TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 19B2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE IHR1I r- 4 : T J it.T fa ; l i i Ben an wwimi- iiiiiiirti'itiil-tfi' tt 'f-'""" saKi- STATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE for OTI met here last week to study proposals for recommendation to the State Board of Education later this year. Attending sessions were (standing, 1 to x): QTI Director Winston Purvlne; Committee members llarley Lib boy and William M. Dell, State Board member Mrs. Lucille O'Neill, State Supt. Ilex Put nam, and Board member Mrs. Paul Patterson. (Sealed) Committee members William G. Ross,. Allen It. Leake, Mrs. Albert Powers, Edward Branchfield, Jess Bell and A. S. Teller. jFROrV? SAND TO S A N D-Ffc. Richard feaiichamp. I Dot an. Alt., chip through b double date palm to sand p on a fetf eoun. built by V. 8. senrlcemen it sandy Wheelus Field, as air vat. ner TripoU, North Africa, Tbo caddy la as Arab boy. tip it ' Merrill ; ny ItOHIJtTA IHCWKY Rev. Clnorue Milne has returned from a week spent In Uerkeley at tending a Prcubyterlnn church con ference. Mr. und Mm. Clovls Storv hnve named their new son Gerald Bruce. 'Die yuuiiK man wis burn at Klam- i utn valley Do.iplUil, and hits an old er sinter und brother. Mm. Wilbur Hunkliu was cnllcd i to Eugene by tho Illness of her 1 mother. ; Vern Lnnz. slate uriinuc rlenutv ! tor ucmriti Oregon, and Mrs. Bon Ifav Yancey, deputy from Shusta View, were vlftiloiK at the last Orange meeting. Lecturer Margucr- lie Hudley nrrscnlrd a nroirram of reading featuring Valentine's Day, und Lincoln and Washington's birth- days. Mrs. Hudley and Mr. and Mro. Murray Howard served re freshments, usIiir the Vulentlne mo- til m tne tnuie decora! ona. Master George Williams presided. rarcnts 01 tnc n nun student of Eldon Payzmil were Invited to his nonie Buiulay afternoon when the young people cnlertnlncd with a variety 01 selections. Mrs. Pavznnl served refreshments. Appearing on mo program were Donna Drnonn. Arleno Lcniler, Darlene Storey. I'cggy and Donna Cnrtoii. and Clau- dettc Shuck. Diane West, Sara West and ulendii Storv were unable to appear clue to Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Kllnatrlck are now residing In the house which Is located on the properly next to their former home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Humes have purchased the land und house just vacated by the Kllpatrlcks, and are doing exten sive remodeling before taking pos session. .... , Three tables of cards were In play Monday evening when Merrill lirango Jiicl for a social evening. Visitor, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Tay lor from Honlev. walked off with Ihree prizes. Taylor won second high for men and traveling prize. and Mrs. Taylor won second high for women. Robert Petrlkh eld high score (or men, and Mrs. Mamie Oloc omlnl was high for women. Re Ire.thnienls were served by the Home Economics committee, Mrs. Murray Howard, chairman. Anoth er social night will be held on the fourth Monday in March. Mr. und Mrs. Tom Turner left Sundnv on the Shasta Daylight for Wheeler, Ore. Turner wll enter the hospital there for treatment. Mrs. Turner will return In a week. Mrs. Milton Loper went to Olym- pla, Wash., to see daughter Lily "capped" at St. Peters Hospital. Lily has completed her first six month's nurses training. More File For State Posts Today SALEM IjH Stale Rep. Robert Y. Thornton, young Tillamook at torney and a former Intelligence officer on Oen. MacArlhur'a atalf In Japan, filed Tuesday for attor ney general of Oregon. He If the first Democrat to file for the position, being vacated by Itepubllcan Attorney General George Neuner. The filing deadline for the May Id primary Is next Friday. Other filings Tuesday: W. W. Chadwlck, Salem Repub lican, for state representative. Stale Rod. Mark O. Hatfield. Salem Republican, for reelection. Aiireci rat uiair, Portland, for delegate to Republican national convention from third district. Cornelius Bateson, Salem Demo crat, for state representative. u. G. Dubach, Portland for dele gate to Republican national con vention from state at large. Day T. Bayly. Eugene, for circuit Judge. John R. Faust, Portland Repub lican, for slate rcpresenatlve. Slate Rep. Donald R. Husband, Eugene Republican, for reelection. State Ren. Loran L. Stewart Cottage Orove Republican, for re election. State Sen. Thomas R. Mahoney. Portland Democrat, for reelection. Walter J. Dennis, Portland, for delegate to Democratic national convention from date at large. Eddie J. Campbell, Portland, for delegate to Democratic national convenlon from third district. Edward F. Rlddcrbusch, Tilla mook Democrat, for state repre sentative. C. E. Nichols, Portland Demo crat, for state representative. Truce Talks Make Progress We're Now Back To Where We Were In December, Says Boss NO TIPOFF ANKARA, Turkey Ofi A Tur kish reporter asked Gen. Elsen hower Tuesday: "When are you returning to the United States?" The response: "I have no plans to return to the United Stoics." DRAWINC ONE Will Roen. Jr., playlnr role of his . famous humorist father In a Hollywood movie, draws a drink be . (ween scenes for actress Jane Wymsn who portrays humorist s wife. Small Asiatic birds, migrating between Siberia and India, cross M.OOO-foot peaks of tho Himalayas. The Tutcla Heights house of Alex andor Graham Bell has been prc nerved as a museum In the heart if Brantford. Ontario. Egrela. and eagles often fly north instead of south In early fall until winter turns them back. a Agriculture In Britain uses some 48 million of Britain's- 60-mlllon-aero Innd area. ' . tlontt CSf Cnnlfleld Whcnovrr 1 trp on Iho maIm Mid don't tiko whnt 1 rend, my finl thought i Ayd," REDUCE WITHOUT DIETING Simply eat this delicious Vitamin and Minora! Candy called A YDS, before monla aa directed. AY US chocka your ap pnlilo vou aulnmat.ically oat loaa loae weight naturally. Absolutely safe. con tniiw no inducing drugs. Money refunded if you don't lotto weight with first box. Generous supply $2.98. PAYLESS DRUG 808 Main St. I V-'.Ni. 15' V'"S3SSSra Rrond-new way to plenao folks on Inlon dava. Sorvo Fluffy Shrimp-Potato Hnkciovi in cost, lops in tnslol And n broezo to mako with ready-cooked Jlluo I'lato Canned Shrimp. ..plump, tender, full of deen-aca goodness. No peeling. No wnfllo.t 5-o2.cn a of Blue Plate Shrimp eoual to 1-lb. whole raw shrimp. FLUFFY SHRIMP-POTATO BAKE 4 medium boktd potatoes, hot 2 tablesp. butter or margarine Salt and pepper to taste Vi cup milk . i cup cubed American cheete I 5-ot. can Blue Plate Shrimp Cutalico from top of each potato, acoop out potato and mash. Add butter, milk. Whip until fluffy. Mix in chcoso and shrimp, saving a few Bhrimp for gar mailing. Fill potato aliella with mixture. Top with B IK TUB WAnNEH Born at Klamath Vailev HosplUl. Mar. .1. 1t).t2. lo Mr. and Mr Irvln Warner, Tulclake, Calif., a buy. Weltfht' 7 nounda 1 ounre. riTZPATRICK Born at Klamalh Valley Hospital, Mar. 4. 1052. to Mr and Mn. Mel Pllxpatrlrk, ChUoouin Ore. a girt. Welfht: 7 pound IX ouncti. COMI'l.AINTS Fll.FD Geora T. Have and Clara May llayet vn. Harold L. uuif. Jimci H Orth and Marie E. Orth. suit to col lect S.1O20 with InUrett thereon at 6 per cent from Jan. 31, 1952, $20 85 In tereil. S730 attorney fee. coiU and rjliDurumenu. forecioaura chattel mort ise. 13. 8. Balenllne, attorney lor Diaintirrt. uonaid campaana vi. Mary nan Campagna. iult for divorce. Couple married Feb. 4. IVM. Kiamatn Fain. Ore. Carta, cruelty. C. J. Burrell, at torney lor piaintiri. Harold s. Dunn va. Katnenn Dunn. axi It for divorce. Couple married Oct. 10, 1932. Minden. we v. marge, cruelty, A. C. Yaden, attorney for plaintiff. By ROBERT B. TUCKMA.V MUNHAN, Korea Of) Korean truce tHlks are "rmht back where ! ly exlHt. Ltbbv demanded the Red5 ac count for the mifttnK men South Krtman rAiorn the U N timmnnrf they were Dec. 18." Rear Adrn. R. Ufty the Reds incorporated In the E. Llbby aald TueRdny after arxu-'North Korean army, ln with the CoinmunlatH whether ; They "do not exist," aald North mj.uou miaainK rtiiiea troops aciuat-1 Korean m&j. uen. L.ee tKtnsr i;no. He called it an Allied fabrication an "attempt to block our proRrena (The Reds concede Rome South Ko rean are In the Communist army, but contend they are volunteers and that many deserted the South Korean army.) "They do exist and have always dZTiX if)" I-i 'J''tV''wy?yT!l' -- niHTBIOT COI.'RT Lonrd E. stovtll, overlcnfth. For. fell U ball. Ltnnard E. Stovell, overload. For fell 15 ball. William Shadduck, no left turn lf nal. Fine 115. Lawrence D. Clark, overload. For feit S03 ball. aoy R. Call, drunk driving. Fine f2-p0. Burgeaa P. Baxirett, void forelen 11 cen.e. Pleaded not fullty. Fay A. Waltera. improper vehicle li cense. Kamue! C. Kamel, no PUC permit. Fine . William S. Tubach, no driving alngle traffic Une. Fine 7 SO. Wilbur E. Dodge, one headlight. Fine W. Daniel B. Anderaon, no vehicle 11 cenie. Fine 3. William E. Maiten. no PUC per mit. Fine S15. Joseph L. Keller. Failure to atop at top lign. Fine S6. Ivan E. Younca. overload. Fine $71, impended S56. Doran J. Miller, disorderly conduct. Fine 15. Sylvester O. Pfelffer, disorderly con duct. Fine 1S. William P. Portnoff, truck speeding. Fine 110. William J. Smalley, no PUC per mit. Fine 13. Robert P. Bowers, no PUC permit. Fine tl5. William T. Smith, drunk driving. Fine 250. Ralph E. Black, no angling license. Fine UO. suspended 113. Murphy Fargo, no angling license. Fine S30. suspended $15. Kenneth S. Martin, failure to stop at stop sign. Fine $6. Clinton W. Rogers, violation basic rule. Fine $30. existed." Llbby snnpped back. And iney "munt be returned to our side" when prisoners oi war ir exchanned. At this point Llbby said: "An- parently we are back where were on Dec. 18." Negotiators ex- chansed lists of prisoners of war on that date. Tn another truce tent Red staff officers repeated their "firm and unshakeable" demand that Soviet Russia help supervise a truce. U.N. officers repeated their "Irrevoca ble" stand that Soviet Russia was not acceptable. They have been deadlocked Ilk that for weeks. Communist generals hegotlatlni the prisoner exchange "were very well behaved," Llbby said, In con trast to their shouted acousatlons of Monday. But In a new charge Lee aald M the U.N. Command holds any pris oners who don't want to be re turned they have been Intimidated at bayonet point. Lee was attacking the Allied stand that no prisoners be sent, back unless they want to bo, and the U. N. reclassification of 44,000 prisoners as civilian internees. II Friendly 1 Helpfulness To Every ' , Creed and Purse . Ward's Klamath I 'Funeral Home 1 Marguerite M. Ward ' I and Sons 925 High Phone 3334 REMOVINCA WINTER COAT Crewmen of fishing trawler Red Jacket start to free winches and htUhtt ot six-Inch eoatinr of frmen spray at Boston Harbor after J ran throufh Atlantic waters tn teeth of sub-xero northwest winds. The earth Is a mean distance of 93,004.000 miles away from the sun. Friction, produced alow; the banks of a river due to irregular ities, causes the water there to flow more slowlv than it does In the middle of the stream. From a rendezvous over Nova Scotia. American golden plovers follow a path over the open At lantic to South America's north eastern shoulder. V.V.IliiWWM.yl I.W.V. UJt I I r V Plain or iodized; always free running; always uniform. At your grocer's in the red package. Enjoy Ltslie's "Mut tlx Missus Varieties" with Harry Kop!an-C.B.S. Saturdays 11:30-12 noon. NOW AT OUR HAT BAR FASHION'S NEWEST TILT IN CRISP STRAWS 1.98- 5.95 FREE EASY PARKING cMiiiij, iiKui.iy oupu io seep irom nrying. neac in 350 oven (mod.) until potatoes aro browned and thoroughly hot. 4 servings. BDuelPQcatfe CAMMED C U D I fti D 4 B aw aBTIini (TV! m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm tmM