PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1052 k4L iv' M THROWS HIS HAT IN Sell. Richard B. Russell, Georgia Democrat, meets with a delegation in Washington, D.C., representating the Democratic State Committee of Georgia. The group bore a formal request that Russell make him self available for the Presidential nomination. A few hours later he announced his candidacy for the Presidential nomination. Left to right: Mrs. Iris Blitch of Homerville, Ga.; B. D. Murphy, Atlantic; Sen. Russell; Benton Odom of Atlanta and Mrs. Julius Talmadge of Athens,. Ga. Bonanza P-P Hears Debate BONANZA A debate on compul sory military trainine featured the Feb. 25 Fathers Nisht meeting of the Parents and Patrons Club here. Mary Jo Meechnm and Marce Brown had the affirmative: Sandra Lindsay and Elna Fitzhugh the negative. The debaters were coached by Joanna Civan. Plans were discussed for a play to be staged by club members later this month. Also being planned Is a commu nity supper and party honoring the high school basketball squad and Coach Merton Whipple. Cora Leav ltt was named chairman of the event and asked the following worn-' en to help and seek additional aid from their husbands: Ethel Crawford. Faye Weimer. Maren Randall, Thelma Schmoe,. Virginia Thomas, Grace Dearborn. Norma Haskins. Velda Haley, Mir- iam Potucek. Annie Romtvedt. Wi- nola Faulstich, Bernice Sharpe and KnifeFork Dinner Set Cameron Ralston, noted educat or, publicist and lecturer wiU treat Klamath Falls Knife and Fork Club members to his version of the "Back Stairs of History" at the'Wlllard hotel tomorrow night. Widely acclaimed as one of the j most successiui oi American speakers, Ralston was executive secretary of the Committee of One Hundred which sought to deter the notorious Al Capone and Co. during the Roaring 20's and days of pro hibition. Ralston has served as a soldier, a miner, a college professor and, as he will here, as a lecturer. This Is the next to the last meet big of the Knife and Fork club for the season. Mrs. Crume and Mrs. Burroughs of Sprague River. . Next club meeting is-schcduled Gospel Pair Slated Here Ralph and Evangeline Carmlrh. nrl, violinist and vocalist, wll ap pear Monday and Tuesday nights at the Klamath Temple, along with lJaul Nlckelsnn, who has been or ganist for Billy Graham. Tiie carmichaels recently won an- award for a series of 74 pro grams over Columbia television. and are considered outstanding in uieir gospel work now. Their nnrt of the urogram nroh. nbly will last about an hour, and the service each nisht will Include speaking, services start at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday night a 30-minute tele cast film made by the Carmtchaels will be shown. It's All In How' f You Look At It WOODWARD, Okla. Wl Vernie Smith, Woodward's blind 3-year old put a glow in Uie hearts of two ministers Sunday. The ministers called at Vernie's home to prav with his uncle, Hnr vey Ainbrecht, who has been bed fast for two years. As the ministers left, one put his arm around the sightless bov and said: "Goodbye, Vernie. we're praying' for you, too." Vernie seemed puzzled. "Why me?' he asked, "I can walk!" Four miles high and beyond, the earth's loftiest permanent inhabi tants arc small , black spiders that arhih-nprw sr alive, lv JKAX OWKNS We're going to statel We're going to slnlc-lhnt Is If we defeat Cra ter high school, wlnlier of Uie B high school tournament. When the news was received that Grams Pass again came through with a 49-11 win over the Mod' ford tornadoes, spirits, hopes, plans 0! many ol the slunems soared ky-hlgh. The state tournament will take place during our spring vacation, which is the week ot March 15 llU'oiiKh tho 23iKt. Six KUIIS students will represent Klamath counly in the annunl American Leuion oratorical contest to be held at Klamath March 5. The winner of tho contest will receive an all-expense paid trip to Meaioid lor I he district o mum on- shlp, which is scheduled for March 5. The six students who have en tered arc Harold Slaiile, Kny Peter son. Kit Johnson. Dob Chldcster. Marlene Ebenger and Virginia Ev erett. Making the semi-finals at the Llnfield speech meet two weeks ago were Marvin Nerselh, Tom Murdock, John Oliver and Dick Tracy. Sam Montgomery represent ed the radio speech students. me debate Question was. "Re solved: that all American citizens be subject to conscription for es sential service in time of war." Final results of the contest still knnn'n Mr. Wnrri New Queen May Be Expecting LONDON an Two London news papers have hinted that Queen Kltaiibeth II may be expecting her nurd child. By sugReslliig on Inside pages Uuu a royal birth may be the re. son for pulling off the coronation until next summer, the Sunday Pic torial and Sunday Express wont about as far as. they could wtinoul shiitlering customary discretion In such mailer's. No one was so blunt as to say the Queen was pregnant. The Pictorial said "rumors of it sentimental nature" have sprung iroin a recent visit uy sir William Gilllatl, the famous gynecologist, to Uie Queen's residence, Clarenco House The Express suggested that the Queen would retire from public events after July. Buckingham Palace maintained Its usual dignified silence on the rumors. Past place announcements did not come until four mouths be fore Elizabeth's babies were ex pected. dlo-speech teacher, accompanied the boys to Llnfield. On April 4 and 5 there, will be Slate speech meet at Eugene in which several KU students will participate. US Chamber Levels Blow At Commies WASHINGTON (fl Tho Cham ber of Commerce of the United Hi it I ok saya the best way to kill the communist party In this couii' try Is to "slarvo" It to death fl nancinlly and cut off Us nuurces of power. It said this could be done by refusing Conimuiilsla Jobs In vir tually all brunches of Industry, mid chocking off prestige, power and high milarlcH by freezing them out of Ihc entertainment, newspaper, radio and similar fields, - The chamber also sharply criti cized U.S. foreign policy In a re port prepared by Its Committee on Communism, released Sunday. "It would not be too hard. If we nil worked at It, to slarvo It (Uie Conumuilst party) financially and leave It a disorganized group ot powerless fatuities," tho report said. "If every source of funds and power wero systematically cut all, the party would be weakened lo HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORO Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Eurlry mid Joe Kurley Proprietors- the point of extinction.". Poiiillng out that It in public pol ley not to hire CoiuiiiuiiIhIh fur Bovei'iiment Jobs, It .mi Id private iislness should follow a Hlmlliil pulley and nut employ Commiiiilitla ' aim ino viirioiiH Hinges oi icuow travelem and tlupen." It suguontcd thai CoiiiiiiuiiIsIh should not bo hired In: "Any paint large enough to have n labor union: any school or mil verslly; any agency which In- WURLITZER A mognlticont piano. Many ' lovely ityloi and finlihoi to chooio from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th flueneea liublla onlniuii. Ninh uewiipaperH, radio, television, buujj, ami magazine, publishing and TeT search liinlhulloim: mill any field which gives prestige and high mil. ailm lo Coiiimunlnls, such as (lie enlei'liiliiuii'iil Held," r Recommended By Many Uadini BABY DOCTORS to relieve distress of kiddies' CHEST COLDS Clllltt'a Mild Miwtrrnld i niM(U epa. dally fur hitlilipa to promptly rHiv CHi tut I m. tore thront mmi hrmk tip lurwl on hum tlun of rtiwtt culiU, Milatrrol ornittPN arnnnUuii of prut r(lio warmth oit (hrl, tlinml mill bik bringing nmnAing rrllcll Child's Mild 9th and Pino Phone 3188 lghorn, Italy, had a prewar daily shipping capacity of 17,500 tons. LOOK YOUR VERY BEST! h. A .. with a suit that's made for you alone! We recommend Stoors-Schoefer cost-conscious tailoring for every mon who wants his fine oppear once to help him win the high re gard of everyone who matters to him. Mr. Charles Wobbee ill Be At Drews Monday & Tuesday arch 3-4 the complete samples of spring suits, sport coats, top coats, and slacks ... for men and women! DREWS 733 Main W SHEET'?. TOISEL Ensemble ? m VBk ,tj - '- ""ft OfZ II II --w 1 II 1 I. f t A CANNON 81 x 99 tuU ilz i f Muttln Sheets I 6 ' Everv housewife wants extra sheets, pillow eases and towels. Now you can own this famous ALL-TIMER complete 44 Piece ensemble of CANNON sheets, cases and towels in matched decorator colors at one low sale price the lowest in years and on pin-money credit terms. This 44 Piece CANNON ensemble includes 4 snow-white, long wearing, smooth-to-the-sltin sheets and casesl Soft, luscious, thickly looped, auict drying bath towels I Thirsty, absorbent, lint-less dish towels and dish cloths! Hand-protecting pot holdersl AH by nationally-famous CANNON Mills in o choice ot 4 lovely decoratoi colors to harmonize with any color scheme. They're sale priced for a sell-out. so order your'ie today. You'll be glad w urged you iOevWHITI vTM. " 3 Ways to Buy- COME IN - PHONE TODAY ! CANNON 2-Tone Bath Towels CANNON Matching Face Towels CANNON Matching Wash Cletht CANNON Cotton antf Linen Dish Towels CANNON Guest Towels 4 CANNON Matching Muslfr Pillow Cases CaNsON Olsh Coffn CANNOtt Pot Holders Choose oie of t tor "Deeorotoi Colon" Towel ontemblts show above ylJi HAFTER FURNITURE, 833 Klamath Ave., K. Falls 48781 Pleat stnd m 1h ALk-TIMEh 44 fitci Maichec CaNMON sheet and towel nitmbli at yogi friend-winning salt price o $24.95. I oncloi 50c and will pa S0e o week until paid, J I I 1 h '", mtfl-ymf 'T,i' 7 Jt---m TIRE SALE Guaranteed 1st Quality Materials Throughout SAVE ON RIVERSIDE TIRES, TUBES 5.00-16 IViTW 6.70-13 Pht fdral Tan and your eef lit ' FULL NON-SKID DEPTH-FULL TREAD WIDTH-FULL SIZE RIVERSIDE AIR CUSHIONS Size 6.40-15 6.70-15 7.10-15 7.60-15 8.00-15 6.70-16 Tiro Prlct 13.25 13.45 15.45 17.25 18.95 13.75 Tube Price 2.35 2.70 2.80 2.95 3.50 2.75 RIVERSIDES FOR OLDER CARS 6.50-15 6.00-16 6.50-16 . 15.75 11.95 , 16.25 2.70 2.40 2.75 'Phi Fid. Tot mil your M tiro. "Mm M. lot. ONLY 10 DOWN ON TERMS SALE ENDS SATURDAY 4 J i