Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 01, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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rrm irrrr 1 r "lac
Feed Grains Again
Show Some Advance
(J1I1CAOO lit) -- Vrrti Ml n 111.',
nmttn iiKKlitnl iidvnni c un the
board of trade HiiUiidny In n cull
munition of Ilia incc'ctlliiK iniwlon'ii
mill'. ,
lliokein lliuuiilit Iho uiiturn, both
Frltluv- nnd Halimliiy wim busud
IwilcIV mi Dm furl corn nntl on Ik
hnd uecn iiclly llioiuuulily II(U-dnlril-
8oyueuli.t Jiilnrd Urn te-ed Kniln
mi the iiinl(lr. MjiiietlilUK which
lliry wcro tumble lo do Friday,
tininn utiylnw v.ni Mhml up by in
currence ol llin rumor tiirit crlllnwi
in Miybenn Inriil inlulU Ik- lift cel.
Wheal continued In Inn, lirld buck
by loriH-ni.N lor Unlit inulxluru In
the winter whnit belt.
Wheat clo.'td liix-hnnm-d to i,
higher. Mnrch li t torn r
', hlKhcr, Mnrih 11.17 oul
'. to I cent blither, Mnrrh Hit .-',-rye
rl ! Iiliibi-r, Miiy 11.01, nov
bciiini i lo 3 cent blKbor, Mnrch
u:.n ,,.,, ami iiiril a to lo trnui n
hundred pouuiln liiKbpr, Miircb !
1 1.10. l
Oiirn lllih low flour I
2 63 , J.H 2&3 i, 2 6.1 ',i
JM . 3 61". m hi,': I
3.VI ', 3 411 cl ', 1M i;
3.4!- 3 40'
JM1 i J 'ID
Stock Market On
Dull Side Today
i NDW YORK Ml - Oold inliilnu
Ismii-h exelled a Kllinmer of buvlnn
intrrpnt Hiiliirilny In the Mock mill
kct, but olhcrwino tbp imirknl wim
imrrowly mixed nnd extremely
Prices dimmed only fmclloimllv
Willi lew exception. bihI ninny
lenders llliily were not traded nt
Mclnlyre . Porcupine Mlnri
unicn iio nan on investment, win
up nrounu j pomiA ana wnn coiu
nnmtlvcly active.
Both Dome Mlnra mid llonle
mnke MIiiIiik advanced between 1
it nd 2 pnlnu.
Trading amounted to an entlmnl
eri 460.0U0 tlmrei, Iran (hall evcrnue
(or a two-hour t.e.vilon.
New York Mark
By The Anni-laled l're
Admiral CorjMjrallon 27
Allied Chemical 10
Allli Chnlmern 48
American Airline 14
American Power Hi I.IkIiI 24
American Tel. It Tal. 16S
American Tobacco (Id
Anacondii Copper 4B '
Atchison Rullrond 76
Sclhlehem Hteel 4 '
Boelnir Alrpluno Co. 49
Bom Warner
nurroUKlu AddbiR Machine 17 :
California Parklnn
Canadian I'uclllc 33 ,,
Caterpillar Tractor
Celane.se Corporation 46
Chrynler Corporation A8 3 1
Cltic Service 1 it 1 ,
Coiuolldaled Edition 33 t
Connalldaled Vulteo 17 'j
Crown .ellerbach 67
CurtlM Wrlnht 8 i
DmiKlas Aircraft
duPnnt de Nemours S 'i
Kaatman Kodak 46 '
Kmernon Pliidlo 13 Ji
i General Fleetrlo 64 i,
General Foods 43 i.
General Molori 60 ,
fleorma Pao Plywood 20 !a
Goodyear Tire 43
HomeMake Mining Co. 37 '
International Harvester 33
Inlerntllonal Paper 47 '
Johni Manvllle 84 la
Kennecott Copper 80
Mbby, McNeill 8 ,
Lockheed Aircraft 20 ,
Ixiew'n Incorporated 18 Ti
Long Bell A 40
Montgomery Ward 80
Nash Kelvlnalor 19 ,
New York Central 18
Northern Pacific 70 (i
Paclflo American Fish
Pacific Gti i Electric 35
Paclflo Tel. ft Tel. Ill
Packard Motor Car 4 ' j
Penney U.C.) Co. . 68 t
Pennsylvania R.B. 18 .t
Pepsi Cola Co.
Phllco Radio 28 t
Radio Corporation 24
Rayonler Incorp 83 'j
Ravonler Incorp Pld 38
Republic Steel 41
Reynolds Metali 68 3
Richfield Oil 64
Hafeway Stores Inc. 30 a,
Scolt Paper Co. , 63
Sears Roebuck li Co. 61
Bocony-Vacuum Oil 38 U
Southern Pacific 83
Standard Oil Calif 80 i
Standard Oil N.J. ' 75 ,
Studebaker Corp. 31 9
Sunshine Mining , 10 B
Swift It Company . ,31 j
Transamerlca Corp. 23
Twentieth Century Fox 18 3
Union OH Company 38 U
Union Pacific
United Airlines ' ' , 28 ,
United Aircraft , 30 a(
United Corporation ! '(
United states Plywood , 31 ,
United States Btcol ' 38
i . Warner Pictures 14 '
Western Union Tel 40
WestlnRhouse Air Brake 25 i,
WestlnRhou.ie Electric . 35
Wool worth Company 42
Canasta Shufflers, games and
gifts . . . VolRht's Pioneer Of
fice Supply. 630 Main
Your Last Opportunity To Hear
Rev. Wtti. Booth Clibborn, DD, DPH
Thi( Sunday 1 1 :00 a.m 7:30 p.m. Don't Miss It!
accfmri v hf r,nn ft
Klamath Falls Revivor
Sunday School - 9:45
Attend Our Growing
. Sunday School I
Youth Service 6:15
Such Meetings
Tune in Sat. Night 6:30
to 7:00 p.m. to KFJI
And 9:00 a.m. Sunday to
KFLW for local
Church Programs
Western Fieie
Orders Down
rOHTLANO 111 Order ior
wcntcin jiliii! luiiibi-r look u bi:
droi in II ic week ended Kill. 23
und lor the yen r lo dull' me M per
cent under llir muni! iicrlod ol IHM.
K I ii i K ill n und j . i olIi.cj i loi i wiie up
nllKbtly In tho wi'rk but lor Diu
yrur rrninlu 1 1 1 1 c j Mil. ,
Coinimnitlyc HiturcK In board
fret, ouo milium, lor lint wccit,
pinvlous wick mid yum uko In
Unit oi del;
oidi-iHi w.Kii: 70.1131; :m:i7.
Hlilpincnln: III.IMIi. IW.I:IK; 1I.4.':H.
I'loductlon: Ml.iiiHi; 62.H47; 01, 1M.
Steers Wanted At
Livestock Markets
CIIICAOO lW Hokh were ipiotrd
iioiulniilly nieiidy Hutiirdiiy itl the
end ol u wok dtiriiiK which prlccti
dropped lo new '12 month luwn.
Cutile nnd cheep nb.o held stei'dy.
UumiK the week, bnrrovn nnd
Kliia lo"t 26 lo 4(1 centa while noun
ended with hltlc price ehiurje
Prlcoa dropped In the curly purl
of the period, recoverliiK allnhlly
toward the clor.o uh proitieer't cut
i.hlpnient. 'I lie top of 111 !'i end
iivrriiifc drove cot of tli!H3 on
Wednchday were the lowriil lor
any duy kIiicc. April, 1(16(1.
Prime Htcern were wonted !hln
week, brli'.KIiiK iibout 60 cenm high
er price. The rent of the iiiltlc
miirkel, however, wim an erratic
ullalr. Htetrrit Ki'iidliiK low choice
and below Mink to it new low on the
crop. lo-diiK about (1.00. I(c ripu
were nlmiil one-lluid hiiKer than li
year auo.
PrUT.i In the nheep heel ion fol
lowed the pattern lor other live
stock (lurlim the week. Klniiitlitrr
lulllbn lost 60 centa to (1 00 bheep
lo.M (I 00. Dc.it price lor led wer.t.
em wooled liimb-t at Ihe cloe wan
(27.26, lowe-tt allien May. 11)60.
II cars on truck: urrlvuls Mimic i.
Mlchlltun 1, Orenon 3, WaahliiKtou
1, no sulci.
LOS ANGEI.ES ii Pntutnea:
17 cum on track; arrivals, Ne
braaku 1. Mulne 3. Orenon 6. Cl!.
fornlu 2, Utah 1. North D.ikola 1.
Idaho 0. by truck 3: no 'Miles.
Portland Livestock
salable Friduy 25; holdover 100;
market ino.'itly nomlnttl; Klznbic
Miuply lok cows held over. For
week, salable I.3H6. Mm kct slronu
to 5o cciiIh hluhor on all clussch
early, caniier to low utility covs
closed barely steady to 50c lower.
Cow supply limited, fed Meers pre
dominated. Load choice 1.I3U lb
led ateera 35.60. load 1.217 and
few 017 lbs 35.00. bulk uood and
low choice under 1,135 lbs 33 00 to
34 60; commerclnl 30 00 to 32 85.
I utility 34 u to 29 00. Good led hell
icrs 32 00 lo 33 00. eommercinl 28 00
to 31.50. utility 22 50 to 28 00. Can
ner and cutter cows late 17 00 lo
20.60, enrlv lo 21.00, utility 21 60
to 25.00, few hlRh utility and com
mercial 26 00 lo 20.50. lew com
mercial lo 27.75. Commerclnl bulls
38 60 to 30 00. utility 25.00 to 28 00,
cutter down lo 23.00.
Calves Friday none; market
nominal. For week, salable 200
Market steady. Choice and odd
prime venters 34 O0 to 38 00. com
mercial and Bond 27.00 to 33.00.
utility 20.00 to 28 00.
Hons salable Friduy 10; market
nominal. For week, salable 1.380.
Market opened 25 to 35c hinder.
closed sleadv with weex auo.
Choice 180 to 235 lbs 20 00 to 20.25.
few 20.35. late Males 19.75 lo 20 00.
Heavier nnd lluhter welKhts 18.00
to 10.00. few 186 to 175 lbs to 19.25
and 19-50. Choice 400 to 660 lb vows
15.50 lo 10.50, lighter weluhls 17.00
to 18 00. Oood and choice feeder
iiIrh 17.00 lo 18 00 medium 90 lbs
15 50.
Sheen Friday none; market nom
inal. For week salable 245. Mnr
keL weak snots 60c lower or
rlauahler lambs. Heavy lambs In
rmaller supply. Only few choice
nMlh odd nrlmo 90 lbs at 27.50.
bulk Rood and choice under 110
lb lambs 28 50 to 21.00 out. cnmi-r
114 lbs Included at 27 no. Choice 128
lo 133 lbs 2.00 to 24 50, Inside for
nrlv shorn. Odd medium feeders
24.00. Good ewes 13.00, culls down
to 6.00.
Bureau Boss
Hits Socialism
henrf of the Federal Security Agen
cy, told Conorcss Friday both he
and President Truman arc "un
equivocally. . opposed to social
ized medicine."
Ewlnor made the statement In
testifying: before a House expend!
turs subcommittee which Is study
Inn bill lo crcntc a new Depart
ment of Health.
The FSA director snld hp Is
uRnins setting up a health depart
ment. Instead, he siiRgested clovotlnpr
the FSA, which he Mends, lo cud
Inct 4-nnk,
Dlnaos of Australia, nrc the most
dog-like of tho wild members of
tho cnnine tnmny. nicy resomoic
doRS in character nnd phvslque
but have bushy wolf-like lulls.
it rfi4
Rev. Wm. Booth Clibborn
Wei.lern OnKon Partly cloudy
Kiiiuiiliiy Willi li lew know Hurried
in inn niounialiih. CIcurliiK Butur
i.uy iiIkhi with hoiiiii valley lo.
I'll ir Sunday In aoulh portion but
.iiciuuniiiK (.loudlucHH In north por
tion. Jlirhn both dnyn 411 to 611. Low
iiiuinouy iiIkIiI 2() to 30. Variable
winds of 8 to 16 in I Ion an hour off
louihweHierly 10 to 30 inllca un
nour Siinduy,
Mioilcrn Orenon Partly cloudy
Siit.urdiiy and Sunday Willi a few
now lliinlei over iiiountulim and
Hi Mitilli portion HuLurdiiy. HlRhti
jbolh diiVH 30 to 40. Cooler Sutur
iuy inithl with u low of 10 to
,30 except 6 In hmher valleyn.
Northern Cullloinhi A- few
Kciiltorcd IIkIiI nhowcrn Kiitiirdny
and Hulimliiy nlitht with anow In
inoiiiiiiiinN. oenciully lulr Bunday.
Snow Hurrlm In SIcrniB. cloudy
jliorlh portion with IlKlit rain px
itrenic north, Kpreiullnit lo Monter
1 1 y-hioekion Hundiiy nlnht. Colder
hul hi ln v and Saturday nlaht with
li'iniiei elurcs around free.liiK Sat
urdiiy iiiht. Noi'lhwenUrrly wlndn
ol 25 lo 40 inilnn an hour off
const, bccomliiK 20 to 30 miles an
hour Sundny.
Cirunls PiiMt and vicinity ParU
ly cloudy Kiiliirdny. P'nlr Saturday
nllhl and K'lndnv with e.omn inorn
Iiik Iok. Hltth Saturday 40. Low
Knluidny nut lit 23. IllRh Sunday
24 llouiii to 4 30 a m. Saturday
Max. Mln. I'recln.
36 14 .CI
4 ! ' 21 .03
62 30 T
43 23 .03
41 31
90 SO
411 32 .05
311 17
41 2(1 T
40 37 .34
62 34
61 31 .01
41 22
:;4 20
3(1 17
61 4!
63 62 .72
44 32 T
III 44
60 4B
42 28 . .07
34 18 .Oil
' linker
; Pciid
j r-UKClie
l.ii Clraniie
! Lukrvlpw
1 Medlord
; North liend
j Onlurlo
i Portland
j ItohebuiK
! Rol.se
j CIiiciiko
i Denver
j Kureku
! l.os Anneles
1 New York
i Red Bluff
ii ruililni.u
Power Curb
Rules Eased
I WASHINGTON 1 The Defeaso
I FJIcclrlc Power Administration Frl
' tin v revoked lis order which pro-
viiied restrictions that could have
ibeen put Into effect to conserve
electric power In the Pacific North
west .
The order became effective Sept.
17 alter droURht conditions threat
ened a jiower shortage.
It was to have run until March
31 this year but was revoked ef
fective tomorrow.
, James K. Falrman. defense elcc
j trie power administrator, said It
now "appears that there Is no fur
I their need for a curtailment order
at leant until next full."
I In a letter to nil electric utilities
! In the urea Falrman also said:
i "This action sliould not be mis
: understood as Indicating that the
i Pacific Northwest will h.ave no lu
'lure power problems. . . .
"The Pacific Northwest ap
proached the winter of 1951-63 with
n possible avernRe shortage Qf 600.
000 kilowatts under adverse water
conditions. . . .
For the winter 1952-53. the Pa
cific Northwest faces, the. same
shortage hazard.
Falrman said a restrictive order
Is being considered for next fall
and winter nnd recommendations
are being asked from utilities ui
the area.
MELBOURNE. Australia OPi A
motorist nearly ran over a young
platypus 40 miles from Melbourne.
He thorn-lit It was a tennis ball on
tho road. At the Inst minute he
stopped and picked up Ihe strange
little creature. It is now in Mel
bourne Zoo.
The remarkable Hammond Chord
a year ago. Doiens of families in
area now own a chord organ; are
Chord sm&h mPms
' -
tion tha't self-played music can bring to the home. !
A Chord Organ is privately placed at the store where you can;
play it yourself after a moment's instruction, yes, even though '
vou never played a note on any instrument.
Conic in nntl try the Hammond Chord Organ
mmmd--'i " """1
HE'S IN THIS LINEUP Although Joe DiMaggio, cx-New
York Yankee centerfiekler, is not in the regular lineup this
season, he is on the one in this plaque in Los Angeles dedi
cated to baseball's "Greatest Lineup." Not counting the
three years he spent in the Army. This marked the first
time Joe missed reporting for spring practice since he
joined the Yankees in 1330.
4LJf t
leased of the delta wing Convair XF-92A with afterburner
(contained in extended tail section), which adds substan
tially to the thrust of the plane's J-33-A-29 engine. The
XK-92A, shown over San Diego, was designed and built
by Convair as an experimental ship to 'explore and test
the fliRht characteristics of a truce delta wing. The plane
made it's first flight in 1948.
Tills lime it's measles. No more
docs one epidemic drag to a close
than another starts full blast.
Among those 111 during, the pnst
ten days or so have been Mrs
Forest Freid. who is lust waiting
lor those tour tiny youngsters to
come down with Ifnow, Orjn Kirttr
Shuron Zadmn. who was Quite ill
since fhe came down with it in
Klamath Falls nnd It was quite
awhile before she got home nnd
to bed. Tonv Dumont, Glen Par
ker. Alan Prowell, and Twyia
The Pep Club girls finished ou.
the basketball season with new
routines for half time drills and
clever new rooters lids, blue
trimmed in while and Chiloquin
printed on the brims. At the Bo
nanza game two majorettes worked
Willi the drill team. They were
Owendn Sue Seaholm of Kirk and
Donna Hobbs of Klamath Agency.
Visitors here Ihe past week were
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Delgndo and
five year old son of Sunnyvale.
Organ was introduced about :
Klamath Falls and the Basin
enjoying the fun and relaxa-:
4 mmMli
- '
: i
Calif. Mrs. Delgado is the former
Gina Manprin, who attended high
school here a few years ago. They
were houseRuests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Collins of Williamson river
district, and hnd visited the Buz
Smiths of Keno and her sister and
brother-in-law in Medford before
coming to Klamath county.
Another measles victim Inst week
was Edward Brautlacht and at the
same time he was ill his father
was in a Klamath Falls hospital
tor a week getting over a bout
with flu.
Rev. David Sutton took his wife
and little girl Karen to Eugene
the first of the week. Mrs. Sutton
will stav with her parents while
;hc awuits the stork.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kircher
are returning this Sunday from
spending ten days on a trip to
Portland. During their absence Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Kircher are staying
at the Dwight Kirchers nnd nre
looking nftcr the two little girls,
Dinne nnd Donnn.
Terms Low
os $50 Down
Then Pay Like
! 99500
Car Kills
KF Woman
A Klamath Falls woman, Mrs.
Ed (Florence 1 Popne, about 40
years old, of 1030 Kane St., was
IrllieH In a twn.c.r hll anri run .r.
rlHnl HViHtM. attmrnrmn 4? mil..
east if Lovelock, Nev on U. 8.
mgnway 4U, according to lnlorma
tion received here.
Un Pnnn. u.aa ..di-nln. .ill
her husband to Klamath Falls from
iwieyenne, wyo., wnen ine nccioeni
occurred. Sheriff A. C. Seeban of
Lovelock said the woman - died
within 15 minutes of the accident
from severe chest injuries-
Sheriff Seeban said Walter H.
Peterson, 29, of Duluth, Minn., is
helno. hetrl In thft Cmintv Tall .1
Lovelock, pending filing of charges
ii'jhi me accioent..
Peterson was caught In a road-
blOclr uet. hV ahftfirr'a BnnlU.
Lovelock City Police alter he left
wic Hcciueni scene.
oecoan said Peterson apparently
lost Control of' his ear In .nmln.
up behind the Poppe vehicle, went
in a borrow pit and smashed Into
"Kiii. oie 01 roppes car in
coming out of the ditch.
Poppe's car was pushed across
the highway and rolled over once
in me opposite oorrow pit. Mrs.
Poppe was thrown clear of ih
Poppe received only minor hurt,
according to reports. He is em-
DlOved at the Aun-latrf t -
Dorris, Calif.
The body will be returned here
for burial next week, according to
friends of the family.
The Poppe's are reported to have
two children, a Knv ..ri ni.i -.1
were not with their parente on the
Bureau Power
Slash Asked
WASHINGTON A - The Pacific
Gaa ii Electric Co. of San Francis
co has asked Congress to whittle
the Reclamation Bureau budget for
power facilities in California.
Company President James B.
Black told the House Appropria
tions Committee in testimony made
public Saturday that several Items
in the Central Valley Project con
struction program wouM violate
the spirit of "wheeling" contracts
for the transmission of government
power over company lines.
He said the bureau is planning
to purchase 115 kilovolt switchgear
for its Folsom Loop line.
"There is no need for 115-kilo-voK
switchgear on this 230-kilovolt
line," he said. "The only purpose
would be to provide local distribu
tion outlets."
Black also opposed the proposed
construction of a Central Valley
Bonneville interconnecting tran
mfssion line for which two million
dollars is requested this year.
"If it is desirable to have addi
tional interconnections between Cal
ifornia and the Northwest these
can be provided in less time and
nt less cost by the Pacific Gas &
Electric Co. and the California
Oregon Power Co.," he asserted.
The elements- of vacuum tubes
used in the latest models of hear
ing aids are of nickel filament
wire, onh- one-tenth as thick as
human hair. ........
.. "V?
Rev. Floyd R. Hoole . ' ,
SPECIAL - Monday and Tuesday Night -7:45 p.m.
Virtuoso Violinist -Vocalist-Organist
lis:' v i"., y t; xA
Ralph -Evangeline
The above picture is of Ralph and Evangeline, his wife, receiving the Academy
. Award from Gov. Warren of California. Their program was presented over :
Columbia Television for 74 consecutive weeks. It was selected by the Acad
emy of Arts and Sciences as the finest in America. Ralph is a marvelous vio
linist and Evangeline before her conversion, was a dance orchestra .vocalist.
A film of the telecasts was made and will be shown at one of the services
here. '
Ministers: D. B. Anderson, Werner Bock ' " .. amWMnwAwr Phone 3874
F4wirfj Pal roller, 49, a natlv of
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and a rut
fieri I of Klamath Count for II yara.
dltd hr Feb. , 30, 1032. Survlvora In
clude; daughter,- Sua - of 8mv ifftss,
Calif.; a aon, Tommla of Corvalllt,
Ore.; hfi mother, Mm. Cite I la Kohler of
Portland; 2 t Is tarn. Mr. Zelma Kapn of
Portland. Ore., and Mri. Mary Austin
of Ft. Colhni, Colo.: a brother, Earl
of Portland. Ore. Mr. Fuller was a
member of Klamath Falla Lodge No.
1247, B.P.O. Elk. Funeral armniir
menta will be announced later by
Ward's Klamath Funeral Home.
Dnrothv Trane Nevycom, 3t, a native
of Berkenfleld, Ore. and a re I dent of
Klamath Fall for 7 yean, died here
Feb. 2H, 1M9. Survivors Include: Ihe
widower. Clethro Blacklei Newrom of
thlft city; a dauhter, Sharon French
of Colorado; her father, Elliott Bennett,
a brother. Franci And a liter, Mra.
Marian Reeee. all of Molalla. Ore.
The remalng rent In Ward'4 Klamath
Funeral Home Notice of the funeral
arrangements will be found aUewhere
In this issue. i i
Miruel Tenorin Maurlcto. 3fl a native
of Monterey, Mexico died here Feb.
26, jfA2. He la survived by a brother,
Aurello Maurlcto of flan Bernardino.
Calif. The remains will be forwarded
via Southern Pacific to the Kremer
Funeral Home, Sam Bernardino, Calif,
for final rites and Interment at a later
Funeral service for Dorothy Irene
Newcom. 31, who died here Feb. 28.
will take place from the chapel of
Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, 023
High St., on Monday. March 3.
at 100 p. m.. Rev. GIen Onstad of
St. Paul's Episcopal church officiating
Commitment service and Interment In
Klamath Memorial Park.
Flood Control
Funds Asked
Northwest members of Congress
have urged the House Appropria
tions Committee to Include 10 mil
lion dollars in the appropriation
bill for Army civil functions for
flood control projects on the Lower
Columbia River.
The request was made at a closed
hearing by Rep, Mack (R-Wash.)
and Angell (R.-Ore..). The bill will
provide funds for the year begin
ning July 1. -
The Congressmen said a 10 mil
lion appropriation would permit
start on the t22.29S.000 Lower Co
lumbia flood control program au
thorized by Congress in 1950.
The overall project envisions riv
er bank protective work along both
sides of the Columbia and on the
Willamette, and dyking prot
ects at Washougal, Vancouver,
Kelso, Longview, Kalama, Wood
land, Ridgefield and Puget Island.
Dr. E. M. Carney
Pastor ;. .
Continues One More Week .
Evangelist and Musician i
Church With the Lighted Cross
1007 Pine Street
Each Night except Saturday' 7:45
Subjects for Sunday:
1 1 a.m. "The Extravagance of True Christianity"
7:45 "Does The Atomic Bomb Fulfill Bible Prophecy?"
t.... i. vru (.l,,.J.u.T.in..
- Gov. Warren of Calif..
Taxes Too
High, So
Store Folds
RAYMOND, Wash, tfl Lapln
.skl's Grocery started a elearano
sale Friday In preparation for clos
ing me store. Peter Lapln?ki said
the reason was the high ooat of
taxes. i
In announcing that the store was
quitting business, a full page ad
vertisement over the signature of
Peter, Paul and Oeorge Laplntkl
appcard in the Raymond Herald,
appeared in me Kaymona tieraia,
is the actual manager of the busi
"This Is my reason for selling a
business that Is successful and not
In debt," tho advertisement said.
"My business has Increased 100,
000 over last year. When the tax
man figured out' the amount I owe
the government, here is what he
to.d me:
"I hit the GO per cent bracket
which means for every dollar In
profit I have to oav an income tax
of 60 cents. This means I have to
pay 120,000 more for the year 1B61.
Then, on top of this, I have to pay
a penalty for not estimating cor
rectly for the 1100,000 Increase in
"For every day of the year, In
cluding Sundays and holiday, my
income tax for 1051 averaged $52.
"That's not all the taxes I have
paid. The State of Washington re
ceived from me for 1951 a total of
SI. 089.79. The state calls It excise
tax. Do not confuse it with, sales
"With such a tax load I am not
able to accumulate any reserve
there Is no incentive to be In busi
ness any longer."
Potato Shipments ,
1950-51 1951-52
Feb. 29 0 -19
Month to date 801 823 1
Season to date 8356 7734
An up to date report of Febru
ary's total shipments, which Is not
yet available, will be published Im
mediately upon completion .of
compilations by the State depart
ment of Agriculture Inspection
Service here.
lieeessfallr - TreaUi
EhImIt Metbetl
iH Ne. ?lh Ptaene M
Lltrropraetle FlTslela
March Church Loyalty Month
North Eighth and Washington
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Tfane ,
11:00 a.m. Worship, Sermon "The
Supremacy of Christianity'
8:15 p.m. Training Union Time
7:30 p.m. Worship, Sermon "The
. Folly of Procrastination" i
Billy Graham's
Staff Organist
for Past Year and Half.
7:45 P.M.
Free Admission
Free Will Offering
120 N. 7th
Phone 7182