Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 03, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    MONDAY, MARCH 3, 10.r2
I.Ya,S.tf';.J'lr.. (fJ.C.-l. .'jir ".. .Ul.! - , .
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AT . - " . IXWi
CARRIERS OF DESTRUCTION The Air Force Is preparing lo deliver tactical atomic
honil) by jet bombers, like the K-04 Thumlcrjul shown above, againdt enemy targets al
most anywhere In the world on short notice, it was disclosed in an announcement from
Washington. The taclical A-bombs, although .smaller in size, have about the same des
tructive power as those thai razed Japan.
COMES BACK TO WIN Chlco Vegar (right) of Stamford,
Conn., sends a hard right to the head of ring veteran Frilzic
Prudcn of 1'aterson, N. J., in action-packed 10-roundcr in
New York's Madison Square Garden. Vegar was dropped
bard in the first round but came back to win a split-decision
in the last three rounds.
CSt - -1 U ffid
1& 4k7-rf
- 'Is':- '
FROM, SPACE TO SPIRIT Al Hoiee ronducli
Sundiy Mhool clau It t onruoni tnurcn in raraici.n.i,
a conlraat from adventures during week aa TV'a CapL Video.
j .....
' Lao. ' V-
I :
Solons Put
Pressure On
French Arms
WASHINGTON lf Ei-n. Con-
nnllv l U. -Tex., I, Mild Mtindnv thai
"II Frnncp dors not do her utmost
to dcloiid hciwlf. she ennnot JijKti-
tv" liiivie nillllnry and economic
n Id from Hip United BtHten.
Counully mde the slntcment to
tinwnnicii niter Becrcliiry ol Btnte
Achefion hd conferred lor ncarlv
two hourH at a cloned meeting with
the Srimlc Foreign Remtlona Com
mittee. Cominlly Is chairman' ol
the (troui).
In reoiy to a Question. Connally
mild hli remnrkB were dlrertly re-
Imed to the current French Itov
eminent crbls.
Premier Faure's Roverninent fell
Inst week when he aked a 19 tier
cent tax iiicreane to help limine
the French fhare of the defease
1'lnni mnde by the NorUi Atlantic
Treaty OrRnnlratlon.
Connnlly refused to discuss what
Arhcson told the committee, but
Ben. Bnarkman (D.-Aln.,) 6 id the
Cabinet officer Is "certain he liar,
no mloblvlnis al all that France
vlll find a way to finance the
Connullv dictated tills statement
lo reporter:
"If France doe not do her ut-
I most In her own defense, she can
not justify Jiirue appropriation
from fill ftnllpH Rtnteft tor both
economic and military aid.
"France must be told she can-
I not rely on the United States to
defend her ana nana oui mrce
Mimx to aid her from an economic
"Frunce must do her duly."
Asked whether his atnlement was
beinir made With the French ov
eminent crisis In mind, Connally
"Yes, sir. It Is."
France's thare of U.S. aid for
the year eiidlnn June 30 was set at
600 million dollars.
ace Talks Threatened As
eds Scream
iussia Be
MUNBAN, Korea M Commu
nist truce neKOlmtors anKrily ac
cused the United Nations Com
miiiid Monday of lyiiw and ntnll-
Init. But the Iteda iicknottlcdKid
thot the U.N. had a 1'kuI riKht to
reject RiiKala as a neutral Inspec
tor of un uiinlstlce.
North Korean Col. Chaw Chun
Bun conceded th"t tlio U.N had
the right to reject Kir. sin, but in
sisted that the Allies give I'Sjlcul
"We had a IhoroiiRhly unproduc
tive and most unpleasant session, "
Rear Adm. K. E. Llbby told news
men after an acrimonious session
Hetty Calamusa, 39 (above),
after filing for her 121h div
orce at Houston, Tex., de
nied reports that .she was
trying to establish a new
world's record. She says
.she will be man-hunting
again as soon as this div
orce becomes final. She
still believes that marriage
is a wonderful institution.
Y 1
ieV, k. jfLafm un
ADVICE l.leul. Cen. Robert Elohelherrer
r.), former head of West Point, chats with director Arthur I.ubln
on Hollywood scl as he supervises shootini of Academy sequences.
Former Supremo
Justice Passes
former Oicroii Bluta Supremo
Court Justice died liore Friday
.Iter nndeiKOliiR an opnnitloii.
He was Conrad P. Olson, 00. who
made his home hero after comma.
from Portland, Ore., several yours
Olson wns nn associate Justice
of the stalo Supremo Court, from
1M8 to 1010. He wns In chamc of
codlfvlng Orefjon's lavs from 1010
lo 1031. He served in the state
House of Reprcsenlullves from
Multnomah County In 1013 and wns
tlccted to the Senate In 1017.
In many cities of India the Indi
vidual's rationed diet Is only 12
ounces of (train n day,
NKW YOliK Ml- Seattle Uni
versity, one of the cane powers
of the I'aclflo Const, was named
the llMh lenm hi the National In
vilntlounl Basketball Tournament
The tourney bcRins with a trlplc
hender In Madison Square Garden
on March 8.
Among the Senttlo players Is Ut
ile Johnny O'Brien who Is the first
college pinyer over to score more
than 1,000 points In a season.
Mor and Mere
"Prttr in itt and loin"
US Propaganda
Needs Boost
PORTLAND W Rep. Ellsworth
of Oregon thinks the U.S. should
step up Its propaganda In Europe
If it Is to win the cold war.
In a talk before the University of
OrrKon alumni Institute, hero Satur
day night Ellsworth, a Republican.
said the U.S. must - carry py every
possible means to every thinking
person inrougnoui me wnoie worm
a simple, complete and under
standable statement of what lree
representative government Is;
wherein it Is different from the
Communist type of government:
and why It protects Individual
Ellsworth praised the "Voice of
Freedom' campaign. The cam
palgn, financed by private contrl.
buttons, l feared by the Comma
nists, he said.
FENCED I NThls corn
colored straw sailor hat complete
with wlnt collar and bow tie
and set off by a "chicken wire"
veil Is. a Tarls spring erection
-by Rose Valols.
Stassen To
Try Oregon
Stassen, candidate for the Repub
lican presidential nomination, will
enter the Oregon presidential pri
mary to be held May Id, his head
qunrters announced Monday.
Stassen's name will be filed with
Oregon secretary of State March
10, and the former governor of Min
nesota "will conduct an extensive
tour of the state in behalf of his
campaign," the announcement
Stassen already has entered 11
state primaries.
John F, Simpson of Chester, S.C.
won the most heats on harness
racing's Grand Circuit in 1051. He
won 68. He also started the most
times, 308.
t F
M"i Ol I IS
ENVOY' Lincoln , Mae
Veath, ambassador to Portugal,
was named by President Truman
as I'nlted States ambassador to
Spain, succeeding Stanton Uriftis
who resigned.
Floyd Burdette Is the eleventh
basketball conch at the Univer
sity of Alabama since the court
game wns Introduced nn nn inter
colleglnte basis there In 1013. v
"Monthly Pains" stopped
or amazingly relievod
tn 3 out of 4 com In doclort' Itittl
Chances are you're putting up
lfmecesjflrlly with the functionally
;aused pains, cramps and weak, "no
good" feelings of menstruation I
For, In actual tests by doctors, Lydli
Plnkhnm's Compound brought com.
plele or itrikinq relief irom such ills,
tress In 3 out of 4 of the coses I
trdla Pinkbam'a ! modrn In (tsocdonl
Ro get trdla If. PlnWiam'i Vtnetsbi
Compound or nn. (mprowi Tablet!
with artrted Iron. Bee If iKcn throuna
the month It doein't glfe rellet froia
thona bickachM, Jitters help jou feel
better oeora and durinv jour period I
Or If you suffer from functional "hoi
ItMlien'' of "chunat of lift," flnrl ou fioli
toonrierul Plnfeliam't is Jot that, tool
II hit t Mletlnf tlferl o
efltt ftt aiemrtruil Mint
MONTREAL Ul The value of
Elmer Lach as a hockey pinyer
with the Montreal Cnnudinns is
best shown by a glimpse of the
National Hockey League stntistics
announced following the New
Year's night games.
Though 2S players Duel scored
more goals than Lach, he wns lead
ing the lenguc with 34. points, two
more than tenmmnte Maurice
Richard. Lach, you sec, hnd scored
only seveir goals, but he had made
27 assists In his first 34 games of
the 1051-53 campniRti.
. nn
Ah ..-- ..... ...T.l
"Looking in there won't find a
buyer for our houio. Lol'l hurry
ovtr to Bogut Dole, Realty Co,
Three Die In
Ore. Mishaps
Ify 'I'hc Associated Press
Thrte persons, vifriims of acci
dents, died in Oregon over the
One died In Injuries suffered in
a plane crash, another of injuries
suifcred In a traffic mi.'h&p, and
the third was burned to death.
John William Lakson. 21. Hllls
boro. died in a Portland hospital
Sunday from injuries suffered
when a light plane he was piloting
crashed near Hill.sboro Saturday.
A passenger, Kenneth E. Osborne.
25, suifcred critical Injuries. Wit
nesses said the plane was stunting
before It cracked up.
Mrs. Myrtle I. McKlnney. CO. an
Invalid was burned to death in a
lire In her room in Portland's new
Plaza Apartments early Sunday.
The blaze, blamed by firemen on
smoker's carlcssness, was confined
lo one room.
Mrs. Elizabeth Schuening. 68. In
jured when struck by a car as she
crossed a street In Portland last
Thursday, died Sunday in a Port
land hospital.
of the prisoner exchange subcom
mittee. Al one point North Korean MaJ.
Gen. Lee San Cho became so angry
Llbby interrupted to ask him to
slop screaming.
'there was no Indication whether
the Communists were weakening In
their Insistence that Russia be
named to a neutral supervisory
commission or whether they were
leellng out the Allied position.
Col. Don Darrow, who heads staff
ofllccrs dlscdsslng truce supervi
sion, and Llbby both said they felt
the Reds were playing a waiting
game, hoping the U.N. will capitulate.
Darrow told Chang nothing Chang i
could say "would cnange me fact
mat ine soviet union was unac
ceptable" to the U.N. as a neutral
nation to Inspect behind the lines
during a truce.
Darrow sugested that the U.N.
prooosal for two neutral nations on
each side would solve the problemj
Hlehly-place Washington sources
said there were indications Russia
l to determined to serve as a neu
tral Inspector that it may wreck
the truce talks.
Demands That
Truce Inspector
NEW YORK 1H From San
Antonio, Tex., comes a prefabri
cated two room dog house made
by the Stinson Mfg. Co. It Is 24 by
38 Inches and features a removal
panel for summer use plus an over
hanging roof and a front veranda.
The finish is In two tones of green.
These sources said the U.S. never
would accept the Soviet Union as
a neutral, but might go back to the
original Allied proposal to super
vise a truce by a Joint commission
of belligerents.
They pointed out that If Russia
Is willing to acknowledged that It
was a belllgere.it It then could le
gally help police a truce.
Lee touched off the verbal ex
plosion in the prisoner exchange
negotiations with a long tirade in
which he accused the U.N. of lying
about treatment of prisoners.
He also charged that the U.N.
reneged on a promise to hand over
Information on about 44.000 prison
ers the Reds claim are "military
personnel of our side." 1
Llbby replied: "The U.N. Com
mand and the U.N. do not in
dulge In lies. We dd not lie. We
have not lied. We shall not lie."
Concerning the exchange of data
on prisoners. Llbby told the Reds
"You will get that data on an ex
change basis and In accordnare
with our agreements or you will
not get it at all."
Sunday the Allies warned the
Reds that the value of continuing
the truce talks was "seriously
doubted" because they had repudi
ated agreements.
A spokesman emohasized. how
ever, that the warning represented
no threat to break off the talks.
The subcommittee on prisoner ex
change and staff officers working
on truce supervision agreed to
meet again at 11 a.m. Tuesday
' p.m. PST Monday) in Panmun-Jom.
Ay Warren Goodrich
"Mr. Bug spooking Sorry I
was so long answering. I was
all snug In a rug!"... You'll en
joy better service and won't
miss incoming calls if you
answer promptly . . . Pacific
For used typewriters and adding
machines .... Voichl's Pioneer
Office Supply, 29 Main.
SANTA MONICA. Calif, (.ft
Funnyman Red Skelton is In St.
John's Hospital with a virus Infec
tion. His physician, Dr. Stanley
Immerman, said he probably will
stay there lor two or three days.
Tb can rent ft lovcljr new spinet plana
from tbe Louit R, Mann Plana Com
pany, li N. "ib, at law mantblr
rate. After & reasonable lima 70a can.
If yoo with, cbanr from rent ta par
rhie agreement. Tbe rent already paid
It all credited to year purchase accaaal
and no otber down payment ta nocca
rr. The monthly paymenti can be
flltla higher than rent. Or, If yea pre
fer, yoa can contlnaa to rent.
If You DID NOT or CANNOT Finish I
T.a Caa Stair at Hant In Sp.rc Tim. an4 Kara a Blga gehaal Dla.jaja
raerAKE MOW far C.ll.i. r t..r a Irs.
Dtat. Xla-3-1 17SJ Broadway Oakland, 12, Calif.
Nam Aga
City : Stat ,
: 1 i , I t
. . . ti "Ada
180 V-8 Horsepower, even on non
premium fuel . . The Security of
I'owof Hrnkes , . Driver-Controlled
Aulnmiilic Fluid Transmission . . ,
The KoiiKh-ltond Stability of On
flow Hiilo . , . The Protection of
Kully Waterproof Ignition.
You'll never know what she means
till you try Chrysler's FUll-Tine Power
Steering yourself! Even other ton vith
$thtalled power tteering don't offer as
much new tafeig and ease a$ ht gets!
On erery turn, hydraulic power does
45 of her work, her hand does only
15! On rry turn, she turns her wheel
J3 less distance than other cars! At
ereriy instant, turning or not, her hands
have 5 t'ms her former power to hold
and control her car's front wheels!
She eases into parking places you
wouldn't even try. She slips through
traffic with the precision of a watch.
She breezes over bad roads with never
feel of wheel tight, car under control
as never before!
She can start in the morning and
drive into the night with never a bint
of shoulder strain . . . with the same
wonderful "wheel feel" and safety in
every mile!
Come try this amazing new steering
yourself. W promise yoa never Jeil ?
anything like ii!
(NOTE: Power Stttring tlandati Crn maarial, t
aaaiioota. ajla. aa any a CaratlfJ '
DIMBAT MOTORS . 239 Main St.