Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 04, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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TUHSDAY, MAItClI 4. 1052
They'll Do It Every Time
By Jimmy Hatlo
Managing Editor
Entered is second class matter at the post office of Klamath Falls, Ore.,
on August 20, 1906, under act of Congress, March 8, 1870
; The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use far publication
! Df all the local news printed In this newspaper as well as all AP news
6 montlu J0 By mall year $11.00
By Mall .
7 - ';
A SOC BOX! SW5 MUST1S ouT-VV 5,45 ''S'llfTl PMfJO AHOA l'
eaxsnT it sscos'phWd X?fVV" 1 " v. fat check so If if mcs cot
' ir V , 1 .TIT lCr-lPa- yiecS- -Ip-fr Mn glC ' Km,
Yi -vj 7 because s-a ) rJUJ with us moh,
fSXiM J"f ( Wle ,T "Nn. MOM? ,
Tax after tax and mink after:
mink it seems aosura to inuut
that anything could happen, come
election time, other than getting a
change of administration and a
goodly change in congress.
But, as the bard said, things are
seldom what they seem.
The cold, hard facts of the case
figure out that, to elect a president.
the Republicans will have to drum'
up 4 million more votes than they
ever had before.
To get that extra 4 million they
are looking for disgusted Democrats
aril for Independent voters.
And, there are more independent
registrations than ever before. This
is the breakdown: 40 per cent Dem
ocrats, S3 per cent Republicans,
87 per cent Independents.
Tnere are more Independents
than ever, and they run strongly
so young people. Trials not sur-
Crislne because it generally takes
some years of fighting the battles I So the next time you hear some
to form a firm political conviction. I one hurtin' on politics, just inquire
Of voters under SO years of age. I if be voted last election.
34 per cent are independents, ot
The J'i million citizens who will be
eligible to vote for the first time
this year, 41 per cent are Inde
So, the task doesnt seem (that
word "seem" again) to be insur
mountable if the Republicans will
just get out and ask for the order.
. Everyone likes to be sold.
Forgetting all of the above, there
Is another wMe open category to
li--d that extra. 4 million.
This is brought to our attention
by 6tu Balsiger, in the course of
his thumping the tub to get out
and vote.
And of course, the primaries
come lirst. There's so partisan
politics involved there; not directly.
' NEW YORK tf) Horace Bar
nacle had been working like a mad
oened beaver all morning at a
mass of papers on his office desk.
Suddenly he put his head down
ion his arms and wailed hysteri
cally: "Let 'em put me in jail! I just
can't, go on!"
, Wilbur Peeble, who sat at the
next desk, asked him what -the
trouble was.
' "It's my income tax," moaned
Horace. "I just can't figure it out
,this year. Nobody can."
, Wilbur gave him a smile of
itolerant superiority.
"It doesn't bother me," he said.
'l haven't paid my income tax for
Vears and years,"
. Barnacle looked horrified.
, "Why, that's unpatriotic and dis
honest." he objected, "and, be
tides, they can throw you in prison
41 your income taxes aren't paid."
"Oh they're paid all right' said
Wilbur. "But I don't pay them."
, 'Who does Santa Claus?"
, "No, my wife, Trellis Mae."
i "I don't get you," said Barnacle,
; "Well. I used to go almost
crazy just like you trying to fig
ure my own tax," explained Wll
tur. "About 10 years ago I de
cided it was silly for a man to lose
his mind that way. Who knows
Where the money In a family goes
ianyway? The husband or the wife?
Bo I turned my income tax prob
lems over to Trellis Mae."
. "But legally you're responsible
for the accuracy of your tax re
turns," Horace pointed out.
"Not any more," said Wilbur,
comfortably. "I went before a
Judge and had myself declared
mentally incompetent to handle my
wn financial affairs, and had
Trellis Mae given power of attor
ney." ' Barnacle thought that over, then
ahook his head.
i "It wouldn't work in mv case."
be said despondently. "Mv wife,
Desdemona, is even more hopeless
A sd letter comes from a read-
er, s portion of which is quoted as
1 "My husband has been a drinker
Tor the past twenty-five years,
lately he has been getting spells
in the early morning and I think
Ihey are delirium tremens. I wake
up about 4:30 a.m. to find him
chaklng and trembling, his eyes
rolling from side to side, and his
mouth working hard as though try
ing to get breath.
' "My questions are: Is delirium
tremens dangerous? Can it be
cured? Does a man get violent
with delirium tremens? What can
be done for him? How will I know
if my husband gets them? Does
he need a doctor when he seta
i It would seem that this woman's
husband Is truly a victim of deliri
um tremens, which is one of the
penalties sometimes paid by the
chronic heavy drinker of alcoholic
An attack takes different forms,
fend is sometimes violent and other
times merely involves visions of
things like snakes under the bed
or pink elephants on the wall. It
! SALEM I Dr. E. O. Muhs
3s the new physician for the state
He took over the job Monday
to succeed Dr. H. O. Moore, re
signed. Muhs formerly was assist
ant physician at the State Tuber
culosis Hospital here. No successor
Jha been named for that post.
! Canasta
Shufflers, games and
Voirht's Pioneer Office
naimnii i urn ! iht-i?,,,,,-, ,n,..-i.,- .J....-M..J........:,.,Li,.T.. f-1
Indirectly the primaries are most
Important, because it takes a good
: noise to win a race.
But here's the place to find those
I million needed votes. It's found
In a chart put out by the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce-
The chart shows that, at the last
national election, a lot of people
just man i vote.
Breaking oown these non-voters
by occupations, it shows that 37
per cent of the auto dealers didn't
vote. tBnlslger is an auto dealer.)
Twenty per cent of the auto men
wereni even registered
About 37 per cent of the inde
pendent grocers didn't vote; 32 per
cent weren't registered. Twenty per
cent of the doctors (these must
have wanted socialized medicine).
27 per cent of the independent drug
gists, 25 per cent of the chamber
of commerce members, and IS per
cent of the Rotary and Kiwanis
club members did not vote.
This Is all pointed towards get
ting 4 million more people to vote
Republican this year, in hopes that
there are at least that many more
who have the firm conviction that
the country really needs change.
If you don't think so, dont both
er and there won't be a change,
because the skids are sure greased
the way we're going.
But, before voting In November,
you need to vote in the primaries
in May. Before you can do that,
you have to be registered to vole.
It's later than you think
at arithmetic than I am. She can't
even balance her bank book."
"Grow up, Horace," grinned Wil
bur. "That's the beauty of it. No
wife can-rleast of all my Trellis
Mae. But no government expert
can make sense out of her tax
figures either.
"Why, the first time she paid
my taxes she spent a whole week
arguing with the internal revenue
men; It was all because they
wouldn't let her list Murgatroyd
as a dependent."
. "Who's Mureatrovd?"
"He's our canary. Trellis Maeljj no personal solicitation or pres
says that since Murgatroyd Is un-Sure for contributions.
l;!!niiwPe,e rilrttthV Ninety-five per cent of all monev
nf wirJ. rai5ed' remains and is spent in
EI mrf.h.m ?v r h.t 22 Oregon-the balance going to the
"A".? Tove'rn'.i"-""" '"y for research and
ment fellows ottered to chip m
and buy Murgatroyd's birdseed
themselves if she would drop the
subject. But Trellis Mae refused
as a matter of principle."
"Don't they ever challenge her
returns later?" asked Horace.
"Sure, every year," said Wilbur
cheerfully. "Once they sent a top
specialist down from Washington.
He spent four days trying to find! Most Canasta players know
out what was wrong with Trellis I about the kind of freeze that oc
Mae's report and gave up. Myicurs ear'y 111 a hani wnen vu
wife was so mad she immediately I want larRe discard pile
filed a revised return demanding al'rm the opponents, but not every
15 per cent refund. The man could !d.y familiar with the freeze
not find what was wrong with that!that lakes Place Iate ln 8 nand lor
one either. He had to pay up." offensive reasons.
Horace whistled in admiration. I Your object in a late defensive
"It sounds wonderful", he said. 'freeze is to discard safely until
"But I kind of hate the idea of I the hand comes to an end. You
having myself declared mentally ', don't really expect to win the dis
incompetent." I card pile, and you are reasonably
"Well, all I know," said Wilbur, I sure, that neither of the opponents
"is that I feel fine today, but: will win it.
three men ln our local Internal! This sort of maneuver is usually
revenue office have had to quit be-(executed when both opponents have
cause of nervous breakdowns from1 melded down to a few cards. If
dealing with Trellis Mae and Mur- you make it difficult for them to
gatroyd. . iget the discard pile, one of them
"Yon have to do something in will meld out. If you let one of
neumeiense. II every man id nis
income taxes drive him crazy,
wno a oe leu io pay mem?
(has been truly called the "shakino
An attack of delirium tremens Is
most unpleasant exnerlpnre
Symptoms come on quickly over
a period of two or three days,
usually during or immediately af
ter a heavy bout of drinking.
At first, the sleep becomes brok
en, appetite is lost, and severe
dreams occur and often cause the
victim to wake up.
The most characteristic symp
tom, of course, is the seeing of
something which is not there. Of
ten this takes the form of small
moving creatures such as spiders,
beetles, snakes, mice, rats or the
like. A fever and excessive sweat
ing, often associated with other
symptoms and signs, may follow.
An attack often lasts for three
or four days. Eventually, a good
long sleep is likely to occur, after
which mental and physical im
provement take place rapidly.
In answer to the specific ques
tions, delirium tremens is danger
ous, It can usually be cured, vio
lence in an attack Is common, ab
stinence from alcohol is the most
important aspect of treatment, and
you can hardly avoid knowing
when your husband gets an attack.
Finally, a doctor's advice Is cer
tainly advisable during an attack
of delirium tremens.
This is really no disease to ioke
about; since the effects of delirium
tremens on the victim as well as
on the relatives is little short of
MALIN Last night I attended
the annual Extravaganza of the
Malin Mariners shown in Malln,
and this morning I go back to my
job of nursing chickens much re-
freshed and stimulated. I feel
thankful to be livimr in this won -
derful basin. Who said this was a
oaciswooasy place? For the per-
lurniance i saw was as good or
, better than any I have seen dur -
ing my travels while Tying over
much of the world In what I had
come to think of as "the better
I hear the performers spent a
loi of time and effort, and hi some
Easter Seal Sale Due To
Open Soon; Purpose Of
Group To Aid Children
The Oregon Society for OlnnlMl
j Children and Adults, (The Easter
beat Agency) is a relatively new
organization in Oregon.
Oregon was the 46th state to or
ganize and affiliate with the Na
tional Society, an autonomous unit
of over 2500 local and state af
filiates, including the territories of
Hawaii and Alaska, whose purpose
is to provide service to those phy
sically handicapped persons not in
cluded in the programs of other
private and public organizations.
There are millions in the United
States and thousands in Oregon
whose needs are either unmet or
.The primary source of funds to
carry on this work are the pro
ceeds from the annual sale of Eas
ter Seals through the malls. There
mem uick up mine put:, iivv'
ever, he will get back Into the
game and try to run up a big
For example. suDPOse that both
1 sides have melded, and that with
ithe stock pile about two-thirds lor
i more i exhausted, you draw from
the stock and hold:
A-Q-J-5-2. i
TV nnnnnpnt have TrielrlS In '
aces, queens, jacks, and fives. The
Idlscard pile consists of about ten
P"dt', I.JT!?.1?,.-!'-1?
worrying about. You certainly don t
want to let the opponents pica n
Each opponent has only three or
four cards, and your partner has
six or seven cards. In this situa
tion your partner should have sev
eral safe discards.
If you discard one of the natural
cards, you will give away the pack
If you freeze, by discarding the
deuce, you will have four safe dis
cards and should therefore be able
to last safely until the end of the
This is, of course, an Ideal situ
ation for the late defensive freeze.
Sometimes vou must try this type
of freeze when you have only two
or three safe discards. By the time
you have made those discards, you
mav have other safe cards, there
may be further Information to
guide you, or you may have to
take a chance on some discard.
You can't always have absolute
ly perfect safety, but even a fair
chance of safety is better than
giving the pack away without a
NEW YORK Eleven-month
old Peter Sherlock was found dead
Monday In a room filled with steam
issuing from a broken radiator
valve. Death was attributed to suffocation.
SicceiifuHr TretU
Kxcfufft Mctbtd
91 K. :tb Fhn MM
41itrnrtFtl Phvflcia
1 cases sacrificed a lot of their own
' money Just to make a success of
! the affair, the proceeds of which
: will help the cause of the corn-
munitv church.
There may be some handicaps
1 about livinv in a communttv that
Is not so well developed In some
ways as some older communities
are. Dut when this tvoe of cof-
1 munity can boast of a spirit like
the one revealed in the production
of the Mariners' "Showboat" that
blessing, to my mind, Is much to
oe considered.
Werner O. Burnt
Malln, Orecon
special services.
Volunteers make possible a small
administrative staff of four per
sons, thus enabling the Society to
put the majority of the money
raised into direct service. No one
In Klamath Falls connected with
the drive for funds receives any
Time given by the local chair
man, Iris Pearson, the various or
ganizations, Soroptlmlst, Rotana
Venture Clubs. Peo Peppers. Olrl
Scouts, the publicity chairman, is
all gratis.
The society felt that the mast
urgent need in Oregon was for the
"Forgotten Children," victims ol
cerebral palsy (spastica), greatest
orthopedic crlppler of children. For
ears these children have been giv
en up as hopeless but medical re-i
search over the last few years has
disproved the common concept that
severe physical disability does nec
essarily mean accompanying men
tal aeiiciency.
Accordingly the Children's Hos
pital School at Eugene, now in its
third year was established. It
! serves approximately 55 children
from IS counties. Last year 15 of
these children who had never be
fore attended school, were returned
to regular clese In their home
communities. Easter Seals made
tills possible.
There Is a great need for ex
pa asion of this service in Oregon.
The Easter Seal Sale that helps
the handicapped. to help themselves
Marts Marcn 13 and continues until
Moran Gets
Prison Term
NEW YORK (Pi James J.
Moran, political crony of former
Mayor William O'Dwyer, now am
bassador to Mexico, was sentenced
Tuesday to 12 , to 25 years in
prison as the master-mind of a
t&00.000-a-year shakedown racket.
Moran, former first deputy fire
commissioner, was accused of
leading a ring of firemen who ex
torted fees from fuel oil equipment
comnanies seeking nermits for In-
stallatlons. He was charged with
extortion and conspiracy.
I Moran allegedly led the ring
! for a three-year period during
I O'Dwyer's city hall administration.
One of O'Dwyer's last actions
hAfari falrmlnr th marnralltv fnr
I the diplomatic cost In 1950 was to
appointed Moran to a "lifetime"
5.0--year water board job
Moran resigned the life Job after
i being accused of perjury before the
U.S. Senate Crime Committee at
its famed televised hearings ln
New York.
Youth Unit
Meet Called
The drive to organize a Youth
Council here has progressed an
other step with the calling of a
Joint committee meeting Thursday,
2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Vic
tor O'Neill. 1954 Portland St.
It is to be the second joint ses
sion of committees representing
the Inter-Agency Council and the
County PTA Council.
Tenatlve plans call for Inviting
partlclpotlon in a Youth Council
from all recognized groups who
might have an Interest in or be
pertinent to youth activities.
The Youth Council move grew
out of forum discussions on the
Herald and News-KFLW weekly
"Build the Basin" radio programs,
A magnificent
piano. Many
levaly styles and
finiihei te chaos
120 No. 7th
THAW And 4 no
Tax Bureau
Stepping Up
Arrest List
scandals within Its own ranks, the
Internal Revenue Bureau Intinchrd
a sllem but sweeping drive during
the last six months of 1961 against
tax dodgers.
Tills became known Tuesday
with the Issuance of a report which
1. 74-1 tax fraud cases were sent
to the Justice Department for pros
ecution in the last half of 1951
almost three limes as minv a In
the same period the previous year.
2. In 1950 for each 100 such new
cases. 60 were dropped without
-ull court prosecution. But last
year, only 13 out of 100 were
3. Wllhln the bureau Itself, cases
sent to the penal division for pros
ecution increased 28 per cent. The
number dropped bv the division
without prosecution declined 55 per
4. Outstanding warrants for col
lection of all types of delinauent
taxes increased from 902.007 cases
involving 543 million dollars at the
end of 1950. to 955.841 cases involv
ing 641 million dollars by the end
of 1951.
This crackdown on tax evaders
came during the height of last
year's revenue scandals, when
charges of laxity, corruption and
Inefficiency were making head
lines. Officials said privately the scan
dal spotlight mBy have spurred ac
tion In some cases, but there were
other big factors. They cited a spe
cial drive which has netted 50 mil
lion dollars In assessments against
racketeers, and use of "electronic
brain" computing machines to free
Figures on the slepped-up en
forcement campaign were dis
closed In a revenues activities re
portthe second such report ever
released to the public. The reports
are compiled monthly but the bu
reau In the nast has classified them
"for administrative use" only and
has not made them public.
Showboat To
Be Given Here
The Malln Mariner's Club pres
entation of "Showboat," famed mu--Ical
comedy, is to be staged here
Friday, 8 p.m., at Mills audlorluin.
I The show Is being Jointly spon-
sorea nere oy ine iwamain rails
Lions Club and the Malln group.
The Lions are to get 60 per cent
of the gross and pay all expenses,
with the Mariners taking a full 40
per cent. The Lions' net Is to be
used In aid for the blind and Boy
Scout work: the Mariners will ap
ply their share toward purchase of
an electric organ for the Malln
Presbyterian Church.
"Showboat." played to turn-away
crowds in two performances at
Malln. It Is rated as perhaps the
top amateur offering In this area
for the past several years.
The cast, numbering 55, was
drawn from talent in Malin, Mor
rill, Tulelake, Bonanza and Klam
ath Falls. The show Is a full two
hour production.
All tickets are general admis
sion and may be obtained from
Lions, Mariners or at the door.
PORTLAND Wl Oregon Fruit,
cheese and smoked fish which are
packed for individual mall or ex
press orders are exempt from re
tall grocery price ceilings, Port
land District Price Director Cdrl
Donaugh said Wednesday.
Ceilings for the fancy food gift
'.rade will be governed by the gen
eral celling price regulation in
stead, Donaugh said.
An it vry pnll harftln wi five
.t thai ealarfnl Had Twig Doiwoodl
Sai me
WORK WITH PLEASURE Sunny aandi of Florida
Wells Theater Ballet of London as they work out on bearh near
Truman Appeal For Peace
Highlights Commissioning
Of floating Radio Station
WASHINGTON . President suffering under two of the most '
Truman, In an address aimed tojsavuiie Invasions In hl'iloiy, we
the people behind the Iron Curtain, enme to their aid. We helped Ihein1
declared Tuesdav the world'n rii(- la suve their countries.
lerences can lie sctllrfl ir com- I warn lo say io inei.e people, icir mn uuim ui mo n-n mi.
munM rulers "will turn from their, todav, as we said then: "We are Named In the complaint was
senseless policy of hale and terror ! your friends. There ars no differ- Charles . llnrrrtl. ol Sacramento,
and follow the principles of peace." I cures between us that cannot be Calif. Hnrrrll m registered at a
Standing on the fllulit deck of settled If your ruler will turn from! motel on the south edge of town
the Const Ouard cutter Courier in a i'""'' senseless policy of hate and and reportedly led In a hurry Hun
cold drizzle at a municipal Pier '"or, and follow the principles of day morning shortly after the knil
the President declared lhat the Pcr. liw ot-eurred downtown
United States has no quarrel with I 11,e Courier has been recommls-l City Police reported the knifing
Hi. nmni nt ih Knvi.t iinirm nr I sloned as a powerful floatlnif rudloiWBn apparently a continuation ol
with those of any other country
and aiara:
"For almost two centuries the
people of the United Stntes have
lived at prace with the peoples of
Russia and China and the other
countries whose rulers are now as
sailing us.
"Only a decade ago. when the
people of Russia and China were
Poppe Out
Of Hospital
Word was received here todny
irom E.a t-oppp, io.iu nnne, imurru
!r.st Frldav In a two-car. hit and
run coins near Lovelock. Ne-
vnui uii rnKOVtay vu. 1111 no WHS ;
relensed last night from the has- I
oltnl. Mrs. Pnnne nhmif 40 u-n
kll'eil in thn nrrlcteliL
Her hodv will .rrlw. here Wert.
n' uuuv will nrrivr ncrc vvru-
nesday moriilnit. Funeral srninue-
n-.ents will be In charge of Wards'
Funeral Home, tune to be an-
nounced later.
Mr. and Mrs. Popne were en-,
route home from the lunernl of nn
aunt when their car was struck from I
the rear bv one driven by Walter I
H. Peterson, 29, Duluth. Minn.
Peterron. according to Sheriff I
A. C. Seebnn, Lovelock, appar
ently lost control ol his car, ran 1
Into a borrow pit nnd In returning
to the highway crashed Into the '
Poppe vehicle. Mrs. Poppe wat, '
fatally Injured when thrown clear.
Ike States
His Views
CAMBRIDGE. Mass. 11 Oen.
Elsenhower Monday warned that
"the concentration of too much
power In centralized government
need not be the result of violent
revolution or great upheaval."
Elsenhower made the staemcnt
In an article In a book. "The Wel
fare State and the National Wel
fare," published Mondry bv Ad-
AV..-nKn.cj rirs, uk.. mm to-
ued by Prof. Sheldon Olueck of
Harvard Law School.
Elsenhower's article "The Mid-
die of the Rond: A Statement of
Faith lu Amerlpa" pointed out that
a paternalsltlc government can
gradually destroy by suffocation
ln the Immediate advnntnge of sub
sidy the will of the people to
mnintaln a high degree of Individu
al responsibility.
"And the abdication of individual
responsibility is inevitably followed
by further concentration of power
In Uie state."
He suggested the public "stop
shrugging off politics as only the
politicians' business."
Elsenhower said that American
labor "Is part of the team that
built America," and added that
"the Interests of labor and man
agement in most situations arc
Identical. Differences are centered
almost exclusively In the annual
bargaining conferences."
People Come for Miles
To See These Beautiful
Special By Mail
blftttmlttf, tH frtwlnf
variety (up to HA'). Peonlft
(ma far mile im atr. In
rrtaitii value f yur
iSfirowa fanl, vtry hardv,
&BTMin nrlf II cb; 3 for 3. HMfc-
taction aTtiarameca or your mniiey
buck. Cnh ardtra ft- py
or will flidly ship C. O. D- Plll
Twig Redwood
with Tulip Tree
with vn rdiir,
OWEN NURSERY, Bloftmlnglon, III., Dept ftMH
- I nam
A44rea H ....
................ I andaaa M
,i tiii.-iiii,icr iui mr vuuc "I miirr-' ...",,... . ...... - "-
lea. which celebrated lis tenth IJrlltwood Club where Mnloney is
blnhdny Tuesday. j employed as a bartender.
The thlp will leave Frltlnv for, Mnloney was questioned Bimdiiv
a shukedown cruise In the C'nrib-' afternoon by the district attorney a
bean alter which she will depart "fflre, hut reporietlly could lemi-m-for
overseas destinations. ; ber nothing of the preceding night.
Mr. Truman asvire'l his hearer). ;
that the U.S. armament program
Is only for defense- He said: I
"Todny, the aggressive policies
of your rulers are forcing us to
arm lo defend ourselves. But we)
can not find In our hearts any hale!
acimi yon. i
i "We know that you are suffering,
1 under oppression and persecution
I We know that if von were free to!
j nsy what you really believe, you I
would Join with us In bnnl.sh lhe
renr of war, and bring peace to
me enrtn.
""'"; ''""-"'. ' ni -
PJr "'J. '? 'rV to
, " Ju " wini me unueu
nnike you bfllrva that th United i
""-.-i iiwiiic cuiiiiiry. urn i on
"'.V..'". 1,01 TV; t1
.uu . nuw 11,1, nur nignesi aimi
I Is peace and
friendship and an
irs o( war."
. 10 " norrors o( war.'
i T1 n,.,. ti...i..-. - u
T," 1-,rPinent sa d Mr.
I T i ' f" "'"I1 J" Eu'
; '"P- wlm America and the Fur
i ..
ich Svta"Z 'E'W'M outstanding bonded hi-
f,-iui,M ; ' li. r, ,. . .. .
...... ....... u, uiuir.,1 iironornsi-
Ing C'omnanv beamed t t-t mens"e I
to llsleners In all parts of the world
via 37 IrnnsmltlrM. i
Immediately after the Presl-I
dents English language broadcast :
N mesfc WM being- translated
-to 45 languages lor l ebrondcast. j
Most Roads In
Good Shape
SALEM i.P The ni
I way CununKilon said TucUny tnnt
motorists should tarry chains In
il.e Government Camp, Tlmberlinc,
i Warm Springs, Union Creek, Bly.
Austin nnd Seneca areas.
I Ine commission said there is
.packed snow on those routes, but
mm puvcinciH is oarc in all other
In IU weekly report, the com
mission lliled the following dclavs
i because of construct'on:
Columbia fllvcr Highway from
. cascade Locks to Hand Rlv.i-
; faclflc Highway from Ijine county
llne t0 An,lfi nd , canyonvllle:
Oregon Coast Highway Irom
Reedsport to Winchester Bay. nnd
from Bunker Hill to Delmnr: Urritv
Kakcr Highway from Bumpier
Junction to Baker: Umpqun High
way from Reedsport In Scottsburg:
Willamette Highway around Merid
ian Dam: Shanlko-Fossll Highway:
and Warner Vnllcv Highway Irom
Drake's Creek to Adcl.
has begun on a projected $22 mil
lion Navy Jet plane assembly plant
and testing field.
The Orumman Alrcrnft Engi
neering Corp., expects to get It
into operntlon by April, 1953.
Alley Cat Drive Inn
We're all cleaned up -rested
up - rarin' to go!
' South 6th and Martin
are added attraction for Sadler'
Miami during recent stand.
Charge Filed
In Knifing
A disorderly conduct complaint
wn.i filed Monday liy the dlilrlil
attorney's olllco In the knifing ear
ly Humluy morning brhiim tle
Town Club of Jim Mnloney, voyeur-old
Mi'lonoy wns rrported 111 Imr
condition nt Klamath Valley ho
pltul from four knife hlnihrs ot
the rhr.st and abdomen and a .e-
Klamath In
Good Shape
i Klninnlh Fulls had a prelty good
yenr In 1951. evervihing considere.1.
, Mnvor B()lj n)0,,1)M,n , ,u.
ttinirl ar.n.1,.1 ,..,.,.,. n.
Council last night'
.i1lB i11r iM1r,..,-ni h, M
, ,wa .rotiMniclon ol the new Jnllj
i ..... .... ' . w
I l,u "I'lvm 01 uip police uepnri-1
j ., ou( city Hull Into the H.'O,. v
000 structure.
Tlie City Is In excellent financial
condition, the Mayor said, with onlv
During the year the Cltv made
certain Improvements at the air
Krt, put III a sewage project on 8.
0th. benan the Kldorado Heights
residential dlstrlrt development,
beautified Klumnth Memorial Cem
etery, improved the firchouse, Im
proved Kalrview and C'onRer parks,
completed certain paving projects
and spent nboul lAO.OlKI In street
repair plus 7,000 tor snow removal.
Recreation fuclllllrs had an all
time high play during the yeur, the
Mayor rrported.
A new bookkeeping svstom was
put into ellect In City olilces which
he nuld Is milking lor more effi
ciency, and consolidation of pur
chn.ve has been achieved.
As for the Council, Mayor Thomp
son raid, thn! group panned 32 re--muttons
and 73 ordinances during
B n
rOllCO Probe Wave
Of Vandalism
CORVALI.IS Ml Poll-e con
tinued their Invrstlgntlon Tuesdny
of a wave ot vandalism which
spread over rurnl Benton County
this weekend leaving dozens of
broken windows.
A nursing home patient was
shnwernd with glnss when a rock
crashed through a window. Panes
Police reported that Insulators
were shot off power line poles.
Eleclrlo service wns disrupted lor
several hours when a 12.000 volt
distribution line Insulator was shot
?WtSMaWM3','''e " " - 1
fr-- MRRS I
S Bom In Hit Hom.I'j
Supply, 2J Main.