Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 03, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, MAItCIl 3, 10S3
page rtva
r i -
I. '
i ...
ournfl ( oinplnlril I'KO Kdinund
VTn Iiu II. mill o( Mm. Nleves R.
Milium, 'Jl'SO rtrclu uiiiUoil lion coin
lildril thn rlulil-wwks l.i-mltir's
Uiiuraa voiiilucttil by the 41nl '1'iuilc
linllnllnii Uin ath inrmilry Di
vision's HpcnlKllnl Training Rrgl
ini'nl, Foil Jackson, B.C.
Improvril Mm, Dim tCarrlri
livrlatc pldlifrr rn.Klrnt of the
lloiiiiii.u-Oleno I'mniniinlUrn In rn
iiilif i iillna nt her homo nnir Do
nniir.a. nllcr a reconl sorvoro III
urnn. All Womrii Intnresled III a (lln
cll.wlon on lullnllon arc Invlled la
be Hi the Ciminuinltv Iouiikc, Hill
ulrrrt off fln Wnlnmduy, 10:10
a. III.
Vlsltur Mrs. PiiiiI Johnson, Ionic
time rrnUlonl of Klniimlli Kails,
now IIvIiir In riinrnlx, Ariz., left
tiiiiulnv after n visit with her sis
fr, Mm.. Churlrs Drrw 8r. Mr.
mid Mrn. JnliiiMin nnrratrri llio
rrry linn nt onn tlinn mid hud
oilier rxlm.-ilvr property Inlcic.itn.
Ilmiii- i:lriiliin '111" I iinicll
Vulli'y Home Kxtcnslon Unit will
inert Wednesday, 10 n.m. at the
Inline of Mm. Mike Dearborn for
n lesson on Kitchen ntoruifc. There
will lno be a plnnt cxchuiiKC Ev
rryune attending lako lack, lunch.
The IMayrra Club members and
uiirnui will inert nt the Yacht Club.
7 p.m. Wrdnendny for a no-Iiosteaa
cu.ckrn dinner, ilrldge mid pinoch
le will follow, Reservations must
bo mudo III advanco. Phone Mil.
I'roinoted Johnny L. 8calt.se,
whose who Bhlrley resides nt Weed,
lia.H been promoted to wrucunt
while serving; In Korea with the
Sfilh Infmitry Division. He In a
sound leader with the Kith Regi
ment and entered the service In
January. lOil. He has been award
ed thr C'oiubiit Infiinlryman Budge
In clvlllnn life he wan employed
by Ihe Long Bell Lumber Co.
Meeting There will be a jneet
Inu of the Jolly Neighbor, 7:30
p. in. Tuesday at the home of Mm.
Victor OiiRman, 3245 Ongmun.
Prliea (or those wearing the most
green. Henley PTA Meela 3 p.m. Wed
nesday In the high school library.
'I'wyla f'erguwii will apeak on
"Conditions in Europe."
Hpeakrr Henry Douglai Am
bers, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Ambers of Klamath Falls and a
member of the University of Ore
gon symposium team, and four oth
er University students apoke be
fore the high nrhool and Kiwsnis
Club at Sandy last Wednesday.
Boy Scouts Troop 43 la to meet
at the First Presbyterian Church
'Juruday, u:30 p.m.
lVomrn of (he Mm-Hold regit
Inr monthly meetlnn Tuesday, 8
p.m . In the Moose Hall.
Home F.conomlra Club Of Shas
ta View grunge meet at the home
of Mm. J. 11. Wryn, 3131 LaVerne,
Tuesday, (or 13:30 p.m. polluck.
Khasla Vle Community Build
lint Association meets Tuesday, I
E.m.. at the community building.
Inula Way and Madlaon.
American 1glea Auilllarr
Hlninlh Post 1 will meet at Veter
an Memorial Hall Tuesday, 8 p.m.
Pilots Club Members nnd kucnIh
annuul crub feed March ID at the
club, Keiiervnlloni must be made
and paid for by March 8. Cull
IMM) or UU17.
Amhrlrii Club Meets Tuesday,
8 p.m. nt the hnino uf Eva (Jion
iillsl, 130 N, fith.
Ticket- City Firemen lodny be
gnn arlllug tli kcU lu their annuul
flremrn'ti Hull, lu lie held ul the
armory Huturduy, Mmcli 10, ,
Pelican Post I3KJ -VFW holds IIh
regulur meeting Thursdiiy 8 p.m.,
In the clubroouiK. OlllceiD fur thc
jcur will be nomlnutcd.
Hume l:tenlon F.ilrliuven
unit meela Wednrsdny, 10:30 am.,
nt the home of Mrs. Richard A.
Jiiiiu'Miii. Keno lid. Polluck lunch
will be nerved.
Plague Grips
North Korea
munist Pelplng Radio Mild Mun
dny Gen. Klin II Uung. chairman
of the tiillllury council and pre
mier n( North Korcu, hud Ixxued
I decree placing the country In a
virtual state of emergency to com
bat bubonic phiKUe.
The Red broadcast, heard by The
AHtoclulcd Prrss, snld the decree
ordered a national extraordinary
anll-epldemlc coinmlllcce. the Mili
tary of Heitllh, the Army Med
leal Bureau and oilier government
agencies to "mobllixe all lorces"
to wipe out gcrm-cHriylng Ini.ecu.
The Reds persistently uccuwd
the United Biiilrs of cuiiKlng the
pliigun by dropping germs behind
Red linen.
The United Nutlons Command
has denied the charge as simply
a "cover-up" for an epidemic of
natural caues.
In another Pclplnir broadcast,
Red propagandist Wilfred Burchctl
was quoted as Baying "4.000 United
Nations prisoners ol war will have
to take their chance with Uie rest
ol Korean village dwellers In the
horrors of a plague epidemic."
Burchctl, correspondent for Paris
Ce Bolr. asserted that plagnc-bcnr-lug
fleas were dropped n?ur Pan
niinijoiii. site of the orcan armi
stice negotiations.
Elk Crab Feed
March 6
Elk'H Lodge annuul men's crab
feed at the Armory March 6, 6 p.m.
will be free to members.
Increaed meuiberi.hip attend
ance makes It necessary to have
Elks only.
Women's crab feed will be March
13. same place, aame tunc, for
members only.
Court Blocks
Milk Benefits
prciiie Court Monliiy decided the
secretary of agriculture lacks power
to order payments to milk co
operatives for disposing of milk
during season of high production.
The Becrelsry's orders were In
lendrd to c'iunll.e returns to milk
producers the year around.
Funds to pay the co-opcrallvea
amounting In million of dollars
urc, obtained by netting aside part
of the money that normally would
be nil Id to milk producers In the
flunli production period.
Justice Chirk delivered the 4-3
declKlou. Justice Black wrote a dis
senting opinion, fti which Justices
Reed mid Douglas concurred. Jus
tices Juckkou and Million took no
purl In the case,
'I he secretary has Issued the pay
ment orders under provisions ol
Ili:i7 Agricultural Marketing Agree
ment Act.
An order applying to the Boston
mllkshrd was contc.ited by five
dairy farmers who contended the
nit did not nutliorl.c such pay
ment to co-operallveM.
Two lower federal courts In the
District of Columbia ruled against
llm linslon order, causing Secre
tary Uninniiii to appeul to the Su
preme. Court.
lie contended the order was au
thorliod by Congress. He said It
was necessary because of seasonal
changes In milk production.
liriiiiiiiiu's appeal said the lower
court rulings raised question as
to similar orders Issued for the
New York metropolitan. Cinclnnstl
nnd Daylon-Sprlngfleld marketing
About $14,000,000 has been paid
to co-operatives In the four area
for urplu milk marketing acrv
Ices. Adin Trapper
Fined Here
Fine of $100. with $25 suspended,
wus levied, on Fred Herman Flck,
41-year-old trapper, from Adln. In
District Court here this morning
on charge of making false state
ment to procure an Oregon's trap
per licence.
Flck wa arrested here Saturday
on the charge following Investiga
tion by Federal game officers, Ore
gun state grime commission otfl
ters and warden of the California
1 1 1 1 and game service.
Federal officers ald Flck pur
chased an Oregon trapper's license
Oct. 18, JM1, and had previously
bought a California resident hunt
er's license on Sept, 1, 1051-
"Little David," perhaps the larg
est gun ever built, was a U.S.
Armv nlege mortar that could hurl
n shell weighing nearly two tons
to a target more than five miles
DKTROIT 11 A co ed sus
pension by her university and a
possible federal fraudcase against
n witness pointed up effect ol the
Communism inquiry Friday.
At the same time House Unamer-
lean Activities Committee Investi
gators prepared to wind iin their
present hearing Friday, They hope
to come back next month.
Mm. Lorraine Faxon Melener, 21,
pert brunette, wan suspended by
Wayne university Tnursoay nignt.
Only a few hour earlier she had
refused on the witness stand to
antiwar questions, for this the com
mittee reproved her.
She was Informed of her sus
pension In a telegram from Wayne
Prealdont David D. Henry.
lir. Henry said tier attituae in-
tMrmlmA 'lthr an imreiiitnniihle re.
f ural to co-operate or a prima fuclin
admission ol criminal action on
your part."
nt university promiseo Mrs.
Melsner an "official review" of Its
action II nhe request one.
sne said she planned to lane tne
matter over with Dr. Henry before
making any comment.
The fraud case was threatened
against Belfast-born Patrick Rice,
vice pre.ildent ol the CIO United
Auto Workers giant Ford Local tou.
Thl was connected with Rice's
testimony regarding hi purported
application to the government for
a passport to go U Europe last
Rep. PoUer iR.-Mlch.,), member
of the Inquiring subcommittee, said
that Rice, If Judged by his testi
mony, was guilty of fraud.
Any recommendation by the sub
committee would have to go to the
lull committee for approval before
being presented to the Department
of Justice. Potter said the sub
committee would study the matter.
Rice, grey-haired and balding,
testified he had lived In Detroit 17
years and "three or four years" In
Cleveland prior to that.
However, the committee Intro
duced in evidence a photostat copy
ol a purported passport application
by Rice In which he said he lived
In Cleveland from 1931 to 1051.
The photostat was shown Rice,
but ha refused to answer when
asked if he could Identify it.
Grandmother Berenlece Baldwin.
Years ago, when first written.
mtifih nf Wniriir'i mttKl1 tteempft
very unmusical to many people.
si General MMM
Hans Frei
JJ54 So. 4th Phen 3-023
Q333 Eflt3
... for men who work
in slush, mud, or snow!
Long-wearing, warmer cloth topi are
completely waterproof!
Lighter on your feet, yet built to take it!
No tugging or pulling on with four oosy
tnop buckles!
Heavy work tole$ ore skid proof!
Reg. 5.95
Sizes 6-12
S20 Main
Phon. 4771
All Rubber
Light on your feet.
Sixes thru 12 '.
Co-Ed Suspended in Red
Probe at Detroit School
an FBI spy on Communists, told
further details Friday of wide
spread organisation of the party
In Michigan up to 1D50.
The grey-haired, 4 year old
woman took the stand to relate in
detail her experiences as an un
dercover agent.
Mrs. Baldwin told Investigators
of a Communist organization of
clubs In at least 30 Michigan cities,
Including the college towns of East
Lansing and Ann Arbor,
At F.ast Lansing, home of Michi
gan State College, she said the
club membership Included "school
teachers" while at Ann Arbor, site
of the University of Michigan, the
club Included "college aludents."
Mrs, Baldwin, who was dues col
lector for1 Ike party In Michigan,
aid the Communists went under
ground In late 1040 or early 1950
Thereafter, she said, no records
were kept and "no phone calls
v.ere made ano 11 were was a
phone call made, no names."
The v.-ord "clock" really signi
fies bell.
The li-land of Kos In the Aepean
Sea was the birthplace of Hippo
crates, the lather of medicine.
CherraDunll. India. ' has had
1,605.05 Inches of rain In two years.
In nredictlne the ' weather, the
forecaster generally tries to deter
mine the distance and direction of
travel of high and low pressure
areas In the atmosphere.
There are approximately 25,000
different kinds of fish.
Anti-Red Teacher Law
Upheld by High Court
Court Monday upheld by a 8 to 1
vole New York's antl-Communlst
Teacher Law.
The actwidely known as the
Felnberg Law Is designed to bar
subversive persons from working
In the state's school system.
It was attacked by eight New
York taxpayers who Insisted the
statute violated freedom of speech
and aaiembly.
Justice Mlnton delivered the ma
jority decision. Justices Douglas,
Black and Frankfurter wrote dis
senting opinions. That meant the
majority was composed of Chief
Justice Vinson and Justices Reed,
Jackson, Burton and Clark as well
as Mlnton.
The Felnberg Law was enacted
in 1949 to help enforce a state
civil service law passed ten years
earlier. The civil service law say
periona who advocate violent over
throw of government may, not be
PORTLAND m The fl.'ih count
at Bonneville Dam, as reported
by the Corps of Engineers here:
Saturday: Bteemead trout 1,
suckers 2, flngerling 9; Sunday:
Chinook 2, steelhea.d trout trout 6,
muckers 1, fingerling 17.
Suburban Scrvic
I On Your Worn equipment
y 1 1th I Walnut Ph. 7709
St. James' Palace, official seat
of the British court, stands on the
one-time site of a hospital.
The Angel Falls, In Eastern Ven
ezuela has a total drop . of 3,212
Helps Heal And Cter
Itchy Skin tosh!
Fint applications of highly medicated
Zcmo antiseptic promptly relieve itching
of rubes, aczems, athlete's foot, psoria
sis, ringworm and similar surf aceskin and
sealpirritationi. Then notice how quickly
your skin starts to clear! Buy Extra
Strmglh Zemo liquid m m,
for stubborn cam ZEnffl)
appointed to. or stay on, state
The Felnberg Law reaulres the
State Board of Regents the admin
istrative body wlch heads the New
York educational system to list
subversive organizations.
The law mages membershln In
(uch listed organization clear evi
dence of disqualification 'or any
Job In the school system.
The law's preamble refers to the
Communist Party as an advocate
of violent overthrow of govern
However, pending the outcome of
the case before the SuDreme Court.
the Board of Regents has not com
piled a subversive list and no
teacher has been fired under the
Felnberg Law.
Laywers for the eight taxpayers
who carried their fight against the
law to the highest court argued
that the proposed listing would
have a "terroristic effect" of teach
ers and would create Interference
wllh freedom in general.
Hut Mlnton said lor the tribunal:
"A teacher works in a sensitive
area In a school room. There he
shapes the attitude of young minds
toward the society In which they
live. In this, the state has a vital
concern. It must preserve the In
tegrity of the schools.
"The school authorities have the
right and duty to screen the of
ficials, teachers and employes as
Integrity of the schools as a part
of ordered society, cannot be
Mlnton added that, "one's as-
5-10-5 Liability
Insurance Current
6 Mo. Rata Si 190
As Low As II
Pl flmtlt NAtircrirrinr
Mcmbcnbtp Ft
Lit Ostild Cltr
Preferred Ins. Exch.
t. wixlasd cEDAKLtar
Dili. Afnl
rtni :-i54
t;7 Sath Sixth SI.
soclstes, past and present, as writ
as one's conduct, may properly be
considered In determining fitness
and loyally,"
Dlsseptlng, Douglas snld the
Felnberg Law 'Inevitably turns
the school system Into a spying;
project" and "what happens under
this law la typical of whet happens
in a police state."
. He continued: "Teachers are un
der constant surveillance: their
pasts are combed for finds of dis
loyalty; their utterances are
watched for clues to dangerous
thoughts. A nail Is cast over the
classrooms, there can be no real
academic freedom In that environ
ment." For nsed typewriters and adding
machines .... Volght's Pioneer
Office Supply, 629 Main.
iW.WIHW Z4-houreWt
Prestolog Heaters
Ample, steady hul for homai, iheaa
r itsrat. , .
Huadiedi of Ortoon owntti tnfoy real
winter comfort and save mora thoa
eort at healer first year used. All
madeli new available.
$52.50 to $149.50
35 Market St.
ho. 314
at rote vKToeiA
waav-l wriy
Come in and Test Drive
for the American Road !
Here it is .:. the car that is destined
to change the industry.
Farsighted planning by the largest
single engineering department in the
industry has made it possible for
Ford to bring you an all-new car for
1952 ... a car that is designed to do
more things for more people for leas
money than any other car ever
built! It's the ablest car on the
American Road!
For this new Ford leads the
industry with a choice of V-8 or Six,
both packed with new power . . .
- with the Full-Circle Visibility . . ;
with smoother riding, comer-hugging
Automatic Ride Control . . . with
the new weather-sealed comfort and
safety of Ford Coachcraft Bodies . . .
and with new convenience features
like Center-Fill gas filling.
Mo oft mo vrirfear raaoa of ajeferiifi' ada
T) '52 Ford Is Hm most powerful car In tho low
prko field! Owe either the new Six with free
turning overhead velvet, or the V-8, the mott
powerful engine offered in a low-priced car.
lot now enginoi fllvo yog the Mvtagi of the Ford
Automatic Pewor Pilot. tquoom high-compr.H
ion "00" from regular sou (Nolo now Contor-M
001 Mot.)
Hugt curvtrf M-,it WlnfcliltM
1 . Ht Cutixnh 8kIi .
r. A-fc-arxr I ' " 1 r wits uimijm soanwctiow -v
The '52 Cord has longer whetlbaie, wider front
treed, and greater length. h'i big eulifde and big
innVe, with ipadout teattng for tin. and the largett
luggage locker In the towprlce field. Hi a big
family car than a pleasure to own,
rW.alk Drfv aitrf white iHnnB tint H voitaUfi, PH.I at fn ted.
. Eejwntflf, ccrrJ arW trial (vbrMl t thing vithtvt Mfftt.
Take a'Test Drive
Y, the '52 Ford out-rldsi all olh.ri In th. low
prleo flold. Now Rid footuroi Ilk dlogonolly
mountod ihoek obwrb.ri, low.r eontor ef gravity,
S-lndi longer roar iprlngi, and front taring!
(tailored to oodi modtl'i wolghll with ford'l
Automatic Udo Control 1.1 you take Iho cuivoi an
tho level . . . bwnpi without boimdngl
It 's built (or keeps!
Main at Esplanade
Phone 3121