Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 04, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 10153
JCFI,W-LTuet. EvenlntV Mrch
:uo ports Hicniitnti
0:1 8 Home Town Newt
0:25 World News Summary
0:.10 Suburban Serenade
0 49 Headline Edition ABC
0:fi5 Coming Attraction! on ABC
7(00 Greatest Story ABC .
i:M Jkewitand 'Iheslre ABC v
11:00 Met Auditions ol Air ABC
0:30 United or Not ABC
0:00 Town Meetlnl ot the Air ABC
'Orefl Orejin Milr'r
10:00 10 PM Headline!
f 1:1.1 lax Your Brain ABC
10:710 Insomnia Club
11:00 Newt Summary
11:03 Slin Off
i KFLW Wednesday. March S
J:00 Stitn On Newa Summary
:0ft Corn In the Morn
S:4S Farm Fare
7:00 Newa, Bklrt. Edition
7:18 Charlie'a Rounoup
7:30 Bob Garred A Newa ABC
7:40 Top o.' the Morning
7:58 John Conte ABC
8:oo brcakfail Club ABC
0:00 Hank Henry Show .
9:30 Break the Bank ABC
10:00 Chet Huntley ABC
10:1.1 I one Jour ev Arc
10:30 My True Story ABC
10:5.1 Whlirering Slreeta ABC
11:15 Stop & Shop
11:90 Against Storm ABC
11:48 Musical Roundup
11:89 Market Report
13:00 Newa. Noon Edition
13:19 Payless Sidewalk Show
13:30 Lucky-U Ranch ABC
1:00 Paul Harvey ABC
1:18 Better Living
1:30 Mary ilarca.et McBrlde ABC
t,K) Bailn Briefs
2:13 When a Girl Marries ABC
2:: Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABC
3 45 Rom. Evelyn Winter! ABC
0:00 Betty Crocker ABC
3:)5 Ted Malone ABC
3:30 Dean Cameron ABC
3.49 Mary Merlin ABC
4:00 Hequestfnl'y Vruri
5:00 Fun- Factory ABC
5:29 World Fliout Reporter ABC
::;o Chet Huntley ABC
5:45 Town House Orch. ABC
6:00 Sports Highlights,
, 6:1.9 Home Town Newt
6:25 World News Summary
. 6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:45 HeadUne Edition ABC
' 6:58 Coming Attractions on ABC
7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC
; 7:30 Mystery Theater ABC
: 8:00 The Top Huy AT
' 1 30 Rogues Gallery ABC
' :O0 Proudly We hall .
0:30 Northwest Artists
30:00 10 P.M. Headlines
10:15 Dream Harbor ABC
.10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 Newa Summary
11:05 Sign Oil " '
KFJITuesdav Evening;, March
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS .
6:15 Klamath Theater Quiz
i:.l0 Around Town New.
6:45 Sam -Hayes News MBS
6:55 Bill Henrs- MBS
7:00 Blackr Museum MBS
.7:30 Peler Salem MBS
8:00 Count Monte Cristo MBS
8:30 Roving at. Rudy's
8:45 Heidelberg Harmonalres .
:O0 Glenn Hardy-News - MBS .
9:15 Fulton Lewis-News MBS
9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS - '
9:45 Sports Final-
9:55 S-Mlnute Final MBS
10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS
10:15 -Here's to Vetv .
10:30 Opera Concert MBS
11:00 Night Owls Edition
11:03 Night Owls Club
100 S s.l Oil
KFJIWedne?dy, March 5
6:00 Musical Reveille .'
6:45 Farm - Reporter . .
6:55 Regional News ' ; '
7:00 Hemingwaj'-Kewt MBS
7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS. .
7:30 Headlines V Bylines
7:45 Bert- Buys'
8:00 Cecil Brown MBS
:15 Breakfast Gang MBS
8:30 Bible Institute MBS
9:00 Homemakers Harmonies
9:15 Platter Party
9:45 Favorites of Yesterday
10:00 Glenn Hardy MBS
10:15 Tello Test MBS
10:30 LaPointes
iliwl MEANING lifllj
Li l 1 1 Entertainment Tjij)
10:49 Ooncert
10:50 Currins
10:55 Ken Carson Show MBS
11:00 Ladles Fair MBS
11:28 News MIS
11:30 Queen for Dsy MBS
12:00 Name Bands
13:15 Noonday News , i
12:30 Dance Tunes .
12:45 Music Box " ".' ' ,
12:50 Market It Livestock
12:53 Klamalh Notes
1:00 Jack Klrkwood MBS
1:30 Take a Number MBS
1:00 Newa MBS
3:03 News MBS
3:19 Two at 3:19
2:49 Answer Man MBS
3:00 Rlckys Request
4:00 Speed Gibson
4:19 Hemingwsy News MBS
4:30 Curt Masiey Time MBS
4:5 Sam Hayes News MBS
5:00 Twilight Time
6:30 Wild Bill Hlckok MBS
6:39 News MBS
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:15 Klamath Theater Quia
6:30 Around Town News ' -
6:45 Sum Hayes News MBS
6:59 Bill Henry MBS
7:O0 Family Theatre MBS
7:30 Cisco Kid MBS
8:00 What's Name of Soog MBS
8:30 Red Cross Program
8:49 Heidelberg Harmonaires
9:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS
9:19 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS
9:30 Wrestling
9:59 9-Mln. Final MBS
10:00 Wrestling
10:19 1 Love a Mystery MBS
10:30 Out of Thunder MBS
11:00 Nieht Owls News
11:05 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sign Off
Noted Artist
Dies At 79
NEW YORK (.fi Howard Chand
ler Christy, 79, magazine illustra
tor and portrait painter, died Mon
day of a heart ailment after a two
month illness.
He had spent much of a life-time
portraying the American girl. His
canvas beauties were famous as
illustrations for magazines , and
He also rjainted oortraiis of some
of the world's best known people
of his time, among them Presi
dents Harding aiu (jooiiage.
He also portrayed the American
erviceman in both world wars.
TTimprnl services wil be held
Thursday. Burial will be In West
chester County, K. Y.
Elliott To
Attend Meet
Sid Elliot, manager of J. C.
Penney Company department store,
left here today to attend the com
pany's Golden Jubilee convention
oeing neia in sap franc isco trom
March 5 to 7.
"This year marks our 50th An
niversary of serving the American
people," Elliot said, "and our con
vention has been built around that
theme Naturally we are proud of
our past our company started as
a single, tiny store in 1902 and has
grown to be the biggest of its
auna in ine world.
"But frankly, we are looking to
the future, rather than the past.
We want to continue serving the
American people on the simple
principle on which the business
was founded the Golden Rule. We
believe in it and we are going to
mac me opportunity, at ine conven
tion, to reaffirm and rededicate
ourselves to this great principle in
sua sue years aneaa.
J. C. Pennev. founder of th mm.
pany and its board chairman to-day,-will
make the keynote address
aw uie meeting.
House Cuts
Truman Bills
fhWASSII?iT.0N;M' - i-1 H"t of
tne administration's new appro
priation ' bills was through the
HOUSP Tllp.criav nrltt. V...M.-
boasting a minor, victory.
Thev ImnncpH o 1 nav
- " HI
tWO Of the PrAKirient'B
- . j uuukc, i c
quests.. ..,
Passed by voice yote late Mon
day ana sent .to " the 'Senate.- the
Dill wnillH snnmnriala iuuc
? .-to-finsnce the Treasury and
vovwm.v ivepurtuienui lor ine
fiscal year starting July 1.
It lfaVPS tmphonnul a n.n-nHMH4
law under which the Treasury ad
ministers . $12,245,990,506 In indef
inite funds, such as interest on the
national . debt and old age 'trust
ThB) -2 RSr font. itf 1n.i,.- no' '
v, w. i wbutiiiiiLllutlllUll
of the House Appropriations Com
mittee and $3,890,000 imposed by
the House itself. The total reduc
tion was $48,280,000 in Treasury
and $28,300,000 in Postoffice funds
The President requested $693,045,
000 for the Treasury and $2,822,-
iw.uvu ior tne. rosi-umce Liepart
ment. ' .-. ...
River Blasts
Kill Sturgeon
't-tt-ivj ... vuilll ttliiui 3
dynamited the Columbia River last
wcea-eim ior construction of the
proposed dam at The Dalles.
Anrl Mnnrinv th ci-i. nt
... V WlCgVII
was In the caviar business.
Eight sturgeon, containing al
most 150 pounds of eggs from
which caviar is made were killed
in the blast. The eggs may sell for
as much as $8 a -.pound. And the
fish, amost half a ton of it, sells
for 80 cents a pound.
The Fish Commission, whlth
has claimed the ntilrerr-nn u411 el!
it to the highest bidder.
Largest of the eight fish killed
in the. blast was 12 feet long. It
Weighed about BOfl nnunrls
about CO years old.
Portland Doctor
Up On Tax Count
land chiropractor, already facing
charges of manslaughter by abor
tion, was accused Monday of In
come tax evasion.
He is Ross Elliott. The U.S.
Internal Revenue Department said
that he reported $13,636 Income In
i instead of $28,778.
Tax liens of $877,620 were filed
against Elliott and his wife last
year by the government.-Various
years since 1941 were covered by
the liens.
Elliott was one of several ar
rested on manslaughter charges
last July after a series of raids
on Portland clinics. He has not yet
been brought to trial.
For used typewriters and arldlng
mnehlnes . . . Vnlrht's Pioneer
Office Supply, 6JD Main. I
GANG INC UPON MOTHER These ten - week
I Sydney, Australia, Taront Park Zoo. Id their determination not
Reno Theft
No Bother
To Loser
RENO I L. V. Redficld. who
says he is "a man of character
but not a 'character.'" still is un
concerned over the loss of an es
timated $2,500,000 in cash, jewelry
and negotiable securities.
As police checked rumors and
listened to a multitude of theories
as to how burglars carried away
Redfield's safe from his home Fri
day, the - 54-year old millionaire
told reporters:
"Money can be replaced.
"There are many things in life
that are more important than mon
ey. I have good health: I have a
good wife and, with apologies to
the song I have her love to keep
me -warm who can ask for any
thing more."
Then he philosophized on thrift:
"I buy a bargain when I see one.
If I can save a nickel on an item.
I buy it in quantity, thus saving
one or two dollars. If I hadn't done
that all mv life, I'd be just like 60
many other people today just one
step ahead of the bill collector.
"I can say that I don't owe a
cent to anyone in the world, in
cluding Uncle Sam. If the internal
revenue people will check their
files, they'll find I have paid in
come taxes on far more money
than was taken the other day."
The burglars didn't "break" Red
field. They overlooked another
$1,000,000 in securities.
Reno Police Chief L. R. Greeson
was not as talkative.
All he would say about the rob
bery was:
"We're checking and chasing
leads. If we were getting close, we
couidnt make it public anyway.'
Peace Hope Seen
By Ambassador
LOS ANGELES lT "I believe
Russia will fall because men will
be free." but we must not under
estimate Soviet power, says Adm.
Alan o. Kirk.
Kirk, who resigned last month
as U.S. ambassador to the Soviet
Union, also said in a Town Hall
address Monday America would be i
falich In nniiHpr Pnssin invinci
He said he believes war can be
avoided if America is able to "ne
gotiate from strength, actual and
in being'
Natural gas-has practically no
Cm i their bertl
Ph. 4 far Oreati Te T.k Oat
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
Make Your Yard the
Most Beautiful
for Miles Around!
Early Blooming
By Moil
xr ' ,3 tor $2
Nothing you could plant will
live, you a much natMfactiori as
ne ot these tall, unb;liveablv
iovely Tulip Trees. And it Will
ncreane the value of your property
dunrtrerifl. nf dollars, (n Just a iW
,'rB, Bloom early and long with
lense mMM of 6-petal tulip flowrn
bfaven are a 'deep rich jjreen.
Wonderful shade. Will make vonr
yard a phow place for yen to
:ome. Grows fat. Very hardy. We
tend a utrong tree 3 to 5 feet for
wceesflfu! transplanting. On ar-'
rival atore or plant at your con
venience. I.lmltjirt mnnlv! RnH ai
for 1, $2 for 3, postpaid. C. O. D.'n
welcome. Satldfaclion guaranteed
your monev back. EXTRA
OIFT. a Colorful Bed Twig Don-
Blooming ton, Illinois
if W
Columbia River Bill Gets Okay
washing ion if Legislalloii,
afthorlzing seven western stoics to
negotiate a compact for division of.
the Columbia River and its trib.
trie ioiumoia Kicr ana us trio-
Maries was approved by the House
States concerned are Washington.
lanno, uregon. Montana, Nevada.
Utah and Wyoming. A committee
Wednesday thru Saturday at Matter's
Furnish your entire living room for '88s8!
' Here's What You Get:
If (L-J Qji I If Modern Armless Daveno!
W ' SSlJ -f ilk Platform Rocker'. '' . ' '
! LjS) 1 tf W( Glass Top Coffee Table!
X5?5 sto IH 11 I ' "ff wo 'QSS "?P " Tables!
ifefe 'H I h0 tiCSJi II I Two Beutifu LamPsj
I lrwllll 1 r 4Jl I F Size Throw Rug!
ii'y fjm J I Never before . . never 690m 1uc.l1 an offer!,'.
L3 I ZZO I li I The best- opportunity you'll EVER hove to
4 j 111 "iSrMil 1 1 (ill iea. I completely furnish your living room ot thi
fci I I -Jwilf I f f I one ,on,a,'ono"v 'ow P,iee Wednaidoy thru
! BiHii ffi&aj &::&0r'T(J """SaJ lyJL fSJ Soturdoy only! Shop early , . avoid tho rush!
y lSpt.. J ' 1 nrvvii 1 j jui 1 iuui
I 9th and Klamath Phone 4878
- lasiin isiia.i. jiiniimiii las. I ill) Mli7MaaiZ!ii!I73Z
NT X ,' :
- old lion cubs close In on Mom at
to let her keep the bone to herself.
renort snld tnp srven are believed
willing to negotiate such an agioc-
mml- .....
Congress and Legislatures of the
stntM nmsl ()rovc ully compuc,
0r use of the river.
The blll now B00s'to lc Senate.
There are at lenst 69 different
kinds of suit.
w J I II J I II nJ? J J i i
II f I 1.1 l II I .- l I II tl V t
O'Daniel May
Be In Race
PORTLAND, m-W. t,ro O'Dim
M, a (oinier governor of Toxn.i,
Inlcl Mm Oregonlnii Monday Hint
he will not become a ciitullilnto for
President in the Slittc's Miiv 111
O'Dnnlel, a Democrat, imld Inst
nlnlit that he mialil become a run
dltlntc. flenched by telephone nl hlx
home in Diillas, Tex., O'Dnlllrl
told the OrcRonlnn lie "wished It
had been possible, for him lo
niter," but Hint lie would hnvo loo
Inle a start In the race.
He hii id lie hntlii t give up the
Idea ot running elsewhere, thotiu.lt.
We sllll niny got Into this cum-
uiilgn." O'Dnnlel an Id, "There la
n strong tlcuinnrt , . . Including
mnnv letter from Oregon, l'ctl-
tion.i are rolling in fust."
O Daniel, who served two terms
In the U.S. yeniiio liom Texas,
ciinHiiilftncd under the alognn
Pnss the Blmius, japy." in
retired from politics in HH8 when
he did nol seek re-election for his
Scnnto post.
Company Sues For
Alleged Loan
PORTLAND W Tile rnclflc
Development Comnnnv hits filed
suit III Circuit Court here for $!I9.
2fi0, claimed due from Hoseburg
Homes, Inc.
H. R. Kclell. Portland apnrtmenl
houKC builder, contends In the suit
Hint he advanced money to Hie
RoscbuiR corporation which It
failed lo repay.
Roseburg Homes, Inc.. a develop
ment company, has built some 140
homes In the Cloverdalo Addition
at noseburtt.
Lumber Shipping
Figure Gaining
PORTLAND If Lumber ship
meulN from Oirnou poiia (luring
J n ihiii rv exceeded lhoie for Hie
snine period Inst year by iiIiiiomI
M million board frrl, Hie PiicIIIl
l umber tii'iiectlon Buicnu report
ed Mundiiy,
Columbia River polls hniullril
47,147,000 feel Mils January com
pared with 37,70,000 fur Jnminry
Oregon cnnsliil elilpmenla were
up In 53,743,000 fret compared
Willi 33,7119,000 a yeur ago.
Ptiget Sound uoi la' volume tlrnn-
ped from SI),039,0(MI feet fills year
to 20,777.000 last year. Griiya Har
bor and Wlllupn Harbor ahlpmenls
were down lo 17,310.0(10 feet from
20.3H8.000. British Columbia ship
ments also slumped from 103.941,-
000 to 93,023,000 Icet.
Communist Leaders
Get- Trial Delay
NEW YORK Ml Sixteen sec
ondary Coiiimunht leader have
won a delay In their trial until
March 31.
They wore lo have gone on trial
Monday, but Federal Judge Ed
ward J, Dlmock grunted Hidr pleu
lor a postponement so Ihev can
have more llino lo plan their de
It use.
'Ihev 18 were Indicted June 20
on charges of conspiring to teach
unci advocate I lie violent overthrow
ol the government.
Millions am demanding
Patients Get 1
Hospital Veto
BA.LKM im Two male patients,
accused of failure In observe rules,
were illsmlKKcd front Ilic Hint a
'nibfi'milonlH llosplliil here.
0. 0. Mt'lllnunr, linsiltiil Hllper
IlileiKlent, mild the men, both with
contagious tuberculosis, were dis
missed two weeks ago lor smoking,
failure to take proper rest and gen
eral violations,
Dr. Wlllnrd J. Stone, . Marlon
County health officer, aald one nf
the men hurt since been committed '
In the State Mental Hospital for .
The other, who came from Swert
Home, la at large.
Ilelllnger said Ilia state had no
authority to compel the men to
submit to treatment or lo obaervt
liospllul rules.
r'nr used typewriters anil ailillnr
machlnm .... Voliht'a IMonecr
Office Supply, 020 Main,
Brlnfl th fn
lor coffit t .I
... I
') "