Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 03, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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flpels iig Faaoir Clbmps; IFace
j Crater, for State. Cai
Shut Out
i mi - i amiin(,i
Fell. .
drains Pata ... .11
Ashland . I II
Nalurasy'l Hrvrra
Klamath !! VI Aiiliwift 30
Uraim I'm. 411 Meilfurd 41
liv ltl:i iiritn
Klnmmh Knlln Prllnnis linve mi'
foul oil I lie ICilgeno Hprclal Uiiluv
niter it mini wnckrnd a( Dl.il, 4
hankcliiullini: in which omuls I'mm,
mine inroiiKh Willi Iwo IjIr ur,Mn
The Pels earn a DIM. 4 iilnvoll
root against Crnlcr llluh without
llio necessity nl it iiiio-Kiuiie show
down wiui nicumrd.
The Pels completed the grunrl
slum over Anhlnnd Snlurduy nlttht
uo Pclloult Court by u 49-20 cnum.
; Omnia Puss blew out the Med
fold Illurk Tornado for tho sccnntl
nlrnlttlit night Siilurtlny by a 49-41
The two sweeps gives the Peli
cans a llnlnhtng 0-3 record 111 din
Met play. Modlord llnlnhcd with
'J lip Kliunuth Fnlls-Cralcr series
with ticket to the nlHte lounin
menl nl Mime open Friday night
on t'ellcnn Court.
The trcond gwne shows on the
Crulcr lloor Saturday nlnhl. H n
rubber iiunie In iiccennnry, ll In
billed for Mondnv iiIkIH on neu
tral court.
Ashlnnd Saturday night opened
wllli the Mime bull control stra
tegy Unit cnnie clono to paving off
1'ruln v night.
flut the Pels, utter onc-qunrter
nf IruM: ntlon, broke up the Urli
lien' Irene plav til a hurrv.
Tlie rein held a 3-3 lend (Iter
one quarter of piny. Then two tip
Inn by Hnlph Cnrroll and two floor
lenuth Menl rnpern bv liny Itell
broko the game wide open end the
Pelicans held 1 15-2 lend bnrcly
Into the second frume.
That left Ashland with nothing
to do but run with the Kliunuth
i liib In nu nttrnipt to net buck In
the ball name. Tlie ri-ln made
rout of It Ihe rent of the way.
Ashland clldn'l lilt fruin the floor
In Ihe llr-l hnlf nnd Irnllrri 611
t the hnlf. maliafMng to ronnert
for live points Iroiu the churlty
Cnrroll lliiMird high Willi 17.
Dt-ll ncarrtl 13. Ted Tcnney was
high for Anhlnnd Willi B.
( rater romen to Klumiith Foils
Willi a .17-4 record.
Crater I a conaolldnllon of Ccn
(nil Tolnt nnd Oold Hill hli'h
schools, nnd students from five oth
er non-hlith school dlHricln.
niin.AMi m it rr TP
T. Tnnr. I . - 2 4
Miles, I - - n l a I
l inlnfcr. f " ' a 1
V. Tennev, g .. .. I S 3 5
Milrk J I J
rnwl.r - 1 '
l.arr.l . O "
t.rwo J J
bicmpla .... 0 "
TOTALS -.-. II 13 20
hi AMATii At.i.it rn rr rr rr
iifii. i f ? 'i
Morion. ' i . i ! ,5
J..hn.o. ( illi
Clllnnra. I 0 3 a
Ittftrrv; .
IVnro .... .. ! J ' '
r-rron ' "
I rcm-h ? 2 ? 3
H. riowhlnl .... I i.
I. , riocchlnl . ? 2 i i
TOTAIJ '"' " "
llnllllme cor: Klamath in A.Mand
T Krro Ihrowa nilMl; Ahlaml -T
TanVcy 4. Milan a. I.mii'l"
Woml. V Tri n.y a. MyiU'k .."""
It nee. OKU'luU: Swun.on anil UlnK.
Win Title
OCC Final SlandlnM
ny The Anauclated lrena (
Van port
5 3 .7W)
8 4 .fl7
6 6 .500
1 1 1 .0(11
results Vnnport 64.
OCE 60.
Vnnport. elrfent IHK OCR M-50.
noneri out Orenon Collexe nf Educa
tion for the Oreiton Colleulnte ton-f-vence
bnsketbnll chnmploiLshlp
In Pnrllnnd Snttirdny.
Polh tenmn had 8-3 wln-lojn re
enrdn when the name started, nut
Vnnport. which was defeated RS
03 by OCR at Monmouth Friday
nlRht, cnnie back In Suturdny's
Burnt to take nn early lend nnd
hold It nil the wny.
Vnnport, pncod by Emnry Bnines
who scored 17 points, led '31-10 nt
HIrIi scorer of (he name, how
pver, wns OCE's, Mownrd Sullivan
with 18.
Oreiron Tech. ended the senson
tn third plnce with 0 fl-0 ronfriener
record. FOCE wns nt the rellnr
with a sliiRlo win nnd 11 defeats.
I'liclflo Const Hockey
Ecnttlo 6 Tnconin 2
CalRnry 8 Saskatoon 4
Seattle 4 Tncomn 2
New Westminster 4 Vancouver 3
A. Richmond (Uoo) Morconi, for
mer University of New Hampshire
trnck nnd field stnr, Is stntloned
hero with the lllh Airborne Divi
sion. The Brnlntrec, Muss., native
once took the pole vault, high
Jump and brond Jump nt nil IC4A
People DO TOO
read small space
ads - you are!
ECEasiiafii F
Med; h
COIIVAI.MH W-Klnmiilh Fitlln
Pi'llcuiu lulled In their bid for u
llllll nlrultiht nlnte high nchool
wrentlliiK chiiiliplounhlp hero thla
weekend nn they dropped to lourlll
pliu o In the tram aimidliiKn.
When the nctlou Wns over In the
flnul round of the two (luy niul
lournuinciil In Urcvon Uliito C'ul
leiju'a inena xym. the HUbiburo
Bpurtiina rcluncd us the new slule
Jllllnboro won with 'Ji polntn and
hud three Individual Mute Champa.
Ciinby followed with 29 polutx unci
two chnmpn. Newbrru had 2H polntn
and two Indlvldunl wliiliern. nnd
the Pelicans trailed Willi 24 polnu
Title Set
lly The Anaorluleit Prenn
Final Ktnndlnan
Nurllieru Dlvlnlun
V I.
vvnsliington - M
Idaho V 7
Oreiton 8 8
Wnihlugtr.n Slate n 10
Oregon Utule 3 13
iame Kulurday Mclit
Wn'liliiKlcii M WiikhniKlnn Hiale 51
Oregon CO, Oregon Slulo S7
n Southern lllvliion
California ... 0
Htntifoid t
UHO - 4
i (iainc Snllirday Sljlil
I UCI.A 63 USC 07
Stunlord 70 Calllornla CO
Northern Division buikelbnll
tenmn. Willi the exception of the
champion Washington llu.sk Hi.
ntowed away their near for an
other season Monday and snt buck
to uwult Ihe clash between the
Huskies nnd the UCLA llrulns for
Ihe Puclllc Coast Conlercnce
WushliiBton, defending Confer
ence tllllsl, look Its second straluht
Northern DIviMon crown two weeks
nno and wrapped up lis rcRulnr
season over tlie week-end with easy
82-51 und 75-37 wins over Wash
ington Slate.
foi in ii m it AK.nr
UCI.A won Its fourth slrolRht
Southern Division title by downinu
Suutliern Cullfonila's Trojans 60-01
and 03-57.
The tennis meet Friday and But
iirduy, and Monday If necessary,
on the lirulns' home court. Tlie
winner automatically qualifies for
the NCAA regional pjnyoffs at Cor
mills. Ore.
Washington's double will over
Warhlneton tilate left the Coiikiirs
In lourlll placo III flnnl Northern
Division slnndliiRs. three games In
front nf Oregon Stnlc.
Oregon, winch had n chance to
tie Idaho for second place, split a
pair with Oregon State 52-55 and
00-57 nnd wound up in third plnce.
The season-eliding games pro
duced new Northern Division rec
ords. KF.cnnn
Washington's Hob lloubregs hit
13 points Snlurduy, boosting his
R oil's lolnl to 251nn average ol
19.1 points a gnnie. dale Bishop nf
WSC held the best previous mark,
Eric Roberts of Washington Stole
connected on three free throws to
mnke his sensons total 80, three
more than the record held by Jack
Nichols of Washington.
Dnimy Johnston of Oicroii State
nnd Ken Hunt of Oregon became
the first "shorties" in Northern
Division history to hit the 200
mnrk. Both nrc under six feet.
Johnston collected 18 points Snlur
duy to run his total to nn even 200.
Hunt ended the senson with 218,
Including 11 added Snttirdny night.
Grade Semis
Show Today
Fremont, Pclicnn. Roosevelt and
Mills' second tcnin won openliiR
rounds Snturduy In iho grndn
school Class B single elimination
Pelican fnces Fremont nt Fair
view nnd Roosevelt meels Mills nt
Mills today in 4:30 p.m. semifinals.
Pclicnn bend Conger, 21-20 111
overtime, with Ronnie Bobblnl scor
Inre tho free throw In overtime.
Fremont bent Riverside, 28-20.
Roosevelt walloped the Mills'
Number t tenni, 27-14.
Mills Number 3 ucorcd. a 10-13
win over Fnirvlew.
'.' Salesman to Travel
Selling Athletic Equipment.
Call in Person 1
hmon Wins
while having only one man capture
u title.
Demi JoluiAon. Klumalh 14ft
pounilcr, wnn the lone Pelican to
no throiiKh to a chmiiplonnhlp. Curl
Hlewnrl lort in the loti-pound flnnln.
Orville Schwlndler dropped the
chiiniploiiship mulch In the 123
pound clusn, and Holnnd Blchn waa
Hipped up In hla 141 pound final
Uiundout wrestler of the tourney
wnn pound champ l.cc Allen
of Handy who copped Ills fourth
atrnlxhl hluh achool title. In win
ning, he became the fiftli mini in
tho history of high school wrest
ling In OrcKon to turn the trick.
District Playoffs Open:
State Positions at Stake
ity jim corn
Auoclaled I'rena Sporta Writer
Results of werk-end gnmes com
pitted the llnc-up lor pluy-oflu to
determine entrlca In the Oregon
high school basketball tournament
ai Kttgcnn March 18-22.
Onlv Ihree leainn Lincoln and
Cleveland of Portland, rated second
ami third m lust week's Associated
Prevs sluto prep poll., and Sonp
poose have cinched bcrilut in the
16-tenni meet.
The Dulles defeated Hood River,
50-32, Saturday night to enter the
led Out
For Good
LEXINGTON, Ky. i.ti -Hopes of
I) g Dill Spivey to be reinstated as
n University of Kentucky bosket
bnl player were dashed Sunday
night when the athletic board of
the university banned him perma
nently from Its eligibility list.
With Splvey s hopes went those
of the Wildcat cage team that the
seven-foot Georgian, an AU-Anierl-enn
center, would be able to piny In
the Nntioiml Collegiate Athletic As
sociation Tournament.
The athletic board said. In the
course of a lengthy statement:
"We feel compelled to say that It
Is our unanimous opinion, at this
tune, that Spivey was implicated
In a conspiracy to fix Kentucky
basketball games during the 1850
51 seuson."
The board said there wns evi
dence to Indicate this occurred dur
ing the Sugiir Bowl tournament at
Nrw Orleans in December, 1950.
Spivey hns denied repeatedly that
he wns guilty of any wrong-doing.
Ihe board's statement revealed
for the first tlmo that Spivev's
'voluntary" withdrawal from Ken
tucky's eligibility list in December
followed action bv tlie bonrd tus
pendliiR him. Sundnv night's state
niont said Spivey was allowed to
announce his withdrawal to snve
hlni embarrassment.
The lunky basketball stnr re
turned lust week from New York
where he went before the grand
liny for questioning on basketball
Jayvees End
With 12-7
By defentlng the Ashlnnd JVs
51 to 31 Snttirdny night the Klnm
nth Fnlls Junior Varsity became
unofficial Southern Oregon champs.
The KU JVs lost onlv one game
in district piny, to Grants Pnss,
and took two trom both Medford
nnd Ashlnnd. Tho other game with
Grunts Puss was cancelled.
Altogether this yenr the JVs have
a 12-7 record.
Vernon Keller scored 21 points
Saturday night to Rain high scor
ing honors for the season with 155.
Ilox .rnrc:
Injde 4
Delmnan R
C. .Innim 4
Welrli 3
a D. Mills
11 Doudhcrlv
31 Roller
J, Jiunr. II
2 Dolrnll
AhIiIiiiuI sul).. Ilnmllton. Wntnia
Jeffries fl. Bates, RoRrrs. Klnuiflth subs
-Plnnlgan U. C. Mills 1. Hall 0,
FiT'lri'li'k.son. wrlfint.
Burns Tears Moth Hole
Worn Places Revoven1 .
. SeaHIt Portland
ftterttaafatf tr !
WWm'a i
Art Keith of Cunby, winner In
the 141 pound division, took tut
third ntute title.
Siiturduy'n filial results:
98 poundh Davla, Hlllnboro, de
cluloned Ncwby. Newbern.
106 pounda Doug Umlleet, New
berg, won by fall over Carl Slew
art. Klamath Fulls.
115 pounds Alexander, Hlllsboro,
dcclnloned Farmer. CBnby.
123 pounds Allen, Bundy, decla
loned Swindler, Klamath Falls.
130 pounds Belgarde. Oregon
City, declsloned Smith, McMlnn
villc. 13(1 pound Owlnua, Cnnby, won
district 2 play-off with Pendleton.
The teams meet Friday and Satur
duy nlghta and Monday night, If
necessary, for the title.
Tigard edged Beaverton. 40-37, to
get another rrack at Hlllsboro, to
which It lose earlier in the district
9 tournament. The teams play
Tuesday. Hlllsboro can gain the
district title by winning. A Tlaard
victory would make another game
Friday night. La Grande defeated
Baker to win its way into a best
two-out-of-three play-off with Vale
for the district 1 championship.
Baker turned the tables Saturday
night, winning 39-37 to clinch the
Blue Mountain League champion'
ship, but it Is out of the slate
tournament picture.
Reedsnprt edged Roncburg. 47-45,
t smv iii me oouinwrnt umton
district. 6's Eastern sub-division
play-off. The teams play again
Tuesday for the right io meet
Marshllcld, ranked No. 4 In the
stale, In a district championship
series Friday and Saturday nights
and March 11th, IX a third game is
Oregon Cliy, the state's No- S
team, and Mllwuukie will meet
rnauy in the Una name of a o av.
off for the Clackamas County dist
rict 13 line.
The semi-finals and final of the
district 8 tournament will be plaved
Friday and Saturday. McMlnnville.
ranked No. 5 in the state, and Day
ton, unbeaten in high school plav,
are the favorites. The other serril-
nnaiisis are Wlllamina and Taft.
The four teams won first-round
games over the week-end.
Astoria, the favorite defeated
Tillamook and Seaside In the Ore-
gon coastal district play-off. It
can clinch the title Saturday by
bentlng the winner of the Seaslde
Tlllamook game Friday.
Salem, the favorite and ranked
No. 10 in the state; Woodburn, Mt.
Anfet and Stayton won In the first
round of Ihe district 11 tournament.
Play resumes Tuesday.
District 3 (Central Oregon) and
district 13 (Portland area) tourna
ments get under way Thursday.
Bend is the favorite In the former,
and Central Catholic of Portland,
ranked as the state's No. 1 team,
Is expected to have little trouble
winning the other.
Albany is the favorite In the dist
rict 7 plny-offs, which will be held
nt Corvnllls Friday and Saturday.
Albany trimmed Corvallls Friday
night to win the Eastern subdist
rlct title-
The four-team district 6 tourna
ment opens at Eugene Monday
night, with Eugene favored. Other
entries arc Junction City, Oakridge
and University High of Eugene. -
Alley Cat Drive Inn
We're all cleaned up -.
rested up - rarin' to go!
South 6th and Martin
H I I f I
by lull over Woodward, Oregon
141 pounds Keith, Canby won by
fall over Blehn. Klamath Falls.
148 pounds Johnson, Klamath
Falls, declsloned Haiucomb, Med
ford. 167 pounds Tllgner, Dallas, de
clsloned Hicks, Roseburg.
108 pounds Stepper. Salem, won
by fall over Rogerson, Bend.
178 pounds McAdams, Newberg,
won by default over Jarrell, Hllli
boro. Heavyweight Mclnnls, Hlllsboro
declsloned Meyer, Salem.
98 pounds Reeves, Albany, de
clsloned Holllster, Springfield.
106 pounds Klmm, Canby. de
clsloned Shearer, Klamath Falls.
115 pounds Schlesser, Hlllsboro,
declsloned Foster, McMlnnville.
123 pounds Bergan, Parkrose,
declsloned Green, Newberg.
130 pounds Parkhurst, Roseburg
declsloned Baker, Parkrose.
136 pounds Gardner, Bend, de
clsloned Wells, Klamath Falls.
141 pounds Mansfield, McMlnn
ville, declsloned Dolowllch, Sandy.
148 pounds Trlnkletn, Newberg,
declsloned RusseU, Sandy.
157 pounds Krupica. Molalla, de
clsloned Dixon, Parkrose.
168 pounds SUley, Newberg, de
clsloned Schmiu. Dayton.
178 pouryis Edwards, Hlllsboro,
declsloned Crawley, Dayton.
Heavyweight Montgomery. Can
bv, won by fall over Pryor. Klam
ath Falls.
Team scores:
Hlllsboro 35
Canby 29
Newberg 28
Klamath Falls 24
Salem 18
Sandv 13
Oregon City 12
Roseburg S
Dallas 8
Dayton 6
Medford C
Parkrose i
Albany 3 ,
Springfield S
Bend 3
Lebanon 2'
Molalla 2
Granta Pass 2
Harris Win
At Doubles
BEND Dean Henderson of
Salem won the Class A singles
title in the annual slate bowling
tournament by scoring 665 on the
closing weekend.
Robinson and Rov Harris won the
The Klamath Falls duo of Mel
Class A doubles with a 1,226, nosing
out a Pendleton team, Charles
Cahlll and Joel Cole, who had
taken the lead with 1,197 earlier
Don Wroten, Portland, was the
apparent all-events winner in Class
A . with a 1,744 score.
Gonzaga Wins
Boxing Meet
SPOKANE Wl Gonraga Univer
sity outpointed the University of
Idnho 7-1 in a dunl boxing match
here Saturday night
Roy Kelly of Gonzaga handed
Larry Mover of Idaho his first de
feat of the year, taking a unani
mous decision over the Pacific
Coast champion in the 165 pound
College Basketball
UCLA 63 Southern California 47
Oregon 66 Oregon State 57
Stanford 70 California 65 (over
time i
Washington 82 Washington State 61
Utah State 70 Utah 60
Wyoming 55 Brlgham Young 49
Illinois 82 Purdue 71
Kansas Stale 75 Nebraska 60
Iowa 77 Northwestern 68
Indiana 68 Minnesota 62
Kansas' 74 Oklahoma 65
St. Louis 98 Marquette 63
Oklahoma AaVM 47 Wichita 34
Notre Dame 78 DePaul 77
Ohio Stale 69 Wisconsin 66
Michigan State 80 Michigan 61
Arkansas 45 Texas 44
Texas A AM 66 Rice 64
Texas Christian 64 Southern Meth
odist 60
Duquesne 91 Geneva (Fa.,) 69
Seton Hall 100 Georgetown 71
Holy Cross 68 Yale 59
Fordham 69 New York Univ., 67
Navy 60 Army 55
Penn State' 24 Pitt 9
Princeton 76 Dartmouth 46
Penn 92 Harvard 62
SF.C Tourney
Kentucky 44 Louisiana State 43 (Fi
Louisiana State 77 Florida 69 (Semi
finals i
Kentucky 81 Tennessee 66 (8cml
finals! .
Prep Basketball Scores
By The Associated Press
Grants Pass 49 Medford 41
Klamath Falls 49 Ashland 29
The Dalles 50 Hood River 32
Central Catholic 67, Concordia 53
(both Portland)
Baker 39 La Grande 37
Bend 63, Madras 53
Class A Tournaments
District Western Subdivision
ReedSDort 47. Roseburg 45
District f (First Round)
McMimivllle 49. Dallas 36
Dayton 60. Central Union 61
Taft 48, Newberg 33
District 9
TiRard 40, Beaverton 37 (Beaverton
eliminated i
District 1
Tillamook 56, Warrenton 33 (War-
renton eliminated)
Astoria 59, Seaside 37
umnct ii
Mt. Angel 62. Cascade Union 43
Stayton 50, Sllverton 37
Lutss a Tournaments
Lane County
46, Coburg 33 (First
46 Mobawk 43 (Third
McKenzle 39. Pleaseant Hill 35
(fourth place) .
Crow 41, Triangle Lake 35 (fifth
Umatilla County -
Echo 42, Umatilla 39 (first placet
moi kock 40, lone 43 itnira place)
Athena 60. Staniield 57 (overtime)
(fifth place)
Dooglas County
Drain 52. Elkton 50 (overtime)
(first place)
Oakland 38, Yoncalla 33 (third
Riddle 32. Glendale 31 (filth
7-B Snbdlstrlet
Spray 37, John Day 33
Rick On
Wayne Rick of Malta was chos
en as an end on the East all-stars
for the Class B high school Shrine
football game at Pendleton Aug.
30. the first time Class B schools
will hold such a game.
The game is sponsored by the
Oregon Shrine and will pit a team
of players from schools west of the
Cascade Range against a team
from Eastern Oregon. All the play
ers will be graduated in June.
I Don Hubble, Bonanza, and Mar
i ion Jack. Henley, were named al-
ternate linemen. .
W L Tct.
N'Mbitt Oranje S3 14 .816
M. L. Johnson liu. 42 34 .553
Oretech Faculty ,,.,,, , 37 39 .487
Grtsu Food 34 43 .447
Ashley Chevrolet 33 44 .421
Bamboo Eleeuic 20 S .263
Laal Week'a Kenlla
Oreteeh 3 Grigss 1 .
Nesbitt 4 Johnson 0
Baraboo 3 Ashley 1
Nexbitt Orange, leading the Com
mercial bowling league by a pro
verbial mile, rolled the high team
scores last week in blanking the
M. L. Johnson Insurance team,
4-0. but Al Woldt of Ashley Chev
rolet hnd the big evening.
Woldt added up a 617 series,
highlighted by a 234 game.
Nexbitt's team scores were 104S
and 3886. 1 ...
The University of Alabama's
largest margin of victory in bas
ketball was In 1923 when the Crim
son Tide defeated the Dallas YMCA
Ralph Dunlovy
and . . . "
The Formerly Ralph's Mobile service, 11 and Klamats Ph. 5422
Will now be
We Cordially Invite Our Old and New Patrons ;
UaWIW-' ' . :!: . ..etnnnVMnnW. . ,'
CHAIN REACTION Last week when the Gorky brothers
drew in a tag team match with Yorg Cretorian and Kurt
Von Poppenheim, three of the principals and Referee Gino
Nicolini were choke - minded. Nicolini tries to dissuade
Soldat Gorky who has a choke hold on Cretorian who has
a choke hold on Ivan Gorky, from top to bottom. The two
teams mix again Wednesday night in a rematch in a bout
with no time limit. -
"I don't approve ol his methods
either, but you'll have to admit
Coach gets results!
The Klamath Basin baskethnll
league worked on the "share the
wealth" plan.
Saturday night Chiloquin beat
Tulelake in the playoff finals to
win the tourney hardware. Tule
lnke won the traveling trophy in
the pre-playoff season run.
Wayne Hatcher led ChUoouin to
a 67-53 victory with 36 points.
Malin won the consolation prize
with a 68-53 win over Jayhawks.
Chiloquin and Tulelake will meet
the two top teams in the city
league out of playoffs that start
tonight at Altamont and wind ud
with the finals Wednesday night.
Jim Conroy's 23 points spear
headed Malta's attack. Malin went
Into the fourth period with a one
point deficit at 38-39, but put to
gether 20 points in the final frame.
Box acorea:
Woodley 0 F 14 Homer
O'Keefe 4 P 6 Patterson
Conroy 23 C 12 Dawes
Anderson S (1 12 Banta
McKoen S G Klme
MaUn 'subs Brishtman 11. Vlctorlna.
tints, Dalton, Kcnyon. Lindsay. Smallev.
Jayhawk subs Brown, Gilchrist 2.
Bryant T.
cnnoQi-iN en) - m) tclelake
W. Hatcher 3S T 11 Crawford
Souers 6 . F 12 Welch
Mlnalo II C .12 Cross
C. Hatcher Sr.. 3 Dahle
Miller 4 G T' Landing
Chiloquin auba Bratton. Gclnger 1.
Wampler, Bickers 3. Tulelake aubs
Urbach 2. Klrkpatrlck 4.
Skate Champ ;
PARIS W Jacqueline du Bief
of France Saturday night won the
World's Figure Skating Champion
ship for women with a spectacular
and artistic performance before
15,000 wildly cheering spectators
in the Paris Sports Palace.
Announcing i
F. 0. (Red) !
Reynolds !
il Service1
6th and Oak '
is moving ...
to 11th & Klamath
Soars In
Tag Feud
Interest In Wednesday night's tag
team rematch is simmering to
ward the boiling point, according
to advance ticket sales at Castle
berry Drugs.
Last week, at the armory mat
fans saw Ivan and Soldat Corky
get a draw with Yorg Cretorian
and Kurt Von Poppenheim.
Wednesday night there wlU be a
winner because there'll be no time
limit tagged on the rematch.
The Gorky brothers, who claim
the Pacific Coast tag team cham
pionship, are ready for revenge,
and have promised a speedy end.
Last week's match, loaded with
action, ended abruptly in a dead
lock when Soldat and Yorg collided
together and were both counted
It was a wierd and not altogether
satisfactory finish that left the fans
howling for another showing. Pro
moter Mack Llllard obliged.
Georges Dusette, the French-Canadian
strongman, returns in the
opener against Buck Weaver, a one
hour affair:
10 Firsts!
SEATTLE t The-University
of Washington was first in all ten
events Saturday fit defeating tlie
University of Idaho 68-16 in a
Northern Division dual - swimming
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