ft WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 19B2 JO RIAL ISTATI fOU SAll KIVKIWIUK Living runin, two bedroom, kitchen, bath, two lota, soma furniture, concrete loundu linn. 15000. ' HUllunUf) 11 acre, Uirrt) br. rooms, llvliu room, kllolirnrilU!, italll. Crmtlniiuin friumlntlmi, gar don apot and bcrrlr. MM). Ill aero, two brdnxiim, living room, kitchen, bath, double guratio. ooao. CITY Onn bedroom, foundation. Clean. Nicely loaded. (1000. MII.LH Two bedroom, lutue a if. Wan 171,(1(1. Lnnl week TO00. NOW fiinlier reduced lor quick tale, i Hee iih for furin.i, ranches and acreages. We hav some good orion. VERNON UUflANT Htna SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI REAL, ESTATE 631 Bo. Blxlh riioue 010b SOUTH SUBURBAN Here's your chance to be a rancher in a small way. Neat two bedroom homo on 'i acre. Largo double ga rage, chicken house and lot i.s fenced and erossfenccd. . All this for only $0250. CALIFORNIA AVE. Lovely two bedroom cot tage on paved street. Near school. Newly decorated, ELECTRIC HEAT and in' excellent condition. Large fcmblc garace with storage , or shop. Will trade for ' three bedroom home or sell ' for only $6500. ' WIARDST. . ; Very good three bedroom i home on Vi acre. Large liv ing room, dining room and I modern kitchen. Automatic nil heat. Close-to bus line. Landscaped lawn and good garden. House Is weather ' stripped and insulated. Should t;ikn F.II.A. financ ; ing.Jll,200. "PAT" HOWES i .JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors i Phone I-3M&-04-. 105 Main j rvmlnirr, 1 Ron FlBher, M70 , I'Hap" Davison 3871 f Mnie Owem Merrill HO $500 DOWN Neat, attractive 1 bedroom house. All 3 roorm comfortably large, i newly remodeled bathroom. On ' acre plot,' Just off 8hata Way. I Full pries-only 31M. j HOT SPRINGS I . ....... w. n hHrnnm hunealow. f lronvenlenlly located. - Brand new 1 deluxe Youngstown kitchen. Fully insulated, oil lurnace. uniy iouv. Will carVy maximum loon. MILLS ADDITION i tSee this quality 3 bedroom home i Slocated on one of the best atreeta I 'in thla desirable district. Deep pile wall-to-wall carpeting In living room and hall. Storm windows for economical heating, detached ga re and workshop, beautifully Undcaped lot completely enclosed 2for. the children. Newly redecorated ready to move Into. Will carry any .ype loan. Price 110,000. SUBURBAN . i .-Conveniently located, modern 2 pedroom. Here Is 1160 an- it. of Vomfortable llvlni mace, featuring E.fcllnlng room, hardwood floors, lieparate tub and shower bath, fire-place, plenty of atorage and linen Vac. Completely liuulated. Iron . fireman automatic heat, detached parage. Price S9500. j Open Evenings by Appointment iMnm Hnm.r AIM,.. Ph q.'rafln Vujia L'bon Sloan 11658 Eves. ' red Scott S703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH t Willi ft F ai n. nFALTona Since lOOS tth St. Ph. 4004 or 8620 195 ACRES IxtVotWA nnrl flvA tenth or.fr.H .aider fffavlt.V. ti-diraHnn OS am. Jdke clover, loo acres dry-land. .(Simmer fallowed last year, now SJStlV for . Brain. Pair lhini-nv. MenM. $25,000. - , I' 1600 ACRES i M0 under cultivation, Located over filter strata, which furnishes water i Butte Valley, Deep soil. AU 'Tjder fence. 600 acres of cattle ;virige, large feed lot, barn, well for ;w-k water,, nere is a development ll worth Investigating. $63,000. TULELAKE bedroom home, Excellent con- r Price $4500, Terms, us 1 An r KA Arc 1 it REAL ESTATE ' Jlelake. California Phone 7-1611 10 MAI IJTATI fO SAll 7aW-I.uy thin auburbun two bed room home, Garage, work and storage room, corner lot, garden, lawn, treei. 1804 Laurel. PHA or Ol Loan, ' WANTED I.l.illngs fur home and acreages. Any price, any size, anywhere. JACK CAHHIN E. Willord Cedar-leaf REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE .1027 Bo. 8th Phone 2-0184 Eves. 2-3170 Income Property TlinrjE APARTMENTS Clone In, nnrlh of Main. Completely tuny lolled. Bringing In excellent Income, NICE ONE BEDROOM HOUSE Well furnished. This Is good rentuj property. CI0OO. HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINOS Well' kept two bedroom home. Fireplace, good basement, 88780. HILLSIDE New two bedroom home. 88,000. ST. FRANCIS PARK-Lovely two bedroom home. Soma furnishings. 88760. THREE BEDROOM HOME On t acre good soli. 88800. LARGE BUILDINO I.OT On Dayuin Street Jiul off Shasta Way. MOO. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1030 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734. 4880 FARMLAND 40 acres. Grain land. Improvements coiui.it of modern two bedroom home, garage, bunk house and large chicken house. Nloe location. Paved road. Full price 88,000. Euy terms. 133 ACRES All under cultivation and Irriga tion. Has been farmed to henslon barley, alslke clover seed. Alfalfa and potatoes. Very nice location. Paved road. Fenced. Improvements Include two modern houses, one being three bedrooms, other house two bedrooms. Modern Implement .mea. i-oiato cellar, other buildings. Excellent water supply for domes tic puriioscs. Priced to sell. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2881 Attention Trailer House Owners We have a good 2 bedroom modern home owner of which wants a good trailer house either as pari or whole trade. Full price of house only 83950. Owners equity 82287. Monthly payments only 821.73 In cluding taxes. Insurance and 4 Interest. Don t miss this. CLOSE IN 2-bedroom modern home with base ment. Paved atreet. city aewer, sidewalk, close to High School. Price 84750. Terms. Auto Courts - Hotels Apartments 11 -Unit Motel strictly modern and well located. Very good furnish ings. Proven good net return. Full price $47,500. Owner would like cattle ranch and will trade. WALT DIETZ, With '4 T. B. WATTERS REALTORS and INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 (Eves. 0469) You'll Be "DONE MOVING" when you buy this spacious 3-bed-room home that's almost right down town I Thats right! 3 bedrooms and all on one floor. New carpeting In liv ing room, hardwood floors In two bedrooms. Bedrooms are very large and have handy, roomy, double closets. You'll enjoy the cleanliness and comfort of hot water heat and a nice fireplace to add to your grac ious living, 1 Large porch in rear gives you plenty of room for work or playl See It, todnyl It's yours for only $11,500. Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman (Evenings Phone 9766) EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. Sth Phone 1491 HOMES rOR SALE CVKrtKT'l DENNIS HEALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck. SaieKinan 181 N aik Phonl S401 FOR SAL.E. mudarn two bedroom home at Modoc Point. R. H. Nlchpli. Box 13, Modoc Point. ONE bedroom nnuii Including new elec tric range, Venetian bltnds. Priced for quick saio. inquire evenings or week- ndn, ao Wantland. FOR SALE, five room houie, other bulldlngi. Two acres of ground. Phona 4070. run SALE nice level lot N.E. corner Adrilion and Lakevtew. Accept reason able offer. Doris White, P.O. Box lass, freano. Calif. FOR SALE, three bedroom modern fur nished home. Small down payment, rait like rent. Phone 3-3030. 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 13 to 818 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, Slate and County . land Bales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific LairJs 1821 KE Culiueiiga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. 99 ACRES MODOC POINT on paved road. W cultivated, AO Irrlxuted. Good Improvements. Price 816,000 with terms. 80 ACRES IN LAKEVIEW. locnted on west ride, 1 mile from went side Htore. All 80 Irrigated, Kuod Improve. menu ana priced ni amy aio.uvu. Terms can be had. 176 ACRES Here In a dandy. 136 Irrigated. 40 dry land but could be Irrigated. Good 3 bedroom home, with extra Rood Improvement. Price 134,800, liz.ono clown balance i:wu yturiy Act !arl on this one. Income Property A GOOD INVESTMENT 18 unit Apartment house, all furnltthed throughout. Average Income per month of 1000.00. lock tea just s blocks north of main street. Jay P. Griggs Eves Ph. 4254 Oene Vavell Eves. Ph. 8048 Claire Ellis 2-20&D W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS 1713 Main HI. Phone 7521 MALIN RANCH 185 Acres Irrigated. Close to Ml lln on Pavement. Rich aandy loam soil. Three good homes. Two potato cellars tone excel 'lent). Other good out build Inge. This ranch Is one of the best In the basin. For nrlce and details please contact in is ouice. WALT DEITZ. with T. B. WAITERS 107 So. 7th. Phone 4163 (Eve. J469) REALTORS INSURANCE MILLS WELL constructed two bedroom home i'i blocks to Mills School Concrete foundation, modern bath with all new fixtures. Nice kitchen and utility. Oarage and workshop. Nicely landscaped. Fenced yard. Includes some furniture. 86500 terms. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL EXCEPTIONAL four bedroom home, constructed in 1941. Large living room, fireplace, music room well planned kitchen, two full baths. Full basement. Lots of clos ets and atorage room. Automatic heat to all rooms. Beautiful yard. 818,000, terms. SUBURBAN NEARLY new 5 - room modern rsncn-type nome in line neignoor- n'.jtt.- law- llt.lnn .Mm 4'rt spacious bedrooms, beautiful bath, dining room and kitchen. Utility room, auacnea garage. Lnrae nice ly landscaped lot. A home to be proua 01. i,ouu, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527)" AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 HOT SPRINGS TWO BEDROOM home about 10 years old. Dining room, urepiace, basement. Excellent neighborhood Oood construction, nice yard. Two blocks to Roosevelt school. m price $12,600, Terms. THREE BEDROOMS l,.-t if Uaiu at all nwms larcre and cheerful. Two baths, fireplace, hardwood floors, automatic heat. large utility room. Ai-acnca Ka ra ge. Nice fenced rear yard for garden and flowers. $11,500. Terms. Anne Mason Eves. 671 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 8. 9th Phone 7266 FOR LEASE OR SALE in a era nlnwf-d land readv to seed grain. 80 acres meauow tor ca.uc only. IVAN F. OTTOMAN REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Mali.., Oregon rrm flAi.K 3 hrtrfwim modern home, On htdroam dowiutalri. two uottatn. rull bailment, two a car faragei, large lawn, 19 fruit and ahade treei, also unfurnlihed, $7000, iurniihed. For P- mppimb. liAnrj nraineie. win civ oiwu. polntment pnonc atKio. 32 UILDING RIMODIUNG ROOFING SIDING Whatever your roofing or siding need might be, we have It I And you'll save money by having your job done before It's too late and expensive repair bills are necessary. IN8ULATION ' Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM 8CREEN it STORM WINDOWS All Work Guaranteed Kuhlman Insulation For free estimate phone 4468, or Clem Lcsueur. Agent 2-2443 IJKE WORKING WITH TOOLS? Then Set whftt you need to keep bity at Bairn minding Material; inc. we car- mtnse. Dalnla. oanellne enrf Mich. Sinn ay ana iw round, IH sown S1XM or pnone a-zam. SAVK 33 't ON WARDS T1LEHOAHU Only 3T cents square foot! Let Wards arrange to have It Initalled by ex pert!. Iteked-on enamel finish, refills weer, peeling and chipping. Eany to clean. 8 patterns,' 7 colors. 10 po down on term,. MONTGOMERY -WARD 8th and Pine ' ' Phone 3188 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 11 IUILDINO 1 RIMODEUNO WArms Top.qiMi.iTV aooriNO. kidino Nrr.DH-iNHTAi.i.ri) aoor INUCcrainlc granulrt Imbeddffd In wvalher-dalylne aJiohall. Choice at IMD ular dln, and color. MOINf J-Rr-u-t)-retalnfn( reramle granule Imbedded In weather reililanl atphalt. Pnpi,l, drilina, rolori. OIJTTKR8 -GalvanKed tal In half round-lyoe lo slve rear ol dependahle Mrvlce. INSTALLED- Lei experts iniiail ruur rowing, ainina needa. THA lermr.; 10 ' down, up u, a yeara lo pay. Come In or phone for free eatlmatr. MONTGOMERY WAR II 01 h and Pine Phone fliss 34 rUIL MATING BTANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKET3 N Your Guarantee Of Heating Ratlsfactloii FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1019 2I Spring St. Phone 4IM 8TANDAR6 HE A TINO 6 li Htiive, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal Peyton and Co. B35 Market rhon9M9. iiKY pina blocka for tale. Open ava" ninii anu wcKnaa wai)r Mroi. PjlKtloUJOS pickup or dellverrj CiKf Yadcn, Sinal Hfrvlc. 2JM So Slh Phone .'IMJor J-SaO; li II GREEN STAMPS (Iven on heat Ins olla. Phone seal or 8-020" for prompt deliver!. CLirr y a den's siunal servich ueo So sth JIIOATS MTS 5P0KTS MOBIJlS DOBERMAN PTnSCHER for laic. Two yeara old. female. Very gentle. Phone sue. ' M A I r iriah aettcr pupa. May be seen aL?17 BrUJ?' Ay- ANDtllbON Btia'rdini Kennela Phone W47 suss Delaware oft Homcdale BOARDING KENNELS Dot boerdlnf by day, week or month Rentier) kennela. Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor rune for each doe. Dofa handled durtai mating. WUI pica up end deliver. Visitors Welcome Phone SOTS Merrill Rd lit 3. Boa sot Shasta cascade kennels 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY BABY CHICKS -fc ALL POPULAR BREEDS FROM UNITED STATES AP PROVED PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS Available Every Monday ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OF HAVING YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM MALIN FEED & GRAIN PHONE 555 POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS SELECTED - FEED GRAIN - ORDER NOW FOR LATER DELIVERY CUPTOM CLEANED & TREATED MALIN FEED & GRAIN PHONE 655 ACTION W ten thlt paper for com Pitt Hit of Quam Auto Supply, quilting buiinea m) Sunday luarcn v. i p.m. at South fltxth St. CoTnmunlt- Hall. FOR SALE, quarter horse aaddl mare. can row alter 3 p.m. KOR SALE, youns ivyii, lamb In April Phona J-2O30. CATTLE PASTURE FOR RENT for lummtr tea ton, near Tort Klamath. Not a than 100 head or ovr 300 rean. Excellent paatura and water available April la or May 1st to uciooer id. Reaaonabla ratei. Write Box 40. Herald and Newt. CHESTER WHITE boar aervlce. Phone 2-0 R04 RED FRYERS and roasttra fir iiale. freahly dreaaed ready for the pan, ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phona 8341 after 4. A R TIKI CI A. BREEDING SERVICE Phont 8721 M C tChucfct warren Rt 3. Box 523. It no anawer Phone 4400. Evenings MIC. HIST prices said for poultry, boil and livestock. BIG V MEAT MARKET Lake view Junction Phone 4B?o 4 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 50 to $300 Auto Fumltur Livestock Salary ISO to 1500 Automobiles (paid for or oat) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealtl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-251 N-323 107 No Bth Phone 7711 IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow ' Pj Only $100 $7.37 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY . UP TO $1200 ON 0AR3 riTE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars .'inancert at bank rates "MONEY IN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 30 years aervinf KlAmatb Bails 8e Cuck" Bailey, Mr. Ill N. 7th SU Phone 3326 8-MI M-271 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On oui salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty 110, 12a, ISO loaned till "pay day" or longer. I2& coats but 18 cents for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No lpth et, M-3M DON McINTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service $1 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SAVE MORE AT H EATON'S T" STEEL FENCE POSTS I I WHILE C Kt. ... m Ft. 7 Ft (CLIPS ARE ALSO IN STOCK: BARBED WIRE . 2pt. & 4 pt. WOVEN WIRE 28", 32" & 39" CULVERT CORRUGATED GALVANIZED IN SIZES 6" to 60". HEADGATES & TURNOUTS FOR IRRIGATION ROOFING CORRUGATED ALUMINUM AND GALVANIZED., . STEEL PIPE FOR IRRIGATION 4" to 24" AND . GALVANIZED W to T. '; COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP AND WELDING SERVICE Heaton Machine & Supply Phone 6691 KLAMATH FALLS 428 Spring Stl 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WISH lo buy a home. Haven't enough money. Can furnlih good evidence of morel, flnanrlal resrKinstbility If will ing defer down payment one year. Phnn? 2-3294. WANTED TO LEASE with option to buy, two or three bedroom houae. with acreage. Phone 2-1431. rVB NEED CARS! Get top prtoa nowi Roe Motor Co 6th end num. 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES' FOR LEASE, "97" Cafe. Chemult. Completely equipped living' quar ters, parljy furnished. Available April lit. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55. Chemult. $720 CASH "Gives you your own inde pendent business Refilling and collecting money from the new 5c Hot Almond dispenser In drug stores, cafes, taverns, bus depots. All locations obtained for you. To qualify you must have car, references, and $720 cash. Devot ing a few of your spare hours each week to the business you should make up to $75 weekly, with liberal financing assistance to aid you in taking over full time with income Increasing accordingly. Full in formation Box 44, Herald and News. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER & WINE LICENSE Building With Living Quarters GROSSED OVER $6000 IN 1951 LOCATED BIG VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE " WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 SERVICE elation for lease in down town Alturas. Good business location. Wonderful opportunity for right p"rty. Write Ray Darnell. Box 396. Alturas, California. SMALL. BUSINESS and stock for Bale. Good location on Highway 97, 20 miles north. Phone 63, Chiloquin tor details. DRY-CLEANING route for sale. Oppor tunity for steady employment at good pay. For full particulars write Box 33 Herald and News, SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SAVE S t Buy a Chris Craft Kit Boat also Cruis ers and Runabouts. Johnson be4 Horse motors. Boats bought, sold and ex changed. Boats lor rent to ' fisher men. , MONROE BOAT WORKS 92fl Front SI. Phone g-IRCS RKX-AIRE vacuum cleaner. S3.50 down. 3 per month, pnone 9200. FOR SALE, 4(1 tons second crop baled alfalfa hay in barn. Rudolph Jelinek, Malln. Ore. TWO-WHEEL TRAILER. $20. Phone 2-1.196. FOR SALE, Innies bicycle, like new. S2.1. Phone 9608. HANDY WITH TOOLS? Basin Build. Ing Materials Inc. has everything you need In building supplies. Whether you need lumber, trimmings, paint, picket fence, garage doors or just advice, thle is the place to come. 47114 South snxin. rnone u.ioj. A-UCfibN Welch this paper for com plete list of Quam Auto Supply quitting business auction, Sunday, March 9.. 1 p.m. at South Sixth SI. Community Hall. PORTABLE sewing machine. Reason- able. Call after 6 p.m. J-2669. BARNYARD FERTILIZER, fbr ale, delivered. Phone 2-2030. ROT-PROOF CANVAS COVERS Rough-wearing, water-repellent tarps. "Formula J" Wards own rolproofing treatment. Penetrates every fiber, pre vents rot and mildew. Rust-resisting grommets, Rotproof thread. 6x 8 ft. aire only. . . . . .... $7.75 7x 9 ft. sire onlv , S10.M 9x10 fl. sire only , . 114.7.1 10x12 fl. sire only . . . $21.43 12x16 ft. slip only (31.43 MONTGOMERY WARD lh and Pine Phone 3188 FOR SALE 8xf2 walk-in cooler. Frigid- aire rerrigerator unit, complete, stuo. Phone 3271. hiXCKLLKNT uaed olano. S7 Inches hleh. 16S. Terms SIS down. f8 monthly. Louie n. Mann Piano Co., 120 South seventh. USED Hammond Solovox. Terms. Louie R. Mann Piano Co.. 120 North seventh. JOHN DEERE tractor imodel B"i prac tically new, with new two-way plow and orcnarci disc, suuu. u. i rarxer. Box 33, Murphy Stage Road, Grants fais. 23 FT. TRAILER coach. 1947 model, lo- catea at eiw.i pawn Ave. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, deska, ehalra, lues, tor aaie or rent. pioneer orricx SUPPLY 630 Main Phont 7411 LOANS' Phone 2-2537 s-nt THEY LAST ... $.75 ca. .... $.80 ea. ... $.86 ea. INCLUDED) singer: SPECIALS SINOER." TREADLE tr Al (Free Sewing Course) jLH ' $r i5o PORTABLE ELECTRIC 1 $1050 CONSOLE ELECTRIC J. SINGER TREADLE ELECTRIC COMBINATION (New Motor", Light Foot tL7& Control) '... 0 SINGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC (with C750 Button Holer) 4 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 633 Main Phone 2-2513 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete .'BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 REFRIGERATORS . ! v RANGES -. ' '( WASHERS -' Rebuilt and Guaranteed by Merit's. Priced at a fraction of their origin al cost. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St. , S WE HAVE . ; ' A whole warehouse full of com pletely .rebuilt . used appliances. Every one suaranteed. We must sell these at a fraction of their original cost, We must have this warehouse space for shipments of NEW 1952 PHILCO RANGES and REFRIG ERATORS that will be arriving shortly. For a better value In used WASHERS. RANGES REFRIGER ATORS eto. with a guarantee with each purchase, see this large selec tion au . . .. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St. FOR SALE. SO ton haled alfalfa Vtav. In barn all winter. John A. Short, Phone T-Da tractor with Be-Oe pump, s ft. Jumbo scraper. Inquire Shell Station, Malln. FOR SALE, wood cook-stoves, doors -rid windows. Inquire at "Little Cafe" ;:oio ao. aixin or pnone eventnm, 6 FT. Klontgomcry Ward refrigerator. Good condition. $75, Phone 47.iiV GUARANTEED REBUILT APPLI ANCES at fraction oX their original cost Washers, Ranges, Refrigerators. MERITS BARGAIN BARN, (UL Com merclal St. ', , BRAND new 10 cu. ft. double door Phllco refrigerator, fully automatic de frost. Never been Used. 398.B3. MERITS 609 So. 8th. St. DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phona Joe Bart, 973.1, ANSCO Reflex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condition. 9100. uau a-aiuu. bWxlti RECAPS SS.93 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld. er. 2301 So 6th. Phone 4.113. DR1VEWTVMATERIAL.; Phone 2-1684. CRUSHED' ROCK, driveway, cinders. pnone 5541 LANDSCAPING, evergreens. shrubs and trees. We ttim, ipny and remove large trees. , LAKESHORfi' GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42flfl ELECTROLUX CLEANtR ind' polisher and supplies. Phont 7167 Terkel Tweet 921 Market. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phont 2-1167. AUTOMOTIVE PARKER PONTIAC ?N IS NOW ON THE NEW DOWN-TOWN J Goodwill Used Car Lot 7 CORNER OF 5th & KLAMATH '.' "M Across Kramath Ave. from the library , , , Across 6th itonv ;'' the "Oreen Front Orocerjr"! Hurry on downl I I ' ",,.'1,' " BIG CHIEF WILLARD " "" Is Right In There Pitching To Olve You THE BEST DEAL IN THE BASlM-V? 48 Outstanding Units To Choose From Some have been outstanding here will be refuscdl ft SPECIAL ft 1950 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DLX. 4 DR. it's loaded! YOU CAN SAVE . ALSO IN THE TOP SAVINGS BRACKET, , 1949 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. 4-DR. ' , : .' V '-' , With the full treatment! BUY THIS AND BANK ... 1947 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN t'J- Lovely light blue and roaring to five man; mllea of - transportation. . YOU CAN BEAT THE MARKET BY J THESE ARE JUST A FEW - Drive In to our new lot at 5th & KLAMATH PARK FREE and (hop (or a PARKER PONTIAC USED CAB DON'T FORGET YOU CAN PARK FREE at Parker Pontiac's New Lot while you shop for that . "PARKER. ZED" USED 'CAR;.' PARKER PONTIAC 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164. YOU'LL NEVER; get a better deal than our 2-day free driving trial. Thes cars are priced right. See for yourself that with a 2-day fre trial you get the BEST DEAL IN TOWN! . 1949 Olds $1597 1949 Dodge $1697- 1950 Ford $1647 1948 Chevrolet $1197 1949 Chev. VA Ton .. $1497 1949 Ford V Ton .... $1097 1949 Dodge Vi Ton .. $1197 ALSO BIG STOCK OF NEW DODGE PICKUPS - -; For the BEST in the WEST see ' ) DUGAN & MEST-" DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRACKS 522 So. 6th 31 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ladak Alfalfa 5c lb. Purity 99.98 Germination 93.50 Etna Mills Etna, California Phone Etna S5 USED FURNITURE values can alwayy be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 2il Main. Phone S353. COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade For a " NEW or USED TRUCK Always See MERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer dUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath Phone 3-358) AUCTION Watch thia paper for com plete list ol Quam Auto Supply quit ting business auction Sunday, March 0, I p.m. at South Sixth SL Community HAD IV b sICDLI Vs"in K lOSl'iPICKUP In immaculate condition. Canopy, heater, pre stone. Less than 3000 miles. A real bargain. Mlgni even conmaer unuc, rinmc ntju. 1930 FORD Model "A" pickup. Four new tires, seal beams, ifood motor. Can be teen at 431 Washington after PANEL SPECIALS! ISM Ford ' "6" with radio and heater. 1MB Ford V-i with heater. Your choice S129S. Both hint like new. Bslslgers Used Cu Lot Phone 4334. PAUB i fflRTEEN so long that no reasonable offer ' ,,.V v, V -I' ' ' I 1. ' spl '165 PRE-WAR CARS PROM '37' 1 And if you don't have a dow payment SEE US You may itUl be able to buy a car) I - USED CAR LOT 5th and Klamath , 1948 Pontiac ........- $1297 1947 Ford ........ .-,$.797 1950 Chevrolet $ 1647 1949 Ford $1397 TRUCKS l 1948 Dodge V Ton .. $M97 1944 lnt'1. lVt Ton .. $.797 1949 Dodg Panel .... $1197 Pnone 81UI Look At the . Bargains We Turned Up In Our SPRING CLEAING ! 1941 Pontlae "8" 2-Dr. Sedia Mo tor completely overhauledi;'.; New white aldewall i , . ' 'Ioqc tires W' ) 1940 Bulck Roadmaster Convertible Radio, heater, nice appear )OQC ance. Runs good " . . 1941 Buick Special Sedanet. New light blue paint. ; taQiT Oood mechanically . .. O 7 J r "'f Juckeland's Uth to 13th on Klamath Ph.:a-268l BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED , AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp.1 YOUR GMC DEALER 6T7 8. 7th Phone TJ7 41 BUICK two door, naw '4 motor, radio, naatar. Loads of txusj. WiU aaa- rlllce. Phont 57. WHY WM.KT DRIVE MORE MCrniHi 903 at Main. Phona 3n "Wo rtll Mil your car for vou.' W buy anj trartol FOR SALE. L.A. Casa tractor IMob. with hydraulic pump of aiaoo. wlthoal pump. Can ba scan at Clyda HoriMy Hancn. wioiana. mhiwi. BUS 8ARQANT1 UBKl) CABaT" WE BUY. BELL, ANU IBSU. Corntr Shasta War and Arthur Itrattt rnona wuj 1 BUICK Roadmaatar sadan. 10l. Thla hi a buy. Tarms can b arranged Phono 2-oai alter p.m. rnono kais 'i i