PAGE TEN ii - EASY TO LAUNCH Terry Georgian demonstrate how simply thU trailer boat, exhibited at Chicato National Boat ' Show, U made ready for use. Body unfolds and wheels are removed. WILL FILE PORTLAND Wl Thomas R. Mahoney, Democratic state sena tor from Multnomah County, said Monday he would file for re-election. UESM1B HMB NEW : Silver Anniversary Sonotone j COME SEE THIS GREAT NEW SONOTONE TODAVI C. R. Adamson Winema Hotel, K. Falfs 2 PBBase Ptaue lead me ilhutrtted 5 PKFF booklet deecrlbln.: the Sit- 9 I . TaxAniiiverearySonotODe. 2 2 ...AM........ Gty..,.-.. ;suis 2 HEARING CENTER WINEMA HOTEL MARCH 6, ALL DAY C. R. ADAMSON 27755 WORTH OF POST CARDS! OR $8" WORTH OF NEWSPAPERS! . The use. of post cards ro pur your message in the 12,616 best homes in the , Klamath Basin would cost you $277.55 for postage alone. Printing would be extra. The same amount of space as that contained on a post card would cost you a maximum of $8.91 total as an advertisement in the Herald and News. Lower rates are earned by regular advertisers. (Audit Bureau of Circulation I960 audit report showed an average number of net paid subscribers to the Herald and News of 12,616,) WHICH IS MORE EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING? BIRTHDAY CHICAGO ( Chicago observed Its 115th year as a city Tuesday without fanfare. ' On March 4, 1S3T, the date it was incorporated, Chicago had a popu lation of 4,170, and 10.1 square miles of territory. Now the city covers 212 square miles and Is the nation's second largest city with a population of about 3,700,000. Milan's famous La Scala Opera House was built In 177B. Man Released from habit-forming laxctiveg "I feel happier, younger now, not constipated," writes Detroit man. "Eating your all-bran does so much, for me. What wonderful relief, after so many pills and medicines." If you can't keep reg ular because of lack of diet-bulk, try Kellogg's all-bran and see if it doesn't help you regain youth ful regularity as thousands have. It's the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need . . . it's not habit forming. Rich in iron, high In cereal protein, provides essential B and D vitamins. Eat Vi cupful daily; drink plenty of liquids. If not completely tatisfled after 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich, and get double tour money back I POST CARD Jiti 6 A BsaliWllWIMWBM Wss.MIW.ssfi DillllllW ! in 1 1 WM it.... L ' ,-.rtHMH-ril-C3 SET CONVERSATI ON Errol Flynn takes time out from his movie making chores to visit his wife, Patrice Wymore, who's busy making film on adjoining Hollywood sound stage. War Criminals Taken Off List TOKYO (p The Japanese gov ernment Tuesday removed 452 war time leaders from the purge list. They included three war criminal suspects acquitted by the courts. 151 generals, 168 admirals and 130 military police officers. They now ore engioie to noia puouc posts, though 180 of them are dead. The most Prominent dead depurgee was Adm. Mitsumasa Yonal, one-time prime minister and navy minister during the war. A bulldozer blade, leveling part of the Aegean Sea island of Les bos In the construction of an air port, has unearthed ruins of what may be on of Christendom's ear liest churches. mm an? Before you replace or icrape a tarnished mirror uk us about ReStlveiing It . . Our complete equipment, experienced skill, fine ma terials will make the mirror look like new. And, the cost Is moderate. HERALD AMD NEWS. KLAMATH Em 1AST NIGHT By The Associated Press Montreal Armani Rnvnlr 134 Montreal, was awarded tour-round decision over Featherweight Cham pion Sandy Saddler, 130 'i, New York, when Saddler was dlsqualt- nea lor uiegai tactics (non-title). San Francisco Bob Dunlnn 182 Oakland, Calif., outpointed Cesar Brion, 198, Buenos Aires, Argentina (10. Louisville, Ky., Irish Bob Mur phy, 195, San Dteeo. Calif., out. pointed Roy Thomas, 116, New ion uu). Chicago Dale Hall, 197, Los Angeles, outpointed Bob Johnson, 192, Detroit (8). Holyoke, Mass. "BBby" Day, 159 4. Paris, outpointed Harry (Kid) Lee, 163, Springfield, Mass., (10), Providence, R. I. Georgia Ar aujo, 133 Vi. Provldehce, outpointed Orlando Zulueta. 133 Cuba (10). New York Jose Basora, 172 , Puerto Rico, outpointed Al Winn, 165 ii, New York 8). Diamonds have been found In the glacial drift of the Great Lakes region, particularly In Wisconsin. yy FALLS. OKKUON mm I 4 P L.B.. f .CLK 1 20.IJi ' L j FOYtR. j ftAwtfWSI VMlSJ. lawful FARM HOUSE STYLE for a suburban home, this design combines the advantages of the old colonial center hall with modern ranch house layout. This is Plan 1)081 by Architect Herman York, 115 New Hyde Park Road, Garden City, N.Y. The house covers 1,420 square feet. Front and rear vestibules, built-in vanity in bathroom and twin bay windows in living room are among features of this plan. There are nine closets. Folding doors make it possible to convert the small bedroom into an open study or sewing room, or the rooms can be easily enclosed with a perman ent partition. The house is planned for a full basement, but the space occupied by the stairs can he used for a heater room in basementless construction. ' ' ' IT MUST BE FUNNY Ginger Rogers and Clifton Webb enjoy script of Hollywood film in which they portray silent day stars who "come back" when TV reissues their old pictures. RECORD FEE SALEM W Motor truck fees and taxes paid in Oregon set new records so far this year. Pub- ' 11c Utilities Commissioner Charles H. Heltzel said Monday. Collections in the first two months totaled $935,245, a gain ol (75,000 over the similar period last NATURE'S MOST RICHLY COLORED TREE! Royal RED MAPLE Offer Br Mall Grows Anywhere! $ 1 Wonderful Shade Tree ea. (3 for I?) In fall, ihli li the moil gnrjteouiily and richly colored tree In ell Amer ica, The leeves are a brilliant rony scarlet brlliter than you ffen Ima. Cine! In aprlnir the tree U full of beautiful icarlet flowera. A you can ne from picture, thle magnificent tree I perfectly lym metrical, won derfully graceful. Will add tremen dous value to your property and five you yeare of proud aallnrac tlon. Reaches height of 70 ft. Sent Idea! transplanting else, 8 to B fit On arrival treei can be planted or atored at your convenience. Limited upply and they can't lait long at theie prlcef order nowl Bend It for 1f 12 for 3, floatage prepaid, C.O.TVa welcome. If not delighted return at once for money back. EXTRA OIFT If you order at once you'll receive ft colorful Red Twig Uoffwood Kruia Nurseries, Dept. 74705 BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Nome Address - New 1st i i ai b.H. I2 II j " u ,unfa.cL'ci, tx"TltArP I 1 -UWINGftln. S STUDY US 121. 9t U 6.R. ART INSPIRED Be- Jewelled coiffure deilsned by stylist Jean Clement in Paris was Inspired by masterpieces of Etruscan art which antedate those of ancient Rome. CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanad Ph. 3121 I COMPLETE I RADIATOR I SERVICE CLASSIFIED RATES One day ................ por word 4 rhreo Days por word He Week run per word 20o LEGAL NOTICE Wit" It ' ' 'r ( 1 it "i i ) 1 1'( 1 1 H NOTICK 1.4 JIKMK11V lilVKlN that the uittlttiaittiicd Ittie ticon h p n n I n t e (I Adiitiiuiuitliir ir tne omnic in uiivn m. Iliirltti. (tei'uiiinil. hv thn t'lrcuH (,'uMrl nf I lie Bin to nf Orciftilt fur Klnmnllt i)tini.v. All ncmnniT hnvhif I'lfilnm agitlnitt xnlil etnlo tiro lirroliy notlflnl in nrcioitt tiio emtio prnitvnv vcruirii tit 111 Ml llm nffico .of Opiump It KnIU, (SruHoit, within tx iiin'titht fmm me (tttie ur iii'i iuniitaii(iu ui una millco u Kcl li. I'")?. inn, 'I'MUlUIKIt AitmhiUlrnlor CfOnrga If. rorlur Atttti'iiey for (he Ftnlo K-tJ IO irt M-4 Ni. HtU NoflCR IN TUB CIHtMUT COUHT Or TIIK HTA'I'K OK OHKdON mil KLAMATH COUNTY In the M t.ttcr or lv Kitto uf ALON7.0 It. COl.K, l)ptrncil. Notice U lierrby alvrn that I hevo be on niipnlnlril udinlnlnli ntnr of tho c tfltu uf Altinmi It, Culo, ilnccfl (-(!. All itiM'siunii1 having ilnlnt ugiiiniil ettlil tele era ipqolreil lo prMont to me with proper voucher. M ihe olttce of (Initong A riNiioui. 7'J4 Mnhl Nlieel. Klninnth ralli, Orpgun. within eli nuinllii front Kchruttrv IJ. I WW. whli-li it the dula uf flret putillretloii uf thle nonce. Win. neuong. Admlniitrotor 0 a n on Ai (iMiiunif AllorMttyi fur AdmliiUtralnr r-u-iu-jd M-t No. nut NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICF. IN HKHKIIY (ilVF.N. Thai I hiivo (lied my Finl Afiount n ed MiiniMimttir u-liK will annexed nf (he Klnte of MAItTIt A A 111. INK HAH HON, Rm known en MAiriiiA a. iiamhwh decenned. ami the Judo of the Circuit Court of the Hlnle of Orrtfm, fur Klamath County. ha fixed 10.1W A. M.. Iha Unit tlav nf Atirii IWJt. end the Courlrmmi of the Mid Cuurt in the C.iiirllinu.n ui Klamath Falle. Orm tui the lime end pleca whrn and whera any nc rutin may prpnt any ohjecllone or pxcepiiotisi to nnyininif inprwin run tnlnrd, and al Raid time and pUca the Court will finally nwllle naid acrount. , OOFlKiF. W, MelNTYHK. AdtniiilMlmlor Willi will en nrtvttd of the Kilntn of MAIt- TIIA ADUNK HAItllON. Uo known an MARTHA A. UAH HON, drt-euaaU. L. OIIT1I MtSKMOItK Attorney at 1 t w M-4-n-ltl-y3 No. W3 PEACE T0P-A ro.e colored dove lymbollilnr peace perchrs on bark of rose straw hat displayed by millinery de slsner Gilbert Orcel at sprint showing In French capital. RARE TWO-A-DAY Preparlne for "Cojl Fan Tutte," her second opera in one day, soprano Eleanor Bteber vo calics In Melropolllsn dresslnf room afler slnjlnf in "Otello." EASY DOES Cliarles Preble Holmes, 84-year- old retired street ear conductor, keeps himself contented In his Lewlston, Me., home with his fancy crocheting. People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! eif"jeje Kt-r- -fr its j rffinarntii'i'iniiii! rwi.Ailal IV I T - TUKSDAY. MAIICII 4. 10B2 Montli run ... P" word MINIMUM The minimum charge for ny,fit sd Is 60c. T BOX NUMIlErW ' Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a scrvko charge of IISo. DEADLINES ' Classified aus auueulcd up to :J0 p.m. for following day's publlcstlon. . Classified display ads accepted up ic U noon for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please make all claims fur adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by t:30 p.m. will be mads In following day's publication A CARD Of THANKS llt)15nW wT.hKinii7ii; all of our (rl.iui. mill nolHlibura lor many kind oxiireaalmt. of .ymp.lhy and cfiiHlulaitt'o iliirlns otir Ittraava Mr.. Hanry Hodita and ramlly, Mr.. Cltarla. Ilnrna and Kamlly. IN MIMORIAM HI IllVllllliy III III VTK'iiii iiHiHanu, Clyde Thornpoit, who died March 4, nmui ration mey i nompaon, C 'UNIRALHOMIt- WAhb'S" RiimiTh Horaa. til llHh Btraat Pliuna nzt. LOST AND OUND .ONT or .lnlrni Carman .h.phard mal imp. hik monlli. old. Taloo. In right aar No 3. Nunday, district. Re ward, I'hnna Win. . .. ' CIINCIKH anil "CaVficTriifa. aonM d'og pirhad up on ovar.hna, 1hl waa lha aarnnd lima. Ilnlh pair naw, now I'm broaa. IMaa.a return to Hex Dye. 113 California, Phone 7211. LdHf, tiotdeti n.lrtevar male notf, aiw. rim rnona oiuj. uTl 4 GINIRAL NOTjCIS SftlS Kiunliiln di.lie". so to HBOUMI Diuvr: in. 6 PIRSONALS nrxrTiTnorM" " MB!". Is'T'ilOWDIEh would like r eryone to know .he haa moved from A.hland llol-l U the Manor Molal, Aihlaml. Or.snn.Plione A.hland I'M. ruATKX Hla.tlc. IMimi. 1:114. ir.UK " linilC'--gwanVon'ir'lleauly 4Ko. Phone Tlal. 6IIDKH your nrpenrer',armeni' before nrlacllns your aprlns wardrobe. Phono fllANTffV Home Product... tW. 10 SfRVICI CETtRAUZll) SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone pIko neednl Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant iibo of thl.i unique opportunity. Drop In at ifit Main In Klam ath Fulls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. POR HIRE Honest Rales Weights Service Iraured ANDERSEN FREIOHT LINE 2803 South Slsth Ph. 0340 or 3389 EXCAVATING Mobil Bhovel and Trench Ho Biilldnwr . PIU Dirt . Totnil Crushed Rock Driveway Cdefy' Compressor ' CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS, Phoi.e (Ml or 0110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer tines of Roots, Ito, ED P. KINO JS4 Orchard Phone 1141 MltSP"eNCfc, formerly at wtiylal. will do tawlnf al hnmehone fBI.V Af.'frittATiONB -A"li work" neSaT Jennie Hare, Anllaa, 7(rT Main. Phona IICIM. CAffKiSiTiiit work. Remodellne ana ii-w i iimiiucunn. rnnnt j'Uaii, income tax aTtnN Por appointment Phone 3-0231. )!rvr nunnnm. PEUCA NBn lVrTl tnt lnlen menue.' KI.ECTRICAU conlracllns. Work sur: antced Phone 2-llMn SKPTIC TANKS Pumped, roncrelo lank, and drain field. Installed. Orvllla Umava phone .1070 PA INT1NO and nanerhanelna ' Phona fHIPP'SI AI1T6 palnllns. body anj fas dar work Phnne 4040 rul.l.Enn"r'uihi, "Phone DH04 or .MiT. I L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at Me No. 7th. Phone Wm roil TrtKE fillMMlNO rnone 3.U.1.10 CL'BTAINfl Phnne 4014 laundered ia atretched. 12 EDUCATIONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable mnsf to train for positions In thff Tractor and Equipment IndunU ry. If you are not making bet tor than $00 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur ity, you owe It to yourself to ' write for free facts, without obligation, about this training , and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Write Box 42 co Herald & News hooKKEfcTlNU, ahorthand typing kta drad aubiecla, office machinal. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 7.13 Pine Phono 4740 I3-. HtAlTH """' MASSAGE tFcrnpeutic axerclic. for 14 HELP WARTtD, FIMAH EtDEriCV "LADY, aa companion, to "vn In. No work. Phonii mm. ' WOMAN, gcnorul office work. Steady poiilllon. OiHid .Uirtlns .alary. See Don Mctnlyre, Local Loan Co., Ill No.10lh. Evenlnfin by appointment. MIDhXcAS'KO indy for chiid care, nonrd, room and rea.onablc wasef. Phono 8-an77 nfler 1 p.m. WANTED Rmiaekceper with aome prncllcnl nur.lns experience, care for elderly lady In 1.akevlaw, Ore. Modern home, good wasea. noom 1 and boarti fiirnlahcd. Phone Lakevlew 1362 or write Mr.. E. O. Pavell 300 South Bin i.nKffview. WANTED, hmi.ekeanor to live In. wllh Shod reference.. Five in the family. Good wasei. Phona 3715. PART-TIME hounework for board and room. Box 37 Herald and Newa, - MAID wanted, Inquire deak Arcade Ho- SITUATION OPEN for woman In prl. vnte home. Alt automatic equlpmeiit, Prlyjl'.room and hath. Call a-3303, - wrtniiiu oince girl, wnn collection a perlence preferred. Inqulra Rosen Jaw BESPONSlnLE woman to can for four year old In mv home riavi. Must b reliable and give food can, inquire at 1318 NLmllt allar MS p.m. ,