TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 10B2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN r I u . . . K. T '.vl' . I , , .'. T, A , W. J. Corrri'llnn The Fnlrhnven Home Intension Unll will meet Tlitirncln v Instead nf Wcdnendny an previously luiliniinred al 10:8(1 in. l the I ionic ol Mrs. Hlchnrd A. JainlMin, Kcno ftouil. I'rnnperlty Pont Matrons Club nl Mnlln will meet al the home nl Mrs. Cieorue Ketlcrath Thurrdny, Mar. IS. Altar Hncltly Bt. Mnrv's Altar Foclety will meet nl Hacrcd Henri l.nrlnh linll Wednesday at 1 p. 111. with politick lunch. Hark lliihie W, V. Kales, who linn liren hi llemnt, Cnlir.. fr the pint three month, hun returned In hi Klnnmth Kails address, 810 E. Mnln. I'nslpnncd-The CominunllV Pres I vterhm Church Chilhl mentliiK, Tuieliikc, scheduled (or Mnr. 6 lie." been postponed until Mnr. 12. nt the home of Mm. TCunlre Mayes. 62011 Bryant Ave. All officers nnil chairmen are iired to be present. The Mule ('(invention Is planned lor April 28, rorllnnd. , Visitors Mrs. Chenler J. Stone cypher, TuMnke win a Klmnath falls visitor Mondiiy. Mr. and Mm. Hlonecyphcr hnve hint returned Irom vacation ut Bun Valley. The Benellt llame to be spon- nnred bv tne Stewart Lenox Fire Bellrn will be held Mnr. 8 In the Cnlrhnven KVinnnluin, 9 p. in. to I n. in. with music bv the "Hnmoth len." Money mined In for Improve menl of the volunteer department, Adinlnnlon will be II per pernon. Meeting. The Business end Pro frsnlnnul Woinen'a executive bnurd will meet Mnrch 10 nt the home of Nell Stewart, 11120 Portlmid. Itiiiiimage Hal Women of the WHOM, Klrnl Mnlhodlnl church will iponnor a ruinimiirc nnle at the Siibiirbnii fiiniber Co. 11th and Wal nut, Frldiiy, I'i noon to 4:30 p. in. n ml Bh lilldny 8 a. in. to 4:30 p. in. J-or luininnuc pickup cnii Meetliw Tho llrnlev OraiiKC will meet H p. in. Wednesday In the unnme hull. Upenknrg at 8 o'clock will be Clcne Orosn and Dr. Al llitlvoriton, both of the Klumnth Fx- peiliiienl ntutlon. Everyone wear timie Kieen. Kliaata View Coinnnmliy Build. Hi gn-e Of Honor will hold en iK Association In to meet nt the executive meeting lonlnlit, 8 o'clock building lonlKht at 8. Suburban n oaniie and Shnntn Oranitc mem- I'oiuhig Home S-8t. and Mrn. vd Metx and their two children. Mlrhnrl and Phlllln. art 10 return ly MRS. JOK IIAI.OI SKK l,me hU week from Japan. The Thin year's chamber of Com-, imnilv hnn been In Japan for two merce crab feed won blatter and j years and the serueiint hnn been In better than ever, an thlngn have.iha Air Force for neven yearn. wnv of doing In Mnlln, and more. Mali It the aon of Mrn. O. A lontiln urn led more oral) than anv year nlnce the teed originated. Dlreclorn and inembern of the Mullil Chamber worked for two dayn netting up tables and chalrn, getting lood together, netting tablen, mill cracking crabr.. which were trucked Irom the const especially for the dinner. The inembern are grateful for the nupport and the donallonn they re ceived Irom no many to help make It the nucceM It wan, 1 Their lllunki go to Vatjs Knllntt who donated the hull for the meet ing, the Lenlle Salt company for (jiiuich lomtrrow, 1:30 p. in the nail lined, the hkw ionrc ' Company for the colfee and the Ban Klerted William Shepherd. Jose Potato and Onion Dlntrlbutorn . Tulelnke. wnn elected prenldent of v ho donnifd three hundred poundnin,, hnnrd ot dlreclorn of the new ol potatoe.i, which were uned to in.A Agrlculturnl Fair Dl'trlct at a Metis, 1030 E. Main St. Hark to Work-Mil. Mnrv WcIIh. confined by an llliirnn for three werkn. hnn returned to work at thi VFW Kenlnurant which nho opcr' alea al 615 Kamath Ave. Initiation Theta Tlieta Hlio Club In to hnve Initiation and drill prac tice Wednesday, 1:30 p. m. In the IOOF Hall. ... 44 TAMPA 'INVADED' A C A I N Pennant-decked "pirate" ihlpi are followed br iwarm of small boats as they "attaek" Tamps. Fls In reensctment of the 18th century Invasion tt city by pirates stsrtinr snnusl six-day CasparllU celebration. ; Board Gives Study Okay necllon with their project to draft 1 proposed new laws to deal with ' the problem. Treasury Official Gets Going Over In Probe Of Taxes; Case Nears End Rr JOK 1IAI.I, WA8H7NOTON I The Senate investigations subcommittee Tues day fiuestloned Undersecretary of the Treasury Edward H. Foley Jr. briefly about tax cases and then indicated the ca&c probably wan cloned. The Issue was raised bv Sen. McCarthy (B.-Wls.,) who said Mon day he wanted to ank Foley If he ever had tried to Interfere with the Internal Revenue Bureau's han dling of tux matters. In a fant-movlng series of de velopments, the Expendlturcn Com mittee turned the matter over to its Investigations subcommittee so that the full committee could con centrate on President Truman'n plan to reorganize the Internal Revenue Bureau. The President appealed to the Senate earlier In the day to ap prove the plan as "the most lm- portant step we can take to give our tax collecting agency an or- j ganlzntlon and a management that will assure the highest Integrity 1 and efficiency." Mr. Truman's appeal wan In the form of a letter to Chairman Mc Clellan D.-Ark., of the Senate Expenditures Committee. The letter ssld "I earnestly hope yr.ur committee will tBke favorable action on tne plan and tnat It will I be approved by the Senate." I The letter was sent Just before ;lhe committee was scheduled to vote on the plan. Most of the committee members have shown. In their Questioning nf administration witnesses, Uiut they are hostile to the plan. The proposal also fnces powerful bi-partisan opposition on the floor led by Sens. George ID. -On..) and Mllllkln (R.-Colo.,), chairman and ranking minority member of the Finance Committee which handles tax legislation. Mr. Truman's plan would elimin ate the fl-t regional collectors of In ternal revenue from political pa tronage. His proposal would reduce the number of regional collectors to 25 and put them all under Civil Service. Only the head of the service would be exempt from Civil Service. In urging approval of the plan. Woman Faces Theft Count A 20-year-old blonde, Mildred Karr, 2138 Applegate St.. went on trial this morning In District Court on a. charge of petit larceny. ' She Is accused of stealing several pair of socks and a picture from Parks Variety Store on 8. 8th St., Dec. 21. 1851. E. E. Drlscoll is acting as her attorney and Deputy Dint. Atty. Don Piper as prosecutor. Jurors picked to hear the case 1 were Bertha Teed. Bill Ryser. Carl Schubert, Oscar Shives, Elton Alt and Richard Quick. Liquor Sale Charge Laid Charge of selling alcoholic liquor to minors was filed In District Court Monday afternoon against Frank Jones, 24, of 3704 Cannon Ave. Jones Is accused of getting 12 bottles of beer Saturday night for three youths, two aged 15 and one II years. According to Juvenile Officer Francis Mathews one of the youths was ejected from the KUHS-Ash-land basketball game Saturday night for being drunk. Mathews said the three admitted where they got the beer after ex tensive questioning Sunday. Jones was recogged by District Judge M. A. Carter. the President said "the million ot American people who are now pre paring their tax returns are en titled to this progressive step." MrCIi.'lhin put the letter Into the hearing record without comment. Forty-niiin senators must vote to reject the plan bv March 14 or It takes effect automatically. AN EASY WAY TO HAVI A PIANO Tah can rtnl t Uvtlr ntw tnlnfl from lb I.ula R, Msna Fln Cam nr. 17ft N. 71b, ti a lw maaihlr riU. AHr raajmhU tlm y cat. If jam with, chanta If am rani la rhaaa afratmant. Tha rnl alraatf aal4 It all rradllad t yaur purabaaa aaaat and oa alhtr dawn aarmanl ! ateta rr. Thf monthly par ma ma aa aa lltlla higher than rani. Or( If pra far. you eaa oanllnaa la rani. CONTROLLED IRRIGATION! Human life expectancy at birth ;ln the United 8tates ts now more than 20 years greater than it was I In 1900. Ijj W:;- BIO JOBS ,j ft. SMALL JOBS s '' ' lift'- WE MA VI : s ' IVIRVTHIN6 .-V PROFIT 3 WAYS! I Rntsre tm, now mui for diteh.i, to TILLABll AREAS, t. Enjoy ofofits fiom theta ercviouily un-uted ecrei, I SAVE en IrrloaHon labor ond wetd-control exponse. and we4 control ex ens Hrouln Explorer's Pont 143 Is to meet at the First presoyterian was ineetlng of Thursday. directors held Camp Klre Leaders Assoc. meets March 5. 7:30 p. m. In the Methodist Church parlor. Program of special Interest to all Blue Bird and Camp Fire leadera. Wednesday Meet The March meeting of the Klam ath Merchants Association will be held Wednesday morning, a brenk fast nesslon at the Wlnema hotel st 8:00. Important decisions on observ ance of Armistice Day will be up for dlwtuuilon. as well as matters concerning Spring Opening. It was announced by Carl Sparkn, vice president of the group who will oreslde In the absence of Pres. Frank Drew. Among Israel's exports are mar brl. citrus fruits and cut and pol ished diamonds. 1 make the salad. Hit salad marie bv Dee Blory. Thanks alno goes to the enter talnern, who gave of their time; tin Mnlln high school band, under the direction of Charles Dnbry. the Barbershop Quartet from Klamath Falls, Fred . Dlvasek of Medford, wiih his urcord Ion selections and the High School Olrln quartet, un- rims Nile dub Klamath rtcr the direction of Mrs. Luclle p0n rCgtinr monlhlv meeting at tirny. IJened'j. 1 p. m., weanesoay Hearty congratulations from the 'hnl. rnmninnltv uern elven Arbv aris, son of Mr. and Mra- Vlrgllj Merchants Plan n.-i. nlnhl nl II.. annual Onh fYlCrfcllUll Feed when lie received the coveted good sportsmanship trophy. The tro phy was presented to him by his I basketball conch. Jim Conroy. and was donated to the school, by E. O. Adnms, local business man, Mrs, Irene Freltng and Mrn. K.I rle Roberts attendrd the ineetlng of the 8 and 40 In Klamath Falls Wed nesday evening. Joan Steyskal, who has spent sev eral days here with her parents re turned home Sunday lo San Jose, where nho la employed. Staying al Uie John Reeber home this week Is their daughter. Cora, and her children of Klamath Falls Corn Rogers is recovering from sur liery. Vacationing for a few days lsst week III San Francisco were Mr. end Mrn. Louie Kallna, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Wilde, Mr. and Mrs Joe Halounek and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pelrasck. While, there they ex perienced San Fninclico'i all out air raid drill. All traffic was stopped for twenty minutes. Little Llbby Byrne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrne and Jean Stastny. daughter of Mrs. Walter Slanuiy. celebrnted their fourth birthdays together al the Stastny home last week. Little friends invited were Philip Petrnsek, Lynn awl Ann Lofig, and Donnle Stastny. Cake and Ice orenm wan served the children and gnmes were played. Mr. and Mrn. Fred McDonald va cationed several davs In San Frnn clsco last week. While there they Visited Mrs. McDonald's sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hudson have returned to their home in Mnlln , after spending the winter at Olym 'pia, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stastny and Jrannle enjoyed a vacation trip to the const and returned home through Portland. They visited with relatives al Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dlvasek of N'cdford were weekend guests of the Bill Riijnus family. Fred enter tnlned the guests Monday night at the annual Chnmbcr of Commerce crab feed, with his accordion. He Is a former resident of Melln. Clary Freltag, son of Mr. and Mrs John Freltng, left Monday for Camp Stoncman, Calif., after spending a three-week furlough here. He had been stationed at Denver, Colo., where he has finished training In photo Intelligence. The Mnlln Shoe Shop opened for business thin Monday and will be operated by Truman Lynch. It has been several years since Malln has had a shop of this nature and will probably be greatly appreciated by the local folks, who hnve had to go so far for this kind of service. SALEM W The State Board of Control agreed Tuesday to give full cooperation to Portland's child-1 ren's Protective Association, which ; In studying the problem of sex of fenders. Tne board made a study of the problem two yearn ago. recom mending a separate building at the state hospital to take cure of these nlfan,lM Nn nl-llnn U'HS tfll(n All last I h nrmvutnl hv th lost lpfrtslatiire. The board agreed to let the asso elation use all the dnta which the ' board has. The association wants I to use this Information In con- WATCH YOUR WKIOIIT Try thin sweet rich almond but terscotch sauce over baked cus tard for superb dessert, Com bine and cook 1 cup brown augar. 1-3 cup evaporated milk, a table spoons corn syrup and 1 table spoon butter about S minutes. Re move from heat and sttlr In 'i teaspoon vanilla and 1-3 cup roast ed blanched almonds. Canasta Shufflers, games and lft .... Volrht'a Pioneer Oftfce Hupply, 629 Main, NOW Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CliffYden's SIGNAL SERVICE, 2560 So. 6th ' (Open 24 hr. Every Pay) Z7 Oslo. Norway. Is a modern city because it was leveled by several diinslrous fires In the Middle Ages. Little wster remnlns In winds alter they have bucked over the 14.000-foot penks of the Sierra Ne vada Mountains. The central undisturbed portion ot the Dismal Swamp In North Carolina and Virginia Is about half the size or the state of Delaware. More than half of the Dismal Swamo lies in North Carolina. Bus Tieup In Stalemate SAN FRANCISCO W Possibility of a prolonged Pacific Greyhound bus strike in seven western states loomed Tuesday. Peace talks were postponed Indefinitely. Federal Conciliator Omar llos klns ended negotiations subject to a government call. He reported neither the company nor negotia tors for Uie 3.500 member. AFL motor coach employes union had changed their views. The strike began Sunday over demands lor a flvc-day week and pay raises. KAMKD SALEM I.TI Lief Finseth. Dal las, was reappointed Tuesday by 1 Oov. Douglas McKay to a six-year term on the State Board of Higher Education. In Midrid. shops and business places arc closed between 1 and 4 o'clock In the afternoon. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUCENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley and Joe Earley Proprietor Come To The - -- Wi-iic-ma COFFEE SHOP not just to eat Hut To Eat Belter Food ot reasonable prices-! ! STILL AVAILABLE NEW MOTORS AND SHORT BLOCKS We have been able to secure these brand new, complete Motors and Short blocks, either 93 or 105 HJP. If ree have keea pfnnln en Inettll Inf new aseter or e inert black, DO IT NOW while thty ere etlll evellablet USE OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS and take your time to pay! ASHLEY rta. s.. rh CHEVROLET m Jl ,. ,; J, mM-jini." i iimim niiiimii i i i m rnrai r rr-fT'" UF IdvM- ,, tal and. smart expan- If 15'-' , Jk l sion band. Famous I f C j fJ ll jfl'a (Xr(f'tctt!frSr 'lipll Elgin craftsmanship I mJ I i a enduring accu- ' OjjZi. r:Btinail!ktr1 j r a c e i u 1 1 y (..kU.aJ oaA . o 1 i175 '" ' 5713 . aj iij. tu,.l x,. Domed crystal Tgj . uomca crysiai. e - Handsome case design. High ' curved crystal. modem styling, tango Lovely case High curved and matching crystal. Trim $0 expansion band. 4o? expansion band. Budget Accounts Invited! GIVG 700 Moin Sr. REGISTERED JEWELER AMERICAN (El S0CIETT iiu itATIt.see (tattir Phone 3151