TUKSUAY, MAIICII 4, 1052 i ,-, .., r GIRL SCOUT ANNUAL COOKIE SALE March 8-22. Various Girl Scout organizations arc planning n real drive; since funds from the Community Chest are almost nil making it necessary to divert the profits this year directly into the Girl Scout' Council Budget, and by-passing plans for further camp development. From the left, Judy Fitzgerald, Jn terScoul; Natalia Kekhcnbergcr, Brownie; and Karen Porter, Senior Scout. Mrs. Fred Karlsim is chairman. . 1 ! IN TRAINING Pfe. Mil ton V. Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W a 1 1 c r G. Schmidt. 3238 Cortcz St., has entered training at the Airplane and Engine Mechanic's School at Shop pard Air Force Base, Texas. He graduated from Gilchrist High School in 1951 and enlisted Oct., 31. By JKAN OWKNH Wrestling nnd swimming awards were presented to thr drarrvlim athlete In utildcnt body meet ing thin mornliiK. The prp bnnd luml.ilied music for the awieinljly. Congratulation re In ordrr tor the students who rrrclvrd thrne athletic Intern. The program was arranged nnd handled by the assembly commit tee. K club members hnve planned several activities lor the very near future. Krlday afternoon nt 2:59, the K club members hnve challenged nnd will piny liiculty members In a bnakotball game. There will be ten cent admission lee, nnd the period schcdulo will be "B". Alio tho club Is sponsoring an allcr-game rinnce Frldny night ni ter the Pelican vs. Crntrr high school biihkftbttll game. 'lhe af- In Ir In tiMiully Ihclr annual whls korlno content dance, but no plans hnve bcon mods aa lur as thtit i concerned as the whiskers are a minus quanllly thin year. A new German language class has very recently been formed by students. Tho class will be Instruct ed bv Mr. Snillh, KU councilor, and It will be held nl night. All Interested sludcnt.s have been asked nnd Invited to sign up. The Ilr.it rlnwi will bo held Thursday evening, March 20. German text books can bo ordered now Iroui Blinws' Hlntlonary store. OrcKon Independent colleges nnd lour schools of mirhlUK will hold their annual collcxc conferences at KUHS on March 6 nt 1:30 o'clock. Sharp-Eyed Boys Nail Pickpocket - PORTLAND iTt Three nlert teen-age youths snw a man pick a pedestrian's pocket. They trailed Hie thief nnd noti fied police who arrested the man. He Is Thomas O. Montuomory. 35, released from Jnll only last Saturday after serving n sentence on a larceny charge. Mondny he wna back In Jnll after being con victed of larceny again. He was sentenced to Jail for 18 months. The three youths, Paul Abbott, Dunne Cnso and Richard Sullivan, were witnesses against Montgom ery In court. US Fighters Strafe Lines In Korea SEOUL. Korea, M' United Na tions (miller pilots bombed and machlne-Kunned frontline positions I Tuesday while the opposing ground armies sent out only Hunt patrols. Mnrlue Corsairs killed '.41 Com munlhts north of Kumhwa on the I Central Front. Other U.N. fighter I bombers killed about 26 Reds In I the Yonchon area on the Western ! Front. Both ruined towns are In sectors weher ground fighting picked up briefly Inst week-end. Twenty-eight U. 8. Habre )els damaged one MIO-15 In a live inlnutc brush with 60 of the Rus-slun-bullt Jets nenr the Yalu River boundary between Korea and Man' clnirla. Filth Air Force planes cut Red i rail lines In fl places Tuesdnv In their dally attack on Communist supply lines. There was no report of any ma jor action along Uie ground front. The Reds wheeled up big guns ailil loudspenkera and bombarded U.N. lines wlUi leaflets and broad custs. Roaring winds cut down Naval air activity on tho battered East Coast of North Korea, but carrier based planes roared oft the decks of British flattons on the other aide of the peninsula In attacks on a j variety oi uominumsi targets. State Stockpiles Medical Supplies PORTLAND I Except for blood and plasma, Oregon has enough medical supplies stockpiled to lake care of 40.000 easunltles. Thnt was the report Sunday of Dr. Harold M. Erlckson, ' state health officer, to a doctor's civil defense meeting here. Another speaker was Col. Wil Hum L. Wilson, an nsststnnt ad mlnlstratnr of the federal civil de fense agency. , Hennessy Stays As Fair Manager PORTLAND I Dunne Hen nessy of Portlnnd hns signed a con Irnet to continue as manager of the Multnomah County Fair until May 16. 1063. Mrs. Elln Wilson, who applied for the post, has turned down the lob of supervisor of the fair's agri culture exhibits, . county commis sioners reported. Mrs. Wilson was mannger until Henneasy's appointment last year. Brave Policeman Wins Promotion HONO KONO liTI Police Com missioner D. W. Macintosh said Tuesday he had promoted Consta ble Wang Kwong Hong, who fired the only shot In Saturday's Com-munlst-lcd rioting. Wnng now Is a corporal. Wnng fired his Rentier gun Into a mob of 10.000 advancing Chi nese and Injured three slightly Just as someone threw a grenade into the Hong Kong police station. The crowd scattered. Macintosh said the shot anved the station, The grenndo was a dud. Seven rioters were sentenced to short prison terms Tuesday. Sev enteen others nro on trial. See This Gorgeous Flowering Shrub Change From White to Pink to Purple in Your Yard! Sensational "& nd nf iiniwy Ihftv ittlrn last flnner live (or :cv5..')'-(.,irvii i us- In around foundation nf your hntine. or as border, flrnw anyMherf, Rhlpprri H In 4 ft. for rany trannplantlnr. On arrival atom or plant at jour convenience. Send tlfto for I, plua ion for pontair, handling, 51 for !), S'i for A postpaid. C.O.D.'a welcome. Natlafaotlon guar anteed nr money hark, KXTRA OUT if you order 4 or more, a flowering Kfd Ttt'lg Dngu-nnd. KRUSE NURSERIES, Dopt 74707 Bloomington, III., Name Address Air Merger Gets Okay WASHINGTON 11 The Civil Aeronautics Board told Western Air Lines Monday to go ahead with the filial steps of absorbing Inland Air Lines and dissolving 11 as a bepurate corporation. The acquisition was approved more than live years ago and the new order simply gaie board sanc tion to the detailed plan for con solidation of assets and routes Actually the two companies have been operating as one for some lime. Board Member Josh !-ee reiter ated a previous dissent to the trans action, declaring the merger would rcMilt In an llloglcnl route pattern. Both companies now have head quarters In Los Angeles. Western operates up and down the Pacific Const, into Salt Lake City and northward Into Cnnnda. Inland's operations extend from Great Falls, Mont., to Denver and Minnenpolis-St. Paul. Old Feud May Be Settled At Last SOUTH THOMASTON, Me. W A town meeting Monday took steps to wipe 'out the last traces of a feud that raged a century ago be tween two crusty old sea captains. The two mariners, named Fogg and Elwell, were practically next door neighbors but refused to live In the same town. They sel a town line splitting the land between them. That grudge boundary now cuts the middle of a South Thomaston street, lenvlng 11 homes In the adjneent town of St. George. South Thomaston voters have pe titioned to end the division by Ink ing over 320 nddltlonal acres. The proposal, requires the approval of St. George, the Knox County com missioners and the state Legisla ture. Cause of the original dispute has long since been forgotten. Bureau Lowering Roosevelt Lake wiSHTMrrrnN im The Rec- limntlnn Rurenu is lowering the level of Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake behind Grand Coulee Dnm on the State, in anticipation of an unusual ly heavy spring runoii. Keciama tion Commissioner Michael Strauss said Monday. Strauss report was coupicn u a statement by Secretary of Interi or Chapman crediting severe win ter snow storms with an Immediate Increase in power output from Kcq lamatlon Burenu hydro-electric plants. Chapman said the winter cnu' nin hnri Assured a plentiful supply of Irrigation water this summer. KII.I.FD FOREST GROVE itfl Donald Kane, about 30, was killed Monday I.. lnaliti, arrlrient nt the. LarklU lumber mill south of here. He was worKing wnn a noisiing ... .h a lam' nlere of loir broke off and struck him in the head. V . . His widow and two cnuurcn sur vive. JEFF'S BARBER SHOP 920 Main "COLOR CHANGING HYDRANGEA Blooms Usually Last From Summer Rlqht Through Winter! 50c Speciol-by-Mail ca. J Nn athr flowtrln nhruh blnnm fl mitt or I nn invHy. Thin amnvint "Color hanging ' llydmnirr blooms In Mrlv inmmr with thou f Inner , , , Ulrr I he flower turn i niunn pi nit nrtri Mnally in full In roynl pnrpir. hrn Innlrid af falllnc nit htn the frott romfV rleht throiifh winter. Even the en I months. Wonderful nhruh for nlant HERALD AND Hawaii Bill Bumped Aside WASHINGTON ifl The Semite voted Monday to take up the con. troverslnl submerged oil In lids bill ahead of the Hnwall statehood bill. Hackers of Ifuwnll statehood sought viilnlv to sel the submerged lund legislation aside temporarily. But a moton by Sen. McKar lund D.-Arl!!.,i to make the oil bill the next business of the Senate was approved, 47 to 32. A surprise move bv Sen. Know land R. -Calif.,), to table a motion to tnke up the oil bill first caught the Snnote napping. It was ap proved 39 to 37. But Hen. MeKellar iDTenn.,1 vho did not reach the Senate cham ber III time to vole on Knowiana a motion, demanded reconsideration. His motion was approved 42 to 38. On a second vote, Knowland's proposal to table the oil bill was rejcclnd, 43 to 37. Earlier, the Senate was asked to reconsider Its action In returning the Alaska statehood bill to com mittee. There was no Immediate vote od the motion. Post Card Law Revised uncuiue.TnM in A short- . ii. A Um tuhlh mnrle the 60th nost- al card purchased cost 12 instead j Of cents WBS CUIiniKiicu iu w,v , waslebaskCl by Jongre muinui. j Wlinoill' uuwcihuis 7" . . hill orevtou.dv ap proved by the Senate repealing a : nient postal cards purchased in lots ol 60 or more. , , The surcharge had been m et feet onlv since the first of the ...u-k iha l u-ent nn from vear, wuvm v ------ -- ----- ( one cent to two, and had been j in effect only since me the year, wnen mc rw from one cent to two. and had been widely evaded by commercial In terests which bought the cards In lots of 49. . The extra charge will go off 10 days after the President signs the repealer. Top Trumpet Artist Slated Rafael Mendez, the 'HelfeUi of the trumpet." is to Prfm In concert nere Apr. . oj ... Klamath Union High School Mu sic Dept. nnd the Klamath Mer chants Association. Proceeds are to go tor puhm. of new uniforms for the high school band. Mendez has been acclaimed by critics for his phenomenal trum pet Interpretations In television, radio and motion picture appear ances. When the Mexican artist was only 10 years old and appearing as a soloist in his homeland, he attracted the Interest of Pancho Villa, Mexico's rebel terror, and Villa promptly drafted the entire Mender, family. Appearing with Mendez here will be the KUHS concert band and a cappella choir. Ticket reservations have been re ceived from many neighboring cities and a capacity house is ex pected. Reserved seats may be obtained at the Chamber of Commerce and general admission tickets are available at the Derby Music Co., Merchants Association' member, and students. Two Killed In Headon Collision MEADOW. Utah Wi A Van couver, Wash., man and his three year old daughter were killed and two other persons Injured In a head on collision here Sunday. Police identified the dead as Charles A. Fralley. about 40. and his daughter, Joan. Mrs. Frailey suffered a fractured arm, cuts and shock. The other Injured person was Thomas B. Ingram, 37, Salt Lake City, identified as driver of the second car. Actress Found In Coma By Nurse SANTA MONICA. Calif. Ml Actress Una Mcrkel is in St. John's Hospital suffering from what her doctor says was "prob ably an overdose of sleeping pills." "She Is pretty sick." Dr. Roy T. McReynolds said Mondny night, "but I think she will pull through." Miss Merkel, 48 year old veteran of stage and screen, was found In a coma Monday by a nurse who had been attending her during a siege of Influenza. LET US EXPLAIN THE MYSTERY OF COLMAN'S MAGIC TWIN GRILLES 3 HEATING SYSTEMS Ar EASY fo plm Info ytvt j horn new or oW. i (OMfORT COSTS SO MM NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OR KG Pelton Dam Blasted By Sportsmen PORTLAND OH Possible ad vantages nnd disadvantages of Pel ton Dam were aired here Monday when the proposed hydro-electric protect was debated at a Chamber of Commerce forum- Rollin E. Bowles of the Sports men's Izask Walton League said the dam would be a mistake. He said it would diminish fish runs In the Deschutes River where the dam would be built. "When anyone tells you you can have both fish and high dams they don't know what they're talking about," he said. But Thomas W. Delzcll of the Portland General Electric Com pany which has been licensed by the Federal Power Commission to build .the dam, said Just the ot posltc that it Is passible to have both fish and power. "There Is no appreciable salmon Penney' Store Hours: 9:30-5:30 on nm.. SH A D ES! '4. ' , So. z jTKikL.- "i i Priscillas 44" x 81" Size Fits Averoge Window v. Needs no starch . . . ever! Shrink-resisfont marquis ette with lovely ruffle trim. Easy to wash and iron. Insect and mildew resistant. Cold, hunter qreen, peach, rose, ivory, champagne. , PERMANENT FINISH ORGANDYS PEBBLE DOT MARQUISETTE HATHAWAY NYLON PRISCILLAS DOWNSTAIRS CUSTOM - MADE - TO - DRAPERIES 00 dinnse solid colors in fine failles or rayloom fabrics! them to your measure at low price! Wine, Rose, Chartreuse, Yel- 5K.. . WmTU low, Red, or Green. DOWNSTAIRS 'INGLE WIDTH vmi mmwm v&i mmm ira ::;::lMl mmM NYLON LACE PANELS 2 49 EA. Filmy lace net curtains that ' do so much for your win dows! Generous 42" width. Easy to wash, no stretching or Ironing! 81" length. , DOWNSTAIRS ON run on the Deschutes River at this t'.mt but Portland General Electric is prepared to spend four -million j dollars to try to create a run," he said.. I Sports groups and stnte agencies! have threatened they will tnke! court action if actual construction! heulnj; Thfv annoa!fH In lhn Fori. eral Power Commission for a re- hearing of the PGE license but were turned down. in e.ni..i i , ii, ii .ih ,hl ,, ull;i ..., iii.cnn,:, n.u mc pivuurcu dnm would not harm existing salm- Preliminary work already has startr.l. ' ..s.,ik from Oroflno, Idaho, the champion Doosr i heifer, nnd the third place winner SALEM ii Public Utilities ! In the summer yearling class, a Commissioner Charles H. Holtzcl i bull consigned by Roy Robinson, announced Monday he would hold;Mt. Vernon. Ore., brought the top a hearing at Elkton, Douglas Cotin- j price $2,250 each. Two other anl ty, March 31. on an application by imals also outsold the champion, the Elkton Telephone Company to The overall average price for the boost its rates $2,400 a year. j$l. 112.45. The 47 head brought a The eomnnnv also nronosec to i total of $52,285. operate 24 hours a day and seven days a week. It serves Elkton and Scottsburg. The finest-there-ls insurance Is not too good for you. Call Hans Norland get . Just . that! . Phone 2-2515. 627 Pine Kt. Beiautiful Windows for Less! x WISPY SHEER! Marquisette 49 ounlttv ravon U We'll make this fabulous PR PR. L r cbrKI ill KITCHEN SASH Curtains 298 Fine cotton Marquisette cur tains with lots of color for springl Easy to wash, 32"x 45"x72" size. DOWNSTAIRS Champ Bull Falls Flat KI.LENSBURO, Wnsh., IPi The grand cnnnipion oi me uouimuia i E'.iiiptre Hereford Association show j brought 11,750-fess than lour ani- imals rated below him at the an- 'imal sale here Monday. ;jrnrv Miller tl Vllle, Wash', paid Sons, Center the $1,750 to Amos nrulotte. Ellensbin-ir. for the dam Brumode 14th, champion of Sun I day's show. F. W. Richardson's Hnttie R. 5th NEW BOSS COOS BAY. frV-Robcrt G. Kyle Is the new city manager of Coos Bay. He took over the post Monday after being selected by the city council last week. He formerly was city engineer at North Bend. CHOOSE DELIGHTFUL NEW STYLES AND COLORS THAT GIVE YOU... IK m PAIR I 1 I I I 4 v Mi 4.29 198 8.50 ORDER Double Width 14.00 Triple Width 21.00 Hathaway Nylon PANELS 2 49 . Luxurious sheerl nylon that washes and dries like maglcl 100 DuPont nylon shrink proof 44x81 size I DOWNSTAIRS Girl Scouts To Open Cookie Sale , , The nnnunl Girl ' Scout Cookie Snie starts Saturday and every Girls Scout troop In the commu nity will be offering the tasty lllllo wafers for sale In the residential areas. Stickers will be given aoh purchnser to prevent duplication of solicitation. Tli uarlntlen will tlA sold, nlnln and filled at the same price as 1051. Tncse are weii-wrappea na will keep well. NOW Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS at Cliff Yaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Open 24 hrs. Every Day) EARLY EASTER ARRIVALS! WOS. COTTON BLOUSES FUSED COLLAR 1198 Finest quality Sanforized broad cloth in a brand new rainbow of spring colors I . Removable buttons, short sleeves. Buy sev eral at this Low Price I SECOND FLOOR Smoth, soft finish ginghams In fresh pastels, novelty box effects! Pre-shrunk . . . ' the colors are woven In I You'll sew many fashions with this versatile fabric! BALCONY 1 . . ....Jlj... Jos 100 NYLON 5 90 Perfect fit always! They're four-gore cut of finest nylon. Lots of filmy lace with em broidery trim. Wash like a dream. White only. Sb.es 32-42. MAIN FLOOR SAVE! ON ALL YOUR DRAPERY NEEDS MADE-TO-ORDER DRAPES COST NO MORE! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! WONDERFUL SELEC TION OF FABRICS! We have everything need ed for a complete drapery job. Come in today for estimates! MAIN FLOOR NEW PASTEL COLORS WOVEN GINGHAM WOS. FOUR GORE SLIP J JXTTT; CHILI