Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 04, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUKSDAY, MARCH 4, 1 0.ri2
l v
SmmA by S
iSeek Two .
IThn strung Houlhwe.it ni-nil pro
iiiM-hull league In lookiiiK lor Iwu
members anil lire muting Inter.
p.itccl uliuirrn lowairt Kliiiuuili l'lilh
unrl Nii'iene.
I ho league Hint Iih'IuiIi'm Ihc lug neennd In Ihc downhill chase.
rmnouH (JIh-iipv Muds ol Medford. Dick union, Klmniilh Fulls, wan
lo.il two members to rut thr Imn- Ihinl In the downhill,
lly to nix. Dropping mil were III link- 'iluiinun mid Itetlilen flnlr.hcd be
ings nnd Mvrllo i'uHil. Iilhil Inrw In Ihe klulniii.
Now tlir circuit In li'H Willi North j Kedurn wax second In tin coin
Itrnd, Iteeilr.purl, Unnilon, cc- j bliird rnrc, Gordon (.'uunlngliiini
hum, C.ixiullle mid Mcillord ol Kliunutli Fulls third.
lull Askwllh. business iminiigen
ol I he Mint, to'ii llu' Herald and;
News Hiitii.'Unv thr leumie wauls;
right teams unit Unit they were;
particularly Inlrrr.ilctl In Kliim-j
Jill KnllH mill ICiiKPiir." .
It wos loll Unit these two towns.
would bo receptive with the col
lapse ol the Far Went league In
which they held momliorshlp.
llusebull men here Interfiled In
becoming ii meinher ol the Oregon
neml-pro league nro ankcd lo ron
Inrt A.Hkwllh. Cull Cenirnl I'oint
Then net In touch With Herald
lid Newii Sports Keillor Kcd llurd.
AP Heap
NKW YOnK. M") The Kentucky
Wlldrals added another honor to
Iheir bulging collection Tuesday.
Coach Adolph Rupp's hoaullei
(mm Ihe Blue Grass country were
named the lop college basketball
team In he nation lor Iho third
lime In four year In the llnul As
sociated Pre.sa poll.
The Wildcat latest laurel raine
l.nnl on the heel ul their ninth
straight Southeastern Conference puui'prd In 20 poim.i and Gene Fa
t lmmploaihlp and a 4t-43 victory yell added 18. Hut Hickya had nine
over LouiMiinu ouiic in me inn- pmyerii nnd the ncore column led
ferencn Uiiunamont that boosted by Cal Honney with 19, Dob llar
thelr Wlnnlnif Mrealc lo 22 Kame.i. j Vey with lo and Don Peterson Willi
Kentuiky u alier one more liophy, ! 15.
thf KCKA rhanililoiLihln. i RlrkVM nnrl llilllnn rBf It a
Tlie Wlldcal.i prcvlouIy (Inched jdlllon to enrnuur the title acrup
at the head ol the Hum 111 the AP Wconciday, qualified for the play
poll in mo and 1951. Bradley In- olfi bkbuim Chlloqulii nnd Tide-
h'rruptea me Mien oy wiuhihk
Iho 121 apart wrltern and hiiort
roiler.i who participated III the II
(inl poll nwiuded Kentucky 30 llrnl
tSuco voioa and 1.033 polnt-i,-I
llllnoli. one of the lew icoma to
bottle Kentucky for top honor,
runie In second with ISO polnti.
K nil.-in Blate followed with 012.
Uiiqurant finished lourlh behind
Kama Hlntn and In turn wo fol
lowed bv St. Ixiul. Waihlimton.
Iowa. Kansas. West Virginia, and
til. John .
, Wyoming. No. 10: Seattle Uni
versity. No, 18. and UCLA. No. 19.
represented the west on the second
Otheri in the Intter itroup were
Day ion. 11; Duke. 12; Holy Cross,
13; Seton Hall. 14; Ht. Bonuven
lure, 14: Louisville. 17 and Suuth
kesl Tcxiis. 20.
lllini In
By The Associated Press
. The Western Conference rnce
was settled nnd along with It an
other place In the NCAA Tourna
ment was filled Monday night when
Illinois polished olf Northwestern
B&-74. The game was the highlight
of major' college baskotbnll action
round the nation.
The victory over NorUiwestern
pave Illinois the Western Conler
rnee title lor Ihe second straight
. Iowa, the only other team that
rould have overtaken the lllini,
dropped 78-74 decision to Wis
consin. Illinois, the nation's No. 2 team
In this week's final Associated
J'ress poll, now has a league rec
ord of 13-1. while Iowa, which
closed out Uie season's loop busi
ness, finished with 11-3.
Dunlap Whips
Cesar Brion
iiip, nil obscure Ncrio, may have
projected himself Into the nnllonnl
iriivywclKht light picture with n
iiiipilsing nnd convincing victory
over Cesar llrlon Monday nlcht.
'. Dunlap, ma'-j, from Oakland,
Calif., who never seems lo slop
(blowing leather, twice felled 198
aouiid Llrlon, who twlco stayed 10
rounds wllh Joo Louis.
t Dunnp, n 3-1 underdog, wns
'punching strongly at the end of
:he 10 rounder nnd was given nn
'inanlmnus decision. He dropped
Orion in the second and ninth
Ten Years Ago Outfielder Ted
Williams of the Boston Red Sox
laid Hint he planned on plnylng
"ino more season of bn.sebull be
'ore loinlng the Armed Forces.
Twenty Years Ago Johnny
fcdrl.mnd outpointed Welterweight
Shnmplon Jacklo Fields in a 10
;ound nnn-tlllc bout nt Boston.
"91" Odon. Ethyl 31e
2135 South 6th
Drew Slalom,
Combo Victor
Two UiHvcif,itv of Ornion kl
hluiti Jim ilxMci. uiul Duvc
'i ln'inii'i (Ihin't liuvc ft monopoly
Mitniny on iht WnriiiT Ciinyon Hki
hill .ulirir tlm Kit 1 1 tout llluhlitnd
tin hH)jon(i n hki mwrt,
iCcddrti won th "flownlilll rune
lull OcH Urv.w of Kliunutli V'nWn
won hot h the hlitloiit in id coin
blnrrt cvfiitH, In mlriHIon (o llnish-
Hilltop Ciifo upset first-seeded
Piivle.-is nriiun lust nluht In the
frill, LiMimie hnskrlhiill itliiVnlfK lo
rnrn ,, t.r, k ul lliikys Wednesday
night lor tile pluyoll title
Puul lleln.i, Juck Wuybriint and
l.ro Friend waxed hot In a third
quarter 30-poinl binge ns the third
seeded Colcuicii llulihed with 11
00-70 victory over Huvleiui. Helm
dumped 20 poind before he fouled
out mldwtiy In the lourlh quarter.
Hlrkvs bint the Herald mid News.
85-115, In Ihc other mime.
I'uyli'M and the Herald nnd
News mix Wednc.iduy lur iho con
.solution title.
Hilltop grubbed it first-quarter
lo-ii icau, nircicnca H lo 41-30 at
the hail, then poured ii on in the
third lor a 71-49 lead.
me ncritid and News made a
Willie of It lor a hall and trailed
Jim ji-37 at intermission lime. Bui
lliikys lound Ihe range in the
third quarter to add up a 63-11
Jay Griggs. Ilerald-Newn center,
lake, the Klamath Basin League's
two lop Irmns In a Frldny-butur-day
plavoif at Merrill
llnx corn'
llll 1,101' 0) l-AVl.f NH
Wm brahl 17 T U Ymini
Hrtirti 14 c Ifl Krlnlfon
C nrrir (; ia ow
1 1 ! a ( ; 7 Trmilt
Hilltop i litis - Mai Unci 10. t'tibrirU 4.
MllhcMii 3, jkru ut-Olficra 8.
livriah li.
"N lOAi UM ni(KV
fa veil tl r 19 llonnc
Hartley 2 r 1. prttrson
(irlfKi 70 C jfl Hirxrv
Down 4 c; ft MHnll
Knnu 10 (J 7 rolr
Hfrald nd mbt Mv 3
nirkvi iiIm Krmnltfcr 'J, licndrrihott
. Willi S, Valllinrour 8.
OCE Sliced
From Tourney
PORTLAND W Portland Uni
versity and Willamette survived
the first round of the NAIB District
Monday night nnd will meet Tues
day for the championship.
Jim Winters scored 27 points to
lean roruand lo n B2-6S victory
over Lewis & Clark. Willamette
defeated Oregon College of Educa
tion 74-40.
The winners clash Tuesday night
to determine Oregon's entry In the
National Association of Intercol
legiate Basketball Tonrnnmcnt nt
Kansas City next week.
Title Edges
McCloud Five
Tulelake cdRed McCloud. 59-53.
Inst night on the winners' court In
a Siskiyou County lengue game
moved up from a Friday postpone
ment. Jcrrv King led the Honkers with
20 points. McCloud won the B
uaine. 70-32.
Next time you're winning, don't
get smart and tell me 1 don't
know how to use a paddle!"
: '.eT.. , cVi'. .
t, 1 . , I vyinyf- -
TWIRLER ON TOES Sara Page Jackson,' Elizabeth City,
N.C., demonstrates on the beach at Nags Head, N.C., why
she lias been chosen regularly lo lead the band during
halftimc at football games. Wake Forest's pretty majorette
I will establish a summer' school for twirlers after college
yawn, troth tio ' : . . ' t
Rams Still Poll-High;
Pels Sixth in Ballot
By The Associated Press
Its still a Portland race as Ore
gon high school basketball teams
iieud into the home stretch before
the annual state tournament In
Eugene, March 18-22.
Three strong Portland teams still
dominate the weekly Associated
Press high school basketball poll
of the state's sportswrllcrs and
Central Catholic again leads the
poll, winning 10 first-place votes
and 118 points in the balloting.
This Is the seventh time Central
has led the list as the No. 1 prep
learn in Oregon. The Rams have
last only one ol 22 games Uns sea
son. Packers,
In Wins
Klnmnth Pack nnd DcMolny
Number 1, two and three teams
behind league-leading Metiers, won
handily in the Victory leamie last
Ihe Packers bent Trades and In
dustry. 63-43; DeMolay waxed
Men s Hand Laundry. 69-32.
Orlnnd Dixon led the Packer at
tack with 17 points.
George Vlnhos. Bill Pickett and
Clnyton Hannon pumped in 14. 13
onn 12 lor tne DcMolays.
Box iH-orei:
f.At XDRY (SI) () lir.1IOI.AT
limit .1 r 1.1 Picket!
Godarrt 2 P 4 Smith
Mnwklnii 8 C T Srhntnburi
Thompson 13 C. H Vlho
GonmlrA 4 (i 12 Hunnon
Laundry Bubi Anderson, Wnodnrd 2.
rjeMolny mibs Hilton 7, Montnomery 2
1 I llll) IM1 I'AtKtr.S
Monk F l Bll
Cannon 4 P 5 Crswfnrd
Sunders 14 C 4 Burrrtl'
Hoellor 8 ri 17 Dixon
Cobb in o h Overen
T Ar 1 subs -Homer 7. Packers subs
Wrlsht 7.
Fremont Roosevelt
In Cage Finals
Fremont nnd Roosevelt Innc.le to
morrow, 4:30 p. in., on a neutral
court vet to be named for the
grade school Clnss B basketball
Fremont bent Pelicnn. 41-16. nnd
Roosevelt trimmed Mills' Number
;t team, 36-23, yesterday In semi-llnnls.
etafataTM " W SirMMMSatatatatatatataataTaTaTiVat
u, jwi J
..... .-' . '
Lincoln and Cleveland, tied for
first place In Uie Portland Public
School League, wound up In a
deadlock this week for second
second place in the poll. Each team
received 98 points In the voting,
although Lincoln got two first-place
votes and Cleveland none.
Marshlleld again was named as
(he top upstate team and finished
fourth In the poll. Marshfield
didn't play last week, but enters
a tllstrlct playoff this week as do
most otner teams In the state.
The only major change in the
top 10 Uiis week sent Medford
plunging from No. 6 to No. 10.
Grants Pass upset Medford twice
last weekend, and eliminated Med
ford from state tournament con
tention. McMinnvillc finfshed as No. 5 in
this week's poll. Klamath Falls,
Ihe team now expected to claim the
Southern Oregon berth in the state
tournament, climbed into the No. 6
Salem finished In seventh place
this week, followed by La Grande,
Oregon City and Medford in that
Of these, Medford is the only one
with no chance to get into the state
tournament. Two of the teams,
Cleveland and Lincoln, already
have won tourney bcrUis. The
oilier will enter district playoffs
Uiis week.
Three Eastern Oregon teams
Baker, Pendleton and Millon-Free-water,
topped this week's list of
also rnns.
The top ten, with season records
listed for each team:
1. Central Catholic, 21-1 118
2. Lincoln, 18-2 98
2. Cleveland. 19-2 98
4. Marshfield, 18-4
5. McMlmwllle, 19-4
6. Klamath Falls, 17-4
7. Salem, 16-6
8. La Grande, 12-8
9. Oregon City, 14-6
10. Medford. 15-7
Others: Baker 7, Pendleton 5
Mllton-Frecwnter 5, Milwaukle 3
Maplcton 2, Hlllsboro 1.
Schuss shut out Eagles. 4-0. In
the shuffleboard lengue last night
nnn Jars neat wocus, Bin s Place
bent Roundup, by 3-1 counts.
Sunday Roundup forfeited four
points to Wocus when the Round
up team failed to show.
Rogues In
Bonanza makes Its second bid In
as many years for a berih In the
Clam B slate buskelball tourna
ment when It opens a Olst. 5 play
off scries tomorrow nlht at Hen
ley aa last a highly-ruled Rogue
Klvcr team. Tlp-ofi time Is 8
Last year the Klamath County
champs fell short of a state berth
In two straight losses to Phoenix.
'Ihe Pirates went on to win the
slate title.
The Roxues aren't strangers eith
er in this business of scrapping
for the state tournament.
Two years ado the Chleflalns
Bin show.
1 .?t'?.beer 1?.rarLslnn.arrtl8.!With the Russian brothers, Soldat and Ivan Gorky, in a re-
County team has entered the; "
stute tournament.
! Kt NNKR-t P
Chlloquin was runner-up in 1937'
and 1938, losing to Bellfountaln and'
Amity. I
The Anllcrs are ready for an all
out effort but It's a big task, I
The Chiefs carry a 19-2 record,
against Bonanza. They're unbeaten!
against Jackson County Class B
foes and hold a spin wim iraier,
the team that quarrels over the
weekend with the Pelicans for a
berth In the Class A tournament.
The Rogues are paced by Jim
Boulter, high scorer In the Jack
son County circuit, and recently
named by the Oregon Sports maga
zine on the Stale Class B all-star
All-stars in jaexson ioumy. aiuns esoiaai ana Ivan against Yorg Cre
wlih Boulter, are Jim Wehren andtorlan and Kurt Von Poppenheim.
Ralph Milton. I The Gorkys claim the Pacific
Tne Anuers piacea mree on uic
Klamnth Countv all-star team
Hubble, Irwin Crume and Maurice
The first two games of the best
nf.threa nlavoli show at Henley.
I A third game. If necessary, will
! go to Grants' Pass gym Saturday
Rogue River Coach M. C. Busack
iu nrnhahlv onen with Boulter
Wehren. Milton, Byron Kile and
either Don Lehrmann or Jim Rho
ten. Bonanza Coach ilerton Whipple
will have Crume. Hubble. Chand
ler, Vernon Haley and Marlln Wil
son on the starting line.
Cohere Basketball
By The Associated Press
Colorado 59 Wyoming 44
Willamette 75 Oregon Education 56
Montana Stale 88 Rocky Mountain
State 63-
Portiand 82 Lewis and Clark 65
Olympic J.C. 52 North Idaho Col
lege 42
Grays Harbor J.C. 86 Vanport 72
Duquesne 94 Baldwin-Wallace 51
LaSalle 92 Muhlenberg 77
St. Joseph's i Pa.) 59 Temple 56
Illinois 95 Northwestern 74
Wisconsin J8 Iowa 75
Indiana 70 Michigan State 67
Michigan 68 Purdue. 60
Missouri 68 Nebraska 53
Oklahoma A&M 39 Tulsa 33
Texas Tech 89 West Texas State 85
New Mexico 40 New Mexico AiM:nament, but the 5-9 star is used to
38 playing the big boys.
Arkansas State Tchrs 62 Arkansas! Selection of Seattle for the NIT
State 50 Monday filed the tournament's 12
SOUTH team feild and also assured the
Western Kentucky 82 Bowling Idimunitive pivot man another
Green 75 chance to show that the bigger
Johns Hopkins 74 Washington Col-:basketball player is not always the
lege 62
By The Associated Press
District 7-B Tournament
Spray 48. John Day 38
District 11 Tournament
Silverlon 47, Cascade 33 (elimi
nated) North Marion 65. Secred Heart
(Salem) 54 (eliminated)
Griggs Wins
In Windup
Griggs beat the Dick B. Miller
Rockets. 27-14. last night at Mills
In the windup of the girls city bas
ketball league.
Oregon Wools was unbeaten dur
ing the campaign, posting 12
straight victories.
Griggs finished with an 8-4 rec
ord. Pevtons with 7-5 for third- Pe-
troffs and Rockets were tied for
lost place.
All-State Teams
Oregon Sports
CRETORIAN (left) and Kurt Von Poppenheim have a
hob to do tomorrow night. The Rumanian and Prussian mix
Tag Foes
Vow Quick
Promoter Mack Lillard presents
a tag team brawl with an Inter
national flavor for the second
straight week tomorrow night at
the armory.
It nut the Garrulous Hnrlrva
Coast ta title and have a trophy
in in. i ircunn wnn n einr. n.
dow to prove it.
Last week Cretorian and Von
Poppenheim drew with the Gor
ki's In a hectic match that ended
with Yorg and Soldat out cold.
It was a weird ending that de-
manded a re-showing.
Both teams are ready for the
supreme effort and have promised
to end the quarrel In quick order.
Reserved ticket sales Indicate an
SRO crowd.
Georges Dusette. probably the
most popular performer to ever
wain aown tne armory pike, opens
me snow in a one-nour scrap
against Buck Weaver of Indiana
football fame.
The feature tag row has no time
umu aiiacnea.
Castleberrv Drugs have reserved
tickets left, but the pasteboards
me guuig last.
The armory ticket-office opens
at 7:30 tomorrow night.
NEW YORK W-Johnny O'Brien.
Seattle University's scoring ma
chine, will be like a midget at the
tall men's convention in the Na
tional Invitational Basketball Tour-
oeiier. He u have plenty of chances
to demonstrate this thesis, since
every other team in the tourney
has a man 6-5 or higher.
O'Brien, the first player In col
lege history to score more than
1.000 points in a season, will run
into the tall timber right away
when Seattle plays its first tourney
game against Holy Cross March
10. The powerful crusaders have
Jim VClelley, 6-7. and Jim Dilling.
6-4, to try and shut the gates on
O'Brien, whose season total is 1,030
By The Associated Press
Today A Year Ago Mai Whit
field, United States, won the 400
meter run in 0:47.8 at the Pan
American games in Buenos Aires.
Five Years Ago Jersey Joe
Walcott outpointed Elmer (Violent)
Ray In a 10-round heavyweight
bout at Miami.
Ralph Dunlovy
f , .feu Jr M
The Formerly Ralph's Mobile service, 11 and Klamats Ph. 5422
Will now be -J
We Cordially Invite Our Old and New Patrons
Grays Harbor
Beats Vanport
BREMERTON, Wash. ttV-Olym-plc
of Bremerton and Grays Har
bor, opening round winners In the
Pacific Northwest Junior College
Basketball Tournament, meet here
Tuesday for the championship and
a berth In the national tourney at
Hutchinson, Kes.
Olympic, defending regional
champion, reached the champion
ship round Monday night with an
easy 52-42 victory over North Idaho
College of Coeur d'Alene.
Grays Harbor, led by Tony Vlas
telica who scored 34 points, de
feated Vanport 86-72.
Vanport and North Idaho will
souare off Tuesday in a consola
tion round.
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
133 So. 8th Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Send your expert lo demonstrate
tljtcu Muy foot erLMIlsJ
F. 0. (Red)
Mobil Service
6th and Oak
is moving . .
l-o 11th & Klamath
and s e e
W I. Prl.
Oremn Wooltn ,. nt 2 Sltt
Suburban Kltrhan ...... :i 27 .311
Landry Insurance ..........13 SO ,SJ4
Parkmor Orlvi In ....... 31 .12 .4a
KFLW 30 XI .478
Dick Render's .... 1 41) .303
!. Wstk's Resalu
Landry 2 Reeder's t
KFI.W 1 Parkmor I
Suburban a Oregon Wool 1
Oregon Woolen lost some ground
and a star bowler as the Woolles
cling to a squeaky one game lead
over Suburban Kitchen in the Clas
sic League.
Buck Ferguson, who rolled the
high series of 588, nnd holds a 179
season average, Is leaving for Net
arts, Ore., where he will go Into
business. -
Ferguson's 588 topped Bill Owens
of Landry Insurance by one pin,
but Owens notched the hijh single
game, a 226, four up on KFLW'a
Floyd Wynne.
Team honors aaw a three-way
deadlock In high game and a two
way tie in high series.
Landry Insurance, Dick Reeder's
and Oregon Woolen all posted 724
games. Suburban Kitchen, tha
team that shaved the Wools' lead,
and Landry both had 2079 series.
Parkmor's Charlie Booth holds
to the high season's average, a 188.
Mel Robinson, Wools, and substi
tute Al Hakenwerth have 184 and
183. ,
W L Prl
K-Amusement ...... 62 14 .818
Wesl-Hltchcock SO 28 .698
So. Ore. Well Drill 39 37 .313
Wards .34 38 .472
Stone's Signal SerV 22 34 .288
Leach Service .. . .... . 17 S3 .238
Friday's Results
Stone's 4 Leach o
K-Amuemenl 3 West-Hitchcock 1
Wards 3 So. Ore. Well I
K-Amusement strengthened Its
lead In the Moose Pa's bowling
league Friday with a 3-1 win over
second-place West-Hitchcock.
West-Hitchcock's Wilbur Court
ney rolled the high series. 4 592,
while George Thomas of K-Amusement
notched the high game; a
Team honors went to Stone's Sig
nal Service with a 973 game and
2730 aeries.
Salesman to Travel
Selling Athletic Equipment.
Call in Person
End your cleaning worries!
DEMAND New, Time-Saving
Now Sold en Mode-to-Magre
Harmony Hoik A(
Quality! Par tk V
Sq. Ft., low as 0 Jf
Imaginel Removable Slats Cost )
On lOtMore per Ft. than Reg.
Sears Best Venetian Blind
Just a few pennies extra give you the
time and bother-saving odvanto ges of
Removable Slots! Blind has sleek cor
nice, durable tapes, cords, positive
cord lock. In Harmony House colors.
Remove, Replace In a Flash
Why? Because new style slat requires
removing device at only one end You
take just half the usual time. Stats
are held Firmly, without cordvear, tool
New Removoble-Slat Venetian Blind.
Store Hours: 9 o.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Phent Sill
F. O. Red) Reynolds