PAGti TWELVE Potatoes AN FRANCISCO ( Potatoes: U cars on track. Arrivals, Idaho 1, Wain 1. Oregon 4, Washington t; Prvvot WMi4rful ft fleiF S!flll ilASIl ftn i Doctor's Invliible yet hlihly aaaMatlalaBtiMptle promptly rrllaTM Mail at surise akin Irritations. tfoff' """"V ZEMO Pihful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped . " or amazingly relieved ht 3 ul f 4 ot in doctors' own tests) Women and tirls who anffar from those lunctlon-aBT-caused cramps, back ache and headaches of sserurtniatlon who feel pats and Irritable on cer tain "particular days" may often be suffering jutto unnecessarily I Ouch Is the conclusion Mom tests by doctors In which Lydla E. Plnkluim's Vegetable Compound Rave ttmplete or ttrikinv relief from such distress In 3 out (lot the cases tested! M Medical evidence, snows fjeall ainktasm's thoroughly eden In action. It exeru ' a ramarkabbr calming eflect on the By MARJORIE OVGARD ' - eHrolo Waraar slays t ft fmtt of Hoot Win, law, tfc awrlMms wh mm sal tails the sacrat .. Kwriaa of thai " Streets." Under this strias tttte, aha reveals a naw , HtMHt diama each day, . Jutaxealey threuf h Friday at le.SS a.m. avar KFLW and AtC. This popular street started her career m 13 with the lead in "Afeimt th Storm." She ; has als ployed" laading alas la ether shows tarn War te ra, "Mrs. Min hrar," "Joyce Jordan, M.D.," "lllary Quean," "Mr. District Attorney," "frlaa tandolph," end "Ferry Meen." Seems the actresses teelly change eround these "rials. For instance, you may nave noncea a new " - "Aeehwt the Storm." She is Joy Geffen in reel life. The former ' "$M," Joan Tompkins, was married in January to Karl Swansea, who plays "Gary Bcnnet" en 'The Strange Romance of Evelyn - ' 'Winters." They mat working on still another serial "Pursuit of Happiness." Now if you aren't completely confused and disillu sieaed whet with the star of ene drama marrying th her ef an other. It'll surprise me. V." Well we hove o new "dioperty.sheriff" to steal e pun from Ben McNeill. Yesslr, Sheriff Murray Britton is the proud popa of a ' young son bom Monday, and weighing in at 10 pounds plus. Strop holster on him. Pop! The young man, John Marshall, has two sisters, , Mery Jane ond Jonice, 0 brother Billie, and other nice relatives. Con . grottilations Mary and Murray! President Trumon will deliver a major Foreign Policy address ewer ell networks tomorrow. On ABC the time is 9:30 p.m. One more quiz program on income taxes will be aired over ' KPjLW os a service to listeners looking forward to Happy Happy Doy tMerch 15, deadline for payment of you-know-whot). Entitled 'Tax . Your Brain." the quorter-hour broadcost will be heard tomorrow night 10:15. The staff received a cord from Norm Oberst this morning. He ad NoeVne ere getting settled in their new surroundings, end he a . Mo new eh et KMD, Medford. ' ' This week's opero is "Aido." ?J A,. HOW TO PAY YOUR INCOME TAXI ' " ' C 7 ' : la; . . yfA LOB ANOELES, P Potatoes: Cars and arrivals unreported: mar ket steady; Idaho Russets No. 1-A, washed 6.60-70; unwashed 6.S0. CHICAGO ( Potatoes: Arriv als 86, on track 313; total U.8. shipments 1,131; market firm lor best stock; track sales. Pr 100 lb: Idaho RusseU o.b-.16, Mandaids 5.6, utilities ;; Street sales, according to basis ol sale, per 100 lb: Colorado McClurw 15 75-6.11; Idaho Russets 6.46-71, Maine Katahdlns $5.00-25; Minnesota-North Dakota Pontlacs $5 .00 49; Nebraska Triumphs $5.75-.07. utrut vithowt the The efTectlrvneas of Lydta Pinkham'a need no proof to the million of women end girls whom H baa benefited. But how about youf Do you know whet It may do for your Take Lydla Plnkham'e through thf month. seo u . you don't t the aama re Hef yf I from the palna and weakness f t of "thane davB"t 8e U you don't fee. better before and durine your period I flat allhar T .vrttav nniham'l ID Compound, or nete, .tnprord Lydi Pinkham Tablet, with added Iron! hes a u.e!ln If you're troubled with "hot on tht flashes'" and other functional uttnnm cotrc- dlstreav of "change ol life" f chart you'll find Lydla Plnkhaml htcnofen cause wonderful for that, tool meiwfruot paint Gertrude Warner ARRANGE AN INCOME TAX LOAN FROM FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Yo en pay your income ux or other bills with PERSONAL Loan from The First National Bank of Portland - Open ANY DAY, 10 to 5, including Saturday. Iti Quick, lasy, Convenient . . . and Coiti So Little! ST Quotations New York Stock By Th Aaaoclated Press Admiral Corporation 37 Allied Chemical 71 li lot! uta 49 18 1 4s 49 SH 17 37 34 H 68 107 H ' 34 17 i 6 i 57 3 37 H 44 14 s 5 7s 43 4 i Ts 31 44 H 36 i 33 ' j Alltit Chuluicrs American All lines American Power Light American Tel. Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. boir warner Burroughs Adding Mscbln California Packing ' Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curliss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electrie General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libbv, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew s Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central 48H 66 1 U 8 N 31 Vi 17 !s 40 62 1 19 1 19 Northern Pacttrc Pacific American Fish 68 a; 15 . Pacific Gas fcieciric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.l Co. Pennsylwnia R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rsyonier Incorp Ravonier Incorp PW Republic Steel Revnolds Metala Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific standard Oil Calif 35 I. Ill H 4H 67 i: 18 H 9 29 25 4 624 41 H 62 Ji 55 31 T4 53 , 5S4 37 4 63 53 ' 77 34 'standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerlca Corp. Twentieth Century Fox ' Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel 31 'i 23 3 18?, 39 . Ill li 29 30 5 33 H 39 i Suburban Srvie Tour Worn Equipment lit Walnut Fh. 770 SAVE... On Thit Useful Hem Durinf 1I.B SPRING ANNIVERSARY ED LAMP RADIO . 19 u QOB RADIO and DOCD ELECTRIC 401 So. h Swt M Jfcwt IraMh, Mtf rM IriMfc NATIONAL BANK 2tJI r I On U Or PORTlArW . t... j iiiii TTtn as tsj J srx AV A wtst wi IfPI MM) OMSXMf fOtffWIa Maral ee hmm . HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH Corn, Groins Go Up On Market CHICAOO ( A rcdtu-tlon til receipts of cash corn, along with hopes that the prnk ol the move ment ol high mulslure grunt to market may have pas-trd, citiiU'iI a demaiHl lor the yellow I'cirul on the board of trude Wrdncsuuy. Corn hud unlns riitiRlng lo more than a cent most of ll)F dny. Oul-4 and wheat also were hluhcr, al though advances In the new crop wheat deliveries were rather small, More moisture was loiecast lor parts of the winter wheat belt. Wheat closed -'s hluhcr, Mnr. $3.52 4, corn ai-l ls higher, Mnr, 31.78 l4, oats unchanged lo 1i high er, Mar. 83 '. rye unchanged to iT4 iuhci, may beans 3 lower to U higher, Mnr. 32.95 .i-J4. and lard 5 lo 18 cents a hundred pounds higher, Mar. 311.85. Wheat Open High Low Cloe Mar 3.52 t 3.53 ' 2.52 ls 3 53 "4 Mn 3 .10 2.50 2.4S ' J.t ' JlV 3.44ti 2.44ii 2.4S' 3 44 Sep 3.45 W 3.46 , 3.45 i 3.45 4 x -A... .. ... liisTatfT roi'ST R. sniiihr. vioutlon 4li - n.i. r(.i, ti vt lull ' "Srn; B.nd. i.imr. .top .i .top ugn. Ptna $S. RV T. Kahn. f.ilura nop it .top 1 titn. F!n 6. t t Albert A. Hudson, drunk on hihwy. rint S2S or 10 amy. Donald W. Rlc. no PUC prnill Fine Sl.V Ch.rln I. Bowen. no PUC prrmlt Tin SIS. CRAWTORD Born at Kl.maih Val lay Hopllal, Mar. 4. 1953. lo Mr. and Mn. Robert Crawford. Macdoel. cnlil.. a boy. Weight: 9 pound. 7i. ounce.. GL1DDEN Born at Klamath Valley Hoapllal, Mar. 5. 1951. to Mr. and Mr. Charles Glldden. 4513 Denver Ave., a girl. Weight: S pound. 8'. ounce.. GAVIN Born at Klamath Vallev tn pllal. Mar. 4. 1951. to Mr. and Mr. Jame. Gavin. 1035 Wanhinglon St.. a boy. Weight: 8. pounds 10'. ouncea. Denver Street Work Requested Residents and property owners of Denver Street below Summers Lane have petitioned the County Court for aid In Improving the street for a distance of 1900 feet from the Summers Lane Intersec tion. i't V, Aaj. Twenty-seven persons signed the i wcn (ue" for Its Wave recruit-I"1101!- ing activities last month. County Engineer Bill Canton nre-1 Kinnmtn county led the state In pared an estimate setting the prob-; q,lota-f Ulinit enlistments, able cost of permanent Improve-1 Nnvv chlf . FrBnlt Ro.m.r Tt. ment of the street for that dls tnnce at S3 90 a running foot. $5,510 total, 18-foot roadway. Barbershoppers To Hit The Read Klamath Barbershop choristers uic KViuiK " .w.,.1 end a beneiit show lor the Luke view swimming pool hus been scheduled for Saturday nitwit. In the offing for the 50-voice SPEBSQSA chorus ls a tour to Tiilelake and Dorris. The annual Barber Shop Parade will be held at the Pelican Theater April 12. Later trins bv the local chorus have also been scheduled. They'll go on tour to Roseburg and Camp White this Snrlng. and a later trip has been planned to Redding. Pontiac Agency Remodeling Done ! Complete remodeling of the of fice space of Parker Pontiac has j just been completed, with Increased 'show space and re-arranged office i and parts department for belter 'customer access. Parker Pontiac ihas also moved Into a new used lot at Sth and Klamath, and the former used car lot on East Main St. will be discontinued, ac cording to Julian Eccles, head of the firm. Brooks Warner, long time em ployee in the mechanical end of the business, nas neen imiucu an -Ice manager, Eccles said. Girl Scouts Set Up Cookie Depot The Cookie Depot for Girl Scout leaders will be at . the Star Drug Store, 435 Main. The side entrance on North 5th is to be used. The depot will be open Saturday, Mar. 8 from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m: Mnr. 11 9 a. m. to 12-30 p. m.: Mar. 13, 2 to 5 p. m.; Mar. 15, 9 a. m. to 12:30 p. in. Brownies. Intermediate and Sen ior Girl Scouts will contact the res idences of the community during tne annual uiri bcoui. iooaic onic II.. a ,1. vm.nV. 04 o Driver Forfeits Wreck Bail Sylvto Anteri. 30. of San Fmn clsco. spparently thouirht better of meeting up with Klamath Fnlls no llce. This morning he forfeited tlOO bail bv non-appenranee In Munici pal Court on a reckless driving charRe. Late Tuesday afternoon Anterl's car plowed Into the rear of a three wheel motorcvele driven by Patrol man James Howard. The motor cycle was rammed Into the rear of another car ahead and Howard received s wrenched back. CHOKED ,ri GAS? THANK HKAVEN8! Moit attack; art Just acid Id digntloo. When It strikes, take Brll-ani tablet!. They contain tha fatt-actlng medicinal known to doctori for tha rrilef ot heartburn, gas and ilmllar dlstresa, 3fi, r Creates Protective Warmth for CHEST COLDS to r44vt coughs and iftft muscles Muaterola lnntantly cn-uten 'a won drrftil prolccftve warmth rltsht where applied on chest, throat and bark. It not only promptly relives coughing and Inflammation but breaka up painful local conization. rr.-..vl.. FALLS. ORE Pi ON Weather Western Oregon Cloudy, fol lowed by ruin Wednesday. A lew showers but considerable clearing WetlnrNilnv night and Thursday, lllxlt uolli days 4b-55. Not quite) so cool Wctlne.Mtny night with lows ol :iti-3. South to 1tou1hen.1l wltula of 25-36 miles nn huiir off coast Wednesday night and diminishing grudunlly Tluirsdny. Flnstcrn Oregon Partly cloudy with sentlei'pd snow flurries Wednesiluy night and Tluusday, mlNod wllh ruin In some areas. Highs botli rinys 32-42. Lows Wednesday night 15-30 except t above In high valleys. Northern California Rain In ex treme north and Increasing cloud iness elsewhere Wednesday. Rain will spread as far as Snn Fran Cisco and Sacramento Wednesday niniu. reaching all areas by late Thursday. Slum- In mountains. Not so cold In nor in Wednesday night. soninoriy winds 01 so to 50 miles nil hour oft const north of Fort llrnug. Southerly winds of 25 to 40 miles nn hour Wednesday night as Inr soinh as Monterey and as far as Point Conception Thursday. Winds will then become westerly ana necrense. 1 Grunts Pass and vicinity Rain or 1111 and snow Wednesday 1 ttcrnoon, becoming Inlermltleiit jWedni'Mlny night. Thursday partly sunny will! nn occiusionnl shower 1 or snow (lurry. Strong southerly , winds Wednesday afternoon. Hluh 1 . ... . ""y L weunesflay 33. High Thursday 40. !4 hours to 4:30 a.m. Wednesday Max. Aim. ..rercip iBnkcr .18 21 .05 I Bend 35 32 T I Eugene 47 34 .09 La Grnnde 36 21 .09 Lake view 34 23 .06 Medford 42 29 .07 North Bend 46 311 .35 Onlnrlo 37 S6 .03 Pendleton 44 32 .04 Portland (nirpt) 4(1 3R .04 j Rnsebiirg 47 3S .03 j Salem 47 35 .11 i Boise 39 27 .12 jChicngo 34 8 .03 Denver 39 I Eureka 48 37 .16 i Los Angeles 60 46 .03 New Yorv 38 35 1.00 ' Red Bluff 53 32 .13 i Sun Francisco 54 38 .01 I Seattle 45 35 .03 Spokane 37 31 .11 Recruiters Here Do Well Oregon's Nnval recruiting main station In Portland has given the Klnmuth Fflll rerrliitlncr Ktntlnn a ported todav that enlistments In bolh the Waves and regular Navy are wide open, and released the names of (our Bain youths who recently enlisted. They are: Benton M. Brown. Davis Creek Clny Everett Samples, 17, Klam ath Fnlls: Joe sneii, 21, Tuiciate f") Terrell D. Blackburn, 18, Tule- Jury Frees Theft Suspect Blonde-haired Mrs. Mildred Karr, ;20, of 2136 Applegate. was freed by Dmirirt Court lurv after an hour's deliberation on a charge of petit larceny. Mrs. Karr. the mother of two childr.-n. was brought to trial Tues day accused of stealing socks and a picture Irom Park's Variety Klnre. The woman was defended ov Aitv. V. E Drlscoll. Deputy Dlst. AUy. Don Piper prosecuted the case. Members of the Jury were Bertha -r,4 mil uvsrr narl Schubert, Oscar Shive, Elton Alt and Rich ard Quick Explorers Hoop Tourney im,ip.n T.etrinn-8nonsored EX' plorer Post 104 won the Explorer basketball league championship last night at Altamont Junior high gym by downing Post 109, spon h Motler Brothers. 20-18 Post 109 fell despite a 12-polnt barrage by Charles Williams. High point man for tne winners wa u.m Craig with five. He ended up also as top league scorer with a sea son's total of 54 points. Post 109 won all six of Its league The league, formed for ooys who ,unK..,iua ,niH not set into or- : onZe(i basketballing, may orcoiuc " ... 1 an annual anair. No Funeral Rites Fo'r Mrs. P omeroy FORT KLAMATH At her own request, no funeral services will be held for Mrs. Edna Pomeroy, In Medford after an Illness of sev eral months, . Interment for the 83-year-old woman will be held at the family plot of Jacksonville cemetery st Medford. .... It was also requested that no flowers he sent. KF Kiwonians Pay Visit To Tuleloke TULELAKE A dozen Klamath Falls Klwanlans met jointly with the Tulelnke Klwanls club in the Sportsman Tuesday evening, the In itiation of a Kiumath sponsored pi oki urn here once a month here alter. Tulelake's Jack Carlisle presided. OTI student body Pres. Lyle Read, Bill Paulson and footballer Jim Mcintosh showed OTI slides and save a talk on Oregon Tech's offerings. Prisoners Sent To State Peri Klamath County Jail shipped Uiree inmates today to Oregon State prison each with five year terms. Louis J. Ksles, 42, was sentenced on charge nf obtaining money by false prelcnses. Fred Lee Tledtka went up on a similar charge and Kenneth R. Lowry for violation of probation on charge of entering s motor vehicle with Intent to steal. The three were In custody of Deputy Sheriff Dal Reed. . .. CLASSIFIED RATIS One day ...,.-.,.,. per word Three Days , , per word Ho Week run , per word 30c Month run per word (So MINIMUM Th minimum uharge tor any sue ad la toe. BOX NUMB BRA Answers to ads may be handled through box Humbert at the paper tor a service charge of 3oC. DEADLINES Otawifled aas accepted up to 1:30 p as. lor following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon for following day's pub" Uoation. t ADJUSTMENTS Please saaae ail claims lor adjust ments without daisy. Correct! ons or cancellations re cetred by 1:30 p.m. will be madt In following day's publication 1 MUTING NOTICIS rTEGQLAlTMEETlTQG of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held Friday, Mutch 1 in the K. C. at I p.m. Crater Lake Lodge No. 311 AP& AM will hold a stated meeting Thurs day. March 6. Visitors Welcome. Refreshments. William K. Fink Secretary GINIRAL NOTICI what! never heard of leprechauns? S lenreehaun ls s little Irish fstry who works like s beaver, strives to belter our living, irmu s helping hand In need, and be atnwi his aood works on many I Little classified ads strive to do the same Job every single dem and like the traditional lepre chaun If you need anytmng they strive lo produce It if you wish to sell anything, lliey act as your sulrsmunl So let our little "ad-leprechauns" work for you and Strike It Rich I Phone (111 to place your Want-Ad. herald & news want ads get results LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Or WtABINO ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE lit KFKr.BY GIVEN tht I hv filed my final Account. Rrtport of sCxttutrtK. and Pal HI on for Distri bution In tha mattar of tha atUta ef Italo Farroni. daraaiad. and tha Cir cuit Court hai aat Thuraday. tha day of March. 1M2. at tha hmr of ten o'clock A M. In lha Circuit Court Root! of tha Klamath County Court Houa. Klamath Fall. Or t ion. a tna uma and ptaea for haaring of axcaptloru and objactlona to aald Final Account, li any thara hy. PAMELA rr.KROlNI, WKt-HiniA Wi E.Uta of ITALO FERHONI, Dccaaiad. EDWIN T. DRIRCOl.l Hitia Tr Uuituintr Klamath ralU. Urgi0 Allotnay fur Eitala r--l3-eW-a7 U-3 No. IW NOTiri or HF.ARINC. ON flNAI. ACCOUNT WOTICI IS HEPEBY OfVEN THAT I have tiled my final Aeeount in the matter of the e.tate or junn r. SUNN. DECEASED. AND Hon. David R. Vandenbere. Judae of the Clrrult Court of the State of Oregon lor the County of Klamath, haa hi ionaay. ine imn day ol March. MX at the hour of 10:00 o etocK A.W-. in toe i-itcii Boom or the Klamath County Court Haute Klamath rail.. Oregon, a. the time and place for hearing of excep tion, and objection, lo Mid glnal Ac count. If any there be. WM. NOVOTNY, ADMINISTRATOR of the r.uile of John P. Bunn. Deceaaed. CLAYTON J. ntlRRfXt. Pine Tree Bulldlrg Klamath ralU, Oregon Attorney for Ertate r ii-iau m-j No s3 SriTici or bATt or riNAU SETTLEMENT m the circuit court or THE STATE Or OREOON TOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the E.tale of LAURA A. V1LLITS. Decea.ed. Notice I. hereby given that the under lined The rirat National Bank of Portland ha. filed It. lint ecount of the diiilni.lrallon of the above en titled e.tate end that the i'utirl lia byxmlrd Mar. h J1 lU at lu A M ao the time for hearing objection, lo auch final account and the aelllemenl thereof. The Tint National Bank of Portland. Bxecutor Ganong le Ganong Attorney, for Executor r27-MVH-l No 07 Oregon Cattle Tops In Show Oregonians practically took the Sacramento Aberdeen Angus Sale away from Callfomlans Sunday and Monday, with Klamath breeders placing high, according to reports reaching Here. Gerry West's balck female, Black Cap Mlaty W. No. 1201021, was named grand champion female of the show, but west, down witn a 104 degree temperature, wasn't on hand to accept the glory. The champ went on to sell for $2650 to Nancy K, Brooks, Napa, a Here ford Breeder. Alvln and Charles Cheyne, Scotch Acres ranch, Spring Lake, had the secortt place but top selling pen of two Angus, selling for $860 each. The Cheynes sold to Lcland Houck, Hereford breeder from Doty. Csatls Rock, held the grand champion pen of two which sold for t82o each to Haas and David, MacFarland, Calif. Melvln Fleji, Black and White ranch, sold a pen of two for 1686 each. Lou Rafferty, Grants Pass breed er, had the two top selling ani mals, bolh bulls. Top bull went for tutxj, tne next lor ;70U. There were 78 head of females and 78 bulls In the sale. Tod 10 lemaies average sinoo, top 20 nv- ragea - siazn. top io nuns aver. aged $2002.90, and top 20 averaged $1465.50. The Southern Oregon Aberdeen Angus Sale has been set for the County Fairgrounds here on April 20-21, with Alvln Chyne as sale chairman. To date, Cheyne re ports,. 50 registered Angus have been entered and 30 head of com mercial cattle. Funeral ' IIS AW Funeral eervleea for Bettlnl Lmi Ru taw, 2 month., will be held from O'Kalr'a Memorlil Chapel Sth li Pine SU. Thuriday, S p.m., tne nev. e. m. Cauiey, Pint Baptl.t Church, ofriclat Int. Interment will be In Llnkvllle 4 Cemetery, j . MlfTINO NOTICIS KLAM ATH PALLS Antln "Nn. 2000 T O M Mruuliir meeting vMllf i.i 7:4n p. m. SSSQisTl'- - v- "" 8111 TlTt(W'Jriiid Wiilniil. Vlhlllng liii'inbfis coi'dhilly Invltiul. bullet lioiiis IU:20 li in. lu I it. III. LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY and lull ml Ion every third Tluirsdny W, C. 1IOOPEH Hecrelnry into Pine PERSONALS a kXITTliTlO i oi- Z ' ritATtX Plaatlra. I'lume SXMT 7.(11: IIMIK'K Swanioil'V lleatlly Shop Phime 71111. STANI.KV lliiiiie"T,rnilurl.;'llii.iiV''ilii. t TRANSPORTATION WANT rli1afokti'aeMi." "Tlmrailayor rrlttay. Phnne 7.UIS. 10 SCRVICt- CENTRALTZ ED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't wiint, someone else Let us llnil whitt you want or find the person who nerds what you don't want. This Is tile kind of service we are offering . . , why not take advant age of UiU tmlfltic opporiuiilty. Drop lu at 3&S Knst Mitln In Klitm alh Falls and gel arqiinlnled--or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWIIKRK. FOR IIIHK Honest Itntes Weights Hervlcc Insured ANDKHSKN FHl:lOHT LINE 3B03 South Plxih I'll. 9210 or suntl EXCAVATING Mobil Uhovel and Trench lloa Bulldoter - Pill Dirt - Topioll Crushed Rork Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE 1 Kit VICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6541 or HI 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned Krvtxt Mithod Alvt ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Oleum Bewer I.lnrs of Root. Pile Et P KINO 3434 Orehitrd Phone SMI MOVING? . . . Cull 7S Ltx-itl-Lonit 1)1 .tittirf Piano and apiiliaine moving a upecialiv Transfer and S'ornge Rrkin't Moving and Kinraaa Peoples Warehouse Since 1018- FIX THAT RADIO Our ButlnpM In Sound CONNERH HKHVICK CO. l'Ri ifNC'k.' fnrmiriv'of Wh- taU" will do vinf at hotn1 I'hotir AXttRATinN(t"-AI. "urk tijaVanta'atT Jrnnia Hare, AnliJii. 707 Main. Miona UA.I CARPKNTrR orV tlrtnt-gfrllni and new contlnictlon. Phont 3-'Mll7. Incom k"T A X " Hr.Tl H NS For appointment I'ltona 3 03J1. llarvav ftlsoham. ri.Ktnic'Al7"i;jiitr'm lliii(. " Wurkgiuir anlfrtl I'hmir 'i itiu brptic; "tankh Pumped, rrinrrtMa tonk and drain flflflu tni-lallcd. Orvilla MtMBravc. phone Vflty KAlNTlNCi "n3 pi re rh an I ni P nonl 717. TRIPP'S AUTO palnllnfT'nod''airifi in rlfr work Phnna 414(1 HJi,LElPBfuhVt. l'hVin nmC nr'tti77. j' L UKAN Public Accountant anrt Attdllor Offlra at 30n No 7th - FOR THEK TMlMMINf. Phone J-fMM FVRTAINS launtli ad and tralchert I'hon 411 14 12 CDUCADONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEF.D several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for Ions In the Tractor and Kqulpment Indust ry. If you arc not mnklng bet ter than D0 per week, or you don't have nil year Job urcur Ity, you owe It to yourself lo write for fire furls, without obllttiitlnn, about tins training and our Advisory Placement Rrrvlrr. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Write Box 42 co Herald A News BOOKKEEPING-, .hnrlhend tvnlnf mn dreel .unlert., offlre machine. KLAMATH BI'RINESS cni.I.EnE 733 Pine Phone 47WI M HEALTH CONVALESCENTS AGED - INVALIDS 24-Hour NurslhK Onre, Willi Renin tered Nurne In cIihikp. Attention Riven to SpRrinl Dlfttn, Equipped fnr bed pntlnnU. Fully licensed by Rlnte of OreRon, Your inspection Invited. Courtesy to your family doctor. PrlVHte or pension canes welcome. The Mitchell Sanatorium Jncksonvllle, Ore. Phone JiukHonville Ml MASSAOF, thartMieulU' excri'Uei for vvcmien. Hput rcduLltiK fowtmed- Phone eiUtW-.'WMIfl. - ' 14 HELP WANTID, FEMALE FJjDKRLY LADY, M rompnntnn, tn llvn In. No vnrk.TMifiri'" tiO'UI WOMAN, gn"(rnl nffifH "vt-nrlt. fitflHiiy nnttllinn. tinod ilartlnB nalnry. Spp Don .Mrlntyro, Local Loan Co., 11(1 Nn, loth, EvftntniM hy Pnnii?1. WANTED, houekf?pr with anmc practical nurnind axperlanra, cara tnr eUlarly lady In Lnkevicw, Ora. Modarn hnmit. aood w ft net, Room and hoard furnliihecl. Phone T,nkcvlrw M2 or write Mn, E. G, Fa veil ma Honlh flth liHkeviaw. WAN'i'KlJ, hotiHt'kfciK'r to Hvh In. with Sood rertrrencpa. pivt in int rarniiy ,ood WHHPii. I'lione 1171a. PART-T1MK hniiBPwork for hoard and rnom. Box .17 nornui ann inpwb. MAtD wantad. "Inquire ak Arcade Ho tl. BE IN THE KNOWI Rend Her did As News Classified nds dally Get the latest Information on what's wht In everyday biinlncss. trends WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, IBM 14 Half WANTIO. HMAjJj ( WATITtrtT, Tailr wlio ran "rT.moml'fiai Hillary Imner. Will pay hy hour nn leiiiniialralliin Cnnlicl Harvey sir, linne 2.2S1S. HI'I'UA'l'loN fiPgrf for woman-lit" pri vate lliiltie. All atltoinaiic equipnieni. rilvale riMinl and bath, fall WANIKII iilllie alrl. wllh rolleiilon'aa tieilriu'e grelerletl. imiulte Noger. Jew. elel. . . ...... Ill-M'ONHllll.r. uiii h vara for" four ,nr nlil In my home dev.. Mu.t ha rellalile ami Siva gitoil rare. Inqulra "L l;lln.",,.i'fj!il?--I!;"V 16 HILP WANTIO, MALI tlHrervlra"'alatfim''"man'w.lilertT'Sal iv in ciiki. (.iiiiiin.rfl.l Shell Service, tju Hoolh Slulh. VIOkllANN' a."'S.'l is muane neaT, .tiiMle. atisreaaive, free to Iravel we.t ent .lata, and Al.".. flood aslary, liamnorlallon by air and auto fur iii. heel Apply Room 101 Steven) Ho tel. S-ft p.m. WANTgl), "yoiin's nia'n With nieeVenU ral aimtude lo learn olllce ni. chine hiulne... Wrlle Herald Newa,o , NAI.KSMAN eariilnaa to aiarC approa. per innltlh. Onporllinlly to ait xani'e. As. IS In SO Apply Standard .Slatlnna, Inr. 2nd and Main ar aepian aileaiiilJIirln St.. 17 HILP WANTIO "iMrAMll.V ' Waililni rout"now avTlT hlf, If ynu wanl yttur own butna wiilt tMiir Ihttn vrM inoom writ fur litftirmNllon lo Th J. It. Watklni Co., U7 DMiar, ttomilt l Wuhliii Icn II SITUATIONS WANTID WANTKl), ivpUIptii'illtrnoriyili.fl my luMMV. Wrll flrltl Naw., Dux 4f. llOIUtl.V wurk. IM.ona 1-VJM. f'AMII.Y MAN axparlaucad lit farm work, juliinnt oparallon. daalraa pcMhauaiil job. Wrlla Hon II), Wlmton Orrami. COI.OllKf) laily wVntiouiaworliTir hour. I'huita st iMKlT, WILL vara for rhlldran In my tin ma !( or vour homa avanlngt Call 22 ROOMS 90 HINT f t.l(.MTiimifkpinf Rvarvthlntf tut nuhad flu Ma ia obr bar ha lor or ou- plf. luo Norllt Briiad, MOOM' and board.' Man only. iob NortR Ninth OUTStUK "HOOMArTfaam "Kaat, (o'ant. 17 Mr wrk. IjikP Hoial, phnna7.tl0. Hl.KKPlMl" RonMi ""' rnmfnriablv' fi7r nutiod. twin hadi. aultabl for (wn. Kimiiv pina dan adjoining Phona 4U4. itnoMft fnr rant.' rr7vafa anlranea. riosft n Phnna 4444 M f Kl A rjj I i i-a a"rr aVoMtila. yhona" 4WT rovtl.lTroornrfo"rrant T4traC Cta ln Phona AIM. UtONt room for rant. Cfraar Apart mcntt, 710 Main. Nlt r,haa'tl room'a. MOic.f5Tar rmvm H t It )MlT"a4 Hllh ' 24 " APARTMINTS P0R JRINf TIIHKK ruont furntUtrd atartmnt Mtlh hath, (.WM. Avatlabla Marvh -:w Min t'palaira. apartment 1 TWO MDOMH, furnHhwl " Wllh arai. ('Iran and cloa In. Naw ranga and rernaarainr. ii3 30. PhonaJMM or 97 aa. KI'MNlrtllKIl' apartmarrt, prlvaU "bath and anlranra. Heat furnlahad. Adulti. Phona 3-2770. Kplanada, RMAlX" furnlibati a pa ri ma Vt UiVlTanl walar. 140. 171 0k, tnn " iVrNf. thWa rSHm KmffiKail apartmant. Centrally located. HI South Suit rNnhtWr,.irffr roie. 30 Phona 3-Wn. KURNINIIKU 1 roonu; 'VhVwar MB So. Phons 3-OAJI7. I.A HOE furnlshe7l"af.rnTMhaV rhffe Phnna .IMS "titntt room (ur"nul.aaVrTmanT"n Hlih School Larfe rooms. larga ctea tt Adult Phone ttir NKWi.Y "Perorated" thraa room fuT nuhud Clnaa in. Couple. tM. UtltlttM furnnhed Phona 4401 or 143 rrttl RrNT."twofadroom duplex apar nwni. lt Itlp Martin. Phona 37r mil RRNT, 'furniiheiT'partmaVt for working girl, Ultllllea fumlihed. tlaa of iimm-iif wamer and dryer. 3l- block a fmm 7th and Main. Phona 7242 r call at 42n N. 7th after ala p nv i l.KAN a riMtni auartiitant, NurtK 'lenth KI HNISIlr fJ uptilr apJrtmn.rWuuiL -heal bargain Pngne tlllU ur 3 00M V Nr.tti.Y decoratad "apartmaiTt. draar Aul' 710 Main. Hilt it K NiP, two fooVrurnUfUoTVperU ment for adulU. 331 flroeqV 1'NrrRNfRHP.b. bawmant apVrtTrM for bar h lor or lady Natural hot walar heat and water furnlahad. KU. Refrig erator and electric ranpa avalUhie. 2itl2 Main or phone 3410 p nr.tif.rttHATtfi "ihreV "room furnlahad aperlmfnt. alclrtc h"at. Two block from Main. Adult. No oate. 312 N. I lib. rOR RENT ' 3-room apartment, filV nlahrd. Adulta Xi Broad. KTK AM " IIKATED apartmantVth be7- riHitu U2A Oak St. . V I ' 1 1 N I S 1 1 V. D a par 1 merit fo rVnT. Apartment 1, 300 Market. THRKK AOOM furnlahad pirttitnt 2fWl White oTil betiroom unfumUhad apart merit faa "t Ippad. Call 2-0H11 NKWf.Y " drcoratad. private bath, felt' cheneila Steam heat, electric range 410 week Rex Armi Anartmant. KOM RKNT. furnUKed aparlrrent-TiT nitlrr .11H High Vl'MNlSHKD bedroom apartment Phnna 7A44, tth and Walnut, Audley Aparimrnta H'HNIHH k D DTrea rnom apartment W, l wo rom unit 403; all utHlllee Iri.-tudrd 4 If N. Tenth 26 HOUSIS FOR HINT THttF.K room, nicely furnlahad , cot 1ip, very coiy, vlw.' no garage,1 au InmatlP hpL ftplandld for bualnaa rmipta. Cloa in. 45. Phona i3M mom- Ingi. 07 N KTia d room " partly furnished houie". i iota in. u i-viim. t'on tiENT, one bedroom houa, Av. furntihed except atovei. 3017 Blahn Phona flfn7. f ori ""rir.NT, duplax In Hot Aprlngi. M. hone 3710. HOliNK for rent, Inquire Plggly WlggVy, Phuoa MM. FOIt KNT,lhrM"roo'mhoHi.a In Mllla Atiihtlon. Cloe lo htia ana rhoolt. Phoii Haoa after 4jrlock. J KOK RKNT, thrre roomniodem part ly fitrnlphfd cabin. Elaotrlo atovo. Sea at m Adami. ton RKNT, Modern two-room urn I hail homa, Inquire Hit Cannon. Phona tll. aftrr flvi". DNKUll NfnHP.D fntir room duplex. F,x cept for atovei. ISO. Call 3077 before ' 0 n m. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR MNT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourilf Siive A New Trutkn For I,on( Trips Pickups fil likes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 3M ron RE5lT, b'y nliHt. dav or month, terse bnltdlni next lo Little Sweden nn South Sixth, for dance., pertte. aalea, hnwa. Ma. elertrlc heat, nice dance floor, itafe and plann. Alio banquet table, avallehle and elfht or ten tied a.lal. for Lodie u.e. South Sixth Com- roundly ffwll. Phone ftflna. roH niSNf. lOO acre., barley, clover anil, or potato land at $40 per acre aih. Offer food till March S. Write llnitld Hhil NewH.Roir 40. clAHAtll; fur rem. Inquire PHHr Wls- llly. Hlume Mill. KOH ilKNT, "irrlaeled pa.liire for So head cattle. 9 mile, anuth of Klamath Full.. Call Mill efler s p.m. Stoiik or office on South Sixth. An proximately BOO .q. ft. Phone saaO. 6ri'CE"" for rent. Sj3i Mainl Phone 7I0K FOR RfcnT. floor "lander, lateit type equipment. 'Suburban Lumber Co. llth and Walnut Phone 1700. Car STORA'SiTTrtiXTID, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phone etfs ee 7700; 30 REAL 1ST ATI fORSALI ' ACriOHS FROM SHASTA SCHOOL Clean, attractive two bedroom home on lame Inl. Irrlialed. Harden .put, lawn and berrle.. Priced tn .ell wllh or without furniture, Newhnu.e RraTl Killr. aimo South Sixth, phone, MA or 074a. Rkw" HOMES for aal. William 'ft. Powell. Phone SBZfl. 74 ACRES, Irrlialed. Good bulldlnn, nn paved road, 9room modern home. Sultehle for potaloea or fraln. Woven wire fenced. By owner, Box 4, Herald find New.