WKDNKSDAY, MARCH 5, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN ' " ",V '-.i. 'tr.'l I . -. - ' ' Tear Gas Used In Cage Row BETHANY, W. Va tIPy-li prob ably will be anuthar 40 yearn ba. fort athletic teams from Bethany I iunrie ana iui iivc-miie dlsiani neighbor, Wot Liberty State, play ciii-ii ouicr sjiuin. Police had to une tear gas to break up a near-rlol following the first nthlcllc meeting ot the two celebrating a M-83 basketball via. schools since 1010, About 10 Went Liberty student; ',-V, i ie RUSSIANS READY Ivan (left) and Soldat Gorky, chag I',' rined at last week's draw with Yorg Crctorian and Kurt Von Poppcnlicim, told the Herald and News today they're ready to hand their. tag team foes their conie-uppancc in short order tonight.' Georges Dtiseltc and Buck Weaver tangle in the fl:30 opener at the armory. The ticket office opens at 7:3 0 to haiidle an expected capacity crowd for the grudge tag brawl. Regional Entries Picked KANHA8 CITY I Two noil rntilrrcnce schools Uklahumii t'Hv Uiilwrsltv nod Kiintu Oliirn vine mimed Tuosiliiy for the NCAA Western RrKionol basketball nlnv off at Corvallls, Ore., March 31-23. Wyomlna. champion n( .the Skv line Ctmtrrcncrf. imd the Pacific Const f.cnitue (HILit are the other two teams In the pluynff. A be.-l-ul Hirer srrlra between UCLA and the Lnlvcmlty of WnihlnKton will de cide the const winner. Hillsboro Qualifies High School Banketball lly JIM ( 01 II Amoi'lalrd I'reai Kporti Writer hlh school basketball tournament at Eugene March 18-22. The Spartan defeated TlKSrd. M-SI. Tuesday night to win the District t title. They will meet the District 10 champion, expected to be Astoria, In the opening round of Uie tourney. Lincoln and Cleveland of Port- lory over Bethany Monday, ar rived on the Bethany campus Tues day Intent on painting- the Bethanv Held house, liey were met by about 2(10 Bethany fans. The resulting melee didn't break up until county officers, reinforced oy staie troopers and city police from nearby rollansbee, used tear (OS. Dr. Paul Elbln. Went Llberlv president, said "I think most stud ents feel It should be another 35 years before we play each other again." Dean Forest Klrkpalrlck ot Bethanv agreed. Hie two schools had not met In athletics since 1910, when they played a baseball game. IT w-t MINI ji ... Tir riaT'ia' " ' ' ' Rogues, Phoenix Now Class A-2 ASHLANfJ Otl Hint) school foot ball District of Class A-2 has been reorganized. Officials meeting here Monday nlBht moved Roijue ftlvcr and Phoenix Into the district's Southern Division, made up of Ashland DeMolay Wallops Brethren People DO TOO read ' small space ads - you are! Ragle Point, Central Point and Illinois Valley. Bandon will be moved from Class B ranks Into the A3- North ern Division with Myrtle Creek, Coqullle, Sutherlin and Myrtle BUILD BETTER (OR LESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS ntipitoo viaMiN noof SEIF INSUIATINA IEAUTIFUI ' IASY TO IUIID COSTS YOU IISS T3EYT0N& I 035 MARKET ST. UIMINHIIUHIt nalliaasfl Point. . i - Division tltllsts will meet Nov. 1 to dcolde tlio dtstrlct chnmplonahlp. 1 IKO .am .run I he aelrcllon of Kunia Clara and '""d, "'"! Bcappoose qualified ear- (Ikluhoinii t-'llv miis announced here bv rtn-Ves Peters, chairman of Uie Selection Committee. Thev were chosen Irom all the Independ ent collem-s and unlverMllcs west ol Uie Mississippi Hlver. Oklahoma City will meet Wvom- l!;K and Santa Clara will play the LCLA-Witjjhlrotton winner In the opening names. 'there wUi be four regional play nils at Corvnllls. Chlcaun. Kniutus City and Ruleliih, N. C. The reumn Hi winners will play In Uie Nn tionr.l NCAA Tournament at Seattle March 3&-M. JAKE TO r QUIT IF BEATEN DfhlOIT . Former Middle welfbt Champion Jake La Motta mi.v;. Jie is roiiik to put up his box inir glovea for Rood If he Is beaten badly In his bout with Euxene i Silent) Hulrelon here Wednesday niuht. ilairslon tins nmblllnns of bcliiR lha first mun to knock La Motta from his feet. La Motta Is rated a "Hunt undcrdOK. 'I'll retire definitely If he bents me decisively," declared La Motta. But he quickly added he had no thought of Io.sIiir, There also was plciitly of confi dence In Halrston's corner. The 30-ycad-old La Motta will eek to break the tannest loslnir strcnk of hl 13-yoar professional , career. He dropped the only two ' starts he mado Inst yeur and lost his Initial engagement this year. Grays Harbor ' Wins Tourney BREMERTON, Wash. Wl Grays Harbor will represent the Pacific Northwest In the National Junior Colleoe Bnakelball Tournament at Hutchinson, Kansas. . - Trie Chokers from Aberdeen, led bv big Tony Vlnatellca, trounced Olympic of Bremerton, the' 1051 re Kiomil tltllst, 78-D2 Tuesday nlRht In a battle for tho Northwest olmin- Elonship and tho national tourney erth. Vanport whipped North Idaho S 51 In the consolation round to take 'thhvj place In the regional tourna ment. ! , i STANDING! W Mlltr . ... i.... : u KUmath Fck . . 10 D-Muly No. 1 Gun ator ....... a T I . 4 Cfsur Lk 3 Mn't Hand Lrlry J D.Moly Me, 2 , J DeMolay'a drat team won a fam ily feud over DeMolay'a second team last nlRht. 60-33, and Trades and Industry edged Men s Hand Laundry, 44-43, In Victory league Karnes el Foirvlew. Boui the DeMolay teams awlnn ir;r:. . " "r,.v im0 acuon tonmht as the iwo lean to qualify for the Oreion ,he T"uf"1l, n"nt wld"J- wiS school "balkeih.il .rZlZTt iPeMolay Number 1 meets Klamath pack in the 7:19 opener, the second team faces Gun Store In the after piece. Box icorr: I.AI'KIIII (I!) (II) T I Cort.d I T Mosk Thompson a r 1 Choon llawklna II r 11 Kanen Gomaln 9 n - 14 HORhar Lund 4 G 4 Cobb Laundry allba Andaraon II. T 4 I tuba Hmitar 2. Dr.MOI.AT 1 IMI :tl DEMOLAT t Plcaalt 13 F 4 Xittradre Smllh II T 3 llavdan Montffnnwry a v. a Maon Hannon 4 O ft l-araon Vlahna 14 ft 3 Sweli'i IaMolay 1 aubanilton S. flchoanbars. Iier for the Ifi-leam tournament. The two Portland teams finished their leanue season Tucsdsy as co-city champions, esch with 13 leamie wins and one loss. Lincoln crushed Franklin, 75-40, while Cleveland defeated Roosevelt, 50, 50. Jefferson. 1051 state champion. wound up inira by oeatinK Grant 53-49, but won't be In the tourney. MKKT Portland school officials were to meet Wednesday to set a date and place lor a Cleveland-Lincoln play off uame to determine which Dist ricts the teams will represent In tne tournament. Lincoln's. Wade (Swede) Hal brook scored 4a points aRalnst Franklin to run his 22-game season toial to D50. With three, four or five playoU games left, the giant center has a chance to nit Uw l.OOO-marlL WINS Reedsport defeated Roseburg, 47- 3fl. to win the right to meet Marsh- field for the Southwest Oregon District 5 championship. The play off Is scheduled for Friday, Satur day and Monday, If a third game is necessary. 8alcm, the favorite, and Stnyton each won their second victories In the District 11 tournament. Salem downed Woodburn, 49-37, and Stay- Inn edged Ml. Angel, 37-3S. Tale defeated Ontario 44-32. to lake the Malheur County champion ship and enter the Eastern Oregon District 1 play-off. Vale will meet La urannc in a Desi-two-ol-three- S ii me title scries starting Friday. San Jose, Calif. Eddie Chavei, 140, San Jose, outpointed Glen Hen- dershot, 142, New York. 10. , Bannocks are lust baking now- der bread. - Sports Afield. Aragon Wins Grudge Tiff LOS ANOLES OH ' Art Aragon didn't embellish his reputation as Uie "Oolden Boy" of the ring when he won a split decision from Lauro Sales In 10 rounds Tuesday night at the Olympic Auditorium. Some of the expert tabbed Ars- Sa to knock out bla adversary Dy tltth, but Salsa was la there winging at the final ball, Billed aa a grudge ngni, tne at ari When the battlers bad It out In a cafe here last December, Aragon plainly showed the effecta lor a few days. His weight bulge helped him Tuesday night. The Salas fans Hi the 10,000 on nana roarea incir dlsapproval of the verdict SHUFF STUFF Mecca and Suburban turned In Impressive 4-0 victories In the city shuffleboard league last night. Mec ca blanked Bummers Lant and Sub urban shut out VFW. Roundup trimmed Eagles, 3-1, In the other contest. CLYDE LOVELLETTE . . . two-timer AP Picks Mythical Cage Five By TED MKIKR NEW YORK l-le Hoi.lh H,.m 'inales the 1B62 Associated Press A ii- America colleulsie basketball icrtin announced Wednesday. Two plnycrs from the Southern Conference and one from the Bouth eastern were named along with one each from the Big Ten and the m o.-veu. PlrUeH a v tl. ...i . mi JP'ayers of the season by a vote ot ,tn 320 sports writers and .ail! were Dick Groat, Duke; Clyde Lo- oui-tic, r-niisss; uiiii Hagan, Ken tucky; Chuck Darling. Iowa; and wormian, west Virginia. All have broken school and con. lerence scoring records. In addi tion, mey are, wizards at grabbing rebounds end have shown a com mendable team spirit In handing out asiists. -All are equally adept un ociciL-.q. TWO MORE iwo more players from the ooumeastern conierence Frank Ramsey, Kentucky and Bob Pettit, uuiiaua fclale were named on the second team with Bob Zawoluk, St. John's of Brooklyn; Don Meln eke, Dayton and Rod Fletcher, II- 4UIVJ3, Spectacular shootlne little ny O'Brien of Seattle (he scored more than 1 .000 nolnLs this intim . - Kittradee il.arrv Hennessev. Villnnnvn- Houbreus, Washington; Ray stcln- cr, ot. loiiis and Dick Knostman. Kartias State, comprise the third team. Jim Tucker. Duquesne; Bob Wat ion, Kentucky; Walter Dukes, Set- nn ali: Billy Mlkvy, Temple and Emle Beck, Pennsylvania, headed a list of 19 additional players who received honorable mention, b'F.COND TIME Lovellettc, a 6; 09 rangy 240 pounder named on the first team for Uie seoond straight year, and oroat, the amailest at a mere 6 It. were the two ton vote getters. The Kansas Star received the most first place votes, 143. but was edged oy Groat In totnl points, 763 10 750. Oroat got 199 first team vntiu. but moved up with 84 second-team oauota to Lovenette's 22. Each first team vote counted five points, a second team vote, two. alatre Werk Made leiy KENT A TYrKwaiTEg anoiNO MACniNt Klaotrla r Hand Lilt ataalh'a ranlal la avallae la lha purrbaaa a'ici. Vlglll'S Pioneer Office Supply ANOTHER RECORD SAVINGS!! A BIB Spring Annivtraary Special . . a 33VU 43 RPM Vz OFF B&B RADIO and ELECTRIC 401 So. th Anyone who does much outdoor living soon learns that the most Important single item of personal equipment is what goes on his feet. Sports Afield. Los Angeles Art Aragon. no '2 Los Angeles, outpointed Lauro Sa las, Ji. Monterrey. Mexico. 10. rv n rmn n n n a l mm (ok 1 11 ON ?amM4. ((0)131) 9 Lb plus tax and your old tiro Size 6.00 x 16 . . . $14.95 SIZE 6.70x15 . Plus tax and your old tire MARATHON As Low as $1.25 a week for a PAIR of tires! r s 1 I ' iaaBaaaaAwavVAiM i1V irar-aaaatawiim fti aalaa ran aJal ' , Facts truck owners should know about hauling bigger payloads Ralph Dunlavy F. 0. (Red) . Reynolds T; Mobil Service 6th and Oak is moving . . v to 11th & Klamath and a t.a . ft ,aaA. .1 a..i F. 0. Red) Riynaldi Here's why you can carry more payload with Dodge "Job-Rated" trucks. First, they have better weight distribution. This means bigger pay load capacity is engineered into a Dodge "Job-Rated" truck. Many trucks carry too much weight on the rear axle, not enough on the front. But in a Dodge the right proportion is carried on each axle. Besides better weight distribution, a shorter wheelbase provides easier turning and parking. Come in and try one of these easier-handling trucks. Get all the facts about haul ing bigger payloads. Haul fa.ttr! Dodgs "Job-Rated" trucks are powered by high-com pression engines to give you top performance with rock-bottom economy. Big power gives you pull and speed thatsave time onevery trip.' "With our new Dodge, the payload is high, the cost per mile low!" .... toys MORRIS SAPIR Dependable Fymihir Company, Oakland, California Carry moral In Dodge "Job-Rated" trucks, the engine is placed forward and the front axle back for better distribution of the load. That' why you can carry bigger payloads without overloading. Get longer Ufa! There's a Dodpp truck that's "Job-Rated" to fit your road and load condition with load carrying and load-moving units fac tory-engineered to stand up on! toughest service. ' "After using Dodge 'Job-Rated" trucks for eight years exclusively, I want to ' report that your new models are keeping me sold on Dodge. "No vehicle we have ever seen can give our drivers more freedom in city traffic than our Dodge 1-ton truck. With our new Dodge, the pay load ishigh, the cost permile low. And our transportation is dependable." See of focfay far M& best 6uy in iotf-cosf ttonsporfation. . I in The Formerly Ralph's Mobile Service Will Now Be RED RALPH'S SERVICE DUGAN & MEST 522 So. 6th ' Phone 8101 llth & Klamath Phone 9422