' it w Young Demos Ask Elfstrom Ouster rORTI.ANn It .fn. UOlintV VftliniT rVamnA-n.. that State Liquor Commission -Sij xwucri, jui strom, a can- U1UHLC JOr inn IPtTIS ntllraa chnitM resign. ' At A mPPtiniT XfnnHair nirrUl 4k. - 7- " , jr IV HIC "'bq,,,",1'"' cauca on lov. McKay to ire Elfstrom, a Republican, if he did not nilit vnlnntarlli. group said a member of a' state iiiooiuu aiiuum not engage in nortican wl(-a. W.. " . 11A15 aVl Ui' icoooaiiDif Jf W tlllLUiditl-. r ism HURRY ! Lost Timet Tkday i tower r Friday - Mpkhpii TOMORROW I SATURDAY WW GREATEST OF AIl "ft" " MM m ' ? "piiw-iiM!aL li i Sfart7HURSDAY I ti ilniri "ttu "of" tiviN if v ' rvfSSL i Iff Br' II I I "si '-M-''EPARpTv"nJ" ' fortuw IfY ' fi a I 3q .411 ttwHt OJtAV hm and fuI JMya I want fca H . A I WWmWW. - I I VSlaUfKara. 1 M l AMnt.. I i vJiziSr Cwyiir hum JI SS THE LADIES jj, J ' Fish License Issue Raised WAsmwrvrnw i e-wii-i- the Pith nA vu hi. e oia lucsaay a supreme Court rul- iner K. 1I..L. . ., UJAIr AleKtftK CeUlHOb CflBrgS 10 tllllM milfh fn- e nnn.a.ln.nt fishing license as it does for a res ident license may possibly atfect Milton O. Jamea, acting director nf the Srari-vir-am - l.aU V aS-lt ey, it general counsel, told a re- r u many states hunting were oricra mn fiepahiu aiv.. "" wiwc iur rcsiaenis. ThCV both lVlntaH utr UM. that no case had come 'to the at tention of th mpvl. in issue simUar to that in the Alaska vooc iv9 Dcen raised. ALBERT PAUL MICKA, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Micka of Matin, was re cently initiated into Phi Eta Sigma, the high scholastic honor society for freshmen. Young Micka is a first-vear man at Oregon . State Col lege. The requirements, for membership in this organ ization are high, A Grade average of 3.5 or better. Only about two per cent of Micka's class were so honored. Hobby Show Draws Praise MAIsTN f.rtrii;MA h i . . Vtl uy many o o? te"l?st-lnt"'estlnf meeting rsrent f atrons club WB.q their Hnhhu OV. .vi.u .i. held at their T..r '-.-.7"' .n?s?, Clu!l 13 de""r ""lebted to """'" An Association mem bers who came from Klamath Falls to dlsolav thair t.l .j . Their exhibits Included oil paint- s" wrccning, nand designed greeting cards and wrapping paper Weaving, nhntrurranhtn . I-.C-- tfxU'r painting. Art Association wno aitenaea were. Mr. f,nd Mrs. U. 8. Balentlne, Mrs. Walter Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A D. Burnett. Mr. anH Sr s-,.nii - - ' . vjiusuii and Mra. Jnnnsnn Art 1.. i.ii.. ; wvia,ivu president. Many local people brought their hobbv cnllartlnns Tha. lt.-li.rf-J . ' - J IMV1UU.U stamp collections, textile paintings, DOll&heH fttina Iraptn. n..i. coins, rocks, dolls, arrowheads,' inns earns, paintings ana ceramics. Mm. Mark Hiwinl vi.n..i. Palls brought her large' spoon col lection, collected over a period of years. A short . business meeting was COnrllintnrl hv Un VU, C-tl... President, and refreshments were Served bv mother of tha firat grade pupils. Musical antertfllnmarlt oinc fur. nlshed by Shirley Mock, who vidtcu several numnarn nn nar an. curuian. Dentists Hit Ad Campaign PORTLANTi lyfl n.. - j. Ti.t. C"-. "Or t on president call advertising den. Ill the rm i !; nf Klc. . 1 1 i ' g.h. u - z:.'jr The nrfKtHtnt r- mn t HUrleV. In hit nrn.i.. .jj.... said a new dental school should be constructed and urged explanation ,u icKiaiaturs 0i mc value oi a new school. He called for closer co-operation between atnta .n.. I ... . , , "viiiim aim wun tni merliral nrnfalnn - .. . . n.,u taimi for 'elimination from our profes sion In Oregon" of advertising den- Al?o sneaklnff Tiiearlav . - - n- Harold Hillenbrand,1 Chicago, secre tary of American Dental Asso ciation, m saia mere is a con tlnulnr threat of federal mmmil SOrv health lnunranna anrf Kn ui wiia. nc caueo evils in me aen lei service in ureal Britain. Tha Or nm. fitnln Tl nt . 1 Sb-mI tlon Is holding Its 60th annual meeting. German Power Battle Flares HVPf.rsl fat Ti'.... nea, vaciinaiiy cut off electric power deliveries to ine nussian zone Wednesday in re prisal for the stoppage of eastern current to West Berlin. The two zones had each supplied , Kilowatt nours oauy to uie other. Ativ cvvict-v.jiiw uueu ascriin Power Company shut off electric ucuvciics w tycsv xieriin lucsaay, Riving "economic difficulties" in Ih auf aa ,K- hm.u. flavaral thn,,aan1 Wl Varltn iamiiie.i were witnout current for about 45 minutes after the stop page. Ui-f Tlnrlln nffllal. iA U. city couio ao witnout me power from the east and that no restric tions nn nower coruumntlnn would ue necessary. T.. Ua k JI-. . . . 1 1 .J aii mc iiccuiiitt ocbouii m wiiu 1, intra .allar Iralraa AtrHirV,t In tne air lor a lemaic a iavor. Tulelake PTA Scores Success TTJLET.AKR Mm fhan fnrra tables were in play the evening nf. March 1 ar Sha annual kl-k school PTA card party In the high atnuui. Caah frnm tha nart.v 1 liaaH tnr school recreation activities. rrizes went to the following hrtrlae TTH Itv. Vn,- Bn- MHiucnie, nuin jjooson, uito nayne; auuu canasta, myitis Bmitn, w.H Weitkamp; young people's canasta. jriuuiiiq, xwoeri. . xerry. The next PTA meeting has been changed from March 12 to March 11 due to conflict with the Com- milnftV PnnMM ITtamatS. V U . S3... ture Homemakers of America will prevent the program. Margaret Ann Takacs Is president. A ffrniin. nf miIMM ri.ltfSm frnm the high school danced alter the voiu games. , Tax Asked For Musical Support ' PORTI.ANn ll Pnrllanrt ami. ers will be asked to approve a lS.lfatlha mill nrnnarltr law .n fl. nance, the city's musical Organiza tions. The lav -la avnnntarl In raln about $62,000 annually. Enough signatured to put the initiative measure on the ballot were filed Tuesriav nifh nil,, a. mi. irLaWATM rsLus AMIRICAN CHINISI reaxaj at rkaif kcagl . M. 444 Ht Ordeal Te Take len I. Lo, Mgr. STOP! SAVE DURING Btl SPRING ANNIVERSARY , Three Spec) ; PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH Reg 39 ' 24" DOB RADIO ne) DOCD ELECTRIC 401 So. 6th . ' THI H0l WITH 1HI IIAUTI.Ul HI IVIlDWAY... U LLJ designed for a smart season Brown Coif ltk Co,f ' FASHION I V . SHOW J S ) Dliplayi ffa Q ARMORY Morch 1.4 -yI V Prieloy -j Youl! go a long way In these ihoej with the beautiful flt.'Thoy 'te flattering itylcj on comforts bls' medium heels designed to complement the fwhionj of the season. MODEL SHOE STORE ll..r..yj MIObI Bller Baking J yfyjf' I o rout . back J i Joy for the whole family naw baking delight for youl In cakes, ping, bread, narva tViing-, Kitchen Craft Hour Works wonders and with any recipe. Thi flour is milled sicluaively for Aom baking. You bake belter with Kitchen Craft Hour or you get your money back. With Kitchen Craft and the othor fresh, rich ingrddionts only you can put into your some rtciprt, you gel baked things with that real homemade good ness the family loves. Try bag of Kitchen Craft. You'll aee for yourself I SAVE 10c ON A 10-LB. OR LARGER BAG THIS WEEK Git monty-saving KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR coupon assM BaTaH aBaaTaV MBafl mm aa aaa at your UilffiWAT STORE I Mela f tor Will Gibson. , "i