PAGE FOUR UKKALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH AJ LS. OHEOON TUESDAY, MAIlCir 4. 10.V2 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Blueback Run Second Earliest PORTLAND W Army Eliltllieors reported Tuesday that the second earliest blueback salmon on record went UDstream tjest Bonneville Dam In the Columbia Ijtlvcr Moil- any. Biologist Ivan Donaldson said the only earlier blueback was noted In a spot check on Feb. 7. 1951 In addition to the blueback sal mon, live steelhead. a chlnook. two suckers and 14 flngerllngs were counted going upstream past Bon neville Monday. Portland Livestock PORTLAND W Catlle salable steers, heifers avalable: holdover slock cows; lew commercial heif ers 29.00: utility 22.00-27.00: canner cutler cows mostly 17.00-20.00; few 20.50: shells down to 15.00 and h. 21.00-25.00: short load heavy com mercial cows held above 26.00: cutler-utility bulls 22.00-27.00; odd commercial 28.50-29.00. Calves: Salable 35; market less active, about steady: few choice vealers . 35.OO-37.O0; Rood (trades 31.00-34.00: utility commercial calves, vealers mostly 22.00-30.00: heavy calves scarce. nogs; sanieoie lso: market active Grains Stage Late Move Upward CHICAGO (fl Grains moved up lite In the session on the board of trade Tuesday after an early price dip. Brokers thought some of the buy ing was Inspired by the fact that (he early selling was not heavy. It Indicated that the liquidation prominent at the close of the prev ious session had not aroused any great urge (o Fell. Snows In the mid-west were a help to feed grains, cutting down terminal' receipts of both grain and livestock. New crop wheat deliver ies attracted buying because they are selling several cents uu der prospective government loans rates. Soybeans and lard were up with grains. ' Wheat closed 'i lower to 1 ' ihher, March $2 51 It, corn V 1 higher, March $1.77 oats 3 to 1 cent higher, March 82 H-Vi, rye 1 V2 higher. May 1.96 2, soybeans 1 !j-4 ' higher. March $2.97 -2.98', and lard 7 cents lower to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher. March $11.75. WHEAT Open With Low Close Mar 2.5t "4 2.52 2.51 2.51 May J.48 'a 2.49 2.48 , 2.49 Jly 2.42 a4 2.43 2.42 2.43 , Sep 2.44 V 2.45 N. 2.44 2.45 Dec J.47 't 2.48 ', 2.47 , 2.48 ?, Stocks Stage Good Advances Today ' NEW YORK Wt In one of the strongest markets of the year, ' stocks made a sustained advance Tuesday. Gains were maintained right to the close. . Railroads led the forward move ment that started early In the ses sion. . Gains throughout the list ran from fractions to around 3 points with some issues pushing prist that mark. ' The volume -of business amount ed to an estimated 1,500.000 shares. It was the best showing In the past ;two weeks. Hog Shortage Puts Price Higher CHICAGO W Heavy snow storms across the livestock mar keting area' reduced hog suDPlies at terminals and pushed most pric-15 es higher today.- On hogs the Chi cago trade was mostly 15 to 25 cents higher, while cattle and ' sheep were unevenly , steady to 50 , cents lower. Most butcher . weight hogs sold from 11625 to the practical top of, SI8.00 although some edged up ward to 818.10 and 118.15. Sows took $14.50 to $16.25. Dpper grades of steers were In best action but offering below av erage choice showed poorest de mand nf thA market fVinri tr nrimc steers ranged, from $29.50 to the I according to basts of sale, per 100 top of $39.23 and choice to prime l,u- "" mciures so. 0-0.11; Weather Northern California Purilv cloudy Tuesday with snow flurries in tne sierras. Local showers ex treme .north coast. Increasing cloudiness Tuesday night from Mhnlercy and Sacramento north with occasional light rain Uklah northwestward, probably spreading south to Bay reRlon earlv Wednes day, fair extreme south Tuesday night and Wednesday. Little tern petaltira change. Westerly to north- westerly winds of 10 to 25 miles an hour oft the const, except be coming southerly Tuesday night Point Arena northward. Grants Pass end vicinity OC' casional rain Tuesday afternoon and ruerdny evening. Partly cloudy Tuesehiy night and Wednes day with a tew showers. High Tues oay 45. Low Tuesday niRht 3. Hluh Wednesday 43. western Oregon Occasional rain Tuesday. A few brief showers with partial clearing Tuesday night and Wednesday. Little temperature change. Highs both days 40 to 50. Low Tuesday night 32 to 40. South westerly winds of ll'lo 25 miles an hour off the coast, becoming west erly 15 to 30 miles an hour Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday. Eastern Oregon Considerable cloudiness with a few showers of snow or rain Tuesday througn Wednesday. Ltttle temoerature change. Highs both days 33 to 42. Low Tuesday night 20 to 30 except 10 in higher valleys. By The Associated rress J 1 , f fes-' mi 1 Attorney Charged In Tax Scandal treatments for cancer, These In READY FOR NEV LIFE Two attractive Latvian DP sisters, ZIril (left) and Karman Brrzins, pose for cameras aboard Navy Transport General Mulr after arrival In New York. 8T, LOUIS. (IV-A witness trail fled In federal court Tuesday that Iho Warwick Hotel Co. paid 130,000 to J a hies P. Flnnegan for legal services while Flnnegan Was col lector of Internal revenue here, Flnnegan Is on trial on charges of bribery and other misconduct In office. Saul Llchtenfelri, manager of the St. Louis Hotel, Identified four can. colled checks totaling that amount as payment by his company tol the former collector. The latest of the checks, for So.. 000 and dated March 14, 1949, was IV"' ' 1 "'"'l',"",? 01 Irientliled by a government prose-?.e" ri & Coi'ar1t iMiinr n, h.i. i, . f 11,. house Rleclilc Corp., workers five counts In the Indictment I wn,lk(,a " ll8lr Ju Tuesday In UgalllSt Fillliegall. mhui-oiuiuiui ra BIUlIIIHVn Scientists Ponder Over Mystery Of Cancer Cause By ALTON L. ni.AKKKI.KR Amoelated PreM Science Writer CINCINNATI I All answer lo one of the great pusrlea of cancer was advanoed Tuesday by Dr, Howard L. Richardson of the Uni versity of Oregon Medical School. The puule Is why things that can cause cancer often are good Electrical Unions Strike NEW YOIIK 11 Thousands of Earlier another witness, David Llchtenfeld. assistant inanater of the hotel, testified operators of the The demonstrations at widely separated plants of the two com panies lasted from an hour to an strong to 25 cents hlpher: choice!24 1ours 4:30 a.111. Tuesday 180-235 lb butchers largely 20.25-35: several lots 20.50: few choice 260- 300 lbs 18.00-19.00: choice 140-170 lbs 18.50-19.25: sows scarce: choice 400-550 10s nominally 15.50-16.50: 18.00-50. Sheep: Salable 50: scattered sales steady, considering quality; tew good No. 3 pelt 106 lb lambs 25.00 with 145 lbs 24.00: few good i:?o-l60 lb slaughter ewes 13.00: few culls-utility 8.00-10.50; good 110 lb bucs 12.50. Portland Grain PORTLAND, (P) No coarse grams. wneat toidi to arrive maraet. basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.55: Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2 55: White Club 2.55. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 o5: 10 per cent 2.55: 11 per cent 2.55; lz per cent 2.5o. Hard white baart: ordinary 2.55: 10 per cent 2.55; 11 per cent 2.55; 12 per cent 2.55. Car receipts: Wheat 3: barley flour 6 corn 1; mill feed 6. Potato Shipments CHICAGO irl Potatoes: Arriv als 109. on track 343; total U.S. shipments 784; supplies moderate: demand gool market steady: track sales per 100 lb: Cerlots Minnesota-North Dakota Pomiacs J4.75; Local: Colorado McClures $5.56: Idaho Russets utilities $5.09: Minnesota-North Dakota Pontiacs $4.88: new stock: Florida 58 lb sacks triumphs $3.50. Street sales Baker Bend Eugene La Grande Lakeview Medford North Bend Ontario Pendleton -Mai. 29 44 ' 51 33 33 50 50 40 ' 43 Portland (airpt) 43 .sseburg Salem Boise Chicago . Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York Red Bluf ' San Francisco Seattle . Spokane 46 51 40 35 28 52 61 37 46 55 45 37 IV! in. 22 : 2s 36 29 24 30 33 29 35 41 33 37 29 52 ' 3 . 40 48 33 37 46 39 30 Preclp- -- T -" . .01 ' .26 T .03 .05 .12 .02 .05 .35 .07 .18 ': .48 ' .03 25 T T .13 .39 .3: ..." .05 heifers from $31.50 to $35.50. Cows topped at $24.50. Bids on fed wooled lambs were weak to 50 cents lower with no sales recorded earlv while ewes were steady at $14.00 and below. Quotations' New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 28 . Allied Chemical . 71 ? AUis Chalmers - , 49 American Airlines - 14 3i , American Power ti Light 24 34 . American Tel. It Tel. 156 ' American Tobacco 60 ?4 Anaconda Copper 50 Atchison Railroad 77 1 i ' Bethlehem Steel 49 i Boeing Airplane Co." , 49 H Borg Warner 65 Burroughs Adding Machine ' 17 '.'2 California Packing 27 Canadian Pacific 34 Ti Caterpillar Tractor 51 Celanese Corporation 44 v Chrysler Corporation 69 7i Cities Service " 108 V2 Consolidated Edison 33 3A Consolidated Vultee - 17 Crown Zellerbach 56 3i Curtiss Wright " 8 li . Douglas Aircraft 56 ' ouPom de Nemours 87 'i Eastman Kodak - 44 Emerson Radio 14 'a General Electric 56 ? General Fods 43 H General Motors 51 5 Georgia Pac Plywood 21 Goodyear Tired 44 Homestake Mining Co. 36 7s International Harvester 33 V2 International Paper 49 Vt Johns Manville 68 "2 Kennecott Copper 80 '2 Libby, McNeill 8 V, Lockheed Aircraft 21 Loew's Incorporated 17 Long Bell A 40 Mongomery Ward 62 Nash Kelvinator ' 19 "s New York Central 19 i Northern Pacific 69 f Pacific American Fish 16 V Pacific Gas tt Electric 34 Vt Pacific Tel. & Tel. Ill ' Packard Motor Car 4 . Penney (J.C.) Co. 67 i PsoiaClpe Co. 9 'a Philco Radio 29 5, Radio Corporation 25 Vn Rayonier Incorp 62 !8 Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel 42 ''i Reynolds Metals 62 Vs Richfield Oil 55 Safewav Stores Inc. 30 Scott Paper Co. 52 Sears Roebuck & Co. 53 "2 Bocony-Vacuum Oil 37 ! Southern Paciilc 64 Standard Oil Calif 51 ' Standard Oil N. J. 77 ! Studebaker Corp. ' 34 Sunshine Mining Swift 4i Company 31 ai Transamerlca Corp. 23 i Twentieth Century Fox 18 3 Union Oil Company 38 Idaho Rusets $6.46-71: Maine Ka- tahdins $5.00-5.25; Minnesota-North Dakota Pontiacs $5.00-49; Nebras ka Triumphs $5.75-6.07; Wisconsin round whites $4.50-90: new stock: Florida 50 lb sacks Triumphs $3.00-35. San Francisco Potatoes Government Only $7 Billion Out WASHINGTON VP The govern ment closed out the first eight montns 01 tne nscal year $7,520.- 481,692 in the red, the Treasury re ported Tuesday. For the first eight months of the fiscal year, beginning last July 1, the government paid out $41,835.- 968.621, a big Jump from the 26. tMu.947.6S3 spent during tne same period last year. Revenue so far this fiscal year has increased at a much lesser rate $34,315,486,928 so far this fiscal year compared with $27,169, 425.318 last year. The deficit of 7 K billion dollars at the end of February contrasts with a surplus of $1,087,477,624 at the same time last year. The national debt at the end of February stood at $260,398,871,398 up from $25558,195,132 on Feb. 28 last year. - FOUR BY FOURS QUARTET will swing in this way April 12 from Crescent City to participate in the annual' Klam ath Falls Barbershop Parade set for the Pelican Theater. They are '1 to r) tenor, Lcnis Fike, lead, Gale Boyd, bari tone, Coke Cockrene and base, Cliff Filbert. hoirl agreed at a meeting In 1940 hour and one-half. to pay $35,000 to Flnnegan. Flnne- In some plnces picket lines Bp. kuii was present at the lime, thcipeared, but no disturbances were witnetB said. I reported. t inl. "0W. I""0' 0fc""!! T ""I electrical unions last $35 000 was pa d o Flnnegan, Sail ;,v,,k orP1(,d lhc lin,,m.wl(1, msll Llrivenfrld replied: I .Ion t know. ,,., 0, ome 1M , work(,,., , One count agiilnst Flnnegiin ,.,, ovprillelll ,lllrp ,0 . chaigfs h'm r.Ui accepting $5,000 prove wKe Umets, nrgolli.terl from the hotel company for repre- it yMr. Another purpose was to sentmg the firm in Its claim for, moblllne ,Uoporl lor new wage In damages (lurliif occupancy of the 'crP,, demands. ?.?".'. bfi,,hc..U,S- Co!'1 au'rd Negotiations are scheduled lo 2T . ,,r. ' . . . . "I"" l"r Wrdneidnv between Fet.ernl law prohibits a federal General Electric and the two tin. !hiplove from receiving comnensa- mns-llia CIO Inleriiallonul Union lion for services in a matter in 0I Fleolrlcal. Radio and Machine which the government la a party, workers, and the Independent Unl- David Llchtenfeld testified also ted Electrical, Radio and Machine that he understood Flnnegan had' Workers, protested against an earlier pro-; posal for payment to Flnnegan of ., , $25,000. i"1' other a naval aviation trainee "He wanted more than $25,000." M'!50 moiorcycw acciaem in the witness said. 1949. elude ; x-rays, and chemicals, like nitrogen mtislnrda, urethane, or ollirii, ll'al bring temporary Int. Iirovemeiit In aonie furnia of can cer. Dr. Richardson liua found that uso of two cancer-causlng chain I caln given at the name time pre vents cancers In rata. The renMiii emus to be chuugrs In Iho body's potent adrenal gliindn, the fantnr ira u such htirmnues (a cortisone and ten hormones. When the two chemicals were given together, the mlro that gut no cancers wore found to have" partially-damaged ' adrenal glamih. The outer layer ol their gland were changed or destroyed. Thcnn outer layers are believed lo pro dure the lailent horiiiunea, anil there seemed In be sonic hormonal Influence on Hie lack of cancer:,. In humans, complete removal nf adrenal glands I bringing at lompornry limillli to aome tierioiiH with otherwlne hopeless, far ad- valued cancers of the breant tinil pionlate gland. Dr. nichardsoii described the new studies, done In collaboration wlit ICdiuiind Borana-NachlneliPl and Alton It Htlrr. lo Iho ancond National Cancer Confcienro lieia. The first network telecast of a U.S. presidential inauguration took place Jan. 20. 1949. when Presi dent Truman took office. Lbch Lomond Is Scotland's larg est lakd Israel plans to revive the once flourishing trade In potash extract ed from the waters of the Dead Sea. The English shilling was first minted in 1504. Mother Fights UMT Proposal PORTLAND tfl Mrs. Carl L. Krause of Portland Is a one-worn-an lobby against the universal mili tary training bill. She has written letters against the bill to 105 congressmen In the past two weeks. She Intends to write all 435 house members and 96 senators before she Is through. She referred to UMT as "a hid eous attempt to effect a mighty change in American life." She de scribed herself as the mother of two. one son. a psychiatrist and major returned from Korea, and FOR SALE - Ladies Sportswear Shop Nice going business. Right time to put in the Spring Lint. Reason for gelling: I artist be gone (or $ome time. Emma G. Thompson 255 G. Street I Crescent City, Calif. SAN FRANCISCO lfl Potatoes: 20 cars on track: California 3. Idaho 3, Maine 1. Oregon 9 ar rived; market firm, slightly higher due to ceiling price adjustment; uescnutes Kussets no. l-A. z-mcn, 4.94 delivered. LOS ANGELES tfl" Potatoes: 111 cars on track: California 7. Nevada 5, Oregon 4. Florida 2, Maine 1, Montana 2, Utah 4. Idaho 37 arrived: Deschutes Russets No. 1 bakers, unwashed. 5.42: No. l-A. 4.93: Idaho Russets No. l-A, un washed, 5.40-50; washed 5.60. Obituary aiSAW Bttina Lou Rumw. 2 montht. nagged away in this city March 4. Survivors include the parent Mr. and Mra. Don ald Rusaw, a brother Sidney; grand parent!. Mr. and Mri. James L. Pin ton; great grandfather, Charles E. Sherrlck: an aunt. Mrs. Louise John son and a treat uncle, Norman Sher rlck all of Klamath Falls. Funeral serv. ices, will be held from O'Hair's Me morial Chanel Thursday. March a at 2 p.m. Interment will be made In Linkvllle Cemetery. Union Pacific ' 111 a. United Airlines 29 Ji United Aircraft 30 H United Corporation 5 1 j United States Plywood 32 United States Steel 39 Warner Pictures 14 '', western Union Tel 41 ii Westinghouse Air Brake 25 Butter Price Skids Again CHICAGO (Ji Wholesale butter prices skidded another nickel a pound Tuesday and closed at the lowest prices since the end of No- vemoer. At 76 cents a pound -on the Chi. cago Mercantile Exchange cash market, the top grades of butter were on lu cents a pound from ine lour-year peaK tney reacnoa ex. actly a week ago. Market observers attributed th precipitous drop to two factors, one consumer resistance at the retail sevei, ana increasing production. BIG ROBBER KARACHI, Pakistan, tP Thieves in a daring daylight robberv Tues. day got $500,000 worth of gold and uiamonas irom a jewelry store They entered from the roof before uic ouup openeq, - CRITICAL WASHINGTON I The con. dltlon of Mrs. David W. Wallace, President Truman's mother-in-law, was aescrioeii as still critical Tues day. Mrs. Wallace, who Is 89. has been ill for some time at Blair House. The Turkish Island of Bozca Ada was the one to which the Greeks withdrew while the Tro jans breached the walls of Troy to admit their wooden horse. FARMERS - Do You Have A Twine Pick Up Baler? You're invited to the Agr. Building in Malin to learn the answers to your Knotting problems . this Wed. 7 p.m. Instruction ii open to users of all makes of twine pick up baleri ond those who are about to buy new pick up balers. Sponsored by J. A. FREEMAN & SON 2034 N. W. 27th Portland, Ore. NtW fOWM IN 7UNE WITH THE TIMES In.pircJ by aviation power, Lincoln's completely new 160-hnrte-power V-8 engine incorporates such features at silent, bydraulically operated, overhead valves; a fire-bearing micro-balanced crankshaft, and eiclusive "Hi Swirl" combustion chambers. More power than you may ever need pride of the world's most seasoned builders of V-8 engines. Teamed with IlroaA-MATtc Transmission, now standard equipment. NEW-the. one fine car deliberately designed for modern living for 1952 " ' ''' In. two incomparable series... Me 0smopo(c&ui-de Qzpri You are cordially invited to attend a FREE HEARING AID CLINIC Conducted by the Well-Known Hearing Aid Authority WALTER KENDALL WED., MARCH 511 A.M. 4 P.M. WINEMA HOTEL KLAMATH FALLS Slesdord aulpms'i'. OKslMrlcl, and frlm llluilrottrf are fvelscl 10 Changs without nofico. Whito tido-woil first, whos available, optional at Antra coit. Without cost or obligation, this noted Bel tone consultant will make a thorough, sci entific analysis of your hearing needs will demonstrate the latest Beltone Hearing Aids and recommend the one which you require for satisfactory hearing. If a Beltone will not help you you cannot buy one. i You are welcome lo bring with you any friends who need hearing help or, if you prefer, give us their names and addresses so that we may contact them or send them valuable literature on deafness. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ' Please write if you wish us lo call al your home. BELTONE HEARING CENTER 1307 West Main, Medford, Oregon rtr,,lssx In ourt showroom is a magnificently new idea in motoring for the American Road. ' It is remarkably different; it has a daring spirit that has never been approached in motoring. It is Lincoln for 1952. Here is a new hind of fine ear eminently functional, breath-takingly beautiful but honest and sensible in de sign, created to fit every motoring need of modern living. ;! Here is a new kind of design clean,' uncluttered from stem to stern. A siz able but maneuverable masterpiece. . And here Is a new kind of power su perbly rcsponm've and efficient power from a completely new overhead valve; high-comprcssion engine. It delivers 160 horsepower and is the pride of the men who liave built moro V-8s lima all other makers combined. The Lincoln Cosmopolitan and iho Lincoln Capri await you in our show room. We invito you to see their new lines, discover, llieir supremo perform-.' ance, experience this now and modern concept of the fine cur. BASIN MOTORS 424 So. 6th St. Phono 7778 in-