TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1032 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE KLRVKN 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE MLEHMAN rflrin tu llnil, aiipririT per ntKMlIt 0ttnrlnll' hi ed- '() Ages ID In .111 AiM'lv NlaiHltirit ftlallnn, Inc. Uittl ml Main or fjiplau- and Njtrlng HI. 'i HUP WANTED," MALI fcA'hOttAt,TnNf(KHft"wfiV 'iVaiYe if. leientallnn uanla amhlllmis lrihM fr stcedy piin,m IVfOi limit J in A ri i. lit Wtlls lu 4.1 cart of PernM unrt News 'KAlV frlAN'riHL'O "MORTINf I1O0I1H Jolilter wanfi f.titrlriir(i sporting g'Mnla hnIih)nm Im mil on hnidwaii 6 ahiI nnrtln goods (r-,.lr.i. 'Oriitnrv F.lgana u DiliKinitlr. Calif.. Im-liMling II ftnuthern Orrrmt linvni, If iijnhhf"l write or nlinnn ft n Harris ui Harris ami (itiirfKM. .VI3 Minion HI flmi FiiMt rlttn A, Calif, Intrrvlt w ran he arranged 17 HELP WANTED urn rAMl'l.V WMklni muu'nMW avail' ll. If von uiiil ytmr own Ihm in vMih t r than avrag iiiniin write , for nfoiiMiillin to The J, It Watklti ('" , 1.17 Dexter, flrallle D, Weiltlng Inn ! SITUATIONS WANTED rAMll.Y MAN "rKiiriiritfril "tii'taim work. eitilmient niH-rslliiit, rieairra li-riitMii.lil JuU. Write It.ts 2li, Wlmrii Ol refill. i'OI,Oltr:iladv wants house work 'liy hmir. Plume J-:tlHtT. MAHVa'ftiii'ig'' I'liunr 'a onYi Wll,L care for" rhilflien lit niyiiiiMS d. or your hum. evening,. Call M14S 22 ROOMS FOR RINT ' Mr.rrMN(Shlf)Mroinl..Vll,ly fur' matted, twin beila aiilt.lil. fur two 4 Knotty plMSdnadlninlttg I'hnn 4R:J4 lfl"l ItKNT. tivn tietlroun duple .pari meiir .VI. I MO Martin Plinn. MVl Von HUNT, rurnl.h.il ' an.Httient " to' inikltt girt. IHIilllra fiiritlaheil !! of atiloui.tle waaher and drv.r Mors. flout 7tll .nit Main I'hiin. 742 or rail at 4?n N 7lh alter alv p in . I NFll'lMMHr"!) i h..lr.V, ., duplex (. raaa, .41 so Phnn. 2.33117 VllNISItn)- 3 rooms, " ahimer ..'ID 30 Phnn. 2 .13117. r.AIHiry riirnlah.drahln." I?3.2n30 Had 'Tlllf.. Plione:i!WII, ItnErTroom filmlah.daiailtn.ntn'ar tllh Hchool l.erg. rnotita. Lane rla- Hv Adlllla. Phona 0:143 f NrWl.V darnratarl" thrraioorn fii'r- nlahad. C'loaa tn. Cnupla. M. IJtltltlra - fiirnlthcd. I'hniif 44li3 nr .14n: itftOMH for' raiTt lrlval. anlranra! f'ln.a In Phnn. 4444. PODMtl. irir"areaaiinatila WSFiTilaf IToVri.Vroomrfor r.nt"MT-7."waak . fio.t In. Phon. 41a KIIONT nioirT'tor rant, drier Ap'arV- rnanta. 7tOMaln. ' hOAnlJTrooiii, raaannatife. Ptiim 4ilM rTll t,")iaattd room., ajj'.clllc Ttr" n6miCTn-T4niiK 24 APARTMINTS fOR RENT 9f)H ItiS'T. two bidroomurnurieij narlntcnl. Phnn l OILI ri O Y A I An M J pa r I m n lV r a ru-fTsi tli(h Phon fl.1T) ri.r AS" a-rtwin parimritt, 4:13 North Tunihr 1 1 rt,)tNI'SHiKDpartmnl. hallinil -ir nrluilil H4 per month. 413 Walnul Pltont lion, ' F'On ItlTrVl, on brlronmfiirnuK4iapt ' Prlval Iwlh anrt rnunrt. 30 IS Orofon A Phun a, I J ll N I A 1 1 K lj" lipi t a ir parlmani Wood hal. nrln Phnn IWil nr J-WWX ttrarllv apardnent tlllahl for iingle per win. (iai rqtilppnl . Frig n1air, llghla and watr furnlaltvd 142 Moiilh flivoril'li fhti "ritfft. Ihra room Jurnlhi aparlmfiit AdtitKi only. 2120 Orchard. lnqulrt- 30.nnatlcltffa ?OH"lir.NT. thr ntom fiirnuhi-d ttam haltd apart mrnt. Phnn 77.11 NKWl.V drrnratrd iartti)ent. liitrr A. TlfJ Main, Ion UK NT. two rMtm furnuhed prt rrrnt fr adult a. 1UI Itrnat) VNt'hNiHIIKO."-namnt apVrtmiMt for barhflor or lady. Natural hoi mater ha at anrt uatrr furnUhnl Ul. Rrfr it erator nd Urtrtc rnga available 21 i Main or phone A41U 'llKlirt'oilATKI) "ihrf'r'Viwm furnlahrii parlHiffil, clrrtrlr hi-at. Two hlncVa fioiti Matn. Adulta. No pti 313 N. tM It Von nKN'T. 3-ruom paTtntent. fur niihd Adult! MB 11 mart i-fViAM' lrf.ATKh' parlment ilth bd r. to nt (1311 Oak St ifnrffNimn ""oiMnint for rent, (kAi)arln.-nt I, 3(lO Mstkal, -fliltrK llOOM furnihed partn.cnr30fll ONE Itie'rfrtioTn unfur"i.i"iFid "aparlmcnt fiii ro;nUM'rt. Call 30011. TTvti.Y- fitortcF privatt tiaih. kitt rhtnvit. Mtam heal, tectrlc rang tin ayxOt lte ArmB Anartrnnt om if furnUiitd pan-ni"?ir fliit' flin Hiirh KlVltNliHtirt) bedroom apartment Phon 7M4 Ith and Walnut. Audicy Aparlmania .'Kf'HNlSHKD tVirea room apa"tment tt3 M: two ronin unit fctt; all Ullllllta Inrludfd. 4 IB N Tenth. 2i H0USES F0R INT Von rtfNT onj bedroom hnuw. iin ftirnlihed except ilovea. 3217 Blchn ' Phone 117(17. KOIt BKNT. duplex In Hot Sprint Itrat, hot and cold wattr furnuhed. .-S, Phnne :i7wo. .hnne S2.1l. t'bn ftf.ST. three room lion In Mliu Addition, Clnf to htu and schooU. Phnne UTOJ after 4 o'clock. ' VOR ritNT" three room" "modern pert Iv furniihed cabin. Electric atov. Set at u:tA Adatni. 4 Von ItKNT. Moftern lwTo-room furnlhed "houe. Inquire; 311.2 Cannon. Phone B123 Iter five hnune. 144P Wllfnrd. MO per fiNMnNistlKlj" four room dupTex." Tv rpt for atovei. 1 30. Call 3017 before 9 n m. TtorsfcKrTpiNG cabtni. Clow In Phone 3:t0. ui uicrri i a u in i i v. rhp o r kit i3EiiinvE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save H New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Slakes Vnns BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Main Phdne 8304 frdRnr.Ntbynlfht. dayor monHT. large building next to Iiltllft Sweden on ytth Sixth, for dance, parties, Helen, nnwf. llaa electric heat, nice -dance floor, at age and piano. AUo banquet tablet aveflahle and eight or ten ned aatela for ltdre uae. ISniilh Sixth Com- ntiutttv llnll. Phone Snnft. FOR RENT. 100 acrei. barfey. clover and. or potato land at 940 per acre m-h. Offer good till March B. Write Iterald and Newa.pox 4ll. (.'AHACK "for "rent. Inquire PCggXy Wl- gly.JPhone MSI. FOR RKNT, irrigated paMure for tin head ratHe. 9 ml I en nnuth of Klamath .Full"., ('nil nnn afler B p.m. KioitK""" n(7"t on SciViih "HtxVh An proximately BOO q. ft. Phone Mi-iB. o"FrK:E for rent. 623 Mafn. Plinne 7IBI. FOR RF.Nlfflonr tandem latent type enulpment Suburban Lumber Co. Illh nHWlntM Phone 7700 cXh afoii AtitrZTimA'fr. n. dav week nr month. Earl tamb. phone 4873 or 77n0 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALI FOR LEASE OR SALE J20 ncrcs plowed In nil ready to seed (tin In. 80 ncrea meadow for entile only. vIVAN F. OTTOMAN HEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE r, ' Mnlin, Orepon fl nivrnsiriKD farm Pasture for i;n head rattle, loo acrr reatly for nnlatoe. nil acrfit In alfplfa. tinati big barn for hy. Potato cellar, Including all machinery, practically new, priced "out of thin world" Call Henry Newhoune, a-31B7 or DB52. New hniinennal Eitate. 2000 Boil lh Sixth. Ton SAIX, 3 beelromn modern home. Or&ii bedroom downntalra, two upstairs. Full baaement, two a car garages, large lawn. 10 fruit and ahnde tree, aim be men. Oood drainage. Wilt aell SUBW. tinfurnlNhed, $7000. furnlHhed. For ap pointment phonefln;m. FOR HALE., three bedroom modern ftir riiftheri . homr. Small down payment, real Ilka rent Phone 2-30.10. . . 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI UIVKI7HIDK I.IvIiik room, two hrrh mirjin, kllclirtl, lint It, two loin, ottif! furniture, courrrle fotiiKU lldll. $5000. KUnunilFI j crr!, tlirn bml loonin, llvlnif iimin, kllchrnrlli', tut 1 1 1 . Cunt liiiintin rpuii'l.llon, II nr dm ".pol mid brirlrn, l(IO0. I'll tti'ir, two bcdrooiiK, llvlim room, klkhrti, bnlli, double gnnigr). Oli.'.O. CH'I'Y Our bi'droom. (nundtitlon. Clriin. Nicely locitlrd. 14000, Mil, US Two bedroom, large in iap. Wiib 7MM). Lam week win 7(M)0. NOW furllier reduced lor quirk .ale. Hre tin (or fiirins, iHiRhru and utrentn. We hitvc Home good ones. VEIINON IJURANT JIKIIB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI KtAL ESTATE (Ml So. SUtli Phone SOUTH SUBURBAN Ilcrcs your chance to be a ranctier in a small way. Neat Iwo bedroom borne on la acre. Large double ga rage, chicken hou.se and lot is fenced and cro.s.sfenccd. All this for only $6250. CALIFORNIA AVK. Lovely two bedroom cot tage on paved street. Near school. Newlv decorated, ELECTRIC HEAT and in excellent condition. Large double g a race with storage or shop. Will trade for three bedroom home or sell for only $0500. WIARD ST. Very good three bedroom home on h acre. Large liv ing room, dining room and modern kitchen. Automatic oil heat. Close to bus line. Landscaped lawn and good garden. House is weather stripped and insulated. Should tnke F.H.A. financ ing. $11,200. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3543-04,48 1025 -Main Kvcnlnsn Ron Fi.iher 8070 "Hnp" Dnvhon 3871 - nrucc Owrni Merrill 149 Small Cheap Home Partially furnished 2 bedroom home near Conger School. Nrwly redecorated. Small but very neat and clean. Electric ranie and water heater. 27&0. MILLS ADDITION Wnlklnir distance to Mills School. Small 3 bedroom plastered home with automatic heat and fireplace. Concrete foundation and garage. Nice yard with lawn and trees. $4030. Reasonable terms. LARGE SUBURBAN HOME On large H acre In the Shasta Dis trict. Dandy soil lor a garuen. Oood sire living room, large dining room, modern kitchen, sewing room, nice bnthroom and two bed rooms. Newly redecorated Inside. Exceptionally clean and convenient ly arranged. Attached garage. Full price $S750. Shown by appointment only. Reasonable, down payment and assume owners O.I. Loan. NEAR ALTAMONT SCHOOL Only 3 blocks to the school. 6 year old modern 2 bedroom home. Neat and clean with automatic heat, hardwood floors, Insulation and storm windows. Also garage with concrete floor. Easy to heat and easy to keep clean. Full price 17500. F.H.A. Financing available. flSOO. cash down and the balance pay able at approximately $47. SO monthly. Al Longmlre Eves. 0724 Joe Perry Eves. 6332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR anil INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Phone 3605 or 3421 176 ACRES ' 100 ncres Irrigated. 40 acres dry land Lirmlng. Excellent set of buildings. 20 miles out on Main Hlghwny, Price $34,000 terms. 175 ACRES Close In. 150 acres under cultiva tion In pnsture and farmland. Free Irrigation on all. Good home. Priced only $28,500, 812,000 down, balance on long terms. JACK GARDNER Phone 6371 Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6Ul Phone 9832 74 ACrtES. Irrliat.d. Good bulldlnn. on paved road, (l-room modern home. Silllnnlft for potato., or grain, svnvan wlra fenced. By owner. Box 4A, Herald and Newt. 10 RIAL 1ST ATI 'OR SALI PRICED TO SELL SO acre tnndy loam, near Adama Point. 15 icrea ready for ipuda, balance In clover, barley and al falfa. 2 bedroom modern home, baric and chicken home, ED POPE Munnii.L, ortKOoN MILLS I WELL con.'ilructed two bedroom home l'j blocks lo MIIIh Hcltonl, Concrete foundation, modern hath with all new flxtuic. Nice kitchen and utility. Garage and workshop. Nicely landrcaped. Fenced vard. Includes some furniture. $(1500, let nil. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL EXCEPTIONAL tour bedroom Iwniif. rrntutrilfted In 1041 l.nrif llvlng room, llreplace, mu.Mc room. well tiiHiinrd kitchen, two lull bnlhs. Full banement. Loin of nlos Ha and xtornge room. Automatic heal to all rouinn. Benulllul yard. $18,000, lernia. SUBURBAN NEARLY new 5 room modern I ranch-type home In line neighbor hood. t:lra large living room, two j parlous bedromnn, beautiful bath, dining room and kitchen. Utility room, attached garage, uame nice Iv land-caprd lot. A home to be l.roud of. $U,500, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 HOT SPRINGS TWO BEDROOM home about 10 vears old. Dining room, fireplace, basement. Excellent neighborhood Oood construction, nice yard. Two blocks lo Roosevelt School. Full price $12,600, Terms. THREE BEDROOMS Just ff Hope St.. all rooms large and cheerful. Two baths, fireplace, hardwood floors, automatic heat, large utility room. Attached ga rage. Nice fenced rear yard for garden and llowers. $11,500. Terms. Anne Mason Eves. 671 Fddle llosley 2-0e8 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 113 S. 9th Phone 7260 STOP NOW $7250 Buys this suburban two bed room home. Oarage, work and storage room, corner lot. garden, lawn, trees. 180 Laurel. FHA or OI Loan. WANTED Listings for homes and acreages. Any price, any lie. anywhere. JACK CASHIN E. Willard Cedarleaf REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 3D27 So. 6th Phone 2-0154 Eves. 2-3170 Income Property THREE APARTMENTS Close In, north of Main. Completely furn ished. Bringing In excellent Income. NICE ONE BEDROOM HOUSE Well furnished. This is good rental property. $3600. HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINOS Well kept two bedroom home. Fireplace, good basement. $8750. HILLSIDE New two bedroom home. $6,000. ST. FRANCIS PARK Lovely two bedroom home. Some furnishings. $8750. THREE BEDROOM HOME On ' j acre good soil. $5600. LARGE BUILDING LOT On Dayton Street Just off Shasta Way. $6500. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734, 4880 FARMLAND 40 acres. Grain land. Improvements consist of modern two bedroom home, garage, bunk house and large chicken house. Nice location. Paved road. Full price $8,000. Easy terms. 133 ACRES All under cultivation and Irriga tion. Hns been farmed to henston barley, alslke clover seed. Alfalfa and potatoes. Very nice location. Pnvcd rond. Fenced. Improvements Include two modern houses, one being three bedrooms, other house two bedrooms. Modern lmnlement shed. Potato cellar, other buildings. Moment water supply for domes tic purposes. Priced to sell. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2851 ONE bedroom home Including new elec tric range. Venetian blinda. Priced for quick sale. Inquire evening or week ends. 2043 Wantland. FOR &ALE, live room house, other buildings, Two acres of ground. Phone 4U70. FOR SALE nice level lot N E. corner Addison and l-akevlew. Accept reason able offer. Doris While, P.O. Box 13J5. Freano, Calif. JO REAL ISTATI fOR SAll CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Govt, filate and Countv land Hairs. FRKK LAND CATALOG. Pacific LanJs 1021 KB Cahlienga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. Near Conger School Newly-built attractive 2'i bedroom ranch home. Electric heat, Insul ated, double garnge. Attractively landscaped lot. Tills home was built under FHA specifications. Price $10,500. SUBURBAN Vi ACRE Modern 1 bedroom home. Fire plHce, large garage with workshop. A good buy at $4500. HOT SPRINGS This beautiful two bedroom home was built last year. Yard Is com pleted, with lawn, automatic cop per sprinkler system, stone walls, etc. Full concrete basement, com plete with garage, workshop, util ity room, large party room with bar and second fireplace. Fully In sulated, electric heat, comfortable separate dining room, natural wool cabinets in kitchen, tiled bath, and a world of bullt-ln storage space. Call us for an appointment now. MILLS ADDITJON New 2 bedroom home, very com fortably planned. Large llvnjt room, separate dining room, very convenient kitchen, glassed-in util ity room. Hardwood floors through out. Insulated In both walls and celling. Asbestos siding, large double garage, fully landscaped. Easily take any kind of maximum loan. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1009 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 or 5529 99 ACRES MflTVW! POINT nn navert mud 00 cultivated, 50 Irrigated. Good Improvements. Price $16,000 with terms. 80 ACRES IN LAKEVIEW. located on west .ride, 1 mile from west side store. All 80 irrigated, good imrirove- ments and priced al only $16,000. Terms can be had. 176 ACRES Here Is a dandy. 136 Irrigated. 40 drv land but could be irrigated. Oood 3 bedroom home, with extra nood improvements. Price $34,500. M3.0O0 down balance $2000 yearly. Act fast on this one. Income Property A GOOD INVESTMENT 18 unit Apartment house, all furnished tliroushout. Average income per month of $600.00. Located Just 3 blocks north of main street. Jay P. Griggs Eves Ph. 4254 Gene Vavell Eves. Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis 2-265S W. W. Thompson at Malin J. W. SANDERS ; 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 MALIN RANCH 185 Acres irrigated. Close to Ml lln on Pavement. Rich sandy loam soil. Three good homes. Two potato cellars (one excel lent). Other good out - build ings. This ranch is one of the best In the basin. For prjee and details please contact this office. WALT DEITZ. with T. B. WAITERS 107 So. 7th Phone 193 (Eve. 969) REALTORS is INSURANCE HOMS FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck. Salesman m N gtfc phone 8401 SUBURBAN HOME $14,130. Modern 3 bed room -f I replace partly carpeted. Newly redecorated in ide and out. Dlahwanher-outbulldinc.-near school and dub. Borden two street ian ne tuDmviaea. can Boat. NEW HOMES for Mle. William B. Pnu-atl DKnn. to FOR SALE, modern "two bedroom home at Modoc Point. R. H. Nichols. Box J 2. Modoc Point. 32 BUILDING ft REMODELING ROOFING Built-up Composition Shinnies Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 3-2443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED WHATEVER YOUR LUMBER NEED. Ha -.in Building Materials Inc. fills it riRbtl We carry a full line of dimen sion, doors, sash, frames, posts, floor ing, hardware, paints and so on. Dctl u-tin commence. Phone 2-2363. 47ti4 South Sixth. SAVE a;i 'r ON WARDS TILKBOAWU Only 37 cents square foot! Let Wards arrange to have It Installed by ex perts. Bake d-on enamel finish, resists wear, peeling and chipping. Easy to clean. 2 patterns, 7 colon. 10 pc down on term. MONTGOMERY WAR 13 0th ndPjnt Phone 318P WARDS TOP-QUALITY ROOFING, SIDING NEEDS INSTALLED . ROOF ING Ceramic granules Imbedded In weather-defying asphalt, Choice of pop ular designs and colore. SIDING-Benu-ty-retalntng ceramic granules Imbedded in weather resistant asphalt. Popular designs, colors, U UTTERS Galvanized steel In half round-type to give years of dependable service. INSTALLED Lei experts Install your roofing, siding needs. FHA terms: 10 'r down, up 10 :i years to pay. Coma In or phone ior fret estimate. MONTGOMERY WARr ftth and Pint Phone 3188 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I . Up to $500 on your auto On oui salary or fumlturt up to $300 "Pay Day" loan s ipeclalty - $10. $25, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer $26 cost but 18 cents for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th EU M-364 DON Mi INTYRE, Mgr. 43 Veari Friendly 8ervice 42 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WED. 1:30 P.M. v'r' CATTLE -U HOGS ix SHEEP MARCH 5 8 Rcgualr Hereford Bulls e 50 Whiteface weaner calves. . e ALSO our usual run of fat and feeder cattle, hogs and sheep. LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE One head or a carload Klamath Livestock, Inc. MIDLAND ROAD R. E. "Bob" RHODES, AUCT. Ph. 4032 34 r FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Svstcm METER PRINTED TICKET3 Your Guarantee Of Hcstiwt Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING OU, Stove, furnace, light fuel. cnl, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co 835 Hark.t Pnone 5140. DrtY pine blorka for .ale. Open eve nlnaa and weekend. Metiers Bros. PIIKSTOLOCJS pickup or del'.rered. Cilff Yaden, Signal Service. 2AA0 80 Slh Phon. sesi or 3-930. S & H GREEN STAMPS liven on heat ing oil. Phono 36S1 or 2-9260 for prompt delivery. CUTr YADEK'S SIGNAL CERVICZ 2560 So 61 h IS BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES MALE Iri&h setter pupa. May be Men al 4017 Brlitol Ave. ANDERSON Boarding Kennel. Phon. W47 softs Delaware oft Homedale BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet. Clean individual outdoor runs for each dog. Doga nandled durlrg mating. WIU pick up and deliver. Visitor. Welcome PhoM SOI! Merrill Rd Rt 2. Boic 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 40 TO EXCHANGE TRADE, nine months Guernsey heifer and Jersey steer for hay. Phone 2-2009. 42 VEStOCK ft POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KI.AMATH POULTRY FARMS ACTION Watch this paper for com plete list of Quam Auto Supply, quitting business sale Sunday March 9. 1 p.m. at South Sixth St. Community Hall. FOR SALE, quarter horse saddle mate. Call S9(j6 after 3 p.m. FOR SALE, young ewes, lamb in April. P hon e" 2-2030. CATTLE PASTURE FOR RENT for summer season, near Fort Klamath. Not le.s than inn head or ove-r 300 heart. Excellent pasture end water available April 15 or May 1st to October lo. Removable rates. Write Box 40, Herald and News. CHESTER WHITE boar service. Phone RED FRYERS and roasters for sale, freshlv dresjed ready for the pan. ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phone 8341 after 4. A RT1F1C1 A', BRFFD1NG SERVICE Phone 5721 M C (Chuck" Warren Rt 2. Box 522. Jf no answer Phone 4400. Evenings FOR SALE, three hnars. Phone 8752. WANTED colored hens Phone 4591. HIGHEST prices paid for poultry, hois and livestock. BIG V MEAT MARKET Likevlew Junction Phone 4inn 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED RELIABLE couple with Iwo children wants to rent two bedroom furnished I house. Phone 2-0.157. 1 WANTED TO LEASE with option toj buy. two or three bedroom house, with acreage, t-none .-mi. LIKE TO BUY. 4 wheel drive pickup or late model 'j ton with 4 speed transmission. Phone a-mra. Rose Motor Co 6lh and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 850 to 8300 Auto Fumlturt Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deaial Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-251 - N-'.m 107 No 0th Phon 7711 aid & News Classified ads dally Get the latest Information on what's what in everyday business trends LOANS Phone 2-3537 8-278 l POULTRY Phone 3974 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onlr 8100 87.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 1300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS IHE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars "nancd at bank rate "VONZlT IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. i0 years serving Klamath Bsvdiv Sea -Chuck" Bailey. Msr. lit N. 7th 8L Phone 332S 8-341 M-379 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE. "97" Cafe. Chemult. Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 53. Chemult. $720 CASH "Gives you your own inde pendent business Refilling and collecting money from the new 5c Hot Almond dispenser in drug stores, cafes, taverns, bus depots. All locations obtained for you. To qualify you must have car, references, and S720 cash. Devot. ing a few of your spare hours each week to the business you should make up to $75 weekly, with liberal financing assistance to aid you in taking over full time with income increasing accordingly. Full in formation Box 44, Herald and News. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER & WINE LICENSE Building With Living Quarters GROSSED OVER S6000 IN 1951 LOCATED BIG VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 EXTRA INCOME S400 monthly, spare time. We will se. lect a reliable person from this area lo refill, collect monthly from our New Automatic Merchandising Machines. No selling. To qualify, applicant must have car, references, SGO0 working capital. Devoting 4 hours a week will net up to S4O0 monthly with the possibility of taking over full time. For interview, write Box 41. giving full particulars, name, address, age, phone number. SMALL BUSINESS and stock for sale. Good location on Highway 97, 20 miles north. Phone 63. Chiloquin for , details. DRY-CLEANING route for sale. Oppor tunity for steady employment at good pay. For full particulars write Box 33 Herald and News. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION Watch this paper for com plete list of Quam Auto Supply quitting buslnens auction, Sunday, March 9. 1 p.m. at South Sixth St. Community Hall. PORTABLE sewing machine. Reason aoie, can after o p.m. a-; BARNYARD FERTILIZER, delivered. Phone 2-20:iO. ROT-PROOF CANVAS COVERS Rough-wearing, water-repellent tarps. "Formula J" Wards own rot proofing treatment. Penetrates every fiber, pre vents rot and mildew. Rust-resisting giommets. Hot proof thread. fix B ft. size only $7.75 7x 9 it. siie only ..... $10.2.1 9x10 ft. site only -..$14.7.1 10x12 ft. size only , . . $21.45 12x16 ft. size only $31.45 MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pine Phoj??,B? KOK SALE 8x1 a walk-In cooler. Frigid aire refrigerator unit. Complete, $830. Phone 3271. KXChLLENT used piano, 37 inches high. SIM. Terms $13 down. $8 monthly. Louis R. Minn Piano Co., 120 South Seventh. rtSKD Hammond Solovox. Terms. Louts R. Mann Piano Co., 120 North Seventh. JOHN DEERE tractor (model Bt prne tfcally new, with new two-way plow and orchard disc, S2000. G. L. Parker. Box 33, Murphy Stage Road, Grant Pnss. 23 FT. TRAILER coach, 1947 model lo cated at 4023 Fawn Ave. HOUSEHOLD goods for sule. Phone 4K74. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinder. Phone 2-1167 ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chaira, tiles, for sate or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY fl Main Phon 1411 AUTOMOTIVI ABSOLUTELY!!-; The best deal in town is a 2-Day FREE Driving Trial on one of these Guaranteed Used Cars. Try Us and See For Yourself! 1949 Olds $1597 1949 Dodge $1697 1950 Ford 1948 Chevrolet $1647 $1197 $7.00 1941 Chevrolet $397 .1940 Buick i $397 1939 Plymouth $147 For the BEST in the WEST see ; DUSAN&MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ladak Alfalfa 45c lb. Purity 99.98 Germination 93.50 Etna Mills Etna, California Phone Etna 55 Build Better With Pumice-Concrefe BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 REFRIGERATORS RANGES . WASHERS Rebuilt and Guaranteed by Merit's. Priced at a traction of their origin al cost. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St. WE HAVE A whole warehouse full of com pletely rebuilt used, appliances. Every one guaranteed. .We must sell these at a fraction of their original cost. We must have this warehouse space for shipments of NEW 1952 PHILCO RANGES and REFRIG ERATORS that will be arriving shortly. For a better value in used WASHERS, RANGES REFRIGER ATORS etc. with a guarantee .with each purchase, see this large selec tion at MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St. FOR SALE. 50 ton baled alfalfa hay. In barn all winter. John A. Short. Phont HU14. T-D6 tractor with Be-Ge pump. 8 fL jumbo scraper. Inquire Shell Station, onc, wing cooit-sioves, ooors 2518 So. Sixth or phone 2-1272 evenings. 8 FT. Montgomery Ward refrigerator. ijooq cononion. s,a. pnone 4733. GUARANTEED REBUILT APPLI ANCES at a fraction of their original cost Washers. Ranges. Refrigerators. MERITS BARGAIN BARN, 631 Com mercial St. BRAND new 10 cu. ft. double door Philco refrigerator, fully automatic de frost. Never been used. S399.93. MERITS 609 So. 6th. St. DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart. 9755. ANSCO Reflex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condition. SIM. Call 2-3100. 600x10 RECAPS So. 05 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld ers. 2391 So Sth. Phone 4313. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-16B4. FOR SALE, 20 tons baled alfalfa hay. 532.50 per T. Don Potter, Tulelake 7-035J FOR LUMBER "KNOW-HOW" see Ba sin Building Materials Inc. If you know exactly what your need is, we fill that need. If you're not sure, we do our best to find out what's best for your Job. For all your building materials. visit 4784 South Sixth or phone 2-2563. LANDSCAPING. evergreens, snrubs and trees. W. trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORB GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet. ki market USED FURNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 3353. SS AUTOMOTIVE For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath Phone 2-258 AUCTION Watch this paper for com plete list of Quam Auto Supply quit ting business auction Sunday, March 9. 1 p.m. ut South Sixth St. Community Hall. . . , 41 BUICK two door, new '40 motor, radio, neater. Loads of extras. Will sac rifice. Phone 8237. . why walk: drive more motors 302 B Main. Phone 3379. "W. rUI sell your ca r for you" We buy and trade' FOR SALE. LA Caw tractor 12000. with hydraulic pump or S180O. without pump. Csn be seen at Clyde Horsley Ranch. Midland. Oregon. BUS SARUANT'S USED CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur struts Phone uot 1948. Pontiac ............ $1297 1947 Ford i $ 797 1950 Chevrolet $1647 1949 Ford 1. $1397 DOWN THRIFTIES 1939 Olds 1938 Chev. 1934 Chev. i. $297 ,......1J $177 ..!..;....;.'$ 77 Big Savings On Oil In Drum-Lots Farmers, truckers, car-owners save dollars now, buy Wards Vitalized Oil In drum lots. Lowest price of year on premium grade and heavy duty oil. None finer. Come in today, order on Wards special contract plan. Order now, get delivery when you need It. Youre protected against rising and falling prices. All prices Include Federal Tax. Reg, 86c gal. Premium grade In 55 gal. drum, now 63c gal. Montgomery Ward 9th and Pine Phone 3188 Look At The Bargains We Turned Up In Our SPRING : CLEAING! 1941 Pontiac ."6". 2-Dr. Sedan. Mo tor completely overhauled. New white sldewall tires . . .395 1940 Buick Roadmaster Convertible Radio, heater, nice appear '5QC ance. Runs good OVO 1941 Buick Special Sedanet. New light blue paint. . OQi7 Good mechanically . OJ Uuckeland's llth to 12th on Klamath Ph. 3-2581 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp.' YOUR GMC DEALER 77 a 7th Phone Trn COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade REPOSSESSED -CARS- SEE AT 107 NO. 9th 1947 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SDN. 1941 CHEVROLET PICKUP TAKE BOTH FOR ONLY 595 '46.. PONTIAC "8' 750 Dr. Loaded. R.&H. it OLDS Clb. Cpe. -r( Needs trans, work I UU '41 FOc!eDanClb- '395 j-i DODOE 4-Dr. --J C 4 I Make It run. I J nn FORD FORDOR $1r)C OO New rubber'. RA;H I Z J ' i-i PONTIAC Sdn. Cpe. 1QC 4 I Needs battery. LocRted I 7 J Needs batter. Located In Lakevlew, Ore. THESE CARS ARE SOLD "As Is-Where Is! If ' VIE NEED CABS. Gel top price) DOWi Rose Motor co tn ano num. WILL SELL eauitv In 1U30 Hudso Pacemaker, rnone wbj, piMri. spkhials! 1DSO "6" ridio and heater, 1949 Ford V-8. heater. Y-c liatvf Both lust like new. BaUlgtr'a Uae4 Car Lot. Phone 4334. FOR SALE, fishing car. 37 Ford. xnnahle. See Jim Hall. Herald News Composing Boom. .