PAGE TWO MONDAY. MAIsCnSjlOM IfERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OHPXON r -i iii hi I t KFJI-U50 Kc P8T ' Monday tiveninr, March I 1:00 Gabriel Hpstter MBS ft:lft Klamath Theater Quit 6:30 Around Town Nawa O Sain Hayes, News MBS .S Bill Henfy MBS 1:011 Proudly We Mall - . 7:30 Bright Star 0:00 Let George Do It MBS C:;t(l HollyWooa Theaters MBS S:0O Cilenn Hardy Newi MBS :1 Fulton Lewie Newi MBS U:::0 Mutual Newireel MBS B:4S Sporli Final tM S-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:19 Survival 10:10 Crowell'i Net MBS 11:00 N'lght OwU News 11:03 Night Owll Club 13:00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc rSX Tuesday, March 4 ; t OO Musical Reveille 6:45 rarm Reporter 6:33 Regional News T:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:13 Breakfast Gang MBS . 7:.10 Headlines and Bylines 7:43 Best Buys ' 6:00 Cecil Brown MBS :I3 Breakfast Gang MBS :.10 Haven of Rest MBS !:GH llomemakers Harmony :15 Platter Party - 1:43 Familiar Favorites 10:00 Glenn Hardy. News MBS 10:19 Tello Test MBS 10:30 La Pointea "10:45 Concert 10:30 Currlns 10:33 Ken Carson MBS 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:29 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:13 Noondav News . 12:30 Your Dance Tunes 12:45 Music Box 12:30 Market it Livestock 3:35 Klemath Notes 100 Jack Klrkwood MBS 1:30 Take Number MBS 2:00 Local News . 3:03 News MBS . 2:15 Two at 2-15 -1,-sWS Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson 4:15 Hemingway Newa MBS 4:30 Curt Matsey Time MBS 4-49 Sam Hayes MBS 5:00 Sergeant Preston MBS 5:30 Sky King MBS , 5:33 Cecil Brown MBS ' 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:13 Klamath Theater Quit ; 6:30 Around Town News 6:45 Sem Hayes News MBS 6:33 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Black Museum MBS 7:30 Peter Salem. MBS 6:00 Count of Monte Cristo MBS 8:20 Roving at Rudy's ,, 8:45 Heidelberg Harmonaires 0:00 Glenn HardyNews MBS : 6:15 Fulton Lewis News MBS 6:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS ' S:45 Sports Final :33 S-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:15 Here's to Vets 10:30 Onera Concert MBS 11:00 Night Owl! Edition--11:03 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off ' KFLW 1450 Kc PST Monday Evening, March 3 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:15 Home Town News 6:25 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attrac. on ABC - .7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC 7:45 Preview Of Tomorrow 6:00 The Bil Hand ABC 8:30 "How Can Youth Best Contrib ute to B'ulding the Basin?" 10:00 10 P.M. Headlines 10:15 Navy Star Time . 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 S'en Off KFLW 1450 Kc PST ' Tuesday, March 4 6:00 Sign On News Summary . ,6:05 Corn In the Morn C:45 Farm Fare s. Ha 7:15 Charlle'a Roundun 7:30 Bob Garrcd. Newe ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:53 John Conte ABC ' 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC 6:00 Hank Henry Show :30 Break the Bank ABC v. 10.00 Chel Huntley ABC 10:19 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC . 10:39 Whispering Streets ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against the Storm ABC, 11:45 Musical Hounaup 11:35 Market Report 13:00 Noon Edition News . 12:15 Payless Sidewalk Show , 12-30 Lucky U Ranch ABC 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:19 Better Living 1.-30 Standard School BdcsL 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:15 When A Girl Merries ABC 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC. :t:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 Dean Cameron ABC 3:45 Mary Marlln ABC 4:00 Requestfully Yours 5:00 Tom Corbett, Soace Cadet ABC 5:25 World Flight Reporter ABC 0:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:43 Voive of America 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:15 Home Town News 6:25 World News Summary C:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7:00 Greatest Story ABC 7:30 New-stand Theater ABC 8:00 Met Auditions of Air ABC 8:30 Umted or Not ABC 9:00 Town Meeting. ABC 0:45 Paul Carson at the Oraan. 10.00 10 P.M. Headlines 10:15 Tax Your Brain ABC 1C:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Oft FortKia &XiijL ia.-- 3SJw Xit m 6fJ' a 3 Words (ii -Wl MEANING lift ; i Vl Entertainment jml mm RICHARD RUSTY !MCARS0MBIYN f AWTA 1HMSE 1 IV LLiUS EB3SJ By MYRTLE YVIMER Frienos here as well as else where will be Interested, to learn that Mrs. Edna Pomeroy was transferred on Tuesday, Feb. 26, by ambulance plane from St. Vin cent's hospital in Portland to Uie Community Hospital in her home city of Medford. Accompanying her mother on the plane trip was daughter, Mrs. Joan Nelson, and a second daughter, Mrs. Buret Griffin, also a resident of Medford. According to wora received here by Mrs. Raymond S. Loosley, al though Mrs. Pomeroy ia very seri ously 111, she greatly enjoys hear ing irom old irienas, and uiose desiring to send cards or messages to this pioneer of the Wood River valley may reach her in care of the Community hospital, Mediord, Ore. An unusual bil of news is that after seeing her mother safely to the hospital in. Medford, her aaughter, Mrs. Nelson, wno was an expectant mother, gave birui to a cnlld the following day, Wed nesdaywhether son or aaughter is not known here as yet . . . Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Thorpe Sr. have returned from a trip to San Pablo, Calif., where they vis ited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Thrope Jr. and son Jackie. After visiting here several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Randall returned Thursday to their home in Klamath Falls, lie is Mrs. Edward's brother. Al Lewis left' for Portland on Wednesday, and before leaving on the trip, told friends here thai he will re ..urn to Fort Klamatn a benedict he planed to be mar ried March 1 in Portland. Al is mechanic for the Modoc Lumber , Co. in its 1-mile division logging operations west of here, ana de- j tails of the wedding, etc., will come later when the information is available here. Mr. and Mrs. Guss A. Page left by train Wednesday from Klam ath Falls, bound for San Francisco, where Mrs. Page will . receive medical treatment. Before return ing, they plan to visit at San An selmo with Mrs. Page's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leone. Mrs. Lyle Bressler visited Thurs day in Ashland and returned to the home of her daughter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. "Jerry" Sisemore and daughter JoAnn. Of interest to her many friends. in tms vicinity win be tne goou news tnat Mrs. AiDert Bricco has returned from Portland and is much improved as a result of med ical care received there. She is in Klamath Falls at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Detroit, her brother-in-law and sister. Mrs. Bricco is also the sister of Mrs. Jack Thom as of Ft. Klamath and a former local resident. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. "Mike" Wil liams, their daughters Enid and Martha and son Jay, left Friday on an extensive trip wnich will take them to South Bend, Ind., where they will take possession of new car. ine nrsi leg ot tne journey was made by pickup to Bend, then By stage to iwin rails. Ida., where they planned to visit his brother and family before boarding a plane for the trip to South Bend. The return trip will be made of course in the new car, and Included on the itinerary are stops at Mrs. William's birth place in South Dakota which, she has not seen for many years, and also visits with his relatives in his native state of Missouri. During the absence of the owners, their ranch here is In charge of his brother. Bill. o. - h 'ii list PREDICTS PEACE Marshal Josip Boz Tito or Yugoslavia, in an exclusive interview with Helen Fisher, United Press correspondent (left), at Belgrade 'said he does not think there will be a new war. Later, through official Yugoslav news channels, Tito proposed that both Yugoslavia and Italy renounced their claims to Triests and convert it into a joint lX administered free territory. , rtyrTAYLOR CONTINUOUS DAILY. DOORS OPEN 1: IN SHADOW OF DEATH Blonde, Blue-eyed Virginia Adams, 17-months, a victim of a nmahgant cancerous growth on a main artery, is embraced by her sorrowfu' mother, Mrs. Louise Adams. The child, who is expected to die shortly, plays happily at her Philadelphia home, un aware of her misfortune. Victim Of Lukemia Dies Robert Edward Knowles. 67. of Chiloquin, died here Sunday of lu kemia. He had been seriously ill for about two years. Survivors Include a daughter, Willa Nagler, Costanza, Calif.; and two brothers, P. K. Knowles of Kelso, Wash., and Charles E. Knowles, Portland. Knowles built and owned the Chiloquin airport, and had the first privately owned plane there. He lived at the airport hangar and farmed some land around the port. He was a native of Texas but had lived in this area since 1923. Funeral services are to be con ducted Tuesday, 2 p.m. from O'Hair's Memorial Chapel, with burial at Klamath Memorial Cemetery. MESSY MISSTEP ' LEOMINSTER, Mass. 11 Pa trolman Matteo Clcone stopped his cruiser car in front of a market for a routine check of the front, ana rear aoors. as ne neared tne car he stepped on a soft mound. Clcone dashed back to the sta tion, disposed of his clothes In the boiler and Jumped into a showei. The soft mound was a skunk. Sports Mirror By The Associated Press One year ago today Dick Attle sey. United States, won the 110 meter hurdles in 14 seconds at the Fan American Games at Buenos Aires. Five years ago Bernard F. Oates resigned as head football coach at Wyoming University. ; Ten years ago Frank Crespl, St. Louis Cardinal infielder, signed his 1942 contract. Twenty years ago Ed Morris, Boston Red Sox pitcher, died from stab wounds incurred in a brawl two days earlier. SHORTENING PRICE Cl'T CINCINNATI W The Procter & Gamble Co., has announced a decrease of one and a half cents a pound in the wholesale price of Crisco, a household shortening. The decrease is the second this year and the third since July 1D51 A spoesman for the company said changes in the raw materials market made the latest price re duction possible. HLKS KILLED MANILA rP) Defense Head quarters Monday said Philippine Army troops killed 164 Communist Huks. captured 64 and wounded 74 last month. Spring is Here SEATTLE WP) ' Washington's Huskies will ouefl 20 days of spring football practice April 1 with all players drilling both on offense and defense. Coach Howie Odell said Friday he will not use the two platoon system in workouts until fall. Outnumbered US Sabres Blast Red AAlG's From Sky; Patrols Head Deeper Into South Area .Ql?mtt. Kiii-iin .Tl ntittllitllhrrpd American Subre jels shot down day and -dmiel flvt others as tin csllnmlod 350 Rod , lighters swept south of the Yulu. The Sabres tnnslcd with the swllt MIOs In four separate battles, The two Rod Jets tho Air Force Mild were shot down boosted to SOU the mimuer of Mitis ctrsirnyeu uy r uin Air Force planes in Komi, a spo kt'smim sttld. Some of the Communist jetti i ,,W1.1 1 'rMiia streaked fur houIIi ot their tisnnl liiiunts, almost to the battle line. Two MIOs nltntikod a pair of pro peller driven F-51 Miisluiiua south of the North Korean capital, Pyonx yiuiR, but both of the Mualnnus hciixe-hopped safely buck to biiso, the Fifth Air Forro said. Htilh kills runic In afternoon but tles one a 10-mliiule (loKllitht be I ween U3 (inures mid 100 Mltls mill the other a tlvo-niimile clash be tween 27 Sabres mid more than 60 MIOs, AIoiir the scarred butt It-front, Al lied forces restricted notion lo pa trol srotitlnir, Sunday an Allied tunk Venezuela's Orinoco River is so forceful where It flows through the so-called Angostura constriction at Culdad Bolivar, the channel has been scoured out over the centur ies to a depth of 262 feet below sea level. BUD CHANDLER Chandler To Head Radio Association Henry J. iBud) Chandler, man ager of radio station KFLW. has been elected president of tho Ore gon State Broadcasters Association during the annual meeting held Fri day and Saturday In Eugene. He replaces Ted Cooke, KOIN, Portland, who become chairman of this year's Board of Directors. Sen. Wayne L. Morse was prin cipal speaker. S. W. McCrcady, KUON, Eugene, was elected vice president, and Joe Schertler, KEX. Portland, was re tained as - secretary - treasurer. Board members Include Chet Wheelerm KWIL, Albany, Torn Becker, KNPT, Newport and Dick Brown, KPOJ, Portlnnd. The association, representing 44 Oregon radio stations, unanimous ly approved a plan to employ on a Joliitt basis with the University of Oregon an executive secretary who would maintain a fulltlme of fice and hold a professorship in radio. Target date, Chandler said, Is mid-summer for the setting up of Uiis plan. Chandler has been with the Southern Oregon Publishing Co. for 16 years, coming here to set up KFLW after a number of years as chief engineer at KBNR. Rose- Propst Family Arrives Home Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Propst and two children Piitiicln and Mike ltiive returned from tluiim where l-ropst, serving with the iinvv spent 18 months. Mrs. Propst and children were with him for eight I11U11U1S. Propst, clerk In the postofflve re turned to hts position March 1. Mrs. Propst, who liked living on titiani, taught In the territorial George Washington High school during her slay on the Island. Classes were held In "elephant" quonset huts, open on ono side ex cept for screening. Sonic 1400 en rolled students were all natives except ' 140 state-side children. Electricity was Installed in tho buildings for the first time on the laTst day Mrs. Propst tatiitht. They returned on the UHS shank, ship that also brought homo Cap tain Walter C. Van Emons. for mer Klamath' resident with whom Propst went lo school here In Klamath Falls. . force muscled a two-prong squeeze on Chinese hill positions northeast and northwest of Chorwon, In West urn Korea. The tankers repotted 25 Com munist bunkers wiped out and eight damaged. No tanks were reported lost. 11-2(1 light bombers worked over a key rond and railroad bridge near Yangilok, Yangdok Is a miiln hub on tile Important Pyongyaiig-Woii-sun rontl along which enemy sup plies mo shuttled- In operation Hat Killer against Minstrel Show Repeat To Be Held MERRILL A repent perform unee al the Mt. Lukl Community church choir minstrel show will be held In the Merrill High school itvin on the owning of Murvh 13. Ihe Merrill Library club Is spon soring tho performance, and tick' i flM at $1 lor adults and $.29 lor ithlltlrnn, may be obtained from any member ol Ihe club. The show begins at B p.m. and TfiTslnnenls will be served nllcr- wards. DELAYED HONESTY PADUA, Italy I Mrs. Lam berllna Penile of Padua got a small package In the mall. In It she found a $700 pearl necklace lost or stolen 1U years ago. The sender ill (J not write his name on the package. Communist gun-rlllim In Smith Ko rea, Republic of Kiireit soldiers re ported 11 HimIn killed mid 17 taken prisoner Friday and Saturday. Cannula Nhiifflers, imnri ami lifts . . . . Valiht's Pluiircr Orilra Supply, (i'Jfl Main. .Wiih.i?V'ii"' Mokt it m good cotch every tlmtl Buy your comprehensive Mobility policy Irom Jorry Thomoi. Thomas INSURANCE 6th & Main Phone 6465 Sweeper, Car In Underpass Wreck A city street sweeper and an auto were Involved lit an accident about 3:20 a.m. today at the Main Street underpass. -Driver of the car, J. D. Bngley, 29. 220 S. 4th, was slightly Injured. The sweeper was operated by D. S. Chrowl, 63, of Midland. It was moving north In the middle of the' street when Baglcy's car struck It from the rear. F4RM MKF.T Thr Klamnth-Lako National Farm Loan Association hns scheduled Its annual stockholder's meeting tor this Salurday at (he Wlnema hotel. Secy.-Treas. Earl Hamaker has an nounced. A complimentary- luncheon Is to be served at noon, Hamaker said, with a short program and business meeting lo lollow. burg. He became KFLW manager, , and subsequently supervisor of the I company's radio Interests In Metl- t ford. Roseburg and Klamath Falls. : KFJI Mgr. Dick Magulrc also at tended the meeting. ' Birth Announcements Too! J) 4 on "KLAMATH NOTES" Sponsored by New Method Clconen Voight's Pioneer Office Supply . 12:55 P.M. MONDAY 'THRU , FRIDAY YOUR program for newi of meetings, lost Ittmt, todoy'i vital statistics, plus tho bailn other forecast. Sand your moating no tices and other local news items roi Klam ath Notas, KFJI, Bo 692, Klamath 'alls. 5000 WATTS KFJI 1150 ON YOUR DIAL Infroduci UVJi SI ft. $75 Headbani and bant conAuellcn EASY dfvleci available it madtrala -ira coit. PAYMENTS 715 Main Street LUCAS THIS WEEK ONLY! OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR MOW.. PAY LATER! OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul For o limited time only ; WILL: Canasta 8huffler, games and rifts .... Volght'i Pioneer Office Supply, 629 'Main. ' - Piiton tin9 Piston pi" , Distribute' point I Condenser and po " t S Quarts oil . Clean oil breether ;. perron"" - , b-T u nnrtS. aaassssssaoo'aiiSaaM Install P'n ,''n9, Install Pis,on " ' , Grind valves , ciaan and rctoce rocker arms , Adiust m'n on . . nncctinSrodb.o,.n9. I iiMHA Clean on p-r .,i u.anther Tune mo"" Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR NOW AND FIX US LATER! 410 So. 6th ASHLEY CHEVROLET Ph. 4113 OPEN STOCK! Buy 1 Piece Now and Fill in Later this Year! Three fixes of chctti, three styles of beds, both in twin and full size. Walnut or Blondo Walnut, modern waterfall design. 4- DRAWER CHEST 5- DRAWER CHEST (30 inch width) 5-DRAWER CHEST (34 inch width) NITE STAND VANITY BENCH BED (at Illustrated) Mr. and Mrs. DRESSER (at illustrated) HEADBOARD with Foot (not shown) $44.50 value $54.50 value $59.95 value $14.95 value $69.95 value i 7.75 value $34.50 value $89.95 value $57.50 value Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale $36.95 $45.00 $49.95 $11.95 $56.95 $ 6.50 $27.95 $77.50 $46.95 A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN MONTHS ON THE BALANCE! LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main "Our Location Saves You Money" J