Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 05, 1952, Page 14, Image 14

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I ' lit I'-V -Tv
LOVELY SHIRLEY RICHERDSON (center above), of Tulelake, is a member of the spark
ling Can-Can chorus which is to appear here at Mills auditorium, Friday, 8 p.m., when
the Malin Mariner's Club presents the musical comedy "Showboat". With Shirley fin the
picture above are Louis Stewart (left), Merrill, and Tom Williams (right), Oregon Tech.
The Klamath Falls Lions Club is co-sponsoring the show here. All tickets are general
admission and may be obtained at the door or from Lions or Mariners. The two-hour show
has a cast of 55 drawn from Malin, Merrill, Tulelake, Bonanza and Klamath Falls.
Atom Site
Battle Rages
ico officials hope to preserve as
state or national monument the
place where the atomic age exploded-
from a dream to reality.
Opposition is mounting to Atomic
Energy Commission plans to f Ul in'
the great saucer of jade and tur-upis-colored
glass left by the first
A-bomb explosion July 16, 1945.
Hie site is located at Trinity, N.
M., about 120 miles south of Al
r in, :
Gov. Edwin Mechem already has
wired the AEC in Washington, ask
ing reconsideration of the action.
Mayor Walter S. Mullins of Al
amogordo, nearest major commu
nity to the desert site, also ex
pressed opposition.
"Every day people stop to ask
about the test site and we think it
should be preserved," he said-
Gov. Mechem wired that "this
site ranks historically as one of
the century's most talked of
places" and making it a state or
national monument should be ser
iously considered.
The $24,600 contract for filling
the site was awarded D. D. Skou
sen of Albuquerque. The AEC said
its scientific interest in the site is
satisfied and it had decided to have
the depression filled. .
The head of a Korean village is
elected by secret ballot, with one
member of each household cast
ing one vote.
SicecKftlJr Trtafet
Excloilr Mttfcefl
tS9 No. 7th PbMit 1M
Cblrspraetto Fhystciaa
I 1 you'll live in J
Wnlim 'Morocco. -
At smart for lounging es it It for brunch .".".wonderfully "ol home"
wherever you go, "Morocco" Ii the moil versatile f all Gadabouts! Belt lit
. fullness to make the most of your tiny waist ... or let It swing wide and handsome..
However you wear it, you'll love the winging collar, the easy-going sleeves
. . the wonderful comfort of "Morocco"! Sanforized and beautifully
washable In charcoal, red of green with white. Small, medium, large, 8.95
Sportswear Second Floor
Fighter-Interceptor Unit
On Steady Guard Against
Invasion By Enemy Forces
(WASHINGTON W Two possible
"Peart Harbors" dapan and Alas
ka are being guarded by new ra
dar guided jet fighters that fly
Both the boys and Rirls saw bas
ketball action over the weekend.
For the bovs, it was a high scor
ing game with the Tulelake Honk
ers Friday night while the Aca
demy girls fell oetore tne Henley
girls Saturday afternoon 38-8 in
the B game and 33-28 In the A
game. This was the first time
SHA girls have had the opportunity
to play another school but they
are eagerly looking forward to do
ing It again.
The annual magazine drive is be
ing sponsored by tho Academy In
the effort to raise money lor the
Chimes paper. As the drive was
very successful last year the stud
ents are confident that they can
again reach their goal and thus
continue having a school paper. Let
this be the motto of every stu
dent salesman: "If everyone works
on this drive like me-What kind ol
a success would this drive be."
Studying for exams this week,
taking the exams next week, and
spring vacations the following week
add up to a very busy month of
March for S. H. A.
They'll Come
With A - - -
Just Another B&B
401 So. 6th
through night and storm to seek
out and destroy armed aerial ln
vadera, .
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., makers
oi tno F-tn interceptor jets, an
nounced this Tuesday night, with
permission of the Air Force.
The announcement said F-M's
are now operating under the Alas
kan Air Command In the 17th
Fighter-Interceptor aroup. In roply
to queries, tho Air Force said the
equivalent of a group normally
Jt planes of the all-weather Jets
is now based In Japan as part ol
tho istu Air Force,
Their missions: In Japan, to pro.
tect American Installations from
any sudden attack by Red forces,
either those of China or the Soviet
Union. In Alaska, to guard against
any Russian bon)6lng strike or air
borne seizure of Alaskan arltleld.i
and to intercept any long-range in
vasion along the Polar path from
Russia to the United States.
Tho F-84 Is a two-sentorcorrylng
a pilot and" a radar observer. On
his radnrscopc In the plane, the ob-
fefar when. you
with mild, mild soap
Do as thousands of mothers do '
j use Calgon with mild baby
soap, aigon is gentle milder
j ' than any soap 100 rimes less
alkaline than ordinary .water
softening compounds. Calgon
bans irritating washing film
in hard or soft water with any
soap or detergent.
Calgon In
newer loenloa an tmeniv orall and
guides the pilot tojt point whore hln
rndar-pulnted guns can make the
Lockheed's announcement om
Dhaslited the slate of alertursa o
air defense in the strategic North.
It said F-M's are spotted constant
ly on runways, ready for luntitnt
take off. Crews, fully dressed In Ar
tlo clothes, Maud by on tho ready.
When ground radars signal the
approach of an unidentified plane,
the jets kite fur It even If It only
turns out to bn a straggling bimh
pilot or an airliner allaying oil
T hi rtni UMlr '
tmra l.aals a, Mmin I'uim t:w
n.iiy, HI) N. lib, l ! inanllllf
rile, All.r rtnauiiatiU tints r ".
tr wish, iihsiiin frmn rial Is pur
rh... stmfi.l. ill' rml ulr.silr li
Ii sll crlt!lil t" Cr iuiaM mtil
nil as iar 4ia mhiuiiI Is assss
..,. 'Ills nionmi)' psyin.nis s
Hills hlilnr lhn rsnl. Or, II fit
tsi. rsa esa oonllnus It rsnl.
countrg-best WSSjM' jr
EGGS & MILK j.Jj f
...the reallg complete mix - :
add only waX Jji
No tiresome beating!.: ; 4 delicious "flavors! . .'. Devil's Fudge -LGolfjen White Spice
eilloutih3ten -
with a touch of your toe !
uVlosf cars lead a double life.
A good part -of the time, they're
running errands, taking children to
school, taking women to stores, taking
men to work, taking family and
friends to clubs and social functions.
It doesn't call for a very great output ,
of horsepower for duties like these.
But there are times when you want a
car that can do vastly more, and these
are the times when you'll want what .
this year's Roadmaster has to offer. ,
Beneath its proud hood, there's a
Fireball 8 Engine a valve-in-head
that can let loose 170 lively horse
power when needed.
And alongside this engine there's
also an Airpower carburetor which
thriftily feeds fuel and air through two
8maller-than-u8ual barrels for normal
driving which means that you now
use less gas at 40 than yoti'd formerly
use at 30. ,
; But there are two barrels in reserve
waiting for you to call them into
action and they let loose a soaring
rush of power that sinks your
shoulders back into, the seat cushion,
swoops you past a truck-out of a tight
spot-up a hill sets your speedometer
needle to registering added, miles
more than twice as fast as your watch
can tick off the seconds. ' ;
Ihis is an experience you certainly
should know firsthand, -1 '. v ,,
You should also know how Buick's ,
Power Steering provides a helping'
hand in slow-motion maneuvers-lets "
you keep the "feel" of the car in :
straightaway driving.
' And just for, good measure, this '52
Roadmaster also has the biggest
brakes of 'any postwar Buick-the '
greatest trunk space since spare tires - ;
moved off the front fendcYs-a warn .
ing light that glows when the parking :
brake is set-and to top it all, the ,
smartest interior fabrics that Buick '
has i ever offered. . .'
li.Whcn are. you coming in to look this ..' '.
distinguished performer over? We
urge you to make, it soon. v ' , ,
tKttuipmtnl, ncetuoriit, trim and moihU art suttfarf . ehanat .
without nolici. HOptioiuUalKrtm fm HOAVMASrHH mt.
Smfs true for S2
1330 Main St.
h. e. ;;hauger
28 Years Your Buick Dealer