MONDAY, MARCH 8, 10,12 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN f, CLASSIFIED RATES One day ..... . per word 4 Three Day per word 11c Week run per word 30n Month run per word flSc MINIMUM Tlio minimum charge (or nny one d la SUc. BOX NUMHL'IW Annwnrii lo nils muy be handled through box numbers nt iho paper tor service charge of 2fc, dkadlinVj Cla-uiried aua accepted up la :3U p.m. (or (nllowlng day's publication ' (."sullied display ads accepted up to U noou (or following days pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS IMeaae mane all cm una lu adjunt men la without delay. Correollonj or cancellations re reived by 1:30 p.m. will be made In following nava .n'lbllea'lnn A CARD Of THANKS IIOIIJ"T-'W"wiihtiT tltitnli alt of iili nirilUi SIHI n.lilllKira lir innr man Llitrt IkniHildll, ot avmpalliy ali , (.Mii,4l,' durintf our remit lraava IHSill. Mr. Henry linfisa aim rami. Mr ('harlaHm. anil r'aiiilly C 'UNIRAL HOMES VVAlTBlTKlamatli fuurraJ- Hums, (it II, h Mrsal I'linns 3:i:l 1 MEETING NOl'CES BrntllMl Ultra Ilndlra will hold a Muted mrcU Inu, Monday tilelit, Mnrrh 3. Refreshments will be nerved. JIKItMAN UISVOl.D fiery IOOF NO. 137 Evory Tuesday 8:00 P.M. Fifth and Main .Sis. NAOMI SHRINK No. Order of White Hhrlne ol Jeruaalem will hold a apeclnl meeting on Friday. Feb. 29. 105: Supreme- Worthy llluh Prlente.Mi and Ceremon lal. All visiting so journers Invited. 1ILANCKE MARKS W H P. BKLI.E JOHNSON WS. 2 LOST AND OUND I.OHT . Brown i?nrkr puppy four ntunin old ftawarn. Pt.asa rtlurn uarny mono 'fliro Klf)Ent.V-"l.ArtY, aa rtimrMinlon' iKa In. No wi.h. Phone rtooa WOMAN, general nlflra worli. Hlaafly position (iiwKl Mrline ulary. Kaa lori Mctnora. Wal l.osn Co. 113 ft.,, loin, rvanlnn ov appointment. LOST, (jutclrn Helriever male tint, an wers to nam, "Tim". J'hnnt 6I0X 2350 netiamanon 4 GENERAL- NOTICES XllfTounlaln dlihaa In' lo'PELICA.N r. in. Vl) WHOM IT'"MXY-CONCtnNT" ThU 1. lo .erva nollra that Must t'xnn. now serving in lit. Armert rnrr.a .ili not ta for Inrlabtad. lr. rnntr.rled l,v othara than him. ru mgnea: A. t.. Yarlen. Ally. " PERSONALS ZOfiHtOfg - BwinionV neaulr dhoiT i,iri, vour nnenrer ormfn h,nri , ;'!"'"" "' spring waidrolw. Phont A I AN'ljtVlmna"T'roducli)'hnhaao).'. 10 StRVICI MOVING?... x Call 7425 Loral-Long Dlntance Piano and appliance moving a specially Transfer and Storage Dekin's Moving and Storage Peopl es Warehouse since 1018" FIX THAT RADIO Our Dullness la Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone (1878 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU what you don't want, someone else nredsl Let ua find what you want or find the person who needs what you don t want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . , why not tnke advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 355 East Main In Klnm ( a til Fn ll.i and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN PREIOHT LINE 280 South Sixth Ph. 0240 or 3386 EXCAVATING Mobil tihovel and Trench Hoa , Bulldozer rill Dirt Topsol) Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phot.e 8541 or 0110 . Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Eta ED P. KINO 8434 Orchard Phone 0R41 Kins. PKNL'E, formerly of WhvtalsviTl tin sewing at hnme.Phnne HOlfl. A f.TEIt ATIONH - A ft" work tllaronTrcrf Jrnnle Hare, Anltaa, 707 Main. Phnn :is:i. CArtPKNTEn work, hemodpring iiiui rtrw conwlrucllon. Phont? 3-0S17. . INCOMR Tax Ri:fiiiiNS Kor anpolnlinant Phone 2-oast. Harvey P'nhnm. M!!.ICAN DiiWi! IN for Lenten menne. KI.RCTRtCAL conirctin," Work auaV- nniprtj. i-,in,,p m-uiiii "RKPTIP TArjKS Pumped, ronrreta Innkfl and drain flelda InNlalled. Orvllla . MUHgrave, phoneIWWO; I'AI.N l'l.NCJ and paparhangina Phon 1IOI TlllPPS AtlTO palnllnl. body and fen- ar work Phoni4040 TiTCT.Ehririliihe. Phone nii"n4 or .tci"77. 3 L. UFA S Puhlle Accountant and Auditor Offlra at :m No. 7 IH. Phnne a.1S rOft TltKETHIMMINO liione 2-II.-I.1S KimTAlNS laundalad and ilratched. Phone 4014. I EDUCATIONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WK NKKIJ wV(:rii mpchnnlfr nlly Iik lltird hihI mllnljlr mm In tiiiln for Hitlnn In tlm 'Li nfioi mid K(iiliunriit liuluhU , rv. If you Hie not inn k Inn bni ler lluui $0(1 ier week, or you (font Im vp nil ymr Job nfaur Uy, you own ll to youi-nrlf to wrllr for It to rnrtn, without obllffiittfin, it I km it thlK tritlnliiK mid our Ivlftoiy i'laccmciit Horvlrr, TnACTOrt TKAININfl 1HFRVICK Write lUm 42 tn Hera Id & NrwR MOOKMKKiViNU,"'ihriiindt'Mni iiv draii iiibJiTli. nffltai lnrhlrm. KI.AMAJ II UUhlNKHS CO I, I, fO IT 1Xt Pirn . Phon 47111 U HELP WANTID, MALI MIIHH.rAt.KI) Inity "' iirrhlia iVr, Mnnnl, Mtoni mid rf vviici. I'linnr 'i-'MMl iiflrr 2 pm. WANTKU, hf'imnhi'i'pttr wllli dinii li Urn mirriltig fxitcr lnrr, rr for rhlrrly Ul v lit l.ttkrvlrw, (Jrt Modern liniiita. Km(l wmgm. Ilniiin nnrl tnnl (tlinulifd. PI mm tp I.tihovirw t'Wi nt wtMt Mr, f.. U. ravcll JiM Routli Hth W AN -U ho"ti.kr4-.Vr In wnt"i R i n rrff rn'. Vlvr In 111 fainllv. (iuiitl UaHrm I'Imimh ;i7lfl, WAN'I'KI), tiilftfltftril woiiiftii In kne.r li'ititr for elderly triuft. I'titm ,tl')4 I'AHT-TIMK hnimrwnrk tnr Unattt t'tfl r f mi (In k :I7 llrrtild unil Nrwi 16 HELP WANTED, MALE NATIONAL CONCr.MN with or ' rrp f rritl) t urn winli mlMlluui nlMtnnn fur Rlfmly poil t Inn, prefer mart 2!k ;n yrari nltl Writ Hox 4.1 tar of llemld and New HAN IMlANtVlflCO SPOHTING ;OOI)K Jaliher want experlrnred imttlni mxi tlritinan In rati fin hard war anil t porting KMda dealen. Territory Ktigeitif n Dunaitiiilr, Calif., Includlni all Hvulhern Oregon lowni If ruallfed writ or phune II B. Ilarrli al MarrU and tionJoit, !t;t3 Mulon St. flan Kran rlro A, Calif. Inlarviaw can ha r ranned WANTJ.I). iht(p'forinatt. fina mppor hmlly for right man. Klahn Wah Co 17 HELP WANTED "ll'xi PAMM.Y Watklm route now avail aide. If you want your own bualnen wtth belter than average Inrome write for Information lo The J. 11. Watklna Co.. UT tie ler, .Seattle 9. Washing ton. COlYlU.K"wanied"for ranch" work:. Kx perlenre " necetary In handling live tock and marhlnerv New two bedroom home and aalary. Reference ncetar . Phone JMjaner p m . tAMlCV MAN enperirncVH In farm work, equipment operation, rieilrea nernnneitl Job. Write llox U. Wlnilon Oregon PAINTKRbandyman, aiwd work, rea. onabla by the day or week. Herald New. ioxa8 Wtt.L rare forWr children, agea 3 to fl year In my hnme da) a, or while you ihop. Phone PQM III O N I N P fKn e fl lAfl. ' nKl'FNDAni.C-" child "cari my hoine". Phon a-MM IIOimwrk". Phone i-24C COl.Oltku " lady" wanUWuework by hour. Phune 2..KHJ7. HAllYitUng. Ihnne 30.17a. WILL rare" for children "in "y daya or your home evening. a-1 22 ROOMS FOR RENT HOOMS tl.y eek arJ Jefferaon. llOOMiHfnr renl Private entrance. Clote in. Phone 4444. liOOMN, prices reaonaUlehore4H'J7; r6VELV"ronme for rent" -IT. week C'oaf in. Phone UM. MtONT room fnr rent, (irecr Apart nicnii, 710 Main. hOAI(!Tr"'in., rt-tTvonatiie. Phnne 4.'" 4, NICK, healed foonn. S33 Pacific 'Jer rare. hiiontu n.T4 lirgh 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT HO Y AL ARMS apartment, vacancy. 834 High. Phone tail. CLEAN J-room apartment, 433 North Tenth: tJNMTHNtSIIKf) apartment, heat and waler included. 4i per month. 413 Walnut. Phnne 810(1. Private bath and entrance. 3013 Oregon Ave. Phnne 3 .0:12)1 ri'llNISHKO upitelre apartment. Wood hal. nargatn. pnone nm nr .' KOII itENT. amall allrncllve apartment ullahte fnr alngle pertxtn. ia rnulppcd rnglclalre, ligtua an water mrnianeu. 143 Koiitu itvrrine. yOH RKNT, three room furnkhed aparlmrnt Adiilla only. 3139 Orchard. Inoulre 7n.i7 nadciitie Von' "KENT. three room furnuhed team heated apartment, pnone mi. NKWLY decorated aparlmenL Oreer ApU. 710 Main. Voil hltN't."lwo room furnlahcd apart m"nl fnr adult, mi Hroao iinkiiiiNIHIIEO. baaement apartment fnr harhslnr or ladv. Natural hot waler heat and water turnunen. neirig eralnr and electric range available. 'J0I3 Main or phone 1410, ilKllFCOHAtrJ) ihrreroom furnl.hed aiiailmrnt. clertrlc Two lilocn. Inmt Alain, achiiib. no pria. ,1 lllh. Kon nr.NT a-mniii apartment, fur nuhed Adult.. ."CIS nrnad. TWO tooin furnlihed apartment. Llghu and waler. 1123 Walnut. Sir. AM lirATID apartment with bed room, lias Oak St. rmiNISHEt) apartment for rent Aparlmrnt 1. 300 Market. tllllKE itOOM funilihed apartment. JOSI v one. (INK bedroom unfiirnisned apartment equipped, tall a-oilll. NrWI.Y decorated, private bath. kit. chenetta. Steam heat, elertrtc rang Sin week Rex Arm. Apartment OH IIKNT. furnuhed anarlr-ent In. oulre Sia Huh PllliNlslirn bedroom apartment Phnne 7044, am and walnut, Auaiey Apartment. UHNIHIIKD three room apartment S.V1 .in: two room unit 4:iS: all utilities Included. 411) N. Tenth. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT Olt ItPNT, Modern two-room furntiibed mine. Inoulre 31 U Cannon. Phone 81UJ Iter five. THREE room, nicely furnished enttnie. very rnzy, view, no garage, automatic lent. Hplendld tor nuitmeM couple, none alii, rnone morning.. SMALL fiirnKhed home. Suitable for iple. SS. IMione S7.1II. OR III'NT. two bedroom furnished ou.e. 144H Wllford. S4S per mnnlh. WO HKOnriOM tinfurnuhed houac. ITf) Bown. $40 per mo. FOn HENT, furnlihed Ihree room partment at 4Sg Hliuuie. Phone a-uiiiia. 'OR RKNT. two bedroom furnlahed rlmeut. Phone a-o:i;is. TWO bedroom hoiue down town. Phone 74II.V NKtlllNlsllEO four mum duplex. Kx- cpt for stoves. S3l). Call 3027 before n in. HHi.HF.KF.KPINU cabins. Close In. Pbnne :u:ill. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE A U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yoursrlf Svo i Nrw Trucks For Long Trim Pickups Stakes Vnns DEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Mnln Phone 8304 rill MR NT. IrrlnMed nnNlurc for 60 hend unltlo. a mlUt south ot KlnmDth TinT7ir 61 nod oh Sou'h Sixth, An proHlmnlely nop nctft, Phnne fl22n. OKK1CE for rent. W.t Main. Phone 7101. Ok RKNT floor under mteti tvne enulpmrnt. Suburban Lumber Co. 11th nnwainui fnone mm CAn STOHAttR - HEATED, day weett nr month. Earl Lamb, phon 4673 or 7700 30 REAL ESTATfe FOR SAH 74 ACfnRS. irrlBAted. Good bulldVns7. nn pavrd rood, II-room modern home. Huuniiio fnr pom tons or prrnin, wnvrn Iro fenrrd. By owner. Box 48. Herald 12 and Nctvi. 10 HEAL ISTATI rOR SALI HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Well kept two heilrwim home with fireplace, full basement. 18750. MILLS ADDITION Nice two bedroom home, Well located. $8500, OU)HE-JN Two bedroom homo, 45300. CLOSE IN One bedroom home. $2800. ST. PRANCTS PARK Lovely two brijroum home. Electric heat, some furnlkhlngs. 48750. . THREE BEDROOMS On , acre good toll, all fenced, 45600. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 41.14, 4880 PRICED TO SELL 00 acres sandy loam, near Adorns Point. 15 acres ready for apuds, balance In clover, bailey and al falfa. ' 2 bedroom modern home, barn and chicken hoime, ED POPE Mi-:rmii,L. orkoon MILLS WKtA, ron-tructrd two brrlroom home !' bloclci if) Mill Hchool. Concrnc foiinrtiitlon. morlern bath with M new fixture,, Nice kitchen rind utility. Garnitc fnd workshop, Nicely Inndrtcnpcd. Kenced vard. Includes soniii urnituic. $0500. terin. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL EXCEPTIONAL lour bedroom home, constructed In 1941. Lame living room, fireplace, music room, well - planned kitchen, two full baths. Full basement. Lots of clou el and storage room. Automatic heat to all rooms. Beautiful yard. 418,000, terms. SUBURBAN NEARLY new 6 room modern rancb-lvne home In line nciKhbor hood. K:lra lurue Uvtiut room, two ipaclous bedrooms, beautiful bath, dining room and kitchen. Utility room, altached tfarnge. Large nice ly landscaped lot. A home to be l.roud of. 412.600, terms. HARRY VAN I Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 SUBURBAN THREE bedroom modern home on extra larue lot. Double garage. Over 1400 so. fl. Iloor space. Full price 48600. Reasonable down payment. Evenings call FAYE TRAVIS Phone 2-32H8 VERN W. EMLEY REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 2001 So. 6th Phone 2-3239 HOT SPRINGS TWO BEDROOM home nbout 10 years eld. Dining room, fireplace, basement. Excellent neighborhood Good construction, nice yard. Two blocks to Roosevelt School. Full prlco 413,600, Terms. THREE BEDROOMS Just ff Hope St., all roohis large and cheerful. Two baths, fireplace. hardwood lloors. automatic heat. large utility room. Attached ga rage. Nice fenced rear vard for garden and tlowcrs. 411.500. Terms Anne Mason Eves. 671 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 S. Blh rnone 7266 99 ACRES MODOC POINT on paved road. M cultivated. 50 Irrigated. Good Improvements. Price 416,000 with terms. 80 ACRES IN LAKEVIEW, located on west Idc. 1 mile from west side store. All 80 Irrigated, good Improve ments and priced at only 416,000. Terms can be had. 176 ACRES Here Is a dandy. 136 Irrigated. 40 dry land but could be Irrigated. uood i bedroom home, witn extra good Improvement:!. Price $34,500. S12.000 down bnlanco $2000 yearly. Act fast on this one. Income Property A GOOD INVESTMENT 18 lint! Apartment house, all furnished throughout. Average Income per month of 4600.00. Located just 3 blocks north of main street. Jay P. OiIrks Eves Ph. 4254 Gene Vavell Eves. Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis 2-2659 W. V. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS 1313 Mnln St. - Phone 7521 MALIN RANCH 185 Acres Irrigated. Close to Ml- lln on Pavement. Rich sandy loam soil. Three good homes. Two potato cellars (one excel lent). Other good out build ings. This ranch Is one of the best In the basin. For price ' 11 ml details please contact ' this office. WALT DEITZ, Willi , T. B. WATTERS 107 Bo. 7th Phone 193 Evc. 960) REALTORS INSURANCE FOR SALE, modern two bedroom home nt Modoc Point. R. H. Nichols, Box 12. Modoc Point. Kbit RALE, five room hotme. other building. Two acres of ground. Phone win, t JO REAL ISTATI CO It SALI CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 45 lo 415 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Oov't, State and County land Bales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lan'Js 1021 KE Cuhucliga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. IRRIGATED FARMS HENLEY 80 acre. close-In on paved road. This farm telling for 421.000, only 48000, down, 41600 per year. No buildings. POE VALLEY 220 acres, with two bedroom home. 80 acres under dllch, balance can easily be put under waler. Do acres In alfalfa. Only 428,000. 416,000 down, balance 41100 per year. LA NO ELL VALLEY 240 acres under ditch, 40 acres alfalfa 120 acres permanent pasture, balance In grain last year. Fenced and cross-fenccd. This farm has a com forlable home and tenant houte, large barn and plenty of buildings. See this onel It Is selling for only 445.000 fully equipped or 439,000 without machinery. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 Free Rent and Income Invest In s future that Is secure, In the ownership of this 3-unlt home, all rented with the excep tion of a choice apartment for the buyer. Immaculate condition, above average construction and located on a suburban paved street. Owners upartment Is 2 bedrooms with one other 2 bedroom apartment and another 1 bedroom apartment. Each apartment has private bath and Is completely furnished with choice furniture and appliances. Move right in and let the Income pay for It. Full basement, piped irriga tion and large double garage with storage overhead i could be made Into another apartment!. See this today for 423,760. Substantial down payment required. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-35456448 1025 Main Evenings a Ron Fisher 8070 "Hap" Davidson 3871 Bruce Owens MerrlU 149 Near Conger School Newly-built attractive 2'i bedroom ranch home. Electric heat, Insul nled, double garage. Attractlvelv landscaped lot. This home was built under FHA specifications. rrice 410.500. SUBURBAN V2 ACRE Modern 1 bedroom home. Fire place, large garage with workshop. A good buy at 44500. ' HOT SPRINGS Tills beautiful two bedroom home was built last year. Yard Is com pleted, with lawn, automatic cop per sprinkler system, stone walls, etc. Full concrete basement, com plete with garage, workshop, util ity room, large party room with bar and second fireplace. Fully in sulated, electric heat, comfortable separate dining room, natural woo.1 cabinets In kitchen, tiled bath, and a world of built-in storage soace. mill us lor an appointment, now. MILLS ADDITION. New 2 bedroom home, very com. lorlably planned. Large living room, separate dining room, very convenient kitchen, glassed-in util ity room. Hardwood floors through out. Insulated In both walls and ceiling. Asbestos aiding, large double garage, fully landscaped. Easily take any kind of maximum loan. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT , See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9lh St. Phone 4564 or 6520 SAY G. .'s Do you want to fill that deep freeze next summer? Well, tnke a look at this acre and see what you can buy for $4000. There are two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and utility room. Double garage and boy's bedroom with electric heat, at tached. Fully modem. One blvk from Shasta Way, Will go State Q.l. $1500 will handle this. . ' FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady' 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3333 Eves. 2-1365 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Kirk pa trick. Salesman 12! N atk Phont A4S1 SUBURBAN HOME $1 4.7M. Modern .1 bed room-fir eplace partly carpeted. Newly redecorated in side and out. Dish washer-outbuilding near school and bus. Borders two atreats Can be subdivided. Call 8081.. NEW HOMES for salt. William B. Powell. Phone IwaiK ONE bedroom home including new elec tric range, Venetian blinds. Priced fnr an Irk snle. Inoulre even Inns or week. ends. 3043 Wanlland. FURNISHED four room home on two acres. Chicken house, cooler. Near bus. aituuu, -iio7 uariiett Ave. FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 6500 on your auto. On your salary or furniture up to 8300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty 410. 625, 650 loaned till "pay day" or longer. 126 costs but 18 cents for ona week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th SL M-364 DON Mi INTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years friendly Service JO REAL 1ST ft FOR SALI run mai.k nice i.vel lot sr. corner Addison and Lakavlew, Accept reason- oi. oiirr. tmria none, r.u. Box 1.U5, Fresno, C'alll 32 BUILDING t, REMODELING ROOFI NO Built-up Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles 6IDINO Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4408 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED NKW i'LYWOOU. 1" So., '., Si. Sur faced Phone 3SM. YOiin i.t'MRrn need Basin Building Materials Inc. fills ll right: Wa carry a full line of dimen sion, doors, sash, frames, posta, floor ing, hardware, paints and so on. Deal with confidence. Phone 2-2563. 4734 South sixth. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING Oil, Stnie. furnace, light fuel, coal, wood charcoal Peyton and Co. 835 Market Phone 514g. DRY pine blocks lor sale. Open evc nlngs and weekends. Metiers Bros. PnlSTOUX;S pickup or delivered. Cilff Yadens Signal Service. 2560 So th Phone SSSI or J-02M SAM GREEN STAMPS given on heat ing oils Phona 3681 or 2260 for prompt delivery. CLtrr YAOEN'9 SIGNAXl ITER VICE 25S0 So llh ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES WANTED, good home for kitten. Phone 7:ifB. ANDERSON Boarding Kennel. Phona 1047 MBS Delaware off Homedate BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennela. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runs for each dog. Dogs nandled durlxg mating. WiU pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome phon 4071 Merrill ad Rt 2. Box 504 SHASTA CASTADE KENNELS FOR SALE, registered wire-haired ter rier pups. Call 2-1456 or see at 3810 Clinton Avenue. 40 TO EXCHANGE TRADE, nine months Guernsey heifer and Jersey steer for hay. Phone 2-2000. 42 LIVESTOCK f. POULTRY FOR SALE GOOD, REGISTERED HEREFORD RANGE BULLS One or a Carload Mostly OJR Royal Seth and OJR Royal Prince Breeding. Priced to Sell JOE FISHER HEREFORD RANCH Prineville Oregon Farm . BABY CHICKS iV- ALL POPULAR BREEDS FROM UNITED STATES AP PROVED PULLORUM CbEAN FLOCKS Available Every Monday ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OP HAVING YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM MALIN FEED & GRAIN PHONE 555 SELECTED -FEED GRAIN- ORDER NOW FOR LATER DELIVERY : CUPTOM CLEANED & TREATED MALIN FEED & GHALM PHONE 555 POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for my amount Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAM.VTH POULTRY FARMS FIRST OREGON ANGUS SALE MAY 30 Registered and commercial cattle at Salem. Oregon. Aberdeen Angus Asso ciation, Ben Hilton. Chairman, Grants Pass. CATTLE PASTURE FOR RE N'T for summer season, near Fort Klamath. Not less than 100 heard or over 300 neaa, Excellent oast lire and water available April 1.1 or May 1st to October 13. RAsnnanie rates, wrive box i. neraia and New. CHESTER WHITE boar service. Phont 3-0804 FOR SALE, twelve Hereford stocker calves. 4th place south Midland Gran re nail on oin iuiaiana roan, rnunt ymo. RFin fryers and roasters for sale. freshly dressed ready for the pan. ev ery Friday ana saturaay. rnone tun after ARTTFiriA'. BRFF.D1NG SERVICE Phnne A72I M C. IChuck wrren nt T Box 5.2. If no answer Phona 4400. Evenings 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pny Onl $100 $7.27 Ma Repn? In 11 Installments UP TO 1300 ON -FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 41200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO SORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to par Locally owned New Cars ."nancert at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 30 years serving Klamath Bm1 See "Ciuck" Bailey, Mgr. Ill N. 7UI St. Phon 3335 8-341 M-37J Phone 2-2537 8-278 142 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY fort Al.t. three boar Phnne WANTED colored nens Phone 451)1 HlfiHKST prices paid for poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lakevlew Junction Pnone 4S2U 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED-TO LEASE with option lo buy, two or three bedroom house, with acrtatt. Phone 2-14.11. LIKE TO BUY. 4 wheel drive pickup or lale model 'i ton with 4 speed transmission. Phone 2-1809. ftt. NEED CARS! Get top prica DoVl Roe Motor Co Slh and Plurr. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 650 to 4300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary 50 to 6500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealsl Commercial Finance Corporation . Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 6-251 N-ZZi 107 No th Phone 7711 4S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE, "97" Cafe. Chemult. Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemult. $720 CASH "Gives you your own inde pendent business Refilling and collecting money from the new 5c Hot Almond dispenser in drug stores, cafes, taverns, . bus depots. All locations obtained lor you. To qualify you must have car, references, and $720 cash. Devot ing a few of your spare hours each week to -the business - you should make up to 675 weekly, with liberal financing assistance to aid you In taking over full time with Income Increasing accordingly. Full in formation Box 44, Herald and News, GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER & WINE LICENSE Building With Livlne Quarters GROSSED OVER $6000 IN 1951 LOCATED BIG VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 , EXTRA INCOME $400 monthly, spare time. We will se. lect reliable person from this area to refill, collect monthly from our New Automatic Merchandising Machines. No selling. To quality, applicant must have car references. 4600 working capital. Devoting 4 hours a week will net up ,o w moniniy wnn tne posslDlllty ot iBKing over tun time. For interview, write Box 41. giving full particulars. lun.e. anoress. age, pnone numoer. SMALL RESTAURANT and stock for sale. Good location on Highway 97. 20 murs norm, rnone tu, cmioquin lor details. DRY-CLEANING route for sale. Oppor tunlty for steady employment at good pay. For full particulars write Box 33 neraia ana news. SI. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE 8x12 walk-in cooler. Frlgid alre refrigerator unit. Complete. 4S50. Phone 3271. EXCELLENT used Diano. 56 Inches hish. $193. Terms SIS down. S8 monthly. Louis H. Mann nana Co.. 120 South Seventh. USED Hammond Solovox. Terms. T.nuic R. Mann Piano Co.. 120 North Seventh. JOHN DEERE tractor imodel Bi prac tically new, with new two-wav plow and orchard disc. S2ono. ft 1.. Parlor Box 3S. Murphy stage Road. Grants rays. 23 FT. TRAILER coach. 1947 model, lo- caiea at wi rawn A Ye. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale. Phone FOR SALE, electric cook stove. Not much' for looks but works good. 413. Phone 2-077B. FOR SALE, refrigerator. S3.Y Phnn-. 3-0111 or B-13 Apt. 14. Ore Tech. Oregon FRATEX Plastics. Phone 8324. CRUSHED rock. and driveway cinders Phone 2-1167 ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs. tuea tor saia or rent. PIONEER . OFFICE SUPPLY 629 Main Phone 7411 OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co. 833 Market. ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and suDDlfes. Phone 7167 Tarkal TweeL USED FURNITURE values can always oe found at Klnmain rurnttura Co. 221 Main. Phone .1X13. 8-INCH concreto culvert pipe, 70 cents per foot . DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart, 9733. ANSCO Reflex Camera. Case, flash gun. new conamon, iu. lbii ..uuu, tiOUxlO RECAPS $-.93 EACH EXCHANGE We bur used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld er-. 2391 So 8th. Phone 4313 FIVE H.P. ROTO-TILLER. 230. Call 2-1396. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1B84. FOR SALE, hydraulic farm hand, with buck' rake. Black and White Ranch. FOR SALE. 20 tons baled alfalfa hay. $32,30 per T. Don Potter, Tulelake 7-0353- FOR LUMBER "KNOW-HOW" see Ba sin Buildlna1 Materials Inc. If vou know exactly what your need Is, we fill that need, if you te not sure, we oo our best to find out what's best for your Job. For all your building materials, visit 4784 South Sixth or phone 2-2.16,1. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phone 3541. LANDSCAPING, evergreens, sbrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. AUTOMOTIVI ABSOLUTELY!! The best deal in town is a 2-Day FREE Driving Trial on one of these Guaranteed Used Cars. Try Us and See For Yourself! 1949 Olds $1597 1949 Dodge $1697 1950 Ford $1647 1948 Chevrolet $1197 7.00 $397 $397 $147 1941 Chevrolet 1940 Buick 1939 Plymouth For the BEST in the WEST see " DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ladak Alfalfa , 45c lb. Purity 99.98 ' Germination 93.30 Etna Mills Etna, California Phone Etna 55 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete ' BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone S149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Rebuilt and Guaranteed by Merit's. Priced at a fraction ol their origin al cost. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN - 631 Commercial SL , , WE HAVE A whole warehouse full of conv Dletely rebuilt used appliances, Every one guaranteed. We must sell these at a fraction of their original cost. We must have this warehouse space for shipments of NEW 1952 PHILCO RANGES and. REFRIG ERATORS that will be arriving shortly. For a better value in used WASHERS, RANGES REFRIGER ATORS etc. with. a guarantee with each purchase, see this large seleo tion at: , .,.-, . MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St. FOR SALE. 50 ton baled alfalfa hav. In barn aU winter. John A, ShorL Phone 8014. T-Dtf tractor with Be-Ge pump. 8 (t. jumoo scraper, inquire neu aiauon, maun. FOR SALE, wood cook-stoves, doors and windows. Inquire at ' Little Cafe ' 2516 So. Sixth or phone 2-1272 evenings. FOR SALE, one 4 drawer chest of drawers. Stronsly built. 42 high. 34' wide. 18" deep.' S25. One HP electric motor, cable and- switcn. Heavy duty, 1725 hpm 33. two ourncr not piate. veireiaDie juicer. iooa u ay ton. 8 FT. Montgomery Ward refrigerator. uooa co no m on. so. rnone GUARANTEED REBUILT APPLI ANCES at a fraction of their original cost vvaners, Hanges. Keirigeraiors, MERITS BARGAIN BARN, (331 Com mercial St. BRAND new 10 cu. ft. double door Philco refrt-erator. fulLv automatic de frost. Never been used. S399.03. MERITS 600 SO. etn. St. 55 AUTOMOTIVE REPOSSESSED -CARS- SEE AT 107 NO. 9th 1947 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SDN. 1941 CHEVROLET PICKUP TAKE BOTH FOR ONLY ....... 5595 'if PONTIAO "8" 7Cf 40 4-Dr, Loaded. 'R.AsH. JU '42 OLDS Clb. Cpe. Needs trans, work FORD Clb. Cpe.' Clean , . . DODGE 4-Dr. '. Make It run. FORD FORDOR New rubber. R&H $)oo 395 '175 125 41. "41 : '38 ' A -I PONTIAO Sdn. Cpe $195 I Needs battery. Located Needs bntter. Located In Lakevicw, Ore, THESE CARS ARE SOLD "As Is -Where Is!" 10.10 CHEVROLET TON Pickup. New appearance and condition in every way. Lots of accessories, radio, sportllte, spe cial horns. 18,000 actual miles. Drop in and look It over. $133. H. E. J-IAUGER QUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phon 1131 1948 Ponliac $1297 1947 Ford $ 797 1950 Chevrolet $1647 1949 Ford $1397 DOWN THRIFTIES 1939 Olds $297 1938 Chev $177 1934 Chev. $ 77 Big Savings On Oil In Drum-Lots Farmers, truckers, car-owners 8av dollars now, buy Ware's Vitalized Oil In drum lots. Lowest price ot year on premium grade and Heavy duty oil. None finer. Come In today, order on Ward; special contract plan. Order now, get delivery when you need it. You're protected against rising and (ailing prices. All prices Include Federal Tax. Reg. 88c gal. Premium grade In 65 gal. drum, now 63c gal. Montgomery Ward 9th and Pine Phone 3188 Look At The Bargains We Turned Up In Our SPRING CLEAING! 1941 Pontiac "6" 2-Dr. Sedan. Mo tor completely overhauled. New white sldewall tires '395 1940 Buick Road master Convertible Radio, heater, nice appear r '395 ance. Runs good 1941 Buick Special Sedanet. New light blue paint. 0t Good mechanically O70 JuckelancTs , llth lo 12th on Kiamath Fh? 2-3581 ' BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corpi YOUR GMC DEALER 677 a 7t Phone mi COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER ' MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade . For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone 2-2581 FOR SALE, flshtnu rr :i7 vnrA n- sonable. See Jim Hall, Herald News Composing Room. A real nttv lain tr-i-H ,"--,,-i.i .. i scat covers, has everything. Fir fit class In every way. A bargain at $1073. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Dn.irtn.jint Main at Broad Phone 3131 A DANDY CHEVBfllTT 1950 Chevrolet Stvllne Dtluvn 2-Fit a. dan. Radio, heater, low mileage. Looks ana arives line a new ore. i73j H. X. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Cap DenArtmn-nt Main at Broad Phone 9131 LOOK THIS ONE OVER 1930 Buick Special Sedanet. Radio, heat er, Dynaflow drive. Low mileage. Beau tiful dark green finish. A car you wiU be proud In own. 81843. 11. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Deoartmenf Main at Broad Phone 31SL HERE'S YOUR FORD! J 1S49 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor .sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. Cleat as a pin. Try to duplicate it for oniy 9139.1. H. E, HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Deoarlnient Main at Broad .Phone 3131 WHY WALK? DRIVE MURE MOTORS 302 E Main. Phone 3379 '"We will aell vour car for vou." we buy ami trafia' FOR SALE. L.A. Case tractor 92000. with hydrauHc-pump or 91800. without pump. Can be seen at Clyde Horsley Ranch. Midland. Oregon. BUS SARU ANT'S USED CAfUf WE BUY SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur fttreeti pnone ssoo iVst NEED CARS! Get top price noWi Bote Motor Co 8th and Plum WILL SELL eouity in 1930 Hudson Pacemaker. Phone 8623. PANEL SPECIALS) 1990- "8" ridlo an 4 heater, 1940 Ford V-8, heater. Y e lfi,1 Both luat like new. HaUlsar'a UmA Car Lot, Phon 4354. Phone 4288 I