HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY. MARCH 3, 1058 MARKETS and FINANCIAL PAGE TEN .,VMIUWVIIRI. lffliWI..IH MI.VI414MJ t- - - a- All Grains Suffer Losses Today CHICAGO Ml All grains sank on the board of trade Monday, Losses ran to around a cent or a little more, but the market held above the lows established last week. Selling was most pronounced hi wheal and corn. Moisture in me ary areas of the southwestern win ter wheat belt caused liquidation of the bread cereal. Corn continued to meet hedging pressure as an other large run of high moisture rrraln showed up here and at other erminals. Oats, rye and aobeans fol lowed the other cereal down. Lard showed occasional signs of strength. Wheat closed 1 U to 5 cents lower. March $2 61 T.-2.5-, corn K-l V lower. March 11.75 ft-, oats V lower. March 81 Vi-H, rye 1 to 3 cents lower. May $1.84 . soybeans 1 14-2 4 lower, March $2.95 V-2.95, and lard 3 to 13 cents a hundred pounds lower, March tll.65. Wheat 3.53 '. 2.53 , 3.51 Ta 2.51 Vt 2.50 i 2.50 2.49 li 2.49 t 2.44 4 2.44 i 2.43 ' 2.43 Va 2.45 2.45 ? 3.44 2.44 2.48 Vt 2.48 2.7 H 2.47 & Mar May Jiy Sep Deo Quotations New York Storks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation ' ' Allied Chemical Alls Chalmers American Alrlnes American Power & Light American Tel & Tel. American Tobacco v. Anaconda Copper i, Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner ' Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consoidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Poods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Ltbby. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Paclflo Gas Electric Pacific Tel. It Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Fhilco Radio adio Corporation Rayonler Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp, Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westlnghouse Electric Woolworth Company 27 H 70 48 H 14 V4 24 H 155 V, 60 Yi 49 y4 75 48 TS 48 , 17 i 26 Vi 34 ?, 50 Vt 45 68 H 105 V, 33 li 17 Vi 56 i 8 85 '4 44 14 55 V, 42 H, 50 20 Yi 43 4 36 33 47 Yi 65 V 79 Vi 8 4 20 tt 16 Vi 39 Yi 60 ?i 19 19 70 Vi 34 111 4. 68 y 18 Vt 8 28 "V, 24 Vi . 62 y, 41 60 Vi 55 y4 30 V 51 y. 52 Vi 36 63 50 75 Vi 33 y. 10 Vi 31 H 23 y 18 v. 38 111 28 V, 30 5 V, 32 38 Yi 40 V, 25 35 42 Yi Stock Market Gains Little Ground NEW YORK Wt The stock market sained a little ground Mon day at one of the slowest sessions in nearly eigm monins. Prices turned upward late In the session after wavering between slight gains and small losses. The volume ran at around 1.000.. 000 shares for the session, the same as last Friday and the smallest since last July 11. Portland Grain PORTLAND HI No r'nirc grains quotations. Wheat (bid), to arrive marlr-l basis No. 1 bulk, delivered Soft White 2.54: Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2.54; White Club 2.54; Western Red 2.54. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary a S4 10 per cent 2.54: 11 per cent 2.54 12 per cent 2.54. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 2.54: 10 ner cent 2.54: 11 ner rnt 2.54; 12 per cent 2.54. Car receipts: Wheat 70: harlev , nuur in corn u; mm ieed 11. Portland Poultry EGGS In whAlut.H r.n. t-anaica efffi containing no loss, cases Included, i.o.b. Portland; A Urge, 43'se: A modlum a7U' R an.... !... 3-39iic: " Efgi Tb retailers Grade AA lira wn.. n aauarv swji: : mm. mMiinm A medium 44c; cartons 3c additional' Liv chickensNo, 1 quality, I.o.b. plants: Fryer. lbs, 30c: 3-4 lbs. 30c; roasters 4 lbs and over. 30c; light reiia. an weiinu. ihc' naivv nana mi "7lBI?nw MK 010 roosters, au wcisau, public Chicago Livestock CHICAGO DB Hog prices con tinued to move higher Monday as me marKeteo supply proved small- est tor a Monday thus far this year, cattle ranged from steady to 75 cents higher witlj lambs again falling to sell on a wide disparity Between asas ana Dias. Most barrows and gilts found ready outlet at $15.50 to X17.85. A few choice lightweights topped at eus.uu. most sows were in the (14.25 to 1B.25 bracket. The estimated 12,000 bogs on sale compared with actual saies a week ago of 14,622. Choice to prime steers sold from $33.00 to $39.00 and two loads went on up to $39.25. Good to prime heifers brought $29.50 to $33.75 while cows topped at $24.50, bulls ai szs.uu, ana veaiers at $39.00. AsKinjr prices on lambs were steady to strong at $27.25 and un der while bids were considered weak to 25 cents off. Good ewes sold downward from $14.00. Other receipts included 10,000 cattle, 400 calves, and 3,000 sheep. San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO (fl Cattle: 300, supply consisted of load of steers, couple lots heifers, balance mainly dairy type slaugh ter cows, slow, generally steady on prices, canner and cutter cows $16.60-20.50, few light utility dairy type $22.00, load good 825 pound feeder steers $31.50, Calves: None. Hogs: 150, light supply generaly steady, choice 180-240 pound butch ers $19.00, several lots 118-138 lb. and 150-170 lbs $18.00, medium cholee sows $13.00-14.50. Sheep: 250, about steady, double erwooled mixed fats and feeder lambs from .Nevada $27.50. Potatoes CHICAGO, (P) Potatoes: Ar. rivals 326, on track 346: total U.S. shipments Friday 948, Saturday 804, and sunaay 17; supplies mod erate; demand good; market firm for best stock; track sales, cars fer 100 id; Minnesota, North Da ota Pontiacs $4.76; lei: Idaho Russets $6.26, standards $5.36-56; Minnesota-North Dakota Pontiacs $4.92; new stock, lei per 60 lb: Florida Triumphs $2.95-3.05. Street sales, per 100 lb according to basis of sale; Colorado McCIures $5.75 6.11; Idaho Russets $6.46-76; Ne braska Triumphs $5.76-94. Portland Livestock PORTLAND (A Cattle- Kola, ble 1,600: holdover 100: market slow on increased supply; predom inate supply ted steers selling rouna so cents lower: some bigs off more: earlv sales cows about steady; but most bids on utility commercial beef cows 25-50 cents lower; load choice 1,102 lb fed steers 35.00; load 1,238 lbs 34.25: other good-low choice 950-1.158 lb fed steers 32.00-34.00: few commer cial steers 29.50-31.50; utility 23.00 28.00; lew good fed heifers 32.00 25; commercial grades 28.50-31.00; cows largely 17.00-20.00: few 20.50 21.00; utility cows mostly 21.00 25.00; part load 1,178 lbs commer cial cows 27.50; commercial bulls 28.50-29.50; utility grades 25.00-28.00. Calves: Salable 125: market ac tive, steady; choice-odd prime veai ers 35.00-38.00; commercial-good calves, veaiers 27.00-3.00; few util ity grades 20.00-26.00. Hogs: Salable 700: market about steady with early last week; choice 180-235 lbs mostly 20.00-25; few lots 20.35: choice 260-310 lbs 28.00-50 choice 300-390 lb sows 17.00-50 ; 400 575 lbs 15.50-16.50: few heavier weights 15.00; heavy slaughter boars down to 7.50: choice 68-87 lb feeder pigs 18.00-50. Sheep: Salable 350; market about steady; good-choice 81-109 lb fed wooled lambs 26.50-27.00: Including one lot choice 116 lbs 26.75: choice 130-146 lbs 24.00; odd utility-good ewes id.uu-i3.oo. DISTRICT COI'BT twlg A. Luna, drunk on highway, Sentence 30 davt. Clark Preiumd, drunk In place. Sentence a daya. Helen r. Sautter, violation baalc ruie. rine eis. Iirall Gladui. no oneratnr'a llMnu line IS. NeU M. Aran!, no PUC permit rint 15. Gordon H. Craatev. nvarlnarf Wflt ea Dan. Georae H. Reafan. InadeAiiata hpah. Tine 10. Gordon McKav. nuttlne ruhhlah nn hlfhway. Fine KU. Via ter A. Harm, drlvlne In au.nanri. vu tniKUUi , in. eiuu. , John W. WaldrlD. viola! on bail ml. Fine tiaso. Richard J. Harlow, ma Pim Tine SIS. Dale Hlmelwriehl natalne nn Mill treat, rteaoea not guilty. Recogged. Ml .ll IfAL tUl'KT tudolnh Cheralda. drunk, rina eia w . -a uara. Wayne Byrd, vagrancy. Sentence, S oey. Johnny Hawklna. Jeiae, Truiillo. vae- rancy. Sentence 10 daya. Jamaa Hart. Vaeranrv. IHna BIOA and 90 daya. autn-nH-d. H. R. Worton, vagrancy. Fine $100 ana ou aay. auanenara. Carl Crane, drunk. Fine $33 or ll'i daya. Ancel Cleckler, drunk. Fine $19 or T? daya. Raymond Pom pay, drunk. Fine $30 or 10 daya. Rufua Shorty, drunk. Forfeit $19 ball. Jame Ellis, drunk. Sentence 30 dava. Jamaa Ellis, violation parole. Held for federal authorities. Juel V. Stewart, drunk. Fine $19 or 7a days. Jay Duffy, drunk. Fine $30 or 10 days. Rudolph Cheraldo, drunk. Forfeit $19 oaii. Melecio Kodrlques, drunk. Forfeit $15 bail. Charles Daly, drunk. Forfeit $15 ball. Huid Torria. drunk. Forfeit $15 bail. Martin Mju-Unex, drunk. Fine $15 or 7l days. .itaii ufflhalti titiilTi Y n i it 'lafr a nm r f - ' Jrt .pewMBiwHansMV1 BIRTHS NELSON Born at Klamath Valley Hosoital. Mar. 2. IMS. tn Mr mntt Mrm swan nelson. 3743 Dayton St.. girl Wifht: 6 pounds 13S ounces. LOZANO Born at Klamath Valtv HtkinitaJ. Mar. 3 1059 n Mr mnM Mn airmen iozano. cnuoquin. ore., a boy Wclsht: ti ooundt ivd ounces. UTLEY Bom at Klamath Valley HOIDltal. Mar. 3. tn Mr anH flirt, ueorge uuey. 2203 Autumn Ave. our. nc ini a Dounm :i mim-ma VALENTINE Born at Klamath Val ley Hospital. Mar. 1. 1951. to Mr. and Ain. wuitam valentine, oretecn. Ore. girl. Weight: S pounds. GRIFFIN Born at Klamath Vallfv Hospital. Mar. 1. iua. to Mr. md mrs. uiwrence uniiin. Hiy, ore., irl. Weieht: 7 Bounds (IU nnnrai PARKS Born at Klamath Val lev nospitai. Mar. 1, 1953. to Mr. and Mrs. ueaa rants, sprague River. Ore., girl. Weight: 8 pounds 13 ounces. CRESPEN Born at Klamath Valley nuauiuai. mar. a. to Air. ana Mr uamien i-respen, bprague River, Ore., a bov. Welsh!: 6 tuundi 3l, nimii CAVANAUCH Born at Klamath Val ley Hospital. Mar. 1, 1952. to Mr. Mrs. Bernard Cavanaugh. 2127 Cable at., a My. weight; 8 pounds 2 ounces. MALLORY Born at Klamath Vallev Hosp.tal, Mar. 2. 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mallorv. route 2. box 199 Klamath Falls, a boy. -Weight: 6 pounds 13'a ounces. PRYOR Born at Klamath Vallov r.osp.iai. mar. j, ivoj. 10 Air. ana Mrs. Robert Pryor. 4223 Clinton St., a girl. tveiKni; pounas iJ oucees. ROPER Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Mar. 2, 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. uonaia Roper, 1317 Martin St, a boy, Weight: 7 pounds 7 ounces. COLLMAN Bora at Klamath Valley Hospital. Mar. 3. 19S2. to Mr. and Mrs. ijnaries (.oilman, 1729 rargo St. a boy. Weight: 6 pounds 2 ounces. BR ITT ON Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Mar. 3. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray men. uriuon. wi victory nr., a boy. Weight: 10 pounds 1 ounce. PORTERF1ELD Born at Klamath Valley oapltal. Mar. 2, 19S2, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Portertteld, Tulelake, Calif.. a ooy, weigm: pounas iz ounces. FLORAL TOUCH- Cunelllts arc appropriate back ground for Betty McDonald. 19, of Dartona Bacb, Fla after selection -as Queen of Camellia Festival in Cypress Gardens, Fla. I '' ""aaiaiiaaaaai aaaaall Weather Western Oregon Rain Monday morning, becoming showery and clearing partially Monday after noon or Monday evening. Partly cloudy and cooler . Monday night. Tuesday cloudy with rain by Tues day aiternoon ana evening. High Dotn Monday and ruesaay 40 to ou. Lows Monday night 32 to 42. West erly to northwesterly winds of 20 to 30 miles an hour oil coast Mon day. Eastern Oregon Rain or snow Monday or Monday night. Partly cloudy with snow flurries; mostly over mountains, late Monday night and Tuesday. Highs both Monday and Tuesday 32 to u. Lows Monday nieht IS to 30. Grants Pass and vicinity Showers mixed with snow Monday, decreasing Monday night. Cloudy Tuesday with occasional showers. High Monday 40. Low Monday mgni jh, nign Tuesday in. 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Monday Max Min..Preclp. Baiter Bend Eugene La Grande Lakeview Medford North Bend Ontario Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Boise Chicago Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane 36 , 15 41 52 T 51 41 .01 35 25 T 32 14 47 30 60 45 .17 3S 20 2 32 49 41 .07 82 47 51 2 .05 37 32 31 21 .1 23 13 .16 50 44 T 60 . 43 38 34 57 37 55 47 T 45 39 T 38 28 AND YOUR TYPE? The man who is portly and short, or just one of them, should beware of loud patterns, loud colors and off shades. While the tall, lean man, or the athlete, may make the sky the limit In patterns. 0 lJ fc; SIDELINE CONVERSATION Katy Roiolph I (center), Hayden, Colo., member of 1952 U. S. Women's Olymplo akl team, chats with two Austrian (iris on sidelines durlni ski events In International Sports Week at Bad Gasteln, Austria. ,..! . VSl . L ift U ,. I t I. It V.k ""V f ..... 1 if :-ea h. si. x irrTiTrrrn-i h ..1p . J&fjf .r"-.: i-rvr. a : . .' . B7 a i HARNESSINC ANDES WATERPOWER- Water from Andes is fed by penstocks Into leneratlnir station of ; Sauial hydro-electric plant to furnish power for Santiaio, Chile. U fi fh' h ' Mm SUPPORTING JET POWER Klnr-slted tires checked at Goodrich Akron, Ohio plant were developed for use on I Air Force's B-47 jet bomber7 and can support 24'a-ton load. '. YOUNC LEADER French Prime Minister Edgar Faure, 43-year-old Radical So cialist (Conservative) lawyer, la one of the younrest men ever to (uide Republic's government. SHE BUYS IT Women, who buv 85 ner cent of all neckties sold, base their selec tion on color, men on Dattern. ac cording to the Men's Tie Founda tion. Women's successful buvlrw psychology Is attributed to a highly developed sense of color. While men, on the other hand, have an incidence of color blindness. on i RAH 10. MW1NNIL OH. JOl HOT can n 7 KUAIDATM (ALLS . OAC60'n &F anted Battlefield t Of World War 1 Sold via Want Ad- ILL 60 Thb hiitorial ute, being f onir inua poruon at me ipffj tec- tor, with pill born, dagouts, tic, it (or ditpouL For full particulin. spply i m utotdwtf, Bromley Kent. r'n FoUowino World War I tho rl.aaU 1 .1 I Ifc- a battlefield area in the Ypre3 section of France used a Clas- sified ad in the London Times r z: to find a buyer tW Want Adt Can I WE? SD Anything Z ,. M AthtrtiMf rtwll Mar aeuft Hrru4 am, tot Im IK. KW tn Ktai 47. Fk i afe " .!v JtZ.Meh U Ida Here In Klamath Want Ads Work Wonders HERALD & NEWS , wy,rz?r,iz!'ti't Friendly" proximity of chicken lo cheetah In had no appetite or preferred fowl at photo tlme.''v A TEMPORARY SITUATION - Chlrato'i Coliseum probably did not last since feline Jiad - 1:0 X fe' ,M-U, f t i a'M , t a ' a "4 t. f -' ', . J J iwi'l; -l'."' I.' V'l l''".rfJ Laapa'ligJt Vt1ltto.LJ.J. li' -ll..i i.TnE B I C LIFT Vera Stanley demonstrates ease with which King Midget, a new two. f sealer welihlng 500 pounds, can be lifted and "walked Into a tight parking spot In Akron, Ohio. Obituary KNOWI.ES Robert Rilwaril Knowles. 07. a na tive o( Teaaa and a re.lUcnl uf Klam. th Counlr slnre 123. died in this cily Marrh 2. 1U53 Survivors inrlutle a daughter Mra. Wllla Nasler of Cuala- naau. Laur.. two brotneri. I. K. KnawU of Kelso Wash., and Charles C. Knnwki of Portland- Funeral services will lie held fruni o Hair s Memorial Chapel Tue.rlsy. Marrh 4 at a p m. The Ittiv Daniel B. Anderson of the Klamath irmule off ItlMffliia Interment will lie made In Klamath Memorial Cemetery. Funeral m.iiR Funeral services for Uale Kdward rut. ter. 46. who died here I'ehau will take plore from the chapel of Ward'a Klamalli runerai iiume, ncunesaay, Marcn 0. I0"2 at 10 a m.. officers of the Klam. ath rails Lodae no. 127 I) 1' O Elks, offictailna. Commitment servlre and In. ternicni in Kiamatn Memorial cemetery. SPRAY AWAT Prevent moths In upholstered furnlturo by occasional sprayliiii with muth provontiitlvefi. Hrnulnr u nd tliurouRli vacuum cleaning and brushing, however, usually avoids moth dnmai.0. yor yourt choice There aro two basic atyle ale porles In men's neckwear, bowa und lour-ln-liands. But within these two cniesnrles there are as many os (Illy different styles. Avernxe Irnntli of a tie Is from forty-seven to lilty-lour Inches. LET IT GLEAM Wash costume Jewelry In any liquid shampoo and aoo how Iresh and Klcitmlng It Immediately becomes. FROM "OVER THERE" There's a conconllenlal Influenri lo be seen In new Sprint! fash Inns. Italy offers spirit and color Spain offers exotic trims an .shapes. France oflera a .chic over nil effect that can be found ii fnahlons of overy season and ever; year, ( Minnuiu r V for aay Room la the Home! Doing without advertising is like winking at a pretty gir in the dark1 1. . . . . . you may know . what you're doing but nobody else does! Ph. 81 1 1 for Illustrations, Copy Writing, Layout j