page! si HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON HIONDAV. MARCH 3, 1032 V kSJ I fr K,t rj 1 K. i i I r-?iA Hjl Ik -Via,. AWi - IN RED PRISON CAMPS Three United Nations soldiers held prisoner by the Reds in North Korea camp, seem to be enjoying a chess game (top). In lower photo two GI's sing as a third strums a guitar. The Communist who gave the photos to United Kalions newsmen at Panmunjom did not identify the prisoners of war. i J 1 1 u? v1 " MODEL OF PATIENCE Model of Eiffel Toner, made of some 25,000 toothpicks, is tribute to patience of Fred La Chance of Detroit, Mich. He used raior blade, wire cutter and glue. TEACHER IS THE OBSTACLE Instructor Russrl Wallhrr has full confidence In his pupils as lie acts a human bar for Afary Wa&htnstoii tullrte jumping class at 1 1 etlcricksburg, Va. New Chief Sets Egypt 'Cleanup' II v I DWARI) I'Ol.l.AK CAIHO, EkvpI (.41 Envpl's nrw prime mlnbici, Ahmed Numill) HI- Inly Piislm niu(iuiici'rt Minpciuilon i Ptirllumcnt lor 30 ilnyn uiul liciult'cl Into ti rcliirin rculimi Mull' tiny rii'dU'uloii lo dui'kIiik corruption iroin t no uovci'iiniciu. lip iuso ui'xnn piDpurlnit lor new Inlk.s uih Drllliiii on control o( the Buc Cnnnl .one unci the Hudiin. Aniuiiiiu'cnipiil of the I'm Ihiinrn- liiry MiAriilnii, avlilch Ills picilr cc.vor Aly Malirr Pnln liml re lurd to npprovc, wns n flint inn Jnr ni l Ion of Hip (10 vnir old luiist uiul liidpiiciuli'iit Siiiiduy nlulil pa ri on fllllllH IH M IU9 UitUIIK'l. SCHOOU CLOBKO The new Kovrrnmcnt a No nu.t- priulrd liulcllnltulv oprrnllon of liuypfs blKiiPsl school. Fund Unl- n F ; , . . k- -t ' ewi I N FISH THE DEEP FREEZE Temperatures are close to aero as 5.000 fishermen chisel holes in White Bear Lake ice near St. Paul, Minn., to compete in Winter Carnival fUhinf derby. Dorris Plans uup upenin DORRIS The whole town is in vited to attend the opening: of tie Boys Club Tuesday nieht. Open house hours will be from 1 to 11 p.m. Coffee and sand wiches will be serve!!. The Boys Club, sponsored by Po lice Chief Fenton Mahrt and helped along by businessmen of Butte Val ley, is that community's answer to a juvenile problem which had taken on giant proportions back several months apo. An unused roofed-over basement, built originally for a church, was rented and remodeled into a gym and game room, and the club is to be as near self-sustaining as School Bible Reading OK'd WASHINGTON LB The Su preme Court Monday dismissed an attacx on a New Jersey law which requires daily Bible reading In pub lic schools. . The effect of the dismissal is to let the New Jersey law stand un-cnanged. In 34 other states the Bible Is ead in public scheols, either by opinion or requirement. Tne dismissal was on tne ground Falls with her hu.vband. Enrl H. Crawford, who was No. 2 conductor with the Great Northern when It opened Its division here In 11)28. They left here in 1H50 for Santa Rosa, where he died. Mrs. Crawford reportedly under went an operation shortly before cording to word received here.' She ' hcr death. She has no known rcla- possible. Membership in the club I that the Supreme Court lacks an- costs si a montn. A juke box. various Same tables Death Claims Mrs. Crawford Mis. Elizabeth Crawford, a long time Klamath resident, died early mis morning in peJena. Mont was about 60 years old Mrs. Crawford came to Klamath Pinay Tackles French Snarl i PARIS IA' Anlolne Plimy. 0. yenr-olil conservative, said Mon day he would see If he could form ft new (ii blurt lo get France out of Its political and linniiclnl Jam. Plnay niiiiouncrd his decision lo newsmen a half-hour's talk with President Vincent Auiiol. '"My llrsl Impulse whs to re fuse." he said, "but when the President insisted I coucnied In consult my li lends and make an ellorl." Ho added that when he Juid done Ihnl, he would give Auiiol a def inite reply, Pinay is expected to try and form another nilddle-of-tlie-roiid government slmllnr to that of Fit car Fmire. which collapsed Til dny morning. DOIUTFl'l, His chances are regarded as highly doubtful. Paul Reynnud, a former premier tried It and failed. Former Premier Rene Pleven refined even to try. Plnay Is u slightly right of center member of the Independent Repub lican Parly, a right wing group. Some said Plnav had Utile in terest in siiceedlng. Thev llaured that Aurinl lilm. self a Socialist, had called on lilm only to make clear the Ininoasl blllty of enforcing a "keep-to-the-right" policy on the mldtlle-of-the. loaders who have been holding the reins tor the past five years in France. There have been 10 Cab inets since the liberation. It was thought ihat Plnav would "take Just one turn around the track" -that Is. Interview the vH. ous party leaders to assure him self thai the Job Is Impossible. The bin Ntumhlinir llnri lu so cialist relusal to sit down at the same Cabinet table with the fol lowers of Cen. Charles do Oaulle. Some politicians were looking ahead lo a try by ex-Premier Henri Queullle. despite his 67 years and poor health. Ho would have a belter chance I of getting Socialist. If not Gaulllst. versllv in Cairo, niter atudenla be gan a allilowu strike pi ul filing conliiiurd martial law and any agreement Willi thn Went, l.iite Hiindav afternoon pollen cleared out I he nludenla and cloi,cd Uie unlvprnlly grounds. Maher Pasha resigned unexpect edly Hutu id i' y . Some political lend ers hud wanted 1 1 tin lo dissolve Pni'llnnient anil call new elections. Tills wiim Mini; ht aa a move against the alroimly Nationalist Wnldlst Parly, which now iloniln ales the Legislative group, SNAHl, MtiMienslmi of Parliament was first announced Saturday morning but Maher Pasha, alter a hurried Cabinet mrelltig, iiniioiiuced Ills t'overuinenl did not improve the net loll. Hliorlly alter ho resigned. iThe Cairo illspalehes, which are Hrlctlv censored, did not aav who lsitrd the flr.l nusnenslon decree, but presumably It came Ironi King Knrouk's palace. I co-operation. (oAi.s Pinny said his objective would be to bulwark the fin no, fight In flation and reduce prices. Confronted with the governmen tal crisis, some American and French officials are giving serious consideration for the first time lo l.'lvlim up In lndochliin and letting the Communists take over. Tills would be a grave decision mid no dniilit would call for con ference- on Hie highest levels. Cllvlnv up Indochina inlnhl nut the Communist In control In Hint- l.'iid. Malaya, lltirma and possibly inula. The official French iinvernmiiit position Is to hang on, but the coun try Is weary of waging a war Hint Is yet inconclusive with no end in I Ighl. Illltily anlil ho was Marling at once lo study Fgvpl's poslllon In tcliilloii to nrlliiln hut that Itn would need llnio before he cniiltl lieu In new talks alined nt aottlnit 1 the Atiitlo-Fgyptlnti dispute, SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA -- trMv TrvaKffl 11 K. lib rhn 10 Chtraprkrllc rhl Ian I 0ur ! WltJ I I PlC. krOKM, II I cor window. ,utfcf 1 1 If with Conulna Forrf II Shorterpro.f Olo. I I HAY SAW. I BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at rplnmle Ph. 1131 WALKER'S Alley Cat Drive Inn REOPENS Saturday, March 1 We're all cleaned up -rested up - and rarin' to go! South 6th and Martin M'Carthy Eyes Probe Pressure WASHINGTON Wl Sen. Mc Carthy iR.-Wis.,), said Monday he wanto to find out whether under secretary of the Treasury Edward and other equipment was obtained eiiher by purchase or gift, to equip the clubhouse. Two Arrested, Post Bail Two men, arrested by State Po lice Saturday night at 97 Supper Club, posted $25 bail each at the County Jail on charges of disorder ly conduct and were released. Officers identified the men as Doran J. Miller, 22. Minot. N.D., and Sylvester O. Pfciffer. 27, route 1, box 589, Klamath Falls. Officers were called when the two men reportedly "caused a disturbance." In very sunny regions, dark than while, reflecting clothing. thoritv to decide the case in Its f"- iS- ""ce 'oio "ie eroii particular circumstances. Revenue Bureau to "lay off" cer- tain tax cases. McCarthy asked at a meeting SALEM Ml The condition of of the Senate Expenditures Com former Gov. and ex-Congressman mittec that Foley be called for Walter M. Pierce. 90, was de- (questioning in a closed session scribed as fair Mondav bv Salem ' Monday afternoon. Memorial Hospital attendants. I Chairman McClcllart D. Ark.. He has been in serious condition ("aid the undersecretary would be r,t the hospital for more than two ! invited to testify Tuesday morn- weeks. Cuba, the "Pearl of the Antilles.' is the largest island of the West mg. Uves living here. Hans Norland Phone 2-3515. Fire Insurance. Fiery, Smarting Itch of Common Shin Rashes Don't stand such tormrnt another hour! Jnft smooth Rpsinol Ointment on your irritatrd akin at once. Set how quickly in medically proven ingredients in lan olin bring blissful, long-lasting relief.' would you spend that necessary $25 or $30 on your car if you could pay for if in 3 months? I- - jnV i,A p$&r I You can do just that on our bud get plan. Come on in and ask me about it . . . at FEATURING . . , NEW G-E f TRIPL-CONTROLI 1? 1 1 Lets you dial the water storage temperature you wantl SAFE! DEPENDABLE! Automatic Electric 1, trciriiiiri r 1 vim 1 1 WATER AUTOMATIC! HEATERS 'NSTALLS "tniulw ANYWHERE! COME IN TODAY FOR COMPLETE DETAILS! UPRIGHT ROUNDS AVAILABLE, TOO! 42 Gallon Upright only, $99.95 FYOCK'S Authorized dealer GENERAL $) ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVER link Days! II X III lu. AT RICKYS MARCH 6, 7, 8 THURS. FRI. SAT. FREE! IF YOU'RE NOT GETTING COMPLETE SATISFACTION FROM YOUR OLD SHAVER... HERE'S A THRIFTY WAY TO FIX IT! Yei, for three whole days Remington Factory Trained Technician! will be her in our store to overhaul your electric shovor! It will be cloancd, oilad and adjusted free! What's more, worn or missing Remington parts will be replaced at factory prices! Plan now to bring your shaver in! Your Old Shaver Is The Down Payment On This New Remington 60! Yes . . . Rickys will aive vou uo to $7.50 trade-in allowance on your old shaver for the new Reminqton 60 . . . th fastest, smoothest, most sotisfvina shaver in the wrfrld! Come in and try it today! 14 Day Free Trial! . . on the all new Reminaton 60. If you're not completely satisfied, brinq it back . . . and Rickys will cheerfully re fund your money! (IICISTIItS JIWIUll J. OLDS-CADILLAC 7fh and Klamath pi, 4103 j ') 1 tf 1001 Main 700 Main St. Phf 2-2518 Phone 3151