HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREC.ON PAGE THRFK MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1952 -Engineer Rides Rugged River For Survey, But Dams Still lit JOHN KAMI'H WAHIIINOTON 11 Hiding a lionl ilciwn din Ornnii nivvr, ono nf llin rmiuhfnt In Urn uniiiitiy, wunn't loo tmiHli fur Hurry Knlllff, an niKlnriT from Vrrnnl, II 1 nil. Hut IrylUK lo rt Ihr Koviirnintml lo build (liiinn In II id river la nuiiie UiIiik rno uuiilii. Hnllllf win In nil ciiKlncrrliiK nur ty which mucin mi fxiirclllloii down the wild river III IIM-M, to not dntn In cniuifictlon with riunia pro prowl In Colonido noil UUih. Only nljoul 300 iinrnunn hiivn iiPKotlntnl Ilia rlver'n rtiiixli ruilK mid nbuut 26 drowned trylnir In do It. I,niit wurk Itntllll liil ii icrmip from Uluh ii nd Colonido to tlm nn tlonul oniiltiil. They trlrd Krncriilly to put wunn ulruin lii'lilud a drive tor dnitiH iilntiK llio Upper Colorado und It trlliutiirliK nn J nprelllcully In brut down opponlllon lo Cirrcn Jllvrr project. 'I lie Kioiip Kt fni'iiuriiui'iiH'iil from nienilirr nf Chiikitm rrp ri'itrntlnu Colonido Klvcr MuU'h who fiivor count ruction of n til I Hon dollui' ai'i'lrn of diiinii known n the Upper Colonido llimln tiloriiiic J'rojccl. Hut thr Kroup Kiild It couldn't lift iin iiudli'ticii with BiM-rrliuy of the Interior Chiipniun. 'Hie ni-crr-tnry him not yet Kiven J'renulrnl Truman hl report on the bin proj. rcl uIiIioiihIi biiHln alutea iipprovcd It hint yiuir. Cliiipmnn luia Hlven no Indlcntinn Hint lil report will hn niiuln noon. Thin wnn iiillied nonio Coimrewi tiieu to doulit Unit a hill nulliorliiliiK the prujixl could lc punned thin Tnr. Dr. Ernent tJnlrrimin of Vernnl director ol the Ulnh Museum nf Natural llhtnry, nlonii with Rnt lift nnd olhcr Wenterucra In the uroup cnlled n preiw cnuference here Krlday to allow reporter mo tion plcluren of Uie 1U60-61 trip down the Oreen niver nnd to nricue for dnms. ' Hllea of the proponed dnma were rieacrlbed. 'Ilie Kcho I'nrk Unni In Colnrndo, near Ilie IHuh border and neiir the cniilluencn of the Ynmpn River, would cost un e.t liniuled 1W million ilollnra. 8pllt Mountain Dam In Uluh, down alream from Echo I'nrk, would conl ni leant 70 million. Uiilrruiann nalcl opponents of the two dumn Include membera of Uic National Park Annoc intiou, Audu bon Society, Inane Wullon Leauur anil wmiirn'i (iubi. rrlnelpnl arKiiinrnlfl iiKnlnat Uie pro)ecta are Ihat they would: Flood (onnll bed In the Dinosaur National Monument, which covera pur la of Ulnh, Colorado and Wyo l UMil NEW LOW GROCERY PRICES Grapefruit PggpjJ H'Sliwoy. halves Juice Blcnd0'Go,d Tomato Juice Cut Beans Spinach Spinach Emerald Emerald nj C-kl Cudahy riy rcci LA J Tea Balls 1Mof Salad Dressing Cheese Du'e'' licc(' mcr Cheese Dutch Sliic' Pimen, NEW LOW MEAT PRICES Lamb Rib Chops ,b. Lamb Shldr. Chops ,b. Lamb Boneless Stew,b. Pork Sausage ,b : PRODUCE PRICES Lettuce Cauliflower Long Way Off ming deatroy the benuty of Brent wlldernena ureu; "Invade" the monument mill violate National I'nrk rlithta. Itallllf and Uiitermiinn uave theae anawera to the nruumnnta: The dluonnur beda are fnr from both cliuit altea and would be In no way nflncted by the projecln; the dnma would not deatroy the benuly of the area, but would make, It poaalble for more people to Ret Into the area and enjoy the aceu ery; whon the monument was en laritrd from (HI ncrea to more than 3H0 Mpinro inllca In the lU30'a, the I'nrk Service promlm-d rcnldentn of the area that the expanalon would not Interfere with develop ment of reclamation projecln along the river. The arnuiiient nanlnnt flooding part nf a Nntlonnl I'nrk wna uvel Micceanfully laal year to block au thorization for Glacier View Dam III Montana, which would have In undated aonie Glacier I'ark Innd. ItnilU! feela Unit the need for Ir I'lKulluii wuler nnd hydroelectric power outwclKhta all other connkl eratlona. He aaya "nicre'a nolhlnn more wanteful limn 5.400,000 acre-feet ol water bclim permlltrd to ruah una lenaly down the Oreen River can yoiu und Into the Colorado." WO;tD TROVIILE WAHIIINOTON tm Diplomatic Robbledi-Kook can net ao bud even dlplnninla upoliilr. for It. Hecrelary ol Htnle Achenon In Ilia report to Uie nation on Ilie l.labon mectliiKB of the North Atlantic Treaty Oridinlwillon iNATOi anld airfield! nnd port fncllltlca were called "fra-nlructurcn." He anld he couldn't explain hpw thev enme to bo called that, and added: "Deaplte thin heavy nanuicnp. Rood proxreaa waa made." M LAM ATM FALL!. OHtW AMERICAN CHINESE at MiWt ommII n. 4t t- Oroen Ta Take Oat Btn B. Lee, Mgr. ill IT" Glenn-Aire 17c 30c 26c 13c 15c ,19c 15c 34c 23c 19c 48c 31c 31c 94c 84c 52c 45c 10c 18c 303 2Vi 46-oi. SunnyDawn ' No. 2 Briargote No. 303 Boy 22 Bay No. 2 Pickled, Daintici 9.01. Sea Trader 16' Cascade Qt. ib. lb. Mill1 j II it Mj V ACCLAIM -kP ', SALE! by Plhe.!. Standard Weight m ii mm prta cl eihi til h mam Selected Patterns Values to Si 1 Sq. . . . fialhowu A 2.45 LINOLEUM Yd. THE HI Blend Carpeting at its best True Value at 10.95 137 High style of carpet in a lovely pattern . The clever combination of hard twist and lustrous straight yarns produces two carved effects '.," I Modern Key's . I ultra modern pattern is pro nounced . . Circular Texture strikes a new styling note with its subtle pattern . '. . both are decorators delights for contemporary rooms or for the more traditional. Colors . . in tone on tone . . green, grey, b.'ege. 12 ft. widths. EXTRA VALUES! ALL WOOL WILTON BR0ADL00M ' High and low loops are intricately woven into this hondsome, long-wearing broadloom to create leaf patterns . . . swirling and at tractive. 12-fr. widths. Your choice of mod ern tones of gray, ond beige. NEW CLIFTON BROADLOOM Here subtle shadings of tone-on-tone create tractive. 12-ft. widths. Your choice of mod a modern abstration of leafy designs . . executed in wool and wool and rayon yarns. Choose brown, gray, tan, green and rose, in 12-ft. widths. Only 15 Down . . Easy Terms on Balance aa. II II "at . TILE, A loifl LARGEST STOCK OF QUALITY Pe r Sq ua re Ya rd A Good Buy At 13.95 , (Q)(o) Per Sq. Yd. A Good Buy At Per Sq. Yd. BLINDS CoVChUU) IN THE KLAMATH f J CARPETS BASIN I J57 EAST MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 849S