HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH B, 1052 The lller Is very mmill round iiunlMi found In the Mississippi Viil ley as far north an southern nil. noin, and from Virginia to Florida ii nd LnulHlumi, It linn oullo a long mini flit mid a lot o( lucnl nnmrs, Knurls Allelil. urn TIME OUT! PAGE TEN mum give m m "We're a (reatly improved tram! The boys are runnlnf the bates raned, hlltlnr, Ion; balls and showlnr a lot of hustle!" ir?ctJC3 itlMlns CATCHING VP on briefs from the sports fue: Lewis and Clark won't play Ore gon Tech in football after all . . Pioneer Coach Joe Huston was al ready to slen and made at least a verbal agreement with Oretech Coach Kex Hunsaier to visu Klam ath Falls Kent. 26 for exDenses only . . . Lewis and Clark, with football competition heavy In Port land, seldom makes ends meet fi nancially . . . Director of Ath letics Eldon Fix wanted 1500 guar antee lor- the game ... Oregon Tech wouldn't eo above a Grand the game fell through . . . it's likely Hunsaker will get Contra Costa JC for that date ... Tha Oresron Collegiate Confer ence meets Monday in Portland ... a lively session is looked for ... Southern Oregon College will give its answer about Joining the OCC family then . . . there's also some Items on the program that will deal with platooning and the Eize of football traveling squaas . . , JACK iUST, ex-Pellcan eager, Is DlaVine ball for the Navy . . Lust was chosen as second team all-star In the National Navy Med ical Center, Bethesba, Md., intra mural league ... ce is a memoer f thn NNMfl Intramural Cham pion Dental school team . . . thanks to Mrs. L, F. Lust, jack s mow r. for this information ... J. R. Shaw of Beames Country Club was runner-up in the Pres ident's Cup golf tournament played en the Ban Marcos uou course. Chandler, Arts ... OREGON SPORTS magazine has Jumped the gun on the state tour - nament and has already named its Class A state all-star cagers . . Ray (Radar) Bell gets a nod s does Jim Boulter in the Class 3R classification . . . both will be playing here this week. Bell with the Pelicans against Crater Fri day night. Boulter with Rogue Riv er against Bonanza wnugu ana w mnrrAV nfe-ht At Henlev ... - FistianeTb starting to make sense with the recent attempt to match Rocky Marclano and Harry (Kid) Matthews ... the victory should get a crack at the winner in the title Jersey Joe Walcott-Ezzard Charles match . . OUR WEEKEND picks: The Pels to win two straight from Crater, with a scare in the opener to emphasize that taking the Comets lightly won't be wise. , Bonanza to give Rogue River more than the Chiefs bargained for, but the Rogues to wrap it up Thursday night at Henley. Another prediction: Klamath Vails to land in either the North ern California or Southwest semi- pro basketball leagues. LADTBUGj LEAGUE W t. Pet Schmcek'a - 55 39 .655 Shoop-SCIHUZ , 48 38 .548 Roundup 41 .512 Molatore'l 40 44 .476 Marvin'! 37 47 .440 lowall'a Lockers 31 53 .369 Besultl Last Week . Roundup 3 Marvin's 1 Schmeck's 3 Schoop-Schulz 1 . Lowell's 3 Molatore's 1 ' League - leading Schmeck's took Individual honors, third-place Roundup team honors in last week's Ladybug leagaefare. Roundup notched scores of 922 and 2592 for team game and series highs. Joy Adreon, Schmeck's, rolled the high game, 196, while teammate Mary Bothwell had the best series, a. 503. Sandy Fined MONTREAL, M World Feather weight Champion Sandy Saddler left Montreal minus $500 of his purse for his bout against Armand Savoie Monday night. That was the fine leveled against the New Yorker after Jie was dis qualified by the referee for hitting on the breaks, holding, heeling and bitting with the laces of his gloves. The- term "pit viper" derives from a sunken place, or pit, be tween the nostril and eye of poi sonous snakes as the copperhead, cottonmouth moccasin and rattlers. Sports Afield. M " ' "I Hi r i NORTH ENTRANCE UNION STATION open under new management RAY DALTON VERN KEFFER Phone 2-2606 UNION OIL PRODUCTS FIRESTONE TIRES EXPERT LUBRICATION District Mix Opens Tonight The Bonanra Antlers and thw Rogue River Chieftains open a bas ketball playoff quarrel tonight at Henley with a coveted prize wait ing for the winner. rne Kiamam uounvv cnampion Antlers and the Jackson County champion Chiefs tip-off at 8 o clock. The winner of the best two-of-three game series gets the Dlst. 5-B position in the state tourna- mnt Marcn is-jd. Unofficially, the Rogues, 1950 slate champions, are heavily fav ored to tack down the state Derm SPI.1T They can do It with victories to night and tomorrow night at Hen ley. But a split on these two nights would send the two teams to a neutral court Saturday night, prob- ablv Grants Pass, to finish ine fight. Big Chief of Rogue River is Jim Boulter. 6-3 center, given state Class B all-star mention by the Oregon Sports magazine in its re- JIM BOULTER . , Big Chief cent nubliation. The Rogues put a 19-2 season icvuiu vgaujak puimiiwi a is-, vvv.- all mark. But five of Rogue River's wins have been over small A schools in Dist a two-game split with Cra ter, and grand slams over Illinois Valley and .Eagle point. Crater is the club that mixes with Klamath Falls for the Dist. 4 Class A state tournament berth. MATCH Bonanza can match Boulter's scoring savvy with Irwin Crume and Don Hubble. all-Klamatn coun ty players along with Maurice Chandler. Boulter was named to the all Jackson County team along with teammates Jim Wehren and Ralph ouiton. It's likely the starting lineups lomgnt will look like this: Rogue River Wehren. Boulter. Milton, Byron Kile and either Don Lehrmann or Jim Rhoten. Bonanza Crume, Chandler, Hub ble, Vernon Haley and Martin Wil son. Pilots Earn KC Cagefest By The Associated Press Portland University qualified Tuesday night as one of two Pa cific Northwest teams In the Na tional Association of Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament at Kansas City. The potent Pilots set a school scoring record In swamping Wil lamette iuu-77 in we district cham pionship at Portland. They will rep resent District 2 (Oregon) at Kan sas City next Monday. TAKE... FISHING or HUNTING Buy if Now and Save During B&B'i SPRING ANNIVERSARY PORTABLE AC-DC BATTERY AA9i 29' RADIO B&B RADIO and ELECTRIC 401 So. 6th PHILS FOR C Crater High, principally a sopho more club that majors in speed, challenges the Klamath Falls Pel icans for a Class A state tourna- amcnt berth in a Dist. 4 playoff series that opens Friday night on Pelican Court. The Comets lack height and bench strength but they take up the slack In speed, at least enough to win the Dist. 4 Little Three Title (against Illinois Valley and Eagle Point) and notch an over-all 17-4 record for the season. The second game moves to Cra ter's floor Saturday night. If a split exists after the first two games, then the third and de ciding game will go to a neutral court Monday night. Forward Delbert (Punky) Mon roe is a six-foot senior. All the oth er starts Forward Herb Weber, Center Bob King, and Guards Gor don Carrigan and Larry Blghnm . are sophomores, as Is Bill Boye, who sees a good share of duty at center along with King. Monroe is the kingpin of the club, a fine backboard man and fair scorer. Carrigan and Bigham make the plays and do the bulk of scor ing along with Weber. The Comets' 17 wins includes three of four against Ashland. Klamath Coach Paul McCall has a combination of height and speed that will team up to make the Pelicans heavy favorites. But the word Is out thai Crater will make the Klamath Club that backed into the Big Four title last weekend, work for its Eugene res ervation. Ray Bell and Jack Horton hold down the forward positions. Ralph Carroll, seven inches over six feet and the leading Southern Oregon Conference scorer, will be at his familiar pivot spot. Jerry Johnson and Calvin Oil more inject the swift from the guard spots. In eluding a hunter most big game animals depend more on nose and ears than eyes; exceptions are Mountain goats and sheep. Sports Afield. r 9th and Pine All-Wool CHOOSE NOW Wld variety New, handsomely-styled all-wool Suits. Tailored to Wards high standards In hard-finish, 2-ply worsted sharkskins or wool gabardines that resist wear and wrinkles. See these fine suits at Wards today; ASK ABOUT WARDS LAY-AWAY PLAN. 11 down holds your suit until April 3. drill DilETS : -4 it' DOUG PENCE supplies valuable reserve duty for the Pels, now drilling for district showdown against Crater. JEFF'S BARBER SHOP 920 Main 1 Phone 3188 Worsted FOR EASTER 39.95 All men'0 j i tlzet CAGE SCORES Collcur Itenketlmll ' By The Anoclutrd 1'rcM' FAK WKST Utah Stale 77 Regis t ' Lewis & Clark 8a Oregon Education 61 Portland 100 Willamette 77 -. Whltwnrth 69 Pacific Lutheran 48 Oomaga 77 Central Wash 71 KA8T Columbia 83 Yale 60 ' ' Princeton 80 Rutgers 52 NYU 84 CCNY 47 MIDWEST Miami (Ohio) Hi Cincinnati 70 Chicago Loyola 70 Valparaiso 61 Oklahoma City 68 Phillips 41 SOUTH Georgetown (DC) 7a Ocorge Wash ington 70 Centenary M Northwestern LA 83 Mfmpjns stale 43 mm Tech 38 SOl'THWKST New Mexico A&M 34 Eastern New Mexico 37 Arkansas Tech SO Arkansns State Tchrs 39 Southern State 80 Arkansas State 85 High School Baaketball By The Associated Press Portland Lrarue Lincoln 75. Franklin 80 Cleveland 58, Roosevelt 80 Jefferson 83. Grant 49 Benson 63, Washington 83 A-S Eastern Sub-District Tourna ment (Finals) Reedsport 47, Roseburg 36 A-ll Tournament Salem 46. Woodbum 37 Stayton 37. Mt. Angel 36 A-9 Tournament lllllsboro 87, Tignrd 61 When towlnir a small hnnt. ad. Just the line so the boat Is climb ing a wave of the wake, almost on crest, ft will be least Ilkclv to wander, try to upset and swnmp. Sports Afield. ALLSTATE CHANGEOVER SPECIAL ! rvitf1 ft " ' lord, for .P.e.e number II C 1 2 a9-in.toU defect. n l L-teU-nd workman-1 . I rPoVtcy 9Uofone. of 1 . 3 Sati.foctionGuo-on.il, l.d or Your Money II. Back." Jl CDta2!B Allstate Batteries Guaranteed 12 Full Months With Old Battery.. . ....8.35 Our lewft priced Allitatt boHtryl 39 plote-80 amp. hour cop o city, AmpU powr for oil normal needi. Install your 1 1 Spot News' VENICE. Fla. Itfl The Venice Gondolier, u weekly iirwapuper, IK.M work printed n sports story about the hometown's basketball train reaching the finals nt an area basketball tournament at Punta Onrdn. The facts who straight with one exception, reported the Gondolier tnl.i week, lite tournament was lield throe yearn ago. The newspniiei' explained llir lentil's conch had Iclt Uio wroim score book ut its offlco. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE IB0HaW Let us check your brakes - you get complete JUCKELAND TRUCK 11th and Klamath, Klamath Falls n'nnnnr -u-rant.. f Only a few left! Economy Fibre SEAT COVERS Reg. 16.95 d 88 Cool, clean beauty and pro tection for your car loots! Genuine wood pulp fiber cloiely woven and lacquer covered for dirt re.i.tance. New! Motor Oil Fortified; Better lubricating Reo 3 09 ' 9 ftO 10-quart Can Z.OT Finoit, most cortomkal low-prtetd otl you can buyl 100 vacuumdlitllld to romovo ImpuriMei. low corbon conttnt. , . fil HOCKEY Vsclflo Coast Hockey Tly The Associated I'resa Victoria 6 Saskatoon 3 Export Gun Repairing and Reblulng THE GUN STORE FOR ALWAYS THINK OF 'a.t-.'51 t4i... . ""1! llRia EnonsTRATiorj mils Premium Deep Tread Cushion Tires AND YOUR OLD TIRES 5.20 Down, 5.00 Month on Sear. Ea.y Term. Triple Guaranteed 18 Months. X-41 Degrees Cold Rubber Construction 15 More Stop and Go Power with "Cut Skid" Tread Design Put a Full Set of Allstate Tires and Tubes on Your Car Now! DRAIN TILE " . -. i' ja Drain Ilia far Half 4'ala ar PEYTON CO. H Marbal SI. Tat, (Nt Klaaialk ralra SERVICE brake service here! ""i f, SERVICE, Inc. Phona 77SS Plus Tax 6.00x16 3 Complete Oil . Changeover Allstate Compounded Oil 1 00 For any car In town. Allitate Premium-Quality Compounded Motor Oil that cleans as it lubri cates for top engine efficiency. Old oil drained, and cranlccaie completely filled with this live bodied premium-quality Allstate Compounded Oil. Drive In nowl 11180 133 So. 8th Phone 5188